Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player All Categories Challenge | JeromeASF

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at that time in our balloons tower defense six career so we try out in Papa will move that's right it's a mode off of hard mode that makes it even more difficult one life you can't add any more lives on no matter what tower you have and on top of that towers are more expensive and of course with us you know for a fact we got to make it more of a challenge so I brought my friends along for this awesome four categories challenge where each of us gets one separate category of towers and the other people can't touch it Al's gonna miss support towers straat C's gonna be rocking the military for us blades got our back with the primaries and myself well it wouldn't be the same I couldn't get the knight from the magic towers I'm gonna cry hi pooed myself saying absolutely ridiculous things alright so to start things off luckily we got blade with a dart monkey damn now it's important to note an impalpable mode we're already on round six not pretty dropsy let's give her money to veil as her support man and he's hopefully gonna be able to get a banana so will gave me money I'll take the money there you go veil plop that down I can't believe we're doing a four categories challenge not impossible guys yeah yeah don't forget your farming man alright let's do it here we go oh my gosh sorry alright man I'm gonna keep giving you money bail here you go how about uh this is gum I feel good I savor for increased production you think first yeah I would do that probably maybe I don't know I don't even know who you are gotta first two in the top and then go middle row yep or get it or I you just do first two and then I buy another farm and another farm in another farmer to another farmer to another farmer to another farm and I mean another one don't forget it even veil your monies drop see if you get have you got some leftover pie also I think at some point a really important thing is for me to get a magic monkey in the front which shimmer yes what is yeah you agree cuz I think that would be super smart because they'd be steel yeah I mean that or just get a ninja monkey in the front to peel off the okay man would it work out does appeal DDT's if you go if you combine the counter espionage with like the bottom route for flash bomb yes really that'll work for DDT sent yes interesting as they say either one works really why not both if we make enough money that is but it's all up to the veil no pressure veil but like if you fail we are going to be man well no need no need to rhyme on me dude alright and your sir shouldn't buy another banana farm you should be going the middle route next I mean both strategies can work well whatever you want to do then but just don't make the wrong choice we're all watching you Mike rails house key okay also blade how are we gonna be gonna be able to do this for a long time or do we need to put down other ones she means are getting stuff I mean I'll be able to put down a second primary dart monkeys in okay but shouldn't we worry about other yes no we definitely worry I'm gonna need is that way her panic no disco yes yeah I mean we're at Wave 15 and we only have two dark monkeys so we definitely need some help but I mean I could give you the money I have would fail you get another farm you've madman fine fine I'll get more money twist my arm put it down Vale but gal the farm y'all Yeats thank you sir I've never done impossible votes I'm very terrified and the fact that we jumped by Waverly we didn't practice this at all I've never done it papa motor I don't know about these characters but on top of that we are doing a challenge to make it even harder so I'm like kind of like gonna poo myself maybe I'm on the fence about it I don't really know if that's the right way to do it but I might poop I mean I've done it probable before but never in coop so good which is different it is very different very Circe is a little different there you go I have put down the Magic Man yeah so blade were you saying I need to get banks or I just need to get the valuable bananas and then go Mort don't get too many things like well I I just say to start just get to valuable bananas and then if you decide which way you want to go from there probably just go the top routes not all of them Vail that's what you're asking I would get four farms and then just start going tops mm-hmm it kind of depends if you just if like if he's gonna go to the monkey Bank and not go into IMF loan and do stuff like that yeah because if you go for a loan you're gonna want more than just banks to mitigate the debt also should I start getting my skimming guy or no yes oh but I need fireball for leads otherwise we are due mid yes okay I got fireball broke again the wall of fire would be pretty op2 so I can't afford that look let's um well I work out the lights for us don't worry guys no worries he Happy's I can't be happier shot yet okay drop see I'm panicking out here I know telling you to not stop it I'm hyper populating population overload that doesn't sound like what you think mister it's a balloons popping joke it's a blues popping joke okay okay learn your ABCs ABC it's as easy as Vail two-three dananananana feces one - oh my god Moab's are coming in seven ways proxy you available we're gonna need these about money okay one super monkey will do it that's $3,000 dude just one super monkey thank you hopefully I've got a thousand right now I'm not gonna upgrade anything right now so that we can get the money yeah just one super monkey will do the trick don't worry about the rest how much money do you have okay I'm about to have two thousand that'll be enough to get you yours okay here you go thank you I'm gonna ignore that and by Benjamin now reverse native sir the one time we were like yeah Jerome that's a good idea he doesn't do it the wrong night there we go I