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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign Matthews gospel chapter 14 and Matthew in his writing is writing primarily and to the Jewish community and that's the Jewish Christians and he is endeavoring to prove and to establish the fact that Jesus is the messiah it is intricately interwoven in such a manner that we can understand the encounters with Jesus and as well as the presentation of his parables so he interweaves the accounts and the teachings of Jesus in such a manner that his actions endorse and support corroborate those things that Jesus speaks about it's not only what Jesus says but what he does that helps to strengthen our relationship with him and to embellish our spirituality and give us a greater insight and so Matthew now after he deals with the parables in chapter 13. in chapter 14 now he gives us some stories some what we call didactic or teaching narratives and this one begins after the feeding of the 5000 this one begins at verse 22. straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship and to go before him unto the other side while he sent the multitudes away and when he had sent the multitudes away he went up into a mountain apart to pray and when the evening was come he was there alone but the ship was now in the midst of the sea tossed with waves for the wind was contrary and in the Fourth Watch of the night Jesus went unto them walking on the sea and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were trouble saying it is a spirit and they cried out for fear but straightway Jesus speak unto them saying be of good cheer it is I be not afraid and Peter answered him and said Lord if it be thou bid me come unto thee on the water and he said come and when Peter was come down out of the ship he walked on the water to go to Jesus but when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid beginning to sink he cried saying Lord save me and immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand caught him said unto him oh thou of little fees wherefore did it's found out and when they will come into the ship the wind cease that when the ship came and worshiped him saying of a truth Thou Art the Sun of God can you say Amen I want you to look at somebody like you're angry with them and say this too will pass let somebody else and tell them the Storm Is Passing Over Hallelujah foreign [Applause] I see increasingly more as I study the word of God that God is revealing himself to us and when I study I found that the doctrine of Revelation and doctrine of the word of God are very very parallel because it is through the revelatory power of human experience with God that God shows himself and the word is presented the word then becomes an expression of an experience that individuals threw out the history of the scriptures and even in our lives the word of God becomes the Declaration of the events that we have experienced where God reveals himself to us I I this morning I got a little on the heavy side early and I felt so disconnected so I'm going to try not to be disconnected today about now the interesting thing is that because God does not show himself because you don't perceive him sensually because he does not allow himself to be observed he does not allow himself to be looked at personally because of that we have to form uh creative imaginative Concepts in our mind about God because he is not observable because we do not sit and talk to him directly we're not able to ask him questions and he respond and we get to know him from a sensual perceptive point of view when I speak about sensible perception I'm really dealing with the senses that I have my my touch my smell my sight my taste my hearing because these are the things that connect us to each other and literally connect us to our world it is because I can hear that I can appreciate the sound of euphonious music it's because I see I can see all the optical sights of splendor because I can touch I can feel certain things and I taste certain things and this connects me to my world my world then becomes observable even as you move in relationships with people you deal with them on a continued basis because you have them under observation I know somebody has said to you sometime in your life I have been watching you you know you know men generally that's a good approach you know I just I've been watching you and so because your senses puts people under observation and you can observe their behavior and you can form conclusions based on their behavior because I have observed and I have observed you long enough to understand this is the way you are this is how you will operate this is what you will do given certain circumstances God does not fall under the parameters of our ability to observe him in that manner he is not observable because none of us have had the privilege of looking at him touching him tasting him smelling him we have not had the privilege to make him observable and yet still we have a concept of God even though we haven't observed him we still have a mental picture or a concept of God and the concept of God is derived from the circumstances that we are in and the revelation of God in those circumstances so our imaginative creative concept goes with us and indeed and in fact it actually influences the way we live that concept of God now make it plain I think I can make a