Bishop Wooden Preaches // "The World"

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[Music] don't preach about everybody say the world father bless us now as we minister the word of the Lord with power and authority in Jesus name we want to preach that which becometh sound doctrine and holiness in Jesus name Amen the world in verse nine you find our Lord saying I pray not for the world in verse 11 now Lord says now I am no more in the world but these are in the world verse 12 he says while I was with them in the world the 13th verse he says these things I speak in the world that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves this joy while we're in the world verse 14 he says and the world have hated them because they are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world and verse 15 I pray not that thou should has take them out of the world and lastly in verse 16 of our text they are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world from verse 9 through verse 16 the word world is mentioned 11 times 1st John chapter 2 and verse 15 we find these words John the same writer who will st. John said love not the world neither the things that are of the world If any man love the world the love of the father is not in him in first John chapter 3 and verse 1 you find John the writer saying behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not first John chapter 4 and verse 1 says beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God some people incorrectly quote this and said the Bible says try the spirit by the spirit no we can't do that because how will you know you're dealing with the spirit you test the spirit by biblical accuracy you test a doctrine based on what it says about Jesus Christ says believe not every spirit know my doctrine thought believe not every spirit but try the spirits tests what comes to your mind test what has been preached to you I was blessed alla kyng and I to be at a pro-life affair with sister Sharon Dooley last Thursday morning and before it started we were having breakfast together just a brilliant lady as she was talking about her children very fine children and her son is a connoisseur of information he loves to read and as he reads and studies different various philosophies she had a very asked him a very important question he says do you have a foundation I'm paraphrasing her that you tests the legitimacy of all that you're reading from you have something fixed in your life that you compare this stuff to so there's a whole lot of thoughts and doctrines and things being said today you got to have something in you fixed by which you compare everything else to a man for the belief of that thing is the Word of God hallelujah believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the world and if you look at first John chapter three and if we read verse three through five you'll see where he says and every spirit that confesseth that confesseth not that Jesus is come in the flesh is not of God and this is the spirit of Antichrist well of you have heard that it should come and even now already is in the world that is every doctrine that confesseth that Jesus was not the Christ when he came Jesus didn't become Christ he didn't grow up to be the savior of the world Jesus was the crisis when he was conceived in Mary he was Christ the Messiah before he came every doctrine every demon every thought that denies the lordship of Jesus Christ that denies Christology that Christ is the Messiah that is the spirit of Antichrist a man and the Bible says there are many even now where are they in the world verse 4 says you are of God little children speaking to the Saints and have overcome them because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world they are of the world therefore speak they of the world and the world heareth them isn't that something Saint John chapter 1 we're going to preach in just a few minutes chapter one of John's Gospel and we're going to begin reading at the ninth verse if you have it say I have it says that was speaking of Jesus the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world he speaking of Christ was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not isn't that amazing the world John chapter 3 and verse 16 says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved people take this passage to mean that we shouldn't say anything that is convicting because God didn't send Jesus to condemn the world he also didn't send Jesus to leave the world as he found it the reason Christ didn't come to condemn the world is that the world was already condemned that's why he came he came to say if you can only say that which is lost had the world not already been condemned God wouldn't have sent a savior the fact that the Savior came says that the world was lost otherwise Christ would have never come so the world was lost the Bible says verse 18 he that believeth on him is not condemned is not declared guilty but he that believeth not is condemned already because he because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God then you see the word and only their only begotten Son of God and this is the condemnation this is the sentence do you wanna know why people go to hell here's what that life is come into the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil era men love sin men love era men love Rome more than light because their deeds were evil there were things that they wanted to do that they were not willing to give up this is why people are lost the Lord doesn't send anybody to hell you send yourself a man the Apostle Paul said this and you'll all come together if it hasn't already in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 19 to wit to know that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and have committed unto us the word of reconciliation the question then is what is the world what is this thing this entity that