Blender Tutorial - Let's Fix Hard Surface Topology Mess With Mesh Machine and Machine Tools

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hey guys rio here and in this video i'm going to show you how to fix the unfixable we're going to be looking at this old model of mine um the off-roader and there's uh two pieces of geo which i have applied bevels to by mistake and you know the bevels are baked so one of them is this one and the other one is this one it's quite a mess actually especially here and we're gonna be fixing this and uh we're gonna be removing the bevel and i'm gonna show you how to clean that up okay it's gonna be a probably a longer video um this part here on the top is much easier much faster but i wanna show you how it affects these bollocks here that is really properly okay so let's get going now you will need bash machine for this one and i suggest you get mesh machine because that thing is off the charts and it's amazing for stuff like this and fixing your geo so let me show you how to do this first of all i'm going to remove everything so mirror in the modifier i'm going to select everything press p and by loose parts which means i can delete this these two guys and i'm going to select this one and shift s and move this origin point back to g all right so now i'm left with this and now i can clean it so how would you even start cleaning that garbage right well first of all um now what we need to do is we need to move you know this this plane here towards towards this left plane and make them meet somewhere in the middle which is manually impossible to do um when you want to maintain angles but fortunately there is that tools in the mesh machine that's gonna they're gonna help us with this one okay so what we're gonna do is gonna go to edge mode and first of all i'm gonna select everything and clean these marked edges so i'm gonna clean the seams here there we go clean everything right now i'm going to select without all the edges in the middle and i'm going to dissolve them so we're going to go back to mid poly which is uh one segmented bevel right so let me just remove all that i'm going to come back to this one later first of all let's clean this uh this thing now i'm gonna show you how to fix the middle part as well although i'm not sure if i'm gonna be fixing everything in a video because this is quite a lot of them um but we'll see how it goes so let's remove this let's remove these and these and these right and all these and uh what's going on here uh jesus um this one probably don't need it this one could be connected here and these two could be connected here probably i think uh these two could be removed um these two could be removed and let me see that without this one and this entire thing could be re whoa removed here right like that and we could remove this okay so this is cleaned and we need to still clean these there's one more edge over there there we go let me just go to occlude mode and see if we're not missing anything i think we're missing one more edge here there we go what is this responsible for uh this side here yeah we can remove that and then go to pause through and i think we're going to now we cannot mirror this because you know it's not mirrorable i think maybe we removed the wrong edge let me see this let me go here to remove this seam and apply sharpen so you can see the form a bit better there we go that's much better and let's see here jesus does that's a proper mess guys i think i need to leave this one this one is properly messed up so we can line it in here press three to clean it with machine tools and and then we can remove this one and this is a proper mess in here let's remove this one and let's remove these right and let's remove one of these and this one as well we don't need that one we don't need this one wait we do need this one hang on we do need this one here connect it and i think what we don't need is this one in the middle there we go now that was uh interesting i think i might have messed up in this corner to be honest it's highly highly possible i've messed up over there because you can see that there is a um oh no wait there is another imagine here i have to connect it there we go wow that's disorienting as hell okay well there you go that's how you do it now the way to clean these bevels you need to remove the chamfers and the only way to do this is by using mesh machine on chamfer it's going to literally remove that thing okay but then later we're going to have another situation which is going to be quite interesting which will not allow us to do it because we're going to have bevels running through um triangles okay like here in the corners there's a triangle so there's a tool in mesh machine to get rid of this as well but i'll show you in a minute let's fix this mess because this is gonna this is gonna be fascinating okay so now we need to think what's going on in here uh jesus um we do need this edge on the bottom that's that's a given right we don't need this edge on the bottom uh let me see how this is connected this is not connected so we don't need technically these let's let's delete them i don't think we need these right um this one was misaligned so we can probably remove that this one was misaligned too perfect now this chamfer there's a chamfer here and this chamfer was actually moved so if you look at here there's an edge somewhere here that's been moved um not this one this one could be actually connected here and probably what i'm gonna do is actually i could use this edge so what i could do is i could do something like this i mean gg and move it in here and gg and slide it in and i could remove these by doing that and combining these these two and simply out dissolving these edges right and i think we sort of sorted it out i connect these two variants and press four with much machine tools connect these two and we kind of have it sorted right so uh let's go to face and turn up the post through and now let's select everything and delete that mark and now we're gonna have to fix these triangles but there's one more corner here that shouldn't be here and that's this one in the middle so let's delete that okay cool and now uh let's grab this one in gg move somewhere here right we're gonna grab this triangle press y and we're gonna go to quad corner then you can move your mouse with your wheel so you can scroll your mouse and then move your mouse left and right to adjust