Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player ANTI MOAB Challenge | JeromeASF

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well it's time for us to shred some of those Moab balloons and bluets out a Fed six piece we have the endtime Moab challenge in order to spice things up though he said that we could use banana farms like that sounds done so instead we're gonna be using trade empire ships and using boats all around the Spice Islands back now as you can see on screen display silence doesn't even have that much space for banana farms as is but it has enough that you could put down to Moab ability so steam is gonna be rocking our sniper monkey drops he's gonna be the monkey Buccaneer Al's gonna be blasting them as a bomb shooter and I'll be the monkey submarine using the crazy missile barrage is round 100 within our grasp I'm gonna go with yes we'll have to wait and see real quick before we start let me crop the screen here cuz I always forget and I think Adams starting to think that I'm a little bit on the slow side I wouldn't be incorrect but we gotta at least let Adam think that I'm not that dumb he's editing this room okay we're ready to go now oh I got the back right that's actually not bad cuz the monkeys subdued it anywhere on the map using its advanced intelligence so because of that I actually don't mind being stuck in this corner right well we got all this and then alright next but not least everyone is Stargate ready to get some trade empires down I'd recommend everybody get their own but you don't really have to necessarily if you're a bad person but otherwise I'd say you should trade empire that trade empire for the Buccaneers that way we could make money I don't want it I mean to be fair we probably won't even need it in all fairness but it would still be nice of you Steve so you bomb shooter right yeah bomb lady shooter ooh do I want an event probably not advanced Intel I'll go bottom er and middle route for mine actually fair I'm not gonna need it i I don't even want that your trade empire okay maybe I'll do it just a little bit think of your mind already alright I won't do it Steve fine okay I'll do it Steve I got heat tip darts in that way so I could take care of the lead balloons for us if we need for the start here but camos are not going to be my forte and by not my forte I mean like it won't happen so I can hit camos okay drop see yeah we might get a lot we might need a lot of dropsy because we need you to be able to just harpoon a bunch of DDT's when the time comes so so is there any way maybe we could be your trade empire ships and you can just put down a bunch of harpoons okay make me money now big question does anyone know preemptive strike because it says whatever moive class balloons spawns and blue Tetris it fires the mo of assassin ability does that include DDT's or no because they're camo it says all I mean the exact word ajiz whenever Moab class balloons that's a Moab class er class well because I have crow's nest anyways to hit camos I think it does grab DDT's well yours does for sure I was talking my mind though my yeah yours here's my question do we want to have the trade empires all off the screen to track what why would you not want them to hit the track just because I feel like it's cheating what stood out early it matters too much they're not like the our ships keep mine are very bad like their day that they're not meant to do a lot of damage I'll go only trade empires I'll do it well yours you you have the excuse you get as many like the harpoon and ears as you want yeah that's their name right our puma in ears that I get that right that's the one that's the ticket right there uh-huh this is it this is the ones is it better just to get a few merchantman first and then upgrade to favor trades yeah it sounds bad right okay so it's about balancing money making here with with survival that's good it's like every bloons game pretty much makes you a survival yeah yeah I agree with that statement I can get down with it I can get jiggy with it hey I told you guys about balcony peppers so I grow jalapenos off my balcony right so I decided what if I got a drone and I developed an app you want to develop an app and and basically people could order fresh vegetables and then out deliver it with a drone for my balcony balcony peppers just let's take it for I like it it's the future ya know for sure they're already implementing drums with Amazon imagine like fresh vegetables from people growing it locally that'd be no no I specifically locally only from balconies only from acnes that's fine to sing locally because I don't want to get peppers from across the country yeah but these things are altitude tested that's why it's me how would you get them across the country if they're delivered via drone across the country this would only work within like a four block radius so you know I was asking drop see that one I mean military drone not sure I want to Rome to build its own drone I don't think I want that either it's a lot of responsibility I don't remember when you're gonna buy a tank that's still not off the table moving on greased lightning I always forget about that we do it's so rarely these days I know it brings a tear to my eye that we don't do it when there's such easy layups like that one that was a greased lightning moment I feel like I'm gonna spend more money on these merchantmen than I am to get crippled Moab don't worry it will be worth it Steve yes you have to believe in yourself I know it doesn't apply to this at all but just do that I need 500 more dollars for merchantman I need less than 100 I