Racing Cars in Blender 2.8! #blender3d #animation #3d

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hello everyone and welcome i'm derek elliot from dirt comm and today we're gonna be meeting this kinda cool car erasing the animation now we are not gonna cover how to create the car itself since that was covered fully in my last tutorial so go and check that out if you haven't already but I know a lot of you already did follow along with that one and you got your cars fueled up just sitting in the driveway ready for some action so without further ado here is what we will be making today we're gonna cover everything you see here from the guardrails on the track to the flag flapping how to make the cars drift around corners and even a little bit of camera movement all to arrive at this exact result so this is the file I've actually got up on screen from the end of the tutorial so you know this is exactly where we're gonna arrive at now if you do follow me on Instagram you might have seen me posted through this animation which is the one I made when I was researching and testing for this tutorial there's a little more polished but by following along with this tutorial and then spending some time afterwards speaking your curves and little details you can definitely create something somewhere if you do want the file for this exact animation that's what the patreon supporters will have access to so if you've got a buck or two lying around and enjoy my videos and feel free to join up over there this one's a lot of fun though there's all sorts of little tips and tricks along the way so buckle up those seatbelts and let's get to racin alright so let's see what we can do about making that car a racing animation what I have here is a blank wonder scene I'm going to append in my car object so file append navigate to where you have that I already have it here navigated to and I have it just in a file where there's just one object called car so I'm gonna double-click that bring it in and you can see we have our car now in the scene if we move into our look devmode you can see all the textures and everything came along nicely you can see I added that little interior and then also I'm little little mirrors there maybe similar stuff a couple people are asking about like how I modeled the interior if you were able to model the car I don't think the interior should have been too tricky for you it's really just some more boxes and then a little steering wheel there if you're really having trouble with that let me know maybe I can help but if you can model the car you probably figure out the interior that's kind of like your homework assignment you know so anyways before I start making this animation I need to do just a little a little bit of housekeeping here and that's gonna be I want to scale this cart down just a little bit so actually you know I really I don't think I actually need to do that you could scale it down a little bit but the main thing I need to is I need to move this origin so I want this origin to be right kind of between the wheels on like what would be the floor so I need to move that origin down the way that I'm gonna do is in my screencast keys not that in my end panel so you press tend to bring this up over here in the tool tab there is a option for origin so we can affect only the origins so now if I move this around it's only going to move the origin of the object not the whole laundry so so like I said I want to move that pretty much right to the center of the scenes I'm gonna shift s and snap my selection to cursor but now once I've done that I want to deselect that origins options and now if I move anything it's gonna move the whole object like blender normally what I I definitely spent like 30 minutes one day I had checked that and forgot to uncheck it and I could not figure out why like I was moving things and nothing was moving drove me crazy so don't let my mistake be yours no anyways you know what just for the sake of it again my scale is down a little bit just wanted to be you I was going to be smaller like it like when we were just working on the car it's like it was fine being big but now it's gonna be like a tiny thing so I just want scale down a little bit but when you do that scale in object mode you'll see that over here it now is about like 0.4 I want to press ctrl-a and apply that scale you knew you usually want your scale to pretty much always be at 1 no matter what you're working on I know that's created problems for some people when you're working with modifiers and stuff but anyways now that we've got that housekeeping and taken care of I'm gonna add a I'm gonna add in the track and tracks in most cases or in my case or at least are curved so I'm gonna shift a curve and then I'm gonna add a path now it's gonna be a little bit tricky to see because it's kind of like on the x-axis I wish I wish there was a little bit of a better viewport display therefore there might be some option which I'm sure somebody will let me know about in the comments but anyways what I want to do is press tab go into edit mode and then you can see we've got a little bit more of a we could see that a little bit better and then I'm going to I'm just going to go to my top view by pressing 7 on my number pad likewise you can use this little button right there and I'm just gonna spin this around and kind of just move that to about right there that's not a hugely important I don't think but the most important thing is that the origin of that path is aligned with the origin of your car curves can get very frustrating but if you're following along with these steps then you should be pretty good I'm sure I'm sure you all will send me plenty of questions though if you have issues as you do which I appreciate I'm glad that I'm able to help you anyways now that we've got these it kind of started off with just a few points there and so we can use those and just kind of move we can press e to extrude and just kind of start creating our our shape here so I'm just gonna go for kind of a shape like I had done in my sort of example here where there's maybe like a it's kind of like a figure eight and but do whatever you want you can make you make really any any shape you like you could spell out your name I have to make your track very long depending on how long your name is but um yeah so once you've got the last point there just shift click the original point and then press F to make a face and then you know make a face but it'll connect them it'll do what you need to do so now we've got our blob shaped track there that's great but we need the object to the car object to move around that curve obviously so we're gonna do that with a constraint so if we click here on this little pulley thing gear your belt whatever that is that's the constraints tab we're gonna add an object constraint anna is going to be if you can probably guess it's gonna be follow path this one over here under the relationship that furthest to the right column click that and it's not it's gonna be anytime you see any like modify or anything that's read that usually means that it's not like having any effect it's not doing anything it needs more input from you before it can do anything and in this case it needs to know what path you want to follow so I'm gonna click that little eyedropper and just select the NURBS path there now if we press spacebar to play our animation nothing is happening we needed to be animated how is that gonna happen well there's a little button here anime path and boom it animates now I don't want to halt anyone's creative freedom here you're welcome to leave it like that if you want but I don't care for that look it's really just it should kind of move with the curve now we will be adding some z-rotation that might be how you think you do this it's just manually and this is I'm actually having a blast here just kind of like drifting this guy around controlling z-rotation as fun as that is and that's a not very efficient that's not how we're going to do it there's a little option you're called follow curve and now that will it will follow it will it like point it in the direction of the curve you know so if you were looking at that curve you can see all those little arrows that's the way and if you didn't need to switch direction you can right click and you can do switch direction which is switch direction there but I like to go in a way it was now it is spun around the wrong way so you could just rotate the whole thing in edit mode around or you could just press this negative Y and that should do what you want it to do okay so that's looking good now with that together let's go ahead and give our track some actual like dimension so it's not just this line and if you look in the curve options under the geometry tab we have a few options here for like kind of creating some geometry out of this and what is