Bishop T.D. Jakes Preaching At the COGIC Holy Convocation In Memphis Tennessee! (Full Service)

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foreign foreign foreign we sleep [Music] foreign foreign we're gonna have a little testimony and just say to them say neighbor there is nobody come on so tonight I'm gonna get him going because of who he is yeah this way I'll become a choir in this place [Music] right now [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] right here come on come on you know this everybody that your voice [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] let's go here come on come on [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I couldn't stop good morning lift up your hands and with that same passion lift your voice and Magnify Him in this place come on open your mouth [Music] let me just hear the voices hallelujah hallelujah come on fill this room build this room [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Hallelujah sweet wonders come on come on everybody lift your boys come on Jesus Jesus oh God Joyce and say oh [Applause] sweet wonderful Jesus in mind [Music] [Applause] come on lift your hands lift your hands in my eyes in my soul [Music] yes it is everything he is he [Music] in my soul [Music] [Applause] in life [Applause] Let the church come on yeah yeah yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] testify to your neighbor and tell your neighbor I Will Bless The Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth tell him that is my first and my last answer now praise the Lord everybody [Applause] definition of Praise is an answer and God's not enough for us to answer and respond with praise the invocation superintendent J Drew shared the Old Testament Pastor Linwood Dillard the New Testament Pastor Jeffrey Lewis followed by the ministry of music from the CH Memorial Choir God bless superintendo Shir Ley tell the Lord thank you come on tell the Lord thank you dear Lord we thank you right now because you blessed us you brought us to this point God we thank you we thank you because you've been so kind to us you've been so merciful unto us God we're asking that you will come in this room now God somebody is waiting on you somebody's depending on you God there are people who came from miles and they drug their problems here to the convocation they drug their circumstances they drugged oh God they drugged the issues that were plaguing their life but God we pray now that you will come in the room and that you will lose some now we pray that you will give them the strength we pray that you will give them endurance we pray that you will give them Deliverance I know you can I know you will all powers in your hand touch us right now Satan the Lord rebuke you you come to hinder but the blood is against you and we plead the blood now we pray now God that you will loose now in the name of Jesus come on in now Lord come while we're waiting come while we're praying all powers in your hand somebody needs a healing somebody needs Deliverance there's Deliverance in the room come on come on come on in jury come while we're waiting and we say yes yes to your will yes to your way yes Lord search our hearts search our minds if you find anything that shouldn't be there take it out now take it out now we're waiting on you we're depending on you have your way Lord have your way have your way have your way and we thank you for it and we thank you for it in the name of Jesus come on and give God the praise come on and give him the praise your deliverance is in your praise your healing is in your praise your breakthrough is in your praise somebody ought to praise him praise the Lord somebody in the name of Jesus we pray thank God amen Exodus chapter 15. verses 1 through 13. then saying Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord and spake saying I will sing unto the Lord for he have triumphed gloriously the horse and his rider have he thrown into the sea the Lord is my strength and my song and he has become my salvation he is my God and I will prepare him in habitation my father's God and I will exalt him the Lord is a man of war the Lord is his name Pharaoh's chariots and his hosts have he cast into the sea his chosen captains also are drowned in the Red Sea the deaths have covered them and they sink into the bottom as a stone thy right hand O Lord is become glorious in power thy right hand O Lord have dashed in pieces the enemy and in the greatness of thine Excellency thou has overthrown them that has rose up against thee thou sent us forth thou wrath which consumed them as stubble and with the blast of the nostrils the waters were gathered together the flood stood up upright as in Heat and the depths were congealed in the heart of the sea the enemy said I will pursue I will overtake I will divide the spoil my lust shall be satisfied upon them I will draw upon my sword my hand shall destroy them but thou dis blow with thy wind the sea covered them and they sank as lead in The Mighty Waters who is like unto thee O Lord among the gods who is like thee glorious in Holiness fearful in Praises doing wonders and thou stretches out thy right hand the Earth swallowed them up and thou and thy mercy has led forth the people which thou has redeemed and thou has guided them in thy strength unto thy holy habitation God bless the reading of his word The Book of Romans chapter 6 verse 1. what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that Grace May abound God forbid how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein know ye not that so many as us as we're baptized in Jesus Christ were baptized into his death verse 4 says therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the father even so we also should walk in the newness of life for if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection and the word is blessed [Music] thank you Hearts got away God's gotta wave God's got a weakness you must count well let's say it again [Music] kids [Music] God's Got a Way mama you must be born if you want to see Jesus all of you [Music] I gotta be here foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] yeah yeah please [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] life now is sweet and my joy is complete or I'm safe [Applause] are you glad you're saved I say it again in life now it's sweet [Music] boy is complete foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and let us exalt his name together praise God praise God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like to ask all adjutants please go to the finance office to assist us all adjutants please go to the finance office immediately to assist us with the evening offering also all persons from Chicago we're looking for a brother evil Knight wearing a black suit black and white tie about 180 pounds slightly evolving gray hair on the side gray mustache we've been looking for him for some Time In This Crowd please assist us uh the medical department is looking for him maybe persons from Chicago please be on the lookout and assist us in locating Evo Knight approximately 76 years old evil eval Knight praise God that's pretty quick we just found him [Applause] you know we have a thing around the church among people of faith when we lose something we just get somebody to agree with us and we just called it in wherever it is God's going to lead me to it you ever had that experience praise God God bless you God bless Bishop Daryl Hines will come and lead us in the ministry of giving say amen for Bishop Hines it could have been me [Music] I'm done with no food [Music] and no clothes all left alone without a friend I could have been another number yeah Toshiba with a traged again now but you didn't see fit for none of these things to be and every day by your power you keep on keeping me the thought that I want to get to and I want to tell you thank you Lord thank you Lord [Music] all you've done for me now look at somebody and tell them I can't take no credit the Lord has been real good to me come on look at somebody else and tell them I can't take no credit the Lord has been real good to me some of y'all still haven't said it just think about where he's brought you from think about how he's made a way for you out of no way look at somebody else and tell them I can't take no credit it's been real good to me now come on and clap your hands and praise him he's been really good [Applause] it is an interesting Gathering here tonight to see the people of God that has come from far and near and what is so wonderful about it is that we are a church that represents and reflect God in the Earth today if God is going to be seen if he's going to be revealed he will he will be revealed through his people now I'm going somewhere tonight but before I go there I want to make a very special announcement for those of you who are wearing the red medallions and those of you that want to participate in such a glorious event where we have set aside monies according to our Bishop for the education and the furtherance of the missions of the Church of God in Christ and for those of you who have made a donation to this cause of a thousand dollars or more we're going to have pictures taken in just a moment and those of you that would like to participate we're going to ask that you gather to my left in the auditorium and we will allow you to participate it's a great event it's a great thing to share and we will be doing that in just a moment but I was sitting there thinking about how awesome the opportunity that we have tonight to do something of great relevance irrelevance when you look into the scriptures and particularly in the book of Titus and this will only take a moment Titus is a very interesting book because First Timothy second Timothy and Titus are considered Pastoral Epistles and when Paul writes the letter to Titus there is no no record of Paul being in Crete but at the same time he leaves this young man in this city to Pastor it and to take authority of the church that is there and it is from the letter that Paul writes to Titus that we get some of our firmest and most uh most convicting Revelations of scripture concerning Church government it is in Titus where we find the way and the qualifications of Bishops and elders it is in the book of Titus where we find the responsibility of the seniors and the Elders of the church to speak wisdom and direction to the lines of those that are young in the church it is Titus who has been directed by Paul to tell the young women to teach the younger the older women to teach the young women how to love their husbands care for their children and we refer to this text on several occasions when we want to help bring order and bring qualifications to to front but there is a passage or a verse in the latter part of this particular text that I want to bring attention to because it speaks directly to where we are right now Paul was giving Titus instructions on how to bring government there was a backdrop facing him there were Jude ideas that was teaching Against The Creeks saying that these people were always Liars that they were evil beasts lazy gluttons in other words there was a backdrop of challenge there