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all right put your hands together if you're excited to be in the house of the lord in the room and online come on no i'm gonna give you 30 seconds to give god your best praise right now let everything that has breath we're so excited welcome to rock city i'm pastor darius mcclure i serve on the pastoral leadership team here at rock city it is my honor to be with you on today it's not just any regular day i got an announcement everybody it's pastor mike junior's birthday come on somebody shall turn up in the chat look at your name and say turn up turn up happy birthday use the hashtag happy birthday pmj we love you so much we're so excited about what god is doing in your life we pray that this is the best year of your life all around the world and in the room can we shout happy birthday pmj [Applause] happy birthday we love you so much we're praying for you and your family we cannot wait for you to return back here to rock city but in the meantime enjoy your birthday go charlie it's your birthday we gonna i ain't been saved all my life pray for me but if you have your bibles your your bible app your phone your iphone your ipad hopefully you have an apple product amen amen [Music] go with me to luke chapter 22 and we're going to pick up in verse 31 i have the incredible assignment to bring the word today on our man of god's birthday a word that will point you to jesus while also honoring the man that jesus is using to lead our church and he's given a vision for this ministry so excited about it luke chapter 22 verse 31 and 32 it's on the screen if you're watching online and it reads i love this text simon simon behold satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat oh but i pray for you what did you pray jesus prayed that your faith may not fail and you once you have turned somebody shall turn no that was cute online and in the room shout as loud as you can turn once you have turned again once you have turned again strengthen your brothers i want to preach from the topic today which is really an announcement and if you with me in the room i want you to shout it to your neighbor to your left hand to your right and type it in the chat here it is it's my turn [Applause] there's somebody in the room to say it with some attitude it's my turn no look at your neighbor and beat on your chest say it's my turn you can be seated in the lord's house it's my turn it's my turn the last time i was privileged to share the word with you guys i talked about something i was wrestling with called the theology of opposition what is the theology of opposition in case you forgot it it is this every door to destiny is guarded by a what an enemy every door to destiny is guarded by an enemy adam had an enemy show up in the garden in the form of a serpent moses had an enemy called pharaoh joshua had enemies in canaan david had a philistine enemy name what goliath nehemiah had simbella and tobias jesus had an enemy show up in the form of a friend before going to the cross name who judas and i am trying to get everyone to understand that whenever god has a destiny for your life the devil has an enemy to keep you from accomplishing it am i talking to anybody and so instead of complaining about your enemy you should be practicing and preparing for your enemy because all you have to do is show up because the fight is already fixed y'all not hearing me because for every person that god used that has an enemy he accomplished they accomplished victory a different way moses never had to lay a finger on pharaoh but moses got the victory joshua never had to say a mumbling word for seven days but on the seventh day they lifted up a praise and the walls did what they came down i don't care how crazy how big how bad your enemy is god has a strategy to get you to the victory i guess somebody already in this message to shout i got the victory i got the victory and watch this everybody here's what's so good because here it is i need you to understand this that an enemy is just as important as a friend come on [Applause] hello i'm playing with your theology a little bit but i want you to understand online that an enemy is just as necessary as a friend what if i told you that your anointing is unlocked when adversity shows up that there's an anointing in you in your life right now that you won't be able to tap into until you're placed in the middle of adversity david would have never known he was a giant killer until a giant showed up are you hearing me today and watch this everybody here's what i'm saying simply put the greater the anointing the greater the attack i'll say that again the greater the anointing the greater the attack the greater the anointing the greater the attack and this is why i'm so excited to be able to share a word that honors our man of god and points people to jesus because a lot of people see his favor but don't know his fight do i have anybody in here grandmama would have said don't hate on my glory if you don't know my story do i have anybody online that knows what it's like people see where you are now but they're not willing to go through what you went through to get where you are look at your neighbor and say neighbor don't hate on my breakthrough if you don't know what my been through i'm gonna say that again don't hate on my breakthrough if you don't know my been through y'all sit down in other words here it is everybody i want you to hear this i've come to make an announcement at roc city that the big idea the thesis of my message today is simply this are you ready rock city you will only go as far as you're willing to fight [Applause] you will only go as far as you are willing to fight i know you have some crazy fights in 2020 i know you have some crazy fights in the 99 2000 but your destiny requires a series