this extra option what you might think is what we might be doing but we're not going to do that the other is this bevel option which if you want into your car to go through a tunnel that would be my recommendation there but I don't want that so I will set that back to zero what I want to do is basically have my own object and to do that I'm going to press shift hey and add a mesh and let's make that mesh a plane now I just want to move my car back to a spot where it's kind of right there so I'm going to see how why I need to make it we're gonna make this for two cars when I press s and X so now you might be inclined to just kind of like model this out like you know bring it up like but what we're actually going to do to make this work is we are going to basically model the profile of this and now that I have the width about how I want let's move this over here and then what this is is well skills on the y-axis like kind of in our top view we want to draw what the profile would be and it's just going to be one this will actually end up needing to be a curve so I'm gonna do something like that and then just delete that edge so now if we go into our vertex select mode you'll see we've just got that basic shape which from the top again is easy we've done from like the top view we can use this shape to define what kind of gets spread around that curve with this bevel object option so if you tried to click it though it's not going to work and that's because it needs to be a curve so the fastest way to make that happen is to go up here into your object drop down there there used to be a hockey for this but I can't and I think they changed it or something or maybe there's just no hotkey anymore but you want to convert this mesh to a curve so curve are from mesh and with that we will now be able to select this curve and has our bevel object we can select this plane which we can rename by pressing f2 to track profile if you will okay so that's looking good you can right click and shade it flat so yes nice hard edges and yeah looking fine you'll notice some banding here you don't have your normal options like if you were to shave this smooth you can't go into your the options we normally do to like auto smooth so I'm just going to be that flat for now we're actually gonna end up working with this as its own piece of geometry later but for now the way it is is going to be just fine so what you would want to do now is you start to notice you know you've got some issues here so we can go in and start to play with our track shape a little bit here so I'm just going to go into my top view and I think the first thing I want to do is just get the overall kind of top-down look of it about how I want if you find that you've got a verb like a vertex segment whatever where you don't want you can ex and dissolve it and so I was just getting a little bit of a sharp edge there you know you really want to use as little as possible to kind of get a nice smooth effect so I think for me it's gonna be looking something like that once I really added too many there don't be afraid to delete it delete something for you too and you know play with your shape get it to however you like if you've ever watched a Derek tutorial you know I'm a bit of a perfectionist here so I'm gonna be messing with this for hopefully not too much longer but I'm just gonna kind of keep doing it while I'm talking anyways top view that looks pretty good I'm liking the way that looks play with yours as long as you want I bought this to done this a few times so I kinda know what I'm going for but you might want to take longer with it so what we were doing is just affecting the shape in the top you there but we want to give this some depth obviously there's a part here where it's kind of overlapping itself so that's not going to make much sense so what we can do is instead of just moving these in the top view we can also move them kind of in our other view so I'm just going to bring this up on the z-axis a little bit something like that so that that kind of comes up and then maybe maybe like this part comes down a little bit and then maybe this part comes down a little bit right here just you want to kind of create sort of an interesting interesting shape if you will I think something like that looks kind of cool a little bit wonky you can see as you're doing this we're starting to get some really weird tilts and we wouldn't want like over here we won the car with like totally flat track right there and it actually looks like it is actually flying off the track so if you look at the object origin you can see that is nicely following our curve but it's off the surface of the track and that's because that bevel object also is working off of our origin so if we tap it go into edit mode we can see that this origin is is offset from the actual surface of the tracks list with G and Y and just move this up right about there and you can see you know if you're looking over here while you did that you can see that if you go above it it'll pass through that but we just want to write on it something like that looks pretty good and now I feel like at this it should be much more closely aligned to our track yeah that's looking a lot better a little bit off obviously because the origin is in the middle there but I think then that's going to be just fine so we'll leave I like that but about those tilts so we don't want we're gonna have some control as you're kind of moving things around on the z axis here we are losing a little bit of kind of the way we wanted this to look so what we can do is have some control over that tilt and in edit mode in our N panel here you can see that there is this tilt option and what we can do is just start selecting parts of this and then controlling that tilt and the track will move with it so for that I want that to be kind of like that maybe down here on this end is kind of like a banked turn this animation is gonna be money doing all this banking get it absent that's my joke that I came up with this for this tutorial every tutorial gets at least one joke not like in that let's move that in this is getting a little sharp over here let's kind of bring that out a little bit just kind of play with it get it how you like it maybe this needs to come up maybe this whole thing needs to be a little bit longer I'm decided now just kind of bring that out something like that and this by the way is the time to make these adjustments sooner or later we're gonna get to a point where we're not going to really want to be changing the shape around too much because we'll start splitting this off into multiple objects and we want to make sure that they all are that they're all the same so that's looking good got some kind of curves there there's kind of a straight section banks down goes up spins around gets wild and crazy' don't get too wild and crazy' I know yeah I know y'all designed your cars for for speed there but yeah just play with that tilt get a shape you like something interesting I'm thinking and that's gonna do it for me looks pretty good and now maybe that won't do it for me perfectionist let's just leave move that over a little bit okay that's fine we'll leave it at that this comes over oh gosh okay I gotta I really gotta stop messing with it see I'm thinking ahead here I know when I want to like I have a pillar top and down right there so I'm like trying to trying to overlap it a little more but I need to be done with this part play with your track as much as you want as I said I've done this a few times I'm gonna be moving a little quicker but you should take all the time you need to get your track looking just how you like it and okay dun dun dun dun just except for this one last thing okay now I like the shape so get your tilts how you like them adjust that all and call it quits so that looks good don't call it completely quits please follow the rest of the tutorial if you're dropping off now hopefully not then yes stay with us so what do we need to do next let's go ahead and talk about so now that we've got all these curves and these banked areas and stuff we need to maybe have some control over kind of this speed so right now it's just going at this linear kind of even speed which is fine but for one I want it to loop which is not looping now and then also I want to have you know maybe around these tight corners it slows down a little bit and on the straightaway it's a little bit there isn't really a straightaway there is there it's a little bit faster but you know you just you want to have that control so first step with that is going to be deciding how long you want this animation to be in my case I think I wanted to be about 4 seconds long so at 30 frames per second 4 times 30 that's gonna be 120 frames and I will go ahead and set my frame rate to 30 frames per second 30 frames per second which is a little bit smoother than 24 