Bishop Noel Jones "There Is A Word For Your Situation"

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you are watching the Jonathan desperate gospel channel be blessed [Applause] [Music] [Music] discouraged and why should the Shadows [Music] [Music] and long forever and home [Music] when Jesus Jesus is [Music] my portion [Music] of God [Music] if his eyes on the spell then I know over me [Music] so I Sing Because I'm happy [Applause] [Music] because I'm free inside [Music] is [Music] over me he giveth more grace as my burdens grow greater [Applause] [Music] he said there's no strength at the Rivers and creeps [Music] God has on his Mercy to my multiplied trials he multiplies peace now that's what she said last night that's what she said on on on on on was it last night Joyce Fox it's a double [Music] this bird came last night he doubles [Applause] [Music] so he doubles my grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] he doubles my strength [Music] his Mercy [Music] he doubles his fears for his love to y'all don't know these songs has no limit his grace [Music] [Music] the infinite riches in Christ Jesus God given and give and doubles in Shady Green Pastures so rich and so sweet God lead to their children [Music] where the waters could flow babies the weary child's feet God leads his dear children [Music] I am on the mountain where the sun will shines so bright Godly it is their children [Music] sometimes down in the valley you gotta go there in the darkness of the night [Music] his dear children alone now some now go through the water foreign ever feel like that something go through the fire [Applause] [Music] go through so how great sorrow but God gives us a song it's in the ninth season and a heart on the day [Music] I feel the Holy Ghost here what a joy divine [Music] leaning on [Music] already [Applause] arms um what a blessedness my God what a piece is mine leaning on the Everlasting Arms oh helps me to walk in this Pilgrim's way while I believe [Music] oh how bright the path grows from day to day gleaming on the Everlasting arm whatever dread tell me what have I fear if I believe yeah God blessed peace with my Lord so dear leaning our my God [Music] safe and secure [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] I will trust hear the Lord I will trust I feel church now your love I will trust in the Lord till I die [Applause] [Music] [Music] trust me [Music] [Music] hey trust me [Music] time [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I'm talking listen I'm doing pretty good for a guy that's got a sister on his voice no not to say I got a sister size of a diamond I'm not supposed to be able to say cause I can't depend on a lot of trust in the Lord you better hear me and if he can heal me from leukemia then I can be healed of this cyst and during this time of Jubilee I'm believing for everything baby everything it's my time it's my time [Music] selfish right now you know I've been praying for everybody else but then there comes a time when you got to go for yourself every man for himself a baby it's my time [Music] [Applause] I'm not getting on a plane tomorrow going nowhere without my stuff they gonna preach me into my place they gonna reach down my belongings they're gonna imparted me the things that I need before I leave this ground I will have everything I'm supposed to have [Music] and if you sit next to somebody who's dry as a desert baby move out of the way and get out of the way get that to somebody who's got a match that's in Central Time [Music] Hallelujah and I'm ready for the word tonight I'm telling you I'm gonna eat every bit of it the better atmosphere because I need this is I'm trying to [Applause] I don't know if y'all know this [Applause] song that the lord gave me I get a song every now and then song you gave me sitting on a plane throwing a temper tent [Applause] I got my song [Music] it wasn't I wasn't in a Holy Ghost you know it enveloped by the Holy Spirit now I was throwing a fit [Applause] wasn't no speaking in tongues what no hallelujahs it was a day where I was I was just mad 2 30 in the morning leaving La on the red eye wanting to go home and couldn't go home going from there to Detroit to past Detroit to go to Atlanta and I hadn't been home in two weeks and I was mad as fire because I wanted a normal life I wanted to be normal like everybody else I didn't ask for this [Music] it was never a desire of mine and I wanted to sing but this was a little bit too much God now if you take this from me I'll be okay just give me what I need don't have a life don't have nothing to be named God this is not fair I am tired of this and I just went down the list down the list in the back of a plane big old 200 somebody playing with only 50 of us on it I'm just going down the list where where are the things that everybody else has why why are you doing this to me I've been with you since I was nine why are you doing this I wanna go home [Music] and you preachers stop acting like you haven't had those days didn't want to see no more his people nothing let somebody else do it I'm going home I quit here are the keys I'm out [Music] and he said this to me he said I Never Promised You you would not feel the birth of ministry I Never Promised You that you wouldn't feel the weight of what you're doing I just promised you I'd be there to help [Applause] [Music] maybe ask me a series of questions that shut my mouth up he asked me simply what do you do seems like it's never enough I know what do you say when your friends turn away you're all alone all alone he said tell me what do you give when you're giving your all [Music] it seems like you can't make it through whoever you just stand with me there's nothing left to do you just stand watch the Lord see you through yes then he asked me tell me how do you handle the guilt of your past how do you deal with the shame tell me how do you smile when your heart has been broken so filled with pain so filled with pain [Music] tell me what do you give I given your all and it seems like you can't make again well if you just stand when there's nothing left to do you just stand watch the Lord see you through yes after you've done all you can just send and be sure and be not entangled in that bondage [Music] for God has a purpose God has a plan tell me what do you do when you've done all you can and it seems like you can't make it through do you all know this well you're just stand [Music] ing [Music] to the right way [Music] [Music] [Music] strong God feels different [Music] [Music] after you've done all you can after you've