I've Been Here Too Long // INSANITY (PART 1) // PASTOR MIKE JR.

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I'm going into a new series today right a new series today as a pastor I tried my best to be like the sons of Issachar and discern the times that's not my best you I know you love music so you probably your playlist probably has anything from gospel to country to blues R&B I just always try to discern the times I was in the midst of shooting a music video for one of my favorite songs on our album entitled freedom chain Curtis freedom chant we're thinking about changing the name of freedom chance to let it go because it just speaks to me so much then one of my favorite R&B singers summer Walker dropped a surprise project in one of the best songs on her album is entitled way let it go and I felt like God was speaking to me saying Michael there's some people who are caught in a perpetual cycle of dysfunction that we don't understand dr. King said if we are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality tied to a single garment of destiny that would have impacts you directly impacts me indirectly meaning I can't so think about what's happening with me and think it's isolated covenant means when the devil messes with you he is messing with me too and I believe what God is telling us right now that there are some cycles that we need to break so today I want to drop a new series entitled insanity insanity go with me to join five let's start with verse five I want to start something fresh today and title insanity and Santa me look at your neighbor look at yourself say neighbor there are some cycles that I have to break look at somebody else a neighbor there are some things that I got to stop doing cuz they're hurting me and blocking my destiny insanity it's no longer on me John five I feel God a hit a day Johnny Five a man was there who had been ill for thirty-eight years verse 6 when Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already imma stop right here been a long time in that condition he said to him I'm a back that up and said again he had been a long time in that condition he said to him buta question do you wish to get well look at somebody and say I don't know about you but I've been here too long i'ma stop there Lester now I've been here too long for the purpose of this teaching I would like to define and use the term insanity and two very distinct ways for the purpose of this teaching I would like to define and use the term insanity in two very distinct ways first of all let's do with the definition that you guys understand insanity is doing the same thing expecting a different result insanity is doing the same thing expecting a different result and many of you have heard that as you matriculate matriculated through life insanity is why am I going back to the relationship when it has proven to be toxic insanity is not eating right not living right then when you get sick sometimes you tend to blame the devil when it's your eating patterns or it's how you're living your life insanity is doing the same thing expecting a different result I want to see who can be honest with me today and admit there are some places in your life where you might have to plead insanity it's critical it's critical that's why the talented tenth maker from Tarsus Paul said the good I would do I do if not but the bad I find myself doing can y'all stop playing church and be honest for a second and and me is some stuff that you said you was gonna stop doing but you kept doing it it's some people you said you was gonna stop doing I'm sorry and I stopped doing stop singing but you just kept singing them might I submit to you like Jada some of y'all got some entanglements that you gotta break loose from you got some habits that are holding you hostage insanity is doing the same thing expecting a different result but secondly for this series sake it is also P MJ's definition of insanity doing something that makes no sense to man but perfect sense to God insanity for me this year we'll be doing something that makes no sense to me but perfect sense to god i'ma say this and three of y'all may praise God when I say this stop trying to explain your big vision to small people I'm gonna say it again stop trying to explain your big vision to small people because when people don't have the level of faith that you walk in it is impossible for them to comprehend the level of intensity that God is placed inside of you for your destiny I'm ready to bust some moves that don't make sense in the midst of a pending I'm looking at property I don't know who I'm talking to you in the midst of a pandemic I'm trying to make investments that's gonna give me some dividends and returns that my family are never struggle again in my life this is how you know you were destined for greatness when the conversation you trying to have ever taste the people you have any with I'm talking to the wrong people today when the conversation you're trying to have irritates the people you're trying to have the conversation with you talking failure they talking face you talking about miracles they still dabbing in this you're talking about investing in properties you're talking about getting your mind right you're talking about coming out of our social ties and social enigmas but yet they're still stuck in the mirror the mirror is the misery of their past and don't even come free hand that they have yet to become what God has called them to be I am ready to bust some moves that may not make sense to you but it's gonna make a whole lot of sense to God those will be our two working definitions as we piled through this necessary teaching and our narrative this weekend we see the story of the brother at the pool the way in which you preach this particular text is predicated on what you're trying to get done I mean there's so many ways we can come at this if God keeps us here I'll preach this a dozen more times but for this weekend let's jump right in verse 5 verse 2 let's go to now there is in Jerusalem by a sheep gate a pool which is called in Hebrew let's stop here Bethsaida that's critical there is a pool in Hebrew which is called Bethsaida bets there in the Hebrew word for Bev saya put this in your nose means house of mercy or house of grace the Hebrew word for Bethsaida means house of mercy or house of grace now as you put that in your notes I want you to draw a