Bloons TD 6 - 4-Player Legendary Pokemon Challenge | JeromeASF

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whenever there's a challenge that comes up that overlaps a Pokemon you know we're up for the test today oh we have the legendary challenge waiting right here for us well we're going to amend some of the things they put on there although other ones make sense to us so Giratina is gonna be allowed to be the avatar of wrath Articuno of course is the ice monkey never forgot about Moltres as the summon Phoenix ability for the wizard but for the Pokemon Center we were like that's a that's building that's literally a building the ice book you of course is gonna be reggie ice and so because that we're replacing it with Darkrai who's going to be the Prince of Darkness for the wizard tower how long can we last will be around 100 I don't know but we'll give it our all alright who wants what where when how why where's your monkey oh no you will prison for taste okay smooth ice Bucky okay well Mariah have options here whatever you don't take I want Birds all right so I'm Garrett inna with birds leave Birds yeah you're the druid Giratina yeah coming I'm coming have you decided what you're gonna be for the ice monkey blade actually ice buggy top birdie said you're you're restricted wow I mean we all kind of have restrictions so it doesn't really surprise me all right though I'm gonna say this no different than anybody else so being that I have to be druid bottom route I have other ones no Steve like legendary Pokemon you get one legendary Pokemon so my mana you how do you do the things Libby do also he did put a round number on this so we really have to see how long we can last it's gonna be it's gonna be strange I'll say that much I believe that will last a wave I'll say 95 I'll even give us the ability to beat the first couple waves of DDT's but I think 95 what do you guys think I don't think we're getting very far why why I'm gonna have shimmer in the front we're gonna yeah like what do I mean it'll basically be three towers why my route doesn't do much what you without having the boosted buddy around here yeah what what secondary route are you going I was gonna go middle for the fire ok good ok good Steve you you still do plenty dude maybe you won't have your fuzz axe yeah you'll have your max potential but you still do a lot ok I didn't realize that I thought that the bottom route of the druid was based off of having the extra monkeys around you that's a benefit you'll probably be like 25 percent worse than you could be but you'll still be ok I'm sorry I didn't know we should apologize you had me upset I can help cry dude hit him you hear in your voice right now certainly wasn't because I needed the burp yeah blade farted so there's what I will never go this where blade he was even in the video he just never muted his mic he was just sitting in the background and then he burped and we go blade and he wouldn't you want to talk back to us cuz he had no idea that we heeded mute it was just really awkward and it was really you know was one of the strangest experiences of my life yes maybe although it made all of us uncomfortable blade I mean look cooler actually I burp that's kind of gross dude but on out than in I always say it happens yeah but then you just ignore it I don't want to listen to you guys Wow Wow yeah isn't that just rude should I go bottom probably bottom root for mine right yeah yeah what do you don't you have to go bottom root no I have to go middle first but then I do the two way there top or bottom I'm the fire boy I'm ultras oh right right I thought you were the Prince of Darkness cuz vales already fire boy over there okay do we have anybody that can hit Kent okay good yeah I got it but with his shimmer well this shimmer hit every camel that tries to pass is that how it works there only will some breakthrough goes off in waves so it's probably better just just in case for me to get it then yeah they're copies yes but rude yeah good thing we had Steve back there to stuff man Harley your unit yeah unit that did somebody say unit you've triggered my unit god oh my gosh leave some for us man haha the wizard monkey again we say it all the time but that that wall of fire is the best thing ever it's the best bang for your buck it really is early game it's Oh P it is a game changer for nine hundred and seventy bucks oh man oh man by the way we can also keep mind about supply Oh King because it might be a necessary thing oh it's going to be actually speaking of which maybe someone let's disciplic me to drag his breath so I could eat a thing or is that not the best way to do there you go for the Moab mo I think you're gonna be yeah yeah I think dragon breath is gonna be the best bet for ammo ab hoc cappy's because even once I become Prince of Darkness the balloons still need to die how much is that 2500 yeah all right well you're almost there actually I'll get there by 44 sharks dollars yeah four sharks yes dolphin Italy super brittle walls be very nice from blade I think the real problem is just gonna be Moab's like I said our DDT's but I think I do believe we could beat them through rindy right I think I think ninety will beat the first wave of DDT's I think the real problems gonna be 95 but the but Moltres is really good I know that much against DDT's surprise oh yeah yeah that's when you have like 50 of