it's what all the that's all it's what all the cool kids are doing only the 60fps folks tell you otherwise they're just they don't have time to argue with you because their rendering twice as many frames anyways enough about those guys that looks good 30 frames per second 4 seconds long moving along nicely but let's get back into how this path is actually being animated so if we go into the curve here that was happening in this path animation tab which was actually set within the so this follow path constraint has an option to automatically animate the path that's what we clicked earlier and what that does is just apply kind of a basic linear animation based off of 100 frames but in our case now our whole animation is 120 frames so that's part of the reason we're giving some of this kind of like jumpiness is that this needs to match the total frames of your animation it doesn't have to like there's other ways you can do this but it gets a very complex like mathematically and just kind of confusing so I think the easiest thing is just to set that to whatever your total frames are and in our case it's gonna be 120 so now this should leave yes it does loop now and if we actually look at this evaluation time you can see here on frame 1 it's at 0 and on frame 120 it's at 119 so that's so that at loops I tend to like to put the 0 on 0 and 120 on the 120 but for some reason it sets it up that way but to have a closer look at that let's bring down a graph editor or someone go into my carafe editor which is right there and you can see that we just have this endless straight line this linear animation that just goes and goes and goes don't try to find the end of it it's very long you lose you lose track but there is this convenient red line leading you right back to where you were anyways that is happening kind of mathematically if you also want to press that button if we press n here I'll bring up our sidebar for the modifiers of the curves which yes curves can have modifier and yeah it had it like this expanded polynomial I didn't pay enough attention in math class and know what that means so we're just gonna ignore it who actually need a rivet tirely I'm just gonna press X delete it I feel much better now so with that gone we have lost our path animation so you might be thinking we're moving backwards here and while we are a little bit or we're going to set up now is a little bit more control over that speed so like I was saying we we took a look at the evaluation time here and that's controlling like we're along so the frames is how many frames does it take to go from this start of the path to the end of the path so evaluation time is like we're amongst those 120 frames is it so technically at like 60 it should be halfway through the total duration of the path I think something like that but anyways on frame 0 I'm gonna set this to 0 and I'm going to right click and insert a keyframe and then I'm frame 120 I'm gonna set that to 120 of course and right-click insert keyframe you can also use this little diamond option there which you guys love to remind me about I just I like right-clicking and inserting keyframes okay I don't like the little diamond I come from the old days of blender I don't think the diamond used to be there that's a some newfangled stuff it's probably been there for like 6 years anyways I've got the I've got moving around now it's back to moving and looking good so it does have that slowing down effect but but this is this is what we're trying to do now we have handles so now we can have complete control over this speed yeah this is kind of like a speed graph in After Effects or something I think but so with that bezier interpolation we now have that slowing down effect which i don't want so first thing i'll do is just drag these handles down and i want this to kind of i want to kind of basically recreate that linear animation i want these to just kind of lead into each other so that when that ends we don't have that like sudden loss of speed so now it's kind of like more of a constant rate and i probably didn't get exact but it's pretty unnoticed so what I will do though is go ahead and pick a few spots where I want this to slow down a little bit so I've got a really tight curve right over there so what I want to do is move my kind of time marker here my frame marker to right where that is and then I like to right-click insert key I'll use the darn diamond okay so click the button so now I have a keyframe right there and so what I can do so I'm not going to go into a complete explanation of like how the graphs work here it can be a little bit complicated but I want to kind of make it slower there so with that just a point padded I'm just nervous are to rotate it and just flatten it out ever so slightly and that will kind of create a little bit of a slowed down portion you can see see how it kind of slows down there now that's nice so it speeds back up and maybe we have a slow down a little bit right there as well let's insert a keyframe with the new fangled diamond make that just a little bit flatter so now we've got it slowing down right there too and then like if you want it to be fast through here like maybe like right about there is when it's reaching its speed we can insert a keyframe and instead of rotating it flat we can rotate it kind of up a little bit so it's a little bit faster right there and I'm holding shift while I'm doing this to make that those adjustments very finely so now if we look at it it's just a little bit more interesting kind of got that fast bar slows down yeah I'm liking the way that looks so let's go ahead and move on to another part which I think in this case is going to be heading our next car and this might be a good time to go ahead and save some Weber's ctrl s to save and I'm gonna name this three because this is a third time I'm doing this it's actually probably the tenth time if you can clued all the scientific investigation I did to put this tutorial together which I do by the way it's uh these don't come easy you know you really gotta figure out what's the best easiest way to teach something like this alright I'll get off my I'll get up my soapbox I love I love kind of designing the way a to teach you this stuff so like and subscribe if you're enjoying I always forget to say that and in support me on patreon if you want to just give me some money I don't I don't need that money I honestly don't it's just if you are enjoying the work I'm doing and want support me you're more than welcome to I have been donating a decent amount of that to the blender foundation but has my patreon subscriptions have gone up I probably owe the blender foundation some more so anyways with the patreon you get tutorial files and whatnot it's not supposed to be an advertisement it's literally like two dollars a month like you know you're not gonna change my life but it will mean a lot to me if you do support so enough about all that anyways let's get back to adding the next car I'm gonna move this one over so that there's a little bit space it's like a buddy scooter or we got another we got another member of the family coming in you get a little partner erase so I'm just moving him over on the x-axis it could be a girl car who knows and now they are staying nicely in their lane there and that looks good so to create another one I'm gonna press shift D to duplicate it and then I'm just gonna move that on the x-axis kind of the other way and I'm using shift D instead of all T because I'm gonna end up probably changing that color of these cars so I don't want them to share all the data so using shift D there um so now if I press spacebar you can see that this is moving nicely long they're erasing perfect together it's neck-and-neck the whole time and that's just not very interesting so we need to have when you'll be able to control the speed of them independently but if you remember from just moments ago the speed is controlled with this curve here so we need to have car this other car needs to have its own curve and now would be a time to start naming things so I'm gonna press f2 mi name that first car car 1 and I'm gonna press f2 on the other one and I'm gonna name a car too and for the sake of seeing what I'm doing a little bit better I'll turn on our favorite cavity right there and then I'll also what I was actually intending to do there was turn on in the you port display I'll turn on the name so I can see those because I right now that pretty much the same so let's turn on name right there so now I have car 1 and car too so like I said what we really need though we've got car one car - we need NURBS path 1 and NURBS path 2 so we need basically yeah when you to pass before I get into that I'm gonna go ahead and press shift D and X and just hold ctrl to move this over and that's gonna end up being our art actual track so I'm just going to move that to the side