done all you can [Music] happy you've done all you can [Music] oh my happy and gone through the Earth [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] me [Music] after you've done all you can [Music] whoa yeah sometimes you do all you know how to do happy you've done all you can is [Music] you've been wounded you've been scarred right in this room [Music] sometimes I had to cry all through the night that's all right when you look for someone to help you through they weren't there you try God knows you really tried with all your might yes God you pray pray Christ [Music] praise [Music] [Music] comes the time you gotta stop fighting [Applause] you cannot Remain the Eternal victim hear what I'm saying never let the devil see you cry oh that doesn't make sense anyway never ever see you cry how do I do that listen there's a place you can go devil can't see you there there's a place that you can go he doesn't have access to where he that dwells is a secret place is Shadows [Music] after you've done all you can [Music] after you've done all you can you just Standing on the Promises I'm finished Christ my king [Applause] through eternal life just left his praise his ring [Applause] glory in the highest I will shout and sing I'm Standing on the Promises of God [Applause] Standing on the Promises of Christ my savior standing I'm not going nowhere [Music] [Applause] I'm standing [Applause] one the promises [Music] of God oh oh standing on his promises [Music] thank you somebody Square your shoulders somebody stick out your tongue chill somebody push your plate back Point your finger under the nose of the devil draw a line in the spiritual sand pull up your pant lay again step over that line tell the devil you come to invade enemy Hill territory [Music] just stop refuse to be refused denied to be denied it is [Music] my time [Music] come my God remain standing at Dominion camp meeting every year we seek the face of God to bring you the greatest [Music] anointings [Music] heard and remove and yoke destroy anointing every generation has a yoke and every generation has a polarity an anointing to destroy that yoke God raises up men to smash women to smash those yolks all week long it hasn't mattered what service you've been here 10 o'clock two o'clock packing this building out to receive the word of God in these evening services what a visitation of the spirit of God [Music] I purposely purposely saved brother Noel Jones until Friday night cause you don't put new wine in Old skin and we got rid of some stuff we're empty and we're ready for a Divine deposit it's my first opportunity to welcome him to Dominion camp meeting will you join me in welcoming from Los Angeles California Bishop Noel Jones [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hands with someone stretch across the aisle and leave no one untouched tonight [Music] presence of the Lord is in this place and someone might not have had a good day as you have had but I believe that the presence of the Lord in you moving to that person next to you can make a difference tonight but all that God has done in your life if you could just intercede on behalf of the person right next to you not my situation not my Affairs but if God would just bless my brother or my sister the Lord would just take him to the next level take her to the next level Soul would be blessed Lord I want you to bless the hands at home touch my brother and my sister we come together Lord looking for a blessing we need a word from you we need a touch from you move until you get through we ask that you sublimate that you be exalted tonight that you'll be lifted that you Lord God be preeminent in all things so now bless the hands I hold bless my brother and my sister coming and going let every word that they have heard this week become a standard by which they live Lord bless the hands I hope anoint the hands I hope deliver and set free the hands I hope have your way in the life of the hands I hope and I intercede right now I will not let the devil in on my brother I will not let him in on my sister but I will stand in the Gap with the power of your spirit until every yoke gets broken bless the hands I hold bless every Ministry in this building and I claim it right now in the name of Jesus send a double anointing now we claim it done we claim it done in Jesus name give God a praise for yourself he's worthy he's worthy He's Worthy you may be seated in the presence of the Lord amen we do thank God just for being here tonight and surely for this great ministry that God has ordained World Harvest Church certainly to pass the parsley unto his lovely wife to his mother and to this retinue of ministry that's gathered across this whole building and through all of God's children we say praise the Lord and thank God for everyone that's here I don't have much time for this I brought some tapes from praise to Thanksgiving I brought some things that will bless you all these things will bless you by the help of God but I just feel the presence of the Lord in such a great way in this place tonight and uh yes I know I have some product and stuff but sometimes you just feel like preaching that's you know just feel like going to work I would be remissing my duty tonight if we didn't give honor to God for such a great leader as Pastor Rod prostley amen surely surely surely surely world hardest you have a gift from God you have a gift from God Amen amen the whole world has a gift from God [Music] we have been blessed by his ministry through the years and it's just marvelous to be able to come and share in this congregation tonight I know my friend Bishop Jakes has been here and I called him I said I hope you left me something just I hope you didn't take everything with you and his son said he said he said Bishop Jones I saw it on TV and it's a mess I mean he just took everything so but we thank God I thank God for all of my friends that I see here tonight and it's just good to have friends I thank God for Brother Gary Oliver been friends for years and his great ministry that God has ordained of course to Marvin and Donnie and just to everybody and brother Perkins amen and perky that's friend them we thank God for everyone that's here tonight I I wouldn't though that you would look with me to Saint John's gospel chapter 11. it's it's what we call a familiar passage of scripture and where you know the old preacher would preach he said I'm going to take you to a familiar passage of scripture and and oftentimes it's familiar on the surface but then sometimes as you dig into it it seems to get a little bit uh