little plainer uh the child who grows up without a father and even though the father isn't there and is not observed by the child the child forms a concept an imaginative concept of Dad based primarily on what mother says but mother said some things based on what she sees so he sees from the other children at school so even though he or she does not have a farm they still have a concept of a father and many times when mother gets angry or dad gets angry and decides that or mother gets angry and decides that she wants to say you know you you act just like your father and tell the child off and then you know used father who is not around uh to Badger the poor child and oftentimes mother rapes the creative concept that the child had of a father and destroys and distorts how that child sees father because the creative concept is now influenced by mother's Behavior what God has done for us is he has given us the word and the word of God is created over a period of time by some 66 writers I think that's what it is and each one having had a concept A imaginative creative concept of God in their minds because as they operated with God as God revealed himself through their own life experiences they chronicled those experiences and they put them all together in a document that we call the scriptures so the revelation of God then is seen over a period of time by a group of writers who wrote thousands of years apart to put their creative concept of God on paper and we put it together we canonized it and now we have what we call the word of God it is the word of God that that becomes now and objective way of analyzing and carefully scrutinizing our subjective imaginative creation of God and so what happens now is I can go to this document and I can see whether or not my concept of God is credible based on what others have experienced God to be like uh are you with me um and so consequently this connection then that we have with our experience gives us a different view depending on the experience of the god that we serve I will call it growth and it becomes growth because you have to go through a series of different things to know God in a plethora of different ways on the one hand he revealed himself as Jehovah Jireh but the revelation of Jehovah Jireh was not a general Revelation it was a particular and a specific event that called for God to show up in order to bring Abraham out of the circumstance that he was in he chronicled the event and he called it Jehovah Jireh it is Israel in the wilderness when they came to Mara or bitter water and they threw they threw God to have them through belief or the the branch into the water and the water was healed and the chronicler wrote Jehovah rofa the Lord that healeth it is the psalmist that decided he was Jehovah rayah the Lord is my shepherd various events and various circumstances of life that called for a creative imaginative concept of God is chronicled and now we have something that we can look at and decide whether or not our views of God are significant when to confirmed it is here then that Matthew uses the presentation of Jesus in various circumstances and Encounters in order to get us to glean from the story a concept of God and he does it quite expertly because it's astounding how the Holy Ghost use this tax collector to be so precise in this presentation of the word of God what he does here is he brings us five stories that follow The Parables and of course the main and the key Parable is the parable of the sower the sower went out to sow the seed and the five stories are called didactic or teaching stories they're designed to teach us something about Jesus and and and the first story in chapter 14 is the rejection at Nazareth that's the first one the second one is the beheading of John the third one is the feeding of the five thousand and the fourth one is the one we read the walking on water the fifth Story is the healing of the janessaret sick and what we have here are five different receptions of the word of God which are Illustrated in the parable of the sower I've got three soils and I've got five stories and the stories illustrate the parable they show the meaning of the parable and and if you look at the stories what you will find is a quality of escalation the quality of the reception of the word of God seems to escalate in each story notice we start at the basement level the soil was was hard and when the soul was sowed the seed the birds came and picked up the because the seed could not penetrate into the Earth it was a path for those of us that have been to the country you know when you know where the path is and they say now walk go in the path and I don't walk away from the path because I know down in Jamaica they were scared the snakes would get us and all that stuff if we didn't walk in the path and my uncle was a land surveyor and I would go with him and he would say now walk in the path now we gotta and don't get straight off too far to the left so the ants are so big they bite you we got to cut them out with knives I think he was I think he was scaring me that's a little boy that's what he was doing whether he wanted me in the pad you notice the path gets hard because it's been trodden so it's been walked on it's been rolled and it is hard you can't penetrate the path and so when the sower sowed the seed the bird came and picked the seed up and the seed didn't have an opportunity