Bloons TD 6 - The FASTEST God Boosted ELITE Defender Challenge | JeromeASF

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you know one of my favorite things to do blued salad offenses play around with all the different boosts they have available I mean for real you get super fast charge products Annie tower in the game now of course is always fun to do this with towers that are already super duper quick which is why today we're gonna be using the elite defender which is a super automatic sniper rifle I'm never going to keep on making it faster and faster and faster have I ever stopped now before you guys get know so that being said we're gonna do everything we can to make as much money as possible we're gonna give you the permit proof then we're gonna give him the monkey village using the boost call to arms and then last but not least we're going to go ahead and use a engineer monkey to give him that permanent boost up oh and the energizing total how can I forget that one will be able to be level 100 or how far could we make it afterward there's only one way to find out hey make sure you do his favor and hit that like button because oh thanks to you guys we were able to trending yet again that's right we're hitting it all the time now and it's thanks to all you out there smashing the like button and getting us up to let's do 12,000 likes if we don't get 12,000 likes by the way drops he's never gonna get better I don't think she's so silly let's get someone at Benjamin yeah I would say just give it a Steve I guess first and we'll get you Benjamin there we go yeah and I would Benjamin yeah give it a she's sick come on Steve just happen somebody just needed to take control of the situation and get the Benjamin to flow and so I decided it would be me okay nice I just had a random lag spike but life is good now yeah that was weird to boggs don't do the heck ability right now we need him up at all times actually he's good no I mean the end of the round it doesn't matter yes well think about it it certainly helps that the sniper has global target yeah oh of course this sniper is gonna be able to last for quite some time and I don't have to get him the camo route cuz we're in the monkey village in this place yeah so you can go Full Metal Jacket I think yeah exactly what you gonna make it super duper duper duper duper powerful so who are happy B's turn oh it's Cathy at Captain beat Oh or is it Dromi B's turn film someone's to help me get even faster firing and all that I mean we the money rate get it spicy Thank You Natalie that weird whoa yeah now we're mega fine there you go Val gonna give you my money Jerome you're always make a fine Wow getting spicy yeah right there Eve we could afford it now yes oh my gosh yeah I'll toss you the rest of the money okay guys I'll work on farms for the money okay nice farms I can get an engineer hmm cool cool I'll just keep saving my money for this guy and then uh-oh we're gonna need a monkeys millage soon there you go drop see oh dear do you want how do we want to break this up because we've still got the alchemist and the monkey village uh I mean I can take care of the village okay really doesn't just somebody yeah we don't need it immediately I think farms are more important at the moment all no I think we need to panic you sure why cuz I like panicking my favorite part of every video dropsy take this money and get more farmers yes take my money and get more farms I'll put down another one but I also good EEP all right hold up dropsy you're off the off the team why one year out she went one to the middle to start it doesn't do anything nothing keep taking my myself what wave is everyone think I think we're gonna get to wave 109 with this are you yeah you madman I think we're gonna do it dude with one monkey that's one monkey I think I I don't know I think maybe 87 I think natalie oughta be TT ground I think DDT ground will lose Wow really yeah he's captain negativity Hey passing around here ask for an answer and I gave you one that's my thought okay okay thank you more farms well I've got the monkey engineer so you owe me money way again for either large caliber or semi-automatic push posh pish posh okay Chris Bosh Jerome you have enough for large-caliber right now yeah but I want to get this memmio mom automatic okay we'll be there one more round yeah see that's the problem is they're just coming too quick here here here here Cement me automatic I'm going engineer so it's gonna be ridiculous amount of money so I'm not worried about it early game oh yeah we're gonna be giving you money for sure geez we're also making the big bucks we got our first one they got skimming second Benjamin just got skimming third Benjamin is now just got skimming and then mines coming up next round they're real for Benjamin's at skimming the camo yes one for now there we go I'll get you a village okay now is the $1400 to radar spanner oh we're gonna go that man's a unit thank you good room right our scanner online is good this girl may be the big bucks no big buckaroo knees so drop see we may need you to get even more farms because we need $100,000 for Vale Lucas Maximus yeah I'm just gonna upgrade these first okay oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh we need four oh we got em I got it we're uh we're gonna pack bail bail I what a panic no you can't panic on your own time oh is it this his own time is his so you don't want your own panic all you want you