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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign Darkness we lie and do not the truth now he's going to play on some words here but if we walk in the light and as he is in the light we have Fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin now he goes if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in US you see how he's playing uh verse six if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have Fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin all right now he's going to give us another subjunctive if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us now his son cleanseth us from all sin but if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in US how does that sound to you all right let's go let's go over it again let's go over again and see if you if if if we now the blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin as we walk in the light so means he processes because as we walk in the light he obviously is going to open us up in terms of diagnosis and he's going to bring us into a consciousness of who we are where we are and he's going to make us more intensely aware through the convicting power of the Holy Ghost of what we do that is not pleasing in his sight and if you walk in the light and you have fellowship with him then of course you have something in common with God and you have something in common with the people around you because you can't one of us can't have something in common with God and the person on the other side not have something in common with God and if we've got two common denial uh factors there uh denominators then of course we have to have something in common with each other and the commonality that we have with each other is God all right some of us would never know others of us if it hadn't been for a relationship with God amen some people you'd have never run and you wouldn't have run into some folk if it hadn't to do with God and really it had to do with God because some people you deal with it had to do with God amen it wasn't for God some folk you're trying to love and trying to have a relationship with you wouldn't be trying if it wasn't for God amen so so just that alone is the factor of of of leading to Perfection bringing you to a greater place because having a relationship with God means he opens you up to a wider acceptance and attitude towards Folk that you would not have had anything to do with now he's even moving you to forgive even relatives so so the process of forgiveness is is significant now as as as as I walk with him now then he cleanseth me he cleanseth from all sin so if there's a cleansing and a moving from all sin and I say if I have no sin I deceive myself now how is he cleansing me from all sin and if I say I have no sin I deceive myself and the truth is not in me now he's cleansing me from all sin is there a point where I'm cleansed from all sin and at that point can I say I have no sin if I'm being cleansed from all sin are you all leaving it to me I I want you to I want you to see uh there has to be a distinction between the issue of sin in the previous verse and that is cleanse it from all sin all right uh cleanseth the sun cleanseth us from all sin that's verse seven and there has to be a distinction between the all sin and in verse 8 if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves truth is not in US see the cleansing does not take away the sin nature well you're following me now see that's one thing see the cleansing takes away individual acts of sin that is stimulated by sin nature until you grasp power and control over the sin nature which reduces the amount of Acts of sin see the issue of your combat the issue of your fight is because now you and I have the Holy Spirit and now we have what it takes to fight against that nature that completely possessed us and controlled Us in the first place this is why he's crying now let not sin reign [Music] you see a sin the nature of sin is not going away because as long as you are alive that nature is going to be in combat with the spirit of God in you right you see see the reason I know I'm saved is because I struggle [Applause] it's the struggle that is indicative of the fact that I am walking in the light because before when I was walking in darkness there was no struggle I just capitulated and gave in to say nature and did whatever I felt like doing without any kind of conviction but when the Holy Spirit comes now he brings conviction and he brings the ability to fight against that nature by declaring it to be dead which means there's got to be a psychological component where I gotta tell myself I'm dead and this is what gives me the fuel to fight you see if you see one of the things that that that has to happen in a in a Christian environment is we have to move the mysticism and you know we've got this kind of holy jargon and you know we throw things around and I really didn't think I'm through uh there has to be an intense psychological component you you have to tell me how how not to just don't tell me not to because the whole process of of of of of of me even coming to church reading my Bible and seeking truth is to be able to put it psychologically where my mind is transformed to the place where my behavior changes because see my behavior will not change until my mind is transformed and and people have a tendency to want to change you from the outside change me from the outside you have to restrain me amen you got to be powerful enough to restrain me see because you're like a guy up in prison it doesn't mean he's still not Criminal he's just a criminal under control