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all right rock city i am so excited about what god is doing stay seated thank you rod we we we were talking before uh you guys peeped in and do me a favor peeping from a peripheral today we were simply talking about where god has all of us you know and i was sharing with them and i don't mind sharing with you i'm in one of these places in my life now where i have some major decisions to make when do we come back to church we have a kindergarten through high school and how we're going to facilitate that coming out of the pandemic and we have so many properties here at our church the forestdale property the central park property a couple more how do we facilitate those do we sell one or two of those to get a bigger property if we fix central park uh sadly i spent so much money on engineers to tell me that even if you fix central park there's nowhere to park and you see the footage right there we did a peek a sneak peek service not too long ago well i guess that was about a year and a half ago two years ago and you can see we have cars parked illegal it's all get out look at the drone shot we had cars all over the place only for them to tell us pastor mike that's not gonna work so then i had the bright idea that i would just buy all of the houses around the school knock them down and just put parking lots right there and they said no we want residential not commercial so even here at farsdale we i've been meet with engineers on what if we snatch the roof out and took the building higher where the frames won't work then we thought about snatching out the back part of the building and extending the church that way so they're looking at that now then we also have a deal on the table now where they're going to try to develop all of that land here's a good place to clap in forestdale the whole back there's nothing but trees i thought that's where our property stopped uh they told me we owned another four acres behind that that's a good place to cleft ain't it so literally i was sitting down with engineers doing something and i'm preaching already and i want you to catch this put this in your notes called the master plan that can preach then we may need to do a series called the master plan thinking of a master plan the the master plan in other words i brought in this company and what they do is they look at your land and they give you the 30 40 50 year view the master plan they said pastor mike talk that almost made me shout they said just talk i said well i want a church i want you to enter the gate and when you come in the gate boom a big old church with a nice sign and i want the parking lot wrapped around he said what and i want that apartment complex one day i want to buy that and i want to buy that mall one day and all my entrepreneurs have places so what they then do is they put the sketch together on if all if god did everything you pray for here's what it'll look like i want to pause and parenthetically digress see real praises and real dreamers got excited right there because if god did everything you prayed for what would it look like oh my god somehow i just shot i receive all that it's called a master plan and that may be a series we creep into and i may even push darius pastor darius or pastor hollis to jump into a three-night course on the master plan a sunday monday tuesday where for three nights we talk about how to build the master plan for your life the bible gives us the uh blueprint for the master plan he says i wish him of all things that you would prosper and be in good health even as your soul prosper i have some decisions to make man i was telling you guys how and you said this uh uh evangelist i'm gonna start calling you evangelist evangelist woods you said this is so crazy you said uh i'm not racing i'm resting that's critical i told him i said it's hard to hear god when you're moving and when she said that i forget the sermon i think we need to start filming us just talking getting ready for church she said i'm not racing i'm resting do me a favor i need 10 people who's been moving so fast that it's hard for you to hear god just shout i receive that i am not racing i'm resting and sadly many of us are racing racing against time to pay bills racing against uh competing with other people we see on social media racing to see who can start the business first so i had a plan by 34 or 45 how do i do that and it's so important it's so important i am too old to say oops what does that mean pastor mike um i can't purchase another building or do something else make a mistake and they say oh we did it wrong you know i feel like i've really heard god farsdale has been a blessing to us man some of us came to know god in a fresh way right here forest deal only problem is the moment we got here we would outgrew it central park was a blessing it was given to us it was given to us and god blessed us with a kindergarten through 12th grade but that building has been trying my brothers and sisters i fixed the ac the pipes were old it broke the pipes i fixed the pipes the pipes got fixed it broke the vents now water everywhere and i'm like lord what do you want us to do and i feel like i clearly heard god say don't do nothing till i speak and i want i want to submit and suggest to many of you that when you i will not pursue without permission did you catch what i just said i won't pursue without permission noah opens the door of the ark and he clearly sees that the rain is gone he looks at the ground and the ground looks hardened but he does not leave until god says so and i want to submit to anybody listening and watching today that a lot of times you are chasing things that god has not ordained for your life some decisions to make i mean this but i welcome them this is what i'm here for this is what i do i am excited about what god is doing in rock city thousands of people have given their life to christ in a pandemic we bless thousands of people in a pandemic we're saving lives in a pandemic somebody shout this is what we do i asked the question