Bishop Wooden Preaches // Now Hear This! Women Don't Be Silly

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[Music] here that's this no also he's pulling in the attention of the reader this snow also now he says that in the last days perilous times would come Paul says that these self-centered lovers of money and pleasure would in the last days ladies worm their way into the houses of and gain control of week Weald or literally little minded women women who are gullible God gave me this message I guess I some ten years ago or so and I preached it at a women's conference and I never preached it again I never preached this message here and when mother asked me to preach and the women's convention God spoke to me and said preach the message and the Lord has told me you know God deals with me in different ways he told me a few years ago says the next time you preach nationally I want you to say this this this and this I'm gonna say it in the name of Lord all the way I don't see what God has given me to say it's between 9 that time I die but if they put me up I'm gonna say amen the worth of any preacher is their will is to say what God says the Mercedes till you preachers good preaching is not revealed in our ability to separate ourselves from the scripture good preaching your good preaching and safe preaching is those preachers who you ought to judge yourself and measure your preaching by how close are we to the original preachers how close is our doctrine to the Apostles doctrine according to Jude if it's new if we're preaching new stuff if his new is not true and if it's true is not new because the doctrine according to Jude was once delivered once and for all and then he says we're to contend for that doctrine which was once and for all delivered unto us so he says here that these men would creep into the houses and lead captive silly women and women who are gullible and I want to say that gullibility is not a good thing it's not a good thing gullible people men or women are people who are easily cheated or tricked which is what gullible means you can easily trick them easily tricked into supporting the wrong things there is a awesome spirit of gullibility in the african-american community african-americans not our our so-called black leaders and submit to me with only race who still have leaders like that now you know here by Asian leaders Hispanic leaders you know white leaders you know rest of the people in America can think for themselves we're the only ones left who still need three people to tell us what to think I hope for what this stands for some of us don't know what we think about anything until we hear from our leaders and I'm not talking about your pastor now I'm talking about so many people are politicians who don't know Jesus they're not saved they don't go to anybody's church and some of them the churches they do go to they're not preaching anything in those churches you know you know saying anything to me but we're so gold but we're so duped that we hear our leaders now and they calls abortion a civil right and they call abortion you know you know what our black leaders are calling a reproductive justice and we're gullible enough to believe that eliminating 2000 of us per day is a form of justice and we march for that justice we support politicians who are for that form of justice I wonder what in the world happened to the Holy Ghost because many times uh or could it be I think I've come to the conclusion I figured it out many of us just don't have the Holy Ghost because see the Holy Spirit gives you the power to discern now something up to say to you anybody who is far the elimination of human lies 4,000 per day in this country almost 2000 of the four come from 8% of the population black women anybody who's for that the Holy Ghost in you ought to tell you that there is something wrong with that that that that I remember a famous newspaper flew in from the West Coast who entered interview me and during this time it was in the 90s and this was when and I'm gonna preach to you in just a minute well I like to talk to you and I remember when in the 90s this was when they first began to compare homosexuality lesbianism perversion to being black now doing do in in the 90s when blacks had brains blacks were offended by the comparison when we had brains we were offended because our position was this there is nothing deviant nothing wrong nothing repugnant nothing ungodly about our beautiful skin color and and that there has never been anything wrong with the our complexions who had the problem was white America and the southern baptists lied and said that God cursed King and the curse was that he turned King and that our blackness was the result of a curse and and many of us believe that and yet we still serve God anyway but the truth was revealed and the truth shows that God didn't turn king black because all of Moses sons and Moses himself and everybody in the Old Testament was of color they all just admit the Bible didn't get white until Paul began to evangelize Europe in the New Testament if you know your geography the Garden of Eden was on the African continent so everybody they got bad with Moses because Moses married an Ethiopian woman they weren't mad because they thought Moses married down they were married because Moses married up oh yeah it created a problem and everybody looked like us go do your homework I'm telling you