I Quit // I Quit Excuses: Part 2 // Pastor Mike McClure Jr.

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all right so so sit down we we've started this series entitled i quit somebody shout i quit no say it like you mean it shout i quit it has been blowing our church up quran deacon quran the testimonies of pouring in pastor mike this is a pivotal word to me why because i didn't realize how much i was getting in the way of god that's critical how much i was getting in the way of god why is that important pmj it is because i said this last week and i want to say it again the definition of i quit our working definition is to intentionally do less so that god can do more and i want you to put that in your notes and do me a favor today i need seven secretaries seven assistants to take really good notes and put them in the comments our working definition of i quit is to intentionally do less so that god can do more i have been pastoring now going on probably 12 or 13 years i've been in ministry probably going on 20 years hear me as a kid my dad didn't take me outside and teach me how to throw a football no he took me to the church and taught me how to pastor i would sit in counseling sessions with couples i'll never forget it i'm in a counseling session with my dad the couples are arguing and literally the dude screams i can't believe you my dad says give me one second he looks at me and says now michael this is when you got to calm the situation down and i'm sitting there like oh my god but he said mike it was something in you it was something in you so i've been around ministry and church and people my entire life and i want to succinctly say what i'm about to say as i've gotten older i've seen the negative impact of people refusing to quit now that's a statement that you don't hear anymore the negative impact of people refusing to quit because our identity is so wrapped in being a never say never type individual i'mma get it done there's no quit in me here it is we learned this as we matriculated through sunday school 101 winners never quit and quitters never win but i would like to argue the antithesis that living long enough i have seen the negative impact of people refusing to quit because our identity is wrapped up in not quitting we stay on jobs we hate relationships we don't want and create a projects that no longer serve us and i told you on last week because of this atmosphere in the culture of quitting we tend to demonize quitting instead of weaponizing quitting somebody say i quit to intentionally do less so that god can do more and here's the big thought of the day what if god hasn't started the right things in your life because you won't stop the wrong things in your life that's cold-blooded what if god won't start because you won't stop i i brought this scripture last week quran and it blessed my life if you be steel so do me a favor let's put this on the screen make sure you write it right there if you be steel now let's write a line through steel and put stop if you stop well that was very ghetto if you be stopped okay if you be stopped [Laughter] if you stop and let the lord start did you catch what i just said if you stop and let the lord stop and one of the greatest treasures hidden treasures of faith is not just our ability to start and stick with something but big faith is also seen in our ability to stop now i'ma say this and nobody's going to say amen you're going to leave me out here by myself journey but it's cool in the game it takes faith to quit i told you last week jesus is on the cross and he says sabathanai god my god why hast thou quit on me every week we're going to go deeper last week i said he quit but what if we look at it from this standpoint god jesus his whole life the hand of god has been present the head your protection has been around him when he gets to the cross this is the first place where jesus feels like god has quit on him now you ain't gonna say amen because you were taught in church to question god is blasphemous you were taught in church incorrect incomplete and accurate theology that to question god is blatherness but throughout the bible i see where it was okay to question god because of your human nature god my god this is the question why hast thou forsaken god why are you hiding from me this is critical so for the first time in jesus life he feels as if god has quit on him and i know you're not going to say amen because you're sitting in your living room sitting at the house sitting online saying to yourself i'm not going to hell for what i feel but i will be the first person to admit there have been some seasons in my life where i had to say god did you quit on me am i preaching to anybody here there were some seasons in my life where i had the midas touch i could not miss if i prayed for it i aisha it went down i prayed it happened i was walking around spiritually arrogance see this is how you know you walking in favor when you start getting in your feelings a little bit like when i pray things change when i lay hands on something stuff start moving but there were also seasons where it felt like my prayers didn't even hit the ceiling am i preaching to anybody i know what it's like to feel as if god has quit ela lama sabbath and i god my god why hast thou quit on me and for the first time jesus feels abandoned so that begs the scholar in me i told you i'm not naughty by nature but i am nosy by nature i want to know what the text is and i've had if i had to do a forensic analysis on why god for lack of better terms for the sake of today's topic quit on jesus i would argue that for the first time when he looked at jesus he didn't see himself michael no when i sent you him when i when i entered into a hypostatic union it's a greek process called kenosis when god empties himself with his deity wraps it in humanity and calls it flesh so now that's called a hypostatic union he is not half god half man he is all god all man which means he's man enough to fill it but then god enough to heal it so he enters into this greek process called kenosis empties himself up his deity don't be afraid of deity he empties his godness in flesh and calls it man now he's walking around on