line because it can also and don't move too quickly Kandace it can also mean in Hebrew and Aramaic it could also mean shame and disgrace now I want you to see then let's learn something today the Hebrew word for Bethsaida it's house of mercy or house of grace but it can also mean in Hebrew and Aramaic shame and disgrace that's critical isn't it that's critical isn't it I was tripping because I couldn't figure out the difference between Hebrew and Aramaic and I discovered it was where you were born did you catch that it was where you were born so what that leads me to believe is depending on the house you were in that one word meant two different things in one house Bethsaida means grace and another house is disgrace in one house it means mercy and another house it means shame you want to know why some of us are insane because we keep going to too many houses that our country dictate what God has called you so you go over here and they call you bless you go over here and they call you a miss you go over here they tell you you can't you go over here they tell you you can't you want to be the worst thing some of you guys are doing watching too many streams I just said something that might get me in trouble the worst thing that some of you are doing is watching too many streams cuz at nine o'clock they told you it's a depressed season at 10:30 they told you to walk in favor and then one o'clock they told you just be happy so now your spirit man don't know whether it's your season to move or you'll season this thing I came to make a definitive declaration you better find your house somebody that clear this is my house oh my god you better say this is my house why do i tone in every week because this man has this unique ability of not calling me what I am he told me what I have yet to become they are at Bethsaida Bethsaida means grace somebody say grace have you typed grace yet somebody typed grace see this is why I miss my church issue this is why I'm not gonna talk to you she got makeup on she feel cute today i'ma talk to you tryst no no James I'm gonna talk with you this is why I like Gracie they can't understand grace cuz they always leave these perfect like they don't understand grace cuz they never been no well done nothing they never woke up next to somebody they wish they could get back they never drove home and then in the morning they tried to figure out how did I even get to the house in the first place they ain't never wasted no money and didn't know how he was gonna pay your bill and just when it got ready to get cut off a check came in the mail or deposit hit your account see the only people who are getting excited are the people who are watching me who have experienced grace somebody shout grace grace is the reason I'm still alive after that car accident grace is the reason I'm still breathing when Corona told me my breath should be taken grace is the reason you still got half of my lip when people been trying to drive you crazy grace somebody shout grace do me a favor if you're watching me right now and you are the product of grace I want you to just type in the comments I am a product of grace people be looking at you jealous of you and not even realize there were seasons of your life when you didn't even want you they be looking at you painting on you and not even realize you hate on you more than anybody else can hate on you cuz the stuff they talking about pales in comparison to the stuff I asked Lee did I heard he did so I saw you heard the small putt if I really told you what I did you would be saying God why are they using them right now but it ain't nothing but grace somebody who's live long enough to understand that the only reason I'm alive is not because of my bank account it is not because of my last name there was nothing but so I saw I got a pinkish picture are y'all with me I got a painted picture of Bethsaida somebody say Bethsaida this Bethsaida okay you missed your shower I got to get my church back I gotta find a way to get my church back I mean we may have to invest in some plastic bags and each person sit in the seat but then the seat is just a plastic but I gotta get my church back cuz y'all too bougie I missed the front row I missed my 12:30 service I miss I miss my radical Saints because y'all be missing the best shout I told you that there was sick people who were laid at Grace y'all so slow I need a better Church Jesus Christ I'm going to Atlanta I'm going let me know where you want me to come cuz they they they don't get it yet these sick people different types of sicknesses and issues are laid at Bethsaida Bethsaida means what grace this is critical it didn't say heal people were found at grace it's a folk who have yet to come out we're still sitting at grace sea is one thing that testify on the other side you want to know what I want to start I want to rebrand since we in virtual Church I would like to rebrand testimony service I wanted to say I want to rebrand testimony service because testimony service is when you tell somebody what happened but the only reason you testify is because you come out of it I want to know what testimony service would look like if you had to testify in the middle of it see testify i'ma see if y'all can go Baptist with me praise the lowest Saints y'all in Baptist in appraised the lowest Saints I said praise the lowest Saints first giving honor to God who's the head of my life to the pastor Saints and Friends they got a rock like this when you say this it is good for us to be here I don't know how i'ma get through this testimony but I got to share with you woke up the other day it was something in my stomach that was just hurt me and I just put it off then Wednesday I couldn't take it no more went down to the doctor they said they saw a little spot on my stomach saying it was probably cancerous and I would probably have to have surgery that that's when the Saints will start shouting because since this testimony service they know the only reason you tested iein is because you came out which is why the church is so hypocritical that we only celebrate people who've been delivered not people who in process this this is why so many people walked away from church because the church was intended to be Bethsaida but the problem is we stopped being grace and became judgment and you can't evangelize and criticize Michael you cannot evangelize and criticize I want a church