what I know and so these things so they they began to compare this lifestyle just let me get open and and we said no no way there's nothing wrong with us now we make the comparison ourselves some of you not saying any man now you know I don't care if you don't hey man let me tell you why I don't and mother turning won't let me do it I have in my office a cassette player and I took my cassette and I did it in cadence and I said on the cassette Amen you preaching Amen preach pastor and so if you don't act right I'm gonna get my cassette and put it right here and play my own Amen Corner if I don't get a ban see well I'm gonna have a hey man I'm enjoying you try to create a little light moment while I Drive this truth home to you you tell you what God said but now we have been duped into believing things that we ought not to believe gullibility were duped into supporting wrong things duped into marrying the wrong person some of you women you'll know what you were thinking about dude into believing falsehood duped into having sex before marriage hmm into supporting a man who won't worry gullible and he wasn't a good worker when you were dating him and married him anyway you didn't see anything gullible into believing as I for mentioned that abortion is a civil right and lesbianism and transgender is ISM and even in believing that being called a female dog is a black thing I was I was struck by the reaction of black America when President Trump called Omarosa a dog here's what struck me now first of all I don't think that that was presidential language that should not be tweeted that was that was beneath the dignity of the office but I still don't see why blacks were bothered I don't see why I bothered us at all because we shake our roots move our heads even our legends our bishops and assistant supervisors and first ladies sing and record with artists who don't just call women dogs they call women B we have a genre of music where all they do is call the sister I'm not gonna spend and you know what we have no problem with that phrase law you're not saying anything we have no problem with that it's about a fight it's alright and you watch the videos the women called themselves dogs but they just don't say dog they say be am i right [Music] American Idol it was the brother who called everybody their doll Jackson hey dog and and therefore why wouldn't we tell each other that's my dog over there you're my dog you're my dog that's hypocrisy well if we say it it's alright you know I'm finding that in my own jurisdiction sometimes you all don't know how to take me now let's see people squirming they get uncomfortable but you know what I'm making you think see see it's easy did you hear did you hear what he said well what he are you talking about well about hearing the white i well I we're gonna talk about him but let's talk about the he in the clubhouse let us talk about he that hip-hop music you got in your car let's talk about him and talk about her and let's talk about what you said about her the other day I believe that respect starts with self-respect when we come up when we address each other and behave with dignity praise the Lord others will but you can't expect people to respect you when you don't respect yourself easily cheated many of our women have easily been cheated out of their virginity 90% or more of women do not marry the man whom they gave up their precious gift of virginity to somebody else got that gift easily cheated out of their health by having sex with down low brothers give them AIDS I can understand for the life of me the attraction that some women have the two effeminate men you like you like girly men what's wrong with you both of y'all saying honey child something wrong with that easily cheated and to believe in the Dow are you news conferences was in your best interests some of you wouldn't attend the convocation you wouldn't attend the workers meeting oh but you would let the dollar loose and you're left bound mega fence and left bound it's a look cool in here the mothers of wrapping up y'all do somebody that air Amen Oh easy to treat are you with me and to believing that just because he broke your heart now being a lesbian is a viable option easily tricked into believing that a wife and who is a a mother and a homemaker is somehow being she's living beneath her privileges because we don't celebrate motherhood anymore we don't celebrate the position of being a homemaker oh we're easily tricked into watching things and hearing things that are not in our best interests I want to say tonight to the women of North Carolina third do not be gullible Amen women you ought not to be these people's prayed are you with me I'm Ted said in the last days perilous times would come violent times because men would be lovers of their own selves self city this whole thing now is about me me myself and high men men self-centered leaders and and and they're motivated by money let me tell you something preachers if the dollar is your motivation you won't get far you can't be motivated by filthy lucre preachers who preach for money won't preach against sin preachers who preach for money preach comfortable things smooth things they don't talk about this stuff I talked to you about because people don't the truth you know people say the truth is welcome in heaven that's about me though that's about to be the only address where it's welcome now because