Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player LORDS ONLY Challenge | JeromeASF

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well today a challenge came across our desks that was a little obscure and difficult at first glance it looks easy it's called the Lord challenge where you can use the glaive for the Phoenix for pirate Lord that apparently the economy Lord to be that one's just kind of made up but hey I'll take it banana farms are always welcome but the reason that this wood is so hard to get to level 100 is because just with these three towers attacking at the same time you need a time your abilities nearly perfectly literally perfectly or else is not gonna be doing on top of that to be able to afford those tier fives it's not gonna be pretty early on so huge thank you to boom this guy right here for coming up with challenge I called boomerang guy okay boomer okay I won't be bored I don't want to be a boomer okay okay Matt Matt's a Boomer Hey alright Phoenix Lord okay why did you pick this man what I mean want to pick this man it's a great map for it cuz think about it if Matt okay boomer oh geez alright where well that was a horrible okay let's restart I call Phoenix Lord I like the Phoenix look alright call glade Lord because I already did it they don't use okay okay oh oh what alright fine Steve you really I mean I gotta get the banana farms going right I get a greedy old Steven God that lag though I know right the immediate lag there you go greedy Steven oh wow you already could afford a farm off the bat yes there's a great news also good placement on everyone's part too I love it cuz Matt your glades are gonna be able to hit all around the side of the tracks right next to you my guy right here with Dragon's Breath can loop around almost to the start and a little bit to the sides oh my god yeah you didn't have an option in the matter pretty much this was the only viable one yeah alright not much not much you can do with that oh I definitely want monkey sense eventually got to hit those camos don't I yeah that's gonna be importante now Vale you with pirate lore I would say it crows nests that way you could hook the DDT's yargh yeah garg sorry my throat's a little sore cool so we have two people that we doing that then this is now do I want to get fireball first or I guess it doesn't matter cuz the camera's not coming for a while anyway so we should be fine famous last words crosnes also extends my range so I can hit everything cleanly in that entire area oh good well you actually have a huge range yeah Wow oh yeah Wow wowie yeah I was gonna say Vale those bales buccaneer is just insane right now I mean like I would definitely recommend getting yourself the grapeshot ASAP though yeah it's my next thing good old grape shot for me I want to get monkey sense eventually but it's like it's like 500 bucks total it's not really a big deal although wall Oh actually wall fires kind of my favorite though I like save up for wall fires that I know dude it is a very for 765 bucks I challenge someone to find something just as effective I actually think it might be the most bang for your buck in the game if you think about it for 7 or 65 bucks yeah the wall of fires are really good they can definitely hold you out for a lot of rounds that's for sure oh yes oh yeah that's how we I love how we have you at the front so you can take out leads with wall of fire - yes I know that's what I'm saying we just had the perfect layout here like this is this is great and really great it's great Oh who's lagging out here who's Bilbo Baggins I see what you did there ha what do you think you are mr. Lord of the Rings or something boom there we go we've done this challenge why we never I don't know we never really thought of it obvious yeah yeah we get suggested some people suggest as challenges all the time I got all platforms I'll talk like all my videos even videos that aren't blues tower-defense videos in discord we get messages on Twitter about it we get comments on these guys videos about it yeah it's true Dan's at midnight hey man you should do this and blue dude I'm serious but it's also I love the enthusiasm we had tons of cool suggestions though it definitely helps out to like well the community is so great yeah it makes it easier on us so that we don't have to think of all the challenges yeah our brains aren't very big around here dropsies got the biggest brain but you know yeah my brain is small shriveled and dry yeah mine looks like one of those like really spicy peppers you always start to dry up and they look like oh yeah yeah smoke Dan shows yeah you just say smoke to anchovies and chope f-first who's Anne Joe who's playing the banjo and Rose playing the banjo whoo Angele no banjo Lee okay this is getting out of hand guys we need well I got uh my monkey cents so I can now hit the camel when it comes in and then wall fires soon to follow I'm about to get crow's nest so is that monkey census and you're thinking like a monkey or monkey census and they're giving you money Steve yes what it's an honest question grapeshot reaches beyond my range even yeah it does it's really Oh Pete grapeshot hey you have such a great spot dude I'm pretty happy about this we all like I just can't get over how perfect this is it's beautiful things are getting pretty far I'm starting to