and so before Paul concludes his letter he gives specific direction for the longevity of the church it is found in the 15th verse was found in the 13th verse of the 14th verse of the third chapter it says and let our people also learn to maintain good works to meet urgent needs that they may not be unfruitful after he gives Direction and insight of the structure he also gives scripture for the longevity let the people learn to maintain good works and to meet urgent needs that they may not be unfruitful and so the fruitfulness of the church hinged on these verses that after you have established government and you have put people in place and you have given orders as of how the church should be ran there is something that must be done so the church can be fruitful and if this goes undone it is all in vain let the people learn to maintain good works God maintains us the Bible says he supplies all of our need according to his riches and Glory by Christ Jesus but God looks to us to maintain good works so as God maintains us the maintenance or the care or the concern of the church should be out and I was so touched by our Bishop the last two times he stood before us and I honored Bishop Blake honor the first and second assistant presiding bishop and the general board and the board of Bishops and the chairman our sainted mother mother Rivers but when our Bishop got up before us he said that there is something challenging us that we need to respond to there is a three million dollar responsibility that this conference has this year it is not Hallelujah it is not the responsibility of someone else to maintain the work of the church it is our responsibility and that's why God says as long as I can get you to sow I will give seed to the sower I will maintain you if you will maintain my work that we may need urgent needs and I believe that this is an urgent need and some of us we have concerns that when we get home we want to make sure that our bills are paid we want to make sure that our churches are increased we want to make sure that the things that we're concerned about at home is fruitful but we cannot look for a fruitful home if we leave the need met if we do not meet the need here I'm going to say that again some of us come here to receive a blessing but God is looking to us to meet the need and to maintain good works that causes the church to be fruitful that causes work to continue it is the liberal soul that God declares I will make fat when you purpose in your mind to give a certain amount God says that is the way I will meet you whatever man purpose in his heart I will give it back to you from that purpose I don't want there to be a bill left for our Bishop or the leadership of our church because when I get home I want all my bills paid do you hear me tonight I don't want to leave responsibility on our leadership because when I get home I want to be fruitful when I get there and all it takes is everybody walking in this principle so that I will not leave the need of the church undone I will not leave without responding to urgent need what it takes is for everybody to participate look at somebody and tell them he's talking about you now all we need is for everybody to take responsibility for the church as God has taken responsibility for us all we need is for everybody to take responsibility for the church as God has taken responsibility for us I'm going to release in this offering a 300 offering it's amazing that I had the opportunity to receive the first offering in the conference and God has given me so Grace to me and Bishop has so favored me to stand to receive this last offering and I want to make sure that we respond to the need there's a time to shout there's a time to sing and there's a time to give look at somebody and tell them it's time to give there are those of you that can stand with me with that I know some of you can't but some of you can stand with me with that three hundred dollars because that's three million 300 is all I have to give to help it come to pass I want you to help me you know we are so excited about what God is doing in the Church of God in Christ but we're responsible to maintain good works stand with me if you will Bishop Hines I understand I sense the urgency of ministry and I will stand with that three hundred dollars I sense the urgency we will not leave this place after shouting dancing being healed and delivered and not meet the Urgent needs so we can be fruitful when we get home not everybody can give three hundred dollars I'm not talking to you who can't but there are those of you who can there are those of you who are more than capable of helping us meet urgent needs I have learned a very important lesson that before I come to this meeting I go to the bank can I say that again I've learned an urgent lesson that before I come to this meeting I go to the bank because I know that I am responsible financially for the need of this ministry anything that you are a part of you should take pride in supporting it and you don't support it just by showing up but you give something that you could use to it an offering is not an offering until you need it if you offer up something to God that's not worth anything to you you will find yourself in the same situation Cain was in it has to be of worth to you there are those of you that can stand you're still looking at me with that three hundred dollars and I know for some of you you said well I thought it was gonna last for thirty dollars well just hold on I ain't got to your road yet I'm coming that way but can we bring the house lights up please a Church of God in Christ can you see what the future looks like from here imagine next year when there are 2 000 people standing representing churches and congregations businesses and individuals all right that picture is being taken from upstairs from on the lower level from the CD the video camera Church of God in Christ come on and give the Lord a great big hand praise come on come on what a tremendous response what a great response take about 20 more pictures that way we know we got it thank you very much you know it really doesn't make any difference who gets the credit as long as God gets the glory and the Lord is being glorified tonight by the unselfish giving of so many others but every church that gave whatever amount you gave if your church registered a gift you'll receive a certificate from the presiding Bishop's office and you'll receive your individual cards for the Loyalty cards that you'll want with you and if you didn't do it before coming you can do it when you get home we're going to make this a great success in the Lord all right brother Keith I think that's it all right I think that's it come on put your hands together give the Lord a hand praise what a tremendous turnout tonight wonderful wonderful God bless you Bishop Brooks we're back in your hands this has been just wonderful tonight this is absolutely good how many know we just made an impact in the world I said how many know we just made an impact in the world and the next time somebody tries to talk about what we do for Missions and education you just pull this picture out and show it to him we're on our way someplace come on put your hands together as Bishop Brooks come back come on everybody and bless the Lord foreign [Music] that our favors me you didn't allow my enemies to triumph over me saying now I know that thou favor is me cause you didn't lie my enemies to triumph over me triumph over me over me you didn't allow my enemies to triumph over me trying for me Hallelujah over me you didn't lie my enemies to triumph over me help me you didn't allow me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you didn't allow my enemies [Music] this every minute I know I know that the paper is me cause you didn't allow my enemy tries oh [Music] you didn't love my enemies [Music] now on today our official spoke to us concerning love and unity and when we leave this convocation it is for us to continue on with that message in 2009 but we're going to be faced with challenges and circumstances that will take us through some rough times and sometimes your enemies will come to distract you and will come to to diminish everything that you have done but we're here to let you know that no matter what you face God will take care of every situation that we endure do I have a witness in here so he says in Psalms 41 and 11 he says Now by this I know that you favors me that you bless me that you cover me because you will never allow my enemies to consume me do I have anybody in here that would be grateful to know that even though the enemy comes against you he will raise up that standard up against the enemy come on I need some people that just raise your hand and let's Worship the Lord and tell them thank you for just raising that stand-up up against the enemy yes Lord we thank you Lord that no matter what we face no matter what we go through you will not allow our enemies to triumph over us because we have the victory I want everybody in this house to stand on your feet and say try them [Music] you were not alive my enemies [Applause] thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] come on everybody very simple let's sing that in the house everybody [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you did not allow you did not allowed [Music] [Music] I know that with you I have the victory you [Music] for me oh yeah [Music] as you remain standing recently the Shelby County government said recently that Bishop Charles Blake has assumed the position of chief Apostle and presiding Bishop for this historic denomination the Church of God in Christ they went on to say given his Stellar reputation as one of the Premier Pastors in America and is already established involvement in addressing social ills both foreign and domestic Bishop Blake will help to guide this church into the possibilities of tomorrow tell your neighbor we're on our way to a promising future with Bishop Charles Edward Blake let's praise God for our presiding Bishop thank you so much thank you please be seated thank you Bishop PA Brooks first assistant presiding Bishop Bishop Jerry Macklin former presiding Bishop Bishop Chandler Owens members of the general board let's praise God for this wonderful Board of men that lead our church all of our national officials our beloved mother mother William a Rivers my darling wife sister may Blake Sister Louise Patterson and all the lovely ladies who are here on tonight this has been a wonderful convocation so far have you enjoyed the Lord this past week blinded eyes have been opened a lady who could not see walked all over Mason Temple without any assistance Miracles have taken place received a testimony on last night of a lady who attested to the fact that there had been a tumorous growth on her left side that the Lord totally removed and eliminated that tumor [Applause] heard reports today of scores of people who were baptized in the holy spirit filled with the power of almighty god let's praise God for his visitation for the power of the Lord upon us how we thank him man it's always an expression of God's grace whenever he manifests himself miraculously among the