for now because we'll be using it later to kind of create some create some geometry so and while I'm looking at all this weird it my little uh we're my track profile now there it is it's feeling like a little bit hold it - a little bit too tall for me I know I'm not supposed to be adjusting this right now but while it's all together I'm gonna do that just kind of make that a little bit more a little bit more subtle okay that looks good so like I said I need two tracks so let's go ahead and name this one f2 let's name it track path one now Simon car one path that looks good okay so that's car one path so I need another one shift D and let's rename that one car two path okay so if we go into car one it is still following the car one path and car two is also still following that so I'm going to delete that and change it to car two bath so those paths right now though are still the same because we just duplicated them but now when I can do is select car two path for example and I can just move this whole thing down now you wouldn't want to move like either of the ones on the end because right now that offset is exactly what we need so that'll oops but if you select the whole thing and move it down you'll get you'll get that that working the way you want so you can you kind of have it but then of course they'll have a constant offset there or there like always like this one will always be the exact same amount behind that one which honestly it looks pretty fine you know maybe you put your logo on the one that's winning that's up to but let's let's just play with these curves ever so slightly so maybe maybe these guys gonna like kind of a different racing style here let's select our car two paths maybe maybe this guy doesn't slow down quite so much around that curve so let's uh let's kind of move that up a little bit and then maybe maybe he's like really fast around that bend so like yeah maybe that's like a little bit well the faster we can like move this over I think maybe we want it to be steeper right there so he's slow then he speeds up oh he's like it's like he had some trouble there or something and this is actually it's kind of hard to do it with it with just one loop to have them like pass each other but what you might want to do is make the whole thing a little bit longer I think in my actual animation I made it so that it was 240 frames for twice as long so there's kind of two laps around the path still looping but gives you a little more opportunity to play with the kind of the neck-and-neck ness of this race so I've just made some really slight adjustments here I'm not much at all honestly and that's just so that they're so that the distance kind of changes and adjusts and it is just a little bit more dynamic it looks kind of fun so I like that right now we have our car one staying in first place and that's going to be just fine so with that now we have these two objects here so again these are two object we would not want those to be on top of each other when it comes to rendering because you get some double geometry and whatnot so since these are now really just being to control the cars we can actually go in and delete the profile the whole object on both of them because we've got it right over here so now those are just following around we have our two tracks on top of each other controlling the cars themselves and and yeah I'm liking the way that looks so what helps you next let's just for the sake of seeing let's move this object back over and this object is going to actually be the mesh now it might actually be a good idea to shift D duplicate this what we're going to do next is actually convert this to a mesh object and start working with a little bit more but before I do that in case I did need to go back to my curve I'm going to take an option or take a copy of that let's let's name this object just track and then let's name this tract copy and I'm gonna move that to a collection which I will just call the trash collection which if I need to get back to it as I always say would not be the trash collection it would be the pat yourself on the back for making a duplicate collection so yeah that's just in there for reference if we need to go back to it similarly saving often will save you from stuff like that literally save you so yeah we've got where are we I'm losing it here what do we what are we doing next we've got everything together it's kind of time to start adding some details so with that track object I'm going to right click and convert it to a mesh so now I have a mesh and if you didn't like if you had too many or too little kind of definition here depending on how like tight some of your bends are and stuff you could I'm like if we undo this you can change the resolution right here in the curve setting so if like we zoom in here if you bump this up you'll get like way more detail and from up it down obviously it'll be less but that I'll start to look kind of ridiculous so like the path that the cars follow you probably want to leave pretty high the default 12 is fine and honestly for this 12 is fine as well so I just want to show you that you could if you if you needed to change kind of the resolution of your curve you would do it right there so 12 but like I said it looks fine so I will go back and cover that to a mesh and we have our mesh there so now to give this a little bit more thickness I'm gonna add a solidify modifier so let's add that modifier and then bump out that thickness just a little bit something like that I think it's gonna look pretty nice and yeah so now we've got some thickness there now to add kind of an under underneath this I'm going to duplicate this object and we probably should we're on it we're on a good roll here naming things under track under track it's the underwear for the track we're gonna make kind of a separate separate part that just gives us a little bit of a detail we want to just kind of start building this out so it looks like a thick kind of structurally sound track so for that one what I want to do is I basically I want it to be kind of underneath the other piece so for one I'm just gonna apply this salt solidify modifier what you can't do in edit mode apply it and then I want to do it press a to select everything and then I want to just grab this bottom part here so let's try to find a good place I want to grab that bottom edge or that bottom of the face and dooli everything else so X and delete faces so now I just have this piece is just kind of like the underside and for that we can add in back in a new solidify modifier that goes the other direction so that's just to give us kind of a little bit more a little more thickness there we'll make it a little bit beefier and yeah I think I like the way that looks and this would actually be a decent time to maybe start considering materials you know just kind of start thinking about how this is all gonna be broken up and visually so let's go ahead and do that let's add in a plane just give ourselves a kind of a ground plane here and let's scale this whole thing up something just really big and let's just move this down so that it's kind of just a little bit lower than the lowest part of our track so something like that I think it looks pretty good so the whole thing is kind of floating just a little bit because we're gonna end up adding some supports of course now that almost around supports of course now if we enter into our rendered view here we can see that yeah it's not looking so hot what are you going to our look to look a little bit better but let's say let's just go ahead and do a little sidetrack here add some lighting so let's add in an area light move that up and I'm just gonna make this whole thing really big not depend on how you scaled your car your values your probable different than mine I'm just making this whole thing pretty bright probably could type in a value let's do 15,000 move this up a little bit okay so I had a little issue there I was trying to fix that flickering I think I've got it back together now I didn't do any no smoking mirror so I didn't skip any steps we're back to right where we were so I've got the cars moving around I've got my lighting set up a little bit let's go ahead and add in a camera shift a camera control numpad 0 shift tilde zoom out everyone does this differently I know my way is probably not the fastest but it but it's my way or the highway what that perfect tutorial to make that joke this is how I like to set my camera just to kind of move it like that okay so this plane needs to be a little bit bigger and yeah looking good let's uh we don't we'll come back these Mattel's more later but let's just add a track material for that piece and we'll make it kind of dark a deep dark color maybe make it pretty rough something like that and then underneath and please feel free to do your own colors here but I'm gonna name this track