it's not welcome much in the hearts of men and in holiness churches you know but if you motivated by the dollar and prayers are first of all it's gonna be a long time before you make one so so God's gonna take you he's gonna work that out of he'll give you a liturgy and you Ingle let it grow and it's gonna take all your money all of it to keep it going praise Lord the church gonna become like a another family you picked up and it just dreams you and you're praying and saying God send members God sent God send help and the law is not going to send anybody and until he works that out of your spirit until he brings you to a place where the offering don't affect your willingness to preach God's truth with power and authority and let me tell you something when you preach God's truth the truth sometimes builds the crowd and some time to true fans the crowd but you got to keep preaching God's truth somebody shout something tonight glory to God ah perilous times will come men would be covers as bolsters I'm not going down this list again and but it says having a form of godliness all of these men that he described were religious men praise the Lord he's talking about people who name the name of Christ but they've twisted biblical Christianity see his he didn't have to warn them about men whose God was not the Lord somebody asked me the other day I was at a clinic at the clinic fighting for the lives that unborn and I happen to like Under Armour sportswear and I've liked Under Armour for years so somebody saw me and I had on my own armor and they in the comment section now we shut the clinic down baby's lives are being saved all that good stuff some clown all they had to say all there on the comment was take off the Under Armour and put on night I guess that's because Nike has hooked up with Kaepernick let me address that I don't like Nike anyway I'm just not I just don't but if I did I wouldn't wear it now because if for those who do I'm not make I'm not saying don't that's that's I'm talking like me it's just my this is my thing a man who's God is not the law cannot lead me Colin Kaepernick was a Christian he left Jesus and became a Muslim as far as I'm concerned that's all I hear when he open his mouth Islam Islam Islam Islam Islam well what about the point is making Islam is long a man his God is not the Lord and and he wasn't born of most he Baxley praise the Lord - why he would he wasn't born a Kapernick to white people adopted him the company's brought him and loved him and raised him up praise the Lord and he met a girl in in she's Muslim proper black Muslim she really put something on him she made the man change gods and and what she put on him wasn't the Quran either when she got through man was saying assalamualaikum no mad at the police everybody else he can't leave me he can't tell me what I should think about anything if you want to follow him you follow form of godliness but denying the life-changing power there our Church of God in Christ tonight the Bible says from such turn away I don't believe the mantra win the loss at any cost that's not biblical that's not Bible the Bible says pulling some out the fire book of Jude making a difference there's a difference between the weak and the willful if a person just don't want to get saved you can't make them get saved if they don't want to do right you can't make them do right the only thing you end up doing trying to make someone do right who don't want to do right is you get frustrated yourself and you end up out there doing wrong that's why the Bible says come out from among and I'll tell you something the Bible says and this gospel shall be preached unto all the world for a witness to all the nations and then shall the in come they didn't say everybody's gonna get saved but he didn't say everybody would hear it and I want God to use me to be one of the ones to get this word out to tell people about the Lord listen he said from such turn away there has to be a difference between us and then I borrowed that phrase from my chief of staff he did a tremendous workshop by doing the convocation the workers meeting and he said that they're they're trying to minimize the line they're trying to throw down the distance between us and them and blend the world and the church but God didn't call us to be blended and the church's ability to win the loss is not wrapped up in the church's ability to blend with the loss look like the loss and act like the loss our ability to win the loss is wrapped up and I built it to be distinguished from them show them that there is a difference between serving the Lord and serving the devil show them that there's a difference between the holy dance and the stuff that goes on in the club show them that there is a reality in serving God you know we talked about winning the Millennials in you and all that stuff what the Millennials want to see they want to see church folk living holy they don't expect you to they'll respect you to try to learn that language as a matter of fact at a certain point it's a turn-off what would I sound like at 57 trying to talk like I'm 17 and use all of their therefore their colloquialisms and their their vernacular and I and I'm coming out dressing like I am a a 17 year old there is such a thing as age-appropriate Amen there is such a thing as being who you are and I find they respect you more Oh somebody better pray for me I feel like I'm preaching