a series of fights and oftentimes we survive attacks but we lose our fight in the midst of it and when the enemy shows up with your next fight the enemy shows up ready to fight but you have no strength to pull back into to get ready for your next fight and i came today to give you your fight back i came to give you your faith back that the enemy has done as much as he could to take the fight out of you but look at your name and say neighbor i'm giving your fight back today that what the enemy meant for evil god has turned around and he's getting ready to work it for your good in our text today peter is in a fight he's battling peter's in a major fight today because peter is not just fighting his old self watch this peter is also having to fight satan what do you do when you're fighting the enemy and your enemy at the same time am i talking to anybody in here today in our text today we see peter is not just fighting the enemy he's also fighting his enemy he's fighting his own nature he's trying to grow but the old him is trying to pull him back do i have anybody in here who knows what it's like to try to be all that god has called you to be but there's a you in you that don't want to go yet that there's a you right now sitting in church receiving this word but there's also another you right now that's thinking about your co-worker that you want to cuss out when you get to work next week it's a battle don't get quiet on me now and watch this everybody i'm trying to get everyone to realize that you will never defeat the enemy on the outside until you conquer the enemy on the inside [Applause] why because you can't have your turn without a test i set you up i'm so sorry because we all said in the beginning it's my turn somebody shot it again it's my turn be careful because when you make the announcement that it's your turn the devil is requesting permission to give you a test it's my turn for a promotion and the devil says all right let's test them with more responsibility it's my turn for a marriage and now the devil is saying all right let's test them with their patients it's my turn for a miracle and the devil said let's test them with putting them in a lot of a lot of mess somebody shot it's my turn don't say it's my turn if you're not ready to pass your test [Applause] and i love this because here it is in the text we see is is simon peter's turn but watch this he has to overcome the test look at verse 31 luke chapter 22 verse 31 it says this this is jesus talking watch this everybody simon simon now whenever you see god or jesus throughout the old and new testament saying someone's names twice it means they are yelling emphatically to get the person's attention simon you have any any parents in the room any parents online you you ever had your kids doing something but they were so far from you you can you can put your hands you can put them paws on them and and your voice needed purposeful voice inflection right you had to modulate was that good pastor j you you had to modulate you had to take your voice to another level why because the watch this the level of your voice was an indication of the urgency of what you needed and jesus is raising his voice what do you do when you make jesus raise his voice i dare there's some some people in here right now that dirt throughout 2021 throughout this week have you ever had made have you ever made jesus have to raise his voice and jesus says simon simon behold satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat we see a problem before even hearing the presentation what's the problem the problem is jesus already changed his from simon to peter his old name was simon his new name is peter his old season was simon his new season was peter the old me was simon the new me was peter my own mindset was simon but the new me was picked my old relationship that's simon but the new me is peter in other words peter is having an identity crisis it's almost as if jesus is saying now you must have have you must have forgot who i made you yeah yeah so i'ma call you by your old name to help you to see you have now produced your own ways no this is not the you that i know this is not the you that i developed this is not the you that i've raised up simon and you think i'm preaching about simon but i'm also talking about you do i have anybody in here that loves that you serve a god that does not mean that does not watch this that is not concerned about offending you to change you because many of us watch this everybody if we were simon we would have looked back at jesus who do you think you are calling me out of my it's a new season over here i gave you your new season i wonder do i have anybody in here that's know what it's like who i'm talking to who am i preaching to in here today who know what it's like to be peter becoming the new you while still struggling with your own ways watch this everybody old ways won't open new doors and what jesus is showing us here everybody i want you to catch this jesus is showing us he's not speaking to peter's behavior he's speaking to peter's heart he's not speaking to peter's behavior he's not saying you're just behaving like the old you he said no you have the motives of your old self did y'all hear me online right here he said you're not just behaving like the old you but your behavior is a reflection of your own motives because here it is jesus is the king of hearts not the king of habits jesus is the king of hearts not the king of habits and most of the time when jesus changes our name from simon to peter we want to change our habits not realizing jesus wanted to change our heart because if you change your heart your heart will help you change your habits because there are some people who change their habits but never change their heart what do i mean you pray but you still don't love