of detail if I can spell that and I found that a yellow looked nice for that something about like so they're not like that and then maybe we'll make that thicker so we can see a little bit better something like that looks good we don't want to completely like chop off our kind of cars to fit under there oh goodness it's it's so close do they get chopped off I don't want to losing their hoods oh wow that's tight so if you need to go and make that adjustment you could looks like we're good there if yeah okay you wouldn't have even seen it if if it did touch it anyways we're good looking looking good watch out for stuff like that when you're making a track now I'll also maybe just add in material for the fuller here but that new material call it floor for that one I like to dark green feel free to copy me exactly or make your own unique colors yeah they're pretty good about picking your own colors I see a lot of cool cool different options when it comes to following my tutorials okay so those are racing around looking good what were we going to do next we've got a little bit of that setup we kind of just need to add some details here but maybe before we do that let's do let's do one other little just animation thing so when these cars are zipping around the track maybe we want to give them a little bit of a drifting motion like I was kind of playing with in the beginning that would be pretty cool I think and maybe also maybe they don't well we'll handle that in a second so we want to key frame some z-rotation for each of these guys and now I am NOT a professional racecar driver but I think kind of when cars are drifting they kind of look into the curve a little bit so I want a set for this one let's put it let's press the Z key frame right here and then insert that and we can go back into our regular view here actually you know it would be nice for right here it would probably be the random yeah now we can just kind of see the differentiation a little bit better which of course it made those like the same color so I've got a keyframe there I wanted to make sure it ends there too so I'll just do at frame 120 the same just so that like when that passes through we make sure our rotation is good so now that guy's drifting all over the place absolutely ridiculous let's add a couple more keyframes so that's a sweet drift and then maybe here it's kind of a little more straight again and then kind of drift into into that turn a little bit you don't want any keyframes to be too close to each other here so move them if you need to and then maybe it's straightening out a little bit more can sort of keep for him and then maybe here it's kind of looking into the looking into the curve a little bit more skirt oh yeah that's looking nice and then maybe by here it's it's straight again insert a single keyframe and maybe we need just one more or it's like right there insert single keeper let's take a lift that see a pretty easy way to add kind of a little bit of a drifting look there's a couple spots where I could use some some finesse like so that looks fine driftin I think that looks all right not too bad you would obviously want to play with these more for your your own final animation but um yeah I think that that looks pretty good and now one other things since they don't like okay so right there they're pretty close to each other so we want them to be I was gonna say what I can do is I can honestly I can move this back to kind of the center we made our track big enough for two cars but for the most part they're really not even so right there they are intersecting a little bit for the rest of this we can leave that car pretty much in the middle ok so right there they get a little bit close so maybe right there we'll insert an excuse all so insert one for this guy insert keyframe and for this one we better set up some curves to some little drifts so let's say let's quickly do that so on frame that it's gonna be that'll be like that I'm going to put the same one at the end and it's racing little keyframe and then okay so he's drift in straightening out had you done this when you just did your first car you wouldn't so I have to do it twice but I didn't do that I'm sorry so I'm redoing it it doesn't take too long and then you guys if you missed anything the first time you can see me do it again it's like what a teacher would say it's like some punishment well you're gonna watch me make the car drift again what are you gonna do about it okay so look in what is that oh that's the X key frame I had inserted so we wanna we want to get this gas straightened back out a little bit something like a lot okay so let's see we're gonna car one now how's he drifting oh yeah looking good looking good a little bit zippe right there and that is the car one and that is car one path a little bit to zippy let's turn that back a little bit skrt skrt skrt skrt it's good what you guys always ask how I do sound effects that's literally what it is it's like me making obnoxious sounds into my microphone okay so we were messing with the X location so I want that to be did I get an X key frame so it needs to there's another way to make sure your key frames match at the ends and I'll show you that a second so let's uh let's insert let's say right here this guy is in the middle and insert a key frame and then it needs to be a little bit further out right there and start key frame and I'm just leaving this on Bezier it's gonna look look pretty fine and then right there let's have it also kind of back in the middle a little bit okay so I think that's looking so is the X maybe I did already handle that so let's take a look at the X location key frames here so we want to make sure that whatever the first one and the last one are the same so let's s Y zero and I'll snap them together to make sure they are the same so it looks like they weren't but we should be good now cool looking good is this guy going off the track at all we need to give him a little bit of X location you can give you a lex location little fella let's give you a little like slow keishon insert keyframe I just want to make sure when they're touching right there okay so let's have this guy take the outside insert keyframe and then this one let's have him take thee and I'm just kind of both of these take the outside pair the inside right there whatever that is okay so let's uh I just didn't want them to hit each other you know we worked so hard on those cars we don't want them to scuff the paint up or anything you know oh-ho that's actually pretty dope look at that I like what that's looking cool okay so this is obviously a little bit of a tedious this is a little bit too snappy right here curves are something that takes a very long time to play with and I will try to dedicate a somewhat appropriate amount of time to it by doing everything I just did which is a little bit tedious but and all honestly like if you're gonna make making this a very polished animation you would spend the most time on the curves guaranteed to get them looking exactly like but for the purposes of this tutorial I think that looks pretty nice okay so next thing we want to do let's add some supports I don't even know where we were we were doing like materials or something and while we're at it let's just do some more materials I'm gonna press this a button I was in this car too and we will make it let's get ourselves a shader I think we're done with the graph editor for now let's make this shader and instead of red on this end if you remember from the last tutorial which I don't know if I mentioned to you but there was a part 1 of this tutorial didn't anyone get that that's where the car comes from let's make this a blue maybe like a D saturated dark blue oh yeah that's something good so now I got the double Dirk's the blue and the red looking nice maybe we get our camera a better position something like that bring it in bring it out adjust it how you like it I will probably add a little bit more lighting here to make this a bit more exciting oh my God my favorite rhyme this is gonna be super super ghetto lighting but I think that's gonna work just trying to get some this is a great poor lighting setup but in all honesty it didn't spend a lot of time on the lighting in the last one year and it turned out looking just fine to me okay so we've gotta just kind of blast that with some light you could use an HDR eye or something like that if you want but I think that's fine so let's get into some more details for one this thing is still floating in the friggin middle of the air we don't want that we want to add some posts here some pillars so what I'll do is I'm gonna take this object and make the pillars from that how you might ask well I'll show ya let's I'm gonna bring this let's shift D G X bring it over again holding control so we can snap back to where we were and for this object I am going to okay