to a few Baptists here tonight but I'm gonna preach anyway yes sir he says from such turn away have nothing to do with praise the Lord if they come in and get saved and let them get saved but you can't come in and let them can't come in and let him tell us what to do praise the Lord a man IRA had a conversation one times on television I mean he was done on television our conversation wasn't but when Donnie McClurkin had his TV show and he had Steve Harvey was on it and he was celebrating Oh Steve a fall for Steve Harvey's ministry so I called brother McLaughlin we talked with very simple and I said well what ministry does Steve our behalf he said because I want to know the name of this one and he said what's the ministry of laughter now I've read all through the Bible and see web laughter as a ministry but I have read where the Bible speaks against laughing at blue jokes I have read where the Bible talks about a lot of unnecessary jesting and joking and and hobbies point was that when the world comes in unsaved people rappers and all they're coming to the church and they want to say something that we should let them come in and have words well don't go to a rap concert and try to get on the stage and see if they'll let you get up and have words but then when them bouncers get through with you there won't be enough enough left to bear it but they want to be able to come into the church and give us instructions the devil is a liar the Bible said be clean who bear the vessels of the Lord somebody shouts something in here tonight from such yes sir turn away ah full of this song Paul goes from criticizing their character to beginning to deal with their lifestyles and their faking and their that the planet the depravity of these charlatans he said of this sort or they that worm their way into the houses of silly women they they worm their way and they they creep into the houses and look at this lead captive ladies that is they take control of watch Christian television at night watch the show see the ones who will stand up and who came evil how to talk and but they got a miracle when they bought the miracle walk see the phone just just pay attention to the us all the man has to do is be white he can sell us miracle water from the Jordan they got that water they got that water out of a sink in the back in the back and and and all these miracle things and there's never a shortage of us to pack out these places there's no preaching there's no preaching the goal that just just a miracle worker when jesus healed jesus preached praise a lot but jesus said if I thought he preached or read in the Bible he preached he preached and then and many of us are gullible to these things whatever the latest fad is that we go getting in it pastors don't be faddish fads coming go stand your ground and just preach preach preach preach preach and whatever the latest fad is praise the Lord and even if your neighbors doing it down the street let him do it but don't you get into that my god establish your identity and stay with it stay with what God has given you the Lord spoke to me and said put me first good God Almighty if you put me first all these things shall be added unto you and I've seen God and to my life he's a mighty God and he will do just what he said these men they worm that way and they take control of they seize they take control of ah gullible women mm-hmm gullible women they work their way through their houses and I know you don't have to worry about that and they lead captive these women and here's that problem they're laden with sin women already loaded down Oh when we've seen the funny thing about these women that Paul is talking about now they're not like Timothy's mother they're not like Timothy's grandmother in second Timothy chapter one and verse five he says when I call to remembrance the unchanging faith that is in thee which dwelt at first in their grandmother Lois and in thy mother Eunice and I am persuaded that it's also it is in you also Siddhartha don't have any losses and Eunice's in here who are not going to be praised the Lord taking advantage of see women what God is calling for a women who are grounded in scripture to be grounded in scripture grounded in the word of the Lord grounded in the faith I thought I'd get a strong Amen right there grounded in the faith but these women that they have taken advantage of well overwhelmed with sins notice the text doesn't mention what kind of sins that that tells you that it doesn't matter the psalm argue that they were in sins of immorality as some argue that were there were other kinds of sense but they were in sin locked up in her own doing sin the greek word has him attea and it is individual acts of sin in other words things that you know are wrong but you keep doing them anyhow you become a victim because the scene blinds you it robs you of your ability today to discern sometimes you even know what's wrong with about a preacher you don't even know what's wrong about a particular movement but you know something is wrong Amen why because you have discernment but some of us have no discernment we're sitting ducks for whatever praise the Lord comes long I warn you tonight I said earlier today that this message isn't and admonishing and that is an encouragement and a word of warning don't you let anybody trick you out of Jesus don't you let nobody talk you out of your church talk you out of holiness