who gonna testify like this praise the lower Saints praise the lower Saints that's to say for me I need a church you testify like this hey y'all last week I met Jerry and me and Jerry said we was gonna take it slow then me and Jerry end up getting a room at the jewelry on 280 I ended up doing some stuff I said I wasn't gonna do and you're gonna be sitting in church like what the rest of it that's it cuz if you can't handle me at Grace you shouldn't get me at my deliverance and too many people in your life love you because they think you are developed they they can't handle the fact if they found out you were still in development you miss what I just said a lot of people love you because they believe you are developed what would happen if the church found out Pastor Mike when developers he was still in development who would you stop listening to my sermons if you heard me cuss if you heard me and my wife buzz would you stop watching and say see he ain't as mature as I thought he was you better stop putting pretty crazy how people will put pressure on you that they couldn't handle the somebody out of just type I'm in development I mean I'm having a good time today I needed that break glass ring I'm in development that thank God I'm not who I used to be and I'm not who I should be but I'm a whole lot better than where I come from Bethsaida so depending on which house you come from in one house that can mean grace another house it can mean shame look at what it says in these lay a multitude of those who were sick now go back to verse 2 because I want to I want to dive into this Tuesday watch the Bible study cheese they set your alarm 7:00 p.m. this Tuesday because it says she had by the Sheep gate a pool which is called in Hebrew Bethsaida five porches that's what that word means there were five pools five porches that people were put in that's critical five porches that people will put in so I'm gonna talk about these different porches that nobody ever talks about because we are so ready to shout we miss that you could be placed in five places I'm gonna talk about this Tuesday the five places you can find grace don't don't even worry about don't don't even worry about that in these lay a multitude of those who were sick look at the look at the description am i helping anybody in these lay a multitude of those who were sick blind lame and withered waiting on the moving of the waters first four for the angel of the Lord went down at a certain season please don't forget I said that the angel of the Lord went down when at a certain season when look at me you better type that don't forget I said that when at a certain ten fifteen minutes I'm gonna come back and get that hello what sir season into the pool and stirred up the water whoever then first after the stirring of a water stepped in and was made well from whatever disease which he was afflicted I need you to catch this now a great number of disabled people picture is the SAS spiritual plight of the world the earliest manuscripts omit these words which appear to be a late insertion to explain why the pool water was third so the early manuscript of the Bible omitted this this was later this was interred afterwards why pmj because they had to explain why would these people sin waiting on a pool to be stirred I need you to catch this people believe that an angel came and stirred the water according to a local tradition the first one in the water would be healed but the Bible doesn't teach this kind of superstition anywhere a situation that would be a most cruel contest of the many ill people that were present nowhere in the Bible do we see this toll look at verse five it says they were wait this water and it was winter an angel so imagine is everybody's sick have five porches they could go to they were waiting on this water to get stirred when the water got stirred the first sick person the water got healed I'm gonna lose a thousand streams right here but it's okay cuz I want to argue with you in the black America we still fighting to get in the water first which is why we don't celebrate each other which is why locally and Birmingham Alabama we got a crab mentality that when one person makes it out instead of all of us celebrating them and joining in with them the first thing we do is try to pull them out the pool cuz we actually think look at this mindset we actually believe that God can only bless one of us not all of us jesus said that's a shirt right there not one but all not one of us but all of us look at this cruel superstition these people believe not as if I'm lame how imma be somebody who blind this is critical now if my legs don't work well he blind pastor but you can hear water bubbling so if he heard the water he just took out running full speed it's a competition and nowhere in the Bible do they teach this all of these people are waiting on the water to get sir watch this now but look at verse 5 a man was there who had been ill how long 38 years this particular johanan text doesn't tell me all that I want to know about this brother I don't want to preach it right but it doesn't give me enough information I don't know his genealogy I don't know who it's mama or his daddy is I don't know his feet ology you missed there I don't know his genealogy I don't know who his mama or his daddy is or his last name I don't know his theology I don't even know if he were Christian I don't know what he believes I don't know what's going on with him spiritually the only thing they give me John and this pregnant johanan text the only thing he gives me is his pathology and his geography I don't know his genealogy who his folks in him is I don't know his theology if he believed in God all I know is his pathology is he ill for 38 years and I know his geography he's situated and acculturated by a pool this is abnormal while pmj because John doesn't tell me anything about his by what's going on because he's trying to get me to realize what he's been through is irrelevant where he is is what's important and I want to submit to somebody watching right now who's been somewhere watch this for 38 two long years can I submit that to somebody that's some of you right now have found yourself in the same season for a long time oh my god you've been saying you're gonna do this for a long time you said last she was gonna get your life right then now we seven must do this year the year almost gone and