about three weeks ago how do you measure success and that's so vital how do you measure success i told you that success for the believer is more internal than external success for the believer is more internal than external i told you that the small amount of external evidence we produce is the result of much internal activity the small amount of external evidence that's critical when you're teaching your ladies on friday night are you still doing friday nights every time you do friday night and this is so cold blooded they don't realize what it took on the inside for you to produce what they saw on the outside did you catch that the the amount the small amount of external evidence is oftentimes the result of much internal activity and and we asked this question a couple weeks ago what makes you blessed what makes you blessed and ebony that is so cold-blooded because if you don't know what really makes you blessed you will always live stressed if you don't know what really makes you blessed you will always live stressed watch this the blessed stretch those who don't understand the blessing stressed so so because i know who i am and whose i am i am almost always stretching or reaching toward what god has for me when i don't know who i am and whose i am i am stressing about what has not come to me put this in the comments are you stressing or are you stretching somebody out of the shower he talking to me already are you stressing or are you stretching right now in the midst of innovating situation i haven't said this in three years i don't want to say this right in the midst of innervating situations you have to have the ability to keep your equanimity in the midst of intervening situations you have to have the ability to keep your equinity remain cool calm and collected cause you know whose hands you're in god has not failed me yet so that's why in the midst of pandemic in the midst of social injustice in the midst of calamity and chaos while the world is saying look at this we finally almost out the pandemic and it's crazy it's like we all said we outside but then america said turn off the gas it's great the moment we thought we could finally go somewhere now we don't even have the ability to go somewhere i believe look at me this is prophetic i believe god speaks through signs and wonders okay so do me a favor dre can you please show them the screen that's broken right now and he's doing his best now for you to see it so right here i want you to see this that little black line these are led panels so something is happening to where the panels right here are messed up well i want to show you when i pre got ready to preach that's light so that's nothing more but hundreds of small lights then right when we got ready to preach what happened the front lights went out and i told you guys god light is a metaphor or euphemism for what revelation i said god is trying to get us to see something that we're missing and he's speaking through always giving us light problems i believe that there is a prophetic word that the church is missing hear me god a pandemic happened whether god calls it or not he allowed it to happen the pandemic happened and we were shut in the house we was made to we were made and forced to stand still they opened up outside and now there is no gas i believe god is saying prophetically i never told you to move hear me so whether you want to move or not y'all don't hear what i'm saying you can't move until i release you and i firmly believe that many of us are in danger of putting ourselves in harm's way because we're moving in seasons where god wants us to stand still am i talking to anybody in here and i want you to understand that whenever you are picked processed and positioned you have to know how god is speaking and from a biblical point of view a blessed person is first and foremost a man or woman in a relationship with god through somebody say through somebody say through somebody say through somebody say through somebody say through all right so when i say through it gives you two definitions by the default through you hear finished i'm what through how you spell that through did anybody know how to spell through is it so so is it t8 that's the throw right so so so so say it again so so if i'm going through something how you spell that through the same way how you use it is different and sadly most people think when they got saved they were through catching hell but didn't realize to get saved means you go through it with him definitions what matter see this is why i need you to catch this god is not just concerned with uh saving us but he's also in concern with transforming us did you catch that god is not just concerned with saving us he is also concerned with transforming us or changing us let me make that make sense saving us somebody say saving us this is important because god does not just want to pull you out the water he wants to teach you how to swim see if you're drowning he saves you he picks you up but if he transforms you if you get in water again you can hold your own see god says i'm not just trying to help you come out i'm here to help you stay out jesus christ somebody had a shot i received that i just don't want to pull you out of debt i want you to stay out again i don't just want to pull you out of depression i want you to stay out of depression i don't want to just pour you out of low self-esteem i want you to stay out of low self-esteem i don't want to just pull you out of toxic stuff i want you to stay out of toxic stuff because i just don't want to change you or save you i want to transform you somebody type stay out dre you can cut the screen off in the back let's just have church somebody shout stay out stay out of depression stay out of mess stay out of the the cycles of your past god wants you to what stay out and why is that so critical pastor mike that's so critical why and i want you to catch this it is so critical because god wants you to know that once you connect with me you're not through now you get the power to do through that's critical