Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Destructive Challenge | JeromeASF

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well today things are gonna get super crazy of loose eye defense six because we're doing the disaster challenge take a look Oh as you can see on screen pretty much lays out in the smallest challenge we've had given to us to date literally one sentence long the different hours we need to use Steve's gonna be controlling our nukes with a Tsar Bomba dropsy is gonna be running but that is central to get us all those monkey dollars either be Rock of the inferno ring and let's not least we have blade rocking the tornado arc mage and of course number one I want to give a huge thank you to you out there because you guys helped us get on trending yet again take a look oh it's incredible and it's all face to your efforts so please keep it in that like button and let's try and get 10,000 likes yet again okay so I'm thinking that we should try and get one or two towers down and then give all there are some money to drop ceases you get the banana farms down what do you guys think yeah three I'm blade this is me blade my account it says split actually camp de on my own account but you guys see in the trade request this is blade talks dude what do you mean it sounds just like the straight anymore guys you were clearly believing that I was your friend blade but I'm actually one or you want place to counter you just hop in the discord call yeah so I'm actually on blades account it has in order to play with you guys you guys hacked and cheated so I can account I have to I had to borrow blades account here man so welcome you onto the drum well what am I supposed to do here men did you actually know now that I mean well you're the Archmage so you have to go the comfort of the ark mate just put down a wizard and then you could get the camo detection and pretty much we're only allowed to use those particular towers there's no limit to how many we can use except for money obviously you know preventing us okay as production monies money's good money's good okay you I'm glad to be here a lot not as blade but I yuan just I'm pleasantly surprised and glad use the wrong monkey I'm just gonna throw that out there putting down a mortar there in the upgrade past like where is Tsar bomb at for the record I mean the mortar monkey has the nuclear thing - as far as best subs go that one's understandable but I I'm just still a little shook right now that you're here but you didn't see this coming at all dramatic you to t know there's one thing you can't think do this these drops is the hot tea okay what do you mean why are you here I'd like some clarification here please please I'm nice to meet you I'm not blade nice to have as your Musk bamboozled um I can't put down any lake farms or anything right alright so my entire job is to click the top path button drop sees other job though is hot teeing on command okay have you heard her sneezes before e lon yes I have I am her friend room I think yeah I'd say it sounds like hot tea and to torment her for it over and over again is definitely building your guyses relationship thing is that nobody says bless you anymore is just like everyone you see bless you once every 10 times every other time since may science find a cure say III count germs like yeah I'm that rude guy just seeing how far we can take it he'll park you'll wish analysis for the frame I've sneezed like nine times in a row before and it hurt it was nine times out of ten apparently so what are we all thinking I there's like two different ways to play this really we could either get I mean but I'd recommend only one inferno ring but we can either get a bunch of arcane spike mages to help with the Moab's of DDT's or we get a bunch of nukes I don't think of the arc pages but nukes I'd say arc is really good yeah I'll go Archmage I think that's probably even though I know guys I think I'm gonna go bottom pass I mean you can go to the bottom if you really ruin the entire point of this challenge and it's gonna burn the video that that's the disaster everyone I know the natural disaster is that I'm in the video so you guys like slow going at those farms drop see what's up Wow she's got the farm no I think she'd rather you make fun of her first money to drop season torment her in the future for money back yeah there you go there you go drops yeah drop see more money look it I've been watching your money and you haven't donated Eddie that's true it's very true that is 100% true I'm I'm trying to get hot shot so that we could kill leads where they come at you think your crockpot don't you think you just cook beef stew and stuff huh actually there's an instant lot like a millennial what is it instant but instead of Nate meeting eight hours to cook something it takes like in a pressure cooker no no no it's an insta pot it's basically a crock pot but it takes thirty minutes instead of like eight hours I never heard of this it's crazy it's actually you can make like yogurt and stuff in it what yogurt yeah you make yogurt in it it's very weird you can make a lot of something you like you could bake like a cake in there I think but yogurt how do you just make yogurt cuz that usually it's complicated man okay the the relationship between yogurt and I let's just not talk about it okay okay oh really confused me now I'm confused myself so that's why because yogurt has like healthy bacteria in it but bacteria so I'm just like imagining like you know it's like yeah just yeah I just don't I just like leave my shower all dirty and filthy at the bottom and I collect the bacteria wait you don't have one of those like a scrapers and you don't scrape the bottom of your shower and then use it as a room doesn't even scrape the bottom of his feet yeah I don't wash my feet Ilana I'm gonna give you some money real quick that way you