unfamiliar and then you've got a call for the Holy Spirit to help you to dissect the word of God but in Saint John Chapter 11 [Music] just to deal with certain aspects of the text course Lazarus was sick in Bethany and and John is very careful to tell us it's the town of Mary and her sister Martha in verse 2 if you notice he he emphasizes that there is a reciprocal relationship between Jesus and this family because it was that Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair whose brother Lazarus was sick he is he's emphasizing and he's making very sure that we understand clearly that this is not just any person but he has a relationship with Mary with Martha and with Lazarus now in threes as therefore his sisters sent unto him and therefore suggests a conclusion based on the relationship that is evident here the reciprocal relationship that Jesus has with this wonderful little family group we have a right to send to and the word here is Lord behold he whom thou loveth is sick not only do we have a reciprocal relationship not only are we wonderfully ministering to you as you minister to us but now the brother of ours that we know you love dearly he is it now John is trying to tell us that if Jesus should have gone to see anybody he should have hurried down to see Lazarus but then he says when Jesus heard that he said the sickness is not unto death but for the glory of God that the Son of God might be glorified thereby and John reiterates and five Jesus love Martha and her sister and Lazarus really can't understand why he would be so slowly about responding to a cry from a group of people that they have reciprocal relationship a little slow about it we know he's got all power in his hands we know he's a Healer when he heard this verse 6 therefore that he was sick he Abode two days still in the same place where he was hasn't moved at all can you imagine sending word to your pastor oh God how many times have we gotten in trouble because we didn't move right away you know some people are sick you got to make sure you get there before anything happens to them because you got to deal with their family you pastors understand what I'm talking about here we you just better hurry up get over there folk get upset when you don't come it doesn't matter who you send some people are just looking for you and you know how that is angry church people get mad well I sin for the pastor two days ago and he hasn't showed up yet and then sometimes people go to visit people and then when they're there you sent them to visit their own staff to visit and then they walk right in and ask has the pastor come to see you yet [Music] so after that and 70 says let us go into Judea again and of course he was having trouble in Judea and the disciples weren't too quick on him going there anyway because they were seeking to so Stone him but 11 he says these things said he and after that he saith unto them our friend Lazarus sleeping but I go that I may wake him out of sleep and the disciples couldn't figure that out well if he's sleeping he's doing all right he's he's got to be okay but Jesus of course was speaking about Lazarus being dead in verse 14 he says Lazarus is dead and I am glad maybe I'm dyslexic but that's what I see Lazarus is dead and I am glad now he loves these people they have been waiting for him and he has not moved now he declares that the man is dead and he is glad for your sakes that I was not there to the intent you may believe nevertheless let us go unto him he goes and of course Martha meets him as he comes which is typical of somebody who's angry who needs to talk to him privately I I gotta meet him on the way I will not let him get in here I respect him too much talk to him any kind of way in front of these folks so I will meet him along the way and I want to know why you didn't come because if you had been here my brother had not died wrong he was going to die I want him to die he's dead and I'm glad oh my God yeah Lord but I know 22 even now whatsoever thou will ask of God God will give it unto thee thy brother shall rise again and no shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day Jesus said unto her I am the resume and the light he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die believe as thou this and of course she she felt a little faith rise and she responded said take me to where you laid him 34. and then he said take away the stone then she hollered and he said Lord by this time he stinketh he's been dead for days and he said didn't I tell you if thou wouldest believe thou should I see the glory of God and of course he cried at the tomb he wept and then he hollered last arrest coming forth my subject tonight is there is a word for your situation [Applause] come forth look at somebody and say there is a world for whatever you're going through you're coming out of it coming out of it [Applause] I would like to point out that John's concern is about our concept of Christ if you notice in the Book of John he never ever mentions his name when he speaks of himself he speaks of the other the disciple or the disciple whom Jesus loves but he never ever mentions his name it is said in theological circles that John has made very sure that Jesus is always visible and he invisible he makes sure that everything is focused on the Lord and when you read his writings you will see that he's extraordinarily crystal-centric it's just everything's about Jesus and he presents them in such a manner that he tells us without God's communication to us we are doomed because if God does not speak to us there is absolutely no way for us to get out of any circumstance that we find ourselves in God has to speak to us and so John then presents the word of God in three forms he opens with in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the word wasca and the word here now in Saint John 1 and 1 is our introduction to the word logos the word and logos actually denotes the expression of thought it is not a mere name of an object when you speak of the logos of the word that was with God the word that was God you're speaking about the word that was actually thought of the word that emanated out of the mind of God because before you have a word you have to have a thinker you have to have a thought before you have a word and to have a thought you gotta have a thinker and a thinker is God and the logos is the representation or the expression of the thought that is God and so it is not an object it is an expression of thought I want you to stay with me now this and this thought is spirit so the logos then is with