can afford it see you guys you're all worried about nothing nothing really huh there we go and look Benjamin now is skimming so we're making twice as much money now think about that all right I should know yeah this you guys think I should do the ace pilot or the heli pilot ace maybe the health inspector I could buy a wall of fire look I can burn things on Benjamin Wow Wow demo app okay so no you get your own yeah now we're gonna make it a lot of money who else has a Benjamin I think I have a Benjamin to you yeah straight up to put him down put him down all right now we're gonna make buddy money whatever okay and the money monster I speak for the trees they say shot me down and make more money I make this guy an arc mage in the front our shed is ignore him forever probably just don't to stop feeding him yeah okay you think so yeah I got my first monkey baked nice do we all have the skimming we all have skimming now Oh birthday money okay we need more money very important what should I upgrade next do you think that arc mage or should i do swap our monkey sorry I'm trying to set mine up stuff always a question swap our monkey know what swap should I upgrade swap her monkey or should I do magic we got some all right so that means one of us gonna take military and considering it gave me her ship I think that makes me the military person oh my gosh it got harder I have to think thinking alright what do I want to spend my money on now super monkey magic monkey if I would have put it on the Buccaneer kettle jump see Pantages I would get a ninja out honestly I would definitely get an inch out for the counter espionage into flash bomb and master bomber Steve are you there stay what is Steve gonna do I just want the moral support of a friendly voice why what oh thank god dropsy abandon us wait seriously where is she she's dead don't wanna get laser blasts tell her sure okay I get plasma bless - please please dad please thank you okay we're doing good here now gentleman's gentleman in veil we're doing good yes it's just the three of us and I'm the military person now where do drops he go she's dead Steve we talked about she apparently doesn't like us anymore so she just quit all of you - but I believe it that's my place to drop see who then left five minutes into the recording yep yeah I'm a little upset right now Ari Steve it's okay calm down Libby don't explode no I'm not coming down you also missed the first ever reversed night tonight what hey I got japan i gotted them yeah the Benjamin hey guys I'm Ben just I'm sorry all right well I'm gonna go back to cooking some tater tots ten can you share you got chili and cheese with no so they're actually hashtag not sponsored so she knows has these new things right it's like a bag of mixed assorted goods so they have like chicken nuggets ham and cheese pockets uh chicken nuggets and tater tots it's really cool you're cool okay I shagged not sponsored why you putting your two magic monkeys there well that's the shimmer one right but okay you could put it like in the route where could hit multiple things where all of our monkeys still are and still effect shimmer and we'd still be good with that instead of a place where I can only hit that one line okay I'm gonna work on some spikes back here it hits multiple lines they're barely barely is still hitting I mean elsewhere all right well can I get a 48,000 I can work on it oh well is actually making serious coin he is he's doing really good well you're a unit sir talk--i the term was bank not coin are you get her permanent spikes going blade that's support so that's bail okay then avail should probably keep his own money we don't need you we don't need your help sir well I can get more banks or I can go into loans since I have these banana plantations you get loans I would definitely get to market place's put out as well okay then I'll work on some more marketplace actually no I want to sell it I don't want that guy I want to do it like this I'd say it's room I would upgrade the pirate side of that Buccaneer to get the ability activation the hooks okay cool I'm getting the submarine there because I want to eventually get him up to preemptive strike if you don't know that pretty much shoots out a moab assassin ability for every mole of that spawns which basically makes you wonder why would you ever put the bomb tower moab assassin and i'll tell you why there's no reason it's dumb don't do it don't do it this has been life lessons with jerome unfortunately i can't fit another farm within range of my monkey i mean if you're gonna upgrade it to marketplace doesn't matter really it doesn't matter yeah that's a passive collection you don't collect something off the ground from it you only collect off the plantation okay cool thank you for telling me that replacing the bangs don't have anything that drop on the ground that you'll need to collect so they don't have to be in range of the farmer okay and now I'm going IMF loan nice and let me get a little robot boy soda that just pops off every time it needs to do oh look at the big chunga Changa coming on screen did we get him we got him okay okay this is good this is good Oh a nice bunkie that's an interesting choice there okay who needs money I've got 25 grand you do per misplace their got perma spikes I insist Phil you keep your money say if you didn't save up to like 30 I even say see I can get to crossbow masters but we gotta get ready the DJ's are coming in 20 waves yeah that's why I want to give this monkey out would you recommend your crossbow master or would you say my I guess your crossbow masters are cheaper yeah after you get your permits you got a pretty blade both of his crossbow masters okay and now that I have the shimmer guy as well this will be good too cuz he'll be able to help us out because then everyone will be able to digitus we might be able do it I'm proud of us guys for our very first time ever doing a palpable mode and on