Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Plants VS Zombies Challenge | JeromeASF

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well it's no secret of blue sky defense six that what are our favorite things of all time to do is take other games and smash them into bloom so today we're doing the plants vs. zombies challenge an awesome mobile game that you haven't tried yet where have you been for the last like nearly two decades see they are gonna be on Team plants say look at least Matt and I to be on teams oblems that sound I think a zombie would make pretty good so because he doesn't describe what the challenge is we're gonna see who can get further the zombies or the plants however we are gonna throw in a few other rules in there number one because the plant so the top fruit actually can't see camos we're here love monkey villages so long as the zero three zero tower the next rules you can put down as many of these as you want to just have to follow the path and that's it I don't want to do real quick thank you guys Hey look wow you made that happen so please keep showing your love and support and thanks for being awesome Steve I think they could get 10,000 likes in 24 hours you want to bet no I broke all right Matt so to start off I think we should put down one of the wizard towers like and then I think from there probably send the rest of the money over to you and that way you can start can ya do it we're on the same page soup yeah I'm gonna stir so we can craft each other's soup yes I would like to crab soup have you guys ever made soup in real life not like talking I can but I assume it takes a lot of sodium yeah I don't yeah yeah I think so too I think III made a like a good amount of foods at this point but I've never tried like taking on the soup you know made soup soups it's actually really easy how do you be a soup is but how do you know what's gonna be good because it's soup dude it's some pretty hard to mess up soon it's like oh I'm sorry Vale I'm sorry I'm sorry listen first of all I'm not like the biggest fan just not putting up with anyone today its soup dude oh yeah I might need some money for fireballs there you go fireballs I have not a lot of money oh geez well that was probably plenty honestly I can't see us need too much more than that thanks Matt no problem yes the day works there we go let me let us go oh gosh oh gosh mm-hmm are you guys already having troubles no Allroad oh we have a man a shield Steve pish-posh uh-oh you guys manage oh I can save us from now DJ's guys again oh god no no not again doable enough for a wall of Smyre um here you go I guess okay every oh my goodness the wizard you guys are gonna crush us oh you say that for now but we matter up to some bad starting here making money yeah like the banana farm hasn't even been able to like be upgraded I'm thinking we only go with three banana farms yeah keep it small three yeah why not I mean thank you Prince of Darkness is cheap he's only $20,000 yeah sure tier five is not much really we'll just be getting the fact that we can get a bazillion of them yeah and don't forget when we get the the druid the bottom root the reason why he's so powerful is because if we get up to five years tier 4 they'll boost each other it makes it stronger that's the real zombie theme here is his druids well because like you cared about real zombies they like go around in waves yeah druids are zombies you're right yes Saint Patrick drove the zombies for mine I still can't believe when you told you that that that's what that it was like what what do you mean how does it even [Music] really almost got enough for another banana farm but it's going slow but we're holding off for now yeah we're doing good we're doing good I I should be able to hit a camo soon and then after that point it'll be smooth impaling impaling I don't like that oh okay I'm sorry I didn't mean I could change but I was saying up I like the sailing when it sounds peaceful and paling does not say the way it can't be I guess yeah if you're into like I don't know like if you're one of them set up medieval times you're like I love impaling people and then you're like ah nice day of been paling that's true you're scaring me now look a gel stirrer oh yes wait what do you specialize it I'm a professional jester oh yeah come on there had to be a medieval dip in medieval times right oh good he's the terror of tilt the terror and tilt Jack like murderous right like it's really crazy bye yeah but they die I think I think jousters just sometimes died I think it was crazy I was this a fun thing that you watched at medieval times with the family while you eat peas and rice soup oh man with my pants if I go to medieval times I'm getting the money dude I'm a bit of an evil times is so long I want to go I've never been what we should what we never the video Steve's first trip to MIDI old if I think I like the Renaissance Festival and stuff like that that's a lot of fun no no it's not quite as amazing as this I doubt it okay Steve use that money yeah buddy there we go time so you literally bring you like just like a Cornish hen on a plate and like like whoa like mashed potatoes just like a woman's going on hold on yeah so ours says banana farm as the sunflower and doesn't specify a route but your guys says banana farm bottom round can we go any route oh no no wait wait here and then let me get my spectacles okay I got my glasses on so you're saying yours for the which one for the plants it doesn't say a route technically Matt looking using my 7 if you go to the the entir banana central you can see it kind of looks like a sunflower so that's probably the one there think you know here I pull out my monocle then yes yes huh yeah I don't know actually Mets got a point there oh we're pulling our monocle bird Ari what money no no oh god