people you shout but you still don't know how to forgive people you have new habits with our own heart [Music] and this is why i watch this everybody here at rock city and i love it happy birthday pastor mike our goal is not behavior modification but true life transformation in order for that to happen we have to realize that jesus does not just want to change my morals jesus wants to change my motives if jesus died just to change my morals that makes christianity the same as other religions i know a lot of muslims with good motives i'm on good morals because if we watch this lower christianity to the level of jesus just changing our morals this is not the faith this is moralism this is why this is why god loves people who may have crazy behavior but have good hearts this is how david could be anointed king and saul could be fired as king because you can argue that saul was more moral than david right what did saul do to get fired from the kingdom here's what he did he disobeyed god he disobeyed god and ran in a different direction what did david do while he was king he killed somebody committed adultery tried to cover their back cover it up but here's the thing when he fell down watch this he didn't run from god he ran back to god see this is why god can say david is a man after my own heart because it's not about when you seek me when you're up but once you're down will you keep running back to me i wonder do i have some people that hasn't been perfect since you've been saved but every time you fall down you know who to run to i tell you to praise god right now that he loves you in spite of you even when you fell down you got back up [Applause] watch this this is why i'm so glad it's not easter but jesus died on a cross like this not like this jacked up as you all come flaws and all come i'm not coming to change your morals i'm coming to change your heart and peter's heart is going back to his old ways and jesus is confronting something and peter that i want to challenge in you today here it is everybody rock city you better listen to me online jesus is helping him overcome what i want to call everybody help me out a rested development is confronting arrested development it's on the screen check it out what is arrested development arrested development is a stoppage of development and it's in an essential area that leads to watches everybody a deficiency or dysfunction arrested development a stoppage of growth development and an important area that leads to watch this deficiency or dysfunction practically what does this look like it looked like growing old but not growing up what does it look like it looks like staying in relationships that alone but not strong it looks like having prayer with no power it means you have the right watch this motion but not the right motives arrested development you were doing good you were growing but what made you stop growing i changed your name from simon or peter and you begin to evolve and walk into who i called you to be but what made you stop peter is having old self moments you see throughout peter's life i love it he goes from simon to peter in moments throughout his entire journey with jesus because you know even when jesus was getting taken by the roman soldiers to be taken from judgment hall to judgment hall peter poured out his switchblade and cut a negro ear off i'm sorry that one peter that was simon then he gets to the cross and there's like that's one of his top dudes right there and what peter did simon start cussing i don't know him denied him three times and after he denied him jesus comes back to the upper room visits him have a conversation breathes the holy spirit into him and watches everybody even after that peter said i'm sorry simon i'm going back fishing watch this everybody i'm trying to normalize struggling with becoming the new you see oftentimes when we get saved in christianity we feel like we have to present our perfect self not our authentic self when god does not anoint who you pretend to be he only anoints your authenticity no cap that's the name of this community in here today let's just change this classroom into the no cap classroom that i will not serve a god that loves me unconditionally and come into his house and pretend like i'm all right like i'm all perfect no god loves me with all of my issues even when i'm struggling like simon with arrested development where how he sees greatness in me and sometimes there's a me in me that's getting in the way of me have you ever gotten in the way of your own self that's good because we see a pattern with simon we saw simon would come out of peter whenever peter was under pressure who do you become when you're under pressure what comes out of your mouth when you're under pressure what do you start drinking when you're under pressure what do you hang out when you're under pressure you can say amen and say ouch but here it is arrested development and often watches everybody we don't realize that jesus shows us here's what's going on if there's any arrested development in our life in john chapter 15 verse 5 he says those who remain in me and i in them will produce watch this much fruit but apart from me you can do nothing have you ever tried to do a whole lot disconnected from the father and peter is showing us that with god anything is possible he walked on water for a minute watch he started creating miracles out of his own issues jesus still used him to heal the sick to do incredible miracles but disconnected from the father a man shows up with his son who's demon possessed and he's trying to cast the demon in the name of jesus come out come out in the name of jesus and nothing happens this is what it looks like when you try to do life in your power and not his power isn't this the story of peter's life that when he was simon and jesus shows