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hands on your heart repeat after me say lord open my heart to receive what i need from you i'm stronger i'm wiser i'm better so much better lord give me the strength to deal with it in jesus name clap your hands sit down to all of you who are watching right now welcome to rock city university i pray in the name of jesus the jesus that rose from the dead with all power in his hand that matchless savior uh the rose of sharon the heavy load bearer that rock in a weary land the shelter in a time of storm won't he do it won't he will to that man jesus man that perfect palestinian jew named jesus i just pray that the glory of god rests on your life and you become all that god has called you to be rock city you've been off the chains i'ma say it again rock city you've been off the chains and i'm excited about where it's going my email my inbox text messages are being flooded with people saying pastor mike you own one you're on one we're seeing churches across the country do renditions of rock city university calling it summer school and this right here and that's what we are we want to be a champion for what god is doing this past week i had the opportunity of training over a thousand pastors from across the country on how to be creative and the blessing of having both hands somebody say both hands the blessing of having both hands that's so incredible when nehemiah was building the wall he had to use both hands he would have to build in one hand fight with the other hand i'mma talk to this side he had to build in one hand and fight in the other hand i'm already preaching if you're going to be you somebody type shout be you you have to be versatile with both hands you have to be versatile with both hands make that make sense you might have to be anointed on one hand but a grinder on the other hand you want to know the thing that makes me so mad with christians when it comes to favor you think favor is an excuse for you to hustle and i say the word hustle not from a scam point of view but from the point of view of putting in some work see see to use both hands means i'm comfortable in the mountain and the mud can you put that in your nose real quickly mountain or the mud that's good ain't it mountain or the mountain i can be administrative mud i can be a dog somebody shout on both and it's the ability to use both hands and today in this particular text i think it's something that's critical that we have to examine if you're going to be all that god calls you to be number one you have to be versed in both hands i want to speak a blessing over your life that you will be uh anointed enough to prophesy but intellectual enough to close the deal both fans see she caught that you smile but you throw your hand up and say i receive that i'ma say it again anointed enough to prophesy but intellectual enough to close the deal anointed enough to get a prayer through but then paid enough to pay cash for whatever you want somebody shout both hands it is not either or as a matter of fact i need 300 people to put the hands up in the comments right there which means at rock city that might be the new shirt just hands up which means both hands when i say hands up you shout both hands hands up which means i'm saved and paid hands up i can pray and strategize hands up that means i'm gifted wherever i go it is not either or it is what both and and if you're going to be skilled and versed enough to be all that god is calling you to be i want to say something three words that is going to rev i want to say it better i want to say three words that will revolutionize your life today at rock city university are you ready for these three words are you ready for these three words here it is deal with it there are some things tiffany you're going to have to deal with in john chapter 16 verse 33 it starts by saying niv version i have told you these things so that in me that'll tell church i want it you may have peace in this world you will have trouble but take heart i have overcome the world rock city university here's our big idea of the week put this all over social media as a matter of fact get your phone ready go ahead and tag me at pastor mike junior at rock city b ham here's the big idea for the week are you ready it's the pain of being you that creates the power of being you it's the pain of being you that creates the power of being you we will all go through a series put this in your notes of adversity and hardships look at what the text says in this world you will have trouble and all of us will go through a series of adversity and hardships that shape who we become and i want to sit there for a second because i want to say it slowly i want to say it slowly and dre i want to put some pressure on you right quickly if you don't mind i have something right here under the table under the table all right there it is right there there it is right there okay you see that right there it is just a floating blah it is a floating blah it is full of potential but it has not been molded it is a you see it right there it is a floating block we don't know what it's going to be if you look at it right now and i told you to put in the comments what you're looking at you don't know what you're looking at because it hasn't been processed or molded or shaped and what god is saying all of us come out the womb looking like blah for i know the plans the molding that i have for you save the lord all right well his is critical so what happens he says adversity and hardship so do me a favor you see my blood so give me some adversity there it is and give me some hardship so let me show you what happens he takes the adversity and the hardships he combines it with you and it molds you and what you come out to be is something eyes have not seen and ears have not heard now everybody's watching the stream now saying i had no idea all of that was in this but it was in the right hand see what i'm trying to get you to realize is if you're going to be you somebody say be you it's about who you allow to shape you i need the right people in my life to shake me put this