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I'm so so so excited you can stay seated I want to go straight to the word today we've been in the midst of a series entitled big entitled big and today I kind of want to sit and Matthew chapter 14 verse 28 Matthew chapter 14 verse 28 there it says Peter said to him lord if it's you i'ma catch somebody faith on point right here command me command me to come to you on the water as you're seated look at somebody around you overflow don't make me come in there look at somebody around you if you watch it online you at home in your robe eating cereal say to yourself say self if you gonna do some big stuff it starts with big steps I want to talk today with your prayers are more important with God's presence from the topic big steps I told you at the top of the year that as your pastor I'm committed to doing my part and making sure that 2020 for you it's one of the most productive prosperous powerful and prayerful years of your life that's what you should have said our seed of your life as a matter of fact here's a good morning declaration for you many of you might need to take a picture of the screen or just put it in your cognitive domain catalogue that you need to wake up every morning and say thank you for waking me up this morning and I declare that 2020 it's one of the most productive powerful and prayerful years of my life I'm a catch somebody and I'm gonna just go ahead and speak this over your life this year you're gonna produce something help me Holy Ghost this year wealth is about to come into your life I bind up being paycheck to paycheck and struggling just to make it imma catch three people God shifting you from surviving to thriving I'm gonna produce imma be prosperous watch this I'm going to be powerful and I want to suggest to you today I plan shine I plan on motivating some of you and Aaron hating the rest of you inter pursuing and achieving some big stuff this year I believe God's plan for your life includes productivity prosperity and power but that can only be attained or accomplished through prayer if you're not careful that nefarious nemesis known as the devil will try with all of his might to thwart your thinking and attenuate your faith but you got to have enough Holy Ghost swag to say the devil is a liar I will beat this year what God called me to be what am I saying pmj take really good nose pictures on the screen put it in your phone put it in your journal let's go to work you can't expect big stuff without being willing to take big steps you can't expect big stuff without being willing to take big steps Jesus is a cold-blooded brother he's just fed 5,000 with two fish and five loaves of bread let me correct myself he's just fed 5,000 men not including women and children at that time the average man was married truth be told married with kids let's just say 10,000 people fed with two fish five loaves of bread he's on a high and verse 22 leads us into the day's text in this matthean text it opens up by saying as soon as the meal was finished that's crazy as soon as the meal was finished he insisted that the disciples get into the boat and go ahead to the other side while he dismissed the people that's cold-blooded look at what happens he feeds 5,000 plus people once he gets done doing a miracle can you imagine yourself performing miracles for everybody you know imagine who work at regions anybody imagine you go to reeds and all y'all in reason you just go downstairs and say everybody on the first float getting some food and you go from 1 to 2 to 3 to 15 to 20 to 25 and you come downstairs everybody that excited Jesus looks at the disciples and say it's get in the boat y'all go ahead of me hey all y'all go home why is that important pmj big step number 1 look at verse 23 with the crowd dispersed he climbed the mountain so he could go by himself and what come on wake up he can go by his self and what pray he stayed there where alone this is critical big step number 1 put this in your nose sometimes you have to disconnect so you can connect sometimes you have to disconnect so you can connect God is putting me in a position where he's placing me in the presence of greatness I'm sitting down with presidents of banks and CEOs and entrepreneurs and athletes and highly uh high-impact high capacity people and I want to give you something especially my Millennials because so many times God opens the door and you're so selfishly looking at what you can accomplish you miss the lesson you miss the lesson that's why Jesus cold-blooded that's why one of my professors from Yale says he always it's called a paradoxical practice practiced by the Prince of Peace a paradoxical practices practiced by the Prince of Peace that's when Jesus is blessing the masses while teaching classes that's when when Jesus feeding 5,000 with two fish and five loaves of bread but before he feeds him the Bible says he broke it and He blessed it why would divinity have to pray if your God on earth why are you praying to yourself he said Mike ain't praying for me I'm praying for you cuz since you don't have what I have you need to learn before you do anything just a little talk with Jesus I'll make everything alright so I've been in these rooms so what's the lesson I can give you now every time I get in the room I find a way to get by myself an exodus person one question what are you reading what is your daily routine and every the common denominator and every person I've met so far is one book entitled seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen cutting and Stephen Covey in that book he mentioned something called sharpening the saw that's critical sharpen the saw please put this in your notes means preserving and enhancing the greatest assets you have which is you oh that's cold let me please leave that up there for a minute so they can get it if you're watching an open for watching in line take a picture of that that's worth writing sharpening the song means preserving and enhancing the greatest assets you have which is you this is cold-blooded cold-blooded what I'm about to say your car ain't your greatest asset thank God for your 4-bedroom 3-bath that is not your greatest asset how much money you got in the bank is not your greatest asset but greatest that you have right now is you if you're broken you can't accomplish nothing you're desiring to do now I want to say this and I pray you can't receive this leave that up there for a minute it is preserving and enhancing put those two words please preserving and enhancing this is so cold-blooded why pastor might cuz I want to argue that the average person in this room has done a phenomenal job preserving yourself you