Effected by MASS EFFECT - Hard Surface Tutorial for Blender with HardOPs and Boxcutter

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hey guys through here with none of it for blender in this one we're gonna be designing something very simple i've been playing mass effect recently there's a new channel i have you can check it out and uh you know as usual i'm getting inspired by some cool sci-fi over there so we're gonna do some um some simple stuff with uh with hard ups and box cutter as usual my favorite add-ons let's just run some cuts in a maybe run it like this and maybe here and down and boom let's record this cutter and cut it somewhere here from the ceiling a bit like this maybe that's a bit too deep somewhere here not that boom and i think that's cool and [Music] yeah that's awesome all right now let's cut this from the top with a box we're going to open the structure a bit make it a bit more airy but not to the very bottom maybe maybe somewhere here that's okay and we're going to mirror it to the other side that's cool and let's cut some vents here what not and so two of them like this shifty for taper and you know something like this it's might be a bit deep but it's okay let's uh curve these two because you know i want it to be a bit more supple it's going to be pretty cool and the same here at the end so i think i'm going to do it after i after i finish applying cutters because at the moment i could only um you know taper the top i want to taper both i mean battle both of them uh let's uh run some cutter in here so let's actually run the box in here so let's run the box and we could bevel this like that and then let's actually recall this and run the end on here and press c for cyclic and t for solidification and let's just move it in here and let's rotate it a little bit and slice it and then we can you know copy this to the other side that's peachy um this cut here could be a little bit deeper you know so have a scroll and one more time uh this one this one could be a bit deeper so let's make it a bit taller and a bit deeper so it's gonna go really deep in here um maybe it's a bit too deep something like this is cool could actually go even deeper than that somewhere here that's actually awesome maybe closer to the external um edge there we go it went a bit too too down zooming to too deep on a z so let's recall this and bring it a little bit higher and so jay z move it somewhere here that's cool all right now let's uh slice this one here so let's go back to box and slice this and let's solidify this with t and let's move it a little bit um outside so shift click to shift it to live and move it maybe somewhere here maybe a bit too deep some of it's over here that's cool um and in fact you know what i'm going to do i'm going to scale it down and maybe create something like this here this would be interesting um let's uh let's apply this so so let's apply sharpen here and let's um bevel these right because we haven't done this so we need to bubble them as well there you go now let's battle this one here not too much because it's gonna overshoot that's awesome um now let's cut this one so let's slice this and t and maybe b for bevel just for fun right and shift click move it up let's move it up here somewhere that's cool let's create two cards in here so one here and one there b and create something like this uh we can sharpen this and select this one ctrl l and p because it's solidified so it kind of hangs in the air right so we can select it and um all of it and split it into its own selection and have some fun with this now right go to circle and try to you know maybe create some floor um some kind of bolt so you know some kind of a mounting that will do so shift two awesome this one too i want to separate it's ctrl lp and then let's grab these two edges and you know bevel them and we can move this entire thing outside a bit uh here that's pretty cool could create um some two monitors in here or something with box see how easy is to you know create some really cool form with very simple cuts i gotta be careful here so you know what we're gonna go with j and we're gonna go the other way okay so we're gonna go here and it's a little bit too too deep so we're going to scale it on x and maybe bevel this like that that's pretty cool it's hanging a little bit outside i mean away from this so we're gonna move it in gzz and move it in so it's actually inside the structure now let's apply this okay and in fact you know what let's not apply this let's move it a little bit to the side there we go and uh we can apply it now right and let's cut it inside of it let's just um inset it and extrude it and we're going to shift curve extractors all right like that in fact we're going to solid fight a bit further so go to modifiers where are they or the modifiers here solidified outside like that and what i'm gonna do is slash it with an end gun so apply sharpen and you know go here press c to leave that um you know what you call this thing cyclic mode and there you go we're gonna apply some bevels here so let's drop a bevel a thin one okay weighted normals and we're gonna drop a little bit of a thicker bevel here okay this one is i think overshooting no it's not coca-cola awesome so i got something like this peachy um now let's grab this one here in the middle and this one is not sliced yet i mean the the cutters are not applied so we can insert it and then scale it a little bit in okay and then we can detach it or we can do it differently we can simply control click on curve extract and now we got this plane on top okay um something like this we can um slice it here with an end gun like this okay and slice this top here and let's solidify this so uh let's add modifier solidification solidified up a bit and let's remove all the modifiers right so the boolean and mirror can stay and it's cool and what we're going to do now is we're going to press alt z not alt x i'll see so i want to see through and we're going to cut some holes in here so um one maybe here i don't know it's a good idea maybe i'm gonna do it differently maybe i'm going to slice