people of the Lord for those of you who must leave us following this service you won't be around on tomorrow I want you to know how much you appreciated and how we thank you for being so generous and so supportive of your denomination you are in truth wonderful wonderful people and I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart and my prayer for you is as you travel home by car by air by rail by whatever means that the Lord will give you a safe arrival home that you will find that things are well when you arrive at your home we're glad to see Bishop Ladell Thomas in the house of the Lord on tonight he had a fall I believe on yesterday but the Lord protected him and sustained him just a little bruise that'll heal but we praise God it could have been worse and we thank God for his goodness extended unto you we've got so many wonderful guests on tonight we want to acknowledge them this is our interdenominational night on the night of the convocation it has been our tradition to invite someone from another Christian Church to come and share the word of the Lord and all I've got to say is look over at your neighbor and say Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready [Music] um but we've also got other guests who are with us on tonight before I introduce our main speaker for tonight one of the most renowned and respected men of God who has blessed the people of the Lord not only in the city of Houston but all over the nation man of God who preaches the word of God Progressive in Ministry Innovative in management style Bishop i v Hilliard from Houston Texas but just stand please let's give him a rousing welcome his lovely wife and co-pastor sister Bridget Hilliard is here would you please stand let's welcome her their daughter and her daughter's husband um Minister Terry eggins and Miss Tina eggins are eagans would you please stand let's welcome them to the house of the Lord somewhere in God's house and let me find them because I I hope they're somewhere stand up there you are oh my goodness glad to see you come on get them arousing Applause all the way from Baltimore Maryland son of a renowned African-American Methodist Episcopal pastor and dear friend of mine Bishop Bryant we've got Dr Jamal Bryant Empowerment Temple Annie Church stand up God bless you praise God for you son of the Church of God in Christ who is doing great things in San Antonio Texas Bishop David Copeland Copeland Kingdom Council New Creations Church Richardson Bishop Copeland God bless you from Kansas City Bishop Jack Vaughn Hope International Ministries Evangelistic Center Kansas City Kansas which is stand by Lavon God bless you as we praise God for you Bishop Jesse Delano Ellis Metropolitan our Bishop Archbishop of The Joint Council of Bishops God bless you and renowned actor Mr Chris Tucker would you please stand and let's welcome him to the house of the Lord God bless you bless you so proud to have this wonderful young man his mom is a state supervisor in the state of Georgia he loves the Church of God in Christ we love him and we're so happy that he is with us in the house of the Lord on tonight Bishop TD Jakes amen a sensitive loving generous approachable man of God God has given a tremendous insight into the hurts and the challenges the men and women of our world face spoken so eloquently to their plight that millions of people all over the world Look to Him for Spiritual encouragement and comfort it's a renowned preacher of the Gospel an Innovative leader a beloved Pastor a successful entrepreneur a global Advocate philanthropist Shepherd to millions of people around the globe Bishop Thomas Dexter Jakes founded Greater Emmanuel Temple of Faith his first pastorate in 1979 it was a small beginning with a small West Virginia Church that small congregation was 10 members strong more than 25 years later he passed us what Christianity Today called one of America's fastest growing mega churches the Potter House a multi-racial non-denominational church but 50 plus active Outreach Ministries the church has dominated Church growth records since sixes since its Inception in 1996. it's almost 10-year existence the church has grown from 50 families that relocated with the Jake's family from West Virginia to Dallas to more than 30 000 members to date let's praise God [Applause] riding many corporations and Ministry employs nearly 400 staff members including a full-time Finance Human Resources Information Technology materials distribution public relations Publications television production departments The Potter's House is physically sound retiring within four years the final financial debt incurred by the 191 thousand square foot 45 million dollar Sanctuary Construction I'm proud I'm proud I'm proud I'm proud to call Bishop TD Jakes a dear friend I've known him for many many years I praise God that West Angeles Church was one of the churches that he visited frequently before he had arrived at the great Renown that he has now reached it was such a blessing to our congregation he's a dear friend and brother of man and in so many ways he has sown into my life we're so happy for so many people who accompany him we would not dare go further without mentioning lady Sarita Jakes would you please stand let's give her a rousing welcome his entire Ministry team is with him on tonight a daughter Sarah Henson would you please stand sister Henson and let us welcome you this is going to be a night of transformation a night of revolutionary change look over at your name and tell your neighbor you'll never be the same again I'm excited about what God is going to do in this place on this night selection from the choir or from an individual will be presented then we're going to stand and we're going to praise God as the man of God comes to share the word of the Lord Bishop T.D Jakes [Applause] can we lift our hands and Worship the Lord come on everybody my God I came to receive a word directly from God for me tonight if you can give me F sharp we don't need another political uprising we don't need another conqueror on the scene but what we need is a special word that's gonna burn within our hearts and give us Direction from above can you just say we need a word [Music] from you Lord uh Divine word from you Lord I need a word from you Lord that will remove all doubt and cause the Sun to shine and give us peace he is a mind big Lord speak spirit [Music] Lord we lack wisdom and understanding Lord we even lack the love you show in the Sun though we falter in that way we still stand so much to gain now give us your word Lord Speak Lord we need a word directly from you Lord say Divine mind change words from you Lord with Bishop Jakes in the house we're gonna get a word from the Lord the kind of word that will remove [Music] out and cause the Sun to solution and give us peace [Music] peace of mind we need you to speak Lord for every situation Speak Lord by every sickness Speak Lord to confusion Speak Lord to every disease Speak Lord speak speak directly to me and when I hear your voice I'll tell you yes [Music] song I'll tell you yes oh yes oh yeah yes whatever yes [Applause] from my heart yes listen for your voice and say yes but my soul I'll tell you yes oh yes oh yeah obedience to your word yeah [Music] I'll live for you yeah [Applause] put your hands together and give the Lord a praise all over the building tonight [Applause] oh come on National Church you can do better than that give the Lord of praise tonight father we thank you hallelujah how many blessed people do we have in here tonight if you're glad to be in the house of the Lord if you recognize it's a miracle for you to be here tonight if you dressed yourself and nobody had to comb your hair nobody had to set you up in your seat today if you brought yourself out to the house of the Lord today you ought to just take a minute I know you're dressed up and you look real cute but you ought to take just a moment and say God I thank you God I praise you somebody grateful give him the glory right where you are and honor the Lord tonight amen amen amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I honor the Invincible immutable Everlasting eternal spirit of God it is a privilege to be in this house surrounded by my brothers and sisters in the faith I greet you in the name of Jesus I am so honored to be here in this great convocation honor and esteemed respect to his Eminence Bishop Charles E Blake would you give God praise for the presiding prelate of the Church of God in Christ come on he's God's son he's my friend come on let's celebrate him tonight we respect you sir we thank God for the general that leads away and commands the troops and to the first and second presiding Bishops Bishop P.A Brooks and Bishop Jerry Macklin let's thank God for them as well Hallelujah former presiding Bishop Bishop Chandler Owens whereas Bishop there he is God bless you it's such a blessing to be in the service with you my um the kids they used to say they probably say something else when you're from the same place they say you was my homie Bishop Noel Haynes from Dallas Texas thank God for him everything good comes out of Texas amen anybody in here from Texas Make Some Noise tonight into the general secretary Bishop Lyles and to Bishop sheared the chairman of the board of Bishops and to Mother Willie May Rivers thank God for you tonight so grateful to the first lady May Blake we thank God for you what a blessing it is to see you in the service of the Lord and to my own first lady would you help me once more appreciate sister Serena Jakes She's My Lady my wife my girlfriend my other woman My Secret Keeper my midnight Rendezvous the red heart on my chitlins the cornbread in my grains one more time thank God for the lady 27 years we've been hanging out and going strong can you say amen I thank God for my friend lady Louise Patterson thank God for you what a tremendous vessel of Honor and to all of God's generals I've got so many friends in here Bishop Jay Delano Ellis and Bishop Daryl Hines and Bishop Drew Sheard and Dr Ivy Hilliard flew up here tonight lady heliums and I just saw my list I'm calling names I'm gonna get in trouble and the Pastor Jamal Bryant and just just on and on and on I don't I'm not worried about preaching tonight because if I drop this mic it's so many preachers in here to take it over it'll be troubling here tonight say man somebody it's nice to have some backup isn't it I want to mention to you that somewhere out in the appropriate area I've got some material I just wrote this book called before you do making decisions you won't regret have you ever made a decision and regretted it said if I could do it all over again I would do things differently amen I want to show you how to make the kind of decisions you won't regret I'm too old to do something stupid now I'm running out of time I got to get this second half right I did some crazy stuff on the first half but now I know y'all never did anything crazy but I did some crazy things in my life but now I gotta Make It Count until I put this book out and the Lord has really blessed it it's been on the New York Times bestsellers list for quite some time and I believe that it is there not because of