in your notes the shaping is determined by whose hands you are in [Applause] oh that's rich ain't it kurt kur if i throw you a basketball that basketball is a right about it's worth about 20 kirk if i throw you a basketball that basketball is worth 10 15 20 but if i put that same ball in lebron james hands it's worth a billion dollars because his hands determine the worth of the ball if i put a pair of golf clubs in your hands james it may be worth about twenty dollars put that same pair in tiger woods hands it's worth multiple millions of dollars can i ask you a question did the ball change did the golf club change what changed the hands i'm gonna give you another one if i put ingredients for sunday dinner and some of your hands it may not be worth nothing but if i put that same ingredients in big mama's hands it can feed everybody in the family why it's not about the product it's about who's what hands what if i told you you've been assessing your life the wrong way you've actually convinced yourself you're not a good spouse what if you are a good spouse you just in now i'm not giving you any credence to go leave nobody and do nothing what i'm trying to get you to realize is before you pick the next person you date you might need to look at their hands show me what you produced show me what you've molded it is the adversity and the hardships that shape us but it's how well we handle the adversity that shapes our identity how well we handle the adversity that shapes our identity look at james 1 2 and 4. consider it pure joy oh that's church my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything i'ma say this and i don't want you to shout if you're running from adversity but for those of you who've been sitting in your mess and sitting in the different trials adversities and hardships that you've been in i want to speak over your life when you come out of this oh my god you won't lack nothing i'm finna say this and i need 100 people to type it what's your word for the rest of this summer no lack i need somebody to just type no lag look at your neighbor and just type no lack no lack when i say something you just shout no lack when it comes to my money y'all don't even know when to have church when it comes to my peace when it comes to my emotional stability when it comes to my circle winning when it comes to my anointing when it comes to my favor when it comes to what i need god to do in my life for the next 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 years you ought to shout no lack i lack nothing pastor mike i got bills behind right now yes i do but you better believe i may not have all the money but i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread i speak over your life no lack [Applause] that's critical it's because of how well we handle adversity put this in your notes adversity is the price we pay for advancement adversity is the price that we pay for advancement if you want to move forward you have to pay a toll call adversity all right not in birmingham but i never forget when we went to the beach we got to the beach they said we almost there and deacon corey was driving us and all of a sudden we saw a bridge and i said okay we got to go over the bridge but it was something on the bridge that we don't have in birmingham called a toll now i'm sitting there tripping like how they gonna charge us to get into the city in that state they make money because if you want to enjoy the luxury of my beach you gotta pay because you're a guest i need you to catch this right here and many of you are praying for stuff you don't want to pay the price for adversity it's the price you pay for advancement pastor mike i want to go to another level how much does that level cost tristan i heard you pray that's why you got to be careful when you want people's gifting and anointings christian i heard you pray and you pray heaven down you don't know how much that cost all right i went on i went on a website not too long ago and i was bored i started building a car have you ever did that before you went on a mercedes or somewhere you just started building a car i started building a car and i got slick i said that car don't cost but 35 i'm gonna get that joint but then all of a sudden they said build it so i want the leather seats phone then i wanted the entertainment system boom then i wanted the rims boom then i wanted the sunroof boom then i wanted the seat belt to do so and so boom then i wanted the red spokes on it i got through that's almost almost 110. i was like the devil is the law they said it was standard but i realized real quickly if you want a standard model [Applause] it's one price but if you want it fully loaded it's a different price i am not trying to be arrogant or funny but i don't want a standard anointing i don't want standard favor i do not want a standard blessing here's your word give me the fully loaded version of what i'm praying for and if i got to pay the price let me pay the price because adversity is the price you pray pay for advancement somebody shout out paid a price jesus went to calvary the savior rich like you and me that's the price see if you look at it like that everything changes i don't want you to understand is stop playing for stuff you're not willing to pay the price for because when it comes to advancement put this in your notes when it comes to advancement you cannot get a cosigner [Music] you can get a you can get a cosigner for the attack but you cannot get a cosigner for the advancement so when you have to get a co-signer for the attack all right you survive it but you don't thrive from it when you gain the strength to endure it yourself that's when god knows you're ready to be advanced and there are two types of adversity put this in your notes external adversity and internal adversity external adversity and internal adversity somebody say external external adversity is when it's me versus my enemies x external adversity is when it's me versus my enemies while internal adversity is when it's me versus myself michael external is when i got to deal with them internal is when i got to deal with me