God the Greek is pressed with not meaning now in company with but the word has a most intimate relationship and communion with God you cannot separate God's word from his thought you cannot separate God's thought from himself the word is then spirit and so the logos then the word is distinct and super finite it's the logos is deity because logos is God and and in the logos is the ability to create its creative power it is the same kind of expression when he says let there be light because and they say light is uh it's a sort of oscillation of sound that's that's what scientists say when you have light it's an oscillation of sound so when when he said let there be light it left his mouth and it escalated until write a pair and let there be light now you will notice then that whenever you see logos the writer adds a sentence like all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made because if there is a thought and the thought wants to reveal itself or manifest itself then in order to manifest there has to be a creation the beginning of manifestation when God chooses to manifest himself the very beginning of his manifestation is to create he he has to create because in the canyons of Eternity God by himself knowing himself does not need to manifest himself to himself so if he's going to show himself he has to verse make something to show himself too so so logos then is is is with God logos is God because there is no marketing agency separate from God who can Market God God has to Market himself so wherever you see logos you will know that there has to be a creation so now then the spirit the word uh the logos was God and the second form then is and the word became flesh and dwelt Among Us flesh creatures and we beheld his glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth so now that that was with God that that was God the logos which manifests God became flesh and now we are able to see the logos in a panoply of Flesh now we see the invisible Spirit now it's key here now that it was he was not made you know but became flesh you say because now not me because that then puts him passive then but became makes him active so my action is voluntary I I control the manifestative process nobody makes me I control the process of manifestation oh God so so now he then is created to reveal you see he created to reveal that the reality and totality of his human nature and Glory as the only begotten from the Father which actually should be God only begotten is that he is created to reveal oh God the logos the word now becomes flesh and dwells Among Us in order to reveal the word which is Spirit which is God you say I've got to bring God in your situation but I got to create in order to reveal uh I want you to stay with me just a minute here now the stress here is to the nature and character of the relationship he was the Shekinah Glory in open manifestation that that's the word which was with God the word became flesh and so the only the God only begun which is in the bosom of the father he hath declared him I've got to move in your situation and in your circumstance so you can see God in your situation or your circumstance but I control the manifestative process you don't control it I control it I will show you what I want to show you when I want to show it to you but I have to declare it by my own choice oh God I feel it here now we take another step now and the next step goes to the third form of the word and and John now ex brings us to that in his epistle because he extends the contact that they had with the Incarnate Word because you and I didn't have the privilege of being in Judea at the time that the Incarnate Word was evident in the universe we were not there we are some 2 000 years removed so what John did is say that which was from the beginning not of time now but of Jesus's Ministry and our involvement which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked Upon Our Hands having handled the word of life for the life was manifested that is the spirit became flesh and we have seen it and bear witness yes and show unto you that eternal life that was with the father and was manifested unto us now you see the sequence the spirit was with the father and became flesh we beheld the word but you are not here with us so that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that you also might have fellowship with us I have got to bring you into a relationship with the Incarnate Word which is a manifestation of the spirit word but you're out of my time so what I do is I will give you a Bible I will give you the written word which is my Declaration of my association with the Incarnate Word which is a revelation of the spirit word ah there is a word there is a word I put that the Bible is his declaration but his Association was with the Incarnate Word which is a revelation of the spirit word so my Bible becomes the expression of Christ so us Christ is the expressed image of God and both are just declaration but his Association was with the Incarnate Word which is a revelation of the spirit word so my Bible becomes the expression of Christ so us Christ is the expressed image of God and both are visible in the Bible if I want to know Jesus I got to know my Bible if I want to know God I've got to know Jesus are you with me now oh God can't we go to the next step Jesus now spoke as the Incarnate Word and and and here's one instance where he said I am the living bread which came down from heaven I am the bread of life and he said now except you drink my blood and accept you eat my flesh then you have no life in you well obviously I mean we're intelligent people now what is this eating business that you're talking about are we going to eat and drink your blood if you notice the Bible says that many of the disciples left because they stumbled at that statement they couldn't grasp it now what are we going to do with him now he wants us to eat him even the disciples stumbled and he said to them and we're in John 6 here about verse 63 he said he said to them he said does this offend you they say yeah we got problems with this I'm I mean this eating thing has got to go man he said what and if you see the son of man ascend from whence he came I guess you would say not there goes the lunch there goes dinner we sure can eat him now he's a he says let me tell you something it is the spirit that quickness the flesh profited nothing the words that I speak they are spirit and their life you don't hate the package but you tear open the package and eat the bread oh I see a problem oh God just looks like another