FOCUS // PART 4 - Who You With? // PASTOR MIKE JR.

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what if i told you that distracted people distract people but focused people can focus people in today's lesson we will answer the age-old question that was famously asked by bernie mac when he would yell who you with we're gonna discuss the four aids of a focused circle attendance attention agreement allegiance if you're going to be in my life i need to know who you with we have been on an incredible journey concerning our focus yes sir somebody say focus focus i'm excited about what god is doing and we have been arguing intentionally and intensively yes on this particular thought the same way tired people need rest yes sir distracted people need focus focus and i would like to submit and suggest to you that maybe the problem isn't you're not strong enough you're not wise enough you're not popular enough you're not connected enough yes sir but maybe the problem just maybe yeah the problem is you're not focused enough if you're ready a hundred of you are the type focus focus focus focus focus focus the last semester shameless plug well two infomercials if you haven't watched last week's sermon do me a favor exit out of this and go watch that first it was one of the most powerful sermons in the last 10 years here at rock city and number two to all of my family who are on this 21 day journey with me roll call for those who are on the focus fast if you're on the focus fast give me a fire sign in the emoji right now we are lighten it up i said it at our new year's eve service it's time to live learn and like set the world on fire let's say it together live learn light it up somebody put that in the comments live learn and light it up last week man wow yes we began to dive deep into this particular matthew and text centered around 12 disciples on the boat now we never got to the text but rather we used it as a launching pad to talk about the criticality of focus yes sir and we talked about something that is so tense amount to our teaching today we argued and we wrestled and grappled with the idea that we must learn and grow to master the ability to control our attention yes and so many of you inboxed me this week and said pastor you were talking to me because things pull yes my attention i want to argue real quickly and here's a good example and i need you guys help right here when it comes to focus it is a tug of war wow when it comes to focus it is a tug of war now who remember playing tug of war absolutely the objective of tug-of-war it's me and my crew on one side you and your crew on the other side and the goal is not just to pull but to pull you over a line yes or pull you out yes of your comfort or your area yes and what i'm discovering is who around you is important because if you don't have a crew who's pulling yes to keep you in focus yeah the enemy will drag you yes out of focus in the words of bernie mac who are you with who are you with is so important because your squad has to be focused and i'ma say this if distracted people can distract people yes then focus people can focus people can focus people and we talked about this pressure in the problem of cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance which means biblically you're sort of what a hypocrite yes now quickly talk about and refresh their memory on cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance biblically is what they call hypocrisy hypocrisy is when you say what you don't believe say it or do what you don't believe that's right and this is why many times when you say certain things in church where you're speaking by faith um from your mouth you may not get the results because you don't believe it in your heart in your heart i love what the bible says and i hope i quote it right i'm going off the top of my head the refining pot is for silver the furnace is for gold but so does the lord test or try the hearts that's what it says i never forget that scripture i learned when i was a kid at vacation bible school the refining pot is for silver the furnace is for gold but so does the lord test or try the heart when you say it that it messes me up because i can say something out my mouth right but don't believe it in my heart which means what came out my mouth was canceled by the non-belief in my heart and it makes me think of jesse david's father that when the prophet came to his house he said where are your sons i'm here to pick a king he picked everybody who looked the part wow and had no idea god wasn't going for what was on the outside god didn't suffer from cognitive dissonance right god said no i have help me holy ghost a spiritual sonogram to look deep into the recreations of who you are and see what you are not what you portray that's right because social media everybody ain't who they post that is cognitive dissonance and i come to submit to somebody listening right now that if you're gonna wrestle and and take control of your attention somebody say control control i have to take control yes yeah of my attention it's found in two things say this with me say this with me decisions and daily routines and we talked about last week the importance of decisions but also the importance of having a daily routine show me what you do daily and i will show you where you where you will be tomorrow is that a safe state that's really good what are you doing daily i mean it's from the bottom of my heart i've been working out daily uh and shout out to james fortune uh james our creative pastor gave me something that was powerful on youtube are these little uh 30 minutes low impact workouts i kind of have knee issues you can see now if they zoom out i don't even have a shoe on because sometimes my feet begin to swell too much information anyway uh i had to find something i could do i refused to allow my ailment to be a derailment oh wow i refuse to allow my ailment to be a derailment said it one more time say it again i refuse to allow my ailment to be a derailment many of you right now have logical good excuses see i'm not talking to the people who got bad worthless excuses i feel like i'm pledging excuses are twos of incompetence built on monuments or nothing and those who use them seldom amount to anything not those of you who are using worthless excuses but those of you who have logical excuses real life excuses or reasons as to why you can't get something done but you make a decision yes sir that in spite of what the logical excuse can be yes i choose to do something different somebody jump on that right i love that i love this piece on daily routine yes we talked about this last week so this is a bit of a recount but that daily routine is really nothing more than a series of decisions that's right to stay focused that as you travel throughout your day throughout your week throughout your life that there's going to be opportunities presented to you to get distracted but when you have a daily routine you decide that i'm going to keep my eye on the prize that's what apostle paul says things like forgetting those things that are behind i press forward towards the mark he says i've got some some realistic options i love what you just said there's some real things going on in my life when you engage that text you find out that paul was writing from a roman jail whether he was under house arrest he had a logical reason why he could get distracted and excuse he could make to not get his assignment done but he says no my routine my decision says i'm gonna forget and stay focused that's so powerful you said something that blessed me a second ago you said it is a series yes decision yes sir and when you say a series i instantly heard the spirit of the lord speak to my heart and say the reason every week looks the same is because you're the reason every week looks the same is because if your decisions don't change every week becomes a sequel of the last decision a sequel it is a series if you always think and do what you have always done and decide how you always decide you will always get what you always get and the secret to success is always found in our daily routine that's it i said it once and i'll say it again you don't become successful in a day but rather success comes daily yes and we have to be weary of what distraction yes sir we gave a beautiful definition on last week and i really pray it bless your life you see the countdown at the bottom of your screen that's not the countdown to the end of service that's the countdown to the recap so hear me when i say this right here a distraction is the destruction of your dream in slow motion wow i'm gonna say that again a distraction it's the destruction of your dream in slow motion i saw something on youtube i'm running out of time with the recap i saw something on youtube that messed me up my son miles had my ipad and i guess he was looking at cartoons and on the bottom i saw a video of a balloon bursting on a person in slow motion i don't think you've ever seen that look at this it's right there on your screen when they drop it fast all you see is the water yeah but when they put it in slow motion you were able to see the reverberations of how it took form and how the entire balloon actually went through the person and burst on the back end see slow motion gives you the ability watch this to see things you miss when moving fast so slow motion is a benefit when you're in purpose and focus wow but slow motion is a disadvantage or a disease when you're not in purpose painful and what happened is it's a slow decline of what you believe how do i know you're lacking focus and giving in to distraction because it's not like you put your dream