and you want to know why most of us fail cause we love getting teammates for them but we don't like having people deal with us which is why when they attacked you you survived it but the reason you didn't thrive is because you won the war against them you lost the war against me you catch what i just said and avoiding short-term external conflict will only create long-term internal conflict avoiding dealing with your mess on the outside it grows or feeds the mess that's building on the inside everybody want to talk about haters don't nobody want to talk about their self i need 100 people to type i need help with me forget my haters truth be told i don't even care what they think anyway they irritate me the reason your haters had to clap them myself the reason your haters irritate you so much is because they are making you realize you really have a problem with you [Applause] see the reason the external bothers you so deeply is because you lack the strength internally so you when you don't deal with the lack of your prayer life the lack of your devotion the lack of your spiritual stability the lack of not developing the gifts that god has put on the inside of you now the stuff on the outside can deal with what should have been the fruit of the inside michael and what if i told you what if i told you it's important to remember that what we see as adversity god sees as opportunity what we see as adversity god sees as opportunity i might have a little church right here the adversity of the red sea birth the opportunity to become a deliverer the adversity of jericho's wall birthed the opportunity for joshua to become a leader the adversity of goliath birthed the opportunity of david to become a king the adversary of the cross birth the opportunity for jesus to become our savior you cannot get the crown with the adversity without the adversity of the attack so many of you are saying god when is in my season when you deal with what you got to deal with right now i'm in the wrong church i'm in the wrong church i'm in the wrong church what we see is adversity god sees as opportunity and what if i told you please put this in your notes put this in your notes adversity is advertisement adversity is advertisement see how you handle adversity sends a message whether you like it or not see when you run from adversity you just put an advertisement out that says you weak you just put an advertisement out that says if you want somebody to run over come see them if you want to do some stuff if you don't think they can handle none so this is why the devil and his demons and his minions run in and out of your life why pastor mike because you keep sending out an advertisement that literally says you can't handle nothing but when you're built for it you put up a billboard that says i am not the one look at somebody and say i'm not the one i'm not the one somebody type i'm not the one this is why the devil know good and well if he come for you he better come correct cause though he slayed me i might have a little church cory yeah well i trust him see i only want you to shout right here not for a new house hold on corey don't shout for a new house don't shout for a new car don't shout because it's a promotion with your name on it i only want you to shout if you've been dealing with your adversity the best you can and something in you wanted to lay down but something in your spirit said if i just hold on a little while longer i need somebody to praise god that i'm getting stronger i'm getting wiser i'm getting better it's not gonna break me it's going to make me that eyes have not seen ears have not heard what god is developing perfecting and performing in my life somebody said i'm ready to deal with it because i see adversity as an opportunity i see adversity as an opportunity i see adversity that's an opportunity i see adversity as an opportunity i see adversity as an opportunity i see adversity as an opportunity i see adversity as an opportunity adversity as in a personality uh upper upper tunnel position tuning t so so when i hear that word i hear things op opposition i hear opposite opposite opposition something that's countercultural who i am but then i see tune all right so so i don't know if you grew up in a house like mine uh where you had a tv uh that we didn't have cable and if you didn't put it in the right channel it was in between two channels or i don't know if you've ever been in your car and you was looking for a radio station and you heard a little country they heard a little hip-hop and it was because it was in between it wasn't hot it wasn't cold it was lukewarm it wasn't saved but it also wasn't worldly it wasn't out but was also not in it had one foot on this side and one foot on that side and in order to hear you had to do what tune it when you view adversity as an opportunity you're saying god use the opposite of what i am to tune me [Applause] god sends adversity god sends adversity as an opportunity because he's saying there is a frequency that i need you on that blessings will never get you to there is a frequency that i need to put you on that joy will never get you to there is a frequency i want to put you on that the next level if i give a sick person more blessings it'll make them sicker if i give a addict more money it will kill him if i give a child grown-up stuff he'll kill himself so god says you know what i'ma do if i give you a blessing you'll go too far left if all i do is give you hell you'll go too far this way so i have to send adversity as an upper tunity and why is that important past mike because it tunes what opportunity has god presented to you or let me ask you like this am i missing opportunities because i keep avoiding adversity i'm in the wrong church today am i missing opportunities because i keep avoiding adversity what if i told you i don't want to say this because i'm scared somebody may take out running the fight is fixed all you got to do is show i'ma say it again the fight is fixed all you got to do is show up can i ask you a question why are you avoiding what you're guaranteed to overcome [Applause] why are you avoiding