Christ loved enough to die for in John 3:16 but he says in John chapter 17 I pray not for the world what is this thing that Jesus would not take his disciples out of but pray they be kept while they are in it what is the world what is this thing that Christ loved but then told us not to love it Bibles Clearances love not the world and yet God so loved the world what is this thing I want to preach about the world everybody saved the world the world a place already filled with Antichrist it already has Antichrist functioning operating in it John said in first John 2 and 18 little children it is the last time and as you have heard that Antichrist shall come even now are there many antichrists here by here's how we know that it is the last time Antichrist means instead of Christ opposed to Christ antithetical to Christ without Christ anything that opposes Christ that replaces Christ that is antithetical to Christ that will give you the notion that you don't need Christ that thingy is anti-christ Ayana fix my life Oprah feel all of those so-called entertainment show Ellen and the rest of them and all for all of these instead of the Bible without the Bible without Christ - religion - biblical morals even these shows you see that are supposed to be courtroom dramas they are all doctrines disguised as entertainment they all send the same message and that is you can cope in this world solve your problems heal your marriage live happily ever after go to heaven so I uh known one show she she performed foot-washing owe me a crisis foot-washing and she prayed to somebody sacrilege as she washed means feet and that does not even Bible cuz we're feet washing here and men don't watch woman's feet and the women don't watch men's feet our biblical example is that Jesus watch the men's feet did he not and when we have foot washing here the man going to the multi-purpose room and men wash each other's feet and the women do the same thing with the women Antichrist he's everywhere he's everywhere let me let me talk to you I'm gonna preach in just a minute though the word world the world world in of itself is a nonspecific term for Humanity in a general sense everybody say world let me give you a few definitions world among the words that the word world come from one of the words is the Greek words cosmos which literally means that which pertains to space cosmos space not time time is Eon and I'll talk to you about that in a minute but it's space it is the sum total the totality of the material universe the beauty of it and also the sum total of persons living in the world the cosmos the material universe the Milky Way and all that we know the planets the earth and all the people the Bible says this in matthew 4 and 8 again the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and showed him all of the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them the devil showed Jesus all of the wonderful cities and the glory of them their landscaping and all the things that makes the world so beautiful this he showed him portions of the cosmos King David has said this he said the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the world Envy that dwelleth and that dwell therein well the the Old Testament is written in Hebrew and the Hebrew word here for world which deals with the physical planet similar to what we just read in Matthew 4 and 8 the word is a table it is the earth the globe its inhabitants the physical planet the Bible says the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof in the world and they that dwell if there in the world and they that dwell if they're in now in Romans chapter 12 where you follow me and verse 2 Paul says this be not conformed to this world here Tom Paul is not talking about the cosmos he's not talking about the Tibet he's talking about another Greek word for world and it is the word iya which refers to the age all the time see MacArthur said something about the Aeon he said this word world translates Aeon which is better rendered to age follow me closely referring to the present sinful age the world system now dominated by Satan the Bible teaches in 2nd Corinthians 4 and 4 that Satan is the god of this world he's the Prince of the power of the air he's the god of this Aeon he's not the god of the Cabal he's not the God of the planet the planet is the Lord God made the cosmos but the cosmos contains the the fashion the style the goings-on that takes place on this planet everybody say world can you hear me today world represents here it represents the sum total of demonic philosophy of demonic human philosophy it corresponds with the German psyche juice which is literally the spirit of the age and has been described well has well been described here's the world and I've told you this before a floating mass of thoughts opinions Maxim's speculations hopes impulses aims aspirations at any time current in the world at a time current on the planet which it may be impossible to seize and accurately define but which constitutes a most real and effective power being the moral or immoral atmosphere which at every moment of our lives we inhale and inevitably exhale we breathe in and we breathe out the world every moment of every day it's all around us it is amazing how the world changes all of a sudden you look around you want to see the world you look around and you see men in math men in mass with their pants hanging off of their rear ends showing their underwear that's the world you see people in mass with their bodies cluttered with tattoos that's the world you've noticed almost in masses seem like everyone's got the signal we see more and more profanity that's the world trends and styles and different things that come and go as though someone got on the phone and called preachers all around the country and say when you preach put on put holes in your jeans and dress like you're on your way to clean up the backyard and you present