so once again let's hmm yeah I kind of want the bottom edge this isn't really that big video with this one and I should we apply and take the bottom edge now we can just use what we got okay so I'm gonna risk control are to add an edge loop there's a little bit hard to see in that view let's go back to here control are an edge so click there just leave it right there in the middle is fine and then I want to I want to select the opposite which is I think control I yes it is I can never remember the Aki end of the diversity's so then now I just have this one thing and we can get rid of the solidify modifier so I just have this one path that runs kind of down the middle and what I'm going to do is make my supports from now if you remember from earlier we had the option to control the resolution of the curve which would in turn end up have been giving us less vertex this year or vertices I can never get that right and so that would have been one way to control basically we're gonna make pillars out of this and we don't want that many pillars so we need to remove some of these and the way that I found works pretty well for that is to press a to select them all and then we're gonna search for a little thing called checker deselect and f3 brings up that search window by the way I forgot to turn back on my screencast keys I'm so sorry let's turn this back on if you missed a key I'm sure I'll throw it in somewhere after the fact so this looks like a nice sneaky thing but this checker deselect has some options and basically we want to we're trying to remove most of these so we want a pillar every once in a while and we're gonna press X to delete where we don't want a pillar so that's gonna be like we want indeed we're gonna delete more than half of them so I'm gonna select more of them so let's just bump up the selection until we've got just every once in a while a little spot that's just still black which is do you selected and that will be a pillar so let's let's press X down and delete those vertices so now we just have this kind of a little dot pattern of where our pillars will be so don't lose track of edit mode how to edit mode okay so I mean in edit mode now what I'm gonna do is press e and z and just bring that down and then you can press s and Z to scale them on the z axis SZ zero to make them all flat and then and yeah so now we have these little posts here that are going to be our supports and to give them some thickness what I'll do is ahead a skin modifier so let's ask skin modifier you're gonna it's gonna seem like they all went away but if you go into edit mode they are still there but the skin modifier needs to know like where they're root this object is in it and it's thinking that this should all just be one line that's not so the easiest way to get it to can detect them all is to press a to select them all and then like a marker root and that will mark the where the root should be so now if we move this back over till it's properly aligned which where the heck was that looks like that then it should work if you have some poking through you can adjust it see that's why I was wondering if I should take the bottom I'm just gonna take the whole top here and let's just move all these down a little bit so you can see right there it's kind of poking through let's just G and Z and just move that down a little bit check for any other spots where it might be poking through I think we're good shape okay so that looks good the next thing you could do is let's go ahead and delete the edges or the kind of the posts where it's intersecting the track so we need to kind of create a little bit of a bridge and that one's now what's cutting it close maybe we just make them all a little bit smaller let's do ctrl a to do that should we just get rid of that one let's just get rid of X Persis where else okay right here expertise I'm pressing alt Z to go on my x-ray mode here and I'm just deleting the places where it's intersecting the path so that looks cool we got our one lone support there holding up the highly heated part where this is intersecting and that's gonna try me crazy where is that what is that is that X X location just bring that back okay we're good you were like it wouldn't even see that but it was gonna bother me so I had to fix it okay so we are good we got supports now to get these supports just a little more detail one thing I found worked pretty cool and by the way you can do this supports so many different ways I played with countless options of how to do this and this is just kind of what I settled on has looking the best easiest to do follow along with me briefly we are going to make just a little bit of detail at the bottom there we show you how to do that my wrist e and z very close together just so we have kind of a little gap there and then reverse e and z one more time and then whether those all still selected if you accidentally deselect them just box select the bottom they should all be aligned if you did that sz0 step and I want to press control a and affect the thickness here so now those will give a little taper out so that's control a controlling the radius of the skin modifier so something like that I think it's gonna look good you could go down one more time just skim a little flat section and yet now we've got our supports there but it's a little bit below the plane so you could move the plane up or the plane down or you can move these up I just kind of want him to be just sitting on that surface yeah that looks pretty good and while you're in here if you want to add a little bit of detail to this you can add in a bevel modifier and I'm just leave just leave this settings how they are you can you can bump up the profile if you want but if the clamp is on its gonna prevent you from doing that it looks pretty good just with the default setting so just now is have a little bit more detail to them if we hop back in to our interview we can also add some hope it's already got since we duplicate it from this object which by the way we can shave these off smoothly now let's shave that smooth but turn on our auto smooth option to keep that sharp part sharp and then we do the same thing here I shade smooth Auto smooth there okay so that's looking good and really we've got the basics together here but what I will do is show you how to add a few more details things like the headlights and the flag and then also the lines on the road and the little guardrail so let's try to bust through those last little details now but as you can see we're pretty much done with the animation and it's just gonna come down to some small details kind of make this pop those details to make it pop that's what it's all about right so we've got our sick track right here let's add the guardrails so we will do that by creating some guardrails so I'm gonna I'm just gonna actually create them right there because I think that's that's that'll be a good reference so I snapped my cursor to selected let's just add in a plane in edit mode I'm going to scale this down something is auto-updating ICANN is trying me crazy I hate that flicker let's add him let's make kind of a half of how our guardrail we're gonna do this with a mirror modifier we can go and apply that let's apply a mirror my fire okay looking good and let's have this go up and maybe this kind of goes out and so that I can see this and because I will add eventually let's go ahead and had a solidify modifier sometimes this can be frustrating when you're working outside of you on something with no thickness so honestly even you could add a solidify modifier and delete it just you could see things let's do even thickness here okay so I've got that'll kind of come out from the track like that and then let's have it kind of like shift D and then e and this will just kind of be the you know like the guardrail so let's select that shift D move it up and then harder repeat that action okay so that'll be kind of our guardrail now these obviously need to scale out a little bit we're just kind of making one like section of guardrail if that makes sense okay so that looks good I can retell it's probably a little bit small so let's a little bit big so let's scale that down a tad and then apply the scale we're just gonna throw off our solidify so let's readjust that okay that looks good and also for another tad a little bit of detail we can add a bevel to that I did find I think you want to add the bevel before you end up adding the next modifiers it'll make things work a little bit faster I'm just going to adjust this Bell so it's not quite so harsh okay I think that looks good now for the oh and we'll want to turn on I'll actually show ya when it's an issue so that it makes more sense so we want to wrap this around the track and for that to happen we're going to need a lot more of these obviously so what we'll do is add an array amount of heart to do that so