what you are guaranteed to overcome stop running from it run to it oh i gotta stop in our text today jesus teaching the disciples who are struggling with adversity of their new identity they are struggling with the adversity of their new identity jesus was constantly telling people throughout the new testament to do what take heart take heart is the idiom which means to become confident put that in your nose take heart put that on the screen form right there there it is to become confident or courageous during a difficult situation did you catch that take heart means to become confident and courageous during a difficult situation if jesus is telling us to take heart that must mean there's a chance that we have lost heart and i wonder how many of us have lost heart or in other words have you ever lost confidence lost courage because of a difficult situation and that's real so when we say church colloquialism for church sex we say take heart many of you miss it let's break it down and use the definition take your confidence take courage but god knows i want to be all you call me to be but i don't know if i can handle take heart jesus think about it we said it in the hood growing up and didn't even realize we were being biblical you got heart growing up in the hood you said well whenever somebody was scared and they did something that's scary they said man you got heart which means you had courage and there are a few things to watch out for that can cause you to lose heart if you're going to become the authentic you here are three conflicts you can't afford to avoid here it is the first thing i need you to deal with is to begin to deal with people's opinion yeah you can't avoid dealing with people's opinion in other words do not have the mindset this is heavy do not have the mindset that everything critical is an attack that's rich ain't it everything critical is an attack put this in your nose for your pastor can you do this for me constructive versus condemning i want to i want to have some fun can i have a little fun you don't mind if i have a little fun can you see me clearly dre can you see me clearly dre all right so so i tell you yeah i'll do it right here here so so so okay that that's constructive it means to build up all right build up hold on all right so condemning is [Music] to build down so so i want you to see something you have what i built which is constructive versus what i destroyed which is condemning which while the text says there is no condemnation condemnation and here's the problem when you've been around so people i want to say it better when you've been in a toxic culture of condemning you view opinions and all forms of opinion as condemnation when your heart has been broken take heart it's hard to take heart when it's broken when your heart has been broken by negative words and opinions and and dis and disgruntled friends and haters and lies and broken promises you view all opinions through the lens of condemnation so if i come to you and say if i come to you and say curtis i watch your message and if i was you i would do this a little better because you're moving a little too fast if curtis's heart is not in the right place kirk will say why you hating on the way i preach see because the culture told you if anybody don't like you their haters see the world see the world has taught us that anybody who doesn't agree with what you think and think you're the best thing smoking is a way hater i'mma argue i hate her as somebody who won't even tell me what's wrong i'd rather you hate what i said but love what you become i'ma say it again i don't mind if you hate what i say to you as long as you receive it because i'm going to make you love or you're going to become you're going to love what you become love me enough for me to hate what you said but grow from it mike oh somebody shout take heart proverbs 29 25 y'all ready to have church the fear of human opinions disable trust again god protects you from that the fear of human opinions disables who knows what disable means turns off turns off it turns off so in other words look at what this says the fear of other people's opinion human opinion it disables trusting god protects you from that give me an opinion i've created a culture where those if you really love me tell me something that's the culture i got it past my god i love you but you need to make a decision about xyz quickly so and so some old pastor mike stay in your lane don't say so dang i won't respond now i love you here's what i'm wrestling with but thank you thank you you wanna know why i wanna be better i wanna be when you want to be anyway i'm not afraid of the process i'm not arrogant enough to believe you need a title to develop me can i ask you a question can actually a question who taught you how to walk your parents whoever was raising you who taught you how to talk you picked it up from being around your parents who would raise you who taught you how to eat whoever hands you anything yadda yadda can i ask you a question did they have a motor skills degree were they a chef they just did the best they could and you was young enough to receive them because they were in a place of authority over your life then you become an adult and they got to have credentials but more importantly you got to like them that's the real issue you only want to be developed by people you like when oftentimes it's the folk you don't like that's gonna help develop you oh my god and fear of other people's opinion is a result of personal insecurities that's critical fear of other people's opinions or people's opinions is a result of personal insecurity can i say that better and make the text make sense fear of external advice is because of a lack of internal security and i want to say this to you it is the ultimate sign of disrespect to god and his word what comes out your mouth may be correct or it may not be correct but it does not change what god said to me that's critical that's critical galatians 1 and 10. look at this am i now trying to win the approval of human beings or of god or am i trying to please god if i were still trying to please