get a little worried though well I am I wall fires in two hundred dollars so I'll be able to yeah very soon I'll be able to help us out and I've got hot shot coming up all right shot hit me with ink and also pretty cheap after hot shot so and keep in mind Matt this next thing is glaive ricochet which is awesome possum awesome possum it is awesome possum oh we've got a bear Oh God wait what yeah sales boats on fire oh no well yes actually bad planning why is your boat on fire and voila fire nice nice nice nice easy we're gonna head what well that's game-changing okay I mean let me go just like take care of some business whoa yeah good good job saving up all that cash over there Steve I got boomerang monkey up the brook shake leaves farms do you think I'm gonna need here you're you're good you're very good it's not that much and once you've got them super early like vales pirate Lord upgrade of which we probably should look at getting monkey our monkey pirates are thirty eight hundred and his pirate Lord of seventeen thousand only this challenge so I can't stress enough everyone how difficult it is not so much now but waves 93-95 if we don't time it I'm talking like perfectly and even then we don't know confirmed but I'm pretty sure free time it perfectly will be able to beat it but otherwise no go these abilities have to be on target on point yeah on fleek yeah Matt your turn yeah yeah yeah all right so do you want me to give money to Vale so that he can get his pirate Lord monkey pirates that would help us get to wait 40 but if you think it'll hinder your you know whatever I mean of course it'll hinder my growth cuz it's like three thousand eight hundred twenty-five dollars I'm not getting the state or money for now I think we'll be able to beat the first Moab I really do yeah okay you say so I mean that's a lot of track yes to go in a thousand dollars I had Moab Gleaves so if you wanted to give me that Steve I can buy it that's more Gleaves like mohab well it's funny because you're not the first person I think it was blade but someone else so let us say that exact same thing once well it's also confusing because the fourth tier of the bottom route is of no ad press fair very fair hey Steve yeah what if I give you my money for now and you just use it to boost your farms Vail twelve thousand dollars I think you should hold on to it and stuff you're being too nice fail that's my whole thing dude I'm see if you wanna good wait no you don't have to give me money I'm gonna have enough to get I'll have Dragon's Breath just in time for this Moab nice there we go yeah look at that we don't need your money around here let me we're gonna stand a chance okay kids we don't need Libby's money alright that's good Matt don't hit home oh my gosh I forgot he did that once I would never do that well all right I just need 34 grand and I maxed nice geez drum you're a freaking eunuch absolutely and I understand dude to you Nick absolute unit I feel like me getting some in Phoenix is less important than Vail getting his monkey pirates pirates are gonna be much needed yeah oh but then again he's actually gonna be able to get that zone super close yeah cuz by wave 50s the next time you'll need it okay this is getting a little ridiculous there start spawning the wizard good your wizard is crushing it you're a wizard Jerry you mean it Oh God Oh Oh God I got it I got it I got it Wow way to go veil there we go pirates sayin sometimes we'll get challenges where people are realized that they give us and impossible to do challenge luckily this one that we tested it out beforehand and check to make sure every single thing could be hit because purple camos magics can't hit even if they have site on the camos so luckily though we had the crow's nest but otherwise we didn't have crow's nest it would've been game over not doable challenge not doable man sometimes what people suggest stuff too so we amend the challenges a little bit to make them doable we'll be like all right well you literally can't beat it but if we use a monkey village in order to hit camos then you can or stuff like that I got it I got it baby you gotta get all of these cameras because I don't think Matt can see him yeah Matt can't but we think that who is it that said the glaive Lord I think blade said he thinks the Glee board yeah because it just hits all around and like an AOE blades under the understanding that it could hit why I need 34,000 or 30,000 nice Steve is 20 grand right now no no I'm just talking about oh it's all gone never mind he has took a loan out for that okay it's all gone it's the hawk you wouldn't like him when he's angry yeah just see if you're trying to bait me aren't you yeah the hawk becomes oh geez guy wasn't me that was something absolutely lovely absolutely lovely I want to hear it you used to do the Bacchus slurp what do you mean used to but time Libba gets his money we're not gonna need it anymore we could literally could supply the veil me money or mad money next sorry girl who is it economy Lord you make a decision here I made it the decision was made there you go okay I only need a little bit more money okay here you go ma'am you'll have it literally by like the end of this wave probably or the beginning I asked with you you think there's yeah some more for you send off whatever you don't need over to Vail