down all at once yeah you slowly gave up on it it went from wanting to be an entrepreneur so now i just want to get a good job so now i just want to go to work so now i'm just trying to retire because over time you became distracted the distraction that's good i'm not having enough money to start your business the distraction of not having the help in your circle that you thought you would get the distraction of the time never being right yeah and because of you because you've given into that you are now experiencing the slow destruction of your dreams jesus christ but i came with a resuscitation yes i don't know what that machine it's called where they put it on youtube defibrillator yeah i come with a spiritual defibrillator come on man clear yes listen to what they yell when they try to bring something back a little bit oh i want to declare when i say clear i want you to type what's coming back clear dreams dreams are coming back clear marriages marriages are coming back clear families are completely coming back clear money is coming money is coming back clear peace is coming peace is coming clear joyous joy is coming back clear love is coming i guess you ain't got no you won't become that bastard your turn clear my marriage is coming clear my children are coming clear my future is coming clear my destiny is clear my dreams are coming hear me when i say this if everybody in your house they shout you with the wrong people which is the topic of this sermon who you i want you to know that success will happen for you on the level that god desires you to get it because you are maintaining your focus yes sir ready set grow when we tiptoe into today's text in matthew chapter 14 we find a very powerful and popular story it is the disciples on the boat and a storm breaks loose and jesus shows up but before we could even get to that part of the story we have to tiptoe back into verse 22. because i've always taught you that a text without context becomes a pretext thus the truth yes so in other words you can't preach verse 28 until you go back into verse 22. and in verse 22 it says immediately jesus made or he forced the disciples to get into the boat he forced him to get into the boat and we want to stop right there because two things we learned last week is jesus dismissed and he sent yeah he dismissed the crowd but he sent the disciples away he sent them away because he realized i wasn't done with them wow see you dismiss those who are only there to get what they need you send those who the relationship is reciprocal or it has purpose which is why we keep saying yeah who you are because too many of you are dismissing people you need to sin and sending people you need to dismiss sir because oftentimes we want to send to people who um uh who who who who accent or accentuate or or compliment our areas of distraction see we like hanging with people who fun yeah not challenging that's good so when comfort is the greatest enemy to your growth that's good people who keep you comfortable yes sir are killing you slowly and the folk who challenge you irritate you because they're forcing you to grow when you want to just be comfortable talk about that somebody iron sharpens iron yeah but the problem is most of us settle for plastic relationships jesus see some of the relationships you're in right now is not iron is plastic wow because when you're in an iron relationship that's tension yeah it's violent it's upright and you haven't had a true relationship until you survive some tests never call someone your best friend until they've handled you in your worst jesus so for me i value having people who are not like me because when god blesses you with people who have uh differences from you you gain different perspectives yeah i love that different perspectives and different lessons yes sir see this is cold blooded uh we have a christian school and shout out to all of our students and teachers and faculty who are navigating this pandemic at central park christian school soon to be rock city preparatory christian school i'm excited about that so hear me when i say this and i pray it blesses your life the same person who teaches math shouldn't teach english did you catch what i said when i went to high school i had a math teacher an english teacher a history teacher yes sir a science teacher and a pe teacher yeah i had somebody for recreation somebody for science yeah somebody for english why that is indicative of my life yeah that the different types of people i place in my life can teach me a different class if you have all the same people you're learning all the same lessons that's good i'm talking to somebody in here if your entire circle is the same yes you learn the same thing and too many of us are too afraid to step outside of our comfort zone and i'm trying to get you to realize who are you're with determines who you become yes sir and i need to be around some focused people that's good jesus understood that who i am and who i'm becoming is predicated watch this on the level of focus that i have yes sir and he said this is what i want to do i want to dismiss you and send you out and jesus was teaching us the criticality of consecration that it's hard to be focused yes when you're fatigued and we said something i want to drive home again that when fatigue walks in the door focus walks out but then you said something that was so powerful yes sir you said when weariness walks in wisdom wisdom walks that's good how many times have we made dumb decisions because we were tired somebody please help me with that yes when weariness walks in wisdom walks out yeah and it makes me think about how many times i made a lot of big decisions with a broken or tired or beat down wow and sometimes we have to look back on the fact what blessed us uh last week when we were talking about when we're readiness walks in wisdom walks out how many times have you made choices on empty yes because your tastes change when you're full that's good and so for me i never make a big decision with the empty heart or empty mind that's so good focus is so critical which is why the old saints said i got my mind saved on jesus jesus understood that the criticality of your development rested on your ability to focus i like that is that not cold-blooded we read a beautiful book entitled seven habits of highly effective people yes and it's right there on your screen download it on your spare time it talks about the principle of sharpening the salt i want to read it to you sharpening the saw means preserving and enhancing the greatest assets you have which is what you yes but look at this second definition it means having a balanced program can somebody please put that in your notes a balanced program for self renewal in the four areas of your life now we want to talk about this because many of you do things for self relief we're trying to shift you to self renewal self relief is the um extinct extermination or the the escape or the relinquishing self-relief is relinquishing self-renewal is replenishing that's good that's good self-relief is the relinquishing see what's the use in putting some down look at what jesus said look at what the lord tells us in the bible cast your kin he cares yes sir on me yeah he didn't say just give me everything you got that's good he said if you give me your cares yeah i'll give you beauty fashion that's good joy for sorry then i'm gonna give you the strength to put on a garment of praise for a spirit of heaven that's good did you catch what i just said self-renewal so we need a program i want to talk about this and i pray you can't receive this when i say this all right what am i talking about focus requires prayer planning and preparation wow we're going to unpack a couple of those for a quick second i like that focus requires prayer planning and preparation what are you talking about pmj if we're going to be focused if this is going to be one of the most focused years of my life i have to be intentional about my focus and if i'm going to be intentional about my focus that requires me to be prayerful yeah planning i love that and preparation unpack either one of those i like prayer okay because we see jesus practice this principle throughout his ministry he shows us that when you're focused you display consistency despite the circumstances he would constantly break away so he could take time to pray so in the high moments of his life immediately before this we see him feed 5 000 people that's a beautiful moment in his ministry he should be excited about that he should be proud of that but he breaks away so he can pray at a low moment of his ministry in the garden of gethsemane when all this pressure is on him he breaks away so he can pray whether i'm up whether i'm up or i'm down i should always be in prayer and what's cold about that is we also see another principle i'm glad you said that you talked about the feeding of the five thousand yes he feeds five thousand plus yes sir that's just the men not even counting the women he should be celebrating yes but he breaks away to pray yes sir and gets his mind right yes sir but we also see why does he pray at the end because he was focused enough to pray at the beginning the bible says he took the two fish and the five loads he broke it and blessed it and then he blessed yes sir see focus keeps you even that's good wow did you catch that sir whether i win or lose i'm already grounded sir focus this is cold-blooded it's a type of grounding that's so good focus is a grounding yes focus requires prayer planning and what preparation even for those of you on the fast everybody on the fast let's tell your pastor right here the reason you keep failing