the Bible looking as though you're doing nothing important that's the world you can't watch a commercial I forget the name of made a mental note they're advertising some HIV medicine and they tell the mean make sure you keep being homosexual they show men kissing me now the thing that gets me about these marketers they show this stuff any time of day my grandchildren can be watching yours anybody and seeing things that they've never seen before on television - men kiss that's the world as deviant lifestyles and ungodly philosophies are being shoved down our throats and then they're telling us that this is normal or they clean that there's no such thing as normal that's the world the world gives you your truth brother Lester and then I got my true brother Murray you have your truth and coach Lester you have your truth that's the world preys on when God's Word is true you can tell your story you can have your opinion but you can't have your own truth that's the world everybody say the world and it's all around us my wife Pamela on last Thursday night doing our vision keepers in house leadership conference gave powerful gave a powerful and insightful message in title led by God's truth and she said this concerning the world and this is a direct quote from her on last Thursday night having lived on earth jesus knew that the main thing that would hinder us from glorifying God with our life and work here on earth would be the evil in the world which has to do with the world's culture it's a system of beliefs its standards it's and behaviors that are antithetical to the beliefs and values that we subscribe to from the Word of God she went on to say and what makes the world's culture so evil is that it is highly contagious in its in its nature is of a highly contagious nature its ability to infect and contaminate and to be transferred to others the world is attractive yes the world is cool much wickedness have been sold to us and we bought in the name of fitting in and being cool and being down and being deaf being with it yes the world the devil knows how to start a trend and and most people aren't comfortable in their own skin they don't have the the strength to be an individual so they they practice groupthink and they go along to get along so then whatever the law says is alright then that's what they go along with it is highly contaminated it is highly contagious excuse me easily transfer it's easy to affect as you know why because we love it well eternal had a preacher when I've been saved me a year to to come down from up north the man was a drug dealer and a pimp and Lord saved and sanctified and fill them with the Holy Ghost and pastor had him to come and preach and he said I want to tell you all why drugs are so hard to get off of and so hard to beat and why people love drugs so much and I slid to the edge of my seat because I voted that answer what what could it be what could the reasons be and he gave the reason he said because they make you feel good that simple it appeals to our flesh oh I'm going to show you it's what the devil knows how to put stuff out there that our fallen human nature just likes the world knows how to agree with you oh that agrees with me that must be up God I always knew it was alright because I finally see somebody doing what I've been thinking about all the time that's the way the world works and most man look look at how our young men walking lockstep if the world says walk like a money monkey we walk like one but you just better not say that they're walking like one because then you're accused of being racist the world says abandon your family we do it well if you accuse us of abandon our families in mass then that's racism it's the world are you praying for me that's exactly the contamination of the world that's exactly what happened to Dimas Paul said demas has forsaken me having loved this present he on this present world he liked what he saw he was walking with Paul he was part of Paul's team he was in Christ he was in the church but me well those women that lifestyle their music their dress cold their way it agrees with me I like it oh I like it I didn't say anything because Paul would probably rebuke me but I like it Dimas is in here hi yeah yeah yeah I'm part of our room but I don't get what he says I just man there's just something about I know they cussing order hip hop and stuff but man it just Cree's with my spirit like it oh I know I'm sitting here and I look like a man and I'm built like a man and I got the biceps like a man I like it that's the world I'm dressed in these church clothes but really I'm really ready to go John with those churches well you know after what you think you can just show up in shorts because you know God ain't special and flip-flops and on the way in they hand your doughnuts and they give you coffee and the preacher preaches a nice sermon is quiet no noise no disturbance five minutes in five minutes that really appeals to me more than this holiness why the pastor got to get up is say all that stuff well I got the same so long and carry on the way they do I much rather be home watching the game I can't say it because you know they might think I'm not safe oh it doesn't mean that you're not saying well here's what it does mean you need to recognize that that is the work I'm trying to tell you what you're contending with oh this kind of preacher make you uncomfortable no why because you're worldly when I leave I'm never gonna come don't but you're still worldly I'm out done you're gonna be undone that's wildly it's the world it's the world it's the way it operates world er not to them it wasn't the planet but the ER as then the system that floating mass of maxim's opinion speculations that constitute a real and immoral atmosphere that is real and in moral in that it is hostile to the Bible antithetical to Christ's secular in ish nature agnostic and atheistic in its underpinnings