failed and enhancing yourself so you can testify all day that you survive but the problem is you came out of it the same now you can testify that Pastor Mike they tried to hate on me they tried to block me that 2019 was the worst year of my life but I made it just because you make it don't mean it made you did you catch what I just said what do I need you to do sharpen the saw the worst thing in the world is the dull knife to look like something you can't function in what am I trying to get you to understand that many of you right now like Jesus you are in a season of your life where it's time to sharpen your gift sharpen your intellect and yourself it means preserving and enhancing the greatest assets you have which is you it means having please producing your nose a balanced program a balanced program that's important pmj what's a program what is your routine that you continuously do consistently do to make sure you're being made better and your sustaining that's critical it is a self renewal in four areas physical social and emotional mental and spiritual that's critical that's critical sadly many of us have turned ourselves into savings accounts not accounts that accrue interest and grow and I'm saying that because if you place two hundred dollars in the bank by the end of this year you're going to have two hundred dollars but problem is you keep making investments in yourself that dude that does not yield return what am I trying to get you to realize how do you reboot how do you sharpen the saw Jesus saying I've been doing so much he's on a tour he's walking he doesn't help a car he's going from city to city place the place Jesus I'm blind get your sight back oh good his sister was bleed hey tell your baby girl to get up and she ain't dead no more Lazarus come forth y'all hungry boom let's get this party started right he's doing so much that he needed to get alone for three reasons I'm going quick you gotta kiss this get this quit why did he need to get alone he needed to be alone so he could be renewed and strengthened because he was physically exhausted recover a clearer perspective of his mission he was mentally exhausted he needed to be recharged with God's power to do God's will he was spiritually drained now here's here's here's where it gets thick because Church has become a witness protection program you can't even say a man for the fear of thinking somebody gonna be in your business so I just forget all of y'all two of us gonna keep it 100 today what who knows what it's like to be physically exhausted mentally drained and spiritually empty all at the same time Jesus says I'm trippin he says I'm trippin he said I need to be renewed and strengthened I need to get a clearer perspective I got so much stuff coming to me so many people pulling on me what do you want me to do I had somebody inbox me today saying pastor got an offer from Atlanta Nashville and Charlotte and I got a counteroffer from Birmingham that's so much I don't know what to do I said whatever it is don't answer it - after this fast this fast gives you clear I'm in the wrong Church perspective I want you to catch this now physically exhausted mentally exhausted spiritually drained preaching to everybody cuz some of y'all ain't going hard in the paint but for the three of you who knows what it's like you work in so much that even when you invest you ain't arresting you sleep but your mind still racin mentally exhausted you got so many moves on your mind you don't know what to do that's for my paper chasers you're working a job trying to start a business trying to go to school you're thinking about your mom and him your cousin him if this relationship gonna work spiritually drain because you're so busy physically and so drained mentally you don't even have to scrimp to pray have you ever started praying and fell asleep she will talk about stuff like that in church I am empty and that's the reason I'm calling you to this fast cuz if you don't take you people will keep pulling for you until you ain't got nothing left from yourself but I declare this go be the year I get myself together physically exhausted mentally exhausted spiritually drained but this right here is why I'm locking myself in the church for six days I'm starting tonight at 6 p.m. I'm not leaving this building for nothing in the world unless it's an emergency dire emergency starting tonight at 6 p.m. I'm locking myself in this church until Saturday morning I won't leave out this building till Saturday at 12 noon Pastor Mike you go into deep notice you not going deep enough you mean to tell me God gonna give me 365 days out of year I can't give him seven no I told my wife I'm not coming home I'm not daddy this week I am a high priest this week I am locking in the temple and I'm going for God I'm giving us a prayer schedule what's the press schedule every day I'm commanding every person in this room 6:00 a.m. set your alarm clock we're gonna pray at 6 a.m. 12 noon and 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. that front door don't open you can come in and pray with me if you want to do me a favor don't ask me to pray for you you ain't coming to seek me you coming to seek God don't tap me on the shoulder and say pastor let's pray I'm not here to pray with you I am NOT trying to raise crippled Christians I am NOT trying to raise folk who and pastor don't pray for you it ain't gonna happen I'm trying to raise the army of people who can lay hands on a shelf and tell they self DP heal am i preaching to anybody every day for the next six days 6 a.m. 12 known 7 p.m. I'll be right here praying seeking God you can't give her at 7 p.m. we're gonna be streaming it on our app only the same foot everybody just for us that way if you're just at home cooking you can cut it on and just hear prayer here worship music wide pmj i'ma say this and I'm almost afraid to say it I am believing God for too much to be cute this year I I don't know who I'm preaching to have you got a million dollar dream with a five dollar prayer life I do got a million dollar dream with a ten dollar prayer life no if I want everything that God got for me this week reach over that hater and high-five another neighbor and shout I'm going in I'm going in I'm ready to become what God has called me to be this is my season somebody shout yeah hear me when I say this prayer schedule prayer schedule 6 a.m. 12:00 no 7 p.m. this is the worst possible time I can do this P worst possible time my boss man sitting over there the men who make a lot of this news of stuff and stuff happen for me he know we got hot right now he got radio interviews lined up neatly in different cities talking about certain things god bless you