you right where you were last year cuz you've been at this place mmm for a long time this is critical in essence all John tells me is this brother had the same issue for a long time that's critical ain't it Curtis I wonder how many people watching me right now I've been dealing with the same stuff privately for a long time see that's one thing we got to talk about because so many people walk around publicly free and privately bound Jesus Christ see we walk around publicly free and privately bound you another worst thing in life is to think just because you're not in prison you're not in Chains Jesus Christ just because you're not behind literal bars some of you are behind spiritual and mental and emotional financial bars in a prison of death which means no matter how much money you get you can never have enough in a prison of psychological warfare that even in Cedars when stuff is going good you can't even enjoy the good cuz you're so worried about when it's gonna be over I came to preach to somebody today in a relational bundage in relational 38 years that y'all finally doing better but you can't let go of the stuff you told you was gonna forgive them for so no matter how happy you get you always find yourself right back in the same place I don't know who's watching me right now and the reason I might be happy you watching online cuz have we been in church this is the part of the sermon where you were to put your head down cuz you didn't want nobody to see what you was going through but sis you at your crib by yourself you ought to lay hands on your own heart lay hands on your own head lay hands on your own pocketbook and say I am free from this I've been here help me God too long Jesus look at verse 5 there was a man who had been ill for 38 years ill I like that for 38 years what's the difference between being whole and being ill and ' the difference between being healed and ill is an apostrophe what do you mean pmj ill i spell it for me ll ah ah ' ll many of you are ill I ll cuz you won't do what God is calling you to do I'm gonna come and get that in a minute the difference between ill and I'll is something that's lifted the difference between eel and Isle is something that is lifted and the reason some of you will still ill is because you won't list nothing up and I'm come to tell you the sin the doubt the fear the depression the anxiety that weighs you down I feel God it is your season too y'all don't like me today when Jesus saw him lying there I feel something right when Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been a long time in that condition when Jesus saw him lying there that's so important can you underline that in your notes and knew and knew that is a beautiful Greek word which means to discern a beautiful Greek word which means to discern can I submit to you because so many people have been played and it stored it and manipulated and violated they not gonna always walk up to you and say pray you got to be able to walk by and discern Jesus Christ Jesus Christ I've been having to pray more than I've ever prayed in my life you want to know why Tristan eldest reason I've been having to pray more than I ever prayed in my life because normally when my church was present I could feel what they needed me to preach based off of their response to what I would say so if I started preaching about finance that I didn't hear nothing but I started speaking about relationships ain't hidden if I start speaking about anxiety and half the room would say yes Lord I would sit in that because they told me subconsciously what they wanted to hear but the reason I need prayer right now because with no crowd I got a design and the Holy Spirit told me and if what I'm about to say is the truth I want you to just type you talking to me I want you to type meat if I say this right here Holy Spirit told me this week Mike you need to preach on insanity because there are two groups of people one group of people are about to lose their mind it's another group of people who got to lose they mind you miss what I just said one group about to lose they mind and go crazy but it's another group about to lose their mind and bustles face moves I don't know who I'm preaching to in here but I want to take 60 second the priests of the first group and declare god is not giving you the spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind I decree and declare that no weapon formed against you she'll be able to prosper I declare your sanity is coming back i declare god is greater do exceeding and abundant above all you can acts the dream or magic that the wealth of the wicked is about to be deals out because you've been righted that's that cycle of mental illness that cycle of emotional weariness that cycle of psychological warfare is being brought to it in out free but it's the second group oh it's the second group I'm gonna take a lap on that one it's the second group I feel my help coming who got to lose your mind what am I talking about P LJ cuz you got the bus on faith wounds that don't make no sense look at your neighbor and say neighbor look at everybody in your house that say house you better hold on to me that ain't got time to give you details in this season this my season or just bust some moves if you ain't holding old you gonna get left behind this is my season to step out on faith some of y'all about to walk off with jobs and people gonna be looking at you like how you gonna pay fields I don't know I just heard God say this is my season I'm gonna give you 30 seconds to just walk around your house I'm gonna give you 30 seconds but just bust some moves where you at and every time you want I want you to declare what you bout to do cuz you about to lose when you're going to this next job interview and God give you the job you weren't qualified you were about to lose your mind when the relationship you thought was dead God risk for both we don't lead y'all walk in the fullness of God you about to lose your mind when the last is about to be first you about to lose your mind when the devil body handsome but our sin see fit to let none of these Bing Bing I kept sipping people the detectives reach them in these faster I'm about to walk if I can't say it's three groups that just hit me three groups one group you're about to lose your mind because the mental pressure you're under striving you crazy second group you're about to lose your