earth oh god what oh man and god says that's me right there he's walking through the city as a teenager he says i must be about my father's business the preachers at the temple are blown away at how cold-blooded this kid is he says that's my boy right there he pops back on the scene and gets baptized and he says boom boom boom dubs open up scott open up doves just saying this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased he rolls up at a wedding and his mama says what jesus you need to do something he looks at and says what woman my time has you know how much swag you got to walk in to tell your mama woman my time has not yet come and what happens god says gonna turn that water into wine he gets to a place and he's doing all this stuff he walks on water he heals the leopard he opens blinded eyes he raised him folks from the dead and what do we see on the text when he gets to the cross for the first time he feels like god quit on him your assignment in life will take you through some places where you feel as if you're by yourself here's what here's the principle we can take from this text right here he says out his mouth god why have you forsaken we can exchange that word why have you quit on me but yet he never quit see the feeling of abandonment will not be missing what you do with the feeling determines what you will become michael and what if god stopped on jesus because he realized at this point if i keep working you won't reach your potential did you catch that that's heavy and i need you to catch this why because i want you to answer this question what do i want to be different in my life and that's my point this is why i preach in series form and not these one-hit wonders is because it gives me a chance to drive home here's a two dollar word inculcate you with a succinct theme that i want to drive home what do you want to be different that's critical what do you want to be different because what's the problem pmj can you handle this as soon as i decide to be different satan gives me every excuse to stay the same [Applause] did you catch that every excuse to stay the same somebody shout somebody type i quit in our text john introduces us to the great physician in john chapter 5 that's where i am john chapter 5 and whenever i don't give a verse you can do what assume the first john introduces us to the great physician john's gospel is different from the others and that his primary goal listen to this deeply is not to give man a historical treatment of the life of jesus but john's purpose is to exalt the person of jesus so that men believe on him and be saved in order to elevate jesus to his proper level john presents jesus in a new way in every chapter in his book so john says i'm not going to give you a historical analysis about how good he is i'ma show you the person of g oh this is so heavy i'm going to show you what he can become so you can believe that he can become it for you i'm preaching tonight today i'm gonna show you what he can become so you can believe that he can become it to you odell this is called i'ma show you he's a healer so when you get sick you know he's a physician see this is why i put this in your nose are you writing write it in put this in your notes every christian needs two r's relationship and resume every christian every believer needs two ours relationship and resume relationship i know jesus i have a one-on-one real asian ship with god did you cost that i have a real not avery i have a real relationship with god but i also need resume not only do i know him i have seen him move because what's the use in knowing somebody if you ain't seen them in action michael so hear me when i say this and i need you to catch this he shows him as a physician and look at john chapter 5 verse 2 inside the city near the sheep gate was the pool of bethsaida the pool of bethsaida somebody said bethsaida here's what's critical the hebrew word for bethsaida means put this in your notes house of mercy or house of grace now as i mature and i grow a little bit more pastor james i see the text so much differently kimberly it's so crazy how i see it now 20-something pastor mike would have told that part up he finds himself all of these people are sick that's satan and you have to understand that bethsaida translates to mean the house of grace aren't you grateful that you got sick at the place of grace see that's why i would have tore it up if i was younger but the older me something didn't sit right so i had to look at the research in hebrew and aramaic in hebrew bethsaida means house of mercy house of grace but depending on what side of town are in in hebrew and aramaic it could also mean shame and disgrace just like in english we have subcultures you have english and you have ebonics if i ask any normal american what a crib is they will tell you it's a baby's bed if i ask somebody from the hood who understands the subculture what a crib is they're going to say what my house because depending on where you are michael depending on the environment the word definition changes can i say it again depending on the environment the definition changes make that make sense pmj depending on who you encounter is the difference between grace and shame which is why your testimony ain't for everybody because if you speak your testimony to the wrong person they may look at you with shame whereas a person who understands how good god is will look at you with grace michael that may be why people love coming to rock city because we're not the beat you up church with the pick you up church that everybody online has been through some stuff survived some stuff and i don't look at you with shame i look at you with what grace look at this put this in your notes bad excuses are often the fruit of bad environments bad excuses are often the fruit of bad environments let me free you real quickly if you fall down in a house of grace you're more willing to be transparent but when you're surrounded of a place of shame you build excuses not that you are a person full of excuses but the pain and the shame forces you to hide your transparency so then bad excuses michael become the fruit of bad environments and if i had to ask you a question