amen that's why that's why people that's why that's why people who are controlling have a tendency not to ever want you out of their sight particularly if they know you have a proclivity to do the wrong thing amen amen amen yeah you see you see the controlling element is is a restraining because now uh you know I got your phones ringing I'm following you I'm coming by your house I'm running license plates amen I'm Googling Earth we were going to go vote I had to go vote on the Sunday because I was going to be gone on the Tuesday and what we did was we Googled the place Earth see what kind of line was outside light and satellite man looking down connected to your computer you can see a whole lot of stuff restrained because you can't get inside the one with the capacity to get inside does not have to restrain but now the love of God constraints you see one is an outward action the other is an inward action where what the Lord is saying now is I got to get you to the place where you will emanate from your heart your behavior uh thy words have I hid in my heart you see because you can have it intellectually and know the right thing to do intellectually but if it's not in your heart then it doesn't process the right kind of behavior and if you got it in your head and don't have it in your heart what you're going to do is do like the law the law simply comes to show you how Wicked you are but it doesn't help you to be any better so because now I have the law I have self-condemnation because it's one thing to behave in a way and not know what I'm doing it's another thing to know what I'm doing and don't stop behaving because I don't have the power to do it and I'm begging you to restrain me until God can constrain me so I can do the right thing but nobody likes to be restrained not even criminals [Music] amen who wants to be restrained who has time it's a full-time job keeping up with folks behaving see he removes the acts of sin Let me let me let me let me let me make a point here let me make a point here that was made earlier uh let's make a point I was made earlier uh by him by him by him by him by him oh oh no it's it's coming later it's coming later all right now see if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and and and that is a critical piece now to wipe you out and that is not to admit that you've got a dark side that you're still in touch with me no no that's done that's problematic when you will not admit Hallelujah that put in certain situations you might not come out Shining amen I'm talking to some real people in here tonight you have to be I'm vulnerable here and you have to read yourself well enough through the power of the Holy Ghost to know when you're more vulnerable because everybody here is susceptible to Temptation that's particularly intense in certain situations and and you make a fool of yourself if you tell yourself oh I can handle it I can handle it now I'm going over there to see her but I can handle it well we got a problem you're not going over to see anybody [Music] it ain't like somebody just dropped in your car hey how did you get here you specifically went and picked this person up but I can handle it now you're going to choose against your choice see one of the things is self-deception is it puts us in situations that we could have avoided if we would admit I'm having a problem right about now and one of the problems with the church is people act like church people don't have problems [Music] [Applause] you see if you say the nature isn't there you're not looking from the light you see because if I'm walking in the light the light's gonna show everything the light isn't only going to show my good side it's going to show my bad side too I you know I I tell my friends I tell my friends I say you know I'm too flawed to be flashy you see everybody likes attention but when the light comes on it ain't only going to show the bad the good part it's going to show the bad part along with it so why are you pushing yourself up in the light if you don't intend to take care of the flaws amen you know you don't I mean you you so powerful that you forgot your floor one of the things that gets an inordinate amount of attention is how judgmental you are the more judgmental you are the less forgiveness you bring to yourself [Applause] amen when you point out everybody's faults [Music] because it's causes Paul to take a closer look at you [Applause] [Music] and when you start Wheeling out judgment [Music] you hear Jesus made a great point he said John not cause whatever you use your out now he's not talking about having an opinion see there's a difference now between judging and food and fruit inspection [Applause] amen because you know you lying all the time here oh and you just alive that's just a fruit inspection you should know the tree by the fruit if it's Apple it's an apple tree if it's pears it comes from a pear tree and that's observation that's not what he's talking about what he's talking about is you deciding what punishment should be given for a certain Act [Applause] whatever you measure out whatever you decided the punishment is you just said precedent for yourself [Applause] [Music] because it becomes extremely difficult for you to want me to say uh be locked up for three months for an action I did and then you committed the same action and you don't want to be locked up for three months and you're the one who set the president oh he ought to die and lie to me ought to die no be careful be careful what you measure out because you are too vulnerable and too susceptible to be measuring any punishment out you see I don't even ask the Lord for justice when I