mean it can I pay my panic do it right now panic I won't need a panic in $250 on full auto rifle everybody scream what how is that in any way shape or form a llama and not a duck I don't know man don't ask me ask the people who made it oh my gosh look at the full-auto man go oh no it's crazy to think he isn't that he's only eleven thousand forty or five he's gonna get three or five immediately that's why I'm so worried he's a low tyr tyr thought metal jacket yeah thank you fail and Steve you you cut that pessimism young man yeah stop that stinking thinking yeah yeah yeah the alchemist down does it matter where he has to be in reach of you right I would put them in within range of the recharge totem and in breach of me so basically what I'm saying is just like right south of the Energizer toad it's probably probably the best bet there you go so I heard Steve's guess what about dropsy and then what wait did they were to get 201 below mine okay okay I don't what did Steve say 432 DDT round so what is that one round after that baby one round after whatever Steve said you guys really think only wave 90 I think we're gonna have serious problems with the DDT's I think you're a non-believer sir we're gonna we're gonna do it Steve we're gonna do it big the only concern I really have is just getting that engineer online but he's very expendable to hold time out time out drop see we got some talking to do here Oh how'd I get most generous look at all those farms yeah but you're still just dunking on her robot that's my job I don't go on everyone market I just have my eyes well everybody else does something wrong and you had to correct them it's okay this is a big bully sir we're making good money here we're making the big bucks weight-wise why are there other banana farms in the bottom-left way away what is that Steve just joking out on the farms I mean fair enough we're gonna need a lot of money we need a lot of money that's these protests I'm a protest oh man I won't get elite defender already we'll get you there yeah III can only imagine how quickly this is gonna shoot this is gonna look so ridiculous oh it's gonna shred up until around 93 no Steve around 94 no sale Steve round 109 110 you think elite defender 110 blade set your final answer he's just saying that boost drops his 108 I have 109 he just wants to one-up it he's being a chunga's yeah that had no idea was I just randomly guess then yeah oh wow okay get it Jerome oh my gosh look at how quickly the tides turn when I got elite defender on it and now get boosted oh wait okay why are you old man okay oh this is regular oh come on yeah just regular ol overclock all right I think people with farms I don't think you need to keep up I think you're good now if you just yeah you could probably just ass the money to bail we'll have enough good we're doing really good on money already yeah my two farms oh there we go chopping them to bits so bail is there anything else you so the perishing potion does that all offensive potions trip fortified I I think Oh perish if you do perishing poaches the builders that might be the best option male well I'm not Alchemist oh that's me Oh mangle in the middle room I was not gonna go any roof but the top route so that he does less damage oh I put the perishing potion doesn't that affect his bruise that he throws on people is that only a his own thing all offensive potions well brew wouldn't be an offensive potion okay fair enough too late all right we're killing it out here we're doing a good job everyone having a good time having a good time you just need to get more boosts on my man here I'm saving up for a permanent brew now I will give money to people who like no sleeves let's give it a steep for permanent brew that's gonna be 51,000 and mokey Intelligence Bureau go it's just an entire building that comes out of a Pokemon it's like this Bureau Bureau oh look at that that'd be FB just got wrecked and there's our permanent brew gotta love it so man I think you have enough buddy let's get that ultra boost and let's get some of those running we can do in a maximum of ten times to permanently boost the tower so so the night right right yes the night it could be but it's not okay does anyone want to give me a $17,000 for called arms eagle yeah here you get a boost for the Sun God I mean good but he definitely has god the tax yeah all right so we got homeland defense there do you guys want to now we should focus on all of you guys getting homeland defense and if we put it on a constant circuit pretty much we'll always have one running at all times we should make sure it gets to the final upgrade though so that they're all timed the same and we don't have to upgrade it in between well exactly I agree so like if you guys whenever one of you guys gets all the way up there we'll just time it perfectly and then we'll be looking good Oh perfect perfect and you want to go the top route as well to get jungle drums do that would be 15% I don't think it stacks but in the off chance it does might as well do it yeah man oh man you ready got me two times three of my super boosted there from the engineer nice dude oh I'm so proud of us we're gonna be the best good and crazy so things are looking on the up-and-up now for us all because we literally have everything perfectly timed the monkey villages are on a constant circuit it's at all times we're receiving that boost for a good pal the elite defender now a lot of the times you also