so let's go to work let's go to work let's go to work sit down sit up sit down because the first thing it teaches us in psalms 1 is the blessed man's separation the blessed man separation look at what it says how blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked i told you that the blessed don't believe behave or belong to the world that's critical the blessed don't believe behave or belong to the world this is critical why pmj because i told you that the world is not uh the world by default it's not wicked in the church and i'm gonna say this every sunday if i can because i believe the world gets a bad rep we were taught that when you hear the word world in church instantly think wicked no there's a difference between the world and the wicked the world is something that's outside of the church that's the word when you go to the mall that's the world you live in the world wicked is that which is detached from god yeah that which is detached from god the wicked are people who are autonomous people who create their own moral code they are those who do what is right in their own eyes like it says in job 21 and 14 it says leave us alone we have no desire to know your ways that that's the wicked wicked the wicked of those who kind of choose their own path who determine what is right and wrong by their own needs and their own drama the wicked is defined as those who have a disregard for god's revealed wisdom that might be what god was just saying that the lights keep having a problem that the wicked of those who reject life who reject revelation the wicked describes those people who are on a different path altogether and i told you guys that's why he says not the he he separates but look at what it says in one be nor stand in the path of sinners and it teaches us that right now that standing in the path means adopting their ways i told you that about two weeks ago that when it says nor stand in the path of sinners it's saying don't adopt their ways now i said something that i really thought was a was a cold statement i said many of us don't realize what i call a progressive downfall that was nasty a progressive downfall he said walk watch this stand sit he shows a progression towards your destruction progression progression he says now you start out walking then you become comfortable you stop now you settle in it and i try and i'm trying to get you to understand that the blessed place god has you in is conditional now i want you to put this in your notes and do me a favor leslie can you find psalms 1 i want to read all the way through it because i want you to realize that the blessings of god according to psalms 1 is conditional conditional i'm going to read it how blessed is the man here we go how blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked nor stand in the path of sinners nor sit in the seat of scoffers verse 2 but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law he meditates day and night verse 3 and he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in its season and its leaves do not wither and whatever he does prospers but i want you to catch this everybody shouts for verse three but doesn't realize you gotta do verse one and two because the promise is conditional can i ask you a question the promise i'm not going to ask that question yet yeah i am going to ask that question why is it the first thing they teach us in psalms 1 is what the man doesn't do he says no no anybody make it very clear here's why he's blessed here's why he here's what he don't do just opposed to what you do do because had i told you what he does you would have thought it was boring i'm going to help you real quickly i'm going to help you real quickly okay all right pray fast pay your tithes come to church oh that's what my grandmother said you don't know how i'm blessed cause i don't go around certain people i don't waste my money he says no i'm gonna show you what he doesn't do because maybe if you see what he doesn't do it'll push you to do what he does do that's critical why pmj because he teaches us this in the text he teaches us that bad company ruins good morals that's biblical that's not just a statement of affirmation according to first corinthians 15 and 33 do not be deceived bad company ruins good moral it corrupts bad company corrupts you are you you're a chef in my opinion one of the best pastry chefs in the in the city so hear me when i say this you always book people always ordering your pastries everything you do your cupcakes your cakes all the stuff for birthday parties all that stuff i'm gonna help you real quickly if four other chefs came to you and said let's let's start a company and you thought it was a good idea but you didn't check their background and all of a sudden all four of y'all became one company and they couldn't cook and all of a sudden now you don't know why your business going down because every now and then you would say no no i was doing good before y'all you're guilty by association how many y'all have went to a restaurant and the service was bad and you never went back to the restaurant now the owner don't have a clue why he lost you which is why so many churches are empty because the owner are still trying to figure out i woke them up i clothed them in their right mind why they won't come to me it's because the serve has been bad and sadly the church is guilty by association so when that pastor across the street or the pastor in another state do something crazy all christians and all pastors get a rep because we're guilty [Applause] by associate which is why when you left your house your mama said remember who house you in because when you mess up we mess up 70 all of the type 10 friends say you need to tighten up because you're making me look bad by association because it's hard here it is it's hard to live right when you link wrong did that bless anybody last week it's hard to live right when you link wrong now here's what i want you to realize because verse two and let's go to work verse two says but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law