to get to the heart now the first two stories indicate that soil and that is Jesus and John are rejected that means they came to promulgate the things of God but the heart was so hard that the word could not penetrate the hearts of men and women so they rejected both Jesus and John the second soil was a soil where it penetrated and it began to grow but sun came up and because its soil did not have much root the sun choked the soil the the hardened light of the sun caused the soil to die toss the thing to die so the word grew up to a certain extent but it couldn't grow to its fullest extent because of the sun and the soil was shallow so it choked now the third and the fourth story the third story now would be the feeding of the five thousand and the fourth story would be the walking on water that's walking on water and the feeding of the 5000 now agree completely and totally with the middle soil and that is there's five thousand people out here let's feed them and the disciples said we ain't got enough to feed them with and Jesus says bring it to me and he fed them they they had some Faith but they did didn't have enough Faith to fulfill Peter does the same thing where he says if it be thou bid me to come on the water and he steps out on the water which means he has some Faith but he starts looking around him and he sees the boisterous waves and he begins to sink and that shows that he started but he couldn't get it done now the fifth Story is a story that is quite remarkable because it seems to be out of place in terms of the philosophical response that the people have to Jesus the fifth Story is the story of Jesus being in Pagan country which we didn't read just two or three verses and he is totally and completely received by the pagans and this now represents the Third soil and that's the soil where the word went it caught up and it yielded 34 old 64 100 fold but it produced the difficulty I have is in resolving the issue of faith and the disciples because I can see with Jesus is totally rejected but here's the difficulty I have in The Parables the disciples were the privileged ones they were so privileged that Jesus said the privilege of knowing the mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven has been given to you but to them it has not been given it is interesting now that they are given The Parables and they're given the Mysteries and they are the ones who are around him let me give you another privilege when Jesus said he said whom do men say that I the son of man am and after they got through saying what others say he said now whom do you say and Peter hollered Thou Art the Christ the son of the Living God and Jesus says to him Flesh and Blood did not reveal this to you but my Father which is in heaven now notice now he is given the privilege of Revelation they're given the privilege of knowing the Mysteries because they're in the company of Jesus all the time and and here is a privilege it is not by Accu acquisition that they achieve this it is a gift and they did not choose Jesus Jesus chose them and it would seem to me that they were living in a shelter they were living sequestered they were living shielded they were all within Jesus's little church and whatever they needed he provided that they had nothing that they did not have provided by Jesus even when tax time came he said go down get the fish's mouth and get the taxes and I mean they were pampered they were completely shielded it would seem to me then if anybody should have faith and power in Jesus surely it ought to be the church folk I mean I mean surely it ought to be the people who are in the house all the time why because they were Witnesses of his omnipotent behavior and they were always in the preview of his miraculous display they were always in the gallery they were always in the bleachers and yet still they seem to be fathers from the mainstream of the Divine exhibition of faith when it came to somebody stepping up to the plate and showing uh belief in God they seem to have been the fathers from the faith if you notice just a list of people who have come to Jesus the leper came to Jesus if you remember when the leper came and the leper was extraordinarily modest but at the same time he showed some confidence when he came to Jesus he said if thou wilts thou can'tst make me whole he didn't come with any doubt but he came of course understanding that it was not the power of God that he needs to inquire about because I know what you can do the thing I'm inquiring about is are you willing to do it now I know that you have the capacity to heal me and that there is nothing that falls outside of the parameters of your power to perform so I know you can heal me the question is will you so he came very modest but at the same time he came with confidence because he knew that the only thing that separated him from his healing was the will of Jesus Christ because there is nothing that he will that he can't do now the leper is an outsider he is not one who is in the parameters of the company of people in fact he's got to dwell in a leper colony and when he comes into public he has got to tell everybody I'm a leper he's got to say leper leopard go walk close to me now if anybody should have been dilapidated and discouraged in his mind then surely it should have been the left but the leper comes boldly into the presence of the Lord and crashes into his presence