people i would not be a servant of christ who am i trying to please when i tell you i'm so free to be who i am right now because you know about nine months ago i said you know what i'm gonna do what god called me to do i can't get be in the business of people pleasing you know what i discovered while you're trying to please them and they're condemning you they living their life they live and you care less what you think oh my god what's the next thing we got to deal with i hope you catch this we got to deal with the pressure the world can only tell us how to cope with pressure but god teaches us how to convert pressure the world teaches us how to cope with pressure god teaches us how to convert pressure nearly every time god wanted to do great things in scripture he put someone under pressure the world will teach you baby girl how to cope you stressed out go smoke something cope with it you don't have a long day go get you a drink and take your shoes off cope with it he broke your heart girl gonna find you somebody else cope with it grandma said the best way to get over one is under another one jesus christ if that ain't the most toxic foolishness i've ever heard in my life toxic think of it we've been listening to the most toxic people we don't ever had you lost that you you lost your toilet just go get them another one toxic advice toxic advice because the world can only teach us to cope teach us to cope that's all the world can do is teach us to cope you had a bad day i don't know about you just go get you something to eat go get you some lobster tails go get some crab legs jesus life i need 10 people to just type crab legs in jesus name crab legs i want to pause the message for about 10 seconds put your favorite cat crab leg in the comments right now lemon pepper spicy said again alaskan king jesus christ just go eat hear me man i almost gained 90 pounds back in the day almost 300 pounds because the way i dealt with the pressure i.e depression anxiety i coped with food the world can only teach you to cope this is worth thanking god for but god can teach us to convert it now i want to help you somebody say convert it okay all right i want to give you an analogy we're in a house right we're in a house and and it's 110 degrees outside house burning up okay house burning up you turn the ac on but what's the problem when you turn your ac on your power bill does what go sky high go sky high somebody was sitting at home and said what if we put a panel on the roof and convert it solar energy so what we'll do is i got these little lights i got from walmart some of y'all got something from walmart and what you do is you don't have you don't need an electrician you don't need to run no wires you take it out the box pull the tape off stick it in the ground and then you sit there and look stupid don't sit like when it's gonna come on they're like no because it needs it to be dark so so once the sunlight goes down boom something triggers it converts the darkness into light when it gets put in a certain environment it activates what i'm trying to get you to realize is what if god put you in that because nearly every time in the bible that god wanted to do something great he put somebody under pressure if we look at abraham moses job daniel and see how god uses adversity to show his power through his people jesus in the garden of gethsemane felt so much pressure that he asked god if there was another way to do it i told you that last week but he said nevertheless he converted it not thy will my will but thy will be done it's not the pressure itself but how we respond to it that determines what we become it is not the pressure itself it's what we how we respond to it that makes us who we are why because pressure produces purpose pressure produces purpose like an olive the only way our anointing can come out is for it to be pressed or crushed who loves ketchup on your fries can i ask you a question how do you get the ketchup out pressure you get the toothpaste out pressure look at your name and say i'm a hypocrite somebody just type pastor pray for me i'm a hypocrite because many of y'all won't go buy no more toothpaste you got that one toothpaste and you don't put that one toothpaste under so much pressure that it then got rolled up and then once you roll it up you can't even hold it's so empty you can't even hold your toothpaste and and the toothbrush you got to put your toothbrush down and you gotta squish now you got toothpaste all on the counter and then you make sure nobody looking then you scoop it up off the counter just so you brushing your teeth with toothpaste leftover dirt leftover backwash and everything cause you won't go get nothing yet god looks at you it says it's a little more in you so he puts a little more pressure on you and all of a sudden i can't take it no more but if you knew pastor mike i'm done i ain't got nothing left god said the devil is a lie i got a little more i want to shout and say it's the limbo left in you if you just stay calm under pressure pressure why pmj because proverbs 24 10 24 10 says it's so critical if you fail under pressure your strength is too small if you fail under pressure your strength is too small and i told you once before that a lot of people have power but strength is developed there's a difference between power and strength there is a difference between power and strength i would say power is force strength is sustainable force power i can get this off me strength i can keep it off me that's good power means i can get it off me strength means i can keep it off me it's like getting up under a bench press i got enough power this this cold-blooded what's the difference between your max and your rep your max is what you can do once which is a show of your power your strength is what you can do consistently and in order to build your power you have to develop power if life hit me hard i can pray once strength i pray often my prayer life is strong did you catch that tristan i pray a strong prayer life of your life pastor mike i want the power i was with one of my sisters in the lord this week latrice ryan i love