on your fast is because you have not sat down and had prayer planning and praying in preparation yeah are you praying the three times a day like i asked you to pray in the morning 11 55 a.m and at night before you go to bed are you planning your meal or planning to be out are you keeping certain things with you are you packing your salad are you packing your soup and if you're not planning at work all of a sudden i'm hungry i'll just eat what everybody else got right so now i'm if you don't plan to fail yes you plan to if you don't fail to plan then you're planning to fail yes so we aim preparation yes it's meal prepping yes sir it's making sure i set my alarms it's making sure i'm surrounded by people who will keep me accountable because focus requires strategy jesus knew three things he needed time along with god he needed to be renewed and strengthened he was physically exhausted he needed to recover a clear perspective for his mission that's important because he was mentally exhausted watch this now and he needed to be recharged with god's power to do god's will he was spiritually you want to jump into that come on he needed to be reminded of the mission right i found out that calling creates clarity that when i'm operating in my calling i automatically become clear it's like when you take a uh a picture on your iphone in portrait mode if you if you're too far away from the object your phone tells you get closer geez move closer to that it is the closer you are to what you're called to do the clearer things become see when i'm unfocused and i'm away from what i'm doing the other day you send me a quick voicemail hey man what you're doing we getting back in it like i need you up here and immediately i took that as a call i gotta shift back that's good it called me and because i got the call i was able to get clear that's cold-blooded yes sir it break i have to get closer yes the closer you get the more clarity you get he had to be reminded of his what mission many of you feel unmotivated and out of purpose and what's my purpose and what's my reason for being on this world what's my reason what am i supposed to do i'm lost and it's simply because you may not be close enough yes it's hard to be focused at a distance wow that's crazy that's so good it's hard to be focused at a distance he had to be reminded of his mission it's so cold-blooded even when we talk about preaching together you know and you know this man of course i know tuscaloosa are probably missing you preach by yourself i have certain members like pastor when you just go pray you know i want they want me to stand flat-footed now that's good preaching right there you feel me but all of us have to be reminded of the mission yeah the mission is to win souls and make disciples sir and right now we're in a season that when the battlefield changes the mission and the plan should see let me free you real quickly never change the goal just upgrade the plan that's so good number two the goal is to for you to become the best you you can be and because covet has hit and we're in a pandemic i tell you what let's not change the goal yeah let's just find tweak the mission or the goal on how we get what we're doing done hear me when i say this i'm gonna go real fast he needed to be renewed and strengthened that's physically exhausted yes mentally exhausted spiritually drained and i love how the message version puts this matthew 14 and 22 as soon as the meal was finished he insisted that the disciples get in the boat and go ahead of them to the other side if 2021 is going to be the most focused year of your life or the most focused year to date of your life the question must be asked who you with that's critical right there that's what i want to push you on today who are you with because if distracted people can distract people yes focused people can focus people i want to do this juxtaposition today and i want to talk about the four a's of a focused circle yes i want to be very clear about what i'm about to say if you know in your heart that the people you love being around aren't focused you want to turn the message off now because by the end of this message either you're going to be with them or i'ma confirm it's time to dismiss them yes because where you're going is too vital for you to be surrounded by distracted people before leopards were connected to the right people they were on one accord so they all got what they needed they were on one accord so they all got what they needed and i want to submit to you if your circle isn't focused it's going to hinder who god is calling you to be the four a's of a focused circle i'm gonna give them to you real quick yes sir and then we'll come back and unpack them attendance attention agreement and allegiance in that order attendance attention agreement and allegiance attendance being president on time attention being alert and aware agreement being aligned and in sync allegiance being entrenched and unmovable imma say it again go back that's so powerful attendance being president on time attention being alert and aware agreement being aligned and in sync and allegiance being entrenched and unmovable if you don't possess all four of those in this season you can't be in my circle hear me when i say that i am trying to accomplish too much to be around people who don't have the whole package hear me when i say this attendance somebody say attendance attendance mean being present and on time being present and on time this is so cold blood and i want to set the groundwork so you guys can help me teach this thing i never forget i had to be on stage at 7 00 p.m and whenever we're out on the road we would do uh lobby call lobby call would be at 6 00 or 5 30 because we had to get there enough time to do sound check find where we're going get comfortable pray so we can be prepared to perform yes and i never forget we're getting ready to go jaylen carr is about to perform uh james fortune is performing myron butler is there miranda curtis i'm like whoa i got to be on point i'm new i got to be on point and six o'clock rolls around i come down to the lobby and we're still waiting on everybody to be there at 6 25. now i didn't want to fuss too bad and kill the morale now we're going into the performance with a bad spirit but i couldn't help it at 6 50 i'm sitting there like you know what they come walking in thinking this is just church or something i leave them there but the blessing was cardell booker shout out to cardell who sings with james fortune was there with us and i texted them and said can you please stress to them the importance of being on time and prepared and he said pastor mike the whole van ride over i told them had this been somebody else y'all would have been left had this been somebody else not your pastor they would have never invited you to nothing else when they say they ready to go you got to be ready to go conversely we got there and didn't have a sound check so the first song i kind of had to fight my way through it to get the sound i wanted all because the people i needed weren't in attendance see attendance is not just your presence it's also your position yes or your disposition or how you come it's being present yes and on time good and sadly this touches those who are either missing strategically or supernaturally that's good there are people that are missing in your life i want to say this slow there are certain people missing in your life there are certain people missing in your life either strategically or supernaturally strategically means they're intentionally missing to evade responsibility or assistance they are strategically missing the most pivotal moments of your life not answering your call because they know they probably gonna want some money or avoiding you because they know information breeds obligation if i tell you something i am them expecting you to do something yes information breathes obligation so if i say things like man ain't got nothing to eat i feel obligated now to make sure you eat something so they strategically deserve oh i'm preaching avoid the information strategically avoiding so they can avoid the obligation based off of past experience though so they realize okay around this time of the year they get depressed so i ain't gonna answer the call i ain't got time for it or supernaturally meaning god removed or hid them for his glory and your development [Applause] who said yes this boy or his parents wow that he was born blind yeah and god said no his blindness was strategic yes so i i could get to get the glory yes sir i want to talk about this attendance why is attendance so vital i think this is good pastor jesus you broke this down by saying that it's being present and on time yes i found out in college uh i was always late to class and i had a conversation one of my professors said well i'm gonna have to take some points off your grade because your attendance is bad i said well professor i haven't missed any days i'm here she said no you're pr you're present late but you're always late see there are some people who think that they're present or they're in attendance in your life because they always show up eventually sometimes it's important to be on time not to just be president can i fix that come on and then you pick it back help me they show up eventually yes when true covenant shows up intentionally eventual eventual versus intentional talk about that eventually versus intentionally it's this whole idea of of you know i'll get that when i get there so i there's oh here it is in this season of my life if i'm going to be connected to you i need for us both to have mutual priority in each other's life see eventual says