Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Helmets ONLY Challenge | JeromeASF

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well today I blues tower defense we're gonna focus on protecting our heads because we have the helmet challenge and be 2d6 that's right everyone if you count leather protective caps there are four monkeys that have helmets on in the game so in order to be those things I'm gonna be the engineer monkey lady's gonna be the border monkey basically rocking the helicopter in a more supporting kind of role and last but not least we have Matt on the monkey ace who's arguably gonna be one of our most powerful hitters come late games can't we be around with Andre I think so we always do one time oh we didn't make it that one time in 99 and lost around 100 I wanted to cry dude I was so sad there everything possible to do that round will haunt me forever I want to go back on a revisit that challenge and fail again okay so anyway okay monkey ace right off to the bat okay I like the gung-ho nests I'll put down a engineer I guess I guess okay everyone's off to the races then oh good okay coach which tower which way you think would be a very good start for me I'm thinking I'm thinking honestly spec yeah mid were out with that yeah plays a smart pocket by the way he was doing he's hitting right on top my engineer monkey which not only gives me a headache but it also shoots that explosion in all directions around that circle there so he hits a maximum area I'm really just trying to hit you oh yes yes also Steve I'm gonna supply OQ big-time because my thing that I want is if we can get you to have a handful of helicopter supports dropping in care packages you could give us all of our like tier 5 so you could easily get me to my XXL trap you can get Matt to either Apache prime or a pet or not Apache primaries ahead he's a he's a he's a he's a monkey so Flying Fortress maybe even or you get blinked a blue incineration I don't think you're gonna need help getting money drum because if you just go straight balloon trap from the very beginning you're set like you will make money but I want to give you money Steve no that's probably not what my money okay there you go see to be fair getting the balloon shot pretty early will be kind of helpful it's it's very helpful and it's a good in source of income wanna give me your money back I almost feel like that might be the better bet okay well also blade if you go to bottom route by the way I don't know if you remember but shattering shells will removed layers off of different balloons and because of my monkey knowledge upgrade that I have and remove the lead or remove the camo off of DVTs and actually maybe the led to I don't know for sure yes but yeah that could be really massive for us on the flip side of things though most of us will be able to camos anyway but still the point is it's a really powerful attack is better good it tastes very good okay it's very good yeah it does taste very good I like it so what do I want if I get blue and trap - I'm gonna go deconstruction ability or do I want faster engineering probably deconstruction right nail gun shot yeah yeah yeah yeah that's that that's a 10-4 that's a big that's a texas-sized 10-4 there buckaroo oh thank you veil listen you can't be talking about technique without me okay oh my gosh I didn't even know your size ten-four buckaroo I will fight you oh no he will and Bale playing I've seen him do it I pull hair I bite Texas no Texas his bite Steve Texas okay so oh my gosh the blue traps $2,900 I mean yes it compared to yeah that's it like what if inflation hit the Blues world like it did here every year everything was 2% more valuable it was harder the land the land is 2% more valuable oh no soon you have to did you pay your property taxes over there and then they just take away your helicopter pad well if anyone's got $2,500 I will give you my money in just one second and you're sure Steve you really don't want to so after we get my balloon trap can then I start giving Steve my money yes please yeah that's fine thank you thank you that's all I wanted in order for me to start making money germ I need to spend 13 thousand gold whereas you only need to spend 3,000 to start making funny you don't you spend 13,000 yes okay damaged or absent or yeah it's it's a pricey game I always think it's only 6,000 because that's what it is for the sniper monkeys first care package yeah so that's why like just having you already making money from the very beginning I think is very useful okay but then I'm giving you my money I don't want to hear it yes please I'm happy with that actually your money okay we're good yeah luckily we got blades more monkey saving the day saving the day how are you looking on that balloon trap though having a good trap yeah I'm $400 only away okay now I'm like a hundred dollars right now I got it okay cool now hand me your money oh please I need to get pursuit okay can't get a larger surface area my trick is I just stay so quiet that way Steve never notices I have money there you go Steve Matt can I have your money no Matt's also got a very important job here about you do never miss targeting yes that's that's pretty good Steve is it good enough reason not to give you money I wouldn't give you money if I can find any excuse to be completely honest with you Wow all right tell me you know you want to give me money and then you don't want to give me any money so why can't this trap reposition itself put it on the front here let me let me go away so that it starts using your trap I'm too powerful of my own but you're not in your own I'm hitting them with you oh yes I thought it was my mind just exploding the balloons that's that's the