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got a handclap of praise everybody you can do better than that give god a phrase sitting at home you should praise god why because i believe that the best is still yet to come one more time if you believe that give god praise listen you guys can sit down sit down man i'm super super excited about all that god is doing uh in the life of our church and pastor can we thank god for pastor mike mcclure jr sir we love you we honor you you and lady j all that god is doing in and through your lives we're still celebrating the stellars new music and uh here's what i love i believe that what you see god do through your leader is a sign and a symbol of what he wants to do in you right and so when i rejoice and i thank god for what i see him doing in his life i believe i'm catching a sneak peek at what he wants to do in my life as well and so i'm excited because i see homes i see marriages i see businesses i see degrees and scholarships somebody should shout i receive that exodus chapter 13 just two verses verse 17 and 18 i'm reading from the new living translation exodus chapter 13. this is undoubtedly one of my favorite pieces of scripture exodus chapter 13 and i want to rest in verse 17 and 18. are y'all ready are you ready are you ready this is what it says when pharaoh finally let the people go god did not lead them along the main road that runs through philistine territory even though that was the shortest route to the promised land god said if the people are faced with the battle they might change their minds and return to egypt verse 18. so god led them in a round about way through the wilderness toward the red sea thus the israelites left egypt like an army ready for battle here's how i want to tag this text as we begin our time together today look at somebody if you can ask somebody tag somebody in the comments section ask them this question is this the right way is this the right way i want to jump into this here's a valuable truth that i want to communicate early in my message today that the authentic you does not require your perfection but it will require your freedom i want to say that again you being who god has called you to be you becoming that business owner you becoming that man that woman of god that husband that wife that entrepreneur uh that that politician that teacher that doctor that nurse whatever it may be that minister that prayer warrior whatever god has called you to do it will not require your perfection but it will require your freedom i really want you to receive this because i believe that i'm talking early in my message to maybe a couple thousand people who can say pastor hollis i've never been perfect but i thank god i'm free i think i'm in the wrong house i haven't dotted every i have not crossed every t but i thank god for his grace and his mercy because it set me free i thank god for what he did on calvary's cross because it didn't make me perfect but it did make me free i believe that god is a god who is undoubtedly interested and invested not only in our elevation but also in our liberation i think i'm talking too good that yes god wants to elevate you but he's also interested and invested in liberating you because what good is it for him to elevate you until he liberates you because if you don't get free before you go high then you ultimately end back in whatever you in in the first place y'all now listen to me so yes god wants to elevate you but before he elevates you he says first let me liberate you why so that way you cannot just go there but stay there i think i'm in the wrong house i don't want to just visit the next level no i want to rest at the next level i want to live at the next level i don't want to go out of town and vacation in a better house than the one that i call home no i want to live in it and what good is it for you to elevate momentarily to a certain level only to end up having to come back down why because you never got free [Applause] your purpose will not require your perfection but it will require your freedom somebody shout i'm free put that in the comments section shout out i'm free my bible tells me that he who the son sets free is free indeed it don't matter what i did it doesn't matter where i was it doesn't matter who i did it with because once god gave me freedom there is nothing the devil can do to take it away right if you're going to be who god has called you to be you don't have to be perfect but you do have to be free and we serve a guy who can free us from drug abuse generational curses pornography alcoholism uh-oh bad attitudes saying stuff to people that you ultimately regret regret but in my walk with god slide your feet back in my walk with god i've learned that it's most difficult for god to free you from yourself he can free you from drug addiction he can free you from alcoholism pornography anything and everything but one of the most difficult things to happen and occur in your life is for god to free you from you right because in order for god to free you from you he doesn't have to tell it to let you go he's got to tell you to let you go and many of us are still stuck and stagnant not because it wouldn't let us go but because we wouldn't let us go i come against every spirit of self-sabotage i come against the spirit of cycles that keep you going in and out of the same season over and over again maybe this is why the apostle paul wrote and said the good that i would do i do it not for i find then the law that when i would do good evil is always present with me he said i want to do good but there's something about me that keeps me trapped in the same spot he said i want to do right but then there's a part inside of me even though i want to do what i should do there's a part of me that keeps making me do what i don't need to do and even though i want to take two steps forward me keep dragging me two steps backwards am i preaching right and the bible is inundated with instances that support this statement that most notably so in the lives of the children of israel