package hold that organ I hurt myself the spirit of the Incarnate Word was life and the spirit of the written word has life only the package is different the package of the Incarnate Word moved in the earth in a particular time in human history but the written word is the Declaration of the Incarnate Word which is a manifestation of the spirit word there is Spirit in this Bible that's why sometimes when you read it in the middle of what you're going through something comes out of it that stands up in you and makes a difference in your life I feel God in this place I feel the spirit of God it's the spirit that quickeneth and so the Jesus speaks Spirit words as the Incarnate Word and as they recorded the spirit words spoken by the Incarnate Word that became the written word as the Incarnate Word ah how might I put this up so you got to get to mogas to get Rhema you don't get Rhema without logos you got to know Jesus to get Rhema because it's out of the logos that Rhema comes uh are you with me are you with me ah and so now to accept one is to accept all for all are the same so for the first time I know the baker I know the bread and I got the recipe you see God is the baker Jesus is the bread and the Bible [Applause] can we go to the next level right here now now thus then we fulfill this significance of the title logos because now we have the word the personal manifestation not a part of the divine nature but the whole of the divine nature that's it because now logos now and we're going to get little philosophical here for a minute logos then becomes that that whole deity when you get a word from God you get God you can't have a word from God and not have God because God is his word if you've got a word from God you got God in your situation when the word comes forward from a normal little guy that looks like just an average man but when the words come out if it's the word of God it's God that steps out of his mouth into your circumstance and turns things around uh there is a word so now the word then is first of all the principle of the Divine self-manifestation in the very ground of being itself now we're borrowing from Paul tilling in the ground of being so what it's saying now is that the word becomes the principle by which God manifests himself he uses the expression ground a being because it is out of God that everything comes the creature to whom he wants to reveal himself and the Revelation itself God controls it all that's why Revelation must be given and Revelation must be received or else it's not Revelation if God shows it but I don't get it then it's like he never showed it when he shows it I'm gonna get it because he doesn't show it for me not to get in that's why he says my word shall not return unto me void it's gonna do the job in your life and my life and it's going to start whenever I say I believe who God help me now I'm trying to behave but I feel something pushing me tonight I feel the Holy Ghost the grounding is not only the obese in which every form disappears but it's the source from which every form emerges and so the ground of being God has the character of self manifestation nobody can show you God I can only speak in normal grammatic terms and put God's word towards your mind but it takes God to Ram it in your heart I can speak to you intellectually but he'll speak to your need spiritually and when you get a word from God you just got in contact with God himself ah let's go to the next step so the word then is the medium of creation for the logos for the purpose of manifestation now we go to the next level creates the situation for revelation he not only creates you but he also creates a series of events so that he might give you a series of Revelation I got to create the situation it ain't got nothing to do with you it's what I want to do it's not by your timetable it's by my timetable I want you to learn certain things about me so what I do is I get in your life and I create certain situations so that I can give you some Revelation about me oh I feel God in here look at somebody and say that's what's going on in my life God is getting ready to show me some new things that I never would know unless he created the situation for Revelation for God oh I feel his presence can I take it a little further the longest thing now when you deal with the Dynamics of Revelation in situation what you have now is a history of events that now makeup or constitute the history of Revelation do you have a history of God's revelatory moves in your life can't you not DeMark certain times in your life when God showed himself this circumstance he showed himself and the other the other day he showed himself now that he showed himself and every time there is a revelation there is an increase in your faith for the righteousness of God is revealed from Faith to Faith I believe to God and then he showed himself so I don't have to believe him for that I know him for that but because I know him for that I can believe him for that and then when I believe him he shows himself so I've got two things that he showed himself in so now I can believing for more so the more I believe the more he reveals and the more I believe and the more he reveals and the more and the more and the more until I can look the devil in the face and say you can't make me doubt him foreign [Applause] because the word then is the manifestation of the Divine Life in the history of Revelation and so then the Rhema now that I get it now is uttered from its Greek it's uttered in speech or in writing so it is the Rhema about the logos in the history of Revelation I've got to have a history I've got to be able to predicate certain of my sins on what God has shown me whom do men say that I the son of man I am has got to give way to whom do you say because it's all right to go by the other person's Revelation but I need to know him for myself oh God and so then he creates a situation for Revelation he created a situation for Revelation and he called it Jehovah Nissi he created a situation for Revelation and he called it Jehovah rafika he created a situation for Revelation and he called it Jehovah Shalom he created a situation for Revelation and he called it Jehovah's sick of new he created a situation for Revelation and he called it Jehovah he created a situation for Revelation and he called it jehovah-shama he created a situation for Revelation and he called it Jehovah mcadish so now I can say the Lord is my banner the Lord is my healer the Lord is my provider the Lord is my righteousness the Lord is my shepherd the Lord is present the Lord is