talk you out of tone talking hand-clapping Church of God in Christ don't you let anybody convince you that the way you've been praising the Lord all your life now it's wrong and convince you that the communion is not holy and come and convince you that Jesus didn't die on a cross some of these guys are now saying II wonder it wasn't a cross but it was a poll but when I read Paul's writings when I read the New Testament it says cross and as long as the Bible says cross I'm saying cross and I'm not gonna be so gullible that I would adopt linguish that makes me sound modern at the expense of the faith I'd rather sound like a backwards cone feel a preacher who is just crazy stupid and dumb look at him he hollers and he he shouts and he's sweating it looks like he's losing his mind well I lost mine some time ago and I took on the mind of Christ and I like the mind of Christ better than I like my own man [Applause] somebody plays alone in here [Music] we'll have anybody tonight who lost their minds [Music] go up your hands aside old faint like I used to I don't only change your mind only change your thinking my god he took us through trying to Boogaloo good God to that gospel to step he took you from trying to pull on marijuana to pulling on the horns of the altar he took you from mid matter ambulance to be in a Friday night service in the Church of God in Christ can I get a witness in here tonight have somebody tell him don't be gullible I'm here to tell you tonight that sin is your enemy the world of faith preacher it's not poverty poverty is not the enemy sin is the enemy hallelujah past it's not your enemy I hate to put Jake's out of business but your past is not your enemy and the things that people the people have done to you that's not your enemy hallelujah but the things that you are doing to yourself by continuing in sin that's your enemy your greatest enemy hallelujah which leads to gullibility is not your past hurts but your greatest enemy that leads to gullibility is your present sin but I found out tonight but if you just give up see if you just give it up if you just give it up your discern me to come back if you just give it up the confusion will go away if you just give it up God will give you a plan to work your way out of the hole you'll give you a plan like a game rules a plan he'll give you a plan won't he do it lift the hand somebody and praise the Lord would you play them in here tonight let me hit a lady squeeze along let me hit a brother sprays along Somalia so you can beat the devil so you God can show you the way he's got a pathway for you that's a door for you you just can't seed that's a blessing install for you can't see you show you the way somebody laden with sheep and then they're carried about by diverse loves every kind of evil desire see these people know half these charlatans hallelujah most on Christian television they know how to play with your mind they know how to tell you what you wanna hear they know how to make you think that you're destined to be a mean-ass in five days ain't it amazing that all of your future blessings it's sad not to you support your church not to you coming out of sin not to you except in Jesus but how're you sending them money they are liars and cheaters and ladies they happy they have you in their crosshairs but don't you be their fool don't you let them trick you hallelujah don't let them play you like a cheap guitar thank you Jesus they preach a gospel that will justify your feelings they will justify your feelings of sex vengeance entitlement no matter how absurd they may be they encourage you to follow your emotions they'll make you think that suicide is alright they'll have you mad with every man walking the have you're suspicious of all of your sisters and brothers women who are swayed a hallelujah who are swayed by what they won't no matter what i specially susceptible to these false teachers but don't you let them get the better of you look the key well let me tell you what that have you they have you ever learning but never able ever learning but never able what are you ever learning ever learning that chunk that they are preaching to you you watch them and then you compare what your pasta is saying to them what's wrong with you why would any man on television whom you don't know have more influence with you then your leader who prays for you there is your dead marriage your children visit you in the hospital yes Linnea money you don't pay it back but he steal that fire what you are listening to some charlatans and they're taking you down a pipe dream they got you're practicing yoga they got you puddin tattoos all over your father they got you bind that cheap grace the devil is a liar why are you learning that stuff you're never able to come in to the knowledge of the way the truth [Music] ladies tonight we need Jesus I've never before Jesus is the one who will keep us jesus is the one who protects us every preacher every teacher find out where Jesus is in their doctrine find out what the man has to say about Jesus and if Jesus is not Lord turn him off if Jesus it's not gon turn them off don't you let nobody take you down in deeper and deeper wickedness don't you be faithful to falsehood because if you're faithful to falsehood it's the same thing as being unfaithful to the truth you got to get it right you got to get it right Chivas is still the answer these still deliver he's