Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Toy Soldier Challenge | JeromeASF

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well things gonna be a super awesome day because we were doing the boom boy challenge that's right and the coolest part about this challenge is he literally named us all out by name and tower that's me I'm the knight dropsies gonna be rockin the monkey ace Matt's gonna be the toy-building playing as monkey Wall Street I get all that goood cash you know say okay Oh what's your interest rate cuz I've got like 40 cents that I could invest with you right now it's funny cuz my interest rate is 40% it's really not the best but your credit score is pretty low hmm yeah I'm broke I totally lied to you dropsies the crippled Moab unveils the monkey ace see I can read tell the goals let me get around 110 can we do it but what I do know that you guys are awesome as always take a look 10,000 likes are you kidding me let's do it again in 24 hours all right so what we're gonna do first I'm thinking we go screams aah oh good so I think drops together the nail the head I was gonna say put out one sniper and let's get the rest of the money to Matt so the Nike banks pink the bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon the main oh all right well you know how this works get all your money this is enough to get one Bell this is a stick-up but I want a plane fine you could buy a poignant if that's what you really want Mike Matheny's getting scared there dude well I'm always scared dude have you not heard my rapper name a little nervy that's me by the way I should probably established that I'm a little nervous right now I don't think we gonna be able to make it but drops were 107 waves away from where we need to be that's a far distance yeah and guess what like 9 times out of 10 we cover it what about those other more than Ted the water warden at it then they're really hard hard hot corn Harvard yours what it's very pretty oh I haven't been there in a very very very very very long time I went there in high school there's no way they'd let me there in college [Laughter] dear Matt take some money here you go no Matt I gave you more money and he wastes it fail he wastes all her hard-earned money no dear oh oh you what the value of an anteroom that was the way I used to go and then blade started yelling at me you know he's gonna draw it's always better if you call the grand production rate what your call with the marketplaces I don't why I just just blade yellow salon dude it's just kind of what he does yeah okay well maybe we'll try both and we'll see which one makes more money I I just listen to blade sometimes because if not I just get yelled at and it scares me that's fair he really is a scary guy sometimes all the time you wouldn't like him when he's angry yeah yeah that's exactly wow I didn't know you played I've recently found this out about mail but I knew that he was good at some impressions but you guys are the Vails godet like many many different prevail is like like one of those like impersonate from kuzco kuzco's poison that's specifically a first kiss I know Napa he's so good watch this you ready okay now what was the other guy you did Greg there isn't no one you're super good at it was uh Joe Swanson from family yeah yeah Johnson Oh my Shack sounds like a luchador okay we ride in the Sun yet we go to the town so bad what I was getting at by this is can you do a blade impression Oh God you know I am right here wow that's really good do you want do more do it all these Hercules Hercules Yadu played as Hercules be closer to fill a TD I was gonna say just called him Danny DeVito to be bad that comparisons pretty accurate wait I'm late I put the trash everywhere oh no they're actually making it pretty far guys I'm getting very nervous I'm getting very nervy I used to be able to do Sora from Kingdom Hearts weight value of $800 why are you upgrading anything you know what I completely forgot about you can you impersonate a multitasker no fake life Oh what about Jersey my Jersey impression people bother to be a bit about would it be right you could turn on red why are you sitting there was really good sounds like you you know most of the time we don't have you know we have something called a jug handle right cuz we can't do the u-turn thingy like on a road like normal yeah yeah we don't have u-turns we you do jug handles instead what is it it's exactly what it sounds like about it it's exactly it's literally like a road like I was gonna say is that the shape of the road cuz this so that's weird ya know like like let me like you know I'm gonna pull up on a map right now I'm gonna pull up the one that's right down the block for me the nearest chug handle I can think of okay I can flush the catch so it's on stream you look at what a jug handle in terms of driving is and you're gonna be like why why does the whole state does this very strange thing kind of looks like this balloons map can you guys pump your own gas errs that's the not a thing no we can't do that we're not allowed what our government doesn't trust us to pump what it is can I say one thing we are getting lose yeah I know well someone's guys start doling out money or people that start spending money or your needs money for now and figure something out because this is not working out well okay figured it out there you go thank you there's your buddy back buddy plant chop see you never knew about the