need three-fitty sorry I just spent all my money I really wanted yeah yeah I was gonna say I got Moab mahler so I think we're good for a minute I really just want to I want to save up my money partially to get my tier 5 but then I also just want to buy a bunch of merchant ships yeah I kind of want to do the merchant shipper I feel like that's the better idea cuz we can easily all get our tier fives without it however actually maybe not the crippled mo ah that's 34 grand but we mostly could get all of them without it however the thing is is that if we want to get a bunch of Buccaneers for dropsy then we're getting into you know pricey territories so yeah that's okay are you good but I didn't say anything nein I know you didn't say anything it was the noise you regurgitating look we made it to 40 barely we did it we did it we did it again now you seem oh we did it pepper pepper pepper we jumped over the rim and blade pest gasps yeah he did it he did it remember that time blade let out a really loud burp yeah like that unit specifically for that oh yeah but he didn't know he did it that's what still how I was well aware that I did it as in no no you were not you're like oh I was not aware that I was still in this channel with yeah no-one's contesting that you knew that your body made a function we're saying that you didn't know that you're a lot of mine you know just burping and some of the AG's birthday no I don't even know good before and not realized it you sneezed and not realize you sneezed yeah until Savannah pointed it out to me that's not fault I don't think that no yeah I don't understand that one were you sick and like on like a bunch of like meta cold medicines or something no I don't believe this I don't know what you want me to say that you're lying okay I'm just imagining drops he's super sick to take some cold like cough syrup and she just like starts these is like five times and gets accused is like now what are you even talking about what Artie why would I say hot tea when I sneeze that doesn't even sound real so Marty I'm actually now we're actually start to get some real movement on the merchant ship front but the Blues are also getting some real movement down the tracks because we've been neglecting actually yeah yes which is good hey duty I did say duty it didn't I there we go I got twin guns they're all the airburst starts to help us out soon I'll be fine we won't be fine but over and out I like it feel like your style usually I'm the guy who does everyone panic thing I'm just stealing your STIs my hoop why are you stealing a Steve yeah don't steal my Steve see I don't even understand what who steals a Steve this guy doesn't steal a Steve coming to a theater near you I wouldn't watch that movie I do I don't condone this see for what it's worth drum can you tell your submarine guy to stop pointing can you did he stop pointing yeah he's listening to you Steve he's he's pointing again I think he points whenever I was in Moab on screen no I think he points whenever he's shooting okay well yeah he needs to tell the missiles where to go obviously we don't have technology here it's just a guy throwing rockets like literally like it is Pat fusty in there just yi ting rockets at people you mean it also guys I think we should really start spending money on actual things because well we're dying no we're not they're making it pretty far Steve I'm oh my gosh you're getting your you're just like blade when he says that and as then and we're not fine this is looking mad have I ever said that we were fine and not have been fine yes yes yes you have all I need to say that all yes we did we need to get the point across his favorite favorite reads is worth it eventually but at the moment I'm just spamming merchantman it's not not worth it but I I'd rather just get merchantmen for now I think spamming merchantman is the best route to making more money than getting some favorite traits wait y'all haven't gotten any favorite transient nope I've just been doing much oh I would definitely get one or two like but actually we might we might just start gaining money for ships cuz things are looking down real outlet for if people wanna if people want to trust me on this and getting my tier 5 preemptive strike we'll just take out any of these base bulbs at the start immediately and do severe damage to the other ones I know it's a risk because I'm once again asking for your financial support but if you do it could save us just think about think about and while you're thinking about it send your money trust me and put on this okay no one no one wants to help cause guys that's what happens when no one tries to help the cause yeah that's not my tier five is my tier for Steve what do you want how well I sent you all my money alright so this is really looking bad maybe the same type of challenges hardly we thought I think it was the sheer volume of things that come at us that might be the real issue let's see can I get an elite defender I owe by God I think it's safe to say everyone this is not our fault they're literally just isn't we can't shoot fast enough for these anti bulbs I think Steve getting an elite defender is fine cuz there's no other way we're doing this all right give me a money here you go Steve because like the challenge itself is it doable okay my money back yeah thank you sir but yeah otherwise it's just not doable but now that elite because look yeah the high volume that was needed Steve we needed you I mean that might not even be enough barely like it was barely enough but it was Rho that's insane to me though and how powerful that is oh my I mean