still the way makeup company know by yourself yeah yeah [Music] [Music] like the Bible says you lose your appetite for these four find out that they lose their attraction you wonder why water why don't I don't even why do I not even watch them anymore again why Wow Oprah - lost her luster and oh she lost hers and all this crazy stuff funk getting around here we're introducing all these phrases the Prophet is talked about your truth and my truth ain't but one truth it's God's truth we've got to know God's truth and if you stand on God's truth let's go home rockin God's truth will heal you from cancer God's truth will pick you up when you're falling down god-given unmatchable truth God's will can't you see it it's just like Moses he threw his cane down and his cane they came a snake this feral be g-sensor through their cane down became a snake but Moses King divided that what am I saying whatever the devil try to do what [Music] [Music] [Applause] but I'm staying I'm saying I'm staying with Jesus these charlatans these charlatans they have a short shelf life you know when when their style of preaching is to keep you in a continual pity party have you ever noticed that pity parties are never well attended folk don't go and if they've guilt they don't stay because there's no joy there don't let anybody make you a perpetual victim that is a spirit of discernment that God's getting ready to release in here where you're discerned do I go right or left do I do this or don't do that but you discern am i is it's what's being said to me good for me or bad for me well you discern whether or not you need to quit that guy or that girl for that matter your discern your discern your discern the times you'll know how to discern where you are on God's grace scale yeah sometimes you you're about to go to the well one time too many [Music] discernment discernment these women see the tax really is not as much about those the women as it is these wicked charlatans the wicked preachers but let me just say since the text is what it is then I feel that you should view this the way I view the prison industrial complex the prison industrial complex stops by the public schools and checks the grades of black boys in the third grade that tells them how many prisons they need to build to accommodate the the boys who are coming now my position is this let's not stop the prison industrial complex matter of fact encourage them to build the prison metal building let's just not populate them see that's what we should don't populated they can build what they want to build they bought the concrete about the bricks build it but that doesn't mean I have to occupy let them have as many charlatans as they want if the devil put false preachers out there and he has and he will false teachers let them be out there let them do their thing mad about you're not told to try to stop and Bible says from such turn away let them do what they do just don't participate don't you be [Music] we are going back to believe in holiness like we used to believe holiness we're going back to believing that biblical Christianity is right like we used to believe it like we used to I'll lose my audience when I say this the other day at the United Nations when the president gave his speech he says something that if true it's a reprieve for us he says I am NOT for globalism I'm for nationalism putting America first now if you have a mile knowledge of the scripture especially the eschatological teachings you understand the biblical implications of that statement globalism is the doctrine and the wings of which the Antichrist will come to power as nations began to become increasingly global as the the currency lines up as we adopt their policies as we get rid of our borders as we lose our sense of patriotism and national pride that is the mystery of iniquity that is integral to make us all one the big problem that America has been with the globalist for years is Christianity they appointed Mikhail Gorbachev in the 90s as the president of United religions this was an organization to mirror the United Nations the problem with globalism was the religions are united and one of the main religions that keeps the legions from being United is the Christian religion because these Christians keep hesitating they keep insisting that Jesus is the only way and that somehow we got to get the Christians to stop believing that they that that is only one Savior and they can believe that Jesus is our Savior but we don't want them to believe that Jesus is the Savior Oprah had deep chop pop Chopra on her show talking about that stuff if globalism is anti-crisis everything is being put in place the networks are being built everything the problem with this globalist move is when someone dance to say not globalist globalism nationalism and then if we if we if we as Christians insist insists on holding to our doctrine holding to our faith not being gullible and buying into it cuz libertarians you're gonna appreciate this sermon some of you better roll your eyes at me the whole time I've been preaching you don't want that don't know I'm helping you the technology already exists they're gonna get you because you have no power they gonna come to you and here's how they're gonna sell it in the name of security they set it up have these security companies are the ones who break it in they create business and to get to get to get to peace and security