get ready to pray for me and mine and you and everybody else and somebody brought some sun to me one time say oh pray for him because he didn't do the crime and and he's going away for time and all that stuff and I didn't ask God to give him Justice because I don't know what his mama might not know I asked God to give him Mercy uh because he might have done some stuff she don't know anything about oh God so now Lord give him Mercy what I want from God is Mercy have mercy upon Me O Lord I can't deal with Justice I haven't done too many raggedy things to be trying to get some justice you're from the Ripple you're susceptible that's why he says you got to watch and pray be sober and vigilant for your adversary it's not roaring roaming around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour the good thing is he came to power everybody so he's got to search out to see who's weak right about now so he can grab them and there are some times when I get weak I ask the Lord Lord you got to change the situation you got to fix me so that I don't do something I want to do open my eyes Don't Let me plunge down and and get deep into something that I don't need to be around open my eyes show me something you ain't got to show me no Bible just show me a flaw show me Madness [Applause] I tell this story you know I tell I I tell the story and I was down in Jamaica and I remember this little spot way back in the back way over the place called Stewart Town that's where all the gangsters and I was on the week's Journey with my daughter it had Tiffany with me on vacation and and I was already wondering on the plane what am I going to do with this child for his whole days from Sunday till Saturday in Jamaica so we played Scrabble we played uh Chinese checkers we played Checkers we played dominoes and I'm about to run out now I'm I'm running out of things to do you know so I said I'd say the Friday night girl uh just find something to do and I'll I'll be back after a while so remember this spot Way Way Back and then I said to myself I was getting ready to go I said now it's real funny that you know ain't gonna be no church people over there but church people have relatives [Music] and as I was getting ready to go it just came to me uh what happens somebody said guess who I saw Friday night so I said Tiffany I changed my mind changed my mind because what it said was you got too much to lose now way now don't get happy yet don't get happy because I had to meditate on that on the too much to lose and the question I asked myself was if you could have gone without being noticed would you go because now the deterrent is too much to lose you see what I'm saying see every now and then until you get to the place where you have extricated the behavior from your system you need God to have something to put in your face [Applause] [Music] have I really changed or am I the same person with too much to lose [Applause] somebody to think along here with me because many times God has to go outside of our capacity spiritually and connect us to something psychologically or mess up something financially or scare us with some kind of threat that he brought up in our mind in order to keep us until we can walk like he wants us to walk you ain't just gonna get over here and walk straight whoa then he changes us through consequences [Applause] taking an action doing a behavior that brought with it consequences now hopefully my prayer is lit the consequences that changed me not destroy me [Applause] [Music] which means hit me quickly catch me thinking about it because there are consequences that will totally destroy the body the finance but save the soul Paul said put him out do you remember that scripture Paul said put him out what this man is doing is something that isn't even heard of among the Gentiles so not even the Gentiles going with the father's wife and so in the Corinthian Church here is a man who is going with his father's wife and Paul said put him out take him from the cover of the prayers of the Saints and put him out only this that's the second time that's just just that's excommunication and then there's he says avoid those that cause trouble among you [Applause] that's I think there's only two or three times where he was that drastic because he was an enormous Grace preacher he's saying put him in a position where he is so ruined that the only thing left to save is his soul wow and if we don't do something drastic about drastic Behavior we gonna lose his soul see ya I want consequences that catch me quickly amen no no you know get me on the way [Applause] foreign if you gotta wreck my car on the way three or four flat tires on the way let my trouble come early so that I don't get too deeply in something that is going to take half of my mind to get out of I don't want to be at the edge of my mind uh for me to change my mind you know some of us got to go to the edge of our minds for us to change our minds almost to the point of insanity for us to do different Behavior I don't want God to have me nearly crazy in order for me to change what I need to change catch me early oh I feel the Holy Ghost if it ain't gonna work out catch me early [Music] oh my God no no no just notice how wonderful this is now don't deceive yourself you ain't that strong we have this treasure in Earthen vessels that the glory will be of God and not of us self-righteousness is one of the biggest blockages for a child of God walking in the Holy Spirit because you self-righteous now he just says now if you say you have no sin you deceive yourself so how could you be self-righteous without being major ignorant [Applause] come talk to me you don't know