Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Rotation Challenge | JeromeASF

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well today is gonna be a super fun day because we're doing the rotation challenge now I know most you might not know about boom this map right here which is basically a rotating gear however we're not just gonna be using the map itself we're also going to be rotating the categories of towers that we're allowed to put down which will raise 1 through 10 we're allowed to put down primary tower zone weighs 10 through 20 we rotate over to the military towers 20 through 30 then goes to the magic towers and thirty-third 40 becomes their support towers after that point we're not allowed to put any more towers now the goal then is to survive all the way to wave 80 effectively beating what would be called hard mode that along the way we're allowing ourselves heroes as well as long as the heroes are themed after the different categories so blades rocket Quincy for our primary Capri boom is rocking the cat and Churchill for our military I got a door for the MAGIX and Steve's Benjamin as our support that would be wave 80 what I do know is that boom we're trending yet again you can help us get there by hitting that like button please let's get 10,000 likes all right well 3 we have to start with support towers everyone I'm thinking that we put down our free towers oh and blade put down your Quincy smart thinking so I guess I don't know get your dart monkeys down and let's save some money there we go so we all want to put Darwin keys down though because then you can't have anything else no no one saw that at all you have Ted weights put down any predators you want here we talked about how he makes things work yes discussion it was I thought it was one each thing okay everybody gets one primary everybody gets one mil okay while you're complaining we're running out of time so let's think wasn't it oh my god I'm in a place of bomb I was gonna say well do we want to do that or want to save our money like Vale you're usually very good with the sniper monkeys right maybe you should wait for the military ways sure I mean that does fit with my regular stuff in my hero okay nice I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna say that maybe I should get the crossbow master I should focus on this one well that's what I was done you're gonna do it out okay there's one monkey on that side oh yeah we should space them out from now on okay you do crossbow master then blade and I'm gonna go ahead and I'll wait until the magic wave in order to get some more things down okay so good alright well you're gonna be sniper monkey in three waves and I guess we're leaving primaries behind that's it yeah good yep all right good good good does give me a tough challenge guys upgrade them right yes yeah you can upgrade be whatever you want some just can't play some outside of that some to more ways for primaries and the door closes uh how much you need for captain Churchill cap you be another $800 all right I'm just gonna give you all my money then and that way you can get sniper monkey and Churchill ASAP so as soon as we've I guess wave 11 as soon as wave 11 hits put down Churchill buddy one more way we gotta get to a t-shirt that that little a small way out what no don't you try to put down a thing round earlier there we go get that church's toe cap it be you get him blastin I think the key roads are gonna be our best friends out here nice agree with you on that one so what are you gonna go with the sniper valve superfast are you gonna go heavies are you gonna go I think maybe superfast in camos would be nice but what do you think got a wrong well in order for him just hit the DDT's with camo you'd have to go Full Metal Jacket very true also what do we want to do do we want any more military towers out there I mean if we wanted to go a Spectre route that's cool a helicopter with pursuit is cool too but we can just avoid it entirely and you know or do we save our money to military so we get super monk much so down first one no I don't think we'll make it long enough to yeah we might actually need to make a move here in a second so which route the use adjusts for the sniper top and mid or top and bottom um bottom and mid probably obviously maybe we should get more snipers and make the decision now it's around 18 what do you played your ears you smart guy yes or no I was gonna say honey we should get a super monkey in this I think we'll be fine I think you just save up for a super monkey okay all right monkey ace it is okay I wanna walk but it does buggy's does hit things at all times well too late alright wave 20 yep adora time there we go get amadora and i better put a tech bottle on a dora oh we should all be putting tech pot on our things by with Steve's money we can get super monkey alright you got it Steve you are about to be captain super monkey I didn't want to be captain super monkey you're gonna be kappa super monkey you're gonna like it we need more towers by captain church still there though yeah Churchill's kind of on his own well if I use money to upgrade my sniper then they'll have global kills yeah true do we want to get one more thingy we have three waves to figure it out if we do we might be able to force out another or not no probably just save up for super monkey upgrades I guess right yeah yeah I'm thinking we're gonna want a monkey engineer for the traps to help with money as well but that's just me yeah I'm down with that well we can let down support towers and one more thing which I guess you're gonna get Benjamin down immediately and then I'll put that an engineer yes sounds good to me all right there we go Benjamin's down and I got that engineer go and like wish what's our mine yeah where did I put it anyone want to get down a banana farm I guess while we have the chance no no I think banana farms a good idea at best it is a bad idea yeah you got the farmer for it yeah go I'm really nervous I know who came up with this challenge and even I'm like not feeling it bud really area between Quincy and Churchill yes I am check another Chuck something else down there just not much else we can put what a spike Factory but didn't do another engineer can't you I mean yeah yeah we could okay saving up for her semi hypergolic right up saving up for balloon trap or should I go for Supply Drop so we can get more money all right so what I have