it so one more time click that one quite corner and then scroll your mouse to tell blender which way you want to position that quarter it's important because if i position it this way right the flow of the edge is gonna be here i have a video on edge flow if you to watch it just watch it now i'm going to link it in here but edge flow's going to be this way right if i'm going to move it to the right so i'm going to go to uh here and i'm going to go to quad corner i mean there's a mess in here let me just fix this there we go i'm gonna go here and grab this quad corner and i'm going to move it in which case i can't move it because the edge is flowing into it so let me just uh do something like this here okay and let's remove this edge right perfect grab this one and then we're going to interesting or i can oh there's one much here i didn't see that there we go you need you can't have any you know um double edges flowing into verts it's not gonna work there you go turn corner if i'm gonna turn it to the right and you know make it a bit smaller because jesus does insane let me just turn it around one more time and make it smaller uh someone was fine um turn corner okay turn it turn it this way so it can't turn this way or i can't turn it this way it's kind of curious let's try to do it this way right so turn corner and make it smaller there we go and then when i select everything i'm going to be able to uncheck for this but let's fix these two i can't do that in here because something is blocking me wonder why so select this one and quad corner and let's rotate it and we're gonna go here and we're gonna select quad core and we're gonna rotate it right then select everything y and then chain three and boom you get a line and this is how i would fix the entire mesh guys okay so the same here uh select this and y on chamfer right and select here this one this one is messed up here we need a quad core here so quad corner and then select everything and on chamfer and we cannot trevor because there's something going on here oh it's a quad that's a quad corner right but we need to i think turn it maybe here what we could do instead is remove these two uh dissolve edges there we go and now we could connect these two and then uncheck for this should work now doesn't go through here which is alarming let's split it like this and let's try again and on chamfer and that's going to be fun so let's bring it back and we kind of done so now what we need to do is align these verts yeah so we need to align this one to this one right and probably align these two so a and left and here we need to align these two so top okay so top and then right and that's aligned here in the middle there's another vert in here you can connect and you know we solved it i think the bottom right here is misaligned as well so top and right right and this should do let's just sharpen this and see how we're looking yeah looking pretty good we're looking pretty good all right all right so now let's fix this one and uh let's just quad corner this and chord corner this one it's gonna flow this way which is perfect we need to fix these uh just to remove them now that's probably isn't it oh jesus um i think this one should go here these two are unnecessary and then these two are probably unnecessary as well um and then i think we don't need no we don't need these two in the middle right so these two are unnecessary as well here boom and that one is needed these two can go and these two can go and these two can go right cool and then we can you know we have to do the same thing on the other side and check if everything is fine and then we can uncheck for this one and you know uncheck for this one which is gonna cause problems so we need to fix them and then we're going to uncheck for this one and there's one more here okay and then i'm gonna run it on chamfer on this corner but we need to first remove these two dissolve edges there we go so like this one here all around and uncheck for it and boom right and then here select these two and same here on chamfer okay and if it's not aligned just align them you know i mean so right top the alignment is with my machine tools right so left and top how easy is that guys uh left and bottom you see what i mean here too um top and come on wow one more time it's gonna be left there we go so this is aligned these two could be aligned as well so we could do something like this because um that's a very old model guys and you know um this should be a little bit better aligned in my opinion so what we could do is in orthographic move it manually so it kind of follows this edge the only problem is that you will need to maintain the distance here so this would be the only problem right but so you know we can we can fix it later um but for now let's just keep keep doodling yes so here we got a lot of bonanza um bollocks uh these in the middle okay these these two in the middle so let me see that i think these two right i dissolve the correct edges i think so what is this we don't need that actually no we do right and then on the other side i'll just remove this for a sec and we don't need these two dissolve there you go and we don't need this one [Music] okay and we don't need this one either right and then we need to fix this so something like this right and then we're gonna remove these ones on the bottom and here whoa wow what's going on here hang on i think it's selecting the whole edge around which is not what i want let me see that this is all edges there we go and then these two okay and i think we're peachy so we could technically uh remove i think these two there we go select this whole thing which will not happen because we have uh edges here so press three to clean it up that doesn't work dissolve this and we're gonna still invert now we're good this is gonna be an angle here so we might do temporarily to this one so the order of operation is remove these firsts on chamfer then we're going to remove this one um chamfer then we're going to remove these and jump i wish we could uncheck for multiple at the same time that would be amazing and something got here oh god um right gg and slide it up back to its position which is not really its position gg and gg and do something like this and then select this one and uncheck for boom right and then select this one on the other side and chamfer right peachy so we got this kind of sorted right kind of um let me just align them