that god says before i can elevate you i gotta liberate you right he says yeah i wanna i wanna elevate you i wanna i wanna take you to a land that is flowing with milk and honey what eyes haven't seen and what ears haven't heard he says but if i don't liberate you first then the elevation will do you no good when we meet them in exodus 13 a god is leading them out of egypt into the promised land right here's what i noticed first that god has gotten them out of egypt but he has not gotten egypt out of them can i talk just for a moment he's gotten them out of egypt but there's still a lot of egypt in them what what do i do when god has gotten me out of my past but if you say the wrong thing to me it triggers the past that's still in me to come back up he says no i've gotten you out of egypt but i've got to get i've got to get egypt out of you god says look at what the bible says in exodus chapter 13 verse 17 when pharaoh finally let the people go god did not lead them along the main road somebody shall maim he did not lead them along the main road that runs through philistine territory even though that was the shortest route to the promised land all right so what god says is i'm getting ready to bring you out but i'm going to take you on a detour all right i want to teach you something dr tony evans says in his book detours he defines them as an unexpected shift in the preferred route to a desired destination i want to give that to you again put that in your notes a detour is an unexpected unexpected shift an unexpected shift in the preferred route to a desired destination right you've got a destination that you desire but you've also got a route you prefer preach hollis you know where you not only do you know where you want to go but you also know how you want to get there but what god does is he says i'm getting ready to take you where you want to go but i might take you away y'all not hearing me today he says the the first reason why i've got to do this is because i've gotten you out of egypt but i haven't gotten egypt out of you put this in your phone put this in your notes put this in the comment section the first reason why we see the necessity of a detour is because a detour is for detox can i talk about it a detour is for detox sometimes god takes you the long way around because he says there's some stuff inside of you that i've got to get out of you because if i let you go where you're going with that still inside of you you'll ruin and pervert with the opportunity that i'm trying to present you with because there's still something inside of you god i'm preaching to somebody i'll preach to myself there's things that i'm praying and asking god for that he's saying hollis i love you and your favor and you're gifted and you're called but i can't give you that yet because you still got some of you in you that i gotta get out [Applause] because if i don't i will i will i will burn in you an opportunity that the old you will abort you ever had a co-worker who always complained about why they couldn't get a promotion and you're just looking at it like uh-huh so you feel like they're discriminating against you huh you don't think it had anything to do with the the 17 tardies that you got you don't think maybe you got to overlook for this opportunity uh maybe because you you know you get an attitude with your supervisor all the time you don't think that has anything to do with why you're trapped in this position it says no it would it would be it would be it would be it would be uh irresponsible of me to elevate you and promote you until i first detox you d talks shout out to pastor darius he taught an incredible message last week entitled six types of toxic people there's some stuff in you that you've gotta get out of you right oh jesus help me because i figured something out about a detox and i pray this blesses you that a detox may not get everything out but it will lower the levels of toxicity in you it may not get all of the toxins out but it will lower the level of toxins all right can i tell somebody who's watching me right now you may be struggling with something today that you might still be struggling with tomorrow but what god wants to do is is on the pathway to getting it out he may want to reduce the levels the dependence that you have on it can i talk to somebody even he says he says when pharaoh finally let the people go god did not lead them along the main road that runs through philistine territory even though that was the shortest route to the promised land god is getting ready to bring them out of egypt but he's not going to use the path that they expect all right here's something i want you to put in your phone you cannot fulfill god's will your way i'm preaching to me i pray you can get something out of it hollis you cannot fulfill god's will your way we are the only people who will go to god and pray ask for what we want and then tell god how to do it god i want this and that and i want it by then and i don't want these people to know about it no you cannot fulfill god's will your way can i bless you with something i pray this helps you many of us are not resisting the will we're resisting the way wow we're not resisting what god wants to do we're resisting how he wants to do what he wants to do can i tell you that's why certain people don't like you it's not simply what you're doing it's simply the fact they didn't think you would be the one to do it that's why you can walk in the office and you ain't saying nothing to nobody you minding your own business um there she goes who she thinks she is i don't know who i think i am i'm just trying to do what god has called me to do there are certain places you will never fit in why because people are not irritated by what god is doing they're more irritated by the fact that he decided to use you baby you mad and upset about some favor that i wish i could give back i didn't ask for this i didn't beg for this but when god puts his favor and his anointing on your life many of us are not resisting the will we're resisting the way we are