but all that can wait why pmj cuz I realized if I take care of him first he'll start lifting some other stuff up Pastor Mike I can't pray like that this week I had a date plan you've got to counsel him and tell him if you want to be with me here's what we gonna do we gonna be Jones and what you mean Jonesy oh you really want this you really want this I tell you what meet me at 6 a.m. at Rock City cause it's going all day I need prayer reading schedule look at me reading schedule I'm asking everyone to dive into the book of Acts I'm asking everyone to dive into the book of Acts if you finish it read it again repetition breeze revelation repetition breeze revelation the more you read it the more you see book of Acts I'm asking everybody to pay close attention to Acts chapter 2 verses 12 I want you to notice how many times it's been blowing my mind Mason how many times the Bible says and the Holy Spirit said and the Holy Spirit said we have delimited the Holy Spirit to miracles when I'm an argue we should be consulting with the spirit on every decision we make him me when I say this the Holy Spirit saying what's the book I want you to download I want my Millennials to do this with me word and power Church a word and power church that's important cuz yes I want to be young yes I want to be flying yes I want to wear J's but I also want the power to say the devil get under them J's I want to be a word and power with Church as great as Jesus is as great as Jesus was down he said Julian I need some time by myself okay can I ask you a question and if he needed time what makes you think you don't need no time but here's the problem why don't we take time pmj because the devil has tricked you into believing that isolation is solitude there's a contra stink of difference between isolation and solitude isolation you are placed in isolation you choose solitude isolation when you practice isolation you experience inner emptiness when you practice isolation you experience inner emptiness when you practice solitude you experience you experience inner fulfillment that's critical all right all my parents give me a wet one when your child cutting up sometimes you have to place them in what time now go sit down and don't get back up again you got to go sit down and don't do that again you have to put them in with timeout can I have I'm gonna talk to three grown folks but sometimes life gets so crazy you have to take time out it's the same thing from two totally different perspectives time out to a child is prison time out to an adult is preparation I don't think you heard what I just said isolation have you bars solitude I be a walls see when you choose so Jesus says no no no I got to find a way to get by myself I need to get filled again I need to get replenished I need to get recharge right but I see something in that text do me a favor go go back to verse 23 23 23 23 23 he stayed there alone watch this with the crowd dispersed I want you to see this he climbed the mountain that's critical he climbed the mountain so he could be by himself and prayed I see a very critical critical principle in this text that I want many of you to catch the reason you can't properly get to your quiet place is because your quiet place is too easy to attain notice he did not pray in a valley because anybody can walk down the hill he that if I really want to get by myself I gotta climb the mountain see many of you you have given too many people say that better you have Gibbons no I won't say like that I want I want to fix it I want to fix it okay so for many that won't it either here is it so the problem with many of you you have given too many small people access to your big places hear me when I say this so hear me when I say this this week listen to your pastor climb something no climb something send a message out and just simply say hey I love y'all so much but this week if you don't mind catch y'all not bother me with anything I'm just trying to keep my mind in my heart and my peace in a certain place so if y'all don't mind I love y'all Saturday at 12 noon y'all good bother me or whatever you want I can't believe you acting like this so you change it yes you miss what I just said oh so you acted funny yes well so you selfish yes I have given y'all all my two thousands this year right here this year right here it's all about being what God called me to be and you're gonna have to take some time to sharpen the soul can us can I help you real quickly can I help you real quickly who got a heart to help people but I got the money to do it you gonna have to start telling people no cuz I can't help you if I don't stop and start fixing me I'm gonna say wow I'm gonna say this and three of y'all gonna catch it this week I don't want you to pray about where you gonna stay I don't want you to pray about where you gonna work I want your whole prayer to be Lord fix me cuz if God fixes me I can fix y'all don't like me today this brother is at a high point I let's chill let's let's look at this to duckpin let's look at this cognitive but I want to push you cognitively today because what do we see he gets by his self and prays this is a high point right this is the high point his brother just fed 5,000 plus people with two fish and five loaves that's cold-blooded he's sort of like Travis like Travis Travers we'll pull up and just feed 5,000 people and I even know where the food come from it's just it's like every time you turn around just mow beat just come on the grill he just make it can you imagine how crazy that is don't don't be Pete imagine they walk up Jesus they want to eat hit gonna plate right here boom all right man we only had two fish Philo's that's two okay okay and they just kept going kept come it never ran out hate you imagine the conversation Kate you imagine the conversation this past week when we got the call about the stellar Wars we said in the office for six hours and just laughed we end up crying every 45 minutes somebody looking saying man is crazy every 20 minutes we'll look back I so what we sing a sunny week brought a crazy God we're going to Vegas we're going to Vegas now let me Paul into a commercial any member who wants to come to the still Awards it's in Vegas I want to say on this day when you get there I don't know you you don't know me what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas don't bring that back to Birmingham in the church say the Texas he just failed 5,000 and the Bible says he looks at them and we should be celebrating right think about it we should be celebrating hey that's great we just feel fine how did he do that it's crazy Jesus do me a favor y'all go that way hey everybody I just fed y'all go home I'm