what's this we Steve you're gonna have to be supplying some money soon oh he's got radar so I can hit camo down here nice there you go Matt I wasted it all on zombies okay would I get next here's some money so that you can start hitting camos on the plus sign is crazy as it sounds we're now stronger because my druid heart of vengeance up to a hundred lives loss will do more damage oh say druid middle yeah that's to be the middle rabbim our end all right Matt we're killing it now out here oh wow you have a lot of anyway but dude you got some good money go happy make your guy go to his getting there and he's super good oh the druid yeah there's there's the rest of the money to get your place man I'm not I'm not worried at all I mean I'm just worried about us dying no push a push a rule yeah that's all I got I don't know did you guys head of all the card games going up you guys were warm magic right yeah well growing up that was all about yu-gi-oh yeah growing up it was like yu-gi-oh I like collected in pokemon cards I collect it never really played either of them I played yugioh a short bit but I was more avid a collector of Pokemon it was so sad one of my friends want to play so I would I would literally make my own decks and stuff like that and in preparation and no one would ever be there yeah I did sadly as depressing as that is you know at a PlayStation game and you can make eggs odious Oh collected Pokemon yugioh and magic cards or dare Sutton uu dude I don't care what anyone says you could make fun of me you can whatever the Pokemon Trading Card Game that came on the Gameboy the black cartridge that game was incredible that gun was incredible I think I know the one you're talking about dude dude is so well made ah he's so good all right germ I have a genius idea I don't know how it's possible I like the sound of this we need to bring Pokemon Trading Cards into oaky play oh my gosh bleh to love that yeah why don't you ask him about them lucky blocks Steve we're not trying to get blade to lose his mind today up there he goes Steve got kicked well Matt we're holding outs pretty strong here honestly now I'm starting to make some good money that I can actually afford these things well Kathy we are making like insane money yes nice I just got Moab press yeah Matt I take back what I said about the things so how do you guys feel about us uh buying back in really really I go for it we're having like in no troubles at all no we probably just should have supplied I thought we were fine but we just we weren't selling approach to supply hook okay I got like mm let me just spend all that yeah I mean as long as you guys spend your money sure buy back in I don't care okay cool cool all right Matt so I mean it's easy enough to beat this I just need a little bit of cash I don't know how much you have but very much that's some cash okay um we need some more passive abuse did you say we're allowed to go three to the mid on the village that's it right yeah okay three to the mid though that is true yes that's Anki intellij a minute cool you all felt that like we weren't good we were gonna stop you just because we have the wizard you have to boomerang monkey by far the best monkey in this game yeah but you can only go the bottom route which is probably route for the boomerang monkey not for shear pop ability for the Moab's yes I would agree Booker shear pop ability the worst all right Matt while they squabble they're squabbling all right they got red hots probably good they got Kylee boomerang let's give this one a try here we just got jungles bounty two so I think our farms are gonna start there anymore that's an ability for you to you made the difference bet that's already let's go alright alright hate it but I'm still really nervous about our future always I mean keep my there's no more so wait 50 so basically in the next nine waves we just gotta get me a lot of money oh are you a lot of money so you get more farms and then we I really don't think me getting farms is feasible right now cuz my next one is twelve thousand which that money could go for a lot that could get pretty far you're right like Prince of Darkness level by round fifty if I just don't spend any of my money but Cappy next little cluster I have done there Matt they are all next to each other so they will all be able to boost each other with pop lust so they're gonna be like a huge cluster look at oh man yeah yeah that's good that's good that's good that's excellent in fact in fact if excellent oh no I don't like bad news bad news I don't like bad news everyone round are you guys on 45 we lost some weight 40 lordy right right so should we get monkey intelligence bureau before the spirit of the horse no spirit of the force first okay we're almost there oh yeah we're close $9,000 you of 9,000 10,000 oh my goodness Matt I didn't realize you had so much I'm told you I'm gonna get you Prince of Darkness so close dude okay we might be okay we actually might be okay here take this for now oh my goodness Utica person that that is that's why I'm saying I really don't think it's worth to upgrade my farm right now it's still it's getting us enough money to like do work should I get Prince of Darkness because that's gonna we're not gonna get that in time for the next Moab's or show just get all my populist like about all them okay do that yeah cuz they'll boost each other question for you guys let's be out of the force you know how puts the vines all over the tracks yeah yeah if you have two of them does it double up on the vines or is it just useless I mean let's waste the money and find out Steve I mean if you have two pieces of bread amongst the useless towers it isn't a useless sandwich I think that's my favorite like Gordon ever yeah my favorite Gordon revs thing ever what are you I'm an idiot sandwich then they also have