noise of my mind capabilities make I'm what they call psycho I mean psychic you got me you made me giggle hahaha I have made Steve Ott laughed I don't like this yeah never gonna make money Jerome yeah I don't think I I think this blue truck is a bad idea I'm just kidding I feel that positioning of the balloon trap was a bad idea but you can't control that order strike so that maybe we'll get through yeah maybe maybe if you don't mind moving I'm just for like two the second doubloon trap to last where will it go it doesn't have that option so you have to set the target from orders no for you the blue monkey to last will remove your bling trap closer I don't I'll try it's not gonna move it - there we go I started firing on the last ones and now it's eating them look at that I also moved my things so that it's not hitting anything there we go get them get them easy all right well we did a good job there so far let's crush the rest of this come on I got downdraft nice work buddy push them back to start I need money take out a loan now they're definitely not getting to Jerome's trap yeah what what don't rap I mean I have to get it so I'm following the mouse right now he's known him down here okay how is this not fold yet this is preposterous hey he's not here I know and that's a city in Texas right there you go final oh my god it's triggered my trap card well there you go Steve I just give you $1,000 buddy thanks pal we're gonna get you that support tune-up and I think honestly Steve I know this might sound crazy but hear me out I would get like straight-up five of those things if I were you yeah I'm cool with that maybe even like six honestly I would just keep going to wave like hello everybody you can put down by wave like 80 I would just do like I really yeah but once you get your first one I'm done giving you money that's fine I got my own bills to pay what you think you thinking bills you think monkey bills are getting back to property taxes oh no we're not putting this up again although Matt I will say you were right from the Gotham challenge the Joker does pay his taxes III didn't realize there's an actual episode there's an episode where they address yeah he was like I'll mess around he literally says something almost as cool I'll be like man I'll mess around with anybody but I'm not messing around with the IRS and then like all the money was fake and he was freaking out yeah yeah what a good episode yeah really was good what's that enter the Spidey verse it's my second time seeing it but I just remembered how good of a movie it was it is a good movie Steve I gave you enough money by the way yep does it just keep pausing for some people yes no sniff eat round it like is very slow mo and I'm not sure why yeah I don't know what that's about but it makes me kind of uncomfortable what when he was tab down oh that was me I was buying beep BOTS okay that's not tabbing out there now the game I mean yeah that's tabbing in all right I haven't had that at all Steve you're finally gonna start getting us some care package money I'm so ready why did this thing not trigger it there were movements to spectra nice theorem like that I mean spec I want fourth of the way to spectre inspector good and I could save up for balloons XXL trap but I don't think I'm gonna be able to get it on my own so maybe my best fit would just be given living more money I lied to you here you go Steve get you me more care packages get more care packages Steve will do buddy more more more more oh man you're actually you're gonna be getting there soon enough yeah between me and you Steve will be able to keep getting you money let's keep up the good work I'm interim you could put more engineers down you could put more balloon traps down one closer to the beginning so it triggers more often I mean if that's what you want you just don't like increase money oh we are going to get to the point where we're gonna need more things to pop all the things okay Jerome I'm gonna laugh so hard when he puts a trap in front of your other trap I'm gonna be very upsetting I'm gonna be very upset if that happens Steven Olivia I don't even understand why you would put him there you said towards the front of it where were you somewhere else I just said put another monkey down I said where would you like it to go I thought that was a fine placement just now curious wherever it wears better guys if everyone gives me their money I can get Specter see where I put see where I put the robe oh yeah if you do that though what if the trap ends at the end of everything it's not going yeah what do you mean put it how do you know it's not going to what does that even mean I kind of like you're strapping there though to be honest because it gives us time to pop the big balloons before they get to the balloon trap well I mean it doesn't have to be a trap or does it it could have been like top one why are you guys so confusing there we go I now have a trap we now have 410 lives there we go see look at all of the money's now oh my gosh that is some good cash although them being camo is not pretty beautiful all right get us another care package online buddy another care package online we're gonna go for five or six or just keep going till 80 probably five I'd say I'm just gonna keep going forever eventually I'm gonna need the money Steve well I mean that's not my problem I'm kidding and there you go Steve I gave you more monies thank you all right I'm only ten grand away from spectre-2 of you having two of these traps is pretty awesome that was a great idea I could agree with you I'm picking up what you're throwing down you know Matt's been busy busy saver I know I'm just trying I can't can't a little Libby why not well because you're