shrewd marketing but because we're living in a time today that we want people to make the right choices talk to single people about 20 things you should know about somebody before you marry them that that baiting will not tell you of course nobody's single in here but if there was somebody single in here they'd Make Some Noise because single people you might be lonely but if you're gonna be lonely be by yourself it's nothing worse than being lonely beside somebody because you made the wrong choice I want to help you out in here talk to me somebody it's some married folks that know I'm right but they can't say nothing because they sitting beside a mistake and they just they just got to keep looking straight ahead but but I have no condemnation in my soul I can preach it and not be afraid share some things about married people you feel like giving up before you do you need to read this book before you buy a house before you have children any major decision that will really bless you got it on audio as well and got it in a preaching series and all sorts of things that I believe will be a blessing to you my goodness I just want to look around a minute y'all do this all the time but this is my first time being at the National Church of God in Christ I just want to look at you for a minute [Applause] not only that I have never preached here but Dr Campbell God bless you see I keep every time I turn I see somebody I know and love it's not only the first time I preach this first time I've ever been here and I've learned something already I've learned something already yesterday we had a book signing I learned not to have a book signing at your National Convention because my arm is still hurting I signed my name so long that when I was laying in the bed last night I was still signing my sheets and pillowcases Lord have mercy it's a bunch of y'all up in here give yourselves a round of applause and thank God for his goodness I'm excited tonight not so much because I'm here and not so much because you're here but I'm excited tonight because Jesus is here and in a time like this we don't just need to be around each other we need to be in the presence of the Lord and if we would step into his presence tonight I just believe that something would happen a yoke would be broken and you go home and find things different than how it was when you left I believe God's Gonna Change something that your house anybody need to change at your house shout out your address right out loud right now just that's where we want the change right in your house right in your life right where you live right in your situation Jesus didn't say I come that you might have church he said I come that you might have life and have it more abundantly anybody ready to have Abundant Life clap your hands and thank God like you love him right now I want to share this word with you I want to invite your prayerful consideration to sucking Kings chapter number four I have been stuck in this passage a while I can't get out of it there's something in it for you tonight that I believe that God would have you share and have me extrapolate from the complexities of this text to the intent that we might go home endowed with a Grace from God that would in fact enable us to simplify the chaotic circumstances that all of us deal with behind the mask of our religiosity sometimes you deal with things that you can't even let your own brothers and sisters know that you're going through and you secretly cry out to God and say God do something for me I love church but sometimes going to church just don't cut it you need something a little deeper you need the touch of the Holy Spirit to do something in your life but if there's anybody in here that knows he's able give me a witness right now a witness a witness a witness a witness we're going to be in second Kings chapter number four beginning at verse one and we're going to go down to about verse 7. thank you Jesus when you have it say Amen now I know I'm not at The Potter's House but it's my custom and I would ask you to respect it tonight let's stand for the reading of God's word yes sir Hallelujah I have a sense in my spirit tonight of prophetic urgency I have not come as I would have come 20 years ago in the hopes that I might impress you and stand at the back door with my cards in hopes that I might get a booking I have not come to make a name for myself I do not seek lights or crowds anymore I do not hunger for masses numbers of people I hunger for privacy and quiet and simple things I steal my grandmother's porch calm things I do not see the aggrandizement of human accolades because I have learned in my lifetime that they will say hosanna today and crucify him tomorrow but because of the times we're living in now these are turbulent times unlike anything I have ever seen before we can't come to church like we normally do and just sit up and cross our legs and look important because we got a bevel to fight right now I said we got a devil to fight right now and we need a breakthrough from the Lord and I sense that in this house tonight let's go to Second Kings chapter number four beginning reading at verse one and we're going to read down to verse seven it's very familiar passage of scripture the spirit familiar but just uh indulge me tonight if you will if you have found it say Amen amen now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto Elijah saying thy servant my husband is dead and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the lord and the Creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to be Bond men and Elijah said unto her what shall I do for thee tell me tell me now what hast thou in thy house and she said thine hand made him have not anything in the house save a pot of oil then he said go borrow the vessels abroad of all thy neighbors even empty vessels borrow not a few and when thou art come in thou shall shut the door upon thee and thy sons and thou shall pour out into all those vessels and thou shall set aside that which is full so she went from him and shut the door upon her and her sons who brought the vessels to her and she poured out and it came to pass when the vessels were full that she said unto her son bring me yet a vessel and he said unto her there is not a vessel more and the oil stayed then she came and told the man of God and he said go sell the oil and pay thy debt and live thou and thy children on the rest can you say Amen the second verse is where I would draw your attention for consideration tonight Elijah says unto this distraught Disturbed almost hostile woman what shall I do for thee tell me what hast thou in the house what has thou in the house look at somebody that you love or respect and tell them as if they might not know say what you've been looking for is in the house they they might not believe you because they've been living in this situation so long that they may not trust you to know that there's something in the house that they have not seen But find another neighbor and say what you've been looking for is in the house if you receive that give God a praise right now now Lord God I invoke your presence bombard this place if you will not for my name but for yours not for my glory but for yours not for me but for these that you died for speak in this place today without you we are impotent to perform but by your grace if you would stop by we would go home well please tonight so we came tonight that we would see Jesus manifest yourself oh God I thank you for what you're going to do in Jesus illustrious name we pray somebody who loves him shout amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord understand which or understand life or understand people until we begin to understand God when we begin to seek wisdom the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom not fear in the sense of Terror or fright but fear in the sense of reverence and respect we begin to wise up the moment that we prioritize him and put him first the very first thing that God teaches Moses in the Book of Genesis is that he is an elohistic God that he of Elohim in the beginning Elohim created he's the Creator the heavens and the Earth he is a Creator and if you have been created in his likeness then you are creative ly creative separate and apart from anything else that was created in the earth man has the unique ability to be creative like the God who created him think of in the last 200 years the amazing things that men have created technology look at all of the technology that we have today just a few hundred years ago we didn't have automobiles or had not harnessed electricity we we didn't have the benefit of all of the technology that we have now the telephone did not exist the microphone did not exist the microwave did not exist who knows what will be invented in the years to come because we are creative even without money without resources as I've traveled throughout the bush in Africa they have shown me how they built houses out of out of the Dome from cows and branches and sticks and took wood and carved it into giraffes if you put man anywhere he will create something because he is created in the like and the image of God the Bible says in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth and the Earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep and the spirit of the Lord moved upon the face of the waters and God said whenever he says something something is going to happen and God said let there be light and there was light and God said it was good before there was acquired to sing or an organ to play or tambourine to be before there was a praise Ministry or praise dancer or praise books before there was anybody to praise him God praised himself and said it's good all by myself he is the Mighty God who stepped out on nothing and said let there be something and it became whatever he said because he's Sovereign he's absolutely in control he totally Reigns he is omnipotent all powerful omnipresent in all places and all times I'm missing all knowing not guessing not wondering not figuring not Computing God already knows the end from the beginning the answer before the question the sum total before you figure out the equation he's God he sits on the circle of the earth he has all power in his hand nobody elected him and nobody can impeach him he's gone all by himself [Applause] our God is an intelligent God John begins to teach about it and he says in the beginning what's the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made that that particular word there is logos to talk about the intelligence of God that God is intelligent he's not just powerful electricity is power but it has no sense he's not just forceful wind has Force but it has no intelligence but your God is intelligent he is a strategic God he is a thinking God he has a plan he has a purpose he has a wisdom he has a strategy oh my God in the beginning what's the strategy and the strategy was with God and the strategy was God and all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made your God is strategic he created everything in the Book of Genesis from the Beast of the field to the fish in the water to the birds of the air to the vegetation