one where someone made this like horribly like I don't even know just like super tender things like this is like ghandi's flipflop you just cut it off man the most ridiculous stuff it's rotten well Matt the good news is we're surviving very well avatar reps 38 Grand Prince of Darkness is 20 yes I'm gonna save up for banana central nice dude 85,000 that's chump change right yes I think I need a new microphone Stan can you guys hear this yes you guys hear this you just starts submerging in a bowl of milk I think that's a baby pterodactyl he just starts playing to be movie script oh my gosh so Matt after you get me Prince of Darkness I think we start getting your army lined up okay there go cap I'm gonna have to find some sort of like what am I supposed to do with this piece makes damn one day there we go man then up next we'll get you mo Marcus let's go alright so let's start getting your your thing set up in the very very I go for more banana farms or upgrade my banana farms or should I just wait I would actually I'd probably upgrade all yours to Central Market at least yeah let's pound 65 I'm so confident that I'm gonna walk away and go to the bathroom Wow well if you're so confident you just poo on screen right now yeah every day this show just gets more ridiculous because the guys please I need to find a new job it's just like hey I've like Steve had an iPhone cuz I'd love to just FaceTime at random times like can you imagine just like facetiming Steve while you're on the toilet and just like so how's it going he's like jogging with his wife Steve you oh god this is looking horrible um let's not think about it okay I like that idea yeah usually not thinking about things gets be pretty far so oh you know it's true big mood okay come on come on come on pop it pop it pop it let's go Oh Lord this obvious will save us as others will save us yes we gotta make moves pretty soon here honestly yeah another pfb and we're kind of toast oh my that was bad for a second there do you want to start putting down your your stuff maybe or you swimming to do the same thing as you but up here do you think we'll survive oh yes okay then let's wait let's wait for you get central markets I mean you you get bouncy darkness is cheap get the penny boy Oh Matt gets fireball fireball met and and the middle route that wall fire yes so good dude it does double up oh my goodness oh my god that's so cool that is so awkward thorny boy right through a time where what what do I do it - drew it so put him - to the top and as many to the bottom as you can and you want to stack six of them as close as possible to each other cuz they'll multiply damaged at pop lust nice that would Steve don't even get on screen this is awesome well you know you know me and Matt are doing just as good as that yeah they don't even get on screen haven't even seen them yeah I don't what what's his name again you said a blue Lance you said blue I've never even heard of balloon party I'll just start playing runescape Kathy I'm so confident you wanna just not put any other towers we have two boomerangs and two of the Druids yeah I think we got this that's all we're putting down I'm just saying this goes to prove my fact that the boomerang monkey is Opie honestly it's the spirit of the force that's doing it Matt I'm not gonna lie oh you're really your spear to the forest not the boomerang monkey you think double spirit of the forests yes it's crushing it um I really want to see four of them now I'm in trouble yep Steve's getting arrested well he deserves it he's just too handsome so bad once you get one more of those let's we'll focus back up on central markets sound good yeah my placement made it a little hard to get all six but Cappy can I have your money at the end of the world will still crush them yeah we will crush them like bugs Steve are you about to do what I think you're about to do what do you think I'm about to do I think you're about to put down a tower that Jerome really wants to put down but he can't because he's not bad no no that's an except for like all that except for two of them are out so you're fine that that that'll be I'll do all right good good good yes okay good good good so you're halfway to getting another central market sell yeah we could sell it off later on worst case yeah they're really cheap to get back to where they are yeah look at these guys over there panicking you hear it in their voice oh no what are we gonna do see told you it's it's it's sad really real depressing stuff I know and you know what you can't fault them though I understand they're up against teams a B yellow cap e they're almost through what are we gonna do they told you that was really quaking in their boots over there yep dip dip dip yeah I feel bad for I really do we need the Ryder wills we're gonna die oh my goodness rap really a permanent reminder of your failure genocide that really is like a medal of dishonor dishonor did you imagine if you did something so shameful like those people that like go and lick ice cream at supermarkets like so shameful the president calls you to his office to give you the medal of dishonor just take this take this el it's just an L take this elf a Manny put it on me to imagine I'm captain blast him every day those where you know that someone needs a medal of dishonor yeah the people who are licking ice cream containers is gross why would you do that we're gonna to fly back in there ten-four over Roger Dodger it was a simple distraction of ice cream looking that's all right yeah that's all I was nothing serious there and that ice cream again no no oh my god that gave me 4,000 we gotta sell a lot off 2,000 3,000 there we go perfect okay see right on this money is split four ways - is that why sometimes we get more like when we do two versus challenge yeah I think so yeah okay so uh Matt well