top of that doing it in a challenge format I just opted awesome that dropsy left yeah I don't right she's gone now we don't talk about dropsy anymore she's just dead oh no don't do that no no no let the man look at us go so how much money do you need blade just so I know the general ballpark each crossbow masters 30,000 so 60 now look at us go we'll get us go we are killing it out here though that's for sure Jerome do you want the six thousand six hundred for the night are you gonna get the monkey pirate do you want me to get monkey pirate I mean I'd rather avoid monkey pirate but I can if you would like I think that the Hulk ability is gonna be important just the thing but the night the night's good and he's strong but like if we could just completely remove a DD play of Moab balloon DDT anything and not have to pop it but just one think about the night dude think about the children blade plate [Music] position you can do whatever you like the children blade okay fine after after much consideration I have decided you've decided on tonight I thought so we're gonna win guys we're gonna win don't you worry for once I'm actually not panicking in a challenge I actually think we're almost on around 80 already yeah yeah I think as soon as we get your crossbow masters - that should be such a different world we live in I can't believe how well we played this out to be honest you were worried I was worried oh my god three banks and by the time they're topped off I think I'll be able to hook you up blade oh yeah big time blades across pastures of 30,000 each you need 60 grains in order to get both of them mmm actually if you set him the money you have now fail headon Yellin okay let's go for it you get his first one there you go boy you kiss now we're gonna be shredding them no I am blade occurs - Lord of blade the shock of the dance Lord ablate the lord of the dance ah yes blade he's known for his prolific dancing skills ah yes is he really know I tried to get him to dance once at PAX East but now after blade you get your second crossbow Wester can I get my submarine guy that goes pow pow pow pow uh yeah cool all right then well let's start saving up money how much money do your banks have in there baby yeah thirteen I can click on it that's right I can I can I can see inside your banks that's awkward yeah just checking on his bank account statement that's all look at me they're not even getting in my permis fights back here no we're killing it right now the second cross what mass is gonna make a huge difference to oh I have 10 grands I almost have 10 grands - I'm surprised I'm pretty sure that that I can just give you what I have them there we go and then whatever is left over if you want to pass in my way bleed and then we'll start working on getting my guy yeah all right one more upgrade 42,000 is what we need but once we get it trust me it'll be worth it also first-strike capability pool just blew up the song didn't stand a chance out here blast alright killing it look at all those crits that's the specialty of the crossbow masters to be incredibly handsome no that's just blade specialty oh ok goodbyes on right 13 more waves gentlemen oh I can only do a loan once a wave got it oh jeez but also if you take out a loan keep in mind you I gots to get it back immediately don't yet yeah you get it back more or less immediately I'm sure I mean might be well I'm the only 12 rounds I was going to say it might be worth you upgrading your to central market cuz then you get rid of the debt that much quicker but there's only 12 runs I mean he'll probably make enough but not until like wait 99 it'll probably justify itself wouldn't even be worth it maybe a monkey village would be more worthwhile right now I think most of us can hit all camos and I've shimmer they can hit Canlis I don't even know if that would it'll make you attack faster though or you can dish it out we get a big bomb sub 3 maybe twos all those DDT's are a joke 95 will be a little bit scary though mm-hmm alright so who got me if you both give me all your money right now I can almost afford it there you go blade please almost isn't affording it though um never words I got I got you preemptive strike look at it I think my loan is broken that's good guys this is awesome it's so cool look at us go don't forget you have your Benjamin ability not the one on the left the right side one the balloon the one that looks like a balloon with the dollar sign on it yes that's the one you want to use oh we're killing it let's Roman others tip because I had activated mine but ja8 there you go I just use mine there all right 95 is a big DDT wave luckily though because my preemptive strike ability will automatically bulbous ass and then right off the jump makes it a lot easier so like that 14 grand I can get ultra drug or not look at that dude dance thank you sir oh my gosh we're actually winning is this is it this is gonna be it guys I'm just so proud of us see you guys don't understand how worried Jerome was before we starting I was I didn't think we knew what we were doing now we're smart Bachus you don't gonna lie to us well I would never lie to you what about that one time yeah yeah which time you know the time we don't speak about that time all right ninety-eight two more waves 99 has reinforced TD tees then other than that rail it's just the Big B ad I can almost afford an arcane spike at in three more grand oh I got you all right a lot more grand I can afford Archmage I like hunter rooms completely ignored the monkey pirate and also its way round 100 guys there you go I've got him there howdy yeah there we go come on kill this man he actually won't die no no there we go g-gee we beat it
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 501,017
Rating: 4.9296064 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: iw9f6mPNpHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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