yourself well enough for you to say I'm not self-righteous you think you that good that you can be self-righteous are you missing something not elevator ain't going all the way to the top floor if you can get in the light and be self-righteous amen what kind of Pride does it do you have to have to feel better than somebody else [Applause] you know I I don't wanna I don't lose the flow but I want to go to Corinthians there's a scripture here that I that that we we deal with every now and then we deal with every now and then and um all right all right all right uh it's second Corinthians chapter 10. and it's verse 7. and now remember in second Corinthians it's very personal and Paul is writing to a church that the judaizers have now invaded and they're using the Corinthians the first letter against Paul because he was so graphic to point out in each chapter something that was wrong with them so they're questioning his apostleship and and he's defending himself and whenever you defend yourself you become very personal because it's not he's not expostulating any great theological truth he's just defending himself and whatever uh we get spiritual from him defending himself well we get it but really the issue here is you have many teachers but you only have one father and that's what he's defending himself that's the main point he's making to them uh I'm the chief one here now look at what he says to them he says now you're going to make some judgment now do you look at things after the outward appearance and it's a rhetorical question that only an inordinate dose of self-righteousness could get you to say no to that question there is nobody in this room that has discernment all the time your spiritual discernment is not working all the time [Music] [Applause] amen you ain't looking from the spirit all the time [Applause] and spirit ain't showed you all you said this bishop [Applause] which means that you look at things after the outward appearance and you make some judgments amen [Applause] if you went to discernment all the time you would have known that that was a Rent-A-Car I'm gonna talk for the Mercedes look at it closely you might see budgeting them [Applause] get carried away with them clothes it's dead right it's all it is since your discernment was working you should have seen dead but you going from outward to parents money it's money all right but it's the banks [Applause] we look at some people who don't have their parents we think they should have right but if your discernment is working it's I don't get into what I can't afford hey cash [Applause] and we generally put people in categories based on our parents worst thing ever happened was to the church was the theologic that that that psychologically wounded us about being rich and now we see that everybody was on debt that they can't even service so all this the Lord blessed me with this house well if he bless you with a house I guarantee you you can pay for it [Applause] if it bless you with a house and now all of a sudden somebody come took and and they took it back because you're trying to convince a lot of church folk that you're blessed over finances and just got into a lot of debt [Applause] now the economy shifted and one day you're secure the next day right crying out to the Lord because your experience and your expectation aren't coming together when in the church just pushed us into into all this debt if the discernment was working they would have said look that's predatory lonely lending and you bought a house that you should have just waited for just wait seven more years and you'll get it for 40 on the dollar amen the prophet didn't the prophet didn't see that Prophet didn't see all these foreclosures we could have got a house for nothing bought the house a friend of mine bought a house 750 thousand dollars and needs to put it up for equity I said well what what you want what's the word 540 000 said man you ain't got no money in that huh the prophet should have said see church folks discernment working all the time you understand we're not working all the time right now now now so you you're making judgments you're forming conclusions based on outward appearance that God made a statement to Samuel man look at that the outward appearance said God looks at the heart now the distinction between God and you and I is simply that he probes to the very heart and so many times you have made judgments about people but you didn't know their heart and many times that means that you have decided that certain actions [Applause] had a certain heart but you have never always Associated people's behavior with their heart there are some people who do foolish things but have good hearts oh so please don't categorize everybody as evil because somebody did something wrong you can do something wrong and still have a good heart that's why God won't let you kill folk with good hearts oh I wish I had the time to really work on that uh you look at you look at look at Sam look at look at David's Behavior look at Saul's Behavior if you were to measure behavior from an outward point of view you would really understand why you could have forgiven Saul for leaving gag leaving their malachites when God sent him down to kill him he said well man we might as well take this piece of beef home well we might as well take these camel and stuff and these people ain't no sense of slaughtering everybody down here but God saw the amalekites coming later and he wanted to wipe him up early earlier because of what they did when they were coming through refer them so he wanted to take care of them to keep them from getting to Haman who was trying to wipe out the whole