without without that even with elite defender this might not this literally just might not be doable we might have actually hit a challenge that I thought was gonna be easy and this just is it I mean I can continue to put full autos down to try to help do we want to make a rule that we can put down any of our types of things I don't really know what else to do like drops you can put down destroyers but technically I don't know yeah I'm not sure I don't know what to do in this challenge cuz otherwise we just lose at 60 and there's really not much anything we could do I'm just gonna say any of your towers if you want to put down any types of Bob towers any types of subs any types of Buccaneers as long as it's yours okay I just got my tier 5 though that's gonna help us out tremendously by the way on these guys and drops if you want to get a Buccaneer going uh-huh there you go drops yeah gives you monies I gave you some of Zee Mondays I'll destroy ya destroyer how much does it destroy your cost ah here we go twenty five hundred plus it would be like thirty five hundred dollars by all said unless you have enough then I put down a tier four of a bomb shooter nice alright yeah I think we're OK now is just let me drops eautifully have enough money now Mike it was not popsicle hmm do I want to advance Intel or heat probably heat dipped darts for this bottom one there we go and I'm saving up for subcommander because a sub commander will boost my other submarine yeah these waves are a lot easier now at the tier 5 because it takes out the mo ads but craziness will still be afoot trust me mateys yarr captain yargh indeed can we get Vell Moab eliminator anyway 20 grand it's actually not bad at all is it fro oh he's like totally frozen for a second there yeah huh man oh man they were just going to town yeah I wonder the sub commander he's really really good against Moab's but is his AoE she's not a lot yeah well what are you gonna do there we go keep firing yes my sub commanders you know honestly it's very sad because I feel like this challenge although well-intentioned and would actually help you out in later waves like after 100 things like that I feel like smashing through Moab's in the earlier waves is it really the biggest problem the problem is when you get flooded like for instance wave 95 that's gonna come up we're gonna have a bunch of purple regen balloons just like on cycle that's gonna be insane but when you have such slow-moving towers such as the bomb tower ones you can't really do much against them so I feel like this challenge was almost doomed from the start now with our certain modification I just saw the trade empire sign with the certain modifications that we've made I feel like it's definitely a lot more doable but Mobe yeah quickly do you call it a MOBA no but some will move that's inappropriate oh my gosh you've hit 620 per now Steve I get 620 I think that said per thing that I have and they're only the baseline things that I have in favor trades they're just merchantmen oh yeah I'm crushing it I have $34,000 right now I can't put any more units down so like here let me take out these trees I got 36,000 so drop see I think the biggest thing right now is over here does be I'll wake at the wheel during 95 with as many of those Buccaneers as you can and just start hooking them Captain Hook uh-huh I'm gonna keep giving you money drop see just see keep on putting more the hooks folks Steve do you want to give her some money for the hoax but but the yay I got Yoda up I'm about to get trained on fire well you go drop see 29,000 yeah here I'll just give you this 18,000 - looks 10,000 the hooks the hooks drop see the hooks books drops you what are you doing you have $77,000 yeah it takes it's almost like everybody just gave you all their money the hooks how can we forget guys how could we forget Steve could you could you delete some of your uh snipers there no no you're right I don't need that you're right you're right you were gonna go with the night weren't you no the night oh look see he's got his own ship the night watchman that's the batboat all right drop see fire I don't even think you need to I think by my super in shredder look at it oh my gosh do the sub shreds those things alright drop C could I borrow like 60 grand what well here's 23 you have all thanks buddy yeah no problem their champion oh why did I give you the money what was I thinking I don't know I was wondering when you thought I was gonna do tonight I thought you're gonna put down another sub of some sort maybe you know subcommander I have him no you don't yes I do I don't have subcommander oh my gosh I never upgraded him how are you gonna tell me and then be wrong okay borrow somebody Oh Kai Barsoom I have a sub commander the bomb tower actually has two paths they give you Moab eliminator Steve do you pass me somebody for sub commander does it look like I got money for you Jerome oh my gosh they're actually making it pretty far guys subcommander there you go anymore here you go drum you can have it put down the night get it out of there oh my gosh well although we had to change up the challenge a little bit everyone we did it up Edie in the end now I know there's gonna be people mad at us cuz we had to change up the rules but what a challenge is undoable it's undoable there's nothing you can do a bowl about that so we made it doable [Music]
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 382,693
Rating: 4.9208221 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: WU41a3zIUWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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