that grows up out of the ground and the one thing that everything that he created had in common the Bible says over and over again whose seed is inside of itself so he created everything living to be self-perpetuating so that he would not have to get up off of his throne and start creating again he said I'm going to do this one time and every time thereafter you will perpetuate your own existence by your own intrinsic discovery of what I have hidden down inside of you I place treasure in the depths of your being whether you're a dog or a cat or a fish or eagle or a snake or a frog it doesn't make any difference the ability to perpetuate yourself is hidden somewhere inside of yourself and whenever you find the seed you found the thing that you needed to perpetuate yourself think with me if you will in the eighth chapter of the Book of Genesis then the Bible says in the 25th verse while the Earth remains there will always be summer and heat and day and night and time and harvest see time and harvest is the strategy of God your God is strategic that's why you're still here he had a strategy when the enemy thought he had you surrounded God had a strategy when they meant it for evil God made it good because he had a strategy when you were crying over what happened yesterday and now you look back at it today and say Lord it was good for me that I've been Afflicted that's all because God had a strategy determining the end from the beginning he has a strategy what the Apostle Paul calls the manifold wisdom of God means God has wisdom in his crevices wisdom in the cracks of His Garment wisdom in the folds of his skirt that's why the woman with the issue of blood said if I may but touch the hymn of His Garment she touched strategy locked up in the foes of his Priestly garment I'm talking about your God and my God and our God his ways are above our ways his thoughts above our thoughts he's already got a plan and he's able to work it out he did not create any living thing without the seed inside of itself look at your neighbor and say there's something inside of me yeah self-perpetuating self-producing able to pollinate and cross-pollinate produce and live and Thrive there is something inside of me now we know why the enemy fights you it is not over what is on you it's over what's in you and if you were to discover what was in you then everything around you would begin to change through the power of the audacity of self-discovery I think we spend too much time trying to discern other people for your deliverance my brothers and sisters will not come from Discerning what is in me your deliverance will only come when you can discern what is inside of you there is something in you that the enemy hates you for he hates you over the hidden treasure that's locked up in the bowels of your spirit and you'll never Escape your circumstances until you take inventory over what God is hidden inside of you and if you would ever lose the thing that God has hidden down inside of you the whole creation is groaning and travailing in pain waiting on you to Let Yourself Go oh waiting on the manifestation of the sons of God the only hope being that the enemy has to paralyze your productivity is to cause you not to realize who you are intrinsically how can he then camouflage who you are intrinsically and internally he does it by the external circumstances that Grieve Your Heart gradually convincing you that you have nothing in you that is productive but the devil is alive foreign in fact when you begin to suspect that there's something inside of you you become attracted to be around other people who know that they have something inside of them you cannot be mentored by somebody who is confused you can oh help me Jesus [Applause] you have to be minted by somebody who is secure in who they are if you're minted by somebody who is insecure the person who mentors you will turn around and try to kill you that's what's wrong with the church now we got too many Souls trying to kill you and the only reason Saul is trying to kill you is that he dies without discovering who he really is you can't help me if you can't help you oh talk to me somebody I feel something in this room some of us are on the verge of exploding spiritually we just need somebody to pass by us who knows who they are and know what they got and know what they can do think of Elijah plowing in the field behind the twelfth yoke of oxen plowing in the field of mediocrity thinking in his own mind I think I was created to do more than what I'm doing right now but I can't quite unlock my destiny because I am stuck in my history fulfilling the Prophecies of my parents waiting on something meaningful to happen in my life when all of a suddenly Elijah walked past him and he saw something that made him drop his plow and burned his oxa and set it all on fire kissing his mother and father goodbye he's says I've got to follow this man I don't have to have a title I don't have to have credentials I don't have to have a salary I don't have to have a big name but I've got to follow you so you can show me how to unlock what I have inside of myself and then the old man says to the young man you have asked me a hard thing you can't get this Glory easy then you know we're living in a generation now that people want your stuff easily stuff that you prayed for for 40 and 50 years they want you to lay hands in 30 seconds and confirm them something that you agonized all your life for but the Devil is a Lie you have to walk with me and suffer with me and talk with me and endure hardness and if you're still there foreign [Applause] are you still there stop giving your glory to people who don't deserve it stop giving your wisdom to people who don't understand it stop casting your pearls before the swine stop giving it to these Johnny come lately Wanna Be people who want to get something easy that it took all your life to get and find somebody who will go through persecution and pests and trials and Trauma and walk with you when you're not locked and walk with you when people hate you and if they're still there then release Your Glory somebody's about to get a release of Glory in this place you've been praying for it you've been waiting on it it's about to happen give God some kind of Praise any kind of thank you [Applause] somebody hold on I'm on the verge or something [Applause] and uh sit with me I haven't got to the texture Elijah has something going that has provoked Elijah to leave the familiar for the unfamiliar it is difficult to give up the familiar for the unfamiliar we cleave to our Traditions not because they're working we cleave to them because they're comfortable because they're safe because we understand them when you forsake the familiar for the unfamiliar there is a vulnerability and you have to have a certain humility to say I don't know how to do this I think one of the reasons that we gossip so in bicker soul and fight so amongst ourselves is because we're bored [Music] you have nothing else to do but get in my business there's nothing going on in your house so you're all up in my Kool-Aid get out of my mouth you know how Eliza follows Elijah until eventually he gets a double portion of his mental spirit he now begins to understand something that has taken me most of my life to realize most of my life I have been praying about situations to a God who moves in Generations most of my life I have been praying about situations to a God who moves in Generations Israel understands this the church doesn't understand this Israel understands this because they know that he is the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Paul teaches it the same faith that I saw on your grandmother Lois and on your mother Eunice I now see it in you Timothy we spent too much time teaching generational conscious we should have been teaching generational blessings because there's a glory on you that God wants to perpetuate itself down to the Next Generation but it will never happen if you don't know and the father who you are you will pervert your son rather than Empower your son because you're scared of your own scene and a man cannot reproduce if he's scared of his own seed Eliza was the recipient of Elijah's seed his mantle his glory his Vigor his Vim his Vitality his tenacity his auspicious Grace his wondrous anointing was so aspiring that this boy walked away from the familiar just to have a taste of the unfamiliar to walk out on nothing but a promise from God and say Lord I'd rather be in the wilderness with you than to be in the palace with them I want something to happen people don't make those kinds of moves we call them Paradigm shifts they don't make those kinds of moves unless they're hungry for God people don't step off the boat with the disciples and step on the water unless there's something in front of them more important than what was behind them oh it's easy to stay out on the boat with the 11 who play it safe but every now and then God will send one who will say hey if it's you bid me to come and step from the Familia into the unfamiliar familiar and say like job though he slay me yeah I trust him I trust you when I can't trace you I trust you when I don't understand you I trust your wisdom when I don't know what in the world is going on in my life I don't know how this goes together with that but before it's over I do know that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord who are the call according to his purpose when you see Elijah coming you are seeing generations of Glory that's why he has double portions because Glory accrues generationally he's walking in the full vesture not only of what he has but he's walking in the vesture of all those who popped him he brings the power of Ages and dispensations down through time and if Elijah shows up in the house Elijah is with him for the spirit that Elijah has is nothing but a double portion of the one who taught him you'll get it when you get home so when he comes into this house uh somebody said come on in the house he comes into this house understanding the generational move of God he comes into the house of one of the sons of the prophets perhaps he wants to share with this Prophet like Elijah shared with him but when he opens up the door there is death in the house there is death in the house and the prophet is dead and there's nobody left in the house but his wife and his sons who are about to be sold to the Creditor and he comes in a house filled with pain it is interesting to me Jesus says when you go into a house and speak peace if your peace does not abide leave swiftly and Shake the Dust from your feet because there are atmospheres in houses there are atmospheres in churches if you've been preaching a while you can walk in a room and tell what you got to deal with because you can feel the atmosphere before you ever get up have you ever gone someplace to minister you said oh lord it's going to be tough in here tonight you haven't even grabbed the mic yet but you can feel the spirit in the house Elijah walks in this house there is no joy there is no glory there is no anointing there is no Hospitality nobody pours water on his hands nobody washes his feet they don't even offer him