what if i told you that your purpose will flourish once you get in the right place ho dale your purpose will flourish once you get in the right place i'ma say this and i hope i hope i bless your life i am coming to kim and i'm gonna talk to you kim came in to sit with us tonight kim i mean it's from the bottom of my heart i am in a place in my life where i no longer because it wasn't arrogance it was this uh astute i don't want to say a stew it wasn't arrogance it was this this stark belief in the call on my life that i really believed my place was everybody's place that ain't arrogance i just saw the proof of my anointing and i saw what my oil did for you i saw my order for you i saw my door deal for you and i firmly believed if you could get them to this place something would transform now i am in a different season of my life where i no longer believe my place is for everybody that doesn't mean it's something wrong with my place it just means my place may not be compatible to your purpose especially when your purpose is wrapped up in position or placement how do i know i am in a toxic place and i am spiritually full of excuses it's when my mindset subconsciously lets me believe in order for me to thrive in the place i have to be positioned paid or praised that's three p's i am in a toxic place when i believe i have to be positioned paid or praised i am in the wrong place if my position does not match what i think of myself i am in the wrong place if they don't pay me enough for what they are asking me to do and if they won't praise me for the little bit i've done michael michael and sometimes before god promotes you he abandons you sometimes before he promotes you he abandons you he won't give you none of what you think you deserve to see if you can be faithful in the absence of what you personally believe so your quitting is not often determined by god calling you to another place your quitting is determined by your immaturity to believe that you asked i gotta stop somebody shout i quit bad excuses bad excuses why bmj come y'all sit down sit us down i want to teach this thing okay why pmj because bad excuses are often the fruit of bad environments so what it what is my goal my goal is to make sure ruby i don't place myself in environments that are antithetical to my purpose ain't nothing wrong with going to a club i want to say that and then to any member of my church who feels like i can't be your pastor because i said that god bless you you can be super spiritual all you want to what's the difference between them going to a club and your house being a club when your cousin didn't come over for the fish fry it's the same music it's the same red cups it's the same language can i get a what what so let's stop playing with that hear me when i say this because the truth doesn't matter is i know certain churches that are more toxic than most clubs [Music] but we ain't trying to have that conversation you hear me so what am i doing i am touched so i don't think there's nothing wrong with going to a club what do you think just because it's not wrong put this in your notes just because it's not wrong doesn't mean it's not a weight lay aside every weight and the sin that's a whole nother sermon that slows you down what is the weight the excuse the problem the burden that thing that is not a sin to have it but it sure do slow you down jesus what if i told you that your purpose will flourish when you get in the right place there are certain places that are assigned to paralyze you did you catch that there are certain places assigned to paralyze you and i want you to be mindful of where you find yourself now can you put this in your notes somebody said i quit excuses come on type it say it like you mean i quit excuses come on say it like you believe it i quit excuses okay so i just told you this that there are certain places that are assigned to do what paralyze you paralyze you paralyze you put this in your nose places aren't just physical okay places if i am blessing you this morning i want you to just type preach pmj no no we don't say that just type michael long michael just type michael super long i was in texas this weekend and i was preaching all of a sudden i heard somebody yell marco so so if i'm blessing you just type michael all right here we go places aren't just physical i'm gonna help somebody right here have you ever been around somebody who was toxic or got into an argument did they put you in a bad head space now was that space or place physical it was what and emotional and relational and spiritual i'm gonna mess you up right here we are so simple-minded when it comes to toxic toxicity and we are so simple-minded when it comes to spiritual warfare that we always limit every attack to one place yep so when i say don't be in bad places what's the first thing you think the first thing you think to yourself is i want to go somewhere when you can be trapped at home make that make sense pastor mike that literally means you can be in church in a bad place lost in the pews jesus serving lost singing loss preaching loss praying lost and your improvement is tied to your environment so i had to catch myself because i almost said your improvement is always but i don't want to want to box god and i don't have an autonomy on how god wants to heal you so i don't mind correcting myself in front of people your improvement is tied to your environment can i ask you a question what's the first thing they tell somebody who leaves a a meeting change playgrounds places in people why pmj because when your requirement change your environment change michael sadly most people will never fulfill their purpose because they won't quit hanging in wrong places this is why this man at the tombs kept cutting himself he was in an environment that was conducive for demonic activity hear me when i say this so when we find this brother he's at bethsaida he's at the house of mercy the house of grace but depending on who you are you can view this as the house of shame i want to help you right quick i want to oh i felt that in the spirit thank you lord depending on who you are you see shame of grace i want to ask you a very important question who who are