yeah send it to Vail look at that I can't wait to test to see if that hits the camos or not but that's super cool not bad to A&E Oh gobble gobble gobble gobble and Eve out of the way gobble gobble till the very next day bump bump bump bump got any grapes the jerk lave Lord randomly like sometimes he spins a lot quicker with the I guess when something hits ya okay yeah you look at that it gets all angry will it blend pirate Lord yaryi should have back bedroom nice smell it's left his mind but mine's $51,000 which is I'm not gonna take us all that long no I really won't we'll be fine we're be fine alright zom jeez are coming in hot next round so we gotta get ready for it but I'm not too concerned the DDT's the only real concern always for us way to 85 actually weighed 85 might be a little bit of a challenge to you'll see you'll see but I think Matt's cool Eve Lord really is the hidden Savior like what you haven't seen everyone is when they make it all the way around they hit that glaive Lord wall and just get stopped immediately okay you fold there Darrell yeah you sure your own you should you should upgrade dude oh yeah you're right I got a whole nother upgrade I can get we forgot about the wizard Phoenix Lord yeah oh man I forgot things got it easier there you go Steve you can have your money back now thanks bud tonight tonight I love it got all of it you get as you say you can probably eat in the dark champion even know 200,000 no dark champions the 51,000 oh is it yeah legend of the baby oh man let him go oh dang yeah he's already there I'm sorry ceramics are no joking matter nice what Matt just crushed them Matt you're killing a breath Matt did just crush them well there we go I love the magma phoenix he's so cool that is pretty awesome yeah he's pretty good does a lot of damage yes it does get rid of your Phoenix Lord for the moment yeah so it's like sort of worth it but I like that when you get to your five you always have the Phoenix running around dad is pretty nice it's very cool upgrade I like I'm not gonna lie I'm very worried about this Steve I am too buddy don't you worry there should be an unlimited fine right now but like I'm just very very worried there should be an unlimited game-mode where you can have as many tier 5 s as you want yeah maybe one day it'll at it because they do update this game decently frequently you know yeah like every month or so you get a new tower it's prom I guess they don't have that right now because of the lag I also have muted I didn't realize that I've been talking to you guys oh I missed your voice when the mo I think every time I came to my shredder I was like sure yeah I made a joke about how they called the shredder the shred stirrer and knowledge TMNT turtle power well then Steve's folding water I'm folding water that what you just said mmm-hmm how do you hold water you answer that for B Steve well those bulbs just died yeah the war's just gonna ignore this man's comment about how he told me I was folding water yeah what's wrong with that from folding some water you guys ever twist the bottle up till the pressure built up and then wet and then pop the top off of it yeah yeah it makes it very loud noise though several gets mad at you oh my gosh these songs their homes that is so powerful as soon Baylor's just got oh there's one come on pirate Lord can only take one of them at a time one of the Psalms God look at this go oh my God look at that we got them okay two more waves until the gory don't do duties this is going good I'm pumped I'm pumped learn if Matt's ability actually gets to help out with the DDT's yeah I'm not sure yet get this on the air there I'll just I'll lead all that force oh geez a lot are reinforced coming through that is a lot I think we got it I mean Matt metal shred those easy though no not easily all right I'll use the don't worry I'll use the Phoenix Lord I got this one okay I was holding off on it cuz I didn't know if I would have it in time for 90 but clearly we got bigger issues at hand here so there we go yeah but if you use it now you're not gonna have it for 90 oh this one could go on for a second yes peeve I actually almost have it back already believe it or not I'm gonna be able to use it on 90 so there we go see everyone as you all know if we fail the challenge we're happy to continue it back in if we know that it was oh forgot veil could just gobble them but we know that we could potentially beat them if we had just played differently ourselves that we always hit the continue button because well you know that this one's on me cuz I accidentally called in my Phoenix at the end of that round when I thought I needed it but then bail had them I wouldn't even lose though there we go we're good nevermind I apologize for nothing okay nothing miss I apologize for nothing I was right you were wrong did I this wave was not looking pretty right there those it's weird that reinforced Moab's are that strong but these really are no no don't you start this game with us bones I'm looking at you don't you just get off me don't go breakin my heart would someone from the balloons team has seen us complained about the leg a very high chance I talked with one of the guys from overs ninja kiwi did you I do talk with him yeah yeah very high chance in fact I would almost say it's a 100 percent chance but I know we love