SciFi Environment critique - Blender 2.92

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hey guys through here with none of it for blender and this one's going to be a critique of works and by jelly cube you can find him on at jelly cube 3d on instagram so thanks so much for sending the work appreciate it mate so let's rip it to shreds shall we uh he he asked me to do it so there you go just two words before we start this kind of a critique is a normal thing on our patreon starting from tier two so tier two and tier three and they're really fun to do we had quite a lot of them last month like four or five so a lot but they fun to do i like them you know we all learn from this including us it's a really great experience and i think everyone benefits from it so it's fantastic i think for the community and for everyone really so anyway uh if you like this kind of a thing and you know um just check out patreon um we have some awesome perks and that's just one of them one of many and the link to our patreon is in our in the video description so have a look anyway let's get on with it let's first of all look at the renders so there are things about you know i like about this work and i think i think we could you know do a bit differently so first of all what i like about it is the idea right so an idea of a corridor and somewhere in space and there's some maintenance going on which is pretty cool so he had some interest some drama um we got some stars outside so we can see in space so there is kind of a storytelling in it and you know and basically it's a sci-fi corridor right and also the cool thing about this is that uh the the shading is really clean man i mean you know it's a it's a very nicely done clean modeling right now the things i don't like about it is that first of all it's way too much detail okay these walls are just you know overloaded and we're gonna fix it in in due time but the second thing is that the framing the framing is completely off and i know you're posting this on instagram but as i like to call it uh but you know just don't do these square framings because it bloody awful i mean you know maybe portraits look good in this format but that's about it you know it should be something like this you know right um 16 by nine preferably okay or something even wider than that but you know at least 16 by nine or at least four by three but you know one one one by one it's just not not acceptable it looks claustrophobic and i'll show you i'll show you later a better render with a better angle and you know just different framing so anyway that's this would be it also um it's a little bit dark yeah i mean this one is too dark so we're gonna simply remove this completely and this one is you know it's not too bad but um it's gonna it's kind of clinical so it's it's uh it's a bit dark in colors i think it's a bit too dark i don't know if we're reaching pure black or not but uh we could you know test it yeah that's pure black you see this is not good right so you don't want that so um you know we're gonna talk about it so anyway let's let's grab a blunt scene and you know see what's happening right so first of all let's unlock this camera here so let's just uh leave the camera view like i said detail i mean if you look at this wall there's literally no place to breathe you know there's just like no space left for anything uh even a bug so uh you know to walk on the wall um it's just way too much detail right so what i would do literally i would simply remove all these right because i would just be redoing it from scratch another thing is that some of these details are repetitive and this is not really the best way to handle detail because you want to add some symmetry breakage okay so if you repeat everything it's just uh you know brain brains human brains are recognizing patterns and these are clean pot clear patterns yeah repeating one after another and it just introduces this feeling of uh um boldum yeah it's just brain gets bored with it yeah you need to break the symmetry it's like eating a good dinner and after that you have a lunch i mean that's dessert right so you eat a good dinner then you have something sweet afterwards just to break the taste this is literally the same thing okay so i would probably remove the middle part here so let's go to where's my side view here that's the one and let's grab the let's grab this and ctrl l and delete it and also i'm gonna enable my screencast keys so you can see what i'm doing there you go so that's that i would probably remove one of these i mean it's um it's really too you know too just too too much yeah way too much so let's just remove them all right that's better i'm not gonna be fixing these but basically what i'll do just close these off and uh you know this looks a bit more relaxed yeah another thing that i don't like is these you know these bolts here what not so if this was a floor right the last thing you want to do okay is to have uh you know these um sticking out elements because you know you could just trip this is not safe right it's just you could trip over it this is it procedural whenever it's bullion let me see that ah there we go instead of boolean like this okay so we're gonna do is we're gonna scroll toggle and we're gonna shift it okay so we're gonna shift it to cut and then we're going to solidify it right okay where's the cutters shift 2 there we go so something like that you know i'm not going to be fixing this because you know no point but you get to get the idea right so now they still visible but you know you can