Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Path Obstacle Challenge | JeromeASF

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well today's gonna get messy and blues tower-defense because we're doing the pets obstacle challenge which basically means we have to throw all sorts of crazy stuff for the tracks and try to stop all the balloons now I know you're probably thinking of you're a fan of the channel drill you did this exact same thing as the road hazard challenge no more than like two months ago and you're right sorta this time around we're doing these a little bit different is it like last time allowed ourselves get banana farms or any other money generating source we're throwing it out the window on top of that we're also changing things up because this challenge allows us to get ninja towers stay little challenge oh the ninja challenge so long as they have caltrops their spikes are throwing the tracks we're allowed to go ahead and upgrade it any which way we see fit it'll get around 100 what I do know for sure is that you guys are awesome they see you oh we managed it trending again with our good old balloons they're absolutely amazing thank you so much please hit that like button to help us get 10,000 likes again to make sure we keep on hitting the trending page roam do we even know what towers were doing uh yeah of course we do Vale mr. engineer going the bottom route by myself this bike factory going the bottom route we will agree and various factory things oh you missed your chance or glue man you're eating glue out here today I'm not you're eating glitter I refuse I am NOT doing it yeah yeah yeah yeah I call ninja hey alright well let's get your ninja down remembered blade as you always say placement is key Oh spot dude Oh No who just extended this video length by 20 something minutes who do you think Oh Steve why are you like this because you may be the glue gunner is your favorite snack place place place Bloo I'm not so the glue butter has to go to the bottom root blade you only have to get your caltrops of bottom root not that you shouldn't consider doing that anyway because precisely you could also just get caltrops and go the top root Foley or the middle root Foley kind of balls in your court and terms of the engineer veil you have to go to the bottom root and the spike factor could go any route but I feel like I'd be dumb not to go to the bottom hurt so imma get them permanent I think we could do this inspired why do we have to glue Gunners down just slowing it down that much more Steven why are you like this you could a supply would be to get a spikes Mac 3 or a spikes Mac 3 or a spikes Mac turi or I could have to glue Gunners with curse of glue so that it male is the not-so-hidden very in-your-face gem of this group you know hidden not so hidden who cares hey thanks Steve yeah no problem here we go cool all right let's keep popping them all so the engineer is gonna be super powerful you you're in for quite the treat there of a locust Maximus jr. I'm getting all the traps dude I know Vail cos Maximus jr. ah thank you for recognizing my bottom when the top also put stuff down because this is the path obstacle and the center charts are off the path time said return is off the path he's got a point I will argue for the middle rail but that's not the challenge right now wait Bob wait how many towers out there put stuff off of the path you have these the temple which spawns a avatar off the path you have the sectors that spawn stuff off the path are there any others like that banana farm spawn stuff off the paths do we just make a challenge a challenge you like a little karate in the garage no but actually though I think we just made a challenge we got to save that idea but Oh mate by the way everyone keep suggesting your child is down below always good to see them that's how we found this one so Jerome you got to call it the pedestrian challenge what about the off-roading challenge oh that one's better oh let's keep making up names that are better and better and better well is there anything else that drops things off the tread that care packages from the elite sniper which also includes the helicopter not the the wizard monkeys fire that's on the track what we're off the track we're off the track bud and we already got the Phoenix [Music] thing with the words your yes I opened my bow things happen wow that's did you vomit or did you say what you did alright I am NOT putting things on track alright keep in mind let's will eventually come but oh you got the corrosive blew up there ya go oh if the butter on my head bottom is superglue I don't get it though Oh cuz relentless glue leaves blobs on the track okay I was about to ask I don't get the correlation but now I get the correlation and the super can you set your top guys are strong no wow this is good see your glue it's gonna freeze them up real good all those bow abs so yeah buddy what do you guys think can we get to the big ol wave one hundred can we beat it that's what the challenge is I'm thinking yes but also part of me thinks no we're gonna we're gonna go down in flames 67 yep Wow I hope you're wrong I hope you're wrong too bleh just has an alt name fiery Typhlosion he suggested this challenge oh that's blades alt account yeah okay ninja munkee so played what is your overall strategy you're gonna go all the way bottom route with him or top route now that you have the each answer I haven't decided yet nice I just kind of wanted the extra range here not fair enough well mobile my permanent spikes when I eventually get that battle help carry us because I think those could take a multitude of DDT's right yeah sounds about right pretty sure I think I think each each of those little spikes on the ground can actually take out an entire DDT which is really Opie yeah dude they're