gonna climb this mountain and go pray mm-hmm but I can remember and when he's in the garden of gethsemane it says he got alone by himself and praying imma sue can finish this message for me when he was winning he prayed when he felt like he was losing he pray when he was on top he pray when they was trying to kill him when he was blessing foe when he when people betrayed him prayer isn't just reserved for pain we have made a crucial mistake in the body of Christ of reserved and pale for praying bro we only pray when we in trouble think about it were you in trouble that's when you try to pray big step number one sometimes you got a disconnect so you can way connect dick big step number two you have to display consistency despite the circumstances yeah he said no no I'm a praying I need you to pray this is critical he says prayer isn't just reserved for pain prayer isn't just reserved for pain why is that important Pastor Mike because I need you to understand that prayer has to be an integral part of your life prayer has to become an integral part of your life the first thing after crying and then celebrating and shouting I pulled up on the side of the road and said father God I just start praying I said God in Jesus name I thank you for what you just did in my life I said now God this can change me God this right here can go to my head I could get grant cuts flesh like being praised so I said God keep me holy humble and hungry God don't let this go to my head because I'm telling you I'm almost argue in 2020 you need to pray more after your wins then you do your losses cuz I'm gonna help you blessings make sick people sicker that's crazy any carry blessings make sick people sicker that's crazy if I give a million dollars to an addict he'll kill itself but a million dollars is a blessing right it ain't a blessing until it you see how it translates to the individual a million dollars to you as a blessing because you hold a million dollar said bill is death that's Mike I'm ready for a relationship know that relationship may make you sick cuz if you don't know who you are by yourself you surely don't know who you are with somebody else so I have to learn how to win pray she displayed consistency despite the circumstances look at this jesus climbs a mountain he's up there praying alright this is cold-blooded climbs a mountain up there praying but the Bible I love how the NLT puts it throws a little shade I'm like shade okay it said cuz it says meanwhile meanwhile the disciples were in trouble far away from the land the strong wind wind had risen and they were fighting heavy ways hold on a minute how Jesus puts me in a boat tells me to go this way if he's the Alpha and the Omega he's I'm not science he's omniscient I'm not science all-knowing if he's I'm not science he knows that a storm is coming at 3:45 why he put me in a boat at 3:40 to tell me to go in the direction of a storm that's coming at 3:45 he said Michael I needed them to realize all storms aren't punishment sometimes their preparation that's cold-blooded that's cold-blooded that's cold-blooded pester me pester me pester Mike watch this watch this I just fear 5,000 so I need the disciples just like I need your members to understand that I'm not just the God who is a provider I'm also a protector I'm finna say this I need you to really hit your passion when I say this right if all you know God has is a provider you will forever be in need God will be what you see him and the Bible says when he went to his hometown he can only do but a few miracles because the folk who knew him only saw him as the carpenter's son if all you see is a carpenter here fix your house but if you see a Savior he'll fix your life the problem ain't his power but the problem is your perception what you see determines what you get so sometimes God takes you through stuff not to break you but to show you a different side of him I'm preaching today because I'm not just a provider I'm also a protector that's cold-blooded ain't it I'm not just a provider I'm a protector and here's the part that could shed a whole church up here's where the Baptist in Micah's don't get it twisted I'm saved and cold but I'm Baptist in my heart don't get it twisted I'll tone up right now in this church forget all y'all I'm Baptist in my soul this is why I could set a whole church up I could put my preacher voice on and say y'all don't understand that that the disciples are the disciples are in a storm and the disciples are in a storm and the wheels of the bill is our role in the breakers are - and the water that's under the boat is now in the boat ah here comes Jesus walking on what they struggling me I could go to church if I wanted to but I see something deeper in this particular text what do I see pmj they struggling get the water off the boat get the water out the boat hey hurry up hey wait come on get the water up the boat I see a problem with this tank I didn't say this had any other service I didn't say a Saturday I didn't say it at nine I saved this for 10:30 Holy Spirit put this on my spirit just for the people in this particular service I'm mad at the disciples why pmj they are panicking in a storm when he had already showed them how to deal with storms the last time they were in a boat with Jesus storm breaks loose Jesus is at the bottom of the boat sleep they wake him up he says y'all waking me up for a storm he says cool he walks up there and says peace here's my problem here's my problem with many of you in this church and many of you watching online sitting in overflow how are you going through something that he's already brought you out of panicking like he ain't already brought you out of it before I'm so tired no I don't here it is I'm setting it I'm setting it yes it is physical growth is a function of time intellectual broke as a function of learning but spiritual growth is neither a function of time nor learning is a function of obedience did you catch that you haven't grown you have not grown but you have not matured spiritually until you are back in what killed you last time and you got the power to defeat it okay i'ma say this twice every year avoidance isn't deliverance just because you ain't been around it don't mean you free from it you not free from it til you looking at it and can tell it don't have no authority over me I'm gonna leave that alone they're in the boat panicking and Jesus comes walking up cheats either Jesus they struggling and Here Come Jesus they tripping and Here Come Jesus you want to know why the only person who's not panicking is the one who's been in prayer I want to argue today that your current I want to say that right your present panic is a result of your lack