walk on them and you're not gonna trip over also if i were you i would just uh you know break this pattern you know so instead of for example having everything the same right i would simply uh introduce like one or two rows different okay like in the middle of something or maybe on the sides or whatever then you got scale problem as well because you know if you look at the window right and you look at this crate i mean this crate is almost size of the window there's no way that a human right always always use a scale reference in your in in your work so let's grab a cube right if this was a human right you know i mean the window looks kind of big and you know these tanks and walls look more or less you know um maybe a little bit smaller like right something like that okay there's no way a human could lift this thing okay there's no way a human or even two could lift this thing right it is made of metal you know this would weight weight like a ton it's just the size of a bloody car so you know you always need to think about scale so you know proper scaling right would be something maybe maybe like this okay something like this or maybe maybe a bit longer yeah so where is this x is here something like this right maybe okay this would make sense okay so you know you want to rethink this uh this path here make it a little bit different right so that's that um but you know i like the idea of this being lifted and sort of there's something happening in here some drama right so that's pretty cool anyway let's go back to our scene so you know if i was modeling this right um what i'll do probably um let me just see this uh in eevee really quickly all right i'm not sure about this you know i'm gonna remove it too yeah it's really dark here holy this is pitch black i think this is pitch black now if this is pitch black i'll see another problem with this material right where is this material yeah that's pitch black look at this it's pitch black so the problem is pitch black right is that the pitch black floor or pitch black whatever doesn't reflect light okay it absorbs all light so the last thing you want is things to be pitch black okay you want them to be you know dark but not pitch black this is just a bad idea okay so don't make stuff page black you know dark is okay pitch black isn't right so you know this this should be fine here it's a little bit dark but it should be fine so um let's talk about this wall right so if i was you know modeling this thing right what i would do probably is grab a box and go to view cut and select this and you know slice it here like that go to knife with box cutter grab this face okay and then shift curve extracted outside okay so a little bit outside like this right and that's good go to end gone and let's you know let's have some fun here so let's uh let's change it here in fact before we do anything let's select all these verts and ctrl beat them uh ctrl shift beat i'm sorry and there we go and let's uh let's cut it here maybe a little bit and now watch the way i'm gonna cut it okay i'm gonna cut it asymmetrically and this is really important right you wanna introduce some uh you know uh asymmetrical cuts or symmetrical elements that would simply break the whole you know the whole boredom of the situation right so i'm gonna do something like this here cut it off and select both of them and apply bevel right not the difference that's what i want to do i wanted to apply a uh weighted normals here there we go right so you see now this looks already much more interesting and kind of works with the bottom because the bottom is quite heavy on details right and so is the top top is just still too too much detail in my opinion i will literally remove these and you know um maybe leave it like that for the time being but instead of this complicated you know elements here just make something more simple add the booleans in here they're not you applied everything well let me see this ctrl l yeah this is joint okay well i'm not going to be fixing this but you know i'll probably uh prefer just a plain you know plain like a panel here so let's let me let me just see this if i can fix this um let's just remove these and remove these all right and select these and these so let's grab the w selection and just select everything here inside all right okay all right and then faces right and then simply select this edge and fill it and this should be much better yeah so if you you know if you did something like this okay and just remove it and we're going to a radius right you know what i mean it's just a little bit more calm also the bottom like i will remove these cards just leave once on the top etc etc also everything here needs a bevel because this is not beveled right so all these screws these bevels and you know it's like i said just too many too many of them right just just go easy like here too you know it's just too much detail so you know by the way um you know i would maybe add something here so let's add seen light because oh scene lights there we go and uh let's grab some decal here i'm doing this critique second time by the way guys because my my camtasia didn't record my voice i don't know what the hell happened some some errand probably let's grab these you know uh this one will be okay and let's adjust it and make it smaller and drop it somewhere here and maybe let's change the color of it to something whitish or brighter but not too bright supply that yeah that will do also another thing is that you're using a lot of colors and this is a problem too right you want to use colors