nation so God put him strategically sent him to do something he was humble before now he got proud now he can tell God what he will or will not do now he has become evil David steals a man's wife and it gets the man killed know what kind of behavior is that but he is noted as being a man after God's Own Heart and don't mistake that either the reason he's a man after God's Own Heart is because David was merciful ain't because of the Bathsheba no he was merciful when he could have killed Saul who was trying to kill him he stayed his hand and he felt bad for even cutting his skirt and he told his men I will not do the Lord's Prophet any harm um he was merciful when you're merciful you shall obtain Mercy because it's God's business to be merciful if God were to walk in this door and it was Justice when he got outside that door nobody'd be here everybody's here because he is merciful and anytime you show Mercy you show the heart of God no way uh church folk think it's a marvelous thing to to to to waste everybody hey man just kill it let's kill him yeah they're more black on black crime in the church kill him [Applause] now he says now you look at the things you mean with the parents and now listen to how he puts it now he says if any man trust to himself that he is Christ's I know you you're sitting over here looking at my brother from the outward all right and you're making your judgments based on what you see what you hear from the outward you ain't inspected close enough to see where they lie you ain't had the time to see where they lying because it was too juicy all right [Applause] we got to pass it on in fact after we pass it on two or three times it'll get real disappointed when we find out it ain't true I got a call the other day's friend told me oh my your friend's house burned down and said what oh yeah it burned down to the ground everything gone foreign they sound like they were happy oh it burned down to the ground it's on the ground I see that man house ain't burned now it's on the ground so I call him up and find out this house is standing I got I got so heavy because people don't even they don't even check the source [Applause] amen they just make the judgment and pass it on now he says at best you doing out with the parents now if any man trusts to himself that he is Christ's why don't you give your brother let him off himself think this again that if you can belong to Christ even so are we Christ now let me let me work with a little bit here since y'all waiting on me to work with it he says now the only answer you can possibly give to if this question is yes and that is do you look at things from out with a parents the only thing you can answer is yes I do I'm an out with a parent's person I make judgments based on what I see based on what you're wearing based on what you're driving based on where you live amen we all have our little quirks about out with the parents oh that's money going over there oh that's broke over there that's right broke amen now what he's saying is if you're looking at somebody from an outward appearance point of view you don't know them like you know yourself I ain't got out with the parents Noel Jones right because I know me to some extent because there is an extent I don't know yet amen you're not guessing about you cause you know you you know the thoughts you had last night when you woke up and couldn't sleep you know what you thought when you felt things moving through you that you couldn't gratify you knew how long you went into Fantasy Land you know who you fantasized about before you laid hands on yourself [Applause] you know the real private stuff you do [Music] [Applause] real private stuff you know the thoughts you had when you started crying because you couldn't get to that person's throat tears came down your cheeks not because you were hurt but because you are mad in the beginning of puffing amen you know you would have stole it you knew you would have took it if the clerk didn't come back amen you ain't judging that from outward appearance you know the times you want an opportunity the opportunity just escaped you you already decided in your mind if I get the opportunity this is going down [Applause] now with all of that you still think if the Rapture would have come tonight he'd take you with him yet still you don't know your brother or your sister like you know yourself and if you can decide you're saved with all you know about you then you ought to let them be saved with what you speculating about [Music] he says look look thinking again if you can think it that you're saved with the evidence why can't you give somebody else salvation with speculation [Applause] so you deceive yourself if you say I I have no sin you take a look at the Bible and the characters that are so so vivid so strong so powerful and yet still God Was Not Afraid to show their dark side that's what we're groping with that's what we're working on here these monsters I'm working on some monsters man I didn't I didn't get no little tiny you know little tiny little impish looking throw them out he rebuked the devil the name of Jesus amen my Devils didn't come that little I I had the wrestling kind amen my my my my day was me we gotta wrestle we talking about hand-to-hand combat I ain't talking about shooting them from a distance I'm talking but they right up in my face that's the demons I got to wrestle with that's what I got to fight with now you can sit over there and tell me you got old mine are just so dainty and so wonderful I have got the sweetest demons that anybody could have mine are ugly mine are evil minor awful and I got to fight to fight and the moment I