of prayer your present panic who got something that got your trip and tell the truth in church you got some stuff you're tripping over I want to argue the only reason you trippin cuz you ain't took a trip Jesus says okay it's gonna be some foolishness poppin off in about two hours let me go and climb this mountain there's only three types of people there's only three types of people folk who going to some trouble folk who in some trouble and some folk who got out of some trouble either way you find yourself you need to be prayed up for what's coming y'all don't hear what I'm talking about right here hear me when I say this so big step number three delete your fear delete your fear this is cold-blooded this is cold-blooded y'all don't hear me they panicking when the disciples saw him walking on the water they were terrified in their fear they cried out it's a ghost they cried out it's a ghost now here's where most preachers kill the disciples all right but I want to look at this pragmatically from the place of prayer all right Jesus goes to pray the disciples don't pray they go back to moving Jesus shows up and the same person they were with a couple hours ago on land passing out fish with they don't recognize I want to go ahead and warn you after this week folk who know you ain't gonna be able to see you it's gonna be something different they they're not gonna be able to put a finger on it's gonna they gonna be tripping is everything all right no you you acting funny now you change it something ain't right y'all want you to state is the reason they cannot view him watch this it's because they are so focused on what's bothering them and because there was no solitude okay I wonder who saw him first y'all gotta pray for me when I read the Bible I dream I wonder who saw him first I wonder if Jesus was walking and somebody on the bus a ghost and that one word echoed throughout the boat I wonder if one person said oh I see a ghost I see a ghost then the person is a ghost a ghost because a ghost is a ghost is a ghost so now I wonder who calls to panic I wonder who in your life told you you was in trouble and you believed it I wonder what you got going on in your life that you was cool we talked to this person are they convinced you it was about to get worse so now you panicking off of a faithless suggestion it's the ghost I'm trying not to have Church I'm trying to be dignified because we got guests here today I'm trying to be dignified because I'm trying to be I'm trying but this next line is worth telling the whole church he says take courage I am here that ain't even the best part that ain't even the best part he said I need you to take courage why Pastor Mike I am here now there are certain translations that say it better that didn't sit right with me the message version is enough to tell the church of ss courage it's me courage it's me nowhere in the text does he address the men he does not say Peter it's me he does not say Thomas it's me he does not say Judas it's me he does not say no he said James Luke he says courage it's me I see a principal I see a principal coz throughout the Bible I see what Jesus does not address the thing he addressed the thing that needs to be addressed make that make sense tonight notice he's in a storm in the storm wind is blowing waves are Asian he should have said winds stop rain stop he said peace or in other words we wouldn't have a storm if peace would just be what I called it to be it's that the reason you got a storm is because peace is in hiding peace if you don't man up and tell this storm to get in its place peace so what does he say you said it's the ghost Peter stop tripping nope it's the course Matthew of you and get your mind right James stop tripping he says courage it's me or in other words I'm not even gonna address you Peter cuz the problem ain't Peter the problem is what's in Peter won't stand up I came to suggest the three people in this room that it's something in you that I need to call out of you it's something in you that's why you need to be in the church well he tell you what you can't be not always what you ain't I need somebody I see that in the Bible in the Old Testament I see what God rose up on a brother named Gideon who's never fought a day in his life he rose up on Gideon says o Balian warrior kidding and say who you talking to I'm not a warrior God said you are you just don't know it yet it's a fighter in you I just need to call it out of you that's why I don't care how much money you got in the bag Oh millionaire come out of you o faithful one come out of you Oh prophet come out of you o intercessor the problem is you don't sit next to our undercover hater reach over there neighbor and high-five another neighbor and now it's something in you tell them it's something big in you tell them I have not seen is have not heard I may not be in yet but I get you to call yourself what God is get ready to call you in the future [Music] [Applause] courage watch this it's me fellas give me a roof roof I date whenever you get mad at your wife you call her by her name Casey you better leave me alone Bridget don't make me come in there Nicole you working my nerves maybe she ain't changed as you keep calling her her name the Bible never say he who finds a Kishin or he who finds a Melissa it's a he who finds her so sometimes your issue is you are speaking to the wrong thing what if you just said wife maybe the wife in Homer saying I shouldn't be disrespecting this man yeah y'all miss what I just said right there y'all miss what I just said male idiot you need to wake up in the morning when you ant work and they getting on your nerves the only reason they getting on your nerves on your job it's because you treat yourself into believing you have to be there no you there cuz you got some bills you need to pay when they get on your nerves you just needs that be right back walk into the restroom make sure nobody under the stalls look in the mirror say boss boss entrepreneur kneel your neck and go back and sit in your seat cuz I'm only here just to get this everybody who got something in you that's playing bingo present reality you want a joke well high five three people and now it's me [Music] [Applause] [Music] I tell you to Buster 360 is something in me eyes have not seen ears I'm not hurt neither have the end of the hearts of men love somebody high five walk over to your neighbor [Music] [Applause] you gonna leave in a day and they don't be like when we got to break up but but we was doing good we was doing good we was the baby girl we was doing good but I thought about some you don't see me cuz if you saw me you wouldn't be treating me the way you treat me so you know