favorable to false religions which at every moment of our lives we inhale and pratfall a exhale he is not to let it get locked up in you I'm talking about the world the cosmos the sum total of the material universe and everything living in it and that and and the influence the things that go in it called the age the e on the current styles and Morrie's that which is considered to be normal thousands of women calls the cry was much smaller March yesterday they're marching holding up signs declaring their rights to kill the fruit of the world women run lately notice seeing makes strange bedfellows same crowd of women who marching with the signs I said we want to keep abortion legal or kill our babies got other wearing martyred with the homosexual flag right now all together are you talking about I said Lord look at the world and then when they when they interview them regards to what station station you watch and they and they put a mic in the in the frame in the mouth for those who are attending they could even really explain why they were there they can't even explain why they are why you are in the cold marching like that well we're women and with the things that are going on what things see most reporters don't do good journalism they don't they don't do the follow-up questions one of the things the laws that are being passed today we just think they're immoral the next question is supposed to be what law make your case what law well you know those love what long are you saying that it is immoral to declare that a human being should have a right to live are you saying that it is immoral to believe that marriage is a union between a man and a woman I thought that you were people who believed in science who believed in biology and yet it is those who claim to believe in science and biology who try to tell us that a man can turn himself into a wall and that a woman can turn us up into a me and that means go together and women go together well now there is science and biology that we can leave religion out of it science and biology the human anatomy tells you that hang on what it's the world upper room y'all getting quite on me today first John warns us of the dangers of the cosmos preach wooden we're on of the dangers of it it's dangerous of its ability to lure and to attract how it appeals to some things that are already inside of us the world appeals to our fallen human nature amen how we all contend with lusts we all contend with pride and yet even though the world tries to draw us John tells us of the world's future the destiny of the world is destruction the Bible said in the world passes away amen we're also told what love of the world love of the cosmos will cancel in us the Bible tells us that love of the world precludes love of the father Bible says if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him first John chapter 2 verse 15 and 16 I've read it before love not the world neither the things that of the world if it him and love the world the love of the father's not in him all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh our flesh craves the world the rest of the flesh the rest of the eyes what do you think the devil uses neon why do you think the devil uses lights flash most of the eyes what we see what we see praising love what we see why do you think the most the most popular medium is television people need to see however it is presented we see it well I'm on ruku or whatever I'm on who are these other dis ones Rukh or whatever I don't know but all of them are designed for you to see to see something to see something see because all that's in the world is lust of the flesh lust of the eyes and then the pride of life said these are not of the Father these are the world the Lord then try to just appeal to your fallen nature the truth is biblical Christianity goes against your fallen nature biblical Christianity goes against your natural lusts [Music] most men don't lust one woman let's all up till the Lord delivers well not me preachers for I said most men I say all amen it's the lust of the flesh the flesh the Fallen part of us that part of us that crave that wolves what it was whether you're male or female you want what you want you want what you want you want who you want you want what you want that's the part of us that the world appeals to the world will keep a man from taking care of his family the world will keep a man from growing up you steer running around like you're in high school that's the world you got you got children and there you go you act like a child that's the world we better come a time that you call and then you put away childish things but the world will stunt your maturity it will stunt your growth the world you know the world of the world pro-pro long [Applause] adolescence you're 35 still live at home with your mom and dad oh it's too long that's the world 40 is still running away from responsibility that's the world I want to grow up I wonder I want to stay young forever all in great steel trying that's the world lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life what is the pride of life things that we accomplish that make us feel good about ourselves oh I could park right here for the rest of the day because some of us we we think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think based on our resumes based on our background based on our intelligence seer based on who we think we are because of things that we have accomplished what I have I am I am somebody the Bible said when a man thinketh himself to be something when he is nothing he deceived himself and without Christ will nothing let me let me let me move on but I heard John G Butler when he dealt with the world and he he quoted Vincent in his New Testament studies Butler said the word world cosmos here represents human life apart from alienated from and hostile to God and the earthly things which seduce men from