my sanctifier and devil you can go to the Liquor's eye foreign give somebody a high five say there is a word for your situation what you want to call it Jehovah whatever your situation is there is a way [Applause] [Music] I feel God in here [Applause] to surprise this is where they missed it this is where they missed it this little group this little family group this is where they missed it and that is that I know you're my friends and I know we have a reciprocal relationship we have been enjoying each other's company but you see it's only his friends who get another revelatory experience the people who were not his friends he kept himself secret from them oh God when you're his friend then he sets up situations in order to give you another insight to just how powerful he is the only thing you're going through right now is the Lord setting up another situation in order to show you who he is oh God I feel you he's getting ready to show you that there is no boss that can stop you he's getting ready to show you that I can bless you in spite of how people treat you he's getting ready to show you that it's nothing wrong with what you're doing I just want some Glory oh my God I feel God in this place oh bless his name [Music] [Applause] well just go on and praise him for a minute [Applause] yes that's what's going on he's just set you up for a revelation set you up to see his power set you up [Applause] oh the sickness oh yes I know it's the same marriage which anointed my feet and it's the same Mary that wiped my feet with her and I know who she is and I know who Lazarus is but this sickness is that the Son of God might be glorified you just drop all the other parts out then here's how it would read this sickness is but for the glory of God it ain't no other reason for it I'm just putting a situation together that I might get some Glory out of here that's why I'm playing he's dead and I'm glad cause I'm gonna get some glow I'm gonna get some Glory I'll tell somebody say I'm getting ready to glorify God my life my job my circumstance my soul my spirit my church my mind whoa I'm getting ready to glorify God oh God it's for the glory of God sometimes you can't understand it because after all I am a friend how could we be so close to him and be so reciprocal in our Ministries and he just totally ignore us because when it comes to the glory of God my relationship I must understand is for His glory and he'll push me to the edge of my faith and push me to the edge of my grief and push me to the edge of my circumstance and when I think that it's all over he'll step right in with a mighty hand and get some praise that I've never given him yet oh God did God's get ready to get some praise out of your life that you have never given him yet tells the neighbor you got some praise that you haven't yet given God and God's getting ready to pull it out of him reaching your gut and get it out of here because he's getting ready to bring you out when I'm mighty I feel your presence and experience he's getting ready to pull it out of you he's getting ready to show you his hand you know him as Jehovah Jireh but do you know him as Jehovah Rover you got to know him in all aspects then you can tell the devil get out of my house [Applause] oh it is relationship that brings Revelation and it is here then that is the conflict because grief plays with faith when you're going through something and you can't figure it out and most of us because of our traditional Association to good behavior we generally cannot understand how it is that he does not respond when we have done everything right I grew up in an extraordinarily traditional environment so I understood when I was wrong that there would be judgments and punishments but I couldn't understand that when I was doing everything right how come things happen to me here that I just cannot figure out because I did not see the other factor and that is he creates the situation to show me another side of himself it has nothing to do with my behavior it has all to do with this program of Revelation for my life for I cannot be effective if I don't go through something I got to know how to go through in order to declare who he is and that's why today you can look at your circumstance and say because he brought me out he's going to bring me out right now there is a word oh God I feel you here so now in the middle of my grief I've got to look Beyond Myself and let my eyes leave my situation and let Faith show me Revelation because I'm caught between my situation and my Revelation if I go by my situation coming through my flesh pulling down my mind I will be depressed and argumentative in a time where I ought to let my faith tap into his spirit and renew my mind because I'm not conformed to my situation but I walk by Revelation that's why I don't have to wait till the battle's over because I don't live by situation I live by Revelation and all I need is a word is there a word heard from the Lord if I get a word I can already dance before the battle is over there is a word you want to praise him right now I don't care what you're going through there is a word I feel the spirit of God here oh God I'm not going to keep you too much longer but here is where Martha was fighting because she was extraordinarily traditional and she understood that there are certain things that I must get from the Lord and get them quickly that is why if you had been here my brother would not have died wrong honey he's creating a situation so if he still had come he was still going to die yeah because the plan was I need to show that I am the resurrection and the love can I have a little church in here tonight put somebody and say it's Church time I feel a little churchy oh God and so now she goes to her tradition but that's the problem with us today we run to tradition looking for an answer but honey it ain't in the tradition you need it right now word because what I'm going through I don't have any book on it God's taking me through a new thing yeah to show me new revelation and so she hollered he'll raise on the last day and he hollered I am the last day I am the resurrection and the life and I'm getting ready do something for you now that you're looking for tomorrow Shake somebody's hand and say not tomorrow huh I got the habit now by the power of God I feel the Holy Ghost now if you've got enough Faith to believe me I don't have to work it out next year I can work it out right now because I saw the sign when I walked in the door now is the time of Jubilee and it's my time my time for my thing and it's right now can I