here and align here and here and this one is what it is i'm just going whoa okay oh yes just connected in here for the time being these connections are horrible i know but we're gonna sort it out later this one could be on chamfered there we go so we got some ships getting going on this one could be dealt as well so let's uh dissolve it and on chamfer cool and let's take care of this one here so let's dissolve this one and you know [Music] that's a good one um let's remove these two first and then let's remove these this one and actually yeah this one could be removed and then we could combine them two here with j and not with a knife with a j so j and these oh we're gonna do this oh now we will need a quad in here so let's slide it back but if i do that i think the angle is going to shift so we could just do this j and then convert it to a quad i wonder if it's going to work so let's go quad i think it did work yeah and it's gonna um redirected it this way which is perfect so let's remove this edge now and let's quad this one the other way so we're gonna quarter this way so it's gonna flow along this edge and we're going to select this one [Music] and y and unchamfered perfect then we're gonna grab this and clean that one so go to edge mode and clean this one and we're going to uncheck for this one right and let's see how we're looking this it should be doable right now probably we need a triangle i mean quite in here so it's quite corner and we're going to turn it around the other way so the front is going to be unchamferable so let's do this one cut corner perfect another here we need to remove these two edges right because we don't need them select this one in quad corner and then go to the top remove this edge and what corner this one and quad corner this one right and remove it so the flow is around this edge see like this right because the the this corner is going to determine where the flow goes all right and on chamfer so we got this unshaved in the front perfect and let's see this one how we're looking here so let's just select this let's see where it flows it flows all the way around and it ends here which is okay so we can uncheck for that and then we can select this one and see how this one flows it flows from here all the way to the back perfect let's enchant for it okay and then we're gonna select this one here and see how it flows it flows around and it ends here because we have edge we need to remove okay we need the quad here so not on transfer um quad corner and rotate it so it flows this way like that and we cannot trim for this right so y and chamfer boom right now wait a minute we up here what's going on here just three to clean it why it's not flowing through oh there's an end on here we need to do this so one and then boom right and uncheck perfect so the front is done peachy now we have to do the top right so here we're gonna dissolve this one and on chamfer and let's create quas here so quad corner we can rotate it to be honest so it goes this way that's fine and quad core here so it goes around here to the front which is going to check if it goes to the front it does so why on chamfer and this one is done and then we need the back here right so we need the corner here quad corner and we need one on the other side but before we do that oh this edge belongs to this one okay we need another one here or not no it ends here okay so select this one and on chamfer go to the other side select this one and and on chamfer okay and now we are think we are left with these um this one i'm just gonna remove it deleted because i'm actually not deleted i'm gonna hide it um let's grab these and try to fix this one so remove this one and jesus um [Music] let's quad corner this like that so it's gonna flow around but we need to remove these two and we need to remove the one in the middle i need the flow ends here because we have one more edge here this one there we go and this one is to be fixed so we could do something like this and connect these two right and then i need to fix this one to a quad corner and remove this edge remove this edge and um fix this mess here which is probably gonna be these two and i would do something like this maybe maybe maybe not maybe something like this would be better yeah i think so um let's move it back here combine these two and combine it in here go to occlude and see what the hell is going on here we need to remove these edges so all these edges they need to go right all these four edges there we go and then we need to remove these two right and this one perfect and there is still one problem here done we don't need this and in the mid in the side we are fine all we need to do is remove this other edge in here what the hell is going on wait wait wait wait let's remove that this this is off in here something is off in here ah i see what the problem is um combine them like this should be fine press three to clean them and then grab this one and let's see if we can quite corner this yes we can create a flow this way perfect uh let's quad corner this one to the middle quad corner this one to the middle and quite corner this one to the middle all right yeah select everything and on chamfer salt it and then this one come on this one is going all the way around perfect so on chamfer this is not gonna work and that's gonna be a beef maybe we need to rotate this one oh man this is gonna be tough to fix i don't even know if it's possible because it goes all the way around yeah that's a tough one what we could do is cut it in here like this right and then remove this one and then uncheck for there we go so we're gonna cheat death a bit and then we could actually fix this manually there's no other way to do this so go here and move it like this and this one should be moving on this axis so we're going to grab this face and we're going to create a custom orientation and we're going to move this vertice from the top on the custom orientation so on y axis somewhere here and combine these two and i'm gonna align this right so guy and move it a little bit to this side so this one is actually flexed so change the orientation to a new face and then as z and zero and flex boom problem solved cool then we need to uncheck for this and all right and uncheck for this one right so uncheck for boom perfect and this one is a little bit crooked here but we can fix it in a sec see the face here is i think maybe it's okay let's unmark everything