the world Kenneth West said this about the world in the studies in Hebrew Peter John and Jude he said this about the world much of the wall system is religious listen cultured refined intellectual but it is anti God and Antichrist oh he's so right be careful how those devil sells you a bill of goods but just by being articulate some time the devil cursed without using cuss words it depends on what he's trying to put into law sometimes he'll sell you a Wooden Nickel but he won't spit a verb and you think it's alright because it sounds right that's a trick of Satan you got to pay attention as as his ability to lure he knows how to talk he knows how to enunciate he knows how to pronounce he knows how to do this thing he conjugate his sentences he sounds smart he sounds wise when all he's selling you is a one-way ticket to hell it's the world it's designed to separate you from God the God of your childhood the God you learned about in Sunday school when you were a child that God is still God and I know I know you did like Oprah you've grown up and you've grown beyond the Scriptures and you're wiser in your own mind then then you used to be and though those silly church folk way back home in that country church down in the woods that's exactly what the world wants you to say that's exactly what Satan want you to think so you could take your sophisticated self right on the hill as fast as possible that's the world everybody say the world let me get ready to land this plane Genesis 1 and 1 we find the most common Hebrew synonym for world that is the Cobell world and the most common synonym is the word events translated in the beginning God created the heavens and the events and the earth the physical planet the earth opposed to the sky the earth and its inhabitants to solve and even the ground and every living thing from ear X we get the two Bell which basically means the same thing Hannah pray I'm heading somewhere she prayed and said in 1st Samuel chapter 2 and verse 8 he raiseth up the poor out of the dust and lifted up the beggar from the dunghill to set them among princes and to make them inherit the throne of glory The Pillars of the Earth are the lords and he had sent the world upon them you hear that the pillars the world leaders of the earth spirits are the laws everybody's in God's hanging and he set the world Isabelle upon them God takes down one world leader and God sets up another he's God over the whole earth what is the pawn of Venice prayer and I recognize that God is in control see while I'm telling you about the world I don't want you to I don't want to give you the impression that we can't be kept that we can make it because we can and I prayed and said and then First Samuel chapter 2 verse 9 and 10 kamio-san us Hannah said he will keep the feet of his Saints that is he will God and protect I'm glad that I've serve her God who's a keeper he will keep the feet of his Saints and the wicked shall be silent in darkness for by strength shall no man prevail mmm she said the adversaries of the Lord shall be broken into pieces out of heaven he shall thunder upon them the Lord shall judge the ends of the earth and shall give strength to his king and exalt the Horn of his anointed right there she began to get you got a little Missy anak and begin the prophesy about Jesus I'm glad that there's no force on earth that can stand up against God and Jesus knowing that he was about to leave here knowing that his time was up looked up toward heaven and said father I pray for them I pray not for the world but I pray for them which thou has given me for the other I want you to know today that Jesus have briefed us good God Almighty and we belong to Jesus hallelujah Jesus said in verse 10 oh and I am glorified in them I belong to Jesus I belong to God and all I got to do is when the devil is trying to destroy me is to make sure I still pass what is my task my task is my son it is in every situation learn to glorify God I want you to know no matter what's going on the Lord wants you to glorify him in it don't let the devil give you a bad case of the Blues don't let the devil make you all hallelujah depressed and make you sit there with your arms all folded world on but you ought to show him but I have an assignment and even though it may be raining in my life good God Almighty I'm not an orphan I'm not homeless I'm not fatherless I'm not I belong to God the Lord's property and the Lord's property is responsible for me he's responsible responsible for every move I make hallelujah I'm here and he's mine and I heard Jesus they said and now I am no more in the world I'm getting ready to leave the cosmos I'm getting ready to leave but these are in the world I'm leaving them here I'm leaving in this same cursed place I'm leaving them in this crooked place I'm leaving them here in a place that is ruled by the Prince of the power [Applause] in the name of the [Music] that is in awesome then he that is in the world your appraisin Whipple shake to refrain we're keeping them who's keeping me [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] I love you just get 10 people I don't need no 1 by 10 they just walk around scene and you're not walking around symbolizing walking around heaven but we're gonna walk around on this earth in d2l with the victory I got a victory over the enemy and the world [Music] hey no harm if you got it gonna breathe boy [Music] [Music] I thank God for being good to me I thank God for being away mate I thank him and the truth is marching on the truth is he's prayed for us the truth is the world's gonna hate us y'all stop trying to get along with Hollywood stop trying to get along with the world stop trying to get them and like you just live it just live it if you live it God will do the rest if you live in the Lord will show himself strong on your back somebody praise him right now I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it