what you got everything I like but sight now miss what I just said you miss what I just said your partner gonna call you and say old girl was big one year she was real big head too long hair yeah what's your breaker with she couldn't see what you mean she couldn't see she kept talking to me like I won them you ain't got to have nothing to be around me but you at least got to be able to see something carrots and then Peter says Peter saying Lord if it's really you this Bennett's had a whole church so we're gonna separate the real from the fake right here he says tell me alright I'm finna feeling I'm gonna help I like translations NLT he says tell me in ASB he says come and me missus version he says call me go go back go back go back NLT tell me in ASB he says come and me message version he says call me God said there are three classifications of people that I am about to promote and bless in this season he said those who are humble and have enough humility to declare out of their mouth man of God tell me command me call me you missed that you missed that we're opposed we're supposed to celebrate church anniversary today baby girl every last weekend of January we celebrate church anniversary all right I had the anniversary plan we had artists we who worried about the book and bring in we had a list of events we were doing we had paid deposits we will get started to order new shirts who's gonna bless everybody who's gonna get to church it was gonna be shirts and your seats like the basketball game it's going to be crazy my pastor calls me and says Mike when you going on a fast I said let go in February cuz we got church anniversary last week he said yeah killing God called us now I said okay I get it something God put in my spirit called 2420 heard God say let's start right now let's start right now we're gonna do some songs in the last six days we're gonna lock ourselves in our church i'ma lock myself in my church you lock yourself in your church we're gonna see God we're gonna fast and we don't pray be it by your phone at this time then I'm gonna pray with you to make sure your faith is right cause I know you've never done this before but here's what I'm feeling God then he asked me one of the dumbest questions he's ever hatched in my life I got on me to be disrespect with my pastor asked me the dumbest question he could have ever asked me he said what you think before I know what I said I don't think I'm commanded yeah y'all don't get that I said so no he said well no no he said you just said it's your anniversary don't worry about said no anniversary council celebration council any deposit I lose I just lose he said Mike you can't dude I said no yes I can I said the reason I am Who I am it's because I've lived long enough to know when you get the right command that's when God can expand and the reason God came to let some newer to grown ain't nobody tell you nothing you think you can I'm telling you this week I command you we praying three times a week okay everybody everybody get in your car get in the car don't close the door don't put your seat belt on because we drive safe put your seatbelt okay all right all right go ahead and adjust your rear-view mirror a mirror okay put your key in well some of y'all Prince your buddy okay god bless you you're doing good I'm proud of press your button okay boom are you pressure bud I get you a C right boom make sure you high pass that to live free by Pastor Mike jr. all right shameless commercial misery I broke I broke all right you put that in you put that in boot yeah okay all right let's try save not nothing drive to hand drives y'all ready all right we had it we had a red light we can go right on pray left on plate where you going so here's my question this week what you gonna do you gonna play or you gonna pray you gonna find every reason not to pray this week or you gonna find the one reason to do it and the reason many of us aren't blessed cuz we're too prideful I served the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob think about how much humility that took in the Bible he said I served the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob why he just didn't say I serve God because he wanted you to know we were submitted to but we can't say that now and what you fast for cuz my pastor say it so you gonna let another man tell you yes cuz he hears something I'll hear I got past the friends who tell me now you didn't stomp on it and then you'll be you like a little kid he always called you you can't no other man you a pastor just like hear about say I'm not a pastor like he's a pastor he's my pastor which mean he sits at a different level than me which mean he sees something that I can't see at my sight line I need somebody who can't command me I'm telling you this week we pray and run we praying but we pray your kid you don't know what you're kids you don't know what may jump off in your kid's life you need to be prayed up now you don't know I saw I saw a man get killed on Facebook live shot on Facebook live that brought tears from my heart sitting there on his phone nothing in him saying the next two seconds I won't be here you got to be prayed up I saw a preacher die in the pulpit preaching he said until we receive the power of the Holy Ghost sat down and died tomorrow is not promised I got to get myself together right now command me this week we faster I'm doing liquids only if you can't do that I don't want legalistic fasting don't do something don't do something to be so legalistic that I can't eat that because I said it got this they know you determine what's gonna be a major sacrifice for you and you stand on it I believe in grace fast and not allistic faster so hit me when I said I'm demanding we pray on demand that we fast first weekend in February kicks off first through the number God put in my spirit I share with my leaders is the starting point for our giving for first fruit it's two hundred and twenty dollars that's the number God put on my heart me and my wife are giving two thousand twenty dollars that's a seed I have to go higher I told them that's the starting point some people saying that's my don't give in three twenty four twenty look at me I'm telling you now I am demanding that from you I'll pass the mic how else you gonna get a harvest if you don't never saw a see can I ask your question you paid to be less when it did nothing change how about this time you tried he said command me command me no I got a son who rouses on the spectrum of autism no I got to go in this week no no I literally literally had to watch my baby come home and say dad I want to play basketball nobody picked me on the team hurt my feelings I had to sit there