them yeah but a fortune there's only one legendary Pokemon per game fail and interest was so good all legendary Pokemon must be so lonely you know right you know what always made me mad about Pokemon oh here we go how ash doesn't style on every trainer he meets because of the stuff he does in the movies man wrote a suicune into battle man has met every dang legendary Pokemon not canon I guess I didn't realize you were so passionate about this Vale it makes me mad cuz they reset ash every season so he's not as great to be fair how many leagues how many Jim vows has Pikachu Bennett that should be a level 100 Pikachu I mean you're not wrong but fish should just walk into every league and just everybody but no oh man magnets effect Pikachu and now he's weak again and she's trying to respect the integrity of the regions if I only bring a punk pot from those regions in a battle fail oh but wouldn't the cards are down and he's into Pokemon leaves like I've got to get Charizard again that's my boy then didn't he totally cheat in his first battle against Brock Thicke did he throw water on onyx or something like yeah I'm winning just totally straight-up cheated of that first I'm talking like back like 20 years ago the first episode of Pokemon anime think about that oh yeah confirmed ash 1/2 his first gym battles through pity I think you just straight-up cheated out then we talked about it enough what a cheater I think Ash's to go back and beat the first gym leader and can we talk about how he hooked Pikachu up to a hydroelectric dam to get it strong here that's just animal abuse but God forbid he gives it a Thunderstone to evolve Pikachu let's go I just think it's wrong to give Pikachu a thunder stone and make it more powerful hook up these wires to yourself like what's wrong with you ash [Music] you know the show's messed up man I think we need a Boy Color Pokemon you know the Japanese one Team Rocket was the one thing that everyone was asking for for a while there's an episode where they try to pull out a gun they ban to the oh yes they ban the episode of the US but there's a Japanese episode where they're Team Rocket just pulls out a gun and no one knows what to do because they've never seen one of their lives in the anime ash like has no reaction to the gun wait really I think so I'm not even sure if ash was in there but I'm pretty sure it just didn't even mean anything out of God it's just there no worries no worries no worries I'm alright here I got a Charizard yeah there's been a handful of episodes have been removed from rotation as they call it but yes I can repair is it there's there suppori gone episode oh no I don't even remember that one it caused a bunch of seizures because of flashing lights here is episode 35 there's bandar the frequent appearances of firearms throughout the episode yes we've been ban seeing about Pokemon so long I forgot to upgrade yeah I know we're almost losing here I was trying to interject but everybody was a little heated so no I'm not finished yet yeah we're not done here you're trying to tell me that Ash wasn't meant to marry misty we might need to start supply hooking some people ash was supposed to marry her what misty so we can get some tier 5's going actually yeah if you all give me your money I should be able to not afford the avatars wrath okay I think what blades saying is that he wants the cheapest one I'll gonna say either Jerome or Vail but I mean mines 20,000 I gave I gave all my money to blade alright if you want to give it away although I can get to your five yeah let's just give it money to Vail okay Prince of Darkness now I don't do anything for the rest of the videos so give us your monies oh oh that's what you're saying they say you don't do anything else no wait nope I would say to get to Rome's next so that we have a little bit more DPS going out but but me and then I would save myself so we can do some more damage to the Moab's you heard a DPS donkey who smell anymore ask me my donkey Pumas a straight-up tried to fight Mewtwo ah no Pokemon catch these hands that was actually another one as well there's an episode of pretty sure there's a fighting pokémon trainer who's literally fist-fought is Pokemon to help train let me show you how it's done Hitmonchan black what these guys are crazy back in the day man Pokemon it's problematic in more ways than one I gotta say now oh yeah absolutely I know we just picked someone you just leave your Pokemon in a box for six years drum I don't I do that guys I'm ready egg enough money to really get through all this together I think not separately separately maybe do you guys think embrittlement might be a good idea just to slow him down cuz Mike you're fighting so much money I mean doesn't Steve already 95 is half of the money he's he's already gotten brutal men through em and brittle oh sorry super brutal I meant to say how much is so 25 it's half of what it costs to get your own but if we get to Rome's that his Phoenix is always out all right we could save up for mine but I really think we might loot thank you for your monies you know up to you if you think will survive long enough for me to get that much money the Pokemon world is counting on you bleed well then send me your money we are live in a poke yeah I think that this pretty much answers that one right there that was terrifying it's not over quality pick it up geez man okay I