her so much and she literally preached probably two hours at one pace moving then she prayed the way she prays is just powerful and and i looked at it and i looked at it i said man every woman in this room came to this conference because they want that power i guarantee they have no clue how much he develops the strength jesus christ so number three i want to get you out of here we cannot avoid we have to deal with dealing with problems yeah problems the truth is that problems have a wonderful way of keeping us humble and cleansing us from selfish ambition arrogance and ignorance wow can i say that again the truth is that problems have a wonderful way of keeping us humble and cleansing us from selfish ambition arrogance and ignorance now normally i wouldn't use ignorance because it's not an a but for the sake of today it was beautiful so do me a favor put these three things in your notes ambition arrogance ignorance ambition i want it arrogance i deserve it ignorance i didn't know it was available ambition i want it arrogance i deserve it ignorance i did know it was available god uses problems to weed out what you want that he doesn't want he uses problems to weed out what you think you deserve that you ain't even earned and he weeds out problems to show you with stuff that's available that you're too ignorant to even believe god for i thought i needed somebody to pray with me send them some trouble so they can go ahead and pray i said it once and i said again god i had somebody inbox me today and i said this to him and i said i was gonna say it to my church they said pastor mike i keep getting these prophetic words but it's like god not doing what he told me to do i said god is in charge of the i'm sorry i said god sends you a word but you are not responsible for the definition see arrogance makes you think when somebody gives you a prophetic word you can define it god told me to tell you to prepare your heart because there's promotion with you i see god promoting you and the first thing is you put a definition of you put a clause on it girl i'm getting ready god's gonna promote me on my job and you don't realize it was a promotion to another level of hell ambition ignorance arrogance ambition ignorance arrogance i want you to do me a favor and i want you to be real we're in school and i want you to be very real today ambition put this on the screen for him ambition ignorance arrogance in the comments or in the room or wherever you are i want you to put it can be rhetorical or if you're bold enough to put in the comments what which one of these are you dealing with is it one is it two or is it three which one is it all right which you see it's a number at the top one two three put your numbers somebody oh lord somebody put one two three seven people don't put all up hold on ambition all right i want to say this who's ambitious i raise my hand don't be spiritual don't be over spiritual if you ain't got no ambition something wrong with you i speak ambition over your life hollis what's the problem with ambition unchecked ambition the day he said that it blessed my life unchecked ambitious ain't nothing wrong with being ambitious can i ask you a question i hope i don't become a heretic for saying this i came to say seek and save that which was like who said that jesus is that not ambitious is that not ambitious can i okay is that not ambitious i'm gonna say the word just give me 12. i'm gonna save billions of people but just give me 12 unexperienced people and i'll be cool hey what you do for a living you fish i make you fishers of men ambitious there's nothing wrong with ambition i want to be be you i want to be the problem is you have people who want to be and wannabes michael you have people who want to be and want to be i'll put it on the screen for you this is school right you have people who want to be with the t and people who are wannabes see a person who want to be is somebody who says god i am submitted to the process and if i got to get another year of school if i got to save money if i got to cut stuff out my budget whatever i have to do to become it i will do it because i want it i want to wannabe will front fake lie cheat steal to look like something that they are not and the problem with the world is y'all are going crazy over wannabes and giving up what you should be cause you are impressed with stuff that ain't even real i am not a wannabe i just want to be what's the difference between a wannabe and somebody who want to be a t the only difference between a wannabe and somebody who want to be is the cross [Applause] when you see wannabe there is no vertical or horizontal relationship it's about my ambition my dream my goal what i drive what i eat where i live when you want to be it is saying god whatever you desire for me here it is watch this watch this i submit my dream to god now god if it's your will i'm gonna become it but if it ain't your will i'ma still thank you see the difference between a wannabe and somebody who wants to be is the application when i want to be i submit that application to god god i just want to be the best pastor in the city of birmingham i mean that from the bottom of my heart i mean it from the bottom of my heart god and i don't think nothing's wrong with saying that god i want to be an enigma i want to be an aboriginal i want to i i want to be it was a word i heard one day and i said god make me that um i i want to be uh i said again i want to be an anomaly i want to be one of those people that god uses that you just cannot figure it out how is this boy got the best church in the world the best music in the world the best kid i i i want it oh my god i want it i need seven people to not leave me hanging and say pastor i wanted to oh my god i wanted to ain't nothing wrong with wanting it the problem is when you want it even though god don't want it for you when you want stuff that he clearly said you can't have adam i know you're gonna be hungry you're gonna want something to eat only problem is you can't have that and the devil comes to him and he comes to her and he's trying to keep me he just don't want y'all