up in his life he was fishing all night and caught nothing disconnected from jesus he taught nothing but once jesus got on this boat oh but watch this everybody because here it is let's keep moving because in verse 31 simon simon satan has demanded what permission to sift you like wheat satan has demanded permission to sift you like weak now here's what i'm tripping because i only know one other person in the bible that the devil demanded permission to bother and his name was joel and we know he was bothering job not because joe was living wrong but because he was living right see some of the trouble you're going through you keep calling the trouble when that's not troubled that's training y'all not talking to me could it be that half the trouble that you've went through in your life was not trouble you labeled the trouble but god says no i'm labeling that training i'm trying to prepare you for another level another level of favor another level of wisdom another level of influence impact do i have anybody in here that receives all of that somebody shot another level but watch this everybody he asked permission all right what about your son job heads of protection around him but now in the new testament he's demanding permission to mess with peter see the enemy is not going to attack you based off of where you are now he's attacking simon based off of where he's headed he wants to destroy your worth he wants to destroy and kill your credibility satan wants permission to sift you not shift you i'll say that again he wants permission to sift you not shift you can we go to work right here here it is sifting is the process of separating for the purpose of exposure all right let's go to work do i have any cookers in here you got a sifter at the house right and when you're using your sifter what are you trying to do you're trying to separate get the lumps out of the flour or whatever you're making so you can keep what's needed and remove or expose what's not needed you want to get the good separated from the bad and satan is shifting peter to separate him from the goodness of god to walk in the old nature of himself satan wants to sift you but god wants to shift you i'll say that again satan wants to sift you but god wants to shift you sith is when there's separation for the purpose of what exposure but shifting is the process of separating for the purpose of elevation see god will shift you to take you higher the devil will sift you to take you lower [Applause] it's isolation before assassination and before attempting to separate from something or someone you have to ask yourself is this a sift oh see there are some relationships that wasn't a shift that was a sift and watches everybody because some of you you may be peter and not jesus in the text and you may be looking at old seasons where god had you connected to the right people and you disconnected out of offense or you disconnected because it was uncomfortable that was not a shift that was a sift that the enemy is not intimidated by partnerships he's intimidated by strong partnerships think about it the devil didn't show up in the garden when adam was by himself he didn't show up when he was just walking with god see a lot of people think he showed up when the wife showed up no he showed up when partnership showed up the enemy wants to keep you by yourself because your purpose requires partnership yeah and look at this everybody because here's what's so good he says simon simon satan has demanded to sift you like wheat verse 32 i feel like shouting i feel my grandma i'm on this but i pray for you do i have anybody in here that you shouted over a promotion you shouted over new money you shouted over healing you shouted over your freedom you shouted when god bless you and your family why don't you shout because somebody's praying for you do i have anybody online right now that can praise god over prayer do i have somebody that knows the power of prayer that sometimes you may not have power but as long as you got prayer prayer can activate all the power that you need now i'm gonna give you 30 seconds right now to praise god for your prayer partner praise him for praying grandmama watch this boy your life under attack here's what jesus said to simon he won't assist you like weak but i have the solution already i pray for you [Applause] see here's why i pray every day because i need prayer to go into my tomorrow and protect me from danger scene and unseen before i go into the doctor's office i need prayer to go into the hospital and protect me from any negative doctor's report do i have anybody that knows that prayer is a prophetic act that i might be praying right now but prayer can go ahead of me and help deliver me from stuff that i didn't even know that was in my path that's why i praise god for danger seeing he protected us from danger scene and unseen peter there's some danger on your path that you don't even know you're not even aware of see this is the conversation peter jesus is having to check peter peter said no i'm gonna go to the cross with you i'm right or die i'm all in he was not lying to jesus he was just deceived about himself some people didn't lie to you they were just deceived they didn't know what would come out of them until they got under pressure i'll never leave you but once pressure hit they disappear and jesus said but i pray for you why should i want you to catch this because he didn't pray to stop it he said i'm not praying watch this that you don't fail i'm praying that your faith because god uses failure to produce more out of you because if you never have failure you'll tend to get a little bit arrogant you'll start leaning a little bit more on your own self than you do on god jesus said i prayed that you're he's interceding without an invitation and the sad thing is today's culture