and declares if thou wilt thou can make me whole there's another guy who wasn't quite a leprous but at the same time he was an outsider and he was hated because the Centurion is part of the dominating forces in Israel and they were hated by the Jews and so they were not allowed into the social structure they again were Outsiders they were not allowed into the synagogue and the Centurion says to Jesus says I'm a man of authority and I'm under Authority and I can see that you have some power I would like you to sin and speak the word for my servant needs to be healed I don't need you to come to my house in fact I'm not worthy for you to come but he recognized through faith that there is a word that Jesus could speak and the word would leave his mouth and catch the right train catch the right bus catch the right cab or go by itself go down the right Street go down and go into the right house and find the right room and heal the right person he had such Faith until Jesus declared I have seen not this much faith not in all of Israel and yet still he was not a part of Jesus's little band he was not a part of the twelve member church that Jesus was pastoring and then Jesus goes outside of Israel and runs into a syrophoenician woman a black Canaanite woman who begins to holla uh Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me another Outsider who the disciples tell told Jesus uh shut up for she holler and send her away because she's hollering at us and yet still her faith was audacious enough and ebullient enough for her to take the insults of the disciple and Jesus's insult and keep on hollering until Jesus finally hollered oh woman great is thy faith it was the bleeding woman the woman with the issue of blood if you check into Leviticus she herself was an outsider because her issue of blood had made her so untouchable that nobody could even sit in a chair where she was sitting or lay in the bed where she was laying she was totally outside and yet still after she had spent all he had she had the tenacity to press through the crowd and declare I've got to get to Jesus it was a man who was sick with a palsy a nerve disease and he couldn't move and his friends took the roof off of somebody's house to put him in and it seems as if anybody that had some need was awfully ebullient and intense about getting to Jesus all they sought was the presence of the Lord because they believed if I could just get in the presence of the Lord I really don't care what other people think if I can get into the presence of the Lord I don't care who will praise him with me I don't care what my issues are all I want to do is get into the presence of the Lord I don't need you to decide for me what's possible let me create my own imaginative concept because I don't need you to tell me what he well God he does that now I just want to go find out for myself ah don't tell me I ought not to be in public right about now I'll drag my little leper self right up to the presence of the Lord and see will he set me free I mean who is to say what will happen who can declare what his will is for me we find it out in the presence of the Living God where prayers are answered in his presence power is released in his presence Joy is restored in his presence and if he ever come anywhere now I'm near me right now I'm gonna grab onto for a move of God the dichotomy here is between those who are outside and the disciples because it seems to me now that people who have need have no time to play Aha it doesn't matter whether I get a parking space or not I got a need I I ain't got to sit up in the front of the church looking sad and bad and mad I said anywhere I get a seat as long as I feel the pump of the Living God and it's critical to grasp this because prayer is actually Faith bringing need to Jesus and without need then faith is vague and Abstract it is unreal because need becomes vital in one's walk with the Lord that's why last week we established the fact that they that hunger and thirst oh we got too many filled folk in the house of God that's why we ain't got no gut wretching praise we got too many folk that's got it made because their shelter disciples are like sheltered Saints live in a vague abstract and unreal faith of corporate seclusion we just come in and just get lost in the crowd because we don't have any real need and when somebody gets to hollering around us we look at the ushers as if to say what you gonna do with this and if we the ushers don't move we look at the deacons as if they're sick uh what you're gonna do with this and now we got security so if nobody will move we'll call for the security Chief to get because you're disrupting the service well some of our services need to be disrupted [Applause] ah because sheltered Saints like sheltered disciples have no need for anything uh walk around with their traditional pride and their organizational superiority and and their dispensational strength and and like Superior scenes on the upcycle they have a tendency to look at folk who are needy as if there's something wrong with them but let me tell you Revival begins where folk need a move of God I feel something pushing me now we need a move of God when I look then at the disciples and the church full they always looked bad in scripture anytime you looked at them they were always off uh I'll give you an example they would have sent the 5 000 away and after Jesus