it's cool but don't overdo it because then you just have no idea where to look like you know if i was uh coloring this right i'll probably this one would be you know most likely gray so this is you know this is okay to be colorful okay and probably i would make it less crazy okay so maybe not as saturated right okay see what i mean so something like this and uh maybe that's a bit too too dull maybe a bit more saturation and maybe a bit more rough okay something like that okay and you know so not everything is just red you know or colorful because it's just too much you just don't know where to look is you know it's overload system overload and then if i was detailing this right this is important um you you don't want to put details everywhere okay you want to put them and also scale them accordingly so they actually fit right you don't want to overdo this you see so let's uh let's just uh project this right and then we gotta change color here to something darker so they visible right but not really also uh we're going to darken down this panel and we're gonna grab this one and we're gonna add some new colors so uh out m and playing material and we're gonna make it a bit brighter but not as bright okay all right so there's a difference between these two panels right but it's it's not too crazy right not too striking so this one a little bit brighter maybe like this something like that yeah so this one is brighter this one is darker it looks pretty cool okay and then we could for example add some kind of a detail here so you want to concentrate detail in a certain area okay so when there's a detail in here already we can actually you know play with it so let's go to uh box and let's select this and maybe do something like this and uh we could cut it through and then solidify it like this right and shift five or shift what was it shift shift four there we go um then i'm going to pre place some other element here before i do that i think i might actually sharpen this select this face control plus add material and maybe add this grayish material that we have on the top so you know something like that maybe the sign and that's a different this is the wrong color what color is this material zero five so remove this one and add another one and this one assigned there you go so you see um this matches this wall and this one is just like a framing for it and then we can put some stuff in it okay so turn off the box cutter and let's go with some i don't know uh some vent or whatnot like this right um you know like a small one okay um this could do and just project it and we're gonna change the material on it because it's too flashy to something a bit toned down and there you go and i got a nice very simple detail that actually you know stands out we could add some bolts in here or not just to make it a bit more you know a bit more interesting so you know it's some bolts maybe one here one here right and maybe moving one here okay okay then uh protect them and match make them darker boom you see what i mean and you know and you could even have something on the top you could make the wall in the back right this one darker so we're gonna assign some new mods so altem blank mod there we go and make it darker yeah oh this is not gonna go so dark okay now let's uh make it metallic and increase the roughness and then drop it down to something darker not black but darker and i got this background that literally acts as a detail because now you get this contrast here between these two elements so without adding anything you literally created a detail because of the contrast right you see what i mean and all these things now here and here and here they pop because of that right and you could still add some detail on top you know um if you really wanted to for example you could go to our uh blender bros vent pack and where is it and we could drop or we could drop where is it this one right so just uh adjust it make it smaller up one here shift text one here and then project them right boom and there you go okay and you got this nice area of calmness here right and you get concentrated details around and a different level okay you get uh you know secondary details tertiary details etc so this is really you know the way to go if this is too bright you know switch it to black maybe black's gonna be better right i think i think brighter is better it actually stands out there you go see and if you com no you know the bottom doesn't really look that bad now because it's less crazy now these lights right they just way too big okay so what i'm gonna do is you know um turn them off and i'm going to select these and insert them right and then assign okay and this is much better because it just doesn't overpower it's like overpowering the window right um it just makes no uh makes no sense it's just too big okay so um you know remove this mod here and the same here okay select these two and insert them and then decide okay another thing is that you don't need to right you don't need to have a lights let me just turn this off come on control plus there we go here okay cool now we're going to select these two scale them and in fact i'm going to assign it just to one of them and same here scale this okay and assign to one of them you you want some you know some differentiation some some you don't want all the lights to work i mean this corridor is in maintenance so you could just switch some of them off right so um there we go that's already better cool okay seven the top right it's just too many of them i would remove probably half