give up fighting is a moment I'm gonna get myself in some trouble 90 percent of the time no 95 of the time I ain't worried about that cause I'm working but five percent of the time I better go back to work it's the way you preaching tonight somewhere somewhere [Applause] all right man hey take no time off take time off come on and need a whole lot of time off you need to be working need to be praying thinking trying to get through something amen I get in real trouble see I don't know what demons you all have but I can't deceive myself mine won't let me uh I'm still here I'm still here I'm waiting for you all right amen now yours can sneak up on you I said well I know we deceive ourselves and looking at folk from the outward and Know Who You Are that's why it becomes extremely difficult in one sense to deal with somebody's problem when you got it too [Applause] so I find myself praying Lord forgive my brother as you forgive me Lord strengthen my brother has threaten me too you know I need you I'm just here giving out help I'm looking for some help myself [Applause] bring him out that's why if you see him fall you you restore in the spirit of meekness and the reason you're restoring real Meek about it is you're looking at yourself unless she also be tempted you just can't leave prisoners and bodies on the road cause you say you Sanctified are you lying to yourself you can be anything that has fallen you can be that anything that the devil's got in his hand you can be that anything that's life turned upside down you can be that anything that's messed up for the rest of your life you can be that and if you're not that tonight you want to give God some praise for keeping you [Applause] it don't take months to mess up our life it don't take much to mess up a life just a temper tantrum and a push and somebody hits their head and drop dead [Applause] amen [Music] we got some swingers up in here some folks temper sitting right on the edge they're fighting the parking lot their elbow you're right in the church in the spirit glory god [Applause] I didn't say nothing about the Holy Spirit [Applause] [Music] all right Holy Ghost it don't take much to mess up a life I'm in a car hurtling down the road with with two or three drinks and then ran over somebody in a crosswalk that's it talk to me that's it don't take much to mess up a life somebody with a camera phone don't take much to mess up a knife the wrong kind of text amen you didn't know she was 15. [Applause] come mama got her coming out like she 22. it don't take much to mess up a life oh man an unguarded moment with the wrong partner [Music] come up with HIV in an unguarded moment it don't take much to mess up a life got over heels and some in love with somebody who just systematically destroys your credit oh yes and now you filing bankruptcy seven years on your record don't take much to mess up a life throwing something out of your window fall three stories down somebody in the head something just slip off the balcony somebody's dead negligence manslaughter you ain't got to be Wicked that's why we need him to keep us amen and we can't deceive ourselves I'm angry how many times have I said you know coming home I ain't gonna say nothing I ain't gonna say nothing I'm just gonna come home and know what you did no reason but I ain't gonna sing it I mean you walk in the door why you look so crazy then it's gone and it's gone just the wrong thing you said it the wrong thing push your button got your buttons a lot of people and we got our buttons exposed and people know how to get to us I could sit around a dinner table looking so intelligent and ordering so wonderfully well then this is acting like I got some kind of intelligence and the Saints sitting around the table with us and she just say some real smart something that only I could pick up because nobody else knew the history and then all of a sudden I go to twist in my face and talking crazy and the Saints looking at each other like what in the world did she say sound real simple to me it didn't make for all that kind of behavior amen actions you wish you could you could take back but they're already gone so now I need forgiveness but I need to also realize that I am a potential mess up so I can't deceive myself now now he takes it further and then I'm gonna let you alone I'll pray for you I'm not here searching to find something wrong with you now for that's gonna come up without a search hey man you're probing seeing them you ask people sometimes probing what you're going to do with the information I had a cousin once he followed his wife everywhere just instead of going to take care of this the the business he had he leave to go to work comes back parked down the street just sitting in the car Mikey like he's insane just sitting in the car just watching her come out pulling behind her when she going two three cars back when she stopped he stopped Park till he lost the business just right behind her she wasn't doing nothing doing whatever women do and what you want why are you doing this people probe get all in your numbers you know your know your codes I mean I was married 27 years I never went in a drawer that wasn't mine didn't open it uh could you get something in my purse here's a person it ain't mine that I'm going under mine what you gonna do with the information [Applause] we gonna just argue Judas was with Jesus and the Bible says something said and he kept on following him after he had betrayed him to see could he find an occasion against him amen some people you don't know when they turned you don't know when they turn deal with you still in the group still on the job still in the church