fed the five thousand when you come to the four thousand they wanted send them away and Jesus had to remind them this is only four thousand y'all don't you remember what we did with five thousand they were the ones who would keep the children away from Jesus Jesus had to get angry and said supper the little children to come unto me and forbid them not get out the way you know folk will try to protect Jesus from you they don't want you to get blessed they just you know oh he's tired the Lord tied the Lord ain't tired uh he's got enough power for all of us you know they they they'll treat you about Jesus like they treat you about the pastor you know all y'all can't get to the Past he tied he hurt he's sick he broke down you know and so we protecting folk we're always protecting but Jesus doesn't need any protection uh Jesus has to be free from me to be free for you and he's free from you to be free for me these were the same ones that didn't want him talking to the woman at the well in fact they raised their nose when they saw him talking to this woman at the well the ones who didn't want him to go to zacchaeus's house and they told the Sarah Phoenician Canaanite woman to hush because you're disrupting the service well you got a husband you got a car outside you got a house over in Malibu you've got Neiman Marcus accounts I ain't got nothing and you think I'm gonna sit here like I got it together and if you don't like me hollering then just hold my music I get a blessing from the Lord okay with the same ones that accuse Jesus of not caring because when they got on the ship and the boat began to rock they were the first ones to hollow caress them not that we perish now that's no greater insult it's one thing when you question your love for God and that's bad when a man doesn't love God but you never question God's love for you that's even a greater insult and so because you're going through a little stuff on the boat Jesus is asleep they say wake us up the reason he's sleeping is because storms are a part of life and ain't no sense of me standing up here looking very storm cause they're coming and and they come in and when you get out of this one another one's coming because it's in the storm that you get a new and a fresh revelation of who God is ah they were the same ones who are unable to heal the boys the man's son now they were unable to heal him and they didn't have enough sense to go up to the mountain and call Jesus down that's why the Lord said how long must I suffer with you oh ye of little faith well if they've been running the folk away they're trying to keep the children from Jesus don't want him to talk to the woman at the well or to go to zacchaeus's house if they were to run the Canaanite woman off and accuse Jesus of not healing and couldn't take care of the man's son well what are these people doing with their time well let me tell you what they're doing with their time they sit around in little circles trying to figure out who is the greatest Among Us well it sure can be you cause you ain't got no power to do anything I feel like preaching in here they sit around with their mamas asking who's gonna sit at the right hand and the left hand and whenever the church is lacking Revival you've got a whole lot of folk in it trying to get position I feel like preaching in here ah but when the anointing is flowing and the power of God is being filled I ain't got no time to figure out what my title is I'm too busy running the devil out of town [Applause] I feel like lifting him up you see some people have always been privileged uh some folks have always had a wife and always had a husband always had some money always had a car I never had to catch a bus uh I never had to stay on the side of the street always privileged and because of that you have enjoyed the corporate blessing and and now you feel so significant in what you have achieved that now you have to have the best seat in the church you've got to have a parking place oh and the folk treated me so bad I just got back in my car pastor and I just went home and walked away from an anointed service over somebody's attitude with your spoiled self if you ever go through something in life ah you'll be glad if somebody bring you [Applause] you go through enough you ain't got to have Captain lilies and and Casablancas if you go through enough in life you can bring me just a sunflower from off the side of the street oh I feel like preaching in here I don't lose your blessing over somebody's attitude because if you hungry enough you'll come through their attitude and you'll sit in the aisle if you have to but I must get a blessing from I gotta get a blessing from the Lord I don't care where I sit as long as it's anointed oh they didn't hunger for anything but Power they never thirsted for anything but personal aggrandizement they had no praise for nobody but themselves and they had no need for recognition just the front to be tested because any time you move into this smog disposition and act like you are so special Something's Gonna rise up in your life to help you to understand the even Rich folk need Jesus I even celebrated for need Jesus even intellectual folk need Jesus and God's gonna set up a situation in order to get you to understand if I start letting those winds Bloom it's gonna cause you to holler Lord have mercy on me oh I feel like preaching in here have I told you to