probably gonna first give your money to Jerome and then you'll probably buy yourself more care packages even though it's like round 90 and then it will happen look man I'm listening to what the boss man is telling me to do our weights been very quiet yeah blade I don't like this he's like planning something I was just telling you what to do like five minutes ago he's playing played the boss man blades like you know five minutes ago in this 15 minute long recording see what I did there no I don't like you sometimes Steven I need less than $1,000 and I'll have the third shouldn't have a Q problem Steve don't worry Steve I'll help you wait art room think about what he said to you earlier oh that's true yes Steve are you actually not gonna give you money of course I'm gonna give you money okay and I guess you can have some dollars not many though there you go Steve me Andy Bell thanks bud this is going swimmingly this is going swimmingly how many of these do you want me to get do you won five I think five is the magic number and then after that point just start supply hooking literally any of us really I would like blue and XXL trap because I can actually pick up DDT's in that and quite effectively to I can fit a lot in there all right do the Moab's when they hit my trap does it destroy the trap entirely no no disguise over it oh because they keep disappearing as soon as they hit it I don't know if you notice there's other balloons that are behind them okay cash cash-for-gold yarder I know it's happened but my money is really slow down ah I started by finding it from absum they're not popping so he's the only one getting the money and we're not oh really that's awesome action is it multiply it in the trapper as the trap not actually make you money this is a trap but if it takes it from you guys like as a net hole or regaining or no uh I don't know I used to be getting mad money I'm getting like nothing now that's good of the trap because drums we're not we're not getting the money from popping up they're not popping drugs getting the money from the trap once it's full and then I give it all to Steve bought me more Steve bought so you know that's a minus on total profit I don't know well Steve's Network question is the cash don't worry guys how much oh man Steve you must be making an insane money around now with that for care packages yeah it works out really really well because it's like a thousand per when Oh No - that one was two thousand five hundred oh my goodness yeah buddy that's the the max is around 2500 yes it's going that's for sure all right Steve Matt what'd you get an inspector you're gonna be such a unit dude do you want that money for Spectre once I get this last one and then start shoveling money you're wagering for the I feel bad because apparently I stopped that for making money it's a wine and so we just whispered unit I'm fine with it I just just keep in mind I haven't gotten a tier 4 Tower yet I afford my own tier 4 so I haven't spent a dime we're giving a dime oh my goodness that's crazy I think he's just not making a lot of money from popping the balloon the bobbins Oh Steve you already have your file okay yeah everybody I'm sending everything over to Matt yeah buddy don't worry Matt we got your back buddy all right Spectre will be here soon Inspector Gadget nectars here Flying Fortresses $90,000 so I don't think that's gonna happen but just cuz I know blades very opinionated he's gonna get mad at me which of mine would you like to be the XXL trap blade whichever one you like I'm gonna do the one around the circle I'm cool with that I think that's a good call I'd probably have done the first one because then it's always the worse you thought I like to argue I'm not arguing I said you can do whichever you like Matt I'm gonna lose it well I will always plot on the closest part of the track it touches then how that works willed what do what what you can't care packages the trap it seems like it just touched up yeah it seems like they touch the closest part of the trap that the monkey engineer is touching mm-hmm okay so that's true I was just asking that's you know a thing or not to thing that is the question a thing you know I'm really not sure though I'm also wondering getting these special operations would be worth it at some point eventually I think it'll be worth it but also I don't know the silent the silent but not so silent I guess in some ways MVP the rat it's definitely those mortar monkeys from Blade those things are just blow everything to shreds they doing pretty good I need 30,000 more dollars for this balloon XSL trip we're getting you there bud also don't do it somebody rise if you don't pick it up I don't like that what do you mean the money Roth's so if you don't pick up your care packages the money just rots away really yeah we've got 10 waves till DDT's pretty much so just selling send me 9,000 so I'm get shadowing show ah yeah Steve do you wanna just stop giving me money until Blake gets that yeah that's fine how much is it 9,000 all right well here's 5,000 okay that's close thank you I happen to get like three care packages as soon as he asked for the money give me the money I need more money money money throw-ups wrong person Matt could you send that money over to the blade yes there's seven show never money got it if we supply hooked Rome with all the rest of our money he'll be very close yeah we just needed to get um blade shattering shells you know that was a lot of cash that just came in Steve oh man over there guys were basically they're the X X X X L trap is so good I love that thing xxx XL trap let's go I'm not on them all right who do we want to get the money to next all right 91 thousand for Flying Fortress that is