told you my guys not gonna be strong yeah I need seven grand I'm tempted to strip sell my tower ticket play heed what he needs I would not know their tower it should totally be me thanks for volunteering you want me to no not yet but we might need to to be honest with you I am five grand the way less than four grand can you try being less broke please think of one is $22,000 broke when you can't afford super brittle this is bed what do you play to get more buddy that's the youth that's the youtuber we denied bail on somebody it's like okay I'm gonna pay you but I'm gonna do it in $501 PayPal and commit more to go come on they'll give him your buddy what about say everybody's got like here everybody's got $0 right now except for blade guys we're gonna get this just barely a time but we will yeah there's no way we were no way we would survive long enough for me to get mine I didn't think this challenge might not bear little mommy there's not really a chalice is doable because there was no wave give it to us but it's just going downhill it's just us complaining about Ash Ketchum ash ketchup yeah ash ketchup a man the myth the legend so I'm guessing we get much much better now yeah I say if we can we should get to Rome's next yeah I mean give me all your money and me bot robot show me what your God yours definitely would help but I think overall drew I think drums is more important right now what do you say to that politely say is that you garbage that's it feel like I said that at the beginning I'm just no your tower is very good Steve but it's just not good so how is very good I'm gonna give bail don't laugh that's like my that's my barometer for was it a funny joke or not realistically Steve if you had put yours like right there instead hey Steve Q sometimes I get some money I hope he's just a lost no if we lose it buddy's be that way Steve why what do you mean only lost like $2,000 out of that whole ordeal that's a lot of money y'all have any boxes of Cheerios that could buy yeah I do a lot of cheer is six boxes I hope it's not orgies inflation musta really hit yes they did be now it actually might be better to get Avatar Brad now why do you say that because you can hit stuff at the same time that like Bale is yeah but now nobody's hitting those yeah well I mean that would have gotten fire regardless probably more cuz he you're hitting stuff now yes Steve yeah three and we're gonna get $51,000 for the DDT comes cuz if not we're kind of doomed that's why I think it might be better to give it to the Avatar trap all right listen if you guys all sell everything you've got in this world and give it to me oh god oh god that if you think avatar breath then all right Steve here you go I mean it's still 38,000 dollars and we are 51 like that's just rough we need something like now do you guys think there's any chance that my tier 5 is better than everyone else's Tower combined no I think your upgrade is still better than getting the avatar of Wrath but in terms of the time that is gonna take us to get the money the avatar of Wrath might just be more helpful all right well everyone get in your guesses now cuz if it comes any later we're not accepting them I said 95 and I don't want to change it even though I know we're not 383 1887 oh I think we got four more rounds on us come on Jose positive beating a hundred Wow well I mean looks just like don't be that positive dude really now geez so that's bad pretty high up there by the way we can actually we're getting semi close to Steve having his thing we're we're two thirds of the way there to be fair I mean we are being units right now good teamwork I used to the beginning because this guy's super slow anyway so I might actually be able to have it two times in this one wave the yeah that's all you're getting we're doomed once again a time with my prayer now he'll start taking more damage but yeah but you don't freeze the zombies no I'm not freezing them but they take more damage though how about a little bit of three times actually though Hey look at that guys bumping a boo-boo to beat me to bumpity bit about we're all dude oh my god oh my god more MORE all right I have an idea I guess they give me all your money well no that's cheap what we should do instead if you ever tell us to sell our towers for you to get your tier five that's not gonna work then what do we do we need the avatar of wrath but we can't that's cheating we were using the money we just got from dying oh my goodness he's gone well that's that then alright what a train wreck well season one of Pokemon this is worse all right we have 14 grand as they won't want it that's mean Val you look like you're hungry there you go I could put my monkey back down he's the gatekeeper here you go I thought the plan was to sell off the towers like you were literally just saying to give to you so that you could get your thing and we could not cheat look at that that's what I was talking about no yes is that green that is strong it was just a matter of getting the money I don't think that's gonna be having all of our towers I mean blade if you can't get your next level maybe give it the rest of Steve Steve can't get his next level we'll be fine we'll be fine he's gonna get his next level don't you worry ten grand away we're gonna get you the money blade we're gonna get you too buddy out here okay this I don't even know where this is gone