like mega mega Oh peace veil when you get the permanent spikes so we got to make sure that I get those by wave 80 because I think it saves up to 10 rounds of spikes they say permanent they're not they last a set amount of waves which I believe is 10 so we're gonna be around 80 then I'll have the maximum amount on the field but wave 92 take out the DDT's sound smart sound good I hope so I came up with this marks Smart's marker thank you did you even just say oh I think we just broke blade yeah I think he broke it too I love you boy blade do we break you it's been a long week it's been it's been you know what it's not even halfway it's only it's only 148th through the decade but it's been a long one guys really has still got nine and three quarters years man and it is a long has been a long decade already I don't like this decade no and that'd just be okay I mean no no it hasn't I was kinda hoping for this decade to be better it's been a rough start to the decade man I mean Steve you're getting a new home I mean I mean literally it in January and January we almost blew ourselves up in February we had the outbreak of the corona virus which is still going on and March we've had the largest stock market collapse almost in history in a single day please we're upin man but he's not treating as well it's okay though we're still here make it balloons could be worse okay power goes out the electrical grid all just collapses like oh god no I'm kidding that's April time with my friends you're right you're right all right well we got the long life spikes then deadly spikes coming up next how long do long life spikes last three rounds is it er a very long life thanks blade can always count on you by we've got some lead slipping through I'll be able to get him worst case but I got that second glue gun er nice nice that's why I did to watch mom I can get them I mean I think we're doing all right you're gonna need your flash bomb for camo LEDs but I don't know I feel like everyone just keeping your money and doing your own thing like veil getting balloon trap that'd be cool Steve you can get your Moab glue that'd be cool I'll just keep saving money for deadly spikes I mean the only one to have ammo up show up stuff I feel ready do you not feel ready for this I mean y'all ready for this BRR BRR BRR BRR prep prep for that Brett Brett Brett pop pop pop pop pop oh it was so easy yummy spikes are stacked up there too like that was there like we are so in this room that's because this is optimistic Jerome yeah turn it around I'm used to panicking loud noises screaming Jerome all of the trap well I'm never gonna pop anything again get him you got him you can do this look at Mike so much money I'm no longer getting all right that's how it works door not popped you just get the money okay we'll get all those balloons oh no all right we got to start getting smart so I'm gonna go ahead and put down my thingies off the track here that way yeah you know aren't cheating technically so we spent pretty much all the money that it gave us back so now what everyone do we have 50 hundred dollars I can get deadly spikes wet can wash up all their ability you really think flash bomb will say not only am I gonna be able to do stuff two more LEDs and ceramics but I want to send on their ego alright if you think that that's gonna be the game changer there's all of our money how much do you have left eight hundred bucks no one get anything all right played if you're sure about this I really hope you're right worried where's optimistic to Rome he died when we died he died with her own death a lot smoother than the last that was shocking actually I cannot believe that just happened all right way to go blade yeah I don't know why you don't listen to me more often I like how my guy shoots his glue on the stuff and then he turns his back to him just like I that's fine all right so what do I do next do we want to go ahead and get I mean what do we want relentless glue allows you to get everyone glued up Steve relentless glue slows them down even more from four-blade fail to be able to bit more all right so do you should we all tag-team for him to get it or what do you guys want to do or is there something more valuable out there you think I mean you're deadly spikes are pretty important on be honest all right I'll I could save up for mine unless you want to pass me some mone whichever you want I don't really care here you go I have a bunch of money oh and now all we need is perma spikes well printer spikes always 25,000 I thought they were like 24,000 no I think they've always been 25 five Wow oh well I mean once we get that we're gonna be so set it's gonna be awesome but it is a lot of money to get there all right so I have $1,000 ooh okay what do we what is our big goal here for for stuff I know I'm gonna suggest something and then blades gonna immediately disagree with it so let's here blade suggestion first blade what do you think that we should do with our money I don't have any suggestion that we're pretty good to get whatever at this point what do you think about all teaming up to get I could get Apple ooh sabotage and slow things down more but I was gonna say sperma saying thanks bike strap my idea was perma spikes what do you think you want to save up for that I've thousand and oh oh man I mean I don't know if you don't think it's a good idea like we're gonna need the money way sooner than that because things are getting the money tomorrow well it's not gonna help us at this exact moment okay who's got an idea for money expenditures at this exact moment bleh but get them get em bud we're gonna lose again more shinobi tactics you can always balloon Jitsu every night Eddie we're not dead we're gonna die eco pretty die yeah we died all right we're not giving up yet so let's throw all of our money