still there same away but they already turned so now they're walking with you with a different motive they're walking with you looking for something wrong to destroy you with you don't know when they turn [Applause] oh you ain't got to search [Music] you're gonna have to forgive because you ain't gonna be with nobody and no relationship mother father brother sister a wife husband church members whatever you're working fellow employees you're gonna have to forgive somebody or else you're gonna walk around with a lot of weight a lot of Brokenness a lot of being bound up because you don't have the capacity to forgive and if you spend your life looking for trouble you gonna find it ooh now now now I think I can close this out tonight he says no the truth is not in US now notice now he's playing with sin and sins so if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves the Nature's there now then he says if we confess our sins actions so out of the sin nature comes sins and here's what we do we confess we speak in agreement with yes not tell it ain't just tell it see I grew up in church man uh where where the confession was you had to tell the preacher Pastor I don't know anybody know that kind of holiness where you would tap that's confession so you sit there and if you're really convicted about something now you have to relive it in a conversation with him and in our church our communion you had to speak whether you were Worthy to take communion because they've had that unworthiness they misinterpret that thing so terribly they just oh my God they got that thing so wrong because they came from a judgmental platform not from a Grace platform people would faint around the community table just remember something they didn't know I mean the pressure the tension amen the pressure tension and they take communion once a year and boy leading up to that you'd have to stand publicly stand up in your seat and say uh I would like everybody to know that I am worthy to take the communion that I have searched my life and I found no sin in my life and I can take the communion now imagine the monsters that were created imagine the lack of then we had a back bench we had a back bench of you probation probation one sister was fighting on the street where the church was and she was put in the back bench she had about uh I think it was about six months you had to sit in the back can't sit in no other sir sir it seemed like we should have moved the folk in the back bench up to the front because they needed it the most but got them in the back some people were told don't sit beside that brother sit beside that sister so can you imagine growing up trying to figure Jesus out oh and he's going to come back when you're not ready I couldn't figure that out why would God send his son to die and ignoble death on Calvary so he can sneak in here and catch me not ready it just wasn't logical so church was operated in scare Technics so if you scare me to get in here you're gonna have to keep me scared to stay when are we going to develop a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ it ain't telling you sitting here can you imagine me sitting in an office here and have you all lining up one after the other telling me what went down I was passing church in Longview Texas and and I'm sitting there and and and and and this lady came in and she said well you know our previous plans that Bishop you know Elder I seen then a previous Pastor expected us to come and confess and and she's not I said no you don't have to do that I said I don't have to know all you got to say I sinned I've done something wrong and I need you to pray for me I said that's it she started laying it out to me yeah and then every now and then she glancs up to see how I was taking it Lord have mercy have mercy I got a hot flash right now and he put that in my mind said no I don't work like that if we confess or we speak in agreement with and let me give you just a quick like a quick run on confession do you remember when when in in Joshua when Aiken son of Zab died took the accursed thing and what God did was he took Israel as a whole he he separated a tribe then from the tribe he separated the families and from the families he pointed out Aiken Joshua says to Aiken now make confession to God in other words he has picked you out in front of all these people you need to say he's right I'm the wrong one then Joshua said and tell me what you have done I want you to acknowledge to God that you have done it that he is not wrong he's right he didn't make a mistake because we getting ready to kill you see and now tell me what you did because God didn't tell me even though I'm the leader and the Lord show you Bishop Miller ain't showed me God does not show pastors everything about the people who attend nature Pastor is never your God don't ever get it confused and no matter what happens to the pastor if you have a relationship with God you keep on going we've got too many psychopaths in the pulpit foreign you can't tell everybody can't call you when they leave in town [Applause] amen you can't pray for yourself from here to San Diego and back we're going to have a prayer listen folk leave in town every what what kind of control do you want why you want to hear everything about everybody's life preach Jesus him crucify you confess to the Lord some people don't need to hear what you did everybody can't handle it oh I feel like I feel like shouting on that one so some people can't handle your past life some people can't handle the life you coming out of you can talk them right up in church about what was passed and they can't even deal with it they stop judging you