just preach I don't want to let you no more I want to preach like the old time cause I feel the power of the Holy Ghost Shake somebody's hand like you're gonna shake it off and say neighbor there is a word come for it's your time to rise up out of your midst and come on out I feel like preaching in here somebody declared well what I'm going through is too much and I can't get through it but God does not matter how dead your situation is there is a word for your situation nothing is too dead for God I don't care how long you've been living Beneath Your Privilege the word is now you can have it all now because all this week you got a word so pick up the word which is your sword and tell the devil get out of my face cause it's mine and I don't care how dead you are can I preach just a minute then I'm gonna close it didn't matter that for four days his heart had stopped it didn't matter whether or not you've lost heart all you need is a word it didn't matter that for four days bacteria began to grow releasing enzymes which dissolve the body from the inside producing gas and Bloated it didn't matter how distorted he was there was a word that would move the Distortion it didn't matter that his features were unrecognizable and his body smelled like rotten meat it didn't matter I feel the holy spirit in here tell your neighbor it don't matter it's a word for it it didn't matter that 10 minutes after he die flies arrived and laid thousands of eggs in his eyes in his nostrils and in his mouth and that three days later the eggs began to hatch and the maggots fed on his tissue it didn't matter that beetles ate up his dry skin and 24 hours later spider showed up that ate up the Beatles that ate up the Bulge that ate up his skin but when he said Lazarus come forth it didn't matter because the bugs had to give up the Beatles that ate up the spiders that ate up his skin and if you get a word you can tell the devil You Gotta Give me back [Applause] that you took from me there is a word I feel the Holy Ghost get Palm party high five and say there is a word for your situation and everything the devil took from you he's got to give it back about the talent I want it back I got a word that everything is gonna work out fine I got a word that God is looking for some Glory out of my life I got a word that he doesn't have to heal my body if he can raise me from the dead I got a word that in a moment he's gonna turn it around pull on somebody say I'm coming out I'm coming out I'm coming out of bondage coming out of honey I'm coming out I heard in my name I heard my name Jesus just call me and I am coming out I'm wrapped up but I'm coming out but I'm coming out I messed up but I'm coming out I'm in bed but I'm coming out foreign [Music] [Music] do you see what I see do you see what I see I see a lot of folk that's been bound moving like an army devil you're a life cause look at the army of coming forth come somebody said let's go forth your talent is ready he's ready for your gift he's ready for your talent he's ready for your testimony he's ready for your word he's ready for you let's go forth let's give it going lift him up let's take out shout hallelujah somebody real quick and tell them I'm coming out like never before all my gifts oh my anointed all of my power [Music] celebrate celebrate [Music] please [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] come on come out [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a situation tell somebody God set you up everything you've been through everything you've been struggling with God's just setting you up and real soon you're gonna hear your name and when you hear your name I don't care how rough it is just not coming out and when you make a step he'll holla loose the man tell somebody I'm getting ready to be loose my gifts my anointing my victory my praise my joy there is a word my Ministry [Music] foreign I want you to take one person by both hands shot [Music] every seed is an altar I want you to get one person by both hands whatever things you bind on Earth are bound in hell whatever things you lose on Earth are loose in heaven we're going to bind some things and loose some things right now you have been here all week you have heard from heaven and from vessels but the Same Spirit spirit and on the close of this great meeting you're walking out of here with the spirit to find some things [Music] and loose some things you got the kids because Kings come from Revelation when he said Thou Art the Christ the son of the Living God he gave him some keys whatsoever thou bind on earth oh you know some things in your home need to be bound hey God just pray with me in the name of Jesus squeeze one hand I bind every Spirit of doubt I find every Spirit of depression I find every low self-esteem that may run through this building I bind fear I bind Whisperers and slanderers I bind every deceitful worker I find right now I find that Pine satanic powers in high places I find it in the mind and in the spirit of your children I find right now every conspiracy every conspirator everything that has been designed to break down the child of God squeeze the other hand a loose Victory I lose a double triple anointing a loose power I lose your glory I lose your joy and your peace a loose Prosperity loose that house loose that car loose that new job Luke's Lord do it now in the name of jealous I claim it right now loose that Ministry now give God some Glory he wants the glory and watch the glory yes there is a word there is a word I'm going home with a word [Music] I've got a word [Applause] God bless you tonight God bless you tonight oh somebody to praise him give God some more problems do you feel a little churchy tonight do you feel like praising him you tell somebody there is a word things are going to change cause I got a word turn around one time thank you [Music] foreign [Music] I don't know I got my word I got my word it's an accepted year if you're gonna accept it let him know be received tell him I receive it Iris I dare you to shout be it up to me according to your word [Applause] you wanna get impregnated with a miracle do it the way Mary did it be it unto me be it up to me according to your word [Applause] celebrate foreign [Applause] give it away tell the devil you can't have my word you can't handle foreign [Applause] [Applause] tomorrow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I get I've been getting letters I've been getting letters from Dr dumbbell sister yay written in crayon wait a minute saying well it's all right sin brother parsley how can you declare Jubilee