he meditates day and night not only does a successful believer love the book but he lives out the book he put that in your notes for your pastor don't just love it live it that's a good screen right there don't just love it live it it's hard hear me when i say this it's hard living out this word is hard baby girl i wish i could tell you i was everything i preached i have some areas in my life that i'm still growing in it's hard i'm trying to make sure i'm a good husband a good father a good boss a good leader a good pastor a good art it is hard see i wish they would have told us how hard it was before they told us to get right i wish church would have taught me like psalms 1. instead of telling me all the good stuff god did i wish they would have told me how difficult this walk with christ was it is hard it it it it it's hard to live right when you're one save right did you catch this so so you was born in sin so nobody gonna help me preach today you were born in sin shamed and see this is why it's crazy i'm gonna go old school cog right here i want you to read the nlt version loud as you can come on no read it like your mama used to read it at her church come on yes i was born yes so stop right there she said for i was born a sinner so this is why translations matter because we were taught i was born and said shaped in iniquity the new living translation because there's a difference between a version and a translation so the translation says i was born a sinner it's hard to live right when you was born wrong did you catch what i just said so ebony your default what's that in your phone android that's the iphone it looks like an android we're gonna pray for your iphone so your iphone tips and you got a better look one hold it up your iphone if you don't go into that phone and set your settings you get a certain list of settings by what default your default setting is saying did you hear what i just said your default setting is sin by default you want to sleep around by default you on a cusp by default you want a while but why do you think when you go through something the first thing you want to do is something that's wrong because you was born wrong i have to fight to be right i'm preaching to a hundred people who can admit and say pastor i am fighting like crazy to stay right and it's hard that's why i don't judge people that's why i don't shoot my nose up at people i am trying it is hard to live right when you were born means to mr mark can you put that in your notes sin means to miss the mark to miss the mark it means to aim at something and miss it it is the picture of archery it i take my bow out boom i missed the mark so when you sing you what mr mark you missed the mark truth is the mark a lie misses the truth anything that misses truth is a sin say it again yeah anything that misses the mark truth is the mark keeping yourself is the mark anything outside of keeping yourself is a sin the book gives us the mark so sin is when you miss the mark when we miss the mark well i'm gonna give this way but i'm not gonna give you just miss the mark so transgression is rebellion iniquity is twisted up bent leaning so look at this i want you to put this thing you know sin transgression iniquity so sin means i miss the mark transgression means i'm in rebellion means i was trying but i'm slipped up transgression mean i'm not even trying i'm not even aiming at the target you set [Applause] iniquity means i'm twisted up and bent i'm leaning that's so critical leslie why is that critical it's critical because i'm trying to get you to realize i mean this so see it's what's amazing is that sin and transgressions are y'all listening to me sin and transgressions are individual choices put that in your notes if you're watching me sin and transgressions are individual choices but iniquity isn't our choice because it's inherited darius iniquity isn't our choice because it's inherited some iniquities you inherit and others you got through exposure it's certain stuff you got cause your mama them was wrapped up in mess then it's some stuff you got because you got wrapped up in people who was in some mess oh my god i'm preaching today and what i'm trying to get you to realize look at verses two it says his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law he meditates day and night which means he loves the book and because he loves the book he lives the book now here's what's crazy his satisfaction leads to his sanctification [Music] he is so satisfied with the word that his satisfaction calls him to be sanctified or in other words because he's consumed with the word he is by default consecrated by god did you catch what i just said because he's consumed he's consecrated maybe the reason the devil keeps getting access to you is because of what you're consumed by consumed with mess you default being consecrated by god whatever you are consumed with gets authority to place you somewhere michael whatever you're concerned with become consumed with the world or the wicked ways of the world the devil can then put you somewhere concerned with the word i get consecration consumed with wicked living i get incarceration now consecration and incarceration look and feel exactly alike the difference is the place and who has the key see when you're incarcerated you're locked up when you're consecrated you're locked in michael [Applause] when you're incarcerated you're locked up meaning they put you in a place and they tell you when to eat they tell you when you can get out but when you're consecrated you tell the world i don't want you to have access to my peace to my mind to my joy somebody stop i'm consecrated sit down mike sit down sit down sit down mike don't do it sit down mike sit down but his delight is in the law of the lord why you don't come around no more i'm consecrated you used to be fine i know cause i was sick but now that i'm whole i'm consecrated stuff i used to like i don't that's why grandmama said things i don't do them on places i don't go people i used to be around i don't want to be around no