could get the gross that way you could get the the camo detection so you go to bottom route you'll be able to pop those guys for us do I wanna take something go for it yeah see okay see here's the real question do you guys I'm sorry I just got heated I need a second do you guys wash your knees don't wash their knees they just shower and they just wash they're like upper half of their body and they're like I don't wash their legs that's worse than the feet situation yeah the bugs defeat the soap is going down and hitting the ground and you're at least like stepping on it I guess you know step it on the beach are you not foot washer know what I just said I do I said it is okay yeah I was asking okay nevermind yeah we got it we got it Steve which way are you gotta go middle but you're going top or smile I'd say top is probably smarter but anyway hang on you say something yeah honestly yeah I've just been giving dropsy all my money so I haven't even looked I did say it was so yes I love you Steve yeah I'm gonna go ahead and give dropsy my money too so she can keep upgrading yeah me too there you go oh yeah yeah really drum okay see that $600 go away and in not in your own upgrades I think I'm blacking out guys oh and I don't want it to bug out don't buy yeah I accept thank you thanks for see that's why I can't yeah I tried dude I tried you little emerald thing on my mages hat is he cool okay now that's an emerald bro huh do you play minecraft I am so confused relevant business why you're actually here ilan all right what's up let's have this chat man oh really is this the balloons podcast that no this is why am i not rainbow steve series alright drum how about this how about the last time we talked about it I told you you could and then you backed out your oh no cuz you don't know there's you maybe have to be a five-hour [Applause] there is gentlemanly told you you could and the only reason you wouldn't is because you didn't want to show up which means that you doze in the background me Mom eating jelly beans Oh buttered popcorn jelly beans no no they're the they're the starburst jelly beans hey Steve do you mind stepping it up there but I would love to but I've been giving dropsy all my medicines she can she can have some farms oh you're fine I'm good no not gotten a single upgrade yet yeah I know you're just sitting there I mean we're surviving it's fine you know we're on cute look at all the farms dropsy has because I'm just sitting here wait drop seat why aren't you upgrading the top pads for like three of them first you know you know you're gonna it takes longer if you add more farms and then try to get them to like top path two or three plus n plus yeah you should do uh you should do like three of the farms like sell three here that you need to do top path at least is my opinion okay and I'm looking for a healthy debate but you should do top path and get those three to Tier four on the top path and you know tier two on the middle path before you add any more because the research facilities will always get you more money before you start adding more correct yes you know exactly finatus with numbers no but actually drops am series and I'm disappointed you know what drop see I'm not mad I'm just that's fine heinous end yeah damn guys I got another upgrade what was this mode you get you have gotten into such a habit of saying any word with the word like or the letter s first yeah hey and vertically alright smell awesome automatically doesn't it automatically Smeal on no but I got arcane mystery bro I don't why I just bothers people okay I just bother me I just think it's funny cuz I think accident you start accidentally doing it out but what about things that start with SM in there like spam oh so more likes smart smart well guys I got fire you're on fire bro no I'm fine guys don't worry about it yeah you're doing a great job you know no Steve I'm not I've let you all down and I'm sorry that's fine you're gonna make an apology video I made an apology video there was a recording he Laden I did of like last week you something oh you oh you're already onto your three I think said you did not pay them yeah but you're sliding it over there Steve what do you mean I'm slacking you don't have the topper oh you got the topper than everybody you're not slacking dropsy here you go instead why don't you get a banana research facility because I think Jerome has never said this to you I think you are enough men yeah I got you Steve got you bro what good things you have to say about me and dropsy yo a drum you're in my mind a lot been like how you roped dropsy and do it like a wait no wait hold on wait but if what about your great person drop see there you go yeah the drum you doesn't just accept that you're gonna have to show up to be rainbow Steve I I can't do it I have someone else do it I'll just voice act over it under the hey guys it's me right uh Steve nobody it's not how that works that's how rainbows even how other words it's definitely his accent pretty accurate wait how are we I don't ever mind I I'm not gonna say that was a stupid question Oh Johnson you can almost get another one of the banana research disabilities that's good take my money yeah here take my money yeah I'm actually I do I've been sent here money like crazy I said are more money than you did you know what I wish I could have looked back on when we actually beat round 40 and I could have just like screenshot of that but there's no way to tell now so yeah it's definitely not in the video anymore right a video I sent you all my money to drops you so hurry up and get another one how dare you keep us waiting this year so okay hang on who's who's trying to get that next upgrade you got a Tier three I'm on a tier 3 drone got to your four so we should probably focus on getting Steve ride to the bathroom I've got tears in my eyes to our game spike is really