how much money you've got let's see you have six grand okay so hear me out here what it won't you say it okay I won't say your Mar I'm gonna say it no I was gonna say if you sell one of them for twelve thousand eight hundred and then you sell the other one for ya you're gonna have to sell a lot of them what do want me to sell my farms I know it's depressing but other I don't know what else we could because there's no other money maker we have we have to somehow get Prince of Darkness I could sell I could sell some my populist guys we wait smarter than that so that last one trust me trust me okay Matt now you're ready for this just like an old I don't know no Matt Matt Matt trust me trust me trust me trust me trust me you ready do this but actually want to give it a me be whatever you will just get yours first okay now Matt avatar of breath the middle guy try it out give it a try let's see you ready yep yeah yeah it's totally not working oh worked it worked it worked it worked it worked guys we're hanging in there unlike you hooligans yeah do me a favor buddy yeah delete your boomerang monkey no no no we don't want your no cuz then you're gonna be like oh that's why we lost we lost because no I want to prove Matt wrong is what I want to do Oh what I still have I still have a boomerang monkey that hasn't really shot all right I'm really doubting the boomerang I mean fair enough we have enough money right now we could rebuy it like 20 different times yeah so I'll give you the backup money all right Matt we save up for your Prince of Darkness and then we'll move on to my avatar of wrath sound good yeah do you think a plastic surgeon could fix Steve's confidence because it's not too much I think oh yeah just tell him to emulate my nose just get like a beak the size of mine that'll kill any scampi I don't I don't like this oh yeah it's working but not not well enough you need to use it to your advantage though once I my life got substantially better once I found out that I could lick my nose why would you boomerang what don't I do with that that's okay first of all can I can I explain to you that Steve freaking out cuz now without the boomerang look he's falling apart yeah that that was without looking at tip your nose and using that instead of a fun dipstick dude there's a lot of stuff you could do yeah you really could I can't believe you can lick your nose I can't do that yeah oh very easily - it's not even like it's like by a small margin I'm talking like I can like well I can literally pick my nose with my tongue if I wanted yeah don't do that don't do that do you know that like there's a little like thing connecting you tongue in your mouth and like basically everyone has the same like tongue for the most part it's just how much it's connected at the bottom is different for different people ancient Rome you were seeing mostly quiet did you actually try and pick your nose with your tongue man you can get you the first dose that's good I have 15 oh my god yeah my brother had to get surgery because he couldn't his tongue was connected almost the tip so he couldn't stick his tongue out of his mouth not really sure how that I fell its surgery to like click the little like underneath webbing thing it's actually pretty common in babies to be honest I didn't realize that I really did yeah but you can finally get your Prince of Darkness and then if we survive long enough we could save up for my avatar or Smith yeah we can will definitely survive long enough for sure totally I'm glad I love that we still don't even have we still we don't even have our villages up actuators for we have to get our village up I think can I just say that something that's exciting what's that village we don't get a village yeah for a callow seeking don't we yeah we agreed that villages yeah three to the middle we're out and that's it where we gonna put it though Jerome like well I'm we're gonna each need our own I'm gonna I might even need to to be honest which is sad what are we going to the middle growl she's actually not I'm putting it down us a lot of money that we're gonna I mean what house can we beat DDT's without it no no I went to the middle row with mine okay if you want to go at the end goals three which is super expensive I don't know we could also just saving an avatar of wrath for me there's so many options Matt and I'm scared of every single one of them okay hear me out avatar Brad yes was that it I would add 31 yeah yes but also I just wanna say this is like although it's been a little bit stressful for Steve and unvailed they've been freaking out yes miss you haven't had to make any cuts yeah it's pretty wild like what are you guys on wave like for 100 this rounds gonna be a little bit of a problem for us and we only have a little faith here mine now you have to boomerang monkeys in the two spirit of the forest oh my god we might lose on round 100 yeah it's because you're not putting your heart into it I don't know what I'm saying anymore man can we yeah that if so we have half the money total now so that's half of what we need more than half yeah for this is the end of us we're gonna lose on 100 I'm okay with this I'm okay with this as well these guys had a good run Jesus out came I just said it would be met to imagine losing at Wave 100 there we go there was around 100 is what we lost saw on Jericho the DDT got it yeah I don't even know if we're gonna beat wave 90 with the DDT's to be honest oh wait our trucks are going through look at that oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god thanks for watching bye [Laughter]
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 360,710
Rating: 4.9563875 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: Z-15TYl_bKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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