it like this slice it like that and gy move it in here and then out z yeah maybe that's a better idea so something like this and we probably want to slice it in here as well so ngon let's go to local go to top view shift v and view mode and you know slice it here like that actually from the other side because we got mirror from the other side right so from here come on there we go that's better how are we looking yeah we're looking pretty cool sharpen this and you know let's battle this give it a thicker bevel okay but don't overdo it we could uh select this corner and you know bevel the corner here and uh bevel the corner here and peachy so that's that and inside of this we could actually cut some kind of you know some kind of a shape so let's go back to object and i want to cut some big panels in here inside okay something like this and pedal them of course and extrude them down right and press t for solidification and you know cut something like this which is awesome cool so we got that going on and um we have uh we we need something in here as well so let's grab this one and shift the i mean shift curve extract that's what i meant let's sharpen this and let's see what we can do here let's grab an angle and you know start cutting this here in some kind of a cool fashion uh let's create something like this here come on oh this is really annoying me let's go to input and right mouse button to cancel it's my favorite behavior box cutter um it's much faster to cut this way because i can immediately cancel my box cutter cut all right so let's uh select this and sharpen this it's doubled what's going on in here hang on hang on another something's weird going on in here uh prime mirror or something let's uh let's go back here for a sec all right and then let's operation since multiply there we go let's attempt this again all right sharpen maybe it's better we need some edge here as well so on top that's good are we looking from the front it's a little bit too noisy for my liking so we're going to go back in time a little bit to this card yeah and we're gonna do something else here so we're going to um slice it with a box actually with yeah with one box like that okay and we're gonna press t for solidification right and b above the bevel and we're going to cut another make another cut inside of it also the bevel and tee now we can create some kind of pattern in here so let's uh shift r to reset the hard dubs array and let's survey this a little bit on each side like that okay cool yeah that's better see it's not so loud but actually fills in this this area here this could be some cool detail here as well because why not so we could uh you know cut some wedges in here but not so press w for a wedge and maybe here we could uh create a one larger cut and press w to remove the wedge and uh let's sharpen this it's gonna add a bit of interest and break the surface you see here you could create some cuts as well on the side we could be a little bit bigger even maybe that's too big but something like this here and wet it as well um this way this could be an interesting idea how are we looking i don't like this i'm gonna do something else in here i'm going to create a cut here like that cut but i'm going to um bevel this from this side and press b a q for quad bevel so i'm going to bevel it from all sides okay so something like this and i'm going to actually draw a cylinder in here so i'm going to go to circle and draw it from here press j e and extrude it up up to here now here we could use something as well we could use a little bit of a kind of like you know cut in this direction like that sharpen and then select this wall and curve extract it and we could drop it down here like this all right and uh or even straight cut would do okay like this right um or even kind of open cut like that so this is actually pretty cool i liked it um we could slice it in here and you know slice it in here as well like this from the back it doesn't make sense yeah that's cool i'm okay with that awesome it could have some kind of a pipe going in the back as well you know or kind of uh [Music] maybe some kind of a cable mount or whatnot you know here so we could grab a cube uh right and scale this and snap it in here right and scale it down go to the right side view move it in here scale it down it's maybe too much so it's gonna fit you know and slice it right and then we could just you know have some fun here so and create some kind of a design with this right something that goes you know across this structure right so in the back you know like maybe some kind of a cable support or not all right so you can see it from here kind of breaks this uh this whole structure cool now here we could have some lamps or whatnot to get like one big one or several smaller ones i think maybe one big one is okay here but if you're gonna make it to square it's gonna be a bit boring also we need to switch this one to angle um the uh the bevel because he's not catching this edge here and the the bevel map is a bit too crazy so make it a bit smaller now i'm thinking you know um a few cuts here would be interesting like this right so v and go the other way and maybe create you know um four cards this way and press t and then b for bevel maybe this solidification is a bit too crazy so make it a bit thinner and we could have lights like this but i think it's going to be a bit too noisy so what i'm going to do instead i'm going to simply run a light in here like this with a bit of a bevel and let's just turn off this q and press t for solidification and it's going to be a bit more calm you see uh kind of a coming down uh it's okay here could be also another light or some kind of a ventilation or whatnot we could have like a massive you know um massive panel in here and we could sharpen this and let's separate it so ctrl p and let's run some cuts in here so let's bring it to local go to top view and shift v view and gone let's run some cuts in here i think i'm gonna go with slash did it go through i think i'm going i'm gonna have to go from this side oh not this one one more time c for cyclic and x