more why because i'm wrapped up tied up tangled up in jesus his delight because that his delight is in the law of the lord that's critical in the law of the lord sit down sit down his delight is in the law of the lord and in the law does he meditate day and night he is so consumed with the word i miss when i first got saved remember that i was consumed with the word i wanted to read if it was two services i'm coming to both services i church be over i'd still be in church an hour after church i wanted to go eat and then talk about church you was consumed then you start seeing people's real flesh then you start seeing people's issues because you put certain people on a pedestal you know what i love about this man you know what i love about this man nowhere in psalms 1 is he placed on a pedestal he's placed in the middle of wickedness but has strength to overcome it this is critical the pleasure lover thinks only of satisfying their senses the unstable youth is concerned with sports and pleasure most men and women of the world direct all of their energies to securing wealth and honors but the blessed determination is to please god and in order to obtain a better knowledge of his will he meditates day and night so did you catch that why put this in your nose why does he meditate day and night he wants to learn stop roger you're going to make me go he wants to learn more of god's will more of god's will if i don't know his will i don't know what i'll need i am only concerned with what i want and knowing god's will for your life will often put you in opposition from people who know what they want from you i don't think you heard what i just said knowing god's will for your life will often put you in opposition with people who know what they want from you because often what they want from you today is counter to what god's will for you is tomorrow did you catch what i just said this is so critical i need you to catch this matthew five and six you're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for god this message version i love the message version look at what it says the message bible it says you are blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for god he's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat did you catch this i told you before that they said the word is the bread of life why would they use bread out of all foods because bread is found in every culture it is the most common food meaning whatever your palate is i have something for it bread can go with any meal this critical i'm determined to please god this is so strength i want you to say this with me so i'm determined to please god not just receive from god that's important that's so important because the average christian is here to receive not please to receive not please and i want you pastor mike but i want to be blessed all right let's let's talk about this deductively who wants to be blessed who who believe in god in the comments just put me put your hand up emotion who want to be blessed who believe in god for promotion who want a job who want a house who want a car who want a good life who wants your kids saved and healthy saved and paid let me free you real quickly the closer you get to him the closer it gets to you i don't think you heard i just said the closer you get to him the closer it will get to you in his presence it's the fullness of joy and at his right hand are pleasures evermore but in order to get to the right hand you got to be in his presence i'ma stop i'm gonna stop look look at verse three and he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in its season so the first thing we saw was the blessed man separation now i want to look at the blessed man's fertilization i think that's important because the tree is upright and grows heavenward did you catch that a tree is always planted upright and grows heavenward this tree is firmly planted many are not and because they're not planted right they grow wild this is critical it's critical a firmly planted tree is under the care and cultivation of its owner please listen to me thus the metaphor assures us that those who delight in the word of god listen clearly are owned by god which means if i'm owned by god i am cared for and clipped by god i don't think you heard what i just said and i can't help but wonder how many people listening and watching to me wanting to be cared for but not clipped i can't help but wonder how many people listening want to be cared for but not clipped you want his blessing but not his cutting my goal and i never forget when lady went to the beautician and she sent me a picture of how long her hair was and i was tripping then she said i just got my ends clipped and i said why you let her cut your hair look how long it was she said baby she didn't cut my hair since 10 sisters gonna shout with me she clipped my ends in other words there was a portion of my hair that was compromised see split ends compromise the integrity of the hair split ends are hard to curl and appear worthless and stand alone why pmj so a good beautician knows although it's long it's not strong although you got length you don't have health that's for seven of y'all who got a lot but still don't have enough because just because you have lymph does not mean it's healthy so she has to clip the split ends so it appears shorter but it's actually healthier i feel god telling me to tell seven people stop fighting what god's doing because he's giving you addition by subtraction preach pastor mike he's giving you addition by subtraction there are people in your life who appear to appear to help you but they're nothing more than a split end there are places you go that are toxic to your reproduction but god says there are split ends and sometimes i have to clip the ends so it appears shorter but it's healthier i was tripping because i have some trees that were cut down in my backyard and i went and talked to the man i never asked and i said sir uh why are you taking so long just cut them i said no no no no no no no they just can't cut it down he says no no