of them right um not gonna be doing it but you know just saying and then let's talk about lighting okay um now i'm not sure what you what you rendered it in probably cycles um or actually i think it was evie let me see that yeah that's evie let's let's grab uh let's drop evie right let's talk about it so first of all you got this starry sky going on in the background and this is why your image is so dark because you simply don't have any hdri in here i'm guessing right so the problem is right um that your scene is simply too dark so what i would do is um you know um remove this thing and you don't need it okay let's let's uh let's redo this from scratch so let's turn these two off i mean on sorry in cycles uh we're gonna add world um output and then we're gonna add background and then we're going to add the ctrl t and we're gonna add some hdr i brilliant and we're going to make it transparent so now we can you know reduce the lighting here in the center like maybe 0.1 okay cool we're also going to add some volumetrics because uh it's gonna look better and reduce the volume matrix to maybe something like 0.02 0.002 not cycles we need to go to ev there we go okay let's make it 0.0.02 now where's my camera here right the camera needs to get reset because um that's not good so 1080 there we go assign to lock to view and we're also going to change the angle a little bit okay maybe something like this and angle it this way right so let me see maybe something like this okay all right let's unlock it and let's see volumetrics are a bit too strong so we're gonna drop it down uh node zero two zero one it's acceptable so um we need to work on the color um the volumetrics could be a bit more bluish there we go and these lights these slides are way too strong right so you know we're gonna drop them down okay so drop them down also we need to turn on all the jaws in here because we're missing a lot of a lot of a lot of info uh screen space reflections for sure and a fraction volumetric set two for better quality of automatic shadows now we're talking so now these lights are way too strong right so let's go back here and let's just reduce them oh come on there we go something like this would do okay we will need some lights on the top and quite frankly i would just uh let's just remove this and let me grab this material 17 i'm going to apply material 18 so it's darker there we go and i'm gonna introduce my own light so i'm going to simply grab area lights and bring them up go to the top view and bring them up here make them larger and shift alt d that's important aldi and shift our shift r shift r okay and now go back to camera view and if i select one of them all of them gonna get updated now the problem is that we need to move them up i didn't know that it's so low so let's grab them all and gt and move them up so the outside the camera view okay that's important and we're going to select one of them and uh change power to something like i don't know 500 that will do in fact there's too many lights let's remove every second of them that's cool and this glass right needs to be uh darker so it's actually doesn't it's not see-through glass i want it to be dark and i'll tell you later why that's what i want perfect and let me see this now if i was uh just give you a tip if i was you know adding lights to the scene like this right you want to run planes like this okay in front of uh in front of emission lights emissive lights okay so you would want a plane here light area light pointing this way okay i'm not gonna do it but it was just simply actually you know we could do it with one so let's just grab the one light and you know shift d this and uh go here select the surface move the cursor over there move this one to cursor and now we're going to rotate it on where is my there we go on z axis like this make it smaller okay okay and then we're gonna rotate it on x like this right and this is what i would do for every single light and move it uh g z z move it in front and make it a bit smaller so um s y x x i think your s x s x x make it smaller and move it to you know ald x and move it in here and they're gonna be too strong because you know they from the um from the ceiling but um let's just look at that yeah they're too strong but you get the point you see that now you get this kind of like a light spell and you could change color of them you know to something you know a bit more interesting like this for example right and you got this yellowish sort of fat it's a bit too strong yeah kind of like a warmish light coming off here and sort of a hazy bluish cyan volumetric just pretty cool and you see now the difference between this wall and this one right now then you got these slides on the bottom i think it would be good to balance this with lights on the top so what i would do is simply grab and let's just grab a decal here and make it smaller move it somewhere here and shift the x and move it in here right and just leave it there and there you go see now you got this bounce back up um i'm not keen about on this reflection here that really pisses me off to be honest but uh but there you go um it's it's a it's a glass so it's gonna reflect you know i'm just not crazy about this reflection here this could be removing photoshop by the way but uh there you go so anyway uh let's just um look at this right it looks pretty cool that looks pretty cool now we we don't have any shadows in here which kind of worries me so um let's go to settings and see the shadow quality shadows [Music] let's go with uh some good quality shadows