a ton of money I think your special operations honestly Steve I wouldn't mind finished my waters telling them to be cheaper then special proper a shoes for twenty five thousand oh I think you're talking about mats maybe get Steve your Special Operations and then we just give it all the blade that might be the smart one that might be the smart way to do this we're gonna win this challenge guys we're gonna win with just these towers oh for sure I think we can do it not the songs can Maya XXL trap eat the songs I believe so I think it eats everything but the be a DS exactly there's nothing more of a waste of an ability than getting a care package after you have a thousand lives you get four hearts yeah I know right it's so annoying why stay why are you not buying your thing I did good but a good however it's on auto as well so like he's just gonna drop down whenever he feels like it I mean that's fine right I mean it'll it'll shred him it does a lot I've seen those things drop down and get like over a hundred thousand pops while they're alive for that like 10 second period yeah he crushed it he just dropped and I exploded their own oh yeah that's crazy all right who we giving our money to now that I have special popper Asians way to come play a special bladder ations oh my tier 5s combined there's probably still less than mass alone yeah I just gave you $10,000 played also good ready there's another Center comes the date ages they got cobble crushed yep absolutely crushed there you go blade here's more money the biggest one you got the biggest one look at that nuke that you wouldn't absolute no what are you doing next plate Oh popping are you gonna get the balloon centration nice save your buddy's rotting okay I lost my mouse it was on the screen actually no it's on my other monitor what a monkey farmer in that area he'll pick them up oh yeah I forgot about that yeah but they're on pursuit so they're always moving yeah but they're not really getting much further than that top left-hand corner do you think does it really pick them up for me this why do I feel like we're gonna crush this challenge with such ease as I said guys he will was just lost I need that popping a little bit sooner oh my gosh that was horrifying and wait 95s coming - guys are we ready for this I don't know Blaine I'm gonna keep giving you more money just make magic happen dude you got the blues every last one yeah for blue incineration one it twenty thousand to go and I'll be able to get my last tier 5 here's 1700 guys I'm scared oh this is 95 yeah here they come how many in the XXL try way activating oh my gosh wait here's my money take my money it's not gonna make a difference now get ready never stop oh my gosh how did we survive that how did we survive that alright better special popper Asians dude right at the end dude i he actually my heart was pounding there oh my gosh I just bleh we're gonna get you more we need that blue incineration oh my god almost there there's a couple hundred oh my gosh played played played here you go here you go yeah I did we just give the rest of money to Matt for another Specter we might be able to get one more Specter down right maybe yeah maybe all right Matt there you go buddy I'll give you whatever I can get my hands on Matt okay Steve you have ten grand yeah it all just came in go it there you go Lani going oh wait blade can you send that over send it all to Blake there we go that get a set Specter dude no alrighty I really hope this works out guys wave 99 is here are we ready are we ready for what's about why is it like super slow for everyone else yes yes I'm getting a frame a second right now oh I literally I I thought that the game was Paul's like you were waiting before the round started his boss is definitely I like One Flew right no it was Paul's oh not for me I was running out like one frame a second there that was weird saying all right the big one here wave one hundred I would just unload your abilities if you can yep palpable oh my gosh I'm like that's concerning yeah it's very concerning I couldn't move my targets once he gets by that corner as well true Matt put another guy down activating build a dam at if you could afford another Spectre I cannot not a Spectre but he has a lot of money no way all right we got every try that we need to retry that all right gentlemen all right hold up hold up hold up timeout we don't need my support drops anymore what if I sold off my helicopter flying fortress something else if you sold off all your helicopter pads that's a fifty sixty thousand plus blade and Matt's money we can get him a Flying Fortress okay actually I I need like two grand because I accidentally sold one of my towers instead of changing his target I'll just give you my money okay if you do that though we can't get Flying Fortress then and yeah but that's my activated ability that's them Steve if you want to get rid of your special operations then formats actually wait XXL trap doesn't do anything anyway I can't I can't eat the Bao yeah you're right you're right yeah I can't get him anyway and that yeah money back I was good or I was gonna say Matt you put down another special needs a thing no he got it already just put some dough down there's gonna Spectre bad come on there we go we're gonna get it now yeah get it rid of my century that was the obvious answer all along right the fortress is god-tier it Sam yeah it's incredibly good but ninety one down we beat the helmet challenge everybody
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 534,084
Rating: 4.9238062 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: cR4489w-zH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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