in the world the truth is he's my keeper and then I heard him pray and say hello saintly father I'm in the world what set me apart what separate me from the scene of the world from their wave from that doctrine de separate me from the luca separate me from how many will be sanctified how many want to be separated separate me this is what I want the world I want Jesus I love Jesus that keep me keep me hey you know something you can't stop this I'm preaching please stop okay so my bro but it's alright you got hold this is Holzemer whole is a break your necklace gonna make your we go sideways you snip my shrimp [Music] my brother Weber Jude where's Jude you ought to tell the devil you can't stop this God's truth keeps marching on Lola want you to stand right here and face the people there's a soldier I have about five more where's Ferguson [Music] God Almighty soldiers these enlisted me they represent gods through hallelu that's what I'm talking about yeah have any ladies who might be enlisted wake up come here you know you served you still got it hallelujah look at her you see what happened her wink you can tell when she's not walking a military service cut in because she strained nerve she stiffened up got ready for war my god what that Samaritan what do I need to say I want y'all to march in place they caught the truth marches on and on and on [Music] ho little on and on and hold on and on and on truth matches all own an old home overall I've done Gary not sometimes we stop say hello but the truth matches on own and all in all you know the truth he's not a young man what is all this Oh Oh let the light shine through the radius turns sometimes that day's good nothing my role but the lies oh oh no no you but tonight is party [Music] every day and night and for the cause we will fight my face I'm gonna do everything [Music] somebody saying that you Hajin [Music] true [Music] young man but he's all this time well same it but he's money [Music] the soldier mine [Music] marginal Majnu the devil t stop invite the devil team the deprecation never came true okay every soldier Oh [Music] very hopper dude everybody lip your hands and just praise the Lord give our soldiers are picking thank you undisclosed on this conclusion of our leadership I want to wait for some people who want to be energized to fight the good fight of faith and to make it [Music] not just when we get to heaven go home we get bad that's brother Roberts have killed it today that's the ultimate but I want to make it for Jesus he own earth while I'm in the events that the bad walk it in the midst of the cosmos in this wicked Eon I wanna show the world that God's our keeper and Hanna got it right he will keep the feet of his Saints weren't at all time he's a keeper you know the Lord is fortifying us for the next round I don't know what's next but I know something is hallelujah they didn't try so hard but there's no power on earth that can lock in God's truth he's my heart you know clocks truths keeps my chair lift your hands and begin to wash it right now so preacher it felt like a pep rally today good that beats service feeling like a morgue or a week glory to God he's a keeper he's an anointed thank you glory to God father we just come before you right now you know I'll tell you what I want you to ask God to do if you follow my lead you're gonna get something the Lord said I tell everybody on the altar to ask me to fill them with the Holy Ghost so a preacher I have the Holy Ghost ask the law for refilling but if you don't have the Holy Ghost you don't keep the fire that we're talking about right now if you don't have the Holy Ghost you're fizzle out you know what I wouldn't stop till God filled me and he let me speak in tongues babe don't worry to God father in the name of Jesus Phyllis low seal as long we can make it down here in this world without the Holy Spirit the world is too wicked its faults are too wicked it's ways are too wicked the world is too wicked it's all around us in the name of Jesus will a human being in the ocean water all around us we're trying to hold our breath underwater but we can hold it before so long god you got to give us squeals glad you got to give us something that will let us breathe gonna give us something that I bless us to sail on top up the water in the name of Jesus still in the ocean but save on top of the water in the name of Jesus and that is the Holy Ghost somebody oughta call em feel me again in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus the Holy Ghost is our comforter the Holy Ghost is the third person we accept Jesus will be Lord there is the baptism and experience and experience and experience that meaning the Holy Ghost don't wait for healing don't waver finances don't pray for your mama don't pray for your daddy but the whole Eagles wait well the Holy Ghost acts in the field me feel yeah them to such a free all you need is the Holy Ghost oh you need the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost will let you walk ride the Holy Ghost [Music] without the Holy Ghost in the name of C [Music] that's right yeah she won't the Holy Ghost she won't the Holy Ghost she won't the Holy Ghost feel me Lord feel you got the wannabe fish Wow hallelujah Jesus Phil Miller fill me Lord feel me long feel below feel man Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus the world it's too wicked Satan is too pervasive it's too strong the devil is too strong see feel me feel me feel me feel below Phil Malone feel belongs feel belong I can't make it up my mama's gonna go I got to have him myself feel me so I become real when the Holy Ghost yeah it becomes real [Music]
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 13,226
Rating: 4.9156909 out of 5
Id: JfYVnahfyhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 54sec (4614 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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