a child when you walk into a house where there is more depth in life you hear more complaints than you hear Praise he opens the door of the house and not even so much as a hello she immediately begins to regurgitate her own bitterness and says my husband was a son of your prophets and my husband served the Lord and he died what do you do when it looks like serving God doesn't work oh I know I hit something there see that's why I have a problem with testimony service because testimony service is where the Saints get up and tell you how good they felt when it worked need you to tell me how to react when it works I need you to tell me how to react when it's not working I don't need you to tell me what to do when the check comes I need you to tell me what to do when the check doesn't come I don't need you to tell me how to shout when I get a job I need you to teach me how to praise him when I lost my job I don't need you to tell me how to rejoice when the tumor goes away but I need you to tell me how to stand when the lump is still there is there anybody in this church who knows what I'm this woman was concealed she was worried she was upset she said my husband did everything right and it's not working what do you do when you do what everybody taught you to do and it's not working seven steps to a blessing find a way for a miracle six ways to get out of debt three ways to get Prosperity I spend around twice I gave 19.99. I did what you said what it out [Applause] what do you do when you're living right and praying and fasting and seeking God and the whoremonger and the lion the hypocrite and the backbiter is going up higher [Applause] what do you do when you've given him the best of your life and now in your older years you've fallen on the worst of times this woman is bitter she's angry she's frustrated and she pours out her grief on the prophet not understanding who has come in her house people don't know Who You Are oh it's obvious for these that are sitting up front but you don't have to be sitting up front to have an upfront anointing come on somebody you don't have to have a bunch of titles to have a bunch of Glory you don't have to have more degrees in a thermometer to have been with God in fact the glory that you see up here didn't start up here it started way back down she didn't know who was in her house this might be bold but look at your name and say you have no idea who I am I believe that when you sit by the right person you can get blessed just because you sat by the right person if you shake hands with the right person there's a glory that will follow you just because you shook hands with the right person I don't mind helping weak folks but what I need a breakthrough I want to sit by somebody that when I say Holly they say Lou yah when I say thank you they say Jesus when I say Glory they say to God foreign I feel like God wants to do something so strong in here tonight that if you think you're sitting by the wrong person you ought to put up your finger and move somewhere else because before you go home God wants to get some Glory [Applause] [Applause] hmm sit down let me just talk to you I'm just going to talk to you a little bit I I can't preaching home and Holland and stuff but I just want to I just want to talk to you because I said I said something about to happen I sense a paradigm shift I sense of change it's it's everywhere it's it's all in the government it's all in the nation it's all in the church it's all in the economy change is in the atmosphere something is shifted in the sea [Applause] something has shifted in the spirit world this ain't no time to faint this is no time to give up this is no time to die something is about to happen [Applause] you sisters you understand change y'all can change and look like completely different women [Applause] I got so many members in my church I tried to learn all their names and I'm telling you know when you see me ask me what's your name because I was trying to learn them all and I couldn't do it after watching don't ask me no you remember me I said don't ask me no more because sometimes I think I better change their hair and and Silent looked like April because she changed her hair women women can change and turn into somebody else go from short hair to long hair long head of flat hair braids to a ponytail ponytail to a frog y'all can change Senator Obama says there's going to be changed somebody shall change but you see brothers and sisters what happened in this text and what's happening in our country and what's happening in our church is more than a subtle change the adding of lipstick the the implementation of powder or blush is more than a subtle chain this is a total makeover this is a stomach stapling I lost 200 pounds you can't even tell who I am changed this is a paradigm shift a paradigm shift is when so much change has happened then all the structures have to change attitudes have to change rhetoric has to change a paradigm shift shuts your mouth for a while because you don't even know what to say about it all the rules have changed whenever God comes into your house something is going to shift somebody holla shift Eliza walks in the house filled with bitterness filled with hostility filled with fear filled with debt they were about to sell her sons to the creditors now that's dead she's in deep depth so bad that she's run out of all options you don't you don't sell your sons on a whim when you get down to the point that you're ready to sell the kids you would think you had tried everything possible before you offered up your children so I am convinced that this woman thought that she had no alternatives the Lord sent me all the way from Dallas Texas to preach to somebody who thinks you've run out of Alternatives you think you don't have another option you think you've tried everything that you could try and you think you're stuck in your situation but the Lord made me fly in here to tell you that he's getting ready to rock your world change your situation and pull you out if I'm talking to you give him a praise right now foreign [Music] get your prophecy man alone and look at somebody and say things about to change in my life things about to shift in my life I mean 180 degree turn around I'm about to turn into something you're not gonna recognize me when I come out of this let me let me work on this I just want to work on this a little bit more can I work on this can I work on this I want to work on it I want to work I want to work on it or whatever so it comes into it and he he shifts it with two questions he said what am I to do for thee this first question she never answers because this question is too big for a depressed mind to respond to there is a level of depression that will not allow you to receive a message of faith because you cannot receive what you cannot conceive you can't talk to a woman who's getting ready to sell her children and say what am I to do for thee and her readily respond because she is sure that she has no options so when you live in a house with gifts like Kim Burrell you won't really respond when she sings cause you've gotten used to it and it's common to you it's a dangerous thing to get used to a Divine gift because you won't extrapolate the full content out of it because you've been stepping over it and calling it ordinary when God has touched it and called it extraordinary what is in your house is nothing in here but a pot of oil what the prophet is trying to teach her is that God will always use something that you already have he will not go to the store to feed the five thousand he will use the two fish and five loaves of bread that they already have he will not destroy the giant with somebody else's armor he'd rather use a rock and a rag that you have then use a shield and a sword that came from somebody else I don't know who I'm talking to but your blessing is not going to come from anybody else your blessing is going to come from you discovering what God put inside of you lay your hands on your stomach and say there's something inside of me [Music] something I've been stepping over something I've been walking over something I've been ignoring something I haven't been utilizing what is it your heart she says I don't have anything in this house except a pot of oil a pot of oil two things a pot and oil the things that have come together are pot of oil now the oil is in the pot the pot and the oil is container and content the pot is the container the oil is the content God will always work with containers and contents two things when you understand the container and you understand the content you can unlock the miracle she says I don't have anything except a container and content God will always use a container and content that's why he told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem they were containers when he said the holy ghost that was the content and whenever a container has found its content a miracle will happen in that place whenever a container has found its content woman if you believe on me as the scriptures have said out of your body shall foul rivers of Living Water there's something in you can I go down this road a little further it is the paradoxical dilemma between container and content that often exacerbates the problem in your life because you become so preoccupied with the Frailty of the container that you never appreciate the value of the content when we have this treasure in Earthen vessels that the Excellency may be of God and not of us all the container may not look like much but you ought to see the content that I got down inside of me if you're filled up with content Shake somebody's head and say it's in me right now it's in me right now watch this I'm trying to hurry through this but let me let me show you something he says to a woman whose house he walked into who is deeply in debt and she comes to him about her debt he says to the woman who's in debt tell your sons that you're about to sell for your debt to go to your neighbors and borrow some vessels wait a minute she's in debt and you told her to go borrow yeah I was about to launch a project it was going to take about two hundred thousand dollars to launch a gospel project about 200 000 to Market and produce it and and pay everybody you got to pay put it I was looking for an investor a particular man came to me said I'm interested in investing so we begin to talk about it we're going real good great dinner nice restaurant good conversation and then I was easing up on the money you know because you ease up on it you know you don't just hit it you don't bring it up with the solids you wait till the dessert has come about the dessert you say you know you say and it's gonna be about two hundred thousand dollars I thought he would be shocked a little nervous but I thought I would get him before it was over he said excuse me he said Bishop Jason said uh you've got the wrong man I said I do he said yes he said we invest but we normally begin our investments at around five million dollars he said call me when you need more [Applause] I hear you and I started to say well I can get some more artists and I can get someone you're not my mind started working quick the problem