touch your neighbor you touch your neighbor and say neighbor don't get so caught up when you're on the Up Cycle because God knows how to bring your back down you better learn about to praise him when everything is going around because some contrary wins will stop blowing in your life it is Jesus then who creates the need of the disciples because here Revelation is invariably Revelation for someone in a concrete situation of concern or need he's got to bring you to the place where you are now concerned about what you're going through Paul Tilly calls it ultimate concern in his philosophical presentation of God he says it is a concern that is on unite and day there is a situation that will rise in your life that you think about it when you're going to sleep it'll wake you up in the middle of the night and you think about it when you get up in the morning there is a concern in your life that can have you stopping on green lights and driving on red ones [Applause] there is a concern in your life oh you're doing all right you still matching your shoes and matching your socks you doing all right you still putting on your stuff and looking in the mirror looking good at yourself and oh yeah oh this is tough right here you doing all right but there is a trial uh-huh there is a Triumph that'll make you put black socks on with white ones I wish I could talk to you in here ah Jesus set it up like that and so because he understands there is no General Revelation but Revelation is specific as the need calls for it and need is not abstract nor vague need is real and that's where the Lord meets us in our need he reveals himself in our needs and indeed and in fact he creates the need so that he can put us in another place to get another revelation of how powerful he is so keep sent them ahead because he wanted them out in the boat and he knew the storm was coming but he stayed back and sent 5 000 people away because by now he knew they were rowing and they were in the middle of the sea you know God knows how to get you out there where you can't go back I was swimming sometimes and I remembered I was down in Jamaica about a mile out to sea and I was in a boat with the folk and I said you know what I'm a little hungry I'm going in and I jumped off the side and started swimming for sure I got halfway out about 90 foot deep water where the big boats were sending the the the cruise ships and I'm coming by the cruise ships going in and all of a sudden the element I said my God I saw a man to about 50 feet under and I'm nervous now and look back at where the boat was and I looked at where the show was and I was somewhere in the middle and I said I'm too far now to go back I feel the Holy Ghost in here God has a way of putting you in the middle and then let the storm begin to blow and they were too far out to turn around you know the Lord has closed some doors behind you so you've got to go forward give somebody High tribes and neighbor I can't go back now I've got to go forward all the hell I'll get going back I might as well take a step of faith and keep on going in the right direction the storm began to bloom and the winds were contrary they were blowing in the opposite direction which means now as they were rolling with all they had they were coming up Against The Wind that was blowing them in the opposite way and the Gabriel word here is Masha and it's used here for trials and it's always opposite and opposition the word contrary is always against you and sometimes you're facing winds every day of your life for God to show himself in another storm and sometimes when the winds begin to blow and you feel your strength you can look at the situation and say it'll soon be over especially when you get into a problem and you know you got some money and you got a whole list of friends and you say well it's rough but that ain't no problem I got enough in the bank yeah and what I don't have in the bank I got in the safe and I got me a little bit stuck under the dirty clothes in the back you know of the washroom in case somebody breaking they ain't going through them stinky clothes to get my money uh you understand you've got your little money under the pillow under the mattress got money up over the ceiling you know where you got the money I know and so you got it everywhere so when the storm begin to blow you say to yourself I'll come out after a while so I'm gonna praise the Lord and give God some Glory but let that storm keep blowing and then all of a sudden now the money began to shrink and the money begins to become less and less all the money's gone out the bank and you're praying to God lord hurry up and turn this thing around but the storm is keeps on bloating and now they're saying I'm not alone fellas come on let's encourage one another and Let's Roll by spells you grow a little and I'll grow a little but let us not give up here right now they're a little nervous but still hopeful that this storm will hurry up and pass over but if the storm keeps on blowing now you get exhausted and you're feeling tired because you've called the same people over and over again and folk are looking now at the ID the caller ID and they're not answering you like they used to because they sick and tired of you and your trouble and they've helped you until they're exhausted let the storm keep on blowing and right about now you're angry because you're wondering what is wrong with