we've studied the charts we've studied the ancient history and uh we have calculated data Pluto has not yet aligned in the age of Aquarius therefore Jubilee is not far three months and two days you know when Jubilee is he closed the book when he had given them a revelation of who he was and then he said you may take it accept it or leave it reject it I come to get my stuff I'm gonna get mine I would like for you to be seated no one is moving [Music] they that labor in the word Worthy of double honor double double now you gave Bishop Jakes an offering and you gave brother shambach and offering and you gave me an offering and it's time for double anything you've given any preacher this week I have never been more blessed feden been fed more fully [Music] I just I just had to walk around I I kept saying I I wish he'd say something I just hate when they imply so much I want this man to go home knowing the character of the people he has preached to this night I want him to go home saying my God I've been there when it felt that way it was that way [Music] in Detroit I got on that airplane just walked around holding it up said look here I just want you to see what it looks like showing off that check because then I knew my Ministry had hid its Mark and had been received as something of value I want Noel Jones to go home feeling that way I want you right now don't you move the doors are locked ain't nowhere to go and nowhere to go but you come in here and eat this man's green and leave your done [Music] he had to labor to receive that word some people say well he preached hard honey all the hard work was done before he ever got up here he had to labor over that thing to give birth to it I want you right now to get an envelope last offering of this week get an envelope get out your checkbook if you're going to make out a check you put a whc on it I promised you with my word every dollar that comes in in this offering will go to Bishop Noel Jones you give no way I'm not going to go back in the back say well how much was his airfare here take that out well how much was his Holton take that out I don't ever take anything out I put stuff in but I don't ever take anything out every dollar you give everything I'm not a thief every dollar you give in this offering will go to bless this man of God and you give with a joy-filled revelation that that's exactly what you're giving to oh my God I've been set up just touch somebody tell them I'm set up and set up [Applause] happens ah [Music] I asked the Lord why would you let why would you let my baby be born with 140 IQ and not be able to say my name and God said to me so I could get the glory I knew I knew you'd give me the glory when I touch it [Music] I've been set up and set up I'm just giving you time to write you watching me I don't know you're writing look at somebody next to you and say is that the best you can do yeah you must not have gotten anything out of this look at them say do you need something to give is that your problem oh I want to bless this man oh I wanna I wanna bless this man tonight one of blessing I want to bless it over in the Overflow listen listen are you ready are you ready to give you wouldn't sing for me would you would you sing for me would you I don't want to impose would you sing for me [Music] he's going to sit down there and sing somebody gonna play for him oh oh nobody is moving until this offering is received then we'll be dismissed in the presence of no reason to hurry out there to hell anyway dear God this is two hours early and we've got out of here any night huh we may have another round I may turn Pastor Winans loose preach again [Applause] I'm in no hurry you Hallelujah Lord God bless this offering [Music] bless your servant oh God let his heart be ministered to when he opens up this check see the people of God heard and received and responded to that word that he paid such a price to deliver in Jesus name for his glory amen give as unto the Lord in Joy Pastor Marvin Winans [Music] [Applause] [Music] come to fire from where I started from no body told me [Music] [Music] but I don't believe he brought me this time leave me can I say I am don't feel no ways time I come I come too far from where I started from [Applause] nobody told me that's wrong go home but I don't believe around me this far Lead Me [Music] I praise God for as the word was preached today we see so vividly how God takes us from one station to the next thank you and his desire is so that we can get to know him and so I I tell people that my present faith is based on a past experience I know he's able to deliver because I already know he has to live so it's so wonderful to hear Lord I I really do need to sit down because I'm I'm from church where we didn't get out to 12 and 1. but I just want to say that one more time down and without a Beat I don't feel no waste time [Music] because I really have come too far from where I started I started from France [Music] [Music] that the road would be there you can't make me believe that the Lord brought me this far [Music] to leave me for without God and we I would say without God my life would be drifting [Music] that's why I don't believe he brought me this far I don't believe it all he brought me this far I said that I don't believe he brought me this spot to leave me [Music] for we may never know I'm through all the people we have touched before we made it we may never know all the lives that we have reached but we know we really don't know you know and I'll record you to keep and win the end despite the lead begin we will receive a great reward for what we've done thank you Jesus will receive upgrade reward for what we've done if you believe and lift those things a great reward for what we've done keep on working pass to keep on preaching we'll receive a great reward for what we've done I don't believe he brought me this far believe me everything [Music] you've done [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] five boys [Music] come on say it again [Music] surprise [Music] the blessings [Music] [Music] of the Lord thank you
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 162,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Gospel Videos, Gospel, Gospel Music, Christ, Jesus, God, HolyGhost, Praise, Praise God, Praise The Lord, Awesome, Praise Break, Dance, Bishop Noel Jones, Preaching, Donnie McClurkin, Bishop Winans
Id: drBqo5RL1dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 45sec (7185 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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