whoa i'm not in autographic no wait not too graphic you're gonna be in autographic mode otherwise you're gonna get weird results there we go that's better how we looking yeah we're looking pretty cool we could insert them in you know so jay-z and just move them in a little bit right it's going to be kind of interesting you always want to break surfaces you know because it just you know adds a bit of interest right same in here the top could be broken a bit so you know we could we could just run kind of uh this sort of a situation right so break it as well here it's mirrored so and we could just make it a bit smaller right so let's shift f shift s into geometry this is not going to work let's sharpen this and sharpen this select them both and shift s to geo we got mirrors going on so let's uh operation since multiply and then select this one and shift s to geo and now it should work oh i went through oh off let's go back um let me see this one more time there we go let's recall the cutters wait a minute what happens is that we went too deep i forgot it's just one mesh what i want is a cut on the top not in the bottom so now we go to you right so uh let's now try this shift s into geo yeah we need to apply this so let's select both and operations multiply and then shift s to geometry and now you're talking and then s um s z and you can scale it uh down or up i think down is going to be better so just literally scale it in what we could also do is scale it on this face here so move the cursor here to face and switch your pivot here to cursor which in my case i think is done automatically by machine tools but i'm not sure this you can scale it in the cursor as shift x and so it's not scaling on x and it's gonna scale only on you know um other axis right and boom bob you uncle now let's uh just unparent this alt p and unparent it we're good to go we could still create some cool you know like uh some small cuts in here uh some kind of a wedge cuts okay so shift v object and you can do this with uh decals as well right not a big deal doesn't have to be a cut it can be a decal but they they're going to add some really cool breakage to the surface um which adds a little bit of a visual interest breaking surfaces is always important you see it's like a really small detail but you know let's mirror this but it really breaks the surface here in the bottom as well we could just borrow this one so shift dx um are we on a course orientation so individual and of course our gui and drop it down and we can just make it smaller and fit it in here you know not this right so you got a kind of a i don't know something something right going on we could pummel this thing up so go to the top view or to graphic d and gone and cut some stuff in it you know like that right with x boom and copy to the other side and select everything and uh operations multiply we have some double g on here probably this one is not mirrored there we go because he was sliced and then select them and all of them and shift as to geo we need to apply everything again because of mirrors shift s to geo there we go select these so these ones and ah they are separate okay so let's select everything and what we're gonna do is press p and by loose parts which will separate them into separate objects so this one and this one is separate shift s and to geo and now we can scale them individually shift tags so we're going to scale them just like we scaled this one on every axis except x which is going to create a really cool kind of indentation this one needs some weighted normals and bob jean cool so there you go um now we could add some you know maybe some cables in here okay so what we could do is uh grab this one here and um you know cut it in a little bit just not too deep because if you go too deep um you will encroach into the other cut a little bit deeper of a bevel there you go something like this i don't know if it's not too much to be honest yeah it's a little bit you know i'll prefer to do something small in here you know something like this yeah see what i mean it's a bit more subtle do need areas of rest you know like this like these large areas where nothing is really happening and then you know um we could have some wall or whatnot preferably solidified and turned around on x-axis out the v let's check which face orientation we need to go with um we find so put it somewhere on and off somewhere here make it a bit larger maybe less maybe less crazy right and then shift um shift alt c and let's run cable rater from here you know to here and then q we can actually you know what we don't have to run q we can uh we can um mirror this so let's just position it in here and uh narrow this to the other side there we go and we get something like this which is awesome these pipes are sticking out a bit but you can move them out so let's go to the side view and you know move them somewhere here and boom bob's uncle and pretty cool and then we can you know apply the mirror so you know let's apply the mirrors can we even apply the mirror uh chihuahua it's a curve um let's remove the mirror all right because what i want to do is in fact we're going to run another tube because i want to make two different ones here and i want to make the same thing so press d and just going to curve it a little bit differently you know kind of like this so they're not you know all right they're not the same and they don't look the same it's maybe a bit too extreme so move it a little bit up here um but there you go they're not the same which is cool this one is a little bit boring to be honest could be a little bit more you know kind of going in like that cool um i'm not going to be buttering with this panel here but you know you could you could slice it in half you could do something like this you know and shift dz move it up and make it a bit smaller and make it into parts um so let's scale it and move it in and then move this one up and get kind of like a pulling effect the only problem now is that we need to move it lower because it doesn't fit and then we also need a floor right so plane um maybe somewhere here make it