God and your concept of God that you created in Good Times is now being questioned in hard times and now you're wondering where God is but because you still have a little hope you get you a prayer partner and you say partner come on over we got to touch and agree that God moved this thing out of my life and take this thing out of my heart you pray with your prayer partner but the wind just keeps on blowing and now you come to church you win every prayer line and you're sitting and hope the prophet oh Prophet call me call me cause I need somebody to give me a word Call Me Prophet and the wind just keeps on blowing now you're mad with your church because if your church had some power you wouldn't be going through what you're going through so now you're going to somebody else's church and calling on them to pray you through and it's still the same way the wind just keeps on blowing and now you're just about to lose your mind you're shipping your money to every TV Ministry you're sending it all over the country and you're running behind every tent you can find looking for deliverance but the wind just keeps on blowing I feel the Holy Ghost in here it's blowing so hard now that you're throwing up your hands and saying well I guess I'm gonna die right about now you're at the extreme edge of your mind you're about to your sanity you're being tested like you've never been tested before and all of a sudden you see something coming your way and moving in the midst of the storm we might as well have church touch somebody said do you see what I see somebody's coming our way because you've been through so much and you've had to face so much hell in your life the thing you see coming it looks like a ghost it must be death coming to get me but God told me to tell you the next person he put in your life is not of the devil but is of God himself God told me to tell you now that you're on the edge the next thing that I'm getting ready to do is bring you out with a mighty hand but I had to wait on until nothing else could help but God himself because I need a praise out of you that I haven't had in a long time I need you to worship me with a death you haven't worship me with uh because you've been sitting around wondering how cute you are but it's time for you to get down on your holy means and all along help me I feel the Holy Ghost in here help me sound man if you can give somebody high five and say the winds have been blowing but I've got a feeling somebody's on the way ah they couldn't see him because the storm was all over but there is a voice that everybody understands down inside your soul there is a voice when you can't see your way all I need to know is there a word from the Lord speak to me Lord in the middle of my storm he said be not afraid it is I and he was not requesting it was not a request in the Greek it was a demand it was a command don't be afraid sometimes your life is so messed up that God can't ask you to do anything he's just gotta step in the middle of your life and make a declaration be still and know that I am gone and beside me there is no other happy thou heal I feel the Holy Ghost in here give somebody high five say this is not a request this is a command get out of my house get on my job better this is not a request this is a command I feel like preaching in here when he heard the word and Peter recognized the voice ah we should Touch Somebody and said do you recognize a voice that woke you up last night in the middle of the night and said everything is going to be on did you recognize the voice that hollered in the night no weapon formed against you recognize the voice that said a weeping may endure for a night but just is coming in the morning I feel like lifting him up belong your neighbors and neighbors it's coming out all right cause I heard the voice sound and when I hear the voice I'm getting out of this boat I'm getting out of this boat I'm not gonna sit around here with a whole lot of scared folk when I heard the voice of the Lord Peter Holland if it be you then bit me to come I'd rather walk on the Storm than sit up here and be pretentious I'd rather walk on the storm and sit up in here and be a hypocrite I'd rather walk on the Storm than sit around with a whole lot of folk that don't want to worship don't wanna praise I rather be on the Storm than Miss cute stuff I miss the bad stuff I'd rather and take a chance on the water can I preach like I feel it Peter didn't walk on the water he walked on the word because he said if it be thou then then me to come I said come come stepped out on the I feel like preaching and his own neighbor said walk and don't look around keep your eyes on The Voice keep your eyes on the word and don't go looking around quit looking at the Devil quit looking at your enemies quit looking at the snakes walk through the snake walk through your head walk through the devil he slay me again trust him while he's trying to upset your walk and while you're walking don't look around but look up your Redemption drawings and The Storm Is Passing give somebody high five say it ain't nothing but a test cause as soon as you get in the boat the storm pass over Shake somebody's hand like you're gonna shake it off and say rejoice I see the sun rising in your life Rejoice rejoice foreign [Music] foreign I think somebody high five they're taking my been to the store and I'm still here but the storm is gone foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign because now the imaginative Construction has taken on a new dimension because of the dichotomy between God forsakenness and God sufficiency [Applause] that understand I told you not too long ago a child of God [Applause] cannot lose everything you can't lose everything [Applause] you know in order for him to say his grace is sufficient somebody didn't get healed let me make it clear Paul had a constructive imaginative concept of God through the years and that imaginative become strong stimulates Paul to pray when he is sick Thorn In the Flesh the concept was so strong that he asked them one time and he didn't do it well then Paul why are you asking him again because for what I know about God when I pray he heals me so I'm gonna ask him again [Applause] because that's how I know the third time he prayed God said don't come again because I'm not gonna do it so now Paul has to reconstruct some thoughts about God because it took God forsaking him for God to be sufficient oh we should see it so now I don't only know him as a Healer I know him as a keeper if you're not healed it can't happen to you unless God lets it and if he lets it he wants you to see another side of him and he's going to get a chance to see another side of you uh-huh while everything's going good you were one hollering sister now can you still holla brother when everything's going crazy [Music] oh I feel like having Church so I propose to you right now that everything in your life signed to reveal God so what you're going through now is a setup [Applause] Jesus just staying away long enough for you to get in this mess so you can find how powerful he is [Applause] and I'm closing take somebody's hand and I want you to look at your neighbor quite affectionately and said maybe you know you can perform in the storm it ain't over because it's stormy keep walking [Music] I'm in a storm but that don't mean it's over [Music] because I'm going through the storm is passing over and I'm gonna get through it quick the reason is both of us are going in different directions so we won't be around to get along all right series of storms you faced and others are coming but you will overcome don't lose heart don't look around at the difficulties keep your eyes on the solution Jesus is a solution to any problem take heart again rise up again come on up out of the ashes pick yourself up get back in the race this tool will pass and I'm excited now to see [Music] what God has for me in the future we're dwelling on yesterday it's gone it's gone it's gone quit bringing yesterday's pain over into today but you a pin cushion hey man it's gone [Applause] see what God has for your future feel somebody breaking out today father in Jesus name your precious people your marvelous and wonderful people facing yet another storm not a national not a woman not a Katrina in a national sense but we have our little wilmas and our little katrinas in our own everyday lives and I pray right now that we catch the Revelation in this test that this test that we're facing right now I pray God that we catch the revelation Lord we see you now delivering my homeless brother we see you delivering my homeless system we see you making a way we thank you Lord that you still gave him a praise while they were hurting Lord we still see you moving that man into a better job than moving that business moving that new house we still see all that but we thank you that you gave us a praise before you showed us how you were bringing us out oh yes we still see you Healing The Sick and raising the dead end and cancer being in remission and we see it now we see you moving but we thank you because we realize you are God even when we didn't know how it was coming to pass and so now Lord we send a message of Thanksgiving to you and we declare resilience and we will resist by your power the temptation to look around and not keep our eyes on you and I claim it in Jesus somebody give God another praise where is that man that woman [Applause] somebody God is calling you now and I want you to hold the doors I want you to stay with me for a few minutes we're way over time but don't let that person walk by themselves come to Jesus now [Music] who are not saved I don't know him and the power of his resurrection have not received the Holy Spirit have not been born again have not repented have not been baptized daily live give God the praise give God the praise come on man where's that young man where's that young man come on come on it's time I'm joined this game a good game to be a part of a positive game walk away from that Madness and walk into this blessing altered Nehemiah said savior come on come on that's it God the glory somebody ought to be happy I said right now come on I Surrender come on bring the whole family that's it but I surrender all yes bring the whole family I Surrender oh [Applause] yes [Applause] somebody gonna let them walk alone yes give God the glory I surrender all one more time let your voice surrender [Applause] oh yes I Surrender I Surrender all to thee blessed savior [Music]
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 98,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c8kXmWiF4mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 56sec (4196 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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