not arguing over we are not attempting to argue with god over what he's doing but rather we're upset over the way he decided to do it [Applause] you're upset about the way you always wanted to be an entrepreneur you're not mad about the will but you are upset that you had to get laid off to do it that's the way you wanted more peace but you didn't want to lose those same toxic friends that you had been holding on to and when god pulled them out of your life you didn't know to shout about the peace or to cry because you were by yourself because we are not upset about the will it's the way it's the way this is this is why you got to be careful because we say stuff in church we don't mean any way you bless me you're a lie you're not satisfied because you're not if you wanted what you wanted and you wanted the way that you wanted it and god is trying to tell some of us today that you cannot pray for something and then tell me how to send it can't nobody tell you nothing but you need wisdom you need support but you won't open up your mouth and ask somebody for it y'all don't like me [Music] the detour is for detox all right number two the number one the detours of detox number two all right there's something else about detours i need to write this down detours are not desired detours are not desired all right this is why this this way in this wheel piece kind of messes me up because uh when you wake up in the morning and you're getting ready to start your morning commute one of the most irritating frustrating things that could possibly happen is for you to find out you've got to take a detour man y'all can't drive what's going on man because you want to get to work you want to get you want to get to church you want to get to wherever you got to go the way you are accustomed to the way that's that's comfortable the way that you were taught the way that was preferred nobody desires a detour when you see those lights flashing ahead you get upset right here's something i learned because exodus 13 and 17 shows me not only that detours aren't desired but also number three that detours are designed [Music] this is good right just because you're on a path that you don't desire that does not mean that it's a path that god didn't design i got to say that again just because you're on a path that you don't desire does not mean it's a path that god did not design it is possible for you to be on a journey that does not match your desire but does match his design yeah y'all not hearing me there are some stuff going on in your life right now that you did not ask for but can i suggest to you that god might have designed it when you start praying about what 2021 would look like you didn't ask for a delta variant you didn't ask for heartbreak you didn't ask for pain but is it possible that even though you do not desire it that god still designed it this is why the bible says stuff and we know that god causes all things to work together for the good of those who not the things that you desire but all things not the things you prefer but all things not the things you want but all things yes god does not need your desire for it to match his design he doesn't need it we are some of the most arrogant self-centered people who get so caught up on what we want that we arrogantly assume that god cannot move in a way that doesn't match what you want y'all gonna click off the stream please though how arrogant are we to assume that god is limited to only working in what you manifested whatever that is that god is only limited to working in a way that you're familiar with we didn't do it for my grandmama and he didn't do it oh god see we pray for stuff and don't even realize what comes with the prayer right god i'm a generational break curse break i'm gonna be the first in my family to do yadda yadda and then you run from the persecution that comes with being first [Music] you run from the pain that comes with doing something that nobody else in your bloodline has done before and god is trying to get you right i am not limited to using you in the way that i use her i'm not limited to using you in the same way i've used who you look for on the youtube does not dictate the design that's what i'm trying to get you to realize it is possible for you to have a desire and not match god's design we got to stop calling stuff demonic because you didn't want it you got to stop it is possible for god to do something in your life that does not match what you do here's here's here's what we really should be thankful for because if god gave you everything that you desire y'all playing with me y'all playing with me i'm getting ready to go if god gave you everything you wanted if god let you date everybody who number you asked for if god will let you get every job you apply if he'll let you move into every apartment that you wanted if he let you get approved for every car that you ever applied there are some things that we should be thankful that god did not allow us to get what we desire god i thank you that there are some desires that you declined you all don't hear me i thank god that there are some desires that you declined because there was some stuff that hollis wanted that truth be told wasn't good for me y'all y'all don't hear me y'all hear me y'all hear me all right here's something i want to give you okay god help me verse 17 says even though that was the shortest route to the promised land the short somebody shout shortest the shortest route put that in the chat shortest route to the promised land all right here the writer is is drawing a a distinction a a dichotomy between um between how do i want to say this between a detour and a shortcut between a detour and a shortcut all right he's trying to get us to understand that that there's a difference between you taking a detour and you taking a shortcut right because a shortcut gets you there faster but a detour gets you there better yeah see see there's somebody there's somebody who got there before you but they're not gonna get there in as good of a condition and and in their right mind