to the side that we have there we go see we're learning our lessons here so there we go so just delete the money you gained from that unfairly alright alright this is good this is good you guys I'm gonna put down a mortar monkey that shoots himself in the head perfect alright so now you have all that do you think this is gonna be the big difference maker yes shinobi tactics instead of sugai no I gave you a five hundred in case you can get another upgrade and you think Shido be Texas's into this the flash bombs is better well I already have flash bomb okay what with more snow attacks they're gonna be attacking even faster alright let's see what happens here we go come on we can't give up we can't give up I don't care what happens no quitters oh man look at us go now see if it does need to be wiser see that's the thing everyone we don't mind when we lose continuing on so long as we don't use the free money that it gives us that way it's fair and it's fun and it also just shows that you know you shouldn't give up even when times get tough right Steve yeah buddy yeah buddy yes Steve Steve so what do we want more of not gonna lie I totally thought that my microphone was muted there cuz you guys just kept saying yeah Steve do we want to get blade more of those or doing one perma spikes I mean how does it say over sticky ball this time but okay should we get me Perez we can get you primer spikes will be good beside quick before I buy another blue strip perma spiked parma spikes cool unless you think that fails making a lot of money that's fine it's fine yes please purpose bikes fail okay here you go you're really feel confident that that is the racket my relentless glue yes the being your relentless and asking you can get nothing yeah of course I think it's a good towel a good tower up great I really do Roland's clue is nice and and plus it's very tasty it's not tasty don't eat glue okay so I have six thousand dollars out of the meet at twenty five so I'm like a quarter of the way there almost is that all yeah what's the worst that could happen blade with blades ability to knock the balloons back to the beginning the glue is also landing off the track occasionally oh wow off the track challenge I've actually never seen that it's actually very funny I didn't know that it would do that it makes sense though that's just goofy more blue and trap oh my gosh it now more balloon trap no problem Belle's gonna be so rich by the end of this it's not easy you know share and you guys mind passing some cash that's what bailiffs do ten grand did anybody else not understand a word that the intercept yeah that's most things he says don't worry about those things he speaks the crab people language I was yawning I speak the tired people language ah so Millennials yeah and whoever yawn during a balloons because it's so exciting yeah okay oh the capital lights are we prepared for it and it looks like that's a big resounding yes sir Rooney wow that was awesome really all right so we're actually right on it now we're only four hundred dollars away from getting permanent spikes which is gonna be absolutely game-changing so there they are and these things will see they're not actually permanent they last for ten rounds and they are insanely powerful it doesn't tell you the exact amount for the buff but I can assure you I'm those things I'm like quite positive pop an entire DDT all to themselves which is just wild wacky so we're gonna get some really good old pops in but now what do we do with the rest of the money I mean now we have permanent spikes I think I'm useless and I'm happy to supply hook anyone do you think more shinobi tactics blade do you think getting you a master bomber do you think Steve you're super I mean maybe not your super glue but what do you guys think does that mean I can't have super glue means that your super glue doesn't hit DDT's yeah I said it does no it doesn't you don't see camos we have flash bomb which is okay I have to okay what do you guys want to do with the money I'm gonna say either more shinobi TARDIS for now and then getting potential tier 5 if not definitely the XXL trap xs-xxl trap is so sick I kind of want that well we get enough money and you think Oh doubt it want to go for it just make it a little wacky we can track you with it let's do it let's do it which one do you want the XXL trap for the very front gobble gobble gobble well I figure after blades okay okay fine mr. science yeah I guess the last guy will do last guy that way we have a better scope of like well how things are going because you put the front it's like oh look things are going great and then when they pass you go god is over so maybe it's better to put them at the end and that way we don't many false expectations about it right yeah yeah yeah oh oh nice you got a fourth trap okay I would stop putting down the money they are wasting the money on those things it just get one to be XSL trap because we're gonna be run on slim margins one gram yeah I was just I was just gonna put it on this one at the end right over here so kind of in the middle of the map all right wise sounds good and look at us go oh geez oh geez this is gonna be a breakthrough Oh hold it yes God we left too soon we need a new plan well unfortunately Steve lagged out but it's okay we still got played at Vail and right now what we did was blade went ahead and got balloon sabotage on that one I'm gonna throw out a spike Factory where do you want it I'm thinking right after your first round of ninjas I'm gonna say honestly yeah either they're okay or they're okay I'll do in the second option all right so I'm gonna put that down boom right there and for this one obviously we need lead but I'm gonna be going the Moab shredder root as well as the carpet of spikes root and hopefully we can get to use that ability