jug handles no okay we're working well cow it's also never been to Jersey so dropsy ready I'm gonna I'm gonna take this picture here so here is like a busy highway now let's say you're going one way and you wanted to go the other and there's a break in the road right there well instead of just you know doing aue you would have to go through where it says right there to go to the side and then there's a stop sign or a red light there and you have to wait for the lights to change and then you can go so let's see some stuff like that before but that's the only thing you have yeah we don't do this we don't do the UK ah you know what do you guys remember when traffic circles became all the rage like there wasn't traffic circles in America you mean roundabouts right traffic circles and then traffic circles rather roundabouts the only reason I call roundabouts in Texas cuz they do Sedo and round around the roads not in Florida - they're called roundabouts because that's the right thing to call Matt you can get along you get on the marketplace Matt I'm - you can always get two marketplaces used to emotionally destroyed I'm getting real afraid with Matt on the banks here they're not paying attention that we're not paying attention I saved this I gave you that supermuc you remember where you came from New Jersey don't think that's the answer I'm gonna put my sniper monkey too strong yeah cuz we needed the lead popper oh nice yeah also for the sake of purple Moab's my super monkey I am NOT gonna be getting laser blasts until well until it becomes a dark champion with $50,000 because otherwise he can't the purple Khanna's and then we die so you can save more banks so you think three is good enough more more serious problem five five yeah guys straight-up probably five is good well we got the Moab coming in in a second here and I don't think we're ready we are going to die I hope so anyway if we should be so lucky oh we're gonna die actually we're actually gonna die oh my god we're actually gonna die oh my god we died is this a dying it was like definitely dead this is what it feels like to die didn't notice that there's a butterflies on this winter track here and there's an egg on the bench oh can you click on it oh they should've made it so that you could actually like click on the easter egg and like on every map but it would give you something like a hidden easter egg I know like an Easter egg hunt Oh drones just mean that we're coming up with our art biannually actually annually Easter egg hunt thing on minecraft oh my gosh oh yeah yeah we've been doing that like every year for the last like three years the Easter for everything I mean I'm kind of down the Easter Egg Tycoon that was fun yeah I forgot about that oh man I believe last year we played it with Sabre yeah and Shrek and Shrek stretch the cool guy Sabre owns a Sabre I would hope so otherwise he's a fraud oh you guys do what can I do like cuz I don't think I'm saving the money's a good idea right now um give me give me I can get Ground Zero oh oh wow you're not even allowed to be a Spectre oh my gosh this actually becomes impossible I've gotta go to mid road if you want to I don't even Matt I genuinely don't even know Mima lab yeah you know what I'm gonna give the money he gave me to drop see for me Moab yeah and then I have now yeah don't give me money for ultravision I need the hundred bucks I'm getting it I can save the day all right Kimmy oh my god oh my God we're gonna die how we're fine we're fine you want this money back Matt here you go yeah there you go just get those to Central Market and then you can yep how did we actually get all of those so our option is if you get me two to four thousand six hundred dollars and get dark night but then that doesn't matter too much what matters have you give me 250 thousand the dark champion then we're gonna be fine but until then there's a lot of money we're kind of like doomed to your towers I could put that more Tiger put on another super monkey we're gonna hit the same problem where this is I mean you know what Matt yes if you give me money right now I can make I can make something magic happen it just dawned on me I can make something good happen so what I could do is I could take one down here and add to give me more money more money if you give me more money if you give me give if you give if you just if you guys just give me some money oh my god thank you and you just keep giving me more money and have you just give me some more money give him the money and you guys just give me a little bit more money oh there because now the one at the top is our purple popper right so he'll pop the purple camos another one at the bottom is actually just an absolute bail hit him with it yeah yeah perfect see that's how you use the big buddy that is where the big brain is also what does this have to do with toys is this like the toy challenge or something boy you're the super monkey toy I'm the armyman okay I get it I don't get it a Bud Light Year so Matt we'll just uh you keep on getting central markets so you can get five of them because I think we're gonna be okay for a minute here I think we're definitely to be okay for a minute sound good buddy yeah I yeah things looking a lot better for us now yeah I'm gonna just upgrade ya heat you got this Maximus would it make sense to boost me to get these central markets quicker since we're kind of good for right now uh I was actually gonna say to boost meet