and let's keep working yeah so another one's gonna be here so this one and um this one this one dissolve and dissolve these two i think dissolve these there we go and dissolve the one in the middle we're gonna dissolve this one too and this one and just combine these two and see if there's nothing in the middle there is of course there is so select that whoa okay let's combine them like this all right okay uh we need to remove these two okay then we need to remove these two and these two right which will collapse this wall here for some weird reason uh let's just uncheck this one boom there we go still creates a mess let me see what's happening here oh this one gets selected um i think no wait this one and this one dissolve there we go and we need to dissolve this one okay we could actually dissolve this one too and do this you know so um wait combine these two and run a on chamfer here there we go did it work the way we intended not necessarily let's go right right and bottom that's better and then we can uncheck for this one and we can uncheck for this one all right probably before we do that i think it's not advisable to have these things go into corners so let's just do something like this and press e rotate it and and enter and just remove these these connecting edges right so okay and then let's try again so this one and this one and dissolve and these two and dissolve and these two and dissolve and these two dissolve in these two and then chamfer and on chamfer and here oh we can't do that because again and gone so let's try that bottom bevel and chamfer there we go and here on chamfer all right cool let's sharpen this nice nice nice nice and then we have these right so um remove these remove this one remove these two remove this one and remove this remove this remove this one and this one and this one okay let's uncheck for this one did it work did it bollocks um yeah we're gonna fix this this is you know this is a mess here come on okay and then remove these two right and then we should be peachy so select this one it doesn't want to select it because of the angle here again so i need to move it up and then select it there we go and on chamfer boom and then the other side we're going to have to remove this edge because again um hang on and and chamfer boom salted now here we're gonna have to remove this one and this one this one will not get removed because th this cut needs to be connected to something so let's do this one and then we can select this one and and chamfer go to the other side and again we're gonna have to do this combine it to the top and then select this bit here which doesn't want to get selected for some reason ah i'm gonna combine these and then we should be fine and uncheck whoa that didn't work um okay fair enough let's combine them here um if it would even work we could dissolve this and then on chamfer here perfect and then we have one more right so on chamfer these and we're done so um [Music] let's select this one here and chamfer whoa we're gonna have to look at this uh let's uh not create the quad corner here and go to the other side create a quad corner here brilliant select this and unchamfer there we go select this one and traver there we go this is uh this is fascinating here wait wait what's going on oh this got but why there we go uh something got messed in here this edge is important one more time we missed something ah interesting oh because this one gets removed this one cannot get removed there we go that was a problem fascinating much fascinating all right unchamfer and then we should be fine yes we are good good good and then this one needs to be connected otherwise you're not gonna be able to connect these and then on chamfer then remove this edge and then unsure for this which will not work because the reasons okay unchamfered perfect and then we have john cena for this so on chamfer and then the last one here you need to create quad corners flowing down so we can select this whole loop again right um and there we go and select this one and uncheck first like this one and on chamfer whoa that's uh that's a mess hang on let's remove this one dissolve edges i can't let's combine these no i can't either really why um let's combine these two and let's remove this edge okay that's better this one is messed up in here a little bit to be quite frank see if we can actually select this whole thing we kind of can uncheck for that worked good we can fix this uh here uh this one right so let's go to occlude and let's just move it to the left and let's move to the top let's move it this one to the left and to the top okay this one let's move it to the bottom and left and this one i'm gonna move move it to the top and it should be fine this one is buggered so we can oh so we can do this and what is this uh jesus um let's just uncheck with this there we go i'm gonna have to fix it a bit so all that right cool this one needs to be on chamfered and then we need to uncheck for this whole thing here so select this and chamfer and again problem well let's solve it done shall we so um maybe this should be going like this oh maybe we could do this and then we could remove this one all right so let's go here and unchamfered that's better and here and can't select the loop for some reason so we got some end guns but where i don't see any press three to clean it there we go and enchant all right now we got this one yeah so okay let's remove that and these two okay let's remove this edge again so we need to put it back because it's important let's mark it let's mark everything really um [Music] it's gonna be a little bit of a mess before you know finish fixing there's no other way around this so um these two need to go this needs to go as well and these two need to go and this is a disaster here so let's remove these not a good idea um what is this for that's a main loop oh jesus that's a real mess here you know let's connect this here let's connect this here and this here and this one here right let's go like these two and connect this perfect sorted and on the other side it's not that bad so let's remove these and you should be fine so it's like this one and uncheck for peachy peachy kind of um oh we need the connection between these two there we go and then we need to uncheck for this and then uncheck for this and then we need to uncheck for this then we can uncheck for this right and this one is gonna be the last one i think right