to be like him he don't want y'all to be in other words you can be a wannabe if you want to be whatever you want to be y'all don't like me today ambition i want it even though god don't want it for me arrogance i deserve it jesus daniel we got to stop allowing the devil to trick us into believing we deserve stuff it's entitlement entitlement now god i've been praying for 10 years i'm overdue say it's who can we do this deductively i want to do this deductively all right who got a card note throw your hand up all right what cardinals say what how many months standard 60 months 60 months which is what five years five years let's do this it doesn't mean you faithful for four and a half years the last four months you don't pay nothing are they going to look at you and say well you know what you've been faithful for four to half years so you know what man go and get that car you killed it they will re they repossessed my blue ford focus with two payments left me and lady we like we got ma'am we got two people i'm just doing the paperwork you want to know why they didn't care but yeah you arrogant enough to believe just because you've been praying for 10 years let's do this deductively okay so the blessing you want from god you got to be faithful for 2021. okay 2020 all you got to do is be faithful for 2021 but then you after the fool in february slept with them in march it's cussing and attacking the food then the moment outside opened it's hot girl summer now right outside open all of a sudden it's hot girl summer it it is it didn't get cold now it's it's cuddly so so all of it so now you go to heaven and say but i prayed this whole year or did you pray 20 times so let's say you pray let's say you pray twice a week like twice a week two times 52 is what 104 so you got 104 days of praying out of 365 days what's that percentage what grade is that that's 30 percent that's 30 which means your grade for the year would be a f yes you standing in my office how much i want my degree ask you to pray three times a day for a quick second when you wake up set your alarm at 11 55 and before you go to bed i want to help you real quickly god don't even mind you making an f in man's eyes because you'll make a hundred in his eyes if i only do 10 percent of my work my teacher gave me a f god said if you give me 10 that's 100. catch what i just said but for the sake of conversation can i argue with you what made you think you deserved it my best is a filthy rag now i don't see most of y'all rich most of y'all rich and wealthy and y'all watching me i got a whole lot of millionaire members so everybody who's watching look at all them hands say he's talking to me this this a million that's all the meal you look at you look at y'all right there all the millionaire members but to my my hood ratchet members like your boy who from central park and you remember what a dirty rag looked like remember going in the bathroom all of a sudden it'd be a little rag in the corner then you got to make a life decision so you think if you just run a little hot water on that thing you're just looking like you know what uh that dirt is crunchy who don't ever see the crunchy rag it's crunchy and you look at it it's some soap stuck to it who knows ain't talking about good soap oh you're gonna find out who hood broken pieces of soap like five different broken pieces of soap on it you gotta he said that's your best so if my best is filthy my worst we want faith that fixes our problems god wants faith that changes our life oh my god think about it and i mean it's from the bottom of my heart from the bottom of my heart when you're going through trial you just got faith to make it out god said i wish you had faith for it to make you that's critical why pastor mike power is guarded by problems our problems qualify us for more spiritual responsibility and with responsibility comes power [Music] i was so proud of you colleen evangelist carlene and i want to make sure we start saying that as soon as we get back in ministry i want to make sure i say that publicly um going to that conference this weekend and seeing you serve seeing you serve it it impressed me on levels i've never seen to see you standing on the side and her shoe came he's running for fixing her shoe now most females cat they're looking what's she doing all that fun there's another level anointing at the feet telling you and i saw it i i said i said man what god gonna produce in that baby girl which is why you should be ready for instant attack the way at which you serve sent advertisements how you handle adversity is speaks it speaks and i want to know your power is guarded by problems our problems qualify us for more responsibility and when i saw that you know what i said karlene we need to give her some more responsibility she earned it she earned that that's critical ain't it let's let's go home i want you to get is this good today god promotes problem solvers not potential 100 people type i'm a problem solver he promotes problem solvers not potential [Music] i want to say this quote that i heard mike murdock say and i'll share with you guys he literally said it was three a.m in the morning i was up and he came on like bt or something i never get probably 16. i'll never forget it he said look at me the person who's watching right now and i look he said look me intently you will be remembered for the problems you caused or the problems you solved he said you get paid in life because of the problem you chose to solve he says you get paid for this because you decided to solve a trash problem he said but that person got paid a certain level because he decided to solve a legal problem want more money solve a better problem i'd never forget that find what's broken solve the problem it'll get you to another level all the heroes of the bible are problem solvers when god had a covenant problem he called noah when he had a competence problem he called abraham when he had a complacency problem he called joshua when he had a capacity problem he called job when he had a connection problem he called jesus when he had a corruption problem he called the