a Dark Knight but either option works really I'm seeing a boost you but it's gonna take a while ten grand and I have Ground Zero I'm at get a central market buddy you got enough money ground zero is good but that you could use it once and then we're dead next wave so that's like kind of like we'll need that for like wait like 95 probably you know yeah that's like very important but at the moment we're just struggling to stay alive out here Valcke I have some money for Dark Knight sure why not really the night that warrior you go dude that actually work yeah there you go geez thanks Vale huh you're welcome so much nicer than all you guys okay I consciously work at it i'ma try hard at being nice don't worry about dropsy you're killing it with the main Moab mmm that could be a good strategy to we've got a bunch of those down eventually all right way to go down here Dark Knight way to be way to be Oh Matt you get it Matt you're killing it right now with three once you go one of those yep I'm gonna go for all five and then I'm gonna not give you any money until I get to $50,000 thing so the the dark champion nope the central market put-put-put Wall Street but Matt we won't survive that long okay but it says here toy-building lucky Wall Street but but but but they lied to you why would they do that their fan because they think they lied to you bet I'm not happy I'm not happy either but we got a win man all right what do you guys think is the best idea you guys have any idea I'm think I'll take a dark champion really is the best way most of my like my man I think sliced bread kind of beats it out but you know what but sliced bread has nothing on the night well I'm just saying you asked for the best ideas not just like sliced bread was an invention like is it really though cuz like surely someone's cut a loaf of bread you're just mad you didn't think of it yeah I mean I'm sure somebody sliced bread before I don't know Matt jealousy sounds like a gross shade on you buddy I'm gonna invite invent something else it's gonna be called sliced potatoes it's like vertically sliced bread why drag me by the way so I flipped off now we slice bread just an entire like loaf Lee slide know if you did it really skinny you could make sandwich rolls with vertically sliced bread so Matt drops you have some money I have a thing that I would like to I would like to do put like a bread retail on on that so I drop C and veiled you guys want to if you guys give me some money I have an idea okay I'm sure right now oh yeah we need the money and the idea right now okay faster well that was not fast enough we're alive no no we're not no we're not all right so please spike factors off to the side waste your money and then yes everyone oh my gosh is still not working all right Oh someone's gotta give more money pass ball running over federal money over weight literally everything well it I just need another one and oh my goodness gracious flash nope nope no no no that's still gonna be enough it might be it might just barely and looking for money or money upgrade try so I should say I think heard I have to sell one yeah now we're gonna lose again now are fine no what do you mean were five it Matt sold all of his things we could get a dart champion we're just doing okay I thought that was gonna be up for discussion I didn't know that was okay well well uh that's not here we have all right Wow okay well uh data place our spike factories - I already did well there's a dark champion for yeah um I well uh let's do it and Matt if you want to see we just have beer I don't all right let's see what happens should we get that started on a new one to replace it or what everyone do is it really that late in the game yes yeah it would definitely still be worth it I think yeah I still I still need 30 grand to get to my OT or five so I mean that single there we go if we all just keep pouring money into Matt and Matt just keep getting marketplace you might be able to get like four back probably don't do five this time just like four I know it seems crazy Matt but I don't know what other strategy we can do really so I would just reget your four hey got us through look guys it helped us survive okay it was drastic it was drastic times call for drastic measures alright keep pumping me with money guys I gotta get these back fast so we can start getting the money back alright we're pouring it in I'll pour it all the money we can into the into the LeMat machine stonk market there we go there we go can I um the stop brother thing take my stomped brother to the stock market stocks yeah I'm gonna stomp brothers gonna become the phrase I'm gonna coin this term and it's gonna become a phrase Polizzi always talking about it so step brothers Matt was to call them stomp brothers no stomped brothers like stomping oh because you know you're taking a step you get a mean like step but instead if it's a stomp brother oh I don't get it you should just not explain it anymore Matt that's how you make means that's true stomp brother now can you give them your money cuz then we can get the the doodad did you do dad you laters there you go there we go cool let's get more and more and more marketplaces come right out of market pliers I'm I'm running out of nerves okay I really don't know about this I'm gonna be honest I don't know about this either is a very tough challenge oh geez geez I mean our best bet I mean we're on our way to doing the best bet really I guess this