was he had more resource than I had need and he said if you can increase your needs then I will release my resource in other words you're not in enough trouble to attract my glory to be released but if you go out and get in some more trouble I will open up the windows of heaven and pour you out I don't know who I'm preaching to but I'm talking to somebody God's about to do something and he sent me to tell you it's bigger than you think it is it's greater than you think it is he's going to do exceedingly abundantly a bomb oh he may ask or think give him praise right now yeah and he says Bishop he says borrow the vessels and he says borrow not a few because when this starts happening it's going to be big when this door opens it's going to be huge when this flow starts it's going to be Supernatural when it does open up it's going to be on another level that's why the devil's trying to discourage you before you get the release because the enemy knows that your eyes have not seen your ears have not heard neither have anything to your heart the things that God has prepared for you in fact you need to enlarge your cords and strengthen your States and get ready for a big thing you've been praying about a little thing but you need to ask God for big thing hey is anything too hot foreign if you happen to be lucky enough to be sitting beside somebody with some Faith shake the hand and tell them it's bigger than you think it is it's bigger it's bigger it's bigger than you think it is it's bigger than you think it is that's why the devil's been fighting you because it's bigger than you think it is that's why all hell's been breaking loose in your life because it's bigger than you think it is that's why the enemy's been trying to discourage you because it's bigger than you think it is that's why you've been having trouble in your house because it's bigger than you think it is that's why the enemy's been trying to Camp around you because it's bigger than you think it is that's why the Lord wanted you to come to convocation because it's bigger than you think it is somebody just barely got here it was hard for you to get here but God wanted you to get this word it's bigger than you think it is it inflicted foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] I haven't even gotten it yet but I can tell it's about to break loose somebody praise God for what he's about to do Brave it for what he's about to do pray that for what he is about to do [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] pray them pray them till you forget what you look like pray them till you forget what you've been through pray them till you come out of your depression praise them now do you come out of your fear praying and chat breathing right now [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] help me preach this thing Shake handling somebody say something's about to happen you're about to get a flow to get a breakthrough don't die don't collapse don't faint don't quit don't give up don't give out something is about to flow flow wow [Music] let me let me show you something they're the principal he says when you get the empty vessels bring them in and shut the door shut the door somebody say shut the door see when you get ready to get a miracle you got to shut out every doubt shut out every fear shut out every negative person that's right sometimes you got to shut folks out because the wrong folk will mess up your vision I don't know who I'm preaching to but you gotta shut the door to folk you around now can't handle what God is about to do with your life you got to get this word and shut the door look at somebody say shut it shut it shut it Sally you can't come in marry you can't get in here to water you got to go shut [Applause] the door and when they shut the door Supply watch this Supply flowed into demand Supply flowed into demand God is attracted to capacity the greater the capacity the greater the flow you remember when the matter fell down from heaven he didn't give everybody the same amount of loaves the people who could eat more got more for he gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater that's why folk are jealous of you right now because you want more God's given you more but ain't no need if you hating on us because we want something you don't want somebody came to the convocation because they're hungry for a move of God you don't care what anybody thinks you want to touch from God wherever you are Make Some Noise right now foreign [Applause] she said she had one pot of oil but she didn't understand that it was a bottomless pot and as long as there was demand Supply will continue to flow there was so much in her house that she hadn't touched that as long as they could bring an empty vessel the oil continued to flow you think you've been blessed You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet God said tip it over some more ow he said I got more in the pot than you think I do I got more miracles I got more people coming I got more favor coming I've got more resources coming but you've got to get in the position of the flow and all of a sudden as long as there was capacity there was flow and the flow continued and continued and everything full got set aside Everything full got set aside our problem is we sit in church with full folks full folks don't want anything from God and what you need to do is set the full folk aside and get over with somebody that's hungry and say you know what man I'm hungry I want something else from God I'm too old to sit up here and let this moment pass me by Bishop Porter I need a breakthrough from God right now is there anybody hungry for a breakthrough from God make some noise in this place right now and the oil begin to flow it began to flow it began to flow it began to flow it began to flow and it poured out and it poured out and as long as there was emptiness in front of it there was flow coming out of it as long as there was demand there was Supply as long as there was capacity that was filling and when they could find no more demand then the oil stayed I'm almost finished I'm almost finished but I want you to understand something there's a miracle in your house stand up on your feet for me stand up on your feet if you're able to stand if you you don't feel like standing sit but if you're able to stand stand there's a miracle in your house in this house there's a miracle in this house there's a miracle in your church house there's a miracle in your National church house that you've been stepping over as common and ordinary and people can never operate in an environment where they are handled as ordinary who know Mighty Works in certain places because they treated him as if he were ordinary [Music] in order for the oil to flow you have to respect the part it comes from if you don't respect the pot enough to put it in a position to flow you will stop the blessing not because you don't have it but because you won't properly position it to do what God sent it to do and you say what are you doing coming in here talking to us about that you don't live here Elijah didn't live there either he came from the outside to the inside because sometimes folk on the outside can see things that the people on the inside cannot see what is in your house [Applause] they tilted the oil and the oil again the flow listen at me I'm almost finished I'm not really trying to make you shout I want to make you see something there's something you've been stepping over that God's going to use to bring you out the oil is about to flow the oil is about to flow and it's going to come from something you already have God will always use something that you already have watch this it was oil right oil comes from the olive The Olive in order to release the oil must be crushed the greater the crushing the greater the whole if you want to see a real flow of the Holy Spirit stop fooling with these folks who haven't been through anything you are not going to get a full from people who have not been crushed the real flow of Glory will always come from somebody who's been crushed if you're sitting by somebody who's been crushed there will be a flow of oil that will come out of them like you have never seen before some of you have gone through something in the last year that crushed you you thought you couldn't take it you thought it was going to kill you you felt like throwing up your hands you thought you were about to die but God wasn't killing you he was crushing you and they all that's about to come out of your life is beyond anything you have ever seen before somebody shout let it flow don't you see the synergy between the oil and the woman they've both been crushed this isn't just about oil no it's about crushings and breakings and bruisings and pain and the very thing you hide from people is the very thing God wants to use they've been asking you how are you and you've been talking about how blessed I'm fine I'm doing good you don't want anybody to know you've been crushed but your oil is in your crushing you paid a price for this oil you went through something for this oil you agonized for this oil and now God's about to let it flow one more thing the Bible said she poured out she poured out now I know how convocations are not just this one all of them people come They Don't Really pour out because you don't want to pour out you don't want to pour out you don't want anybody to know that you came here on life support I'm gonna ask you something have you ever been preached and tired have you ever been trying to revive folks and secretly want to quit have you ever been trying to help people and and been tired of the people you're trying to help have you ever been at your Wit's End and you didn't know what to do and there you are giving wisdom to other people and they're walking off and getting blessed have you have you ever encouraged people and went home discouraged and wish you had somebody to encourage you like you encourage other people [Applause] there's something in you that God wants to flow out this woman poured out and as she poured out she came out of her pain she came out of her situation and she came out of her debt her finances got released everything around her got released because of something that was in her there is something in you right now that if you would let it out it would change everything around you now watch this and I'm gonna I'm gonna get out of your way I want you to do something for me I want you to join hands with somebody else in this room get them by the hand take them by the hand and when you take them by the hand don't think about them think about all the things you've been through think about the stuff you can't tell anybody think about the things you held your peace about think about how God kept you when you felt like throwing your hands up in the air think about how he gave you sleep when you went to bed crying at night and think about how he brought you through the storm and the rain and every time you think of something God brought you through oil is beginning to gather all is beginning together it's going to hit your finances it's going to hit your body it's going to hit your life it's going to hit your situation