mind cuz you've got to bust some faith moves but then there's the third group who free to see your faith moves go hate on your faith moves and when your faith moves work they gonna lose they mind cuz you had even the one who's supposed to have no money you ain't even the one in the family who's supposed to be the one with the good marriage you ain't the one in the family who's supposed to be doing it big but guess what baby the rumors of your demise have been greatly exaggerated I need a hundred folks are just tight favor I need 70 out of the type that tight favor I need Bobby I'll attack five people who you want to walk in your next season with you and say you better hold on cuz when I bust this next move everything connected to me I'm in the wrong church everything connected to me I'm in the wrong Church everything connected to me is bless somebody shout bless say bless I looked up this week and they called me and said Pastor Mike um your streams for being not being I'm sorry your strengths for look at me now jumped I said whoa I said look at me now how did they jump I went on Spotify and saw I got added to this playlist watch this that has 60,000 subscribers all right this is crazy all right so just because I got added just somebody who was winning I've got some of their overflow now James you can help me with this cuz James I called you and said James I can't understand why this happened you said no those are called discovery streams meaning people who didn't even know about you found you cuz she was connected to us somebody see you would have been blessed by now had you let your pride go and just stay connected but since you want to walk on your own going on out there and see how it is but if you stay tuned it gets a favor you go get some Discovery blessings you go get some Discovery overflow somebody shot is coming my way it's coming look at this he walks by him and he discerned and what does he say to him do you wish to get well that's critical do you wish to get well can i contemporize modernize and mcclure eyes that thing it says do you want it I'm gonna ask a question and everybody who's ready to be what God called you to be I need you to answer in the comments do you want in I don't see nobody typing right there do you want it I should have had my cell phone up here so I could have responded to your line do you want it you keep talking about this promotion you want but ain't apply for it cuz four people at the job keep telling you ain't promoting or promoting nobody in six months it's a difference between you and them called favor do you want it you keep saying you're gonna get healed but won't even claim it do your own it you keep saying it's gonna be the year I get married do your warning you keep saying I'm gonna start the business but you keep finding every excuse in the book the question is do you want it my father mic McClure's singing pastor mike mcruiz singing your revelation Church says something in his a message when I was 12 years old it I will never forget he said there are a couple of questions you have to accent life number one what do you want number two how bad do you want it number three it's the thing you want the thing that God wants for you number four are you willing to declare it before you're holding in your hands oh my daddy gave me that one right there I'm gonna say it again number one what do you want if you can't properly articulate what she wants you to never get it you mean I just want some money for what well I just want to I just want to be happy what does that mean what does that mean what does that mean I want to be a national recording artist go sing on Facebook that's the nation you better be specific what do you want how bad do you want it are you willing to fight for it are you willing to grind for it are you willing to wake up every morning chasing after it are you willing to make some sacrifices for it are you willing to do some hard things for it that's like I won't their house how bad how bad I never forget I looked at my wife and said we're gonna go live in an extended stay we don't live mean corporate apartments for about four months don't worry about it we saving I know it's gonna be uncomfortable I know you don't like it I know it's frustrating but stop trippin you want to know why because what we want is great and where we are are you willing to sell what do you want number two how bad be you on the number three is the thing you want the thing that God wants for you because this makes no sense chasing something God don't keep moving I don't think you heard what I just said it makes no sense chasing something that God keeps moving so you keep saying up in the God and do so so God said nah if I give you that it's gonna kill you I'm in the wrong Church I mean I'm in the wrong chick I need a better Church I'm in a wrong Church cuz what do you want number two how bad do you want to number three is the thing you want the thing that God wants for you number four are you willing to declare it before you hold it in your hand you wanna know somebody keep hearing people say you got to stop telling people what you're gonna do why they can't stop it and if they can't stop it it must not have been God they can't stop it we give too much power to inferior people Jesus Christ and I don't say inferior as in we're better than I'm just then I serve a superior God so we fear people like guy can't control them people when God and make your enemies your footstool and my preaching say any body and the devil has one job it is to drive you crazy the devil has one job to separate you from the love of God your enemies have one job to break your focus and to get you distracted but they miscalculated cuz in this season you never been as focused as you are I need you to look at somebody around you and say get focused tell them stop focusing on your haters stop focusing on your enemies you ought to look your enemies dad in the face and say I know you got hired by the devil to keep me in my past but because of a favor on my life you about to lose your job you not gonna hold me hostage no more because what God got for me in a devil in hell that can block the favor that God is dispensing on my life what do you what Jesus looks at this brother this is crazy the scripture opens up by saying it's a whole lot of people out there seek Jesus walks by and one brother catches our attention he is he is disabled