you enabling to create excuses because around you all they feel ashamed who who who my son mason uh is believing god strongly to play division one college football on a very high level keep in mind he's just in the seventh grade but that's his dream he's believing god for it and i love him he's always been the star on his football team four touchdowns five touchdowns three touchdowns mace mace mace mace now that he's playing seventh grade ball he's not as big as the other guys so they're not giving him the ball like they used to they don't let him do certain things he's just frustrated frustrated frustrated and i was work i'm one of those daddies when you tell me you want something i'ma push you so i'm coming home man you got to work harder man you got to get it come on you're a dog right holy spirit told me a week ago praise him so last week he probably played the least he's ever played hear me when i say this the least he's ever played all right he came into the stands and i could see him walking to me with the weight of shame as soon as he came i say hey you killed it tonight cause i didn't i said i said no no you killed it i said baby boy you're doing exactly what you do when your time come your time come i said but guess what ask me what daddy was he was like in the stands i said whether you on the field or off the field i'm gonna be right here screaming i beli and the holy spirit said mike if you ain't careful he gonna start lying to you watch this and what's a lie an exaggerated excuse a lie is an exaggerated creative excuse why you didn't pay the bill you got to come up with a lie or mike i gotta stop y'all don't like me somebody gonna get better though somebody's gonna get better when we look at verse three crowds of sick people blind lame paralyzed lay on the porches one of the men laying there have been sick for 38 years all right i want to read that again and see if you catch it okay i want you to stop me when you see a problem verse three crowds of sick people blind lame or paralyzed laid on the porches verse five one of the men lying there had been sick for 38 years who saw the problem nobody huh how does it go from three to five where is verse four it skips verse 4 because in certain translations they omit verse 4 why pastor mike they omit verse 4 because no biblical scholars taught the principle of verse 4. why pmj they did not ascribe to the superstition look at verse 4 it's right there on the screen it says many people laid there here's verse 4 in the nasb version for an angel of the lord went down at certain seasons into the pool and stirred up the water so certain translations don't carry verse 4 because they did not want to be responsible for pushing a superstition but what i see in this text is a model or principle that we can take and make applicable to our life what's that some of us are in bondage because nobody understands the why if i take verse 4 out of the text it does not give me the why as to why all of these people are in one place and a lot of the pain you feel in your life is because you're surrounded by people who keep fussing at the who because of the what but don't know the why michael you were talking heavy today michael hear me symbolically perhaps the angel represents the gospel minister who is later called by that term so they say can i break down the superstition can i break down the superstition they said they were waiting on the angel to come down and stir the water what's the two key phrases angel and stir okay put that in your nose angel and stir so many scholars believe that the angel is the man of god man one man of god and the stirring of the water was the word that he preached that stirred the troubled soul if we're careful and we want to be practical every sunday you tune in because you're waiting on the water to get stirred [Applause] michael this is why you watch this is why you tune in this is why you're connected to this ministry because when i speak we speak now keep in mind when i say i i'm speaking of the word that comes forth from this platform god has anointed me in such a way right now that i believe he's put an anointing on the platform hear me when i say this that there's seasons where the anointing is on the man then there are certain seasons where god gives the man a mantle and the mental rest on the house so i believe you tune in which is why a thousand people watch a devotion they know i'm not gonna be on because they're not coming to see a man there's a stirring that comes out of our house michael hear me when i say this this is important because they were waiting on something to happen and verse 5 tells me there was a man am i doing okay who had been there 38 years can i be very practical this man been sick longer than jesus been born nobody else i've never heard nobody say that he been sick longer than jesus been born which is why some of y'all gonna miss your oil cause you think a person younger than you can't heal you that's a whole other word but i'm not gonna do it the oil is not uh relegated to age because age ain't none but enough i'm sorry i need you to understand this man's been sick longer than jesus been born 38 years when i get to heaven i gotta talk to john john i gotta talk to you because you don't give me his genealogy i don't know who his mama and daddy is you don't give me his pathology i i don't know exactly what the sickness i just know he's paralyzed my problem now is i got his genealogy i i don't i don't know his genealogy i know who his mama is i don't know his theology if he believes the only thing john gives me is pathology he's paralyzed he has a spirit of infirmity in essence all john tells me is this brother had the same issue for a long time he's disabled according to the scripture he's disabled he has what the bible calls can you please put this in your notes am i doing okay am i doing okay let's stop have you shared this yet everybody watching me right now hit share somebody needs to hear this word okay he's disabled he has put this in your notes and infirmity and infirmity and infirmity okay and infirmity and infirmity okay and infirmity and infirmity means that he had some weakness or frailness that prevented him from walking