good so I'd say probably arcane spike all right so I need 8,500 I got 1,300 I'm not played okay I'm only on blades account because you guys got bands to know that what I was trying to join sending me blades account they told me oh you should just get banned too so you can play with us does make sense it does the logic checks out you know check out bro another like 4 grand bro can someone space I'm foods with the pole oh no but I can spare for the rich here you go drop see here's more money Oh hoard I didn't I was gonna send him just four thousand but you said me years at the same time so the numbers increase I don't know send it to Steven he can get it to your head no we don't want Steve Jim yeah see you are enough man he knows that he lawns right all right so now we got to try and save up for them rat or not not round fives one mistake to your fives some farms right well dropsy disease up hurt those two and like cry so much cash and then she's got to get them banana central stuff 100k that's great I mean alright um actually we might not you're right yeah I mean like we're gonna have enough money for the all the tier five I need 27k 40k for Jerome 26 K so we need like a little under about a hundred K so drops he could just sell the farms when she gets like one of the things keep in mind we're not limited to only one so we could get more of your arc PQ like not the arc mange but that's a thing you can put down extra arc arcane spikes Steve get extra jets I would probably not recommend getting more of me because well I just have a bad attitude about things so I won't anymore once enough who hurried room honestly tutti did okay real talk he said you had something in your teeth like no I don't know I think it's polite to tell someone they have something in their teeth oh definitely yeah yeah for sure he's gonna have the guts to do it you know it's bill yo I just want to let you know you know you look like a fool just like that okay just like that don't even tell them about the food part just say tell them they look like a fool nice guy you're welcome in yeah good guy oh try to arcane spikes I mean our arc mage you might be able to get it right yeah also I just realized this guy didn't put a round limit on the challenge so under new racket anywhere girl we're all way Morty I mean there who's Rick you what I see being ranked when you grow up when he grows up can I have your money yes no cool my guy looks that you has done Dolph the whites not the grey is it didn't get off the white is like the reincarnation or he like came back from the dead or something yes I really I only watched like one of the movies and I watched like it was the last movie and I haven't watched any other ones it was a month ago I am very disappointed I haven't watched any of them so never played any Zelda games I played like a three hours of breath of the wild and have never beaten and that's it there you go drop see very good I already knew that one actually [Laughter] can I have $40,000 please I only have a locker room but you know I'm in I'll give you my cash oh yeah you know I'll give you my two hundred and thirty three dollars thanks guys like 10 grand bro thanks guys my friends teamwork teamwork drum didn't send his cash drops at one time you guys are two of my best friends oh wait no he goes clip not these feather bees friend yes well this is awkward yo let's decide what those ghosts know goes well that's the infernal ring it's quite straight oh I mean yeah it's great no one ever said it was good well the cool thing is actually pretty good the only cool part about it is you see the fireball it comes out the top and shoots towards the start everyone already know yeah so infrequently oh shoot like a flaming ball at the top wait so it wait hang on so it's like a mortar kind of yeah actually yeah oh I see it oh yeah yeah it's like once every like three seconds or so it'll just interesting I didn't know that I don't even think I've ever used this top path like tier five for the tax return it's pretty good the drum was just angers garbage I actually do think it's pretty good I I just don't I just mad cuz I don't get why I can't hit camos because it has a ring of fire around it like you don't need to see it - yeah like a mortar like yeah it's all yeah yeah yeah was your monkey down nice yeah what does get in the arcades but I guess we just keep giving elon all of our money to put down those those guys I don't think we're really gonna lose I accidentally I've created the wrong path but that's okay I'm gonna tell they call the cops on you look it's it's close to the tacks shooter the middle path has fireball and then wallah fire I think it's fitting I gave you four thousand dollars because you kept yelling at me that I was greedy so there you go hey man you know what I'm glad that peer pressure got to you to finally give up for you so was even enough gas trip but I do very much appreciate drops he's sitting over there with fifty five thousand Oh what do you do what she's trying to get banana central I could tell she doesn't need it I think we do need if we're going around 100 cuz Jerome said so no one to do once and rule 110 300 want to be here for another five hours come on great video we were here for waiting it was 200 and like 90 300 something yeah no we made it we made it far what's past that point like around takes like 30 minutes or something that's why yeah someone decided to cheat and get infinite money in that video and then we just kind of and it was at that moment that they got back band can you get back band from balloons I mean it sure seems kind of big technically I think so I don't really know you made another account and you were able to just play with others then I guess it's not a backbend is it a vacuum cleaner John a fine gentleman and you're hoarding cash oh alright guys thank you for 34k drops big it's the highe fire no no come