and talk to him and what do you do okay I can't go to school with him I can't go to school with him I can't be you can't beat Asperger's out of baby [Music] my boo don't want a child you know what I got to do this week I got to take that to God I gotta say God you need to get my baby on the courage he know I got too many of you I got too many of you believe in God for big stuff and I refuse to be a pastor I refuse to be a pastor who does not feel the burden of the people he leave hear me when I say this hear me when I say this the nice you stay up I feel that the nice you heard I feel the nice this stuff don't work out for you even though we never talk it'll wake me up at night hear me when I say this this week is be hear me while I'm not touching my wife I'm not having sex with her this week I don't want my flesh satisfied in no way I'm only doing liquids I'm staying in my office I'm coming out here to pray I may walk around the building every night in through the inside and just pray but hear me when I say that it's too important you were believing God for too much what you gonna do what you gonna do how long you gonna talk a good game that you ain't walking in it's time to go to another level it's time this connects so you can reconnect but here's another big step demonstrates your faith Peter says Peter Peter says if it's really you it's really you tell me to come to you and I want you to catch this now why do I need to leave my fear because once fear is deleted faith can be demonstrated hear me when I say this Jesus looks at him and says yes come but I like the message first you had to be his last week to catch this pilling it's cold-blooded it's saying come ahead jumping out it's something about that leaf and y'all missed it she dumped it out the pool Peter walked on water I want you to see this now I want you to see this and look at the next scripture leave the next script I want you to see this I want you to see this jumping up the boat but when he saw the strong wind in the ways he was terrified and began to see listen to your pastor please listen to your pass if you don't hear nothing I say hear me when I say this and Jesus immediately pastor that's cold-blooded that's cold-blooded immediately I want to ask you this question Shannon if I'm sinking right here can you grab me immediately no why I'm too far away the only way you can grab me immediately is in some way close to you Peter didn't even realize he had made it watch this Peter jumps out the boat starts walking I'm gonna see I preach and Luke which means if you miss one Sunday you got to go listen to a good my whole month ain't nothing but one long sermon i'ma see if you can finish this bar for me finish this message for me he jumps off the boat and as long as Jesus had his attention he was good oh my god he never even imagined walking on water he jumps out boom and the message version says but when he looked down and the waves turning beneath his feet Oh God you better stop giving your attention to stuff that's beneath you [Music] look at me I'm not saying people are beneath you but I am saying certain situations are beneath you how do I know this situation is beneath me because even if I win I don't win nothing if I win this argument I just warn it I don't even get nothing I'm Floyd Mayweather I'm not Kimbo Slice I'm not fighting for your print for your approval I'm fighting for that I'm a prizefighter if I'm gonna fight something good got to come out of it and many of you a fight with people and don't even win nothing in the end he's walking he didn't Jesus look at this he didn't even see the problems till he got close then Daniel well with the winds and waves when he jumped out the boat they were there how do I know they would have played well I know they were there because they were panicking in the boat but looking what he did I Mukesh three yo I believe Peter looked around and said hello if that's Jesus I ain't gonna be like the rest of y'all Hey command me to come why pmj uh i'ma say this and sixty y'all gonna catch it I'm different I need every Peter in the room on your feet I'm different no that's why I have my job I may work with them but ain't nothing like them I'm different that's why I love my family but we real different I'm different I don't know who I'm preaching to here I'm done trying to fit in I'm done trying to prove myself there is clearly something different about me I am different Rush's different it's called the law of exception the law of exception the law of self exception means we come from the same place but where you hear this not where I add I'm not saying I'm better I'm just said of different I saw times I'm not better but I'm different now where you see a problem I see prompt promise and potential where you see frustration I see an opportunity to grow I'm just different and look what he says he begins to say it's cold bloody he begins to sing and Jesus grabs his hand and he says something something I want to say to you today you have so little fail I can't leave it up there for a second do you need big faith no all you need is faith the size away [Music] what's smaller than must' see all right we were arguing about this in the back I don't say argue it after every message what happens is a lot of my ministers and elders and leaders are taking notes so then they come to the back and then they just turn into a whole set you saying so so so so that was crazy heavy thinking Minister Joe saying something to me in the back it's called bloody and it's triggered a thought in my head I told you last week that the moment you're born were all given the standard-issue amount of would muster see same faith that must see faith but your faith should be wet growing he's not talking to an unbeliever he's talking to leaders I see a principal he says how in the heck do y'all still got muster cease [Music] curr he says cart you've been around me this long is still got must have seen you've been sick you've been sitting in church 10 years and you still got regular people faith cuz little faith is musta see he says you mean to tell me you don't see me you don't see me feed 5,000 raise the dead heal the sick open blinded eyes turn water into wine and you ain't grew none what you round me fer why did you doubt thou is a beautiful Greek word dasta's o beautiful Greek word dis da so it is the idea of trying to go in two different directions at the same time do me a favor look to your left look to your right look to your left and your right at the same time it causes you to still become stuck that's what dr. King calls a stagnant passivity and a deadening spiritual complacency a stagnant passivity and a deadening spiritual complacency you