Blender - Easy Environment Design (Blender 2.8)

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okay so in today's video we're going to be tackling simple environment design nothing crazy super simple let's get into it so this is what it looks like right here side note if you make this render feel free to send it to me on instagram a lot of you guys have been sending me your work and really enjoying that so keep that coming and let's get into the design okay so first thing shift a and let's add a plane hit s8 and let's scale it up alright next thing we're going to do is model those circles so we're going to put in a cylinder and then right here on fill cap click nothing and then on vertices give it 50 vertices and now let's click r x 90 and and let's scale it up to right about there let's go to the transform settings right here and on scale and the z just bring it in this is about how how wide the circles are going to be in your design put it right about there and bring it down and then ctrl a we're going to apply the location rotation and scale and let's continue with the design so go to your modifiers and add a solidify bring it to right about there and then click apply and so this is what we have here now let's add a bevel modifier right about there bring your width to what looks right about that so that would be 0.01 and then give it five segments now right click give it shade smooth and then right here on width method give it width and then limit method give it angle and then now we have this smooth design alright so now let's take our circle and just bring it all the way up to right about here bring it back one and so our camera is basically going to be centered right here as you can see on the design the tubes go this way so this is basically the edge of the plane right here so that's where we want to center it up now let's add an empty and then bring it over to right about here and then click on our circle and add an array modifier uncheck relative offset click object offset and click the empty now click the empty and just bring it back like that and then we'll go back to the array bring it up let's take our empty drag it down a little bit scale it just a little bit like that and then let's add a couple more duplicates right about there that looks good all right let's add our camera real quick so position your view to where you kind of want it to be so right there then hit ctrl alt 0 and then click on your camera let's go to the camera settings and right here on focal length let's make our lens a bit wider so that that looks about right so our guy's going to be standing right around there the next thing we want to add is this particle system right here it's just another cylinder that we put all over the scene so let's model that real quick shift a let's add a cylinder now on fill cap put it back to in gone and then we'll bring it over here and then let's go to the transform settings on the scale and bring it up like that i'm gonna scale it down a little bit bring it up just like that all right let's hit tab and go into edit mode and just give it a couple subdivisions i'm gonna give it 30 subdivisions now let's go back and add a particle system so right down here click new click here right here on render click object and we're going to select our cylinder so you can see they're kind of laying down i don't know why blender does that there's got to be a good reason but i don't know it but we need to flip these to where they look like that so go back to your particle settings right here on object click object rotation now go to the object go to the transform settings then rotation of the y give it 90 degrees now everything's up like that all right so i'm going to scale it down make it a bit longer like that and then we'll go back to the particle settings here on our plane right here on render give it some scale randomness on your on some of your on your pieces kind of like that and as long as they're not too tall which they are bring it right about there all right next we have this character we're not going to be modeling this character we're going to download it from mixamo what mixamo is i believe i'm pronouncing that right so what miximo is is a free character and character animation website you don't have to have an adobe account you can just make a miximo account here it's run by adobe everything is free and it's really nice the character i picked is ma jay i'm not going to pronounce that but i picked that one so we're going to use this character and then right here on animations i just typed in standing and then i believe i picked the one that says idle and looks like it so this is it and then you'll press download and then you're going to want to use an fbx so one of the problems that comes to importing an fbx is when you go to import right down here it has this right over here but because of this current beta build and all the past ones fbx's do not work correctly so what i always do is i open up blender 2.79 and what i'll do is i'll import it into there and then i'll append that so make sure you're in the cycles engine we're gonna go file import right here fbx and i'm gonna click the guy so a lot of times a bug i tend to see is in the material when you first import your thing it's it's the shading is not there so what i always do is i'll delete it really quick and i'll hit ctrl z and then it'll come back and so now everything's correct i don't know why that bug is there but when you import it have it imported then immediately delete it and then control z and bring it back and you should have your shading so now i'm going to just save this project called guy save it onto my desktop here and then now we can open up the 2.8 scene and i'm going to append go to my scene where it says guy go to object armature and maw and append and then there he is and everything is working correctly so we'll bring him over here scale him down and just move him around until we like his positioning okay the next thing is our lighting so i used a sort of pinkish sunset hdri from hdri haven if you want to find that i'm going to link the hdri that i used in the description if you want to use a different one they're all here uh but i use this one called kiara one dawn and this is what's going to give us that nice pink looking light okay so download the