also these crates right let's go and check the material here um a little bit more rough maybe less specular and maybe darker something like this like i said this is a little bit too big you know it just overpowers the whole structure so i will really make it smaller in fact you know what we're gonna do let's let's just uh let's just fix it shall we so let's remove let's actually make this smaller right and move it in here okay and let's remove these bollocks um let's grab this one because it's tiny and shifty move it in here and rotate it on z and uh you know see boom here and move it somewhere here and that's unparented because it's actually parented to something and we need to straighten this up so in fact we could go to rotation and uh where is it uh rotation z 90 there we go and let's move it here on y a little bit okay cool and now we can just simply radius right so a rate on on this axis and simply change the number of arrays let's just turn up the bevel for a second change the number of arrays to i don't know a lot right and there you go okay we don't need bevel for this one because it's just barely visible you see it's just no point and that looks a little bit better yeah so you know also this doesn't lay on the floor i think does it yeah cheesy and just drop it down like this and this one is a bit too high so cheesy and drop it into the floor there you go see now now you're talking now you're talking all right and of course one should be missing in here so we can do is um apply the array right and simply you know ctrl l and p and just remove one okay and there you go right and then you know it's just you see what i mean it just doesn't overpower the whole scene it's not now looks like the scale is in check and everything is fine so you see if you compare this side of the wall right and this side of the wall you'll see what i said that there's way too much detail and even these repetitive details are here i will just you know take care of this right i'm not gonna do it by just saying that i would i would do that all right so um let's just power save this before we before blender decides to crash and we can close this one and we probably could render this you know so yeah we're gonna get some issues from e but don't worry about it i think this should be fine well we're not looking too good we could actually do something we could actually move this camera a bit further away so let's lock it to view and let's just you know do a bit of a more of a panoramic shot let me just turn this off there you go something like this maybe a bit more angled you have viewport shadows ctrl v yeah turn the shadows off mate this is just completely ruin ruining your day in terms of performance the shadows doesn't matter what machine you're running what graphic card you have it's always gonna be a bit of a disaster so maybe something like this okay let's just render this see how we're looking now it's just all about fine tuning the framing right it's not too bad i still don't like these elements on top you know i'm just gonna remove them let me just remove this and have a look in here yeah i got these holes in here i'm not gonna be closing them off but um you know it would look better if this ceiling was just basically a little bit less crazy on the top right so i'm gonna be fixing this but uh um there's way too many lamps way too much stuff going on on the top and eyes just simply go there and um there's no point of going there because it's the end of the image right you don't want to put details you know see that it looks much more calm yeah it there's something there but it's just not doesn't pull your eyes over there this really annoys me what the hell is this is this light here isn't it yeah this one we need to fix this this so what we need to do is move this light in on x axis right so g x come on select the light jx and move it in move it in somewhere here and this one let's move in gx move it in whoa not this one the light gx and move it somewhere here that's gonna be better you don't want these attention pulling details in colors here you want everything to be centralized around the point of interest which is the window but this much better you see this much better this is still a bit too strong in my opinion maybe you could just lift it up a bit you know so let's see that gz move it up a bit could be better see you again seems more diffused now it's better now attention is back here this really freaking annoys me see that thing here really annoys me and this is not ideal but i'm not going to be fixing it but if i were to properly you know doing it properly out like for a portfolio or something this would be a goner right i would remove this by the way now the reason why i have a black window see it's because we're gonna add stars in photoshop because it's easier so um just we're gonna save this and in downloads that's fine also when you wanna save a file right you don't want to save it as png you want to save it as tiff okay so change to tiff and 16 bit for sure you don't need to offer for this one but we're going to need off the next one so i'm just gonna simply render it like that and save it okay so that's domain save right and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna select this and camera so camera and the frame control i delete everything and render again okay so now let me show you i'm going to bring both to photoshop right and i'm going to grab this one shift and drop it in here grab this quick selection and come on there we go select everything right and just deselect this there