disappointed and defeated can't move disappointed cuz evidently he ain't got in the water because he been here for 38 years that's crazy ain't it 38 years 38 years jesus walks by and says do you wish to give well Jesus asked him a question I want you to catch it there on a porch where's the porch on the front what's the deck what's the porch the front it's at the front which means people are doing what walking back who have got used to seeing them in that shape they don't even pay him no attention no look don't don't do it I see you at home shaking your hair say that's that's a shame how many homeless people you don't row back it never looked twice at I know we live in a dangerous world now we just can't stop and help everybody but the principle still applies how many times have you seen somebody on a corner with a bucket and you look the other way it's no different they were laying there sick and people that's just so and so he always sick jesus walks by and this is critical it says do you wish to get well I need you to do me a favour because they don't get it go to verse 6 when Jesus saw him doing what lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time at that condition he said to him do you wish to get well this is critical this is critical y'all know how my brain work chip James Curt you know how my brain work you know how my brain works I'm gonna see if y'all catch this I'm gonna see if you catch it I promise if you catch this I'll be back I want to see if you catch this I want to see if you catch this he walks up people in the room do you wish to get will y'all missed it I'm gonna do it again I'm gonna do it again y'all missed it he walks by sees a whole lot of people at the pool do you wish to get well y'all missed it do you see it I see you see where I'm going with this I see something that many people miss I'm gonna do it again I'm gonna do it again alright he walks up sees a whole lot of people and all he says is do you wish to get well had I not even been the man I would have said yes Jesus would have had to look at me and say ain't talking to you I'm gonna look back out understand well you better put a name on it cuz I see a principal when he came to a graveyard with a whole lot of people get he didn't just say come forth he said what Lazarus he never put a name on it all he said was do you wish to get well Jesus wanted to do three things he wanted to reveal himself stimulate this man's wheel and raise his hope he's not want to make it very clear you need to look and see who are you talking to I ain't like the rest of we're gonna walk by you hey do you wish to get whalebone oh snap this Jesus I want to stimulate your wheel come on nobody asked you that in 38 years 38 years well it lets the students deductively did this not in the Bible's isogenic oh but let's just use our imagination he gets sick the first year he go to every hospital the first four or five years he's going to every treatment he can find the next four years they say the next four years year five to nine he's going to rebels trying to see who can heal him now he gets it reaches here T and he desperate look man I go I'll try any herbal stuff any type of witch doctor in the country I need to find somebody who gonna heal me I want to die now he ain't here 15 20 and he just down conversation is ceased and Jesus says to him do you wish to get well I'm in the wrong Church see I preached a movie for men I preach like biggie smalls round he was a storyteller so I try to go line by line verse by verse I try to paint a picture that while you're sitting at home you can literally see this so imagine imagine all these people laying on a poor sick Jesus thoughts now net notice he never walks alone he got 12 disciples with him okay he got a crew following him the whole crew stopped he says do you wish to get well I wish I could have seen other people girl he's talking to Larry girl he's talking to the who he thought that's Larry Larry do you wish do you wish to get well and look at what Larry says to him watch this verse said I want you to catch this the sick man answered him and said sir I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up but while I am coming another steps down before me do you wish to get well he is talking to the healer and tells they hillier about a tradition he goes to it he's talking to a doctor about what his other doctor told him do you wish and he said I don't have nobody to put me in the pool this brother was trying to get lifted didn't realize his about to get healed I talked this before you got to catch his head the sick man do you see that on the screen put that on the screen so they can see that the sick man answered there's a dichotomy between you within you thank you dr. Bernie's an anthropological duality and anthropological duality within you we are made up of two people the spiritual man in the sick man the spiritual man in you is in church on Sunday the sick man you was acting a fool as night there's a difference between the public me in the private knee and if you ain't careful makes you social distancing don't lead to spiritual emptiness because some of you keep responding to life as the sick you some when wife start fussing you start cussing before you know you know you sick when you say stuff like man before I knew it I lost it I don't even remember what happened I just remember cussing and screaming cuz the sick you spoke up there is a fool I call there is a fight happening on the inside of you and every time something happens to you in life there is a game to see who answers first which is why I keep trying to put your own spiritual discipline which is why I may push my elders to start 21 day devotional on Facebook live every morning from the church page starting in the morning because we got to get some more disciplining you because you say if you only feed your spirit man on Sunday he's starving six days a week who's ever fasted who's ever fasted who's ever came off your fans and ate everything you wanted and ended up doing with getting sick you can't eat with me on Sunday and don't do nothing else through the week this is why the sick you answer which is why when that old person takes you started out by saying leave me alone and one lol made us mhm because the sick you one form of insanity is to continue to respond wrongly to the grace of God one form of insanity is to continue to respond wrongly to the