eventual thinking is the arrogant assumption that you'll be eyed yeah it is the arrogance we got time you will be alright you got time hey hey this this is what they always do intentionally is no i got to get yes because i know there's something that god see there's a difference between being late and fashionably late see people are late god's fashionably like yes because somebody's going to look at this and say something like well god didn't show up till i need no see god god said no no no lazarus lazarus is dead had you been here yeah immature thinking had you been on time wow he wouldn't have died yeah but god said i wasn't here i'm i'm late you think i'm late for the healing yeah when i'm on time for the resurrection jesus because jesus shows up fashionably late i'm gonna take you way back to everybody who used to club yeah into some of y'all who steal club if you're a good clubber yeah if the parties start at 10. you do not show up at 9 30. oh no talking about i want to be intentional about coming to the party if the party starts at 10 you don't get up till 9. yeah they'll show up to the apartment to left and they'll come to the apartment tonight to the apartments you'll come to the park man you'll come to the apartments till them yeah you'll put your clothes on till 11 30. then 12 o'clock you roll in like we hear why my fit is too dope for everybody to miss it because when i walk in yes i got to make an entrance yes see god shows up fashionably late because he's in control people show up late yeah either out of ignorance or intention that's good ignorance i i didn't know i didn't i'm sorry i wasn't being malicious i just didn't know or intention i ain't got time for that or here's what i like supernaturally missing wow that means god either took them out or he hit him yeah he hit him yeah he hit him that's good there are certain seasons as a spiritual father i was talking to one of my sons i said uh i said uh i don't want you to think i ignored you god told me not to insert myself he said but if you're my spiritual father and you love me how could you watch me suffer i said because i knew who hands you in if if i walk by a cocoon and see a caterpillar struggling and feel sorry for the caterpillar and open it up yeah i just cut his destiny off because it was the struggle yes that helped his development yes the strength that's good see sometimes people are not in attendance yeah because it's supernatural that's cold-blooded yeah or strategic it makes me think about how even if you have lack of attendance in your circle how that breaks your focus it makes me think about how i had certain friends who didn't have a supportive father or parents in their family whenever we got to the game because they were expecting parents to show up because mine were every time in the game when they should be focused on their assignment they keep looking for their support and many times in life when we're focusing on our assignment and the people that we're depending on don't show up it keeps breaking our attention and when it breaks your attention here's the thing i love about the text jesus shows up when the storm comes he said i don't have to ride the boat with you because i know what's coming your way he says i love you enough not to be with you while you're just enjoying the journey i know when to show up so i love the fact that god knows who to place in our life at the right time yeah because sometimes you have to have people in your life who are not high maintenance but they know when to show up they don't have to be there all the time but when i'm in the middle of a storm will you show up not just high maintenance but high level yes that's critical and and you messed me up you said jesus i don't have to ride the boat yet he comes walking from the opposite direction yes that's good without that transportation he's already doing it better oh because he was consecrated pre-stormed yes see if you wait to pray when you get in the storm sometimes it's too late yes sir i heard you say this years ago you looked at me and you said hollis you'll never be powerful publicly if you're not plugged in private come on man yes sir attendance so the first aid that i want you to examine your circle this is a focused circle not just friends if you want your squad focus and you may need to tag everybody you love right now and say you need to listen to this word because we're going to do some big things in our life my whole cir everything attached to me when this year is attendance it's being present and on time present and on time present and on time present and on time if they're going to be in your life be real see disagreement shouldn't be grounds for dismissal yeah so you need to have powerful conversations now i've been really dealing with this whole thing on appointments appointments i'm guilty and i try my best not to do it up at homonyms of having homonym language uh not this made me mad but you made me mad uh not uh this was dumb but you're dumb i i try my best when i get upset i say things like i can't trust none of y'all i don't mean that or i don't like i don't mean it but sometimes distraction has a language wow that's good wow distraction has a language distraction has a language and what i don't what we have to realize sometimes is if the ear is the birth canal to your spirit and your circle is not what you need your frustration with your circle that you verbalize out your mouth impregnates your own spirit so now you're speaking damnation on your own life that you never would have spoke had you eliminated wrong people and adopted the right people that's good michael who's in attendance who you're with who you are who's in attendance that's very vital yeah who's in attendance number two let's keep going who how if they're in attendance how's their attention well if they're in attention if they're in attendance how's their attention attention defined by us means being alert and aware being alert and aware i'm tim i'm reminded of the story in matthew chapter 26 jesus goes to the disciples and say i need y'all to pray yes sir something's coming i need you to pray then when we find them in verse 40 he returned to the disciples and found them where asleep yes sir they're in attendance but they're not doing what paying attention he said to peter couldn't you watch with me even when i will leave that on the screen right there because i want to show you something i really want to show you something look at verse 40. we're going to read it together and i want to see if you two catch it then he returned to the disciples and found them sleep yes and then said to them yeah no that's it said to the disciples he said to who people if everybody sleep why peter get called out cause peter is the leader yes peter carries a different oil yes sir peter is the one that once jesus is gone has to take up the mantle and of leadership yes sir so just because everybody sleep i ain't gonna address them i'm address you and am i addressing you they gonna catch it this is for those of you who've been saying why i gotta be the one to catch you yes why i'm the one gotta go through something why i'm the one because you peter you peter you don't even understand that your statement answers the question why i'm the way why because you're the one cause you're the one why i'm the one going through because you're the you're the one why i'm the one always heartbroken because you're the one that's it right there peter look at what he says look at verse 40. he says when he returned this to the disciples and found them asleep he said to peter could you yeah that's personal that's good could you watch with me even one hour look at verse 41 i'm getting excited keep watching prayers so that you will not give in to distractions or temptation now sometimes sooner or later we're gonna have to talk about the correlation between distractions and temptations yeah cause i personally believe they're twin sisters yes sir that's good i believe distractions got a twin sister or twin brother named temptation he said keep watching pray stay in attendance wow and attention yeah so that you will not give in to temptation for the spirit is willing but the flesh is what we unpack that deed the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak many times you lack focus because you're so busy feeding your flesh and not feeding your focus wow and what happens is when when you come to church or you come to the stream we may say lift your hands we may tell you to fast we may tell you to pray yes we're telling you to do it to do a physical thing but sometimes it's a physical thing that's a spiritual exercise so when you learn how to lift your hands what you're exercising is in your spirit is to tell your flesh even though you don't feel like lifting your hands your spirit is saying no you're in control flesh shut up and let me run run this uh race right here yeah now what i love about you yeah cause now what i love about this too is how they fail to pray with jesus for one hour but they pray pray on pentecost for 10 days they weren't focused on their past failures but they learned from the lack of focus in one season on how to produce better focus in another season the issue in this season of their life is they had a short attention span wow wow i feel like preaching to somebody because that's the problem of this generation we want to swipe we want to look at something and we only have like a 28 second attention span and here it is when you have a short attention span you may have strong focus but you don't have long focus and focus is a level of faith and this is how you're looking at peter in the storm he's looking at jesus and he starts to