we go and put the mask on it and go here and hide it ctrl click on the mask and boom and then ctrl i we're gonna invert it and in internet we're going to search for star sky and go to images and well we can grab something like this for example there we go and just drop it here it's way too big so you know we're gonna make it smaller and so now what we're gonna do is uh i'll click on the mask here to make it black and control click on this mask shift ctrl i to invert it and we're gonna grab back brush white and make it whatever percentage you want and just simply paint in the middle here right star sky you have to be precise i'm going to be precise definitely to work on this image a little bit right so first of all we're going to do is make it less crazy so saturation i'd click to clip it reduce the saturation of this thing right and there you go it doesn't match color and in contrast i'm not going to be matching this but you should be um let me see something like this maybe there you go more or less right and we could just simply drop the opacity and fill on it so where is it this one just make it less crazy there you go see a bit more hazy or not by the way get the point right and then we're just gonna run filters on top of it right just to blend it so create some filters there you go and uh this should be a bit more hazy to be honest so what we could do now right is grab this layer and simply screen screen blend and this should fix our problem right so now you can pop the stars through a little bit more and then what we're going to do is filter blur and gaussian blur we're going to blur this a bit not too much just a bit so it's kind of you know out out of focus maybe that's too much but you get the point and then we can play with this right so you know you can just bring it to bring it to filter i'm going to use nick because why not if you don't have a nick you could use camera roll filter and play here with clarity and stuff make it a bit more interesting add more vibrance and a bit more contrast all right and it starts coming together but there you go you know so um you could easily blend it in photoshop but like i said this is really annoying this glass but they go see so um if you now compare the uh the right side right with the left side you you you'll see my point also the scaling is a little bit better the bumps are gone lights are a bit more controlled and there's a feel of you know this being during maintenance because not all the lights are working breaking the symmetra is the key right i don't know what the hell is this but uh it's probably some hole in a hole in the ceiling or something it's easy to fix you just simply select all of it and go to edit content or fill and you're done sorted and you got all holes in here so you would need to put some kind of a plane behind it you had the dark sky but uh you know we removed the sky so we need to fix this so what you could do basically is you could go here and control click on the layer and fill it with black and sorted see done this uh this guy is a little bit between this the stars are a bit too blurred but oh wait wait wait we we i did this image here right so we're gonna have to go here camera filter and simply run the clarity brush on it so let's reset these brushes here add clarity and just run clarity here just on the stars right man i hate this new photoshop interface really pisses me off i don't know it's just annoying um just throw the clarity on it and maybe some texture there you go boom maybe it's a bit too crazy but you know you could simply copy this add a filter with ctrl shift a ctrl alt f and just you know adjust this effect here with the slider well that's it for me guys hope you enjoyed the vid give us a like and sub if you did like i said we on patreon is blender bros together with josh and this is uh critics are part of tier two so tier two and tier three getting critiques every month so you know check out patreon lots of cool stuff over there this light also annoys me here they're gonna see the stuff like this you want to get rid of okay i just noticed it so what i would do yeah i would just simply remove it so i would run another layer go to clone stamp tool and maybe just clone stamp this thing out of existence there we go that's much better see like without it boom it just annoys me see what i mean those tiny details man like this thing in the corner too that annoys me too i'll just remove it boom and this is actually cool way of uh like if i removed every i don't know not maybe every second one but let's remove you know part of them right and let's remove these i'll show you how how much better it is gonna look so let's remove these i'm doing a terrible job right now just can't be can't be bothered to do it properly but uh just very quickly you know just remove these uh see just becomes a bit more calm you know it's just too much man remove these two come on and remove this one there you go see what i mean look the difference right same here now i'll get rid of this and these two i'll just you know i'll just stick with the ones on the top so like that see it's just a bit calmer so anyway thanks for watching catch you next you guys
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 1,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, scifi, corridor, environment, critique, hard surface, 2.92, photoshop, render, eevee, tutorial
Id: wSfKVtzVpo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 10sec (2830 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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