now I don't either we're going in dark places here in the Pokemon world you know just don't ask any questions take this thunder stone balance you Morty lose your ability you gotta take this Thunder snow Morty oh my gosh the wizard Lord Phoenix guide donkey is so good lord we actually might be able to survive this time if we just get played a little more he'll get his embrittlement back I haven't brutal man super brittle super duper brutal back look see guys I told you this was a good idea so why you guys gotta listen to me I'm a scientist not the part where Steve sold of this monkey twice right I hope you guys know that my monkey what I've invested in this is maybe no more than four thousand dollars and it sells for 3297 so like it's really not worth that much money look at us go guys there's a good chance we go don't you worry don't you worry Steve I only need $38,000 yeah what about what about that really legendary Pokemon Churchill no way whoa no cheatin play no cheat did you know about that one Pokemon that has the bow and arrow no ninja munkee could have been greninja but he's not legendary yeah he's low ash greninja is pretty legendary to be fair the middle route ninja would kind of be Gordon uh good ninja to be fair it's not a legendary it's not a legendary it's not a legendary it's wave 88 so you can't change the challenge and it's not a legendary that's five good reasons right there we're sticking it out gentlemen was that actually five or I mean breeze is one two three or five or the same but before was a different little I was like wait do I count what's happening reasons 1 2 3 & 5 for the identical but well we're actually closing in a little bit on on Steve a kiss yeah we're slowly but surely moving and grooving witness for sure we beat the first DDT wave guys it's a mirror we did we did do that that's the thing that we do is just summon Lord Phoenix that's making all the difference I really do i 100% agree with you that's why I sawed off my pop lust that's why has nothing to do with not paying attention like the intros right no actually it doesn't because we were literally talking about selling off our towers to get you the Phoenix what kind of Pokemon Steve yeah do you Stanley Steven slowpoke with amnesia no I save just don't worry buddy we almost did not it's not okay you know what we're not friends anymore with amnesia I'll forget that we're not friends I love you guys there's gonna be bad I hope you know tonight I'll binge-watch iron blooded orphans and we'll talk about who they'll give you money bail bail do you just hate good things of this world there we go wow we actually beat it I can't believe it to wave 100 like this so I was right so I would say overall I think we we Facebook we did keep the integrity of the challenge and check more or less I think there's still casts I think we might be in trouble no we had a bird prepare for trouble oh yeah I forgot mulches mega-evolved yeah isn't there a Lola Noah the new Moltres in the Pokemon expansion coming up yeah whoa and Moltres because already you know one second these reinforced ovens are not dying yeah stop them there we go I will use my swoop uh durability wave ninety-nines reinforced DDT's is not gonna be a pretty one I'll say that much drum looking nice and private for that gallery' and Moltres that's awesome but what what will he like have a different like ability type or what is he I honestly don't know but play they've got a new form for all three legendary birds not goodness that is so cool-looking yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I'm grabbing the one with all three of them together I'm very very very afraid there we go so we're gonna lose this one god that was my one right there as my tour try to get we're going it again you're right it's all about timing here uh now that didn't work oh well try again running it back and it's a that one was all timing again I think you went a little late on that one all right oh well that wasn't kind of early but no that's fine that works never good I worked we got the timing down alright I have 18,000 dollars what am i to do with this give it all the fails so it feels uncomfortable no I think I'm gonna get somebody else had the same idea order me yes in the track right there integrity Steve do you have it well putting down these super monkeys I'm not definitely gonna be in range I'd like to roam marks whoever's player for us I can't hit the we lost cousin your squabbling okay no I mean to be fair we lost that fair and square because there's no there's no way you had to use the the Phoenix ability for wave let's go wave ninety nine so it wouldn't be recharged a time for a wave 100 so realistically we would have lost but I'm just curious to see if somehow we did beat 99 and we ran it back here but otherwise 99 that's where technically speaking of this challenge falls through officially you can't beat it but let's say yeah technically speaking if you didn't use it for wave 99 you could beat wave 100 but that's more backup they looked at one time and they're like this thing's in the night and they went right by it they they were disappointing
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 478,850
Rating: 4.9338908 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Id: 3KvGM-mXwVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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