on what do you mean that's like the best I'm not gonna wait actually check this out guys okay this out we now have two of them you guys are jealous I I am jealous you got the good yeah check this out yeah what do you think what do you think of that huh what do you think of this Wow so easy like you might want to upgrade them not all in the middle roof because you're gonna be the only guy hit DDT's okay wait hang on but can't I only mainly do the top path isn't that the entire point of natural disaster yeah so do the top path but then just do to to the bottom yeah that way you did I'm not really liking your common-sense room you know you open up I'm gonna put down the night I'll do it yeah you know what I know you can't do that he'll do it he doesn't care what's your take on this one of our guys Matt keeps accusing Batman of not paying his taxes I think Batman pays taxes we think he pays this day you know it's weird cuz like I know Batman doesn't pay his taxes but I hear that Bruce Wayne guy is a nice guy now I'm sure he pays taxes no the way you're saying Batman does not pay taxes I know yo she doesn't know she definitely doesn't know I'm serious Yoshi is he avoids his act he has committed tax fraud Yoshi yeah you know like that one from Legend of Zelda I didn't realize he had an income it's a real shame oh yeah yeah sure bro he puts that he puts all of his cash and his wife a lot of options Oh Yoshi oh my god I thought he was just like a weird-looking Barney thing take it back how dare you speak of my child that way you burn through that thing you speak okay guys I want you to know that I'm just gonna keep doing what I do know I think it's awesome I think it's phenomenal I'm gonna keep sending money so yeah jobs he just keeps on funding this problems I'll just blame dropsy no no I haven't seen anything I'd like to take credit for that also has anyone here even given like five percent of their brain power to the game player who just been like kind of lost in whatever's been going on because I'm on autopilot can I leave can I get more money you know purposely gonna stay logged in to my account gets all the way now dropsy please find my problem just I don't have enough money drives you please well yeah I don't know 7,000 already you can just wait okay then yeah you can't right now I demand Oh 50,000 that's a lot maybe I should sell some my monkeys so that I'll sell my Archmage how much do I get out of it oh no don't sell the or she got me another 60 and keep it going thanks Rosie mmm alright there we go there we go oh yeah this is good stuff this is going great drum what do you think of mice my plan here I think it's fantastic Elan and are you just saying that to make me feel better about myself are you truly meaning that this is Steve how you been man yes doing good just saving up money cuz our banker doesn't give me any our banker doesn't love us even who keeps on just like giving $20 time you did it still makes this out oh wait I forgot about the request button yeah there you go so I really there's no chance of us losing here is there there's no chance of your question Jerome oh I honestly forgot my hand emoji yeah hey guys hit that like button guys do you think the emoji movie copied balloons please stop oh why in sending get out of here what do you do though you ask for the money honey wait for me I'm good for that yeah go ahead keep going oh I can stop no it's fine it's cool no reverse psychology words we're gonna say oh you're not getting literally anymore that's okay I think Robbie's pretty much solved now this is how Oh tears of joy um yes that's what those are dudes around 86 for killing me guys this is how Steve makes me feel this is how dropsy makes me feel you know you [Music] guys I think I have a plan on how we can do a little better okay but this is blade yeah blade that's gotta mean that you guys are saying that about the ladies not even here Vail ten minutes ago sat nerd brain triggered in the chick bail you can hop in here you know you did enjoy the video a lot apparently snuck in here so now you get all this money what start date us do you want is that some like 80s or 90s like movie slash show yeah it was just a series it's really good I would highly recommend it yes it is from like the 90s Ilan do you eat anime ever do I eat of course he does like for dinner or like I don't know like do you eat it I'm a consumer of it if that's what you're asking of course yeah hey guys can I get some money I'm running out no well it depends you can put down the night Katzenberg rotc can I have a little money thank you drop see all your money that we'll gladly take you 90 KY are you really you never have enough man dude I don't have any money at all guys I'm broke and I haven't even I guess when you record with drum you've got to naturally assume a disaster will happen thanks screed this is pointless guys can I get some cash no like 20 grand I want to get another tax shooter yeah yeah lying the major I wouldn't live I've never lied once here's the problem that was a lie I'm getting the texture I want to put it in the yellow you're gonna write all right if I don't see a tag shooter I'm not giving you money ever again okay yeah well there's only four rounds left [Applause] why do you okay if you give me cash I'll get some lizard monkeys I mean he's definitely got a good track record before we get around 100 please please you don't say it is more it is more come on drop see it is bolder drop see drop see just a little bit please come on you know what you know there you go you on I help you guys literally everyone literally everybody everyone watching the video everyone is call everybody that's it goodbye really on the road again
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 371,480
Rating: 4.956111 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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