all you need is just a little implant oh you need the technology already exists but the size it can fit on the top of a grain of rice it already exists but they can't sell it to the American populace right now because America is inundated with Christianity now they are selling it they're selling it through the animals to keep you a little dog keep Fido from being lost put a chip in the chip don't go from fight all to jr. if I be a man of God see now I'm a seer a lot of prophets don't like for people who don't attend their conferences to call themselves prophets but a lot of the prophets don't see global events that they could dig and they can talk about cars and houses but they can't tell you this but in the Bible the prophets prophesied to nations and not they spend much time talk to an individual they talk to nations and when they healed individuals it was to get individuals to listen to what they had to say about what God will do on a global scale these things are lining up while they're happy now you can't stop them remember from such turn away but what you can't do is you can't buy this stuff you can't let the enemy soften your Christian convictions you can't let him cause you to be easily tricked yeah Obama tricked us for eight years he decorated the White House in homosexual colors and most black preachers said nothing about it the man endorsed same-sex marriage and most black preachers said nothing about it he sued the state of North Carolina because we didn't want men in the bathroom without women him and Loretta Lynch sued our state the lawsuit went away we'd still be sued and Hillary got it the lawsuit went away because she didn't win we were sued because we felt that our women should not be in the bathroom I don't know maybe you women won't that should not be in the bathroom what a jerk standing up there with a dress on swinging calling himself I want and what most ladies didn't know his was the trick and I'm getting ready to break the trick was this here's what was that state the trash the man didn't have to dress like a woman all they had to do if once he see you go in the bathroom sitting out shooting the breeze with the boys say you know what I'm a woman and get up and go in there no no no you did have to work for him to rape you you took everything down sitting there praise the Lord now that he comes in the state of North Carolina there are 16,000 convicted sex offenders sixteen thousand that we caught they were among the main ones hoping that hb2 would fail and you know who else was marching with them black Christians [Music] Calabar you can you can sell oh you can sell us anything anything that is a awesome spirit of gullibility and some of you checks mothers are gullible you father's are gullible matter of fact I received most of the resistance amongst some of the aged saints who ought to know better but when I'm preaching I know no age I say the woman I said oh you got mad with me they get bad with my wife reached like this but it's because we're beginning to buy stuff that it just take a little bit of thinking a little bit of just a little bit of thing would tell us if we thought a little bit we would tell our young boys oh poor you pants just a little just a little just if we if we if we thought just a little we wouldn't know I'm getting ready to pray that it is not in our best interests to have this country with undercut the wages most most Domingo preaches they keep wages artificially and black unemployment artificially high and I won't name the party but one party now is pushing for illegals people who are not even citizens to have the right to vote I'm not God I don't want to get political but do you do you know what that would do to us we used to be the largest minority in this country we used to be with 43 million approxima strong today Hispanics are right at 60 million they've surpassed us and they're still growing one of the reasons is they're coming in the wrong way the other reason that they have that children I was talking to a friend of mine in Chicago the other day and he would have preached at a church of Hispanics you know he was taken by the sheer number of Hispanic men who were in service the sheer number of Hispanic brothers who gave what happened to the black men I'll tell you what happened liberalism happened I'll tell you what happened government handouts happen let government be God government will take care of us government show them to help you run we we gave up our responsibility and we become gullible somebody said the night we're gonna go higher guess what we did [Applause] I wanna play for those tonight who would say God anoint me with discernment I need to be able to see the devil coming I need to be wide to his tricks I need to know what's going on I need to know what you're doing and what your thoughts are if there's anything we need we need the truth of God and the truth about God the truth of God is God's positions on things the truth about God is who the Lord is preacher pray for me that I discern the times that the Spirit of the sons of Issachar come upon me you want this just certain push you back against the color ability to make your way to this [Music] you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 9,276
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 50sec (3770 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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