is this is probably the best bet well the best part of waking up the soldiers in your cup it really is there we go so what we're gonna do from here I don't think getting me a legend of the night is realistic I mean but what is realistic is probably getting veil tsar bomba and drop family and that drops you some Moab's probably that that is realistic back to one single central market oh I know not yet I'm saying but we could definitely you can have four central markets and bales are bomb about wave 90 I'm pretty confident in saying okay so our BOM ba ba BOM but gonna hit up I hit on a bun huh fajita I do like fajitas there we go we're doing all right here guys we'll be fine all right well we're nearing on wave 85 so luckily enough day the dark champion really did help stall any bad times but Vail why don't you go ahead and get yourself that Ground Zero my dude nice and then do we guys we want to get dropsy a crippled moet or should we just get her more MAME Moab's do you think that's up to you Johnson what challenge saying well the challenge is crippled Moab but I mean it also says that we need to get the night which is like another two hundred thousand dollars and Moki Wahlstrom just 50 so I think we're just kind of winging it sorry you can get crippled my lab as a tier 5 that is the cheapest one out of those all just get more main modes so you want to get one crippled Moab and then a bunch of main mobs are just a bunch of main Moab sanjaya there's a bunch of main Moab's personally play really well maybe think so that one's only it's like what 3400 34,000 no not not the crippled mob doesn't anymore oh yeah it make 200 yeah it's not much you know what just get water from the web one super duper one all right we'll get one super duper one for dropsy come on up seize you see what I did there drop see IFIF to your name yeah because my name yeah I sometimes it's pretty witty already almost there Oh Marcus you're making money again yeah we got mats markets back online some good times guys oh man crushing him out here let's go let's go there's no 6 grand thank you and Roxy got him so with the rest of the money do we wanna there's a question do we want a second dark champion or do we want to keep getting dropsy more Tsar Bomba or Tsar Bomba yeah Tsar Bomba yeah so last you all day now Tsar Bomba I'm gonna give bail my buddy bomba all right oh my gosh we're crushing about here guys pleasantly surprised I'm Matt hi Matt I'm pleasantly surprised but you want money now available kiss Maximus I'll never say no to money drum can I ask you an ethics question huh sure I worked for a company before this yes tech company for about a year and they gave me a MacBook to work on ok I quit okay and they said I hope they will arrange for someone who reached me to collect anything that they need to collect okay to this date I have not reached I had not received any emails from them and it's been about five months maybe since I worked there and I still have the MacBook off anymore drop that bomb okay they're over okay okay I'm so what do I do I mean if you want boy I mean if they have an esper back I guess I would email them maybe just be like hey like do you want this but like yeah they also fired 70% of the company recently so so that's like the least of their worries there yeah yeah dude if they're not it's up to them to hit you up for it like I don't yeah I figure I'll keep it for another two years and if I don't I'll just like look man I gave that to a man on the corner of 22nd and 30th what's that oh god all right we're doing okay here so now that we got bales our bomb but could it be another dark champion I promise it'll be wasted no really is it working oh man I mean honestly though I don't think it will be wasted I've really got two dark champions could last you to wave 110 I love the bright side after that if Matt sells office things that I can get through dark champions who just keep going forever and ever and ever and ever Oh last okay cap your beep we're gonna need you big time on wave 95 that's when the blood around yes we're gonna need your big time buddy okay okay I got this graduating to the big leagues out of here I'm gonna be a kid now tonight the night getting more nights guys here's the big ones the Big Kahuna's oh geez okay get ready Vail here comes a bunch of them oh my gosh we just shredded them guys we're actually doing good things I have a question why is my cursor turned into a monkey drowning in gold I do not have an answer for just happen Matt I am ice gets what just happened I don't know I don't know what you're experiencing but it sounds very scary okay well here have this next tune all right 23 more grand guys then I could get another one that's a lot of grand there's a lot of grands we could do it I bet you by the end of this we can get me at least two more dark champions I believe in it too dark champions I'm so glad I rolled by the way that's watching we take on hard challenges and sometimes we might we might get you know stopped maybe some obstacles in the web we died at wage 63 but we put our minds to it you know and we found a way through it we found a way through the puzzle so the puzzle game guys okay I'm saving up for monkey Wall Street this is take out my soul walls even universe why's it taking so long geez all the crippled Moab lag yeah here here I got this they all just have a load of oh there we go they'll set a load of health all right man we're gonna need you to be