we're gonna cut those down because we don't want them but we have a problem because we want to keep these he says and whenever you cut trees or you cut branches or you're clipping them you cut in three stages he said you cut at the front middle part then you go cut the end then once you cut the end you come back to the beginning i said wow he said if you cut the shoulder before you cut the end you damage future growth i'm sitting there like wow he said so there are four things that you have to keep in mind when you're cutting a tree keep it healthy keep it strong keep it uniform and keep it minor i said what do you mean he said keep it healthy remove all dead and diseased branches he says because have you ever seen a tree that had branches but the branches were dead if you don't cut them at a certain time it can infect the whole tree he says so the first thing you got to do this can preach to all of us is keep it healthy if i had to tell seven trees watching me right now you better cut dead weight keep it healthy number two keep it strong remove or reduce the length of stems that compete with the main leader [Music] with the main leader so so let me free you let me so if this is the branch and there are if this is the main branch and there are branches growing off of the main branch if the branch growing off of this main branch gets too heavy it becomes a problem for the lead branch the weight of the secondary branch can kill the lead branch y'all missed what i just said so you have to keep it healthy but also keep it strong which means sometimes you got to cut stuff that works it may be working out of season or it may be working out a place cause everything that grows ain't god i just messed up seven people pastor mike but it's working because that's natural did god ordain it keep it healthy keep it strong number three keep it uniform remove branches that cross or touch each other and any that look out of place number four keep it minor this is this is cold blooded and he shall be like a tree planted which means he's cared for and he's clipped which yields its fruit in its season i want to say this and i'm gonna let you leave never rush a season the text says in its season which translates to mean in due season so here we see god's timing and many times we get frustrated and impatient as believers because god's timing is not always our timing but in spite of what you may be going through right now i believe my time is coming and it's season i want to talk about a couple seasons that many of us don't realize have to come first season is the season of trial a season of trial produce your faith a season of suffering produces your patience a season of disappointment produces your humbleness a season of danger produces your courage a season of loneliness produces your prayer life all of this helps you be implanted do i need to say it again a season of trial produces your faith a season of suffering produces your patience a season of disappointment produces your humbleness a season of danger produces your courage a season of loneliness produces your prayer life see you won't do season you can't have due season until you've been through these seasons because if he gives you a due seasons without patience if he gives you a due season without danger when goliath shows up you'll run into the fight a season of loneliness produces prayer and many times we're praying for fruit when if we would master the roots of these seasons you'll be strong enough to handle the fruit of the next season the devil does not understand you've been picked positioned and processed this is why the text says he will be like a tree firmly planted that's critical your roots are strong and his leaves do not wither be grateful for what god has given you and it may not be bearing fruit for you right now but i want to speak by faith that i thank god for the leaves that he gave me he said watch this he says he says he says his he's firmly planted and its leafs do not wither i want you to see this it talks about its leafs before it talks about what it produces because if you can't shout for the leaves you ain't worth the fruit leaves are a necessity to a tree without leaves the fruit does not have what it needs when it manifests look at verses one and three i gotta go and whatever he does prospers i might have a little church by myself today if my brother was preaching he would preach he said whatever which means if you do what i've called you to do whatever your hand touch will be blessed i need seven people to just type whatever why do you think when you get mad you be fussing you just say you know what whatever it's because something in your spirit knew if i do what god said do he would bless whatever i touches may i suggest that god will not bless you and i want to submit to you that god will not just bless you he will also cover and keep you that the blessing is in your action god blesses doers not just hearers don't just be hearers of the word but be do it don't just try it and quit don't just get started and lose focus he says but if you abide in me and i in you god is saying i am blessing whatever it's the whatever for me he said whatever he does i speak psalms 1 3 over your life because you lived out psalms 1 and two it's conditional that whatever he do oh my god what would your praise look like if you knew or whatever had your name was what would your worship look like if whatever was coming i'm gonna give you 30 seconds wherever you are praise god like he's doing whatever you pray for praise god like he's doing whatever you passed it for praise god like he's doing whatever you sold for whatever you believed god for he said whatever but it's conditional you hear me it's conditional that's why i'm trying my best to posture our church for this next season i believe in my heart there are some great trials that are coming we have to be postured firm and he shall be like a tree that's important that means whatever comes your way baby girl you're prepared [Music] you may bend but you don't break father i pray that we are a people who