about as other men every word matters aisha when you're preaching when you're teaching every word matters hear me when i say this let's look at this infirmity means that he had some weakness or frailness that prevented him from walking about as other men and infirmity means he can't do what other people do like they do it and i want to submit to some of you guys that some of us are spiritually disabled spiritually disabled okay because excuses create spiritual disabilities i'm talking heavy if you receive it excuses create spiritual disabilities okay so in infirmity so let's look at this somebody say if he's disabled let's define enable enable means give someone or something i may take out running right here the authority or the means to do something enable help me god i might shout right here means to give someone or something authority disabled means a limit on someone in their movements census or activities to put out action so enable go back enable means to give someone authority disabled means to limit somebody in census movement and activities and because of excuses and fear many of us have become spiritually disabled let's define spiritually disabled that means no authority limited vision no discernment and exposed michael spiritually disabled means you are walking sit there for a minute leslie with no authority limited vision no discernment and expose no authority which means when you speak hell don't move no more when you pray you don't feel the power of god flowing when you speak those things that are not as though they were but when it comes out your mouth the doubt in your mind kill it before it come out your lips it formulates in your head let me give you the picture of authority it formulates in your head it resonates in your heart that it comes out your mouth then your actions say i believe it and the problem with too many people is that it drops in your mind and when it gets to your heart the fear and the doubt formulates excuses as to why it's not going to happen so although you say it you don't believe you're gonna ever see it i come to make an announcement give me my authority back i don't know who i'm preaching to in here but somebody's been down long enough you've been falling off long enough you've been frustrated long enough you ought to shout give me my authority somebody say authority when i lay hands on my children i expect them to be healed authority when i speak words into the atmosphere i believe what i speak is gonna manifest that's authority it may not happen in the moment and in the season and in the time that i think it's gonna happen but i believe that the word shall not go out and return unto me boy you better be nice to me cause when i speak things change when i speak things move i have authority how do you know you got authority cause when you walk in room people get uncomfortable and you don't even mean them no harm you don't bother nobody you don't mess with nobody but when you walk in everybody start looking it's because the authority that is on my life is contagious somebody had a type authority authority authority authority i have authority watch this no authority limited vision limited vision which means you gotta you you can see but you don't see good enough okay you can see but you don't see what good enough okay okay okay what are these these are what these are what see she called it what are these glasses we don't know if they're prescription i'm gonna tell the truth it ain't an ounce a prescription in these glasses why pmt are those prescriptions can i see your glasses sir these are prescription glasses he wears his because he needs help sin i wear mine because i want to look a certain way and the difference between being spiritually disabled is when you got something that has no potency if i gave him my glasses it wouldn't help him because they look like something they aren't and i am tired of being around people who talk to talk and try to walk a certain way but when hell jump off it reveals you ain't what we thought you were giving my authority back somebody said i quit making excuses as to why god can't use me somebody shout i quit giving in to my own flesh and my own ignorance and to my own fears somebody shout i quit being less than what he called me to be somebody shall i quit not being everything he's pre-augustin and ordained for me to be in this season i am done being mediocre and average after this day i quit somebody shout yes spiritually disabled no authority look at this no authority can't get that towel no authority thank you or limited vision or no discernment meaning you making all these dumb decisions dumb decisions in the dark no gps just lost oh my god here's the worst one odell exposed see being spiritually disabled exposes you i hope you catch this i hope you catch this if you kind of disabled and the enemy see that he may try you i told y'all mason probably might be my smartest child he just know facts about stuff that he shouldn't even know he gonna tell me the other day dad dad did you know did you know that if a lion sees a weak or an injured animal in the pack they wait on the one who disabled and attack could i argue that half of the attacks in your life are only taking place because you vulnerable cause you exposed the devil and let me show you this why i used to be like this is why exposure is so critical the only reason aisha only reason miss yolanda the only reason you're exposed is because the devil seen you on fire kim kim this is cold blooded see the only reason the devil know you weak is cause he saw who you used to be he was there when you prayed that spirit off he was there when you went mr sunday he was there when tithing is what you do he was there when you believed in your man of god he was there when you used to sow seeds he was there when you went through that season where you had to fight by yourself now he's sitting there looking like oh they exposed can i free you how do i know i'm exposed i'm falling to stuff that wouldn't even pinch me or scratch me a year ago quit being disabled number two because he's disabled it makes him desperate so the second thing you should quit is quit being desperate quit being desperate i hope you catch