sink because he had his attention for a minute but he started looking off and when he looked off he began to sing i want to preach to some people right now in 2021 that this is your season not to just stay focused while we're in this series but this is a catalytic moment for god to change the trajectory of your mindset it's time for you to focus on your faith focus on your future focus on your family focus on your finances is there anybody on this stream right now that said my focus is going to another level yes i will not allow my flesh to subdue my spirit that's good jesus because i'm focused i'm in attendance and i'm in attention yes critical now now for those of you who just got saved yesterday i really want to uh unpack that and uh translate this to you what pastor darius was saying was it's so powerful he's saying and matthew watch this now and matthew they failed the test to pray yes in acts they passed the test of praise yes meaning in the first season they flunked the test but because they learned from the lack of focus yes they became better in the next season i came to preach to somebody who failed some things in 2020 yeah but you're going to pass it in 2020 2020 my lack of focus was a pendant yeah but in 2021 my focus is a plan did it you know i am in a season now where i'm planning this program i'm planning in this season that although the season may not be right for everybody i'm getting ready to do what i got to do if somebody type playing differently because i'm focused i'm in a plan gimmick yes i'm in a brand new way i'm planning my experience yes i'm planning my future yes sir i'm planning my breakup i'm planning my deliverance i'm planning my overflow i'm typing because it's a part of the plan i'm fasting because it's a part of the plan i'm desiring the things of god because it's a part of the plan sacrifice is a part of the plan i am intentional about what god is doing since i got to be in a pandemic i might as well shift it to a plan somebody and tell them stick to the plan stick to the plan focus as anything else is sticking sticking to the plan you may have failed in your fast this week but we finna get back focused yes sir and you're gonna stick to the plan he says can you play put that on the screen just for an hour oh and they fall asleep yeah this gives us the principle that everything god acts of me i won't like that's vital that's good there are some things god is going to require from me that i don't like but i got to do it anyway there's a beautiful word that i want to read and i hope i pronounce it right if i don't pronounce it right charge it to my heart not my head okay i charge in my head not my heart uh it's a beautiful word jesus had lived his life in philadelphia philillo i i hope i said that right fellow put it on the screen i don't know how to pronounce it the right way i'm terrible with certain words that word is a sun type of submission jesus had a son type of submission to god not not not just a convenient submission that's good i teach you this all the time i said uh convenient honor is selective honor is pride it's pride yes sir selective honor is prize we can also say selective submission yeah it's rebellion wow that's good selective submission uh shows us and reveals that your focus is not grounded oh because they're going to be some things that god acts of you yeah that you're not going to want to do that's good now let's make this practical as to those watching they're going to be some things that you require of those in your life yeah and that they require of you yes that you may not feel up to doing that's balanced but if it's in god's will yes i got to stick to it because that's a part of me being not only in attendance but in agreement yes sir it's an agreement you know this has been trivial because uh scripture also talks about how jesus learned obedience through the things that he suffered and we see him in the guards struggling and he finally submit of course i'm sorry the disciples are struggling in here you're talking about submission but what i love about it is jesus is showing us he didn't he never struggled with disobedience he shifted from untested obedience to tested obedience obedience is learned behavior yes and sometimes we want to have obedience without a test yeah when god is showing us with the disciples in this text right here that sometimes your assignment is coming to develop your obedience because the watch this i just got a revelation while i was talking the greater the obedience the greater the outcome what i love about this is he's not just trying to teach them obedience he's really trying to teach them submission because obedience is an action mm-hmm hey hollis i need you to do such-and-such yes sir submission is an attitude it's an attitude that i take on so now even when i'm asked to do something that i don't want to do i trust the instructions yeah more than i trust my own desire right he said no i don't just want you to be obedient i want you to love me enough no no no because i want to clean what you just said it was so happy help me you said obedience is an action submission is an attitude yes i want to clean that because obedience is that obedient to the instructions yes submission to the instructor yes yes yes did you catch that see it's easy to be obedient to an instruction yes it's hard to be submitted to an instructor and a lot of you i want to say that this is why i wrote it in a note it just hit me yes seven hours ago you asked me yeah why did i put that in the sermon yes whoever who whoever's voice i gotta read it i gotta read it i gotta read it whose voice do you respect and trust wow that's why that was in the notes because i wanted you to see that it's one thing to get an instruction yes but show me who voice you you respect yes i will show you the level of your focus that's good that's crazy isn't it jesus literally says watch and pray yes he comes back and says peter you couldn't pray for an hour because he was in attendance but not an agreement i want the people in your life to be in agreement so number one we're checking our circles yes sir attendance yes number two attention attention yes sir number three agreement agreement yes agreement defined is being aligned and in sync aligned and in sync first of all i want to give you some definition to the power of agreement and help us to understand that there are several words that complement this word i want to give you a couple words that complement agreement harmony any words you want let me know harmony accordance similar in thought or feeling unity now i want to talk about agreement real quickly i'm going to let you guys jump in there why we picked the word being aligned and in sync uh right now if i take my hands let's practice i like practical examples have you ever been in your car and as long as you held the steering wheel yeah your car went straight but the moment you release control yeah it veered and you realize your car needed yeah and alignment yes your car needed an alignment so what happens what is an alignment and alignment means your right tire yeah and your left tire aren't in yes agreement that's good your car is properly aligned when it all is in what agreement whenever there is no agreement there is a fight now who suffers the actual car if the right tire in the left tire and the back tire and the front tire are not on one accord the person in the car feels the disagreement wow jesus proof of the disagreement is the fact that if you got to keep your hand on it it won't work wow if you got to be in my presence for us to always be get along that is proof we are not in agreement wow because true alignment works whether i'm in baltimore or birmingham oh my god did you catch what i just said it's true alignment yes i'm at the office right now recording yeah ladies at home with the kids if she tell the kids to go to bed they know they better not call and ask me not to go to bed because whether i'm in the house or at work me and they mama in an agreement yes i'm preaching a song i just hurt my hand i'm preaching to somebody right there i need to be in what a grievance somebody talk about the power of agreement i love this because and i talked about this the other day how can two walk unless unless they are girl right is this you just painted this picture of i'm trying to go left they're trying to go right and that's what many of our friendships look like that's what many of our relationships look like when we realize that we've uh connected ourselves to people that are honestly headed in this different direction this is why i passed the i'm sorry for cutting you off this is why it's so hard for some of them to fast yes it's because they decided to fast yeah the circle said go somewhere with that so now when you go around them their disagreement is always pulling you out of god's presence and it's a tug of war we talked about that and in a tug-of-war either i'm gonna pull you over here or you're gonna pull me over there and too many times i keep getting pulled over there equally because we're not in agreement it's being unequally yes it's being unequally yoked what's critical about this and i pray you catch is growing up i love wrestling right now i got that wrestling app the wwd www the wwe app and i'm watching the last ride by undertaker chronicling his retirement yeah i just love wrestling growing up remember dee we used to go to the uh the movie store right there in ensley across from western hills mall and we used to rent royal rumble and wrestlemania and bret hart and the ultimate warrior i never forget when we got older back in the day it was either tag team tonka d back in the day it was either tag team 101 