delight ourselves in you i pray god that we keep you high and exalted above all god i stand in the gap for so many people today and i'm running back to you god if we ever needed you we need you right now so god i asked in this moment that you forgive us of things we did knowingly and unknowingly i asked in this moment that the guilt of shame one version of the bible says in shame i was conceived we know contextually this is nathan dealing with david lying with bathsheba having this child so in that sinful act we get this scripture but god we see a principle that we can take and make applicable to our lives that it's hard to live right when we were born wrong give us the strength to stay the course help us to trust in the lord with all our heart and lean out in our own understanding in all our ways acknowledge you so you can continue to direct our path god i thank you just for being god i pray over my church a sincere renewed passion for the word of god i pray book reading clubs about the bible not self-help only it's the word that transformed it's infallible it's incorruptible it's absolute i thank you father it's in jesus name clap your hands man rock city right i want to go old school i hear some falling in love with jesus i felt that in my spirit falling in love with jesus he's us [Music] we're falling in love it's the best thing i've ever done we're gonna sing it together from home real big real quick come on sing it at home say falling in love falling in love yes god can you lift your hands right there in your home falling in love falling in love what's the best thing [Music] what's the best thing ears let's make your presence is the best thing it's the best thing ever listen do me a favor i want you to give your life to christ right now i want you to text home and give your life to christ rededicate your life to christ pastor mike i haven't been in my word let me be honest with you you can hear me preach all day how you know what i'm saying is right get in your word get to know god for yourself i want to preach the gospel of responsibility text home to 28950 to those of you who are in love with god i want you to stay faithful stay committed to your prayer life to your tithing to the morning devotions to getting a word from god hear me when i say this we are not out of the woods so many people rededicated their life to christ because of the pandemic see when you think you're gonna die you get right real quick but now that you vaccinated you're separated yeah let me be very clear let me be very clear that shot ain't gonna keep you out of hell i know a vaccination i i'm covered in the blood of jesus the original basic nation hear me when i say this i want you to fall in love with god and stay committed don't just love his word live his word i'm praying for you i love you so much do me a favor get connected stay connected join pathway to purpose get on our daily devotions we want to help you become all god has called you to be father your will nothing more nothing less nothing else in jesus name i love you rock city i'll be right here next week god bless you peace [Music] absolutely an incredible incredible word i see you you're still taking notes i know you were blessed by that word do me a favor don't keep it to yourself yeah we only have one rule here at rock city you cannot rock alone so go ahead and let somebody know that the word today was absolutely amazing it bless your life and that it will be a blessing to their life as well yeah listen i'm i'm reminded of songs stay blessed oh yeah blessed you know they will always play that during all french times right and so as i'm thinking about what it truly means to be a blessing and really the way in which i've seen god show up in my life is not because what i've done for myself but what i've been able to do for others and so that applies even with our ministry right pastor mike is saying that we have a heart for the city and so we're constantly giving out right and so the one way that we're able to do that is by your investment by your giving by your [Music] three ways to give right now on the screen you don't want to just be a giver of your time but also be a giver of your treasure absolutely it's important that we partner with what god wants to do yes through rock city we're able to do so much because of our friends our family the citizens of rock city who take it serious to be a part of giving here at rock city so as dia said there's three options right there on the bottom of the screen i'm i'm normally like a text-to-giver a cash app type of guy i like to keep it digital but even if you want to go on our website you can find some giving options there as well make sure that you're giving yeah we believe that what you make happen god will make it happen for you and listen if you heard that message you say you know what i want to live a blessed life i want to be connected to god through jesus christ where i live submitted to the word and not to the world to make your next move your best will give your life to christ you can text home to 28950 our team is waiting to connect with you uh and we can't wait to see what god is going to do in and through your life maybe you need prayer you just need somebody to touch and agree with you we have our virtual prayer room open and ready right now there's a link right there in the comment section you can click on that link we can't wait to touch and agree with you pray cover you and your family because we believe that the devil is a liar and the best is still yet to come i'm excited about today's words absolutely listen i think we're out of time yeah we're not out of message until next time i'ma behalf of pastor mike lady j all of us here rock city we love you and we're praying for you you guys be blessed and keep on rocking [Music] you
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 24,975
Rating: 4.9028339 out of 5
Id: r8WCQgPvLtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 55sec (3115 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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