become stagnant because your passive and you're in a place spiritually where you're dead because cuz cuz you come here on Sunday and I'm telling you to have faith but then your friends saying be fraid so that's what you look like [Music] then by March you tired but ain't wit nowhere down is a treadmill faith is a road you can run on both of them get energy and get burnt out on both of them but at the end of the day on that treadmill you're in the same place why did you doubt look at the message version look at me don't leave Jesus didn't hesitate he said faint heart what got into you I want to ask you a question today what you gonna do what you gonna do I want to speak to everything that's under the sound of my voice all my leaders to everybody who closed with me who worked during the day what y'all gonna do cuz I'm not stopping for you I want to say that publicly so now I might have no conversation with me God's doing some big stuff in my life now we did time for me to stop and baby you catch up or get left I'm being very clear with you I am NOT doing it you've been around me for nine years what y'all gonna do what you're gonna do to my leaders who around me now I need you to get your faith on another level you're not average you're not normal my question now gonna be what got into you if you see something wrong tell me so I can fix it stop putting the pressure on me to just see stuff I can't see it all stuff gonna go wrong that's why I got you in my life I trust you hit me when I say that took my members when you gonna grow up huh when you gonna grow up how long you gonna come in here let me sweat out every shirt I got only for you to go home and do what you're already doing I want you to do me a favor save your gas and just stay home what's the use that having a pet church if it's empty what's the use I'm over attendance I want attention I'm over attendance Saturday service was packed yesterday we sit in there trying to figure out well these people come from on a Saturday nine o'clock got y'all didn't truck they told me traffic Magdeburg anger pain traffic bad fall three four blocks 12:30 they all and always people all over the building right now they told me as over a thousand people watching online I want to ask you a question what's the use of speaking to three four thousand people if only 70 y'all hear me and I'm looking at you now saying I'm not saying you believe he'd be perfect what I am saying is something in you has to start saying god you got mine cuz if not my question becomes what got into you you have my attention and you have won my affection I'm so in love with you I'm so in love with you and I won't let go how [Music] god I X Jesus God make me bolder first god I haven't been as bold as I need to be as a pastor I've been passive I've been trying to be cool not called God there were times when you told me to say certain things we've gotta I fixed it up so well that the purity of the message was missed so god I'll never blame people I always look inwardly so God today I ask that you give me the boat as I need give me the courage I need not to be the man of God your cognitive people God I also pray that God was to use it being a good leader or if there are no followers God help all of us go to another level that you got whatever took their faith God I call it back like Jesus I declare faith it's me I call you into full maturity i decree and declare those who don't have any faith left I called them to musta see so those who've been walking in mustard seed I called them to great faith God right now this week I asked for what only the Holy Spirit can give which is energy Amada energy mater which is that temporary boost of energy to a purpose of god-given assignment God this week I'm going hard so give us some energy Amata but also give us the gift of faith the gift of faith is different than regular faith the gift of faith is supernatural faith God give a supernatural thing God for my teenagers God don't let them lose their way God I know they think they got all the answers I know they think they got it all figured out I know they're tired of being tired of people telling them what they do God but don't let them make their mistakes their parents and their their parents friends and all of us made of not listening to wisdom I call every teen it's a subjection right now god I pray our teens will be fast and all week I pray our teens they'll be at their locker cream that gotta they believe in God for scholarship that they believe in God for basketball opportunities believing God for degrees don't they don't have to be broken and older get God they can get God at the level they're on right now God I thank you but all my 20-somethings God God I remember when I had that faith I had that energy I had that zeal but so much happen in life it slow me down I speak by faith that they gonna get more in their 20s than we ever done god I speak financial prosperity over every 20-something I decree and declare God they not gonna have to date a lot of people to find love they gonna find love out the gate god I speak blessings over my 30s and 40 something that God we're in a different place than life we're not as young as we used to be but not as old as we gonna be we in our prime right now God we young enough to get it done but then old enough to know how to do is so God I pray you're hearing that I wear my favor and our prosperity collide now God I pray for my 50-plus kill them a second way in God I speak more time and more wisdom more influence but resources more connection I speak God you get ready to turn the clock back like wine they can better year after year God you said they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up like wings of an eagle they shall run and not get weary they show all and not faint I decree that this week is about to break something that will go into another level in the spirit realm i decree God every generational curse has to come out by our life every kid has to go to another level I decree under their I'm not about a sea otter that be speaking at all see I've never but also now that is he coming at all see I declare God you're doing something new you're doing something fresh you give me to erase my path they're taking us to another level from glory to glory from faith to faith worshiper to open up your mouth [Music] right declare your living room that God is a wave maker there's a miracle worker God can do it
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 29,629
Rating: 4.9158416 out of 5
Id: QaL_D9JhT1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 56sec (3596 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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