four more rounds to get as many farms down as possible yeah pretty much should I go we go for blue trap on both of them or which I doing the one that I put I think glue trap for both is a smart idea personally oh good luck Steve on getting more of those things down yeah I'm just gonna get down as many as I can and then I'll worry about the farmer more finally make a double money thanks to your Benjamin so yeah it's old pee bro two more down just oof yeah I'm starting to think that we need more do we need a village maybe or even another engineer I'm just gonna check one down for good faith right there I think I think we put a village down right by right by who uh what we're at a time actually Oh No well this is gonna be okay luckily we get a little pause here so do you guys want to piss all right I mean if you pass me money I can get down bloon trap but if we pass Steve money we can get banana farms well we could also upgrade the super monkey also oh god the train will leave all right you guys what are you super monkey then ooh all right if the knight on board thank you for the money here you go Steve what am I doing with this route do we want to go I would start off going up the top route maybe and then going tonight what do you think I will get knocked back knocked back first okay yeah all right go big big bread manic and ultravision for now I think I should definitely put some money into these farms though they're all just based here yeah I could definitely support that there you go Steve I gave you $400 thank you my friend nice now you're upgraded no dude yeah it'll be the money left over nice working dude I'm sorry I didn't want to upgrade them because like we only had woody plasma bless ASAP could you guys give money this out true then what do you wanna do you can give you trap money you can give money that's it semi-automatic or bouncing bullets then dig get those get those get those which one setting um Sunday go fast move 400 more so we'll get to the body blade don't be a cheapskate Jesus all right we can get you full auto soon bail okay yeah that'll just shred all the tiny balloons giving you money how money I'm gonna keep giving you my money bail we're gonna get you there well I appreciate you I appreciate you look at the hard work you're putting in guys are we gonna make it around 80 this is so scary dude I tend Ives tantalizes not a lot not even gaining them back we didn't get no okay could we could we please just gonna be examining veiled Cathy be here yeah all right look at that now we could breathe that does not help us when it comes to tea disease I mean those daisies don't exist a tea we're all gonna wave 80 what kind of try for further if we can make it that far zoinks Scoob eart leave the lasers madness here you go yeah we can do that there you go Steve boom my bands I'm gonna get you to apply a blast next evil we can all right I won't spend any money on the farms for now any power any power-ups at all your rain story Oh quit I'll have it oh no oh no I'm gonna keep giving you buddy buddy yes please be enough please be enough yes oh my gosh wait 50 wait 50 ladies this challenge the rotation challenge is drum balloons trap go it won't let me get it that's mine oh wait there you go buddy can you give me the money next so I get a balloon trap yeah sure oh thank you and I will have two blue traps in the ground I also have an engineer I've done nothing with so we could get another one another one no I'm gonna go century so that I can have random centuries throughout the thing and maybe hit while I'm not around could work oh my gosh oh my gosh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh when the super bug is out of the trap and track we're just dude yeah I don't think we have enough monkeys down I don't think so either but I also just don't know what we could do your century Paragon might be our smartest move Steve here you go yeah got you some more centuries here you go Steve now do I should I upgrade the farms at all or no no no don't even really helping I'll be honest yeah I don't think we have enough time dark night the night the night well honestly yeah okay there we go the night I am close to getting Phoenix that's big huge power here here I'll send you the money money then there's Phoenix will be big help I'm afraid we're getting we're getting close to the point where we don't have the dark night again but Churchill's coming up it's e-z-go turn up is he a unit enough I mean I can use this power up to help Poirot we've got the Phoenix man half the map with no night this is something guys this is really something else definitely not easy Oh upgrade your dart monkeys do we want to get failed at elite defender I don't want to get some across webmasters I'll be honest oh my gosh blade you're right I forgot about that you had yes glad I'm giving you my money if we give blade all of our money you selling yeah there you go if we give blade the money make sure it's spaced nicely with the super monkey well if you can figure out a way to do that oh don't like that power-ups anyone cool down the excel turret traps got it never real quick if we have Steve sellers things we can get blade a crossbow master you want me to flat-out sell the farm what do you guys think I mean I'm kind of for it yeah go big dope Jenner okay there we go man Junior honey every round that's my only thing wait I mean I agree but it's not really well make it happy blade there you go yes nice so we got one of those now we should get someone else crossbow master next who is in the best position for it I've got one at the very bottom I just need another sharpshooter the one at the very bottom you're thinking then yeah right there like I don't want stuff on the opposite side of the knife though yeah yeah we need Churchill there's really what if we just put a bunch of money into a Dora a door or as a unit Oh with the balls of light she doesn't get ball of light for three more levels it's gonna be like 20 grand then we sold the farm so not now crossbow mess don't you guys think that vales crossbow master that's 20 grand I need 15 all that Phoenix yeah that Phoenix was great this is rough stuff guys it really is it's really I'm not saying it's impossible though I think we could do it come on it's doable I think if we're lucky enough this next wave is gonna be not this wave but the wave after we lose the night is gonna be miserable yeah all right should we consider maybe