or royal rumble rumble we got older they introduced handicap matches handicapped matches were two on one yeah in other words it's us two versus you yeah see a tag team match means when i got beat you remember this they just getting beat and the man in the corner like tag me and tag me and he tagged his partner to catch his breath yeah when your circle is not focused it places you at a disadvantage so now not only you fighting the devil you fight your own demons you fight your past you fighting soul ties jesus and if your circle is not equipped to fight with you you getting jumped jesus if your circle ain't fighting you getting jumped we had one rule going up if one fight ever all fights i don't care if it ain't equal if your brother's swinging you better swing yeah too many of you keep getting jumped by your past the devil and your demons keep jumping you your soul ties and your understanding unsanity and your insane thoughts are jumping you yes i'm trying to get you to a place in your life where the people in your life are in what agreement agreement yes sir agreement we fast and we fast yes sir yes sir if i say we're staying focused as you will stay in focus you can't say ain't clubbing but the whole squad club yeah they gonna pull you yeah agreement is so powerful that in genesis chapter 11 verse 1 1-1-1 unity three three ones that equals three the signature of god in genesis 11 1 we see the tower of babel now the whole world had one language and because they had one language whatever they put their mind to do because they were speaking the same thing they could accomplish it which lets me know focus in my circle is a conversation yes sir it has a talk we must be focused in our talk that's good how i'm gonna be how i'mma grow if all of us talking about the past jesus because the people in the tower of babel they wanted to build a tower look at how demonic and sick and sadistic this was they decided to build a tower all the way to heaven wow but because they were saying the right thing it was being accomplished so god because he can't break a principle had to interrupt or destroy their conversation their agreement wow he had to break their agreement yeah god said no if y'all in agreement it's gonna get done yes i gotta find a way to break the agreement because even though you're doing the wrong thing the principle still works exactly talk about that what i love about this is the power of agreement i'm so glad we're not rushing past this because last uh series we talked about four lepers who were in agreement and they began to scream and the text says watch this immediately as they were walking yeah they began to see that they were healed and then when you fast forward in the book of acts you see a man named paul and silas in prison in agreement praying and praising together and the text says immediately yes doors begin to open change begins to fall off yeah and in pentecost yeah you see the believers in one room on one accord and the text says suddenly yes wow almighty rushing with see what we have to understand is this when you have true agreement you can produce and immediately yes there's some i must say that again when you have true agreement there's some stuff that can happen immediately the text says what two or three we are gathered together and agree i shall dwell there in the midst and many times what we don't even realize you don't have to have agreement with everybody but agreement with the right people that's right and i like what you just said it's agreement with the right people yes sir it is agreement yes sir with the right people yeah he said agreement can get you in immediately and there are times when agreement gets you a gradually even god used agreement he said let us let us yes make man yes in our image yes and in our likeness agreement was powerful in genesis 11 and 1 they're building this tower and agreement we see here is based solely on language yes that's good the agreement is based on language it is based on language hear me i want you to repeat after me my family is blessed and if we all agree speak and believe not cognitive dissonance but we speak it and believe it and we speak it enough we can be blessed the problem is that you're not speaking the right thing the problem is you're speaking the right thing around the wrong people that's good the problem is that you're not speaking the right thing the problem is you're speaking the right thing around the wrong people who you went who are you with i got to be around the right people so they don't counsel yes what i'm speaking i speak by faith my family is blessed then here they come man i can't stand my family keep that over there yes yes death and life lie in the power of your tongue this tongue that's what i love about god god sees their agreement yeah but this is what i love but he does not stop with their agreement the text says he saw through their motives and intentions that's cool he saw through their plans and discerned their pride and confuse their language that's so good agreement somebody say agreement agreement i can think now of judges six through eight the story of gideon how i'm always amazed how gideon i think is a farmer or he works out in the field then all of a sudden god rolls up on him and says oh my oh valiant warrior yes oh one translation oh mighty warriors getting in he's looking like who you talking to i'm not a warrior what are you talking about i probably should be fighting right now i'm hot he says no no no no you're a mighty warrior i love god because god has the unique and uncanny knack of calling me what i have yet to become that's good that that's why i try my best to always speak things over you guys and speak things over our church this is why i'm always telling you what you can be not what you can't be because god has an uncanny neck of calling me of what i have yet to become i want you to realize that gideon's agreement or the power of agreement isn't horizontal yeah it's vertical yeah see the tower of battle babel represented in horizontal agreement paul's there should be two levels of agreement in your life yes sir you're going to live long enough you're going to go through two levels of agreement horizontal i need the people in my circle to agree with me and then i need us to agree with him that's it that's it because us agreeing without him us agreeing together yes sir without coming to into agreement with him yes gives us a result of god then confusing our language jesus see god confused the language of the people at the tower of babel because not only were they agreement horizontal but i would they weren't in agreement with what god wanted for them gideon had to come into agreement with what god had for him because gideon was wrestling he didn't have a circle he didn't have a group he didn't have a team he was alone but the problem was he couldn't come into agreement yes that god was calling him something he had not been trained for he had not been born and his mind had not been prepared for and ain't that like god yes to call you to something you don't have the experience for it you don't have the qualifications for but god said this is who you are as a pastor and an apostolic covering over your life i want to take a couple seconds and call you some you are blessed yes you are the type i agree you are the head and not the tail you are the type i agree you are saved and paid you are the type i agree you are the first millionaire in your family you got homes and vacation homes you are healthy at home you don't lost the weight you said you weren't going to lose you ought to type 10 degrees right there i want to call you what you are not you have not because your ass night i'ma change it and say or upgrade it i'll personally say you become not cause you spoke not that's so good you become not because you spoke not and i want to take this time to speak those things that are not as though they were somebody shout i agree i agree get your circle together and start seeing what they agree with because disagreement has annoyed that's good [Music] you heard what they just that's disagreement tom stop forcing people in your journey yeah who keeps subtly showing you they don't agree with you the people who don't match your focus gideon says i'm wrestling with the thought of you of becoming what you said i was going to become that's good we're talking about agreement and focus because i need your circle to come into focus but we also see jesus his disciples yeah jesus again i tell you that the two two of you if you touch and agree two of you on earth and access shall be done by your father in heaven for where two or three are gathered in my name i'm in the midst look at this again again i tell you that if two of you on earth agree if two of you are on the earth see we're so quick to run the 20. yeah that if we touch and agree yeah no no let's go back if two of you on earth yes agree yes about anything you ask for it will be done for you by my father in heaven that's good james we can agree come into agreement come on and fix some stuff yeah yes yes i'm gonna get in trouble that's good i'm finna get insane i'm gonna get in trouble what if covet is still here oh cause we can't even come into agreement we won't agree we busy fighting over who the president is yeah and storming white houses storming capitol hill and talking about race relations and pro-life and abortion yeah when we need to take some time and just come into agreement agreement yes that's good humankind mankind failed because of disagreement jesus adam got an instruction yes that he didn't properly share with eve or he didn't stand on with eve yeah i don't know if he told eve the whole thing i