combined as well with blades balloons sabotage ability let's see if we can survive this bad boy I'm thinking we can but I think it's definitely be a very close one here we go though boom that's gonna make a big difference a huge difference it bought us some time too because keep in mind my permanent spikes entire like army it's it's gone its entire army of spikes is just completely decimated which is really not good at all but could call guys I think we made the right call getting this corporate spikes there we just dunk on that round yeah that was that was actually super super good say look guys don't give up just because things are going difficult you could still pull through you just gotta use your brains and work hard right guys yeah right yeah Sports Steve you're not in this anymore go Steve what's your favorite sport here sport ball I like sport ball - what's your favorite sport to play Steve Burt ball I like all would point yeah ball sport well sport ball is where you get points with ball point yeah craft handcrafts right boy I got nothing man I'm just making that's when Steve plays imaginary minecraft he goes on the welders to karate chops trees to get logs and it was a Super Bowl he just pulls out his shovel starts digging looking for Jimmy Hoffa oh gosh I don't know what to make of that one there we go oh uh oh we're gonna survive we're gonna survive we're gonna survive oh that's rough oh they're gonna like we made it but I think I'm do you guys think I should get another spike storm down uh yeah yeah let me give you money all right I'm gonna put it in the backup spot that you recommended blade nice I'm almost at another spike storm this is good guys we really surviving strong here I'm proud of us I forgot how difficult 75 was 75 is one of those like yikes waves where things just get absolutely insane we've been playing with opiates hours so often recently we just forget how difficult sometimes these challenges can get these challenges aren't always easy and to be honest we have one tier 5 so yeah we don't always win as well for these challenges which is something to consider these are hard they're very hard but we could do it out here we gonna even have the problem is we have to keep spending our money on lesser towers there let me have time to get at tier 5 again yeah cuz I would really like to get master bomber if anyone's got any drover oh my gosh the permanent spike saved it again yes koplow being able to use this more often is super good I'm worried about DDT's now yeah I'm just happy we can keep on using that if we can get me to 34 grand to get master bomber hear me out would it be worth be putting another one of those in the front because of my web shredder spikes probably but I probably amigas that way his traps can work cuz his traps aren't catching half night eggs I don't know if it's worth on sell but the second one that you placed yeah oh yes the third one at this point I would sell that and move that to the front oh here you go blade take this money there we go I mean it's something once that gets the moai be shredder I mean I think that'll help out I hope at least and maybe we'll do L definite have all the DDT rounds a bit look I'm not gonna lie I know the challenge said 100 I'll be happy if we could beat round 90 with this that I think will be a surprise in and of itself look at that all good and with that blued sabotage ability played we got to appreciate that that's a good move buddy yeah it doesn't last that long but it you know it's something oh gosh I hope you get that ability again school down here money well here we go Oh still cool tell is it lagging or what I mean we're gonna smile yeah do you have the anymore money that you can give me for another spike storm why is it laggy so severely I got 9 grand but I think it's really important that we get master bomber ok I agree then blades a smart guy cuz slick moving at one frame a second for everyone else it's all the glue honestly I was about to say it's a glue that is literally hitting every single balloon and then as soon as the balloon pops it puts the globs on the ground causing the lag bro if we crash the impossible challenge I think we might actually break balloons spike storm maybe I literally think we broke balloons or this challenge cool down by now but nope they're still oh my goodness we broke blues [Music] I might be able to use my ability soon who would have thought that throwing I mean I guess anyone I got my ability I almost have my ability I activate slow it down and set one frame a second one free its Frodo I activate my ability I moved again we got a framer getting one frame every 10 seconds oh it's not responding for me you're on your own Jerome no no I'll get in the circle I'm getting the Refresh circle of doom oh my god wait it moved again we got another frame one frame at a time oh my gosh my crying leg is your game it really is I the timer for reconnecting is not even their way it's as we close programmer wait to respond 8 wait to respond you know I'm on not responding well give it came back did it come back yeah yeah for a second for one frame and that's gone again the worst part is even if it comes back my immediate thing is I'm gonna use my spike storm the challenge that wasn't meant to be I didn't think it'd be this hard nope yeah this happens every time we try and do with too many things challenge wait something's happening it's loading I'm getting the Refresh thingies of doom this is a good good size as a change of pace yes yes yes yes mad blues is not responding well that's an episode everybody [Music]
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 316,455
Rating: 4.9576507 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: GltSFaMFJbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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