cleaned so now we need to apply a bevel and see if everything is working and if it isn't let's just clean it now of course i'm going to be running different edges because you know this is a mess here with edges so we're going to be running our private edges here personal private edges like this through the entire mesh right like this and then press e turn it around all right or maybe even apply this and then go to the other side and run another edge here so you know run it like this like that all right cool and then what we're going to do we're going to remove all the all the junk edges right so all the edges that go to corners because we don't need them so all right like this stuff you know these bollocks right all this junk here needs to go whoa there we go and then on the other side we don't need that perfect and we don't need to know these because they're gonna cause havoc with the bevels right so you want to remove them and this one and this one this whoa i moved it this one this one this one you could use actually the hard drops clean up tool just to clean it up but okay now let's bevel this and wait it almost and then then we can fix problems right because we're still gonna have problems like here i don't even know what happened what i must have connected some there we go i must have connected some two words here my mistake one more time let's clean it here i don't need this and [Music] i don't even know what's going on here i don't want to know i'm just passing through here chamfer and here on chamfer cool let's remove these what we can do is go to um edit mesh tools and press j or j sorry um d i think and we can delete edges by clicking on them it's very convenient i can't delete this one for some reason interesting i'm gonna deal with it later so delete all these and at the end you need to press enter to approve what's going on here why cannot ah because there's no knife going through here right so do this and then remove that garbage all right then let's just recalculate sharp and re-bevel this and we need that mark show up here we need the mark mark sharp here we need a mark sharp here we need actually this edge here is important now this edge is important here but i think there's one more edge needed here so j and market market sharp there we go that will flex this face and something is going on here some bonanza let's remove this bugger um there is some you know there's a curvature here going on see this there's a cut going here like this maybe you could just cut it one more time you know like that right maybe and just run the cut here and see what we can achieve here so um make it bigger so make it bigger and let's just reset it here the global gx moved a little bit outside and see we can do with this rotate it a bit and move it in here and see if we can rescue this maybe we can rescue this maybe um you could cut it la nancy this could work right and then s y a lot this right this could possibly work how about we gonna look without this one uh and then gx move it like that maybe something like this the bottom is gonna be super thin um or this could work this could work so sharpen this and then we're gonna have to remove this face here right so um this thing gonna have to go here so we will need to run um a knife here like this but this is a one face are you kidding me right now um press three to clean it oh come on now okay let's remove this face and let's simply reface it manually so select an f there we go so this is a way to fix this and then mark sharp and mark sharp here right and we could also um do this so this line is actually sharp and this is going to fix the problem this one could stay or we could move this a little bit down so move it a bit here come on gg there you go um this one could be a bit wider i like that but then this face is going to be crooked but what we can do is run a knife here like this and slide it in half with mark sharp so um boom right so let's remark this whoa uh let's just remove the bevel for a sec right and remove the weld and let's resharpen this we sharpen these to sharpen this one and this one and i don't even know if this one needs to be sharp i think so sharpen and battle okay sharpen this one sharpen these two perfect and we fixed all right what we need to do is run another uh connection edge here because i see it's got and um removed for some reason so let's just do this very quickly right and um let's remove these okay white these ones and then connect this one here oh come on there we go and this one should be sharp clean it boom there's some shading problem here i wonder what's causing it go to occlude ah that's the problem boom sorted all right this one should be sharp and we could technically change this to to bevel you know because um this um the bevel doesn't catch the uh the angles really very well so we could change it to weight like that and uh i don't think we need weld uh we removed the world that was a little bit too crazy and we're going to apply weighted normals and they got at your fixed piece we went from a complete mess of topology to you know nice piece and this could go back onto our truck right and then we could just you know copy to the other side and truck is fixed right so there you go guys uh we fixed the problem and the bubble could be a little bit bigger in here to be honest i think it was more smooth yeah alt h then we can fix this bit but this bit is going to be easy i'm not going to be doing this in this video because it's the same thing basically but you get the point so you can you know fix energy already if you put your mind to it uh so don't get discouraged get machine mesh machine and machine tools and heart ups and box cutters because this is exactly why we use it on guys i mean with blender good like doing that you know you're i mean this is like a throwaway geo there's no way you can fix it with blender without reaching old age or just ending up in a mental asylum okay so um you know get addons don't be stupid and uh work smart thanks for watching guys catch you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 2,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, hard, surface, tutorial, scifi, blender tutorial, topology, fix topology, hard surface, mesh machine, machine tools
Id: 0gh0d0a76b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 6sec (2886 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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