and they and they still love their kids and and they got there but now you don't like nobody who is riding with you on the way there what good is it for me to get there and then i not get there in good condition i don't want to limp to the next level y'all not here i don't want to limp to the next level see see you're trying to be first when god says no i want you to be best yeah i don't want you to get there faster i want you to get there better yeah there's plenty of people who are getting there but what condition are they in when they show up no when i finally get the opportunity that i've been praying for i want to be able to stand proudly i want to be able to stand flat-footed i want to look good i want to sound good i want it to be clear that i've been spending time with god i don't want to limp into the next level you're in such a rush and look at you now you just you're just limping you just any way i can get that i get whoever i got to talk about whoever i gotta stab in the back whatever i gotta betray as long as i can get there i can get there and now your mind is so messed up that you can't even enjoy what you've been working for all this while cause you got there in a rush can i tell you something i told you this before you can't rush why because when you rush you ruin it yeah you're in such a rush that you never realize you're ruining what god is attempting to do in your life a shortcut gets you there faster but a detour gets you there better all right can i can i help you can i help you a shortcut is a route that you found but a detour is a route that has been planned all right see you you stumble upon a shortcut girl i was headed down to the store yada yada i busted left i didn't even know they brought you out on first avenue you just found that right but when a detour occurs somebody who works for the city they go out and they begin to survey the road it's okay we got to fix this section of the street all right so in order to make sure that people who are trying to get from point a to point b are not impacted by what we're working on here we're going to plan an alternative route that will get there safely and about the same time that they normally would have right and what you don't realize is that you keep trying to get there the shortest way possible when you don't realize god is designing a detour that will get you there safe and sound in the way that he planned it can i tell somebody that god is planning your detour y'all don't know when to shout god is planning your detour right a shortcut might be the shortest route but it's not always the best route right and when god takes them the long way he's practicing something i want to call i pray you can handle this something i want to call pastor james pain prevention he's practicing something i like to call pain prevention shout out to my father i remember years ago my dad sat me down i was 16 years old i did something crazy and he looked at me in the face he said pastor james he said he said son caution is better than cure caution is better than cure every once in a while when i'm on the phone talking to him i just say pop's caution it's better than cure what he was attempting to communicate to his son to his seed is is that son i would rather you take your time rather than you rush only for us to have to go back and try to cure what you messed up he's practicing pain prevention right i'm not making this up y'all know we preach out of the bible here look at verse 17 throw that back on the screen for me if you don't mind it says when pharaoh finally let the people go god did not lead them along the main road that runs through philistine territory even though that was the shortest route but why god said if the people are faced with a battle they might change their minds and return back to egypt he's preventing potential pain there is something that they are in a rush to get to and don't understand that there is something waiting on them that they're not ready for i gotta go cause y'all missing me there's something waiting on you you're in such a rush to get there and you don't realize that there's an enemy waiting on you around the corner that you don't have any experience with why because you've been in captivity all these years you've never had any military training you don't know how to fight you don't know what you're doing so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna prevent your pain by taking you a path that you didn't yes prefer this is why you've got to be careful when you argue with god over the path that he picks [Applause] you got to be careful when you argue with him over the path that he picks for you because you can see to the corner he can see around it y'all gotta hear me you can see to the corner but he can see around the corner and he knows there's something waiting on you that you are not prepared for he's preventing pain all right because the question i want to ask you and i want you to ask yourself this question in the chat in the room how much of your pain how much of your pain could have been prevented you wanted them so bad i just want them so bad you just you just wanted to go to the club that night so bad you just wanted to be able to drive that car and everybody see you in it so bad and you didn't realize that there was pain attached to it that could have been prevented if i signed for this maybe they'll stay with me pain that could have been prevented man my mama not gonna be talking to me any kind of way i'm about to leave get my own apartment pain that could have been prevented man i'm tired of seeing everybody else driving nice and i'm in college trying to get this degree but forget i'ma drop out pain that could have been prevented pain that could have been prevented and what god is trying to realize get them to realize is is that if you follow the path that i pick it can prevent you from pain [Applause] god said if the people are faced with the battle they might change their minds i like that change their minds am i doing all right they may change their minds all right god knew the