there's still some oil in you you haven't used yet I know the devil's been telling you you're too old but the devil is a liar God kept you here because you still got oil in you squeeze that hand you're holding yes yes yes somebody's pouring out somebody's pouring out somebody's pouring out somebody's pouring out somebody's pouring out somebody's pouring out you got an anointing down in you beneath your pressure beneath your pain beneath your tall ball God's gonna give some Glory out of this squeeze that hand be all the oil the oil is slowing yes yes yes yes yes yes yes let it flow let it flow somebody's getting healed somebody's getting delivered somebody's getting set free somebody's getting attached yes yes yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil larger with me you're riding your staff you're comforting my cup back up my cup runneth over let it run over let it run over [Music] yes yes yes yes yes yes yes [Music] the anointing destroys the Yoke the yoke is broken the yoke is broken spirits of depression spirits of fear spirits of death spirits of disease [Music] it's broken it's broken you pay the price for it you pay the price for it you cried for it you were lonely for it you went to bed by yourself for it you rocked yourself to sleep for it but here comes the glory get a hold to that hand behold how good and pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in unity it is like the oil that fell upon the head of Aaron onto his beards onto his skirts for there God command a blessing even life even life even life I rebuke death even life forevermore squeeze that brother's hand squeeze that sister's hand they've been through hell they can't tell you they can't talk about it they can't open up but they've been through hell they came here in pain they left trouble at the house they going home to deal with situations but God's gonna get some oil flowing in your life you're gonna go home with the anointing on you you're gonna get on the plane speak it in tongues the glory of the Lord is in this place the glory of the Lord glorious [Music] lift your hands and open your mouth open your mouth wide and let praise fill this place [Applause] foreign fill this place forget about your title open your mouth God wants to fill you with Glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes Lord yes Lord let it flow from the balcony to the next balcony down to the floor let it flow from sister to sister from brother to brother from Bishop to Bishop from Elder to Elder from Pastor to Pastor let it flow let it flow when you leave here you gotta go back and fight that devil receive this flow [Music] foreign [Music] I wonder what would have happened if she would have borrowed more vessels I wonder how much oil would have flowed if she would have gotten more capacity and I wonder how much more God would do if you would let the glory flow [Music] out of you flow [Music] flow just flow don't murmur don't complain just flow don't worry don't doubt just flow [Music] you used to let it flow [Music] you came up letting it flow before people wanted you to death you let it flow let it flow again let it flow again [Applause] [Music] [Music] where are my worshipers take over this house where am I worshipers take over this house worship us take over this house take over this house where my worshipers take over this house Shake Yourself Loose and take over this house here comes the glory flowing on you depression you gotta go anger you got to go fear you gotta go disease you gotta go warrant Warren [Music] you gotta go you gotta go [Music] foreign [Music] yes he's here he's here he's here he's here he's here open your mouth and bless him he is here [Music] foreign [Music] I'm struggling I I don't know your protocol I don't want to be out of order but I feel glory in this place I feel glory in this place I feel the anointing of the Lord in this place anybody feel the anointing of the Lord in this place lift your hands if you feel the anointing of the Lord in this place brother I want to lay my hands on you can I just lay my hands on you I got such an anointing just to lay my hands on you I don't know what you've been going through I don't know what you've been dealing with but God's going to anoint your head with all your cups gonna run over and no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper As I Lay My Hands on you today God said he's going to seal something hey hey somebody help me praise somebody I have to pray somebody happened oh I feel Glory I feel Glory I want to lay my hands on you I don't know what you've been through but out of the bruisings and out of the struggles and out of the pain and out of the being walked over and walked around and walked past comes a fresh release somebody helping somebody helping somebody come on Church come on just a minute just a minute in just a minute happy just a minute I feel glory in this place open your mouth and give God glory in this place come out and give God glory in this place come on and give God glory in this place come here baby come here come here babe come here come here come here come here so sorry we got an anointing for you come get this anointing come walk into this anointing there oh come get this in the morning [Applause] come get this one come get this anointing for all the pain for all the suffering for all the agony the oil is about to flow lift your hand then just let it flow let it flow let it flow God has not forgotten you let it flow let it flow thank you Lord [Music] ah thank you thank you Lord I bless your name tonight I bless your name I bless your name tonight God bless your name I bless your name I bless your name [Music] received how how Glory oh my God where are my worshipers at where my worshipers where my worshipers at touch your body touch your body touch your body touch your body touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch how [Music] yes Lord yes Lord somebody help Mama Praise Him somebody help Mama praise somebody help Mama pray that somebody out of your belly shall flow rivers of Living Water lift your hands and let it flow it's flowing out it's flowing out it's flowing out Let it Fly flowers let it flow let it flow let it flow let it flow Let it Fly [Music] let it flow let it finish let it flow let it fall you're ready for it you've been waiting on it you've been praying for it here it is somebody help her praise Him somebody help her praise Him somebody help her praise him let's go back to the old time way come on let's go back to the old time boy come on let's go back Church come on church church oh oh let's go back let's go back let's go back let's go back let's go back ow let it flow I feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost City here I feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost in here hallelujah I can't reach you up in that balcony but if you'd open your mouth and begin to pray that a fresh anointing would come in your spirit a fret number a fresh anointing would come yeah yes Lord a fresh a fresh a fresh anointed foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen Church get one person by both hands and just for 60 seconds I want you to pray a holy ghost blessing on them with all of your might with all of your strength for 60 seconds just get them by both hands and let it just flow let it just flow let it just flow let it just flow let it just flow let it just flow let it just flow let it just flow let it just flow let it just flow let it just flow yeah just flow come on you got 40 seconds left get him come on you got 40 seconds left come on you got 30 seconds left come on let it flow come on for 30 seconds let it flow for 25 seconds let it flow oh you got 15 seconds [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how somebody give him the price [Applause] [Applause] I feel victory in here I feel victory in here I feel Victory I feel Victory anybody got the victory anybody got the victory [Applause] victory victory victory victory [Applause] wait a minute say your name excuse me a minute you got to give me some room I'm gonna give him some praise [Applause] go ahead and pray not a few not a few not a few not a little bit of Praise not a little bit of ah [Music] foreign give him a prize give him a praise [Applause] [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] we gotta get out here y'all ain't gonna never have me back let me out right [Music] you got it huh I feel some victory in here y'all anybody got a victory shop anybody out of Victory shop anybody got anybody got it [Music] foreign [Applause] listen at me real good he told the woman to sell the oil in other words it's the law of reciprocity it's a higher law than sea time and harvest sea time and harvest means if you sow apples you reap apples reciprocity means you can sow one thing and reap another he said you need money you got oil but God will trade with you [Applause] if you've got the anointing God said I'll train with him and I'll cause you to prosper and be in good health [Music] as your soul don't anybody got a prosperous Soul Make Some Noise if you got a prosperous soul [Applause] when you go home you're gonna sell the oil you're gonna trade the oil you're gonna give what you do have so you can get what you don't have and God said you got so much you're going to live off the rest oh my god do you hear what I'm saying to you quickly just just for a point of contact I want everybody that can you might not be able but everybody that's got 21 dollars get it in your hand real fast twenty one dollars while the anointing about the Bible said Daniel Prayed for 21 days and after he prayed everything that was tied up broke loose everything that was tied up broke loose 21 days everything that was tied up broke loose I just want you to get a simple 21 seed in your head everybody in the choir in the balcony in the back on security on the Usher board on the praise team on the willing to fry chicken committee everybody get it in your hands twenty one dollars a simple seed thank you Jesus come here baby give me some money she got the money I got the mouth but she got the money y'all brothers know what I'm talking about get it in your hand quickly everybody no no unnecessary walking just worship this is as much worship as anything else we're gonna do come on come on [Music] thank you for watching the Jonathan desperate gospel channel make sure to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel our God is an awesome God he prays forever and ever lift him up lift him up lift him up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] laughs
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 111,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Gospel Videos, Gospel, Gospel Music, Christ, Jesus, God, HolyGhost, Praise, Praise God, Praise The Lord, Awesome, Praise Break, Dance, COGIC Holy Convocation, Holy Convocation, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop Blake, Kim Burrell, Darrell Hines, Bishop Sheard, Bishop Owens, Bishop Bryant, Bishop Hilliard
Id: b7_KH00-XPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 4sec (10444 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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