grace of God do you wish to be made well Kurtis when I shot you that Texan said it's time for you to start that church the next day Curt sleep all day slowly sleep late he's a night out you know creators are stay up till 4:00 in the morning working then he'll sleep to eleven o'clock two o'clock and I never get out text her that night it's time for you to start this church I said I see it all over you I know we've been talking about it but it's time he walked with that necklace I'm just seeing this text he's the dad have you seen his own he never say it but ain't I don't know nobody in Montgomery anyone I asked you did you wish to get may hit well he didn't say well I've only preached about five times he said no if you won't it say you will some of y'all God keep asking asking you do you want it and you keep giving them excuses start the business I don't have no finances that ain't what I asked you insanity is when your sickness conflated with your victim mentality causes you to capitulate in courageous moments insanity it's when your sickness conflated with a victim mentality causes you to capitulate in a courageous moment capitulate give in insanity is when God says yes and you say but infinity is when God puts a parent period and you add a comma insanity is when you're moving slower than God is calling it it is insane to think it's just going to fix itself [Music] thirty-eight years ever did one day I'm a wake up healed house way how how I'm coming out of debt this year how you ain't did nothing you don't time you ain't saved nothing you ain't decreasing your output increasing your input how insanity is to think it's just gonna work out y'all been fussing in custody chilled out for seven years neither one of y'all will trust nobody and get no real counseling or even sit down with a spiritual authority and let us speak into your life you just think you're gonna wake up one day and be changed it is insanity to think it will fix itself well I'm in the wrong church today 2nd Peter 2:22 look at all them twos in there 2nd Peter 2:22 it has happened to them according to the true proverb look at insanity our dog returns to its own bundle and a soul after washing returns to wallowing in the mire I'm finna say this and I pray three you can catch it and notice I'm not gonna say you listen to how I say it many of us are sick and don't know it we keep going back to the stuff we threw up something I need to change your ex name and your phone to vomit suddenly I need to change their name to vomit and every time they call you see my grandmother I never forget she was trying to be a dick nicotine addiction I never forget that and she tried every 12-step program they would put the ashes of the cigarettes in a bank and make her inhale them to the point where it would throat make her throw up because they believe psychologically if we could make the smell of it make you sick you wouldn't return to it so she would put her nose into a bank inhale it someone it would make her throw up and vomit and that's me what she would do later smoke a cigarette she smoked a cigarette this she went to a patch they put a patch on her and she was like no I'm gonna be Cougars I got the patch that's what she did later smoked a cigarette this went to a 12-step program that's what she did later smoked cigarette then the doctor said well look we don't we do the way you're going you're gonna be dead soon that's what she did stopped some of us play with stuff cuz we know it may hurt but it won't kill what do they call them when you like pain it's a technical term for that it's a technical term that some people whether you know it or not you're the spiritual version of that oh my god I want somebody in this room to research that and when you get it just bring it to me because many of you right now you run to stuff that hurt you won't stop unless they kill you Jesus and sanity it's when your sickness complaint it with your victim mentality calls you to capitulate in a courageous moment he says sir I have nobody to put me in the pool and I want to submit to you today if you're watching me stop making excuses Malcolm Gladwell said and I quote truly successful decision-making relies on a balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking truly successful decision-making hinges on the balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking I want you to add this the popcorns out loud do you wish to get well I don't have nobody to put me in the pool is that deliberate or instinctive that was instinctive he had been so used to making excuses it had became natural and what I go back in is what he's teaching him now is that the difference between successful thinking it's deliberate and instinctive thinking we got a reprogram this bit this this this this quarantine am i helping anybody if I'm helping you type you're helping me passing you're helping me pasture this corn thing for me was a reset I've been preaching six times a week since 2010 think about this since since 2010 I've been having four or five services a week before the pandemic started we had Saturday morning 3:00 on Sundays one in Tuscaloosa two in Birmingham another in Tuscaloosa we ripping and running so imagine is Sunday Saturday I preached one time Sunday I preached three times Monday we got staff mean Tuesday I preached two times Wednesday drive the Tuscaloosa Thursday we're going now big hit and traveling doing all this music doing all this stuff but then you forget I got boys at home I got a baby girl at home got a wife at home I'm trying to do all I can Holy Spirit said no no no no no y'all moving too much and you have equated busyness with effectiveness just because you got a lot to do don't mean you doing something insanity means we got to get to a point of deliberate and instinctive thinking for the angel of the Lord went down at a certain season I feel God on me I told you 15 minutes ago 20 minutes ago let's be honest 27 minutes ago don't forget a certain season remember I told you that I said for the Lord went down at a certain season I don't know who I'm preaching to meaning it they didn't know when it was gonna happen there was never on the calendar they didn't know what time of the year what happened they didn't say at Christmas they didn't say at fall they didn't say none day they said no no it's called a certain season and I told you don't forget that cuz it's a declaration I need you