is that we have busy christians with empty prayer lives we have busy christians with empty i wonder what you may be stuck in right now what failure you may be stuck in online right now because somebody who should have prayed for you was too busy too i wonder what what's going on in your child's life that you could have provided if you would have took the time to pray what does prayer do prayer gives heaven permission to interrupt in earthly affairs there are some things god won't do until you ask for it are you hearing me and watch this everybody because he says i pray that your faith may not fail in other words he said all right uh here's what i'm gonna pray for because once i'm about to leave and so it's your time but here's your test once you get sifted once you fall off i need you to get the gift watch this everybody of the bounce back y'all are not having church with me in rock city because watch this everybody somebody shall bounce back he said i need you to learn from my example even though you don't understand me down on the cross and going to the grave what i'm trying to show you is all of salvation will be celebrated on my ability to bounce back [Applause] do i have anybody in here that realizes that whenever you're saying it's your turn watch this everybody that it's your turn you're saying god give me the gift of resilience the capacity to recover quickly that things that used to have me down for a long time i can bounce back up and recover in a quicker time do i have some people that say god give me a heart to handle this [Music] bounce back and he ultimately watch this denies jesus three times let's get out of here corey he denies him three times i don't know what yeah never knew him he falls off and jesus still uses them jesus still keeps him in his inner circle why i want you to hear me online and in the wrong because your fall does not negate your call your fault does not negate your call a righteous man falls down seven times gets back up how many your fault does not negate your call jesus doesn't say not because you deny me go along with that well he says no i don't just want you to come back i want you to come back stronger i want you to come back wise i want you to come back better he says he watches everybody once you've turned again once you've turned again somebody shot is my turn once you've turned again see you don't feel that unless you've ever experienced failure unless you've ever experienced disappointment unless you've ever been discouraged do i have anybody in here that there's this one thing in your life that you've been trying to give the best of you at and it seems like you can't not break through that wall and you say god i'm trying and you have faith trauma how do you know if you have faith trauma when you are hesitant to believe again for something you used to believe deeply about [Music] you've been shifted but it's just a test god wants to use it watch this not to separate you from the pack but to separate you from the pack to strengthen you so you can come back and lead it because you can never lead where you fit in and i feel like having churches here today can you praise god that god would not allow you to fit in the pack that he would allow you to lose in front of people that you love because he said imma use this failure you know what i admire so much about pastor mike on his birthday today all around the world he don't just minister about his strength or his success he shows us his scars [Music] and just like peter jesus said when you turn again go back strengthen strengthen your brothers it's your struggle that's not just going to give you strength it's going to give them strength who is it that's depending on you to overcome this struggle in your life right now online i know you may be struggling by yourself and you're at home but don't allow your faith to fail because there there's some people that are counting on you to get back up [Music] it's turning around it's turning around he said when you turned again somebody shot is turning around somebody shot is turning around you can shout when i get to you my faith is turning around my family is turning around my favor is turning around my future is turning around somebody shot is turning again and i want to give us as we close out three turning points that we can take from the life of of peter throughout this narrative let's close out let's get ready here it is number one are you ready peter shows us that we must turn our failure into faith turn your failure into faith you want to draw the devil crazy the next time you they fail oh i'm about to believe god even more how do we know peter turns failure into faith because he was fishing all night and didn't catch nothing and he took that failure of not catching anything and watch this the next time he went and launched out into even deeper waters during the day [Music] some of you you failed at something and you have become a prisoner of the failure see it's not about failure that's hurting you it's your fear of failure but i am telling you today turn your failure into faith [Music] failure helps destroy your ego it makes you humble you know what god says about humble people if my people who are called by my name will seek my face humble themselves [Music] humble people turn yeah [Music] wow he turned he turned his failure into faith number two turn your regrets into recovery see one thing about failure is not the failure but the effects of it some of us failed at some stuff years ago that was still wrestling not with the failure but with the regrets and you cannot be who you need to be in the future by punishing who you were in your past [Music] just because you experienced the loss does not mean you have to lose [Music] because recovery if you're not careful it will transform watch this everybody into guilt and