don't know if he said baby we can't touch this either way when eve got out the way mankind didn't fall when eve did it because eve didn't get the instructions oh wow adam got this adam came into agreement adam had an agreement with god and just because my family failed because i'm the one who's carrying the notes stay in agreement yes sir i can stay in agreement i can pull you out of disagreement back in i can bring you yes back into it into focus because focused people can focus people yes that's good but in this case yeah because adam wasn't strong enough that's good distracted people distracted people brought him out of focus that's so good he says i tell you again if two of you asked of anything on earth yes and agree about it my heavenly father gonna do it yes but verse 20 says for where two or three come together in my name yes sir there i am with them even though this passage in context is for about forgiveness it highlights the power of agreement yes i love that attendance yes sir attention yes agreement i want to throw something out there and we're running out of time but this is so good if this is good just type keep going keep going keep going i want to talk about i was praying and i said god i want to teach on the principle of agreement and the holy spirit said flip it i said flip it and i typed in google agreement in principle an agreement in principle is a written estimate from a mortgage lender giving you an indication of how much money you can borrow i want to make that spiritual agreement in principle spiritually and with your team is a written or conversed estimate of how much latitude or pain i can give you for our particular relationship it is an understood agreement that i love you but here's the line of how much of my patience you can borrow before i got to go another way it is an agreement in principle adam had an agreement in principle you can have everything but that don't have that yeah that's good the moment you touch that you default on the agreement and when you default on the agreement that's good watch this the mortgage means i'm gonna give you a little bit of it with a little interest monthly until i pay it off but when you default now because you didn't keep the agreement i need the whole thing wow either give it to me off i can no longer trust you to do monthly i can't waste my time or in other words i've your actions have proven that i can't expect much from you i wonder who in your life has proven that you shouldn't expect much fun who's proven that i've given you grace after grace i took the note and put it on the back end i don't allowed you to miss a couple payments i did forgiveness i done paid a couple for you at this point it's time to default on this relationship default on this friendship because you are now becoming a hindrance to what god desires to do in and through my life jesus i'm checking my circle yes sir because everything around me needs to be focused yes i'm gonna go out on a lamb and say even if you're not strong to cut everybody out you would need to have the courage to say over the next 11 13 days of this 21 fast please don't contact me yeah i love you but i need i need i'm fat you got a reason yeah i'm faster i'm focused right now fast i'm focused we can't sleep together i'm it's against the fact i can't do it it's a principle of agreement or agreement in principle let's go through them again let's get them out of here attention attendance yes sir attention yes sir agreement and lastly allegiance yes sir allegiance defined as being entrenched and unmovable entrenched and unmoved yeah that means after you come into attendance yeah and you pay attention yeah and you come into agreement now stick with yeah it should be some allegiance steadfast yes yeah unbelievable always abounding yes in our contract yeah see the bible isn't just words yeah it's the contract on how to get through this life see because the problem with most people this might be the the greatest distraction that the world is facing right now is the deception that this is home oh wow the bible is your contract on how to get home when you ignore the contract yeah you make here your home permanent jesus when it's only temporary and this earth and vessels every agreement that we come into and everything god desires for us in our lives we can find in the word of god yes sir the problem is we're not steadfast yes sir unmovable pandemic happen be steadfast if they lay you off tomorrow be steadfast tomorrow be steadfast yes sir i'm tired of i'm tired of i'm tired of i'm tired of and somebody's gonna feel this and i hope i can i can be conversant about how i feel articulate i am tired of being loyal beyond the point to you and you can only be loyal to a point jesus that's critical ain't it yeah the best thing you said all day that's great crazy that's good and this is this i'm gonna put you all on spot this is powerful no matter how bad we fall out yeah we owe it yeah to the people who are watching our messages yes sir to fight to grow out of our immaturity and sit down and talk because too many lives are at stake yes sir for you to just walk away 100 i got to stop before i go into some stuff yes sir but i mean it's because again i'm trying to get us to a place where we realize this ain't a game yeah we can't preach this and not be tested on it that's good i want people in my life who are unmovable i'm not talking about staying with somebody who's extremely toxic yeah i'm talking about if i'm pursuing health yeah you should be right there unmovable now keep in mind you asked to be in my life yes ain't it crazy how people actually fight to be in your life and then blame you for expecting them to stay i'm preaching with it or if things shift be honest enough to come to me and say i'm no longer yeah yeah i'm no longer at the level of allegiance yeah so you need to properly move me out of the circle yeah because we understood i taught on this shameless plug go to the app and watch levels yeah yeah i talked about how god dealt with people on levels the 5 to 500 it was 5 000 to be fed that's one level i'm gonna just give y'all blessing they're only there for the low the loaves and the love all they want is the loaves the two fish and the five loaves they want miracles to 5 000. then you got the 500 he tells the 500 get ready i need y'all to go here because pentecost is going to break loose then once people once we get there it's the 70. yeah because out of that all 500 didn't go i think only 70 went if i'm not mistaken 110 went and they got there and boom the power of the holy spirit began to go and boom holy spirit descends like fire and rest on them and all that good stuff then all of a sudden he says out of the 70 give me the 12. give me the 12. get me the 12 okay give me the 12. these are the disciples i'ma touch personally this is my focused group yeah yeah then he realized this group had his focus as i thought yeah give me the three yeah the three i'ma let the 12 stay yeah because i need to teach you something but those who i need to be leaders of this yes you come to the three yeah then after the three we see the what one who's the one john jesus i'mma let you because you're focused i trust you to baptize me because you're focused i'ma let you pave the way that's good john you go before me hmm that's good that's so good i gotta go i might have messed that up but i just had to get that out of my spirit man because allegiance is important yes sir i pledge allegiance to the flag let's say it together i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america to the republic for which it stands one nation under god stop the problem with america right now is that the allegiance is more to the flag than it is the guy wow wow we manufactured a christianity yeah that we wanted a god that makes us comfortable yeah a god that a god that hates abortion but doesn't mind racism a god that that loves prosperity yeah but turns a blind eye towards segregation yeah wow we're pledging allegiance more to the idea of america yeah than to then to the cause there's a difference between kingdom and empires [Music] the bible is a book about a kingdom yeah dr miles monroe taught that the bible is a book about a kingdom yet empires were built [Music] kingdoms were birthed empires were built kingdoms were established and ordained empires were constructed and defended are you killing right now jesus man and sadly jesus all of us black white latino hispanic korean are too busy trying to build empires not kingdoms i represent the kingdom of god yes i'm focused on this one thing i'm focused on that and i'm trying to get you to realize make sure the people in your circle are trying to serve the kingdom yes not building their own empires yes this is why churches can't get along this is why you don't see black people working together yeah this is why you got a shirt business i got a shirt business you got a shirt business so you rather do your seven shirts my eight shirts and your three shirts versus coming together and building the whole kingdom yes no i need my empire cause i'd rather be the boss than a blessing can i jump in there jump in there because i love this because here in america we preach jesus but we don't preach what jesus preached jesus said i am the door yes he says i'm the door in other words he said when he preached he preached the kingdom he said seek first the kingdom and his righteousness so right and all these things will be added unto you many times when you have a limited gospel you're only introduced to the king but you're not introduced to his kingdom jesus and jesus said when you pray and pray in this way on earth as it is in heaven when you experience the