hdri over here click your world settings if it's not there you're going to click use nodes and then right here in the color click that environment texture and navigate to where your hdri is located let's click z and check out the rendered view it should be there i'm going to turn off bloom real quick so it's there i want to change the positioning of our hdri so i'm going to go up to the shading preset and i'm going to go to the rendered view up here in the node editor or the shader editor it'll say object click world so i'm going to add two nodes a mapping node and a texture coordinate node on the texture coordinate that generated into the vector and the vector into our image now on the rotation here in the z you can rotate it tell you like what you see i'm going to rotate the x until we stop seeing those mountains and i think this this looks about right we'll probably change that a little bit later but for now we have our lighting i'm going to change the strength of our light to 0.3 and let's continue with the design so in the design we have some bumping going on and we have a light in each of these which adds to the emphasis to right here so let's do that really quick let's add two shaders to these circles here so let's add one metallic shader and then another emissive shader we'll give it a strength of 50 and we'll make it kind of purple [Music] now now click on your circle hit tab go to face select here now click alt and click the inside sometimes that won't work but just click a couple times till it gets the inside now click the material here the emissive one and click assign so now when we go to rendered view now we have those lights all right now let's make this shader right here so go back to your shaders click on the metallic one and let's go to the shading preset and let's click out of world back to object all right so let's add a bump node real quick bump node plug the normal into the normal and let's add a noise texture and plug the color into the height so now we have our bumping going on let's bring up the detail and bring up the scale a little bit and some of the distortion just like that and let's bring down the strength just a little bit now let's add a color ramp right here and plug the noise into the factor the color ramp and the color into the base color and let's bring our color ramp in just like that just add some color to our piece all right let's click on our cylinder over here and let's just add that same material to the cylinders let's see how that looks cool now we have a little bit of shading going on with these cylinders we're gonna have the depth of field so the detail here isn't gonna be a problem all right now all we have left is to add a shader on the plane here add some depth of field some volume and one light right here to give some emphasis on our guy so first let's click on our plane go to the shading preset and let's add that so let's click a new shader let's leave it non-metallic let's add a bump node and a noise texture to that right here right between it let's add a color ramp just like that so let's add the noise into the factor into the height now we have all this going on let's bring up the detail bring up the scale sum and then now let's just add let's do that and let's flip the color in so that looks about right now let's add this color ramp into the roughness just like that and now we have something interesting going on here we got some reflection kind of looks like water but not really and then let's add a color ramp up here plug it into the color and let's plug the noise into the factor here and now let's make the white kind of a light purple just like that and then we'll bring the black in and we added a little purple shading here on the floor all right now let's add our volume so let's just get a box here big old cube scale it all the way up and let's add a principled volume to that so click new principled principle volume let's go up to the shading preset again and put on density 0.1 and plug the volume into the volume and not the surface so to view it pretty well let's switch to the cycles engine hit c and render it and let's see how that looks so it's pretty heavy it's a hefty render but it just adds a little bit of that ambience really cool effect to this design so we're going to leave it there and let's add some depth of field so i want to get an empty here bring our empty all the way up to our guy here and we're going to use this as the focus object so where that dot is right there that's where it's going to focus so i want to write on our guy let's name it focus now let's click on our camera and go over the camera settings and let's go to depth of field right here focus object click focus we'll give it 20 blades let's switch to the rendered view so we can see what's going on and then let's click the the size here until it starts getting the blur we want right here that's too much it's right about right about there looks nice all right last thing we need to do is add a light right behind this guy so we can kind of see what's going on add a little bit more emphasis to him and then that will be everything for this render so it's right up there let's check the render and now we have some light going on and there we go that's the render it's super super noisy of course so let's go through the render settings really quick we're going to give it 1920 by 1080 and in the sampling right here i'm going to give it 500 samples and we'll turn on denoising and that should do it maybe a thousand samples if it's still noisy on your render so there you go that's the render i hope you learned something i hope you had fun again if you make it send us me on instagram and i'd love to see all your work so yeah thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 668,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Loop, Blender Animation Loop, Blender 2.8, Blender eevee, Eevee Animation, Abstract, Blender Abstract tutorial, Blender Modeling, Blender Enviornment, Blender Easy, Blender easy tutorial, Blender cycles, Blender 3D, b3d, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro to Blender, CG Geek, Olav3D, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve, Gleb Alexandrov
Id: Vt-_Htl-R90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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