funny over something you don't got over 15 20 years ago cannot handle it so he says if you confess now he is just faithful and just just and faithful to forgive now look how things turned we're going now Beyond Mercy to Justice how do we jump from mercy and Grace to Justice just and faithful faithful and just which means every time you confess he will forgive because he is faithful and now now how come it's not faithful and merciful but faithful and just the reason it becomes Justice is because he already died for your sins and to kill two people for one set of sins would not be just if Jesus Took My Place he paid the price all I got to do is acknowledge my sin before him and he's just to forgive me myself so I don't have to walk around here looking like some crazy man who everybody can despise if the Lord forgives me that's all I need [Applause] I feel like dancing here I feel like having some church in here he's [Applause] he's you didn't die for me so you can do all the judging he died for me he said who can condemn who he has Justified oh I feel like shouting on that one because while you talking about me he's wiping me off while you talking about me he's cleaning me up he's applying his blood [Applause] because he died I'm closing I'm closing I'm closing [Applause] [Music] do you remember Solomon administrating two women who had babies and one rule over in hers baby died and in the night there was a switch and one claims that was her baby that was living and near the clean was her baby now what Solomon needed was natural affection because he had no facts there's one word against the other nobody was there and natural affection just natural affection says I tell you what bring the baby here and let me cut this baby in half now the mother was not going to allow that and the other woman she was so mean even though you know she and she she's hanging with her partner she was so mean she would rather the baby die than for the real mother to have the baby so both of us be in the same shape but the real mother was not going to allow it because the real mother carried that baby for nine months and gave birth to that baby and she'd rather you have it and it live than for it to die anytime you help birth somebody into the kingdom of God you ain't gonna want to kill him yeah anybody you have birth you don't want them dead you want them to live and that's why the Lord is not listening to anybody when it comes to his children I died on Calvary I was the one who made the sacrifice to bring him out and if you don't like them that's your business they are my chilled [Applause] I'm happy about it I'm happy oh I'm happy about it give somebody a high five say I love the Lord amen I love him he ain't like nobody else I feel it here you know you know it would be a wonderful thing if folk could just be open with their mistakes haven't you found that the greatest trouble the folk have ever gotten into from presidents to pastors to you name them the big trouble they always get in is the cover-up [Music] ain't that something trying to cover it up sitting down in front of him perjuring themselves trying to cover up I did it I messed up I did it now how you gonna persecute that person amen thank you Lord I did it forgive me please confess acknowledge and when you appropriate forgiveness you will forgive yourself and one of the secrets everybody's standing one of the great great secrets to living and have tranquility and peace with yourself is to be able to forgive yourself amen you got to forgive yourself I look over my life and stuff I wish I had never done wish I had never done it to come back to bite me [Music] she's never done it but I did it and I can't change it but I can go on from it and if you learn by your mistakes amen amen somebody in here God's calling you tonight [Music] if you're on the edge of your seat run down here and somebody will walk with you it's time to be saved somebody feels like you've been so monstrous somebody some backslider that wants to come back to God the door is still open he hasn't closed it on you come on come on [Music] come on young man young lady you don't you don't have a gangbanger the greatest gift that you could ever received foreign Our Father tonight Lord if there's anything Among Us that someone has written themself off because of I pray that you reverse that spirit that attitude towards self I pray that you roll it back now and open us up to the refreshing power of Thee Holy Spirit and the freeing capacity that it gives us from all things that are negative [Music] and I pray Lord for every mistake we have made for everyone we will mean that you would cause it not to destroy but rather to build to edify and strengthen and Lord as we move into a new season of change even in our own lives we pray Lord that you orchestrate that you lead that you direct you take us where you'd have us to be and cause us to surround ourselves with whatsoever things are wonderful and powerful and true and honest and pure and let us dwell in those things and dwell in those areas and Arenas as you convince us to be more like you I pray God you empowers to help and Empower others and we claim it done in Jesus name now Lord we ask that you go with us protect us on our way home keep us watch over us praise you continually in Jesus name somebody give God a praise give him a praise I Surrender [Music] thank you
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 83,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DLgbm7Nn2Jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 42sec (4962 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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