using this money for something else like we could get Boyd his powerup for rain of arrows uh might be worth it while we don't have the night on the field dude what you guys think yeah no worth it not I don't want either put the money into Church though cuz Churchill is a unit and it's directly opposite of the night all right let's do it Churchill okay alrighty then churchy okay I've got the increased attack speed down well we can get the best of both worlds I mean we could get Quincy going guys if we survived just a little longer a little longer we to the night back and this might actually be possible yeah this is crazy I'm scared I'm very scared dude are you p1 I am p1 yeah you have a zero zero zero dart monkey and not doing anything with yes I do do we want to do something with them or I mean anything's better than nothing right yeah yeah we could also get a crossbow the crossbow master for him if you want okay I just smell a 20 grand cross one master well I spent it on Churchill all right Churchill's next thing is moab mirage 20 grand though yeah go down by the time we have enough money for that but oh yeah guys these the last few waves are literally going to be all about where the dark nights gonna be positioned I think he's coming off the map towards the end of that to there's nothing no it's your time to shine churchy boy sadly there's nothing we can do about it oh come on anyone want to give me light burger crossbow master then I guess if we can last that long okay here you go money yeah there you go Moni this is all gonna be very oh I don't know if it's doable without the Dark Knight eight now he's cleaning up at the end over there oh come on oh come on seventy-five alright so we're gonna try and go ahead and sell up for monkey engineers and see if we can upgrade to a crossbow master and whether or not that will actually make a difference so here we go we're gonna press the continue button here I guess villages aren't really they don't really do anything if you don't you know whatever so just put them down three of them for the three thousand dollars you got there we go and now time to sell off our balloon traps a very bold move but I mean I just don't know what else we could do right yeah I'm kind of just like this looks silly I mean it does someone want to sell off their balloon trap there and just pass their go pass be some movies all right Jerome here's some loonies so do go then even gonna be enough yes it is and now we have four grand left so let's see what happens on this wave I'm turning the auto start off in case we beat it it'd be cool if we could just see you know let's figure it out was that enough - at least Bates beat 75 for the challenge I hope so man I hope so Wow blaster name around 75 I thought there's like reinforced and stuff like that this time alright so we have to find a way to delete more money um have you passed it to me I could put a spike factory there and if you guys want to give me some money there we go basically believe most of this stuff for now two three all right so what can we do different out like five grand to mess around with I mean the Dark Knight it's unfortunate to say he's got he's not gonna be able to help out he's not done to Churchill and Quincy right now honestly Dora yeah and a Dora so I'm gonna sell off my dart monkey that I have down there and the Dark Knight all right don't give us some play money so now we can we can get arrows storm-proof er blade oh we should 100% be doing that here you go blade there's some cash let's see if this or I have 15,000 what do you guys 17,000 and I can give him a lab barrage okay I think yeah let's do it male that's I think that's all we can do so make sure you're honest starts off everyone and let's give it a go yeah the cool downs yeah what do we do it did we win we beat that one well that was the whole wave that was it yeah yeah okay okay all right I got my arrow storm thing I've got my bra that's right all right my saving up for DDT's you think there's no DDT's for just try get to 80 okay then whose abilities yes very good save us all right any any ideas anyone has here also gonna have to sell that off and that uh increase off yep it's about the amount of money a door gets a buff increases eleven thousand for you geez it's literally just up to these guys this is crazy I mean you're not wrong adora at eleven thousand is the only real thing we can and we can't even get it but wait should we sell off the crossbow master down there he's not gonna he's not gonna be involved that's all right we'll wait to the others wait I guess things down there yeah they won't be involved at all this is yeah this is a very very not good situation we're in but I think we should have done more things that could hit the map from wherever the helicopters the most night that's where we went wrong 100% we should have focused more when we were on the military circuit of it but it's okay there's no reason to look badly upon the past because we're uh we're going all right now question actual they will reach for eighty yeah for 79 and 80 they'll have way we'll wait if if we're doing this 79 Churchill's gonna be off the map I think should I sell Churchill the swing garage which will be very useful true but will it be more useful in getting a second crossbow master you pick it up what I'm throwing down that's a big question [Music] well I sell my juicer abilities we have them abilities are probably gonna be needed right now and the 26 grand is very valuable to us reinforced by the way if Steve and Val give from whose money whose monkeys out before game everybody get money to before oh hell my crossbow master Steve we're gettin there you gotta give me a second oh my gosh sir guys I can't believe this I really thought it was a lost cause at 75 but we might inch across the finish line everyone get ready with your abilities I can't believe we're gonna inch across the finish line I really can't my mo at barrage still on cooldown so that's fine we got this we got it wait did I can't believe we beat that guys I cannot believe that oh that was such a stressful challenge we did it hit that like button get this on trending the rotation challenge is complete
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 362,934
Rating: 4.9592357 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: PHi-mBSZiV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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