with the array modifier on there we want to have this offset be okay and this was a problem last time I think what I want to do is rotate this around so that it's going this way actually apply that rotation and then change this from X to Y okay I think when you do the array you want the X to be what it's the right you want the X to be the correct direction so let's just bump that up just a tad so they're a little bit separated just a little bit and then you don't want to just guess how many you need so there's actually an option so instead of fixed count you can do fit curve and then we can just select either one of our car paths and now that we'll add the appropriate amount so that is the total length of guardrail on our track send that to the construction engineers get your quote just kidding we've got the guardrails there now to curve them around we will use a curve modifier so let's add a curve modifier and with that we will select another object which we can do the same path and okay so that has applied it looks pretty janky right now but it did it correctly if yours is going at weird directions what you need to do is play around with the rotation of that actual object you can also play with these deformation axes X YZ and then there's also the the mirror there's the direction the way it's offsetting there's a lot of like this is why I'm saying curves can drive you crazy this or like there's a lot of variables of different rotations and each object has its own rotation and whatnot really really confusing but again just try to like go back follow the steps I did as closely as possible which is usually something I try to discourage in a tutorial but the curves can get really frustrating but just just know that you can make it right you just need to like play with the rotations and stuff until it looks good so anyways we've got a couple things we need to fix here so first of which is that this isn't it's not big enough so I instead of going to edit mode and then like moving this out and then checking it an easier thing you can do is down here in the curb modifier we can select this little option which will show it like when you're in edit mode it'll still show the modifier active so now we can just make these changes and see what we're doing a little easier so I want that to just kind of pop out from the side like that and maybe we can move it up just a tad something like that but I don't want to do it through so let's maybe make this actually come out XI Y and then make it kind of come down something like that it's not like right oh wait I think I want this whole thing I wanted to intersect the that part not the other one okay I think we're looking good now and then maybe maybe these can all come up like cheesy a little bit taller okay I think that look good now as for those other problems so this is it's a big straight section I don't want that I needed to have more easy a more geometry so let's just add in some hedge loops something like that and this is control car by the way to do that which I don't remember if I said at the beginning or not but it's way too late to say now this is a I'm not saying all the hotkeys here this is a little bit beyond the beginner tutorial I would say but hopefully you're following along without too much trouble I'm having a good time I'm following along without too much trouble sorry I'm not trying to brag that was just a dumb like yeah I'm making the freaking tutorial hopefully I can figure out how to do this we've got do we have an intersection there particle in through thought we had a bad spot looks like we're safe okay so cars less likely to fly off guard rails in place looking good now with that same object we can add in our our little low that's the go down the middle well those call like Lane lane markers or something so I will do that by just within that same object shift D rotate this and make our little make a little stripe e X something like that I think it's gonna look quite nice and now let's just move that up so let's just G Z until we can see it there she is and now with that if we want it to be curved we could also add some edge loops right there that's actually ahead more than that so that curve looks nice and crispy okay so it looks like we might need to move the whole thing up a little bit there's some parts over there and where it's not quite getting it okay why are you being tricky right there my Kurt my path has some weird like I don't know what that's all about even these little kinks here something to do with the path and the tilting hopefully yours doesn't have that I'm not gonna take the time to fix it right now but that would be something that you could obviously do so let's get that and let's just bring this up a little bit more okay that's looking a little bit better so we've got our things that let's go back into our rendered view and for that that white actually I would say it looks quite nice but I want to add a sort of a metal material for the guardrails which how many of you watch the metal materials after the last tutorial I haven't actually checked the views let's just do a husband in this guard rail and like I said I'll make that a metallic material and I'll kind of use like a sort of like a dark green here I just kind of liked the way that look again I've played this with this for hours you should take all the time you need to kind of develop your own color system that you like there but now for the actual little stripes there I'm gonna use the track and detail material which I'm getting that darn flicker again it's going to mean notes okay and so I just assigned that to that Center object okay so I think we are looking even closer to being done we've got the guardrail being very wonky right there oh why is my I don't want that my cursor was moving shifts see I like my cursor to stay in the center of the entire time okay so things are moving around things are flying around what was next what was the next I think we want to do I'll show you how to do headlights I'm just gonna do it on one car we'll do it on the elite car because he's a boss he's blazing the trail don't need no blue car behind him because I'm just gonna get to where it's kind of straight there because what we're about to do it's gonna be very high bald so let's tap into edit mode no it's not yeah okay let's haven't hit him in let's select that face right there shift s cursor to selected and I'm gonna add in a spotlight and now I just need to point this spotlight ahead so I'm gonna use the rotation there and like I said this is gonna look a little bit funky I just want to make it look about right there so we got our spotlight let's add let's give it a lot more power so you can start to see it which maybe this is a little too bright let's turn this down to like 9001 it's over 9000 Wow hold-hold references there okay so turn that light up to whatever you want and then so you can see a little better you can bring up the that that size and you're gonna of course control the blend this is all starting to get into kind of personal preference there you can change the radius to control kind of how sharp it is we'll leave it something like that I think looks fine and then do not accidentally press play because it will move the light or I'll move the car and you want it so it is dude oh my god that flickering I have got find out what is doing that the viewport is updating halt D somebody please leave comments I thought it was an add-on but it's not it's not doing that it's not the add-on anymore ok so I alt deduplicate that's how I got my second headlight there and just once again kind of check make sure those roughly point in the right direction shift select them both and then shift click the car and then ctrl P parent to object ok so now those should move with the car properly and it looks like they are so far are drifting is a little bit funky in a few places there but gosh this guy like really while over here so just when you're saying your track up don't don't go too crazy Derek went a little wild Derek's track is a little janky play with yours as much as you want to avoid that go back and repeat the steps if yeah if you messed up it'll be good practice builds character so yeah we got that together looks pretty good go ahead and feel free to add the lights to that car next thing I was gonna do oh yeah let's do just the smallest little icing on the cake of this tutorial which is gonna be a tiny little beautiful flag simulation so let's add a plane let's move over here we can see it Taman ahead mode Rx 90 and then I want to just scale this out to flag shape something like that and then start giving it some geometry which I'm trying to get it to squares okay those are bounce squares now I can just right click and subdivide so divide you really wanted to be squares they're not quite I think really get them squares did I okay anyways that's close enough we'll