this i hope you really receive this quit being desperate somebody say desperate sit sit down sit down sit down quit being y'all was gonna send me there quit being desperate the very fact that he is here at the pool in his condition is proof that this man is desperate for healing see i see the text differently now the fact that he here is proof he desperate he doesn't tried everything i done prayed how to fast it i done gave now i'm willing to bet my life on a superstition can i can i can i bring that to you to your street and i may go viral for this and they may counsel me but it's cool the council coach is full of vultures yes okay so can i can i be honest with you so pass my god and prayed i've been fasted out and gave let me at least see what my stars say let me do that see because we can't say stuff like that because they'll counsel you but no i don't pray i don't fast it i don't listen to church to try to get a word you know what so i'm gonna do now let me check my horoscope yeah let me do that i rather now i'm i'm so desperate i'll take a profit i'll take i'll take a psychic or profit and being thirsty don't justify you drinking out the toilet being thirsty don't justify you drinking out the toilet water and water depending on where it comes from no no i need to be in a place everything for everything ain't for me i don't think you heard what i just said and desperation doesn't move god faith does desperation doesn't move god this is critical faith does and i need you to catch this ypmj put this in you know because the desperate beg the faithful believe i'd have run out of time i i don't i got to stop play play softly i don't ran out of time i don't ran out of time i said i was going to stop at a certain point were you blessed today come on give god a handclap of praise i ain't stopping stop playing i ain't stopping this too good shall i proceed yes indeed no hear me when i say this the desperate begged the faithful believe can i ask you a question which one of you are you begging or believing are you begging or believing when look at this critical this critical when jesus saw him he knew that he had been ill for a long time and he asked him a question would you like to get well jesus saw him somebody said saw him gonosco gnosco which means to know understand or perceive so when the scripture says jesus saw him he didn't just look at him everybody had looked at him he looked into him jesus he looked into him see this is why i need you to stop being quick being spiritually disabled because your inability to see into somebody is allowing you to be around people you shouldn't be around he looked into him all right let's do this let's do this let's do this he asked him a question do you want to get well and the question i would like to ask you today is do you want to get you feeling the blame which one you want you want to be paid quit making excuses jesus asked him a question you you want to be whole quit making excuses you want you want to lose weight quit making excuses you want your children better quit making excuses you're going to sacrifice something it's the law of sacrifice you're going to have to kill something for something to grow personally in your life hear me when i say this please believe if my children start acting a fool and i got to start going up to that school ain't no more date tour dates ain't no more singing opportunities ain't none of that that stops that day i will not and i mean it's from the bottom of my heart and hold me accountable is i am not sacrificing my babies on the altar of success it won't happen the world won't praise me and they don't know me that means something to me that means something to me and because of that that means i have to resolute become resolute in my mind there are certain opportunities i am not going to get because since the devil knows that he's gonna test it and he's gonna make the stuff i won't happen on the days that i have to pick what's more important y'all don't like me y'all don't like me do you want to get well well from what pastor whatever you sick from are your finances sick do you want them healed do you want them here do you want them here are you relationally sick what do you have to quit you wanna discover can you put this in your notes it may not come out right but i'ma say it you write it like you hear it okay we often want god to fix what he wants you to quit [Music] we often want god to fix what he wants us to quit you and your prayers saying god fix them god's saying leave them you and your prayers saying god fix this job god said quit it that's another level of faith now can i free you if god calls i believe without a shout of doubt god called me to quit i believe god called you to quit i believe god called you to quit because i know what you're just making when you quit i believe that i believe that i believe there are certain people i said certain people god has called in certain seasons to quit what he didn't what god will not tell you is what's on the other side of quitting you can't bust a faith move and be comfortable i'm finna say this and i pray you catch it faith don't come with seatbelts or airbags faith faith is a dangerous place hear me when i say this the question he says do you wish to get well the question by jesus was divine designed to focus the man's attention to him to stimulate his will and raise his hopes so when god asks him a question we know why with the progenitor of anything ask me why would the progenitor of everything ask me anything god doesn't ask a question to drop information he drops a question and drop what revelation so in other words whenever god asks a question he's trying to do three things put this in your notes reveal himself stimulate his will that's the person so whenever god asks a question he's trying to reveal himself stimulate the person's will and raise their hopes ezekiel can these bones live so what happens pastor mike i need you to catch this verse seven and i'ma stop the sick man answered him sir i have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up but while i am coming another steps down before me what do we see excuses jesus says do you wish to get well and look at verse 7 the sick man