to make over your own life I'm certain it's my certain seasons I'm in the wrong church you ought to look at yourself and say self I'm certain it's my certain season let's have church and go home I want you to just walk over to somebody in here or just look in the mirror and say it's my third season when I get to you just shout wherever you at get the heart wherever you ad it's my season for success it's my season for breakthrough it's my season for some money it's my season for relational happiness it's my season for greater ministry it's my season to overcome its my seat to give back everything that I lost it's my season of walking overflow it's my season of walking power it's my season to walk in grace somebody shut it my search seasons third season I'm in the wrong Church it's my third season and Jesus says watch this let's go home are you watching are you watching what these days get up pick up your pallet walk [Music] see y'all - out cause y'all ain't got kids in daycare I'll kill the guard who don't ever had a child in daycare kennel guard and you decide to pick him up early but when you pick him up his nap time and you walk into that big old classroom and ain't remember when palettes palette there's a difference between a palette and a bed a palette is temporary your bed is permanent your bed is where you go to the call of the day your palette is where you go to just as a temporary nap the problem with this brother is what should have been temporary became permanent pickup cannot contemporize moderniser McClure ice this yo temporary crutch walk pick up your temporary pain walk what you feel right now [Music] insanity is doing something that makes no sense to man perfect sister who what Jesus says in verse 8 is insanity Hey I know y'all for 38 years you've been on this man pick it up don't you think if I could pick it up I would about now did not just tell you ain't have nobody to pick me up and put me in the water so I just told you I couldn't pick me up now you want me to pick what's holding me up Jesus says that's insanity I want you to do what don't make no sense to you the perfect sense to God that's why I give like I give people understand that til then never get that I remember when we first started giving they said we were we were bribing people to come to church he overed ever giving out all that money and then blessing because he's bribing people to come to church no God told me to give it may not make sense to you but it makes perfect sense to God then when somebody gives you a building people say stuff like I don't ever happen to me cuz you didn't do what didn't make sense to them earlier we never knew what would happen if we couldn't have Church God made it make sense his command carry with it the required enablement you missed and I'm gonna give it to you again his command carried with it the required enablement make that make sense when God said get up Healing within the command [Music] to catch this we've been go home I wanna look you in the face look at me get up live right the word has power question is are you gonna be obedient [Music] can you put this definition on the screen insanity insanity doing something that makes no sense to man perfect sense if I challenged you to meet me at 7:21 every morning Facebook life I want to change that because if you're only doing it cuz imma be there that ain't real if I challenge you to meet us as 7:21 would you do it testing mic that's insane then lose your mind father in the name of Jesus somebody watching me right now is on the verge of collapse on the verge of breakdown yes somebody's on the word verge of a miracle somebody watching me is on the verge of something special it's something in their head is holding them back I speak faithful god I thank you that you're doing something that eyes have not seen and ears a letter God if you said I could get up then imma get up if you said I could behold and i'ma behold god I pray right now for everybody Ballentine Coleman God I pray right now for every person dealing with these symptoms and hard to breathe and blood clots and being hospitalized in a health care system that seems to be apathetic people being turned away from emergency rooms in being sent home and just no care or no type of love or affection so god I lift up all of our health care workers right now if you regard them and keep them home I lift up every person watching right now and those connected to us god I thank you in advance whoo for what you're getting ready to do in our life I give you all the glory all the honor and Jesus name I've been here too long clap your hands that he receive it listen I love you so much I want you to know from the bottom of my heart that you're on the verge of something special what I'm about to say won't make any sense to some of you but it's gonna make a lot of sense to heaven 2020 is about to be one of the best years of your life Pastor Mike how I'm in quarantine I'm gonna miss up a pandemic pandemic you're gonna have more money in the bank at the end of this year than you ever had remember I said that many of you about to get promotions I'm talking to members now who are selling properties and buying properties and getting promotions getting one member got to inherit his check for over $100,000 that Pastor Mike I don't have a clue where he came from I was told to me that a lawyer's office and it happened I said this is the year the recompense for some of us that the sees that you've been sewing for years the times you pray this is the season where God is showing himself strong and although those four horses are riding we decree and declare by faith God has his hand on our lives and although we find ourselves in an endtime situation with pestilence and pandemic riding across this great country rumors of war hath all over this place with wit with life looking chaotic God is still in control we don't look to that he'll because that here was superstitious we look beyond the heal to heaven cuz that's what my help come from so I look into this counter with no fear and tell you this is going to be a strong gift for you it may not be enjoyable but it's go
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 44,831
Rating: 4.9158163 out of 5
Id: slx3ZKrsBec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 35sec (3395 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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