leave it like that now I want this to be a cloth simulation so over here in the physics tab right there you turn on cloth and it's gonna fall as cloth would if there was nothing else telling it to do anything else so it's just it's just fine I don't want that I need to be what if we could like pin it in place ah well we can let's add a new a vertex group and let's just select an edge here and we'll do that hedge and let's turn on let's add new projects group like I said press that button and we'll name that pins and then you need to press a sign so now if we were to deselect everything and then you had that vertex group selected press select it will select this so we know that that has properly assigned to that vertex group so now over here in the physics properties we can turn on a couple things for one let's turn on where would it be where would the pinning options be where are they I don't do a lot with this shape pin group boom that's the one now if we let go it will it's pinned properly looking good now why is it looking there okay some reason it was a look funky there looks like it's like not it was looking good for a second and it stopped what happened so I know we do want to turn on doing you turn down the line stiffness or something it didn't do that last time come on why does it gotta do that I dunno we want to turn on self collision so they'll run into itself whenever it decides to work which is not now apparently how you can control a lot of things with the cloth just a stiffness or something I have no idea why it's doing it I wasn't doing that last time I tried shift s cursor to select it let's add some wind let's add a force field wind our x ry actually and then kind of just move this over having it not had a perfect angle is gonna help get kind of a more cool animation I'm so now let's player animation okay so it seems to be working now so that wind let's turn the strength way up so that it starts to blow our flag around which I normally wouldn't include this but it's a nice little lot it's a nice little extra and I did put it in my animation and I knew if I didn't somebody would ask me about it so we've got the win there you can add some noise to the wind so it's a little Philippi flappy air you can like just reposition it oh yeah looking good okay so that's fine next thing you might want to do is like add a solidify modifier to this just to give it a little bit of thickness something like that I want to shade it smooth turn on your auto smooth then maybe add a subdivision surface just to make it look even smoother oh yeah looking good and then for that flag you obviously would want to put your own logo on it so let's add a material let's change this up here to shader editor let's do a new material called the flag fillet and then let's control teeth add a texture and that's what the node Wrangler had on enabled to you hotkey and I'm gonna find a Dirk logo because what the heck else would I do literally nothing and then I want to address the UVs for that let's go into our UV editor to have an edit mode select it all and let's just you project from view and let's um let's get it in place make it a Dirk flag something like that looks pretty an ass to me Dirk I could make my little curved science there but I won't I won't do it now for the color I let's do the roughness up Sheen I think something to do with cloth you would you want that I don't know anyways looks good maybe let's give it a little bit a little bit of color boost with some gamma looking a little more dirky there now now I do want to kind of move this into place I don't like it right there let's move it which side should we put it on let's put on yeah let's put over here so I'm moving me the wind and a flag / so sometimes when you're moving things around with a cloth simulation I'm gonna have to read press spacebar to kind of play it yeah looking good I like that let's add a let's select this edge here of course what you selected let's just add a very very simple flagpole and I'm not going to go into a whole lot of detail here if you came to this tutorial to learn how to model a flagpole I'm sorry but you're just in the very wrong place let's uh here here look at me I said you said simple Derrick and then you're like adding these dumb little details so you don't need to add I'm just pressing key and scaling to make my little flagpole there and let's let's make it nice to the rounded at the top speaking of frivolous details auto smooth let's turn on the let's use that material and yeah we had a little flag now maybe we need to rotate our wind so we can see that beautiful logo a little bit better looking nice looking nice now if you wanted to loop the flag animation I don't know what to tell you that's a little bit tricky but the way I worked around that was by just not seeing the flag animation when when the animation looped so I did that by controlling the camera and which is I think I think the last thing I wanted to show you was let's show you how to make that camera point at a car of your choosing so let's add a damped track I believe yes a damped track constraint and let's select that good old car number one now in the camera view which let's go ahead and pull out a separate view here let's make this the camera video turnoff the overlays and so that we just need to play here again annoying rotation stuff in blender until you get the right one there it is negative Z for whatever reason I guess it's because like that's when it's moving on mostly and so you could control like if you wanted to hide the flag when I was coming in you could like adjust the focal length so it zoomed in when I looped it so like it didn't have the flag which I think my literally loops like right there so it wouldn't work but yeah you control the focal length there bring it out bring it in save your file I like and subscribe looking good play with your curves please play with your curves take your time with those that's what's going to make your animation look better than the next person's is by playing with your curves now if you didn't want it to follow so closely here there is an option in the damp track where you can you can control the influence so that's like only slightly following it or you can have it follow it a lot like exactly and then it'll stay perfectly in a sense you can zoom in superf right here and it's gonna keep that car right in focus so I think we did everything is there anything I'm missing if there is I'm sure y'all what y'all will let me know this has been a blast I hope you had fun making the car maybe not though because that tutorial has gotten like zero views so hopefully the animation want this a little bit better but I don't do it for the views I do it for the use so like and subscribe thanks for being here I love you post your animations on Instagram tag me have fun don't go too crazy trying to learn blender it's very frustrating yeah this is the part where I just ramble on about random stuff and if you're the type of person listening to me here then I really appreciate it there was one thing I forgot to do actually secret tip was to turn on a limit method for this bevel let's uh see we got we got a bevel right there we don't want bevel right there turn on angle I'm a method and then hoop shade that smooth oh my god what did I just do right click delete now I want shade smooth and then we could turn on auto span okay that looks much better now very nice very nice alright well we're gonna leave it at that I think we've cut pretty much everything the only difference is you would see between my final animations and what we have here is that it's time it's just really playing with all the little details and the curves making those drifts a little more accurate making your track shape just how you like but yeah take the time to work on those things but like I said don't drive yourself crazy call it quits at some point decide to be done share the work and move on to the next project which hopefully is a Dirk tutorial or maybe a project of your own would be obviously fantastic anyways like and subscribe thanks for being here I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Derek Elliott
Views: 74,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, blender, b3d tutorial, blender 3d, 3d tutorial, easy blender tutorial, simple blender tutorial, beginner blender tutorial, derek elliott, derrk, blender animation, easy animation, blender 2.8, b3d, blender 2.8 animation, fun animation blender, blender 2.8 tutorials, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender tutorials, blender materials, blender principled, 3d animation, learn3d, how to 3d, asmr voice, blender path animation, racing cars, car animation, hotwheels
Id: zUYjVAsIpwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 15sec (4575 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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