answered and said sir i have nobody to put me in the pool when the water is stirred up but while i am coming another steps down in front of me i want to ask you a question today and you can say amen if you want to say ouch do you want it do you want it or not i am so sick and tired of hearing people talk about what they would and could do well you know if i wasn't doing so so i would say no you wouldn't cause you ain't doing it do you want it or not stop talking about it number one i gotta ask you a question why are you scared when favor has found you this brother i'm gonna take out running is so wrapped in his excuse that he don't even realize favor found him he's so used to giving people excuses he don't even realize who asked the question i'm finna run i'm finna run i'm finna run james i'm i'm oh my god i am finna run y'all miss what i just said right there if this brother's been here one day somebody walked by so what's your thing when nobody put me in the pool another lady walked by what you don't want nobody put me in the pool another man walked by so why he's the one who put me in the pool what if he's so used to talking to powerless people that he starts speaking excuses based off of his past experience often put this in your notes your past experience creates your future excuses often your past experience creates your future excuse somebody watching me right now believing god for a home but because it didn't work three years ago you already telling yourself well i already know how underwriting is my god shall supply all my needs according to his riches and glory in christ jesus i am done with excuses jesus walks up to him and says do you wish to be made whole hang on and put me in the pool and that's exactly what we do to god do you wish to be an entrepreneur well i ain't got no startup money that ain't what i asked you do you wish for your marriage to be made right you don't know my husband that ain't what i asked you do you wish to go back to school i ain't shahama pay for it that ain't what i asked you i came to announce somebody who's listening to me today that your problem the problem ain't if god can do it the problem is can you get over your excuses and believe god for it somebody saw i quit do you want it it's some stuff i want when i tell you i'm walking and voting there's some stuff i want it's some stuff i want and if you crazy to believe god for it he crazy enough to give it to you i'm sorry i'm gonna put my little bible down and stop trying to be word of faith for a moment i'm about to praise god by myself because somebody watching this sermon today something in you just got stirred up and god sent me here to tell you get ready because the very thing you're believing god for if you stop making excuses god's about to do exceeding and abundant above all you could act think dream or imagine i'm giving you 60 seconds put whatever you believe in god for in the coming i need you to look at somebody around you telling what you believe in god for tell them what you believe in god somebody type what you believe in god for somebody type what you're believing god for god is able god is able god is able god is able god is able somebody said it's already done [Music] i quit i quit i quit i quit i quit i'm closing by november i quit i quit the bill paid by november i quit i quit all my children saved paid athletic intellectual no sickness no hurt harm the danger i quit whose report whose report whose report will you believe we shall believe the report i need a thousand folk to type i quit sit down i ain't finished i quit so hear me do you wish to be made well i ain't got nobody to put me in the pool his excuse reveals that his mind is just as broken as his body see when you are a person full of excuses you don't even realize you are making excuses about stuff when other things are just as broken michael i don't think you heard what i just said his excuse reveals that his mind is just as broken as his body and oftentimes we don't realize his excuse reveals watch this now i need you to catch this watch this that he's already given up hang on nobody throw me in the pool y'all don't like me his review his excuse reveals that his hope is in people supporting him not god picking him up he tells jesus i'm failing because of people i'm failing because of people i am in the same position i've been in for 38 years because of people i am in the same financial position i was in last year because of people i'm in the same relationship again because of people if everybody you date the relationship end up the same way you might need to start examining you people people people i've been doing so much examination of me i aisha when you're gonna look at you charney when you're gonna look at you when crystal when you gonna look at you if every relationship in your life goes left stop and look at you i've been doing inventory of me inventory of me i nurture and season why i should be critical and because i nurture in season when i should be critical i empower people's weaknesses so when i come back and then try to be critical they throw up what i said in the season when they was winning so cause i praise the d now that you're making a c you get mad cause i believe you can do it hey examine you your excuse tells me more about you than your situation and i need you to catch this this man has no idea and i'm going to stop because he's disabled because he's desperate let me make that make sense because he's spiritually disabled and spiritually desperate it makes you be disappointed put this in your nose quit being defeated i gotta stop i have so much more in this lesson to go but i'm gonna stop he can play softly quit being defeated quit being defeated i was mad at this brother because i'm thinking to myself you're about to blow your opportunity but then i read verse seven and it all made sense it said the sick man answered i've said this once and i said again because within all of us is an anthropological duality an anthropological put that on the screen so they can spell it right anthropological duality which means within you are two people the saved you and the sick you now the saved you will be all god called you to be but if you're not