prepared for wave 99 buddy that's for reinforced DDT's okay I'll hold it to the last second oh if you guys give me all your money I think I think should get a dark champion right now which will help us out speed up these rounds trust me because we're got one of the murders right there we go see look speedy boys oh my gosh I can't see him it's babbitt dead the joker wine oh my god bail bail we might need it now if you have it actually i take back to the west about ninety nine flash that was terrifying okay here we go now we're going okay stall them stall them well now we're trying to find don't waste until wasted yeah yes save it for the PA dr ed let's go now use it as often and frequently as freely as you can just fire fire whatever you can laughs my man have done for a minute I'll be right back should we get it more bombs Matt maybe it says our champion route let's give all our money to bail bail more gauze veil waive 100 dad we need to get the 110 though that's where the goal is that's what he set for us and we're not letting about more bombs oh that's a good thing more mobs more bobs alright alright we need more bombs out there guys now you can put down a lot more bonds of that buddy I'm hearing a lot of yelling and I wanna bomb oh my gosh I think it's working guys to the run screen oh no glass guys we need to preserve the blasts I know blast you waits for no man oh no actually so we can make it please thank you're fine I've got four in reserve but did you drop three at one time no only to Vale Brazil yes keep my we have two dark champions so when they make it to the second one it's not the end of the world I would panic when they make it to the Dark Knight which is the third one that's when I'd be like oh maybe things are not and bombs really panicking what about bombs magnin if I have ten bombs who's gonna stop me anyway wait actually we're all making enough money we keep bail here some our money maybe another bomb blast oh yeah honestly even if we don't get to wave one ten I'm still proud of us out here are we gonna be able to do it well even us I believe in a thing called blasts we did it guys I'm proud of us I I'm kind of amazed right now to be honest yeah me too Philly we've played was here he would have cringed at 90% of what we did but we you know what we want to limped across the end a hundred percent wait 90 100 we limped across the finish line though there we go if you guys wanna well I guess it doesn't matter right now but just be weary of how much money you have and make sure you're giving it to Vale for more blast I'm just trying to slowly switch them all the winged monkey well I have the time there you go Vale I'm giving you my money as I get it oh oh it's the best voice what what all right we're gonna need to hit continue here so it's a we're gonna put down spike factories off to the side yep alright so I got $5,000 son so be sure you waste all that don't know why it gave me so much but yep boys it all my buddy I'm trying to put a place that ok right here is good ok so all my cooldowns are good this should be a good one all right there we go that was weird it wasn't the Moab's I made a pest it was a random stragglers that always ends up being the problem it's just super you smoke too fast what a weird thing alright yep here they are Vale and there they go oh did it did well bye-bye flash flare don't stop Weston sup Weston got plenty of place oh good news guys if we give them all of our money again you get another blast good new overs every one side of that instead he'll be distracted by putting a blast and he won't feel too pious no I already got the blast there we go blast Wow my gosh he has eight nuclear warheads now guys it's really you know that's toy planes are carrying us through this go Vale okay just dropping them alright yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep oh man oh man they're gonna die you're gonna die here three more waves three more weights all right 108 hey how you feeling over there lagging good laggy but good yeah uh-oh here comes the lag okay okay come on I killed him now bail I'm gonna keep dishing off the money as I get it to you we might be able to get one more blast them by the end like the best part right wave 110 is you can just blast your way to success there my friend you had me a blast not success that wasn't not blast is universal regardless of whether you fail or not you know unfair the point is made no matter what it's about sending a message oh there we go we didn't have to blast them there okay 109 my man I'm shocked wait these TD tees and they're getting a little far oh no never god I love it whatever they like I get anywhere on the board you just clear I'm like no no not not not in my house no no no looked in my house looked in my house and oh we're killing him now okay it's around 110 soon and oh don't get the blast and gonna blast there it is bless your way to victory buddy okay latest oh wait wait oh my gosh sure you drop either my she's not doing anything well I'm saving the big one okay ah oh my gosh that was a close call there it is come on fight and we did it we beat the challenge I can't believe it GG
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 383,970
Rating: 4.9575086 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: PgmTIGm3TtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 11sec (2051 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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