holy spirit [Music] and when your family had a problem he called you but you'll never be it if you don't deal with it father i pray in the name of jesus the strength to deal with it [Music] there are areas in their life that is broken there are blind spots there are issues that they still haven't solved and stuff that they're running from god give them the strength to deal with it god you said in your word that we can do all things through christ with strengthen us you told us god in john chapter 16 verse 33 that in this world we will have trouble but if we take heart which means to have courage i have overcome the world give us a strength to deal with it in jesus name amen look at john chapter 16 verse 33 with me i want to read it one more time he says in this world you will underline you will let's go all the way together leslie i want to show them how to look at a text so i'm gonna underline certain things for you and help you okay i underline i have told you underline you these things so that in me underline me you underline you may have peace okay so he's telling you right now i have a job and you have a job in this world you underline you will have trouble but take heart i underline i have overcome the world in other words he's saying whatever you deal with here all right you will i have you will which is future i have which is passed watch this which means darius darius come here real quick i need you to stand i need you to stand right there dee need to stand right there i need to stand right there okay all right if you can put it stay right there put the camera on d that's you that's you okay god says while you're coming to it i've already walked through it you missed it you missed it you missed it so so i want you to catch this i want you to catch this i want you to catch this no matter what darius i want you to walk straight take a couple steps back no matters back no matter what you will have trouble the trouble wait the trouble is in front of you go back the trouble is in front of you it's already in front of you would you catch this but god says this is not simultaneous it's not simon i'm not i hope you catch this they're going to be times where i do this no no no don't go around but he says no no in certain seasons it ain't no conversation you need this adversity he said so what i do is no no no keep walking straight it's gonna nick you but i already overcome it i'm not going to remove it i may just move it see remove means i don't have to deal with it move me it'll still be there [Music] pastor mike that ain't biblical you should be like a tree planted by the rivers of water which means when life comes you bend but you don't break look at me god told me to tell you to deal with it you got the strength and let me be very real with you i want to be a balanced pastor you may not even be strong enough to deal with it for some of you this may be a futuristic word don't listen to me today and try to go deal with something you haven't prepped for you don't cook thanksgiving dinner on thanksgiving you prep it you go by it you take let so hear me when i say this this word for many of you may be the preparation pastor mike i'm ready so how to start coming to devotion every day i want to say this and i mean it from the bottom of my heart many of you have stopped coming to devotion since the world open in the morning devos we're calling the study hall now starting back in the morning get back on there get back on there go in the app listen to oh start prepping yourself to deal with it right now every morning at six a.m i have to take xander and michael to football practice now the season don't start till september what are they doing in june prepping preparing for it so look at me some of you are mature enough that this time deal with it deal with that pain deal with that hurt deal with that anger deal with that success but for some of you you may not need to deal with it today this may be the calling that it's time to start preparing yourself to become what god called you i love your rock city i'm praying for you listen to me from the bottom of my heart i believe god is preparing you for something special continue to pray continue to give continue to be all that god has called you to be what's today good rock city was the day good come on was it good stand up with me was it good i'm so excited i want to introduce something called the millennial bridge and i'm so excited about the millennial bridge if you're looking to get your career started or to start a new one who's looking to get your career started or start a new one who wants to start a new career put your hands up in the comments we are excited to announce our partnership with the millennial bridge to provide jobs for nearly 1 000 individuals put the camera on me dre i want to say this right now if you want a new career or you're looking to start your career rock city church we are not we are excited to announce our partnership with millennial bridge we are bringing 1 000 jobs great pay y'all don't know when to shout great pay work remote career growth no experience needed with one of the top software companies in america it's right there on your screen for more information do me a favor text jobs to 28950 text jobs to 28950 let's get your career headed in the right direction pastor mike why are you doing this you can't expect people to give what they don't have and if the only thing we're doing is trying to get you better spiritually we're not helping with the whole man we want to have a holistic ministry that helps you on the outside and on the inside was that all right right there clap your hands man father god our answer is yes repeat after me say your will nothing more nothing less nothing else in jesus name clap your hands we'll see you next week god bless you at rock city university tap your head [Applause] [Music] wow
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 25,169
Rating: 4.9443154 out of 5
Id: Nc6cBUnEXc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 42sec (3582 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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