notice that we use the monkey submarine however the monkey submarine only really affects the cooldowns of ability monkeys which you know we don't really have any of those so as you see reduced ability cooldowns everywhere but we don't I mean I suppose it would help with the monkey village but for obvious reasons that doesn't help because we have it on a constant cycle anyway so really realistically it's not gonna do much of any thing but you know it's still cool to have can I have some money drop see yeah you cancel any there I don't drink a lot of it so you could have the ones I gave him I gave your monies to there you guys more money did you just waste on Benjamin guys some more money we what we don't what else can we spend it on also so you still think we've 90s gonna throw us through the ringer because this is which we're child about or 93 that was my guess 93 look look at the particle from the gun it doesn't disappear ever had stream I look like it's more like a blow torch than anything else now you see it appearing right here where the cursor is dude that's just edge of the blowtorch oh my gosh even the fortified ones dude yeah I think I was wrong oh my good as well this is the DDT wave what date it is I wonder what the BAE round where I 100 is gonna look like that's gonna be a crazy one too I'm sure all right yeah let's keep it up let's keep it up oh yeah let's reinforce got nothing wave 95 is a lot more DDT's but considering the name income on screen at wave 390 I'm just not even that concerned really you know yeah and I'm picking up what you're throwing down my friend I'm picking up what you're throwing down I think that large-caliber is such a huge help yeah well the large caliber is seven layers per shot and then you've got the perm imbrue and that'll help you pop even more exactly and faster and then we have the ultra boost what makes us go faster and they have the homeland defense which makes us go faster and faster and faster faster gotta go fast it's manic just give it you buddy cuz I don't know what to do with it give me money no I know exactly what to do with it no I take it back so I take it back take back bot only takes back oh he's shooting up okay okay where's a better spot the top plate where that top triangle is yeah yeah just don't get super range but I he always bases appearance that's a farthest they've gotten in a while yeah they are making it further I'm really thinking 109 was the golden pick maybe 110 but I think we're gonna be sick we're definitely getting through 100 I'm pretty sure although I guess Wayne 99 has reinforced DDT's oh man no way there is no way no way okay Wow hardly though that was crazy so wave 99 has reinforced DDT's are those gonna be a problem yes little bit Punk's you got room you can get sort of tonight no Zach we got rid of them we had to delete them the integrity of the challenge was that hand today Cordy well it technically already broke the challenge so sorry got a refill see for fight you know when you were gone we made many jokes Steve about how you make these child is more difficult than they need to be right boy oh yeah play just cuz yeah Steve likes to make these challenges more difficult than they need to be Oh always he's gonna look at his little twist to it that's completely unnecessary see it's not you guys want to replicate people and then you want to say that you can have six of them there's no no six Johnny Depp's out there Steve I don't care how much you you do I'm not doing balloons all standing on my head also if people missed that one particular episode of your effort saying that was the most confusing thing you've ever said I don't know what you're talking about all right two more ways the rat wave 100 we're already struggling we are struggling a bit here it's not gonna be pretty I think we'll crush the first ba-dee but as the biddies get more and more health or we're gonna get destroyed multiple be IDs is the worst also let's see how we fare against these reinforced DDT's that are about to come in if we make it your star you making it that comes next wave I would be shocked if we didn't win this wave here okay maybe we are wow section they're getting they're moving they're getting it all on the track quite far okay I think we're gonna be fine though we'll survive this wave but it might be might like just barely wow wow wow yeah we'll survive well wait there's two more this is crazy how we did it awesome stuff oh there goes oh we're about to see for our first hand nice all right come on at least be wave 100 yeah oh wow it's already taking damage show unit things they just get rekt yeah that's not even that was just a joke Wow whoa Jerome do me a favor see how many balloons that thing is BOTS oh my gosh only 1.4 million only he needs more where do you him oh wow wow look at these reinforced DDT's boogying wow we lost 101 Wow wait let me just try one more time just want to see it oh the powers from when we lost oh geez uh well I mean either way it they weren't gonna stop about old thing man I cannot believe Wave 101 we were all terribly wrong but at least we beat wave 100 with it that was the ultra boosted elite defender please help us get on trending hit that like button
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 379,968
Rating: 4.966701 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: 5za_ea0QPWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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