shortest route would force them to have to fight before they were ready all right and he's looking at them saying y'all don't have any military experience if you are faced with an enemy you're going to change your mind you're gonna get intimidated you're gonna get scared and you're gonna run so they'll change their minds and go back to egypt to change their minds i i was tripping church because i that change your mind phrase it just wouldn't leave me alone i kept trying to figure god what are you trying to show me in this and what he said to me is he said hollis i was instructing moses to lead them in such a way because i needed them to understand that they could never win a battle with their hands that they had already lost in their head it is impossible for them to win a battle with their hands that they had already lost in their head when you see the enemy you're not ready for it and so you're gonna turn and run you're not even gonna fight so we don't even know if you can win because in your mind you already lost y'all hearing what i'm saying and what i need you to realize is is that many of us because we're in such a rush to jump out there we don't even realize there's something that we are not ready for and god doesn't want us to fight a battle that we'll lose mentally before we can fight physically this is what the bible tells us to be renewed in our mind right this is what a bible the bible says if i keep my mind stayed on him why because it's trying to get us to realize there's a lot of stuff that's happening up here that's impacting what's going on around there and you are trying to win battles externally that you are losing internally can i tell can i give you can i give you a secret and i pray y'all don't judge me can i give you a secret i'll never be better up here than i am in here i mean when i first started preaching i thought it was all about what i said and how i said it and what commentaries i read and what pastors i could imitate and god trains us and teaches us and helps us understand that you can lose a battle internally and then still be foolish enough to try to win it externally god literally had to consider that the people he was attempting to liberate and elevate might change their mind and go back to bondage all right here's another question i want to ask you sometimes it's not about giving the right answers it's about asking the right questions all right here's what i want to ask you what made you change your mind can i sit that in your lap what made you change your mind what made you change your mind what happened in your life what jumped off what what popped up that made you change your mind because god said you were the head and not the tail what made you change your mind you're the lender and not the bar what made you change you're blessed when you come and you're blessed when you go what made you change your mind because you're allowing people to treat you on a level that is less than what god has already said about you what made you change your mind what made you change your mind all right i i had to get inside this text for a minute because the israelites leave egypt and they're on an emotional high all right they've seen god do signs and wonders river now turns to blood first born in every household man and cattle man and animals killed they see amazing locusts they see they see crazy things they see a a staff turned into a stick and then a stick turned into a snake and then a snake turning back into the staff they see god do amazing things they see signs and wonders amazing things they see plagues and plunder i did some research exodus chapter 12 verse 36 the lord caused the egyptians to look favorably on the israelites and they gave the israelites whatever they asked for so they stripped the egyptians of their wealth all right now i i could i could really debunk this this this counterintuitive notion that you can be repentant about enslaving a people and not pay for it y'all didn't catch what i just said it's impossible for you to be truly repentant america about enslaving a people but then refuse to pay for it all right but i i i'll have time for that all right in other words what they're saying is is is that we're so sorry for how we treated y'all god has moved on our hearts in such a way you can take whatever you want not only am i going to set you free but you're going to leave with the stuff that you've been working for that they wouldn't give you y'all don't like me they've seen signs and wonders plagues and plunder so when they leave they leaving with stuff they're not leaving by themselves no they're leaving with stuff and god says even with all of that i know you'll still change your mind on me you ever met somebody no matter what you gave them there was no telling when they changed their mind about you all right here's where i want to hang my hat i'm done detours are for our development detours are for detox detours aren't desired but they are designed but then lastly detours are for our development all right god says you left on an emotional high you got all this stuff with you you're excited about it you you you you're ready to go and you god take us straight there no we ready we got favor it's on us it's on my life from the crown of my head to the souls of my feet this just take me straight that to the promised land and god says no i gotta take it a long way because you made an emotional decision to follow moses right and what he's trying to get us to realize is is that it's impossible for you to use emotions to make a decision and to maintain a decision it is impossible for you to use the same emotions that made the decision to help you maintain the decision y'all don't hear me emotions are not enough for you to maintain your decisions no he says no i got to develop you because you need some discipline you need some devotion you need some faith you need some some stick to it in this you need to be able to be faced with opposition and still not give up and emotions won't help you maintain a decision that's part of the reason why i thank god for