bigger solidified down and you know you start talking about your small environment and then we need to create some kind of a paneling around it i'm not gonna be doing this guys but uh this is as far as i'm gonna bring it but you see you can create something really cool very quickly kind of a sci-fi terminal or whatnot um there could be some turbines in here or some kind of a canister we could create maybe um let's add a bit more cylinders maybe 50 because i want it to be around let's bevel this make it a bit smaller go to the front view and make it a bit bigger then let's move it actually somewhere here and let's run the power save because reasons let's grab this and create like a bracing in here yeah and maybe one more on top so shift to z and we could create kind of a bottom here so now let's um chamfer this let's insert it extrude it inside it one more time extrude extruded and chair for it's gonna be kind of like a you know canister-ish feeling here as well uh we could actually make it a little bit different like this um market sharp and inset it insert it a bit more and then kind of collapse it like this right and select them both and mirror them to the other side and we got you know this kind of a situation move them a bit higher operations and sharpen and the bubbles are a little bit too crazy on these so you can lower them down um yeah still too big there we go um this could be you know let's select everything here around and let's run the checker deselect maybe let's scale them in a bit wait a minute wait a minute there's a ring in here uh let's remove that um let's remove this one too and then let's select these select checker deselect uh where is it let's kill them a bit a bit all right and simply a macro inside right or actually even outside but then the bevel is too big right the bevel needs to be much smaller than this and you got kind of like generators or whatnot they're a little bit maybe too low so you can bring them a bit higher kind of like here um something like this right and you got this kind of a situation pretty cool and some kind of a bracing here you know or no we could still use the same one guys not a big deal right so just make it narrower you know kind of like this no one's gonna be no one's gonna notice what's going on right so even what we can do is you know move it here like that and sharpen this and shift dz move it in here and you got you know this kind of a thing reusing the same elements awesome and we kind of done oh we need to move this one too so shift d z move it in here on both sides somewhere this across and we're done cool awesome this could be you know i'm not going to be modeling these walls anymore because you know it's already already 30 minutes of a tutorial but there you go we got some simple cool design and we didn't even use a scale but i think it's gonna fit perfectly human so this could be some kind of a terminal here in the middle as well or maybe some kind of a termination inside um or to just you know some points someone simply comes over here and performs some maintenance um with some kind of a device like a you know tablet or whatnot right let me just check for this in um yeah macro inside there we go boom that looks a little bit better than the bleak one so shift easy and bob john cool uh hard ups unboxing if you duplicate your uh mesh it's gonna be um you know it's gonna run it with um what you call them if you duplicate the mesh with booleans it's going to run it with a parent so the cutter is going to get parented and copied at the same time um let's switch here bevel to weight so you're gonna catch this bottom edge it's gonna look a bit more sharp and defined there you go check out my other channel it's um hot service gaming we are playing mass effect at the moment third episode is landing today and they're quite long so you know you can just watch them chill out zone out and uh have some fun there's some flip normals in here so let's see what's up select everything out alt n and recalculate outside and pg this is a little bit thick you know so i'm thinking maybe i could just uh lighten it up a bit by running a cut in here like this see it's gonna lighten the whole structure um see what i mean and the separations are really important the same here we could create some kind of a notch or maybe even a wedge okay so w you know for a wedge and sharpen this one isn't beveled so let's okay and also wait the normals there you go and that's a bit better it's not mirrored so let's do that maybe across this one there you go and just gives a little bit more of a depth what happened to our bottom bit it disappeared didn't it let's just um shift um shift dz now we get just make it a little bit larger on x and drop it down yeah drop it in here you could even rotate it you know just for a cool effect like this um let's maybe rotates the different um angles so we're going to move it to select it and rotate it on um on the cursor so our a rx now it's going to rotate you see together so you could do something like this um and we could extend it really just create a different effect here like that breaking surfaces like for example breaking angles is really important because it's going to give you um at different uh reflections okay so this is really crucial yeah to you know learn how to break break angles right this is going to you know it's angled so it's going to create a different sort of a reflection for you right cool all right guys well that's it for me thanks for watching hope you enjoyed it like i said check out my hard surface gaming channel links to hard ups and books are in the video description thank you for watching catch you next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 2,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, hard, surface, tutorial, scifi, mass effect, inspiration, hardops, boxcutter, modelling, blender tutorial, hardops tutorial, boxcutter tutorial, hard surface tutorial
Id: rqGewQaKW9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 28sec (2008 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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