get what have you stopped beating yourself up and guilt will turn into shame but you have to learn how to turn your regret in to recovery because our job is recovery god's job is restoration god will restore once you recover he redeems time but he says no i need you to recover the faith that you lost i need you to recover the joy that you lost i need you to recover the peace that you lost turn your recover your regrets in to recovery watch this instead of grieving all opportunities expect god to create some new opportunities i miss my window why are you crying about missing a window to the person who creates windows [Music] got to turn that regret into recovery and number three here's your last turning point turn your vision into value see peter had a history of struggling with seeing the right things the wrong way when you learn how to see the right things the right way god will take the vision in your heart and create value in your hands see all you need is all you have sometimes we're looking for provision on the outside when god has said no i gave you a vision your provision will show up when your vision is stirred up don't have anybody in here that's praying for god to not just give you something but also for god to help you to see something lord in this season of our life heal our eyes fix our vision help us see the right things the right way we will not sink in and regret we will not drown in doubt will be all that you called us to be why because it's our turn somebody shot it's my turn so father right now i thank you for each and every individual right now under the sound of my voice god i declare that their faith will not fail them for some of us this pandemic has been one big test [Music] and some of us we failed like peter but i gotta thank you that as of today we're bouncing back we're bouncing back from depression we're bouncing back from lack we're bouncing back from isolation we're bouncing back from misery father right now i declare that faith is being revived god i say thank you for what you're doing i declare that souls are being saved right now right now if there's someone who needs jesus that life happened and their faith failed them and they want to give their life to christ right now maybe rededicate their life to christ all over the world right now there's information on the screen on your next step look at that information follow the instructions but right now all over the world we thank you that souls are being saved lives are being changed people are coming into the faith saying god right now i am dying to my own self created me a clean heart and renew a step fast spirit within me lift up your heads all ye gates and be ye lifted up father right now i declare that this word is not just heard but it's applied we'll be doers of the word we'll live this out in jesus name i pray amen can we give god praise right there if you were blessed online and in the room come on somebody open up your mouth and shout it's my turn shout it's my turn listen happy birthday to pastor mike i don't know about you but i'm glad that god called us to a leader who just like peter that he did not allow any failure to drown his faith and when he turned back we are the results of his strength so pastor we love you so much and if you want to be a blessing to him there's information on the screen right now here at rock city we do honor jesus went back home and the text says watch this he could do no miracles there except lay hands on a few sick people why he said a prophet is without honor in his own home amongst his own people watches everybody and jesus left and never came back he didn't leave because of dishonor he left because of familiarity [Music] i want to ask you a question rock city in the room and online have you become too familiar with the anointing watch this here's why we honor because honor gives access to god's anointing watch this there will always be a famine wherever there is no honor god's favor flows in the culture of honor so when we give when we honor our leaders when we sow when we honor god with the tithe watch this everybody it's not just giving it's demonstrating honor because the culture of the kingdom is honor and pastor mike we honor you we won't get familiar with you we want to say we honor who god has called you to be i'm even his brother and i make sure i don't get too close because i know whatever is on the head flows down but if i get too familiar i'll get out of alignment and i'll miss the flow so we honor you today so i'm asking everyone a part of rock city if you've been blessed if you're a part of this spiritual family let's sow into our men of god let's love on them also don't forget if you this is your week to tithe and give an offering there's information on the screen text i rock to 28950 i rock in the amount that you wish to give to uh 28950 we're so excited that whenever you give here we're able to impact the cities and communities that we have been called to were you guys blessed today hey don't forget if you have not joined pathway to purpose so many people are getting healed saved and stronger in christ today is i believe i'll win 102 we'll walk you through emotional freedom economic freedom you want to be sure to join pathway to purpose the information on how to join pathway to purpose is on the screen right now but everyone should be able to honor god and to honor our man of god today it's his birthday one more time can we give god praise and give pastor mike a great happy birthday we love you so much y'all be blessed we'll see you in the morning
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 12,134
Rating: 4.9727893 out of 5
Id: cfvqUYMMGU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 16sec (2956 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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