the pandemic because some of us came to church and we got high yeah we we came to church and we got this this ecclesiastical opium and you ran to the front and you talked about how your life was going to change and you meant it i'm not beating you up for that i've done the same thing but what god says is on the other side of the emotion that help you make the decision you've got to submit yourself to my path so i can develop your devotion and your discipline because emotion can help you make the decision but discipline is what's gonna help you maintain is this the right way [Music] is this the right way i'm making emotional decisions every time somebody makes me upset pastor hollis i shout and i say something i regret this can't be the right way i'm pouring my heart into people and all the signs are there that they are incapable of giving me anything i deserve in return is this is this the right way i i tried to do it the right way it was taking too long so pastor alice i just bust a move and i i do what i had to do i took a shortcut but now i'm sitting there thinking is this the right way [Music] i'm done i have a seven-year-old daughter ava and she's got to be the smartest seven-year-old i ever met i know everybody says that about their kids but whatever [Music] what i like about her is is the attention she pays to detail we're driving down the street in the car the other day and um i was bringing her home and i took a route that she wasn't used to normally we always bust the same left the same right we go down the same back road this time i i went the long way 10 15 minutes into the ride she said hey daddy is this the right way see ya baby it's it's the right way she put her head back down in her ipad and we kept going and five minutes later she she looked back up and she said daddy is this the right way i said av you you've asked me that twice what wait you don't think you i know what i'm doing she said what daddy this doesn't look like the way we normally go so i just figured maybe this wasn't the right way and in an instance i was convicted because i thought to myself how many times do we do that to god [Music] god this don't look like the way i i i want to go this they saying this ain't what i asked for they said are you sure it's the right way [Music] are you sure this is the way that you wanted me is this the way this was really supposed to work out eventually ava stopped asking me was this the right way because i believe she made a decision not to trust what she knew or what she expected but to trust her daddy [Music] and what i'm asking you to do today is to trust your daddy trust the the lawyer that's never lost the case the doctor that's never lost a patient trust your father in heaven that he's in control and even if you don't like the path he's still got something planned father we ask in jesus name that you would give us a supernatural deposit of faith that will allow us to look uncertainty in the eye and say god i still trust you god i still love you that god even if the route isn't what we picked and it's not what we preferred maybe it is what will prepare us to be what eyes have not seen and what ears have not heard father lead us as a spiritual big brother in this movement this reformation into a moment of repentance that god we repent for challenging and questioning and dragging and kicking against what you wanted to do because it didn't look like what we wanted so according to psalms 51 and 10 created us a clean heart and renewing us the right spirit so that we can trust not just in you being the god of the result but also the god of the route and we know that you'll never leave us and you'll never forsake us it's in jesus name we pray everybody who believed it said amen come on let's give god praise come on stand to your feet and help me praise god all over the building even at home stand up on your feet and praise god in your kitchen in your living room your bedroom wherever you are i want you to praise god i believe that somebody's getting ready to make a decision for christ if you listen to that message and you're making a decision to accept christ as your lord and savior i want you to do me a favor i want you to text home to 28950 is right there on the screen text home to 28950 we have a team that's waiting to hear from you we cannot wait to welcome you into our community we are not a perfect church but we are a free church because the bible says that where the spirit of the lord is there is what liberty and so i believe that this is a place for you to be free and who the son has set free is free indeed so again if you're making a decision to receive christ as your lord and savior maybe you're rededicating your life or you want to join rock city this is the place that god has told you you should be the text home to two eight nine five zero if you're giving today you know how to do that the lord loves a cheerful giver there's three ways you can give is right there on the screen you can text to give you can use cash app or you can visit our website when you give here you don't just give to your church you give through your church you allow us to go out into the community and do amazing things man last year in the middle of a pandemic we were able to gift a 1.8 over 1.8 million dollars come on let's give god a handcuff of praise for that we were able to have a 1.8 million dollar impact in our communities in birmingham tuscaloosa and around the world none of that is possible unless you continue to partner with us so thank you for your giving listen i'm excited about what all god is doing here at rock city and i expect for him to keep on doing amazing things listen on behalf of pastor mike lady jay all of us here at rock city we love you we're praying for you and we can't wait to see you soon you guys be blessed peace [Music]
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 11,437
Rating: 4.967742 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 42sec (2682 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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