careful look at verse 7 the sick man answered the save me knows [Music] god can the sick me knows where i can't and if i'm not careful the excuse comes out before the faith even in our alphabet e comes before f excuses are natural when god created the heavens and the earth he has every reason to make an excuse i can't create in the dark so he makes light he creates he shows us right there that whenever there's a lack create become creative once he puts man in place the first thing man gives him is an excuse i want to ask you a question if god is asking you in this season what do you want examine how have you answered if it starts with if that's an excuse the inability to overcome excuses causes you to respond wrongly to the grace of god can i say that again the inability to overcome excuses causes you to respond wrongly to the grace of god so when god offers you grace you give him excuse wow [Music] and insanity is when your excuses conflated with your victim mentality causes you to capitulate in courageous moments insanity is when your excuses conflated with your victim mentality can you put that in your notes excuses plus victim mentality causes me to capitulate quit in courageous moments wow his belief in his excuse canceled his ability to develop a strategy [Music] how long has he been sick 38 years his belief in his excuse canceled his ability to develop a strategy i did the math 38 years eight equals 13 seventy nine days he could have slid an inch a day if he wasn't living under the weight of an excuse i did the math he could have said you know what in seven years i'm gonna be whole so i don't mind somebody say strategy i don't mind eating ramen noodles cause for the next six months i know i'm gonna be where i'm gonna be no more excuses i don't mind getting braids that means i don't have to do my hair all the time now that saves me some money and money cause i'm working on something he could have slid an inch a day and said you know what by year nine i'm coming out of this thing every day he could have just a little inch and nobody would have noticed because while they were complaining full of excuses he would have been busting moves and excuses make you think it's just gonna fix itself [Music] he said that for 38 years thinking something was just going to fix itself jesus rose up on him and say do you want it [Music] and i want to tell you today quote by malcolm gladwell truly successful decision making relies on a balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking [Music] that's malcolm gladwell truly successful decisions [Music] deliberate [Music] and instinctive he had become so succumb to his excuses not only did he lose strategy he lost instinct he lost the will to win and i am here today because so many of you have lost so much because of life [Music] oh my god you don't love so much and now you believe in your excuse more than you believe in what god can do in spite of it i want you to listen to your pastor right here i mean this i am not making you a promise that if you shout in the name of jesus it'll be over by tomorrow i'm not telling you that by faith it'll be done by your birthday what i am telling you is within you is the power to change whatever is going wrong in your life now you may need assistance you may need counseling you may need help here in there you may need somebody to help you with a bill there's nothing wrong with needing assistance in certain scenes of our life the problem is when we start depending on the assistance more than being accountable to your own responsibility i want to speak by faith this is your season to quit the stuff that has you disabled desperate and disappointed can you lift your hands father in the name of jesus i quit excuses i'm done running i am done meddling in mediocrity i am done blaming other people even those who should take responsibility for my pain god i forgive them because i can no longer carry that weight unforgiveness when the wise man's once said is like having a cup full of acid and it burns you not them so god i quit holding grudges i quit being desperate for attention i quit being disappointed about every failure that i realize in life i will lose more than i win that's natural that's life no person wins more than they lose that is not natural michael jordan is praised that he's been to six finals and never lost the final but how many years did he not even make the final that counts as well so god i speak by faith we will quit the wrong things so you can start the right things in all of our ways we will acknowledge you so you can continue to direct our path oh god i thank you i said god i think it's in the mighty matchless name of jesus the christ everyone said type i quit if you believe type out quicker you clap your hands right there rock city church i love you from the bottom of my hearts to those of you who are giving be faithful over your giving but i want to say this i need you to do me a favor there's a link right there that's a prayer room that so many people go to that prayer room just for prayer and if you don't mind today i want to do the prayer room differently instead of having rooms they can go to can we just have one room where somebody's praying in that room they're just praying about what we need god to do maybe if they do it on a stream yard this week and they have it set up and somebody's praying and we have people just praying just a mass corporate prayer that would be so powerful right there because i believe right now in order for us to become what god is calling us to be it's going to start with prayer and committing to what god desires of all of us i love you so much i'm so glad to be back in the house i firmly believe that the best is yet to come repeat after me say lord come on say it with me say lord your will nothing more nothing less nothing else in jesus name somebody type somebody shout i quit i quit clap your hands right there come on hallelujah
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 14,634
Rating: 4.9451218 out of 5
Id: y00fpdnZDq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 58sec (3718 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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