kingdom you get to experience a piece of heaven while you're living on earth kingdom comes will be done a kingdom come thy will be done my circle is intentional yeah i heard a quote say you will be the you will be the average of the five people you're getting around the most yes that's closest to you you will be the average of them yes sir the average of them and i'm starting to hold the people around me accountable that god has put too much on us and in us to be mediocre absolutely i don't know who i'm preaching to today but i want to ask a couple questions who you with and if you're serious about being better you're going to have to do inventory of your circle i want to ask you a couple questions couple questions that i want to answer i want you to answer you ready get your pen ready get your cell phone ready couple questions this is for you think about this couple questions what do they have me doing [Music] what do they have me listening to what do they have me reading where do they have me going what do they have me thinking i can fill in my spirit i literally could see the old first row in farsdale saying slow down slow down when i said that i literally saw the members like say that again rock city we'll just talk out loud right right let me start over go back to the beginning in the chat right now go back to the beginning slow down what do you say it again here we go screen shot here we go here we go here we go what do they have me doing that's good we're checking our circles yes sir are you doing some things that normally you wouldn't do out late acting the food smoking drinking acting just all type of wild stuff yes sir what do they have me doing are you ready question number two what do they have me listening to i like that that's good you know i'm i have to be intentional on the music yeah but whenever we say listening to we instantly think music yeah they shoot you certain podcasts well you know the bible uh this right here this right here did you know that israelites that is impregnating your spirit becoming a distraction mm-hmm and not just that but what are they saying no way don't yes sir what are you listening to hold that thought hold that thought what do they have me reading yes one thing we always do to each other is like what you read what you read i'm skimming through a book now called essentialism essentialism essentialism um how less is more it's not a spiritual book it's more of a practical book rich dad poor dad yeah because i want to be saved and paid that's right you know what what what do they have you reading yeah are they sending you articles i think i sent you guys a weighted argue article the other day it was probably uh 12 15 pages but it was heavy sometimes you need that i can always be shallow yeah sometimes i gotta jump in the deep end here's another question where do they have me going [Music] where they where do they have me going that's good are they taking me down memory lane and when i say whether that where do they have you going that's physically and mentally yes that's good sir why do you think they say you took a trip down memory lane yes sir because you had to go back wow guilt trip yeah wow ego tripping ego trip pity party yeah that's a place that's good my god that's good did you catch that that's so good did you catch that what do they have me thinking wow y'all pushing me man y'all push me y'all pushing me i'm so glad i'm surrounded by people who push me i'm so glad i'm not a pastor who don't have anybody on their team who push him now i get lazy now y'all keep me in the gym yes sir i feel like y'all on my hip you keep me going you want you make me want to be better what do they have me thinking how do they have me talking [Music] i'm going to be very transparent i got certain friends that if i talk to too long i'll start back cussing so true y'all know what i'm talking about sir certain friends and they just cuss so much but you love them you know ah then you look up now you cussing sir how do they have me talking hang around me long enough you're gonna talk big yeah yeah i'll dream yeah that's my spiritual gift yes sir i burp i i i inspire i burst from stuff how do they have me feeling wow that's so important how do you feel when you come from around them yeah do you feel better do you feel motivated i i really want people to be around when you hang up the stream and and stop listening i want you to feel like you can conquer the world yeah absolutely i want you to feel better i want you to be just as broke as you were before you listened but then just feel better about it feel like something i want you to log i want that nine o'clock to be like man we never got no money then at 12 noon be like you know what yeah we never got no money but god oh yeah it's get ready how do they have you feeling that's good last but not least what do they have me saying yes sir because there's a difference between how they have me talking yes and what they have me saying talking is casual yeah saying is intentional that's good wow that's good talking is shooting a breeze conversation saying is confessional well good yes sir that's what i was getting ready to say jump in there because we talked about this before that that when you talk you talk in two forms you talking either conversation or in confession and many times conversation is what i say to you but confession is what i say to myself and so i think it's important that the people around you make you say the right things not just to them or to other people but i want a circle that makes me say the right thing to myself i want to get off the phone with you and be like no hollis you the head and not the tail yeah you're above and not beneath no hollis you're the priest the prophet and protecting your own home i don't want to get off the phone with somebody and then start speaking negative to myself you never got no money you're never going to become anything i think it's it's that your circle is going to produce conversations but they should also produce confessions god i thank you yep yes sir who you with as we prepare to lead today you got to check your circle [Music] you got to check your circle they tell me every sunday i go viral on tick tock because somebody takes a clip of my message and post it and they begin to act it out yeah so i tell you what since you don't have the courage to tell them i'll do it for you hey you know i love you right and i thank you for all you've been and done for me i don't take it for granted but where god has me and the level of focus i'm trying to acquire you are a distraction now before you get mad i would like to say if you want to be in my life let's both grow together but if you're comfortable where you are at this point i gotta dismiss you now if you ever need me and it's in god's will and the time is right i'll be there but me dropping everything to come running is over as of today because every time i drop everything you never cause me to pick up anything i now have to prioritize my peace my sanity my future and my dream the call that is on my life to be what god called me to be we're not enemies i don't hate you i don't have a problem with you but from this point on i love me more than i love you and i'm putting me first in jesus name i receive that who you will stay focused i pray that you find the courage to not only inspect your circle but to check and correct your circle do me a favor if it's somebody in your life that you love pastor mike i just don't want to let them go i tell you what i'm giving you the opportunity now to get them involved in this fast tell them right now text fast lane to 28950 tell them it's not an option i want you to fast with me put them on the easiest fast possible which is the so fast i tell you what do yours bilaterally if you're doing absolute stay absolute but then be a tour guide for them or i tell you what when i'm done preaching click this link and the link will help you to join the focus team and the focus team means i want to be account help somebody be accountable for what they're trying to be i love you i am praying for you oh i can't do i can't do the focus link i can't do the focus link because somebody needs prayer right now so here's what we're going to do and make sure we let elder ruby know because she does a wonderful job to all of my people when you get on the prayer call let them know yes i would like to be on the part of the focus team yes and they will connect you with us so we can continue to help people grow i love you i'm praying for you pastor mike the offering whatever you're gonna give that's between you and god we're focused right now on the things of god and the will of god father in jesus name give them the strength to remain focused on this fast let them be steadfast unmovable i thank you god for the testing because i know it it perfects me that when i come out i'll be tried but i'll come out as pure gold father i thank you right now just for being god i love you god i repent for every place i lost focus and it was and i succumbed to distractions i ask that you forgive me right now god if they don't know jesus i pray that they give their life to christ right now that god they would just repeat after me wherever they are god i confess with my mouth believe with my heart that you rose from the dead with all power in your hands and right now i am get focused i love you i can't wait to see you on the other side you
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 37,583
Rating: 4.9435482 out of 5
Id: ic7cLOpeBCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 1sec (5041 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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