their game yeah I've been playing bloons tower defense games on my channel probably says like 2011 or 12 as the earliest one I had just a case ok cool the glaive ward hit him yeah the claim floored actually did hit him and that was pretty game-changing now 95 is the big kahuna guys that's where everyone's got to be perfectly timed we got to be looking fancy you gotta wear your best clothes you got you know your Sunday specials got a smile you got yeah brush hey you guys got a beat 94 first yeah yeah this is Yap Phoenix I do but I don't want to use it all right I mean I don't I yeah that's very unfortunate that means it was an ill-timed one I'm not gonna have it for a night oh wait 95 but I will have a good time because the moab doesn't hit for a little bit here oh god oh god oh god so caval your unit male you're are you to get the shredder we got a shredder there you see that I thought I hate before it's everything yeah there we go ah come on come on will you beat 95 oh my god we did it yes let's go 99 is coming I know we could do his challenge yes I know we could do it Steve you're doing amazing right now Steve my surfboard can hit camos yeah I think your clave Lord Ken Matt I think you're correct I think his main attack can't hit him like what he throws them out like right now but if they go into the shredder yeah they're shredded exactly I could blend a moment waiting if Steve a Dark Lord just for fun $202,000 I gave him 25 grand fails got 37,000 on him lost him like wow I did not think that was gonna happen so I didn't even call my well I mean we need to lose so still though this is 97 is it 97 or 98 that more DDT's come in 99 is reinforced DDT's I think that it might have DDT's but 99 is reinforced oh you can eat a reinforced zone apparently you're a hungry boy aren't you I can eat anything to do all right Oh waiting for more to appear okay that's enough on screen yeah yeah I can't I can't pull that many too easy I'm very afraid of these DDT's coming up I really I mean I think my grapple is gonna be up oh geez oh geez oh geez oh geez oh geez oh geez Wow no I'm refusing to believe for losing at 98 we're trying it again we're running the back team you ready then I called it in a little early but that way by the end of the waves time I could call it in again yeah we're not giving up on 98 no way nohow CIL's Oh God okay where is it we're in still no all right all right hold on why could I do this I don't care less monkey buddy we're spending we're gonna beat this challenge their immediate call it in and then I'm gonna be able to spam it like I just keep my finger on the trigger there come on nails your trigger finger ready yeah yeah fire fire fire oh no oh no oh no no no I know how to beat this you okay we're doing it again then run it back can you can you target weakest I mean with your grapple thing like can you target that the small Moab's first instead the big ones with the big ones move so yeah you put on structure my visibility just put it on first yeah I mean it's been on first hey Dora I have another a week I have another idea I have another idea you ready wait a little bit before you do yours I'm gonna yeah I'll be able to call it it once but I'm gonna wait so they cover everything like I almost see you later Matt like wait now they're like now okay okay and there's the second wave right I don't think so no I don't care we're gonna keep spending money we're gonna get it right guys Libby were limping across the finish line yes all right around 100 I have wasted so much monkey dollars for this challenge we're gonna beat it I'm gonna go monkey broke by the end of this video guys so uh who's got some abilities that was the first I could use of it oh really taking out any of its Jets either okay captain positive no that's not once it pops though Vail could probably scoop up some of them yeah he knew bleep ooh Liam for sure I'm like back to unit maybe wait until they break down to the smaller T I don't know you gotta be mega mega ready because that's to shred that thing I'm pretty sure oh my gosh not even know proud I'd stop him Oh God oh my no no I got one you got a DDT I saw it we're gonna run it back Jerome it's just not possible or got it run it back Steven Libby if we can't do it this time I'll admit defeat but we're not going down without a fight state drum how do you feel about just like if we're spending monkey bucks I just put a little totem down no oh boy a bot no we can't we can't well I don't know I've mine a little late for that mine thing oh jesus put them oh my god Steve no I think we actually might be able to do this yeah we can we can do it we can do it we can do this guy's look I literally don't even have a tower like let me just be the mine come on guys come on I can't it's all on you guys I I'm just a passive ability man oh my god no Val you need to be at the ready yeah yeah here it comes I don't know guys I don't think it's I don't think we can I think you've wasted enough monkey money I think sadly the Lord challenge has failed us but we did the best we could made it to a 100 honestly I'm proud of us anyway
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 758,316
Rating: 4.9242225 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: RxXAYd4PmQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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