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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign 26. and I thought to embellish the concept of time and revelation of God in time and in life by going to the Book of Esther I don't know how much strength I have I don't know how I hold up physically but I want you to read with me Psalms 126. uh it says when the Lord turned again the Captivity of Zion we were like them that dream then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue with singing then said they among the Heathen the Lord hath done great things for them the Lord hath done great things for office whereof we are glad turn again our captivity O Lord as the streams in the South they that sow in tears shall reap in Joy he that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him I just want you to look at somebody and say to them with all the bullions you can muster I'm on my way back amen look at somebody else tell them I'm coming back Amen to somebody else I left hurting but I'm on my way back blessed there were many openings that and for those of you who has postulate the word those who preach or even just study in the word there are many approaches of course to to opening and it is always good to have a panoramic view to take it from a wide scope which we call the context and narrow it to what we call the text and one great way of opening in any Psalm is to understand the subjectivity that comes by the writers in the Psalms that gives us a sense of camaraderie and engagement it's easy to engage the psalmist because the psalmist is writing out of his heart and he's being very subjective in his presentation he's not necessarily giving us a lot of history even though each Psalm has an association to an historical action or a behavior that made it possible for the writer to write you look at Psalm 51 for instance you understand that it is an association to David seeking repentance for his sin if you look at Psalm 23 it speaks of Psalms the David's relationship to God while he was yet a Shepherd while he was operating in the field and the expression that he gives you subjectively has an association with an historical circumstance or situation but he is not necessarily giving us history I like it because we get a chance to see how the psalmist feels and how the writer feels in certain circumstances and it helps me to understand how I feel and really it helps me to accept in many instances how I feel because sometimes you struggle with a disposition and you think that this position is solely or idiosyncratically yours only to find out that that is an apostle I enjoy especially the parts where I see the psalmist struggling with his enemies where he articulates the battle he has with his enemies and sometimes he's to the point where he even wants to call God in upon his enemies now I have felt like calling God in on my enemies and and I'm sure you have too so I didn't feel like I was so lost when I had feelings that the psalmist had so I didn't feel like I was so lost my ex-wife and I we were tangle when I was married years ago getting it and she would want to call the Lord in on me and call God in to get me and Lord's Gonna Get You and I said well sweetheart if he's just gone then maybe he's going to get more than one of us when he comes over here I I don't call him God in on folk because I have wronged people myself and I certainly don't want to have the powers to call God in on somebody and then they have the power to call him in on me because I'm certainly not looking for justice I'm looking for Mercy uh it's it's a lovely thing though just to understand don't feel sorry for me I'll feel better as I go it's a marvelous thing to understand then how easily we become engaged when we deal subjectively and see subjectively how other people go through things and so consequently the psalmist here is presenting the word of God in a way that brings Joy after being delivered it is critical here because what happens now is God's Association of life and time time is in the scope of his Revelation now God then created and put you together for no other reason than to reveal himself to you and to reveal himself to me it changes then one's understanding and one's view one's conceptualization of what you go through on a daily basis it is simply in life and time God uses the opportunity to reveal himself to the individuals who he calls his own it's a critical piece here because there is a time for everything and the scripture lets us know that anytime you operate in the parameters of God you have to operate in life and in time now God's movement then in the revelatory scheme of divine self-manifestation is indicative of the fact that if there is something you need to know about God you will not die until you find it out simply because he created you to reveal himself to you and he can't reveal all of himself at any one time so he has to divide and break up the times in which he will reveal himself to you he has not only revealed then in good times and I want to take a little time on this one since I'm in the middle of it myself he is not only revealed in good times he is also revealed in hard times because there are two things that the significance one is the deliverance and the other is sustenance now many of us can only see God and we've been programmed to see God in Deliverance I am in trouble and God shows himself when he takes me out of trouble but there is another way that God reveals himself and many of us spend more time in what I'm about to say in operating with God than we do in Deliverance what God does is you're imprisoned I'm locked up here and I'm in this little prison he might be a prison of a bad marriage it could be a prison of a bad job prison of a bad financial circumstance or situation but nonetheless I'm locked up I look outside of the bars and I see the Lord coming my way and I get real excited come on King Jesus come on bring deliverance and known to be three days late but always on time come on I'm getting ready to leave and the excitement is that here comes my deliverer he opens the door he lets me out I Rejoice I give him praise and then I let him know that I'll call him the next time I am in trouble because many of us are great at praying when we're in trouble then when we're having a good time sometimes it's like you know well the Lord brought me out of this oh thank you Jesus said and then the next minute I'm back to doing the same old stuff I was doing before now there's another time when I see him coming and I'm locked up in my prison and I am so castigated in my prison and I'm glad to see him coming now what I have in mind is he's going to come and he's going to deliver me or Release Me From the situation only for him to come to the door open the door step in with me and close the door and now he is saying and I'm not taking you out of the situation but I'm going to give you sustenance in the situation you see many of us have a revelation of God not just through Deliverance but we have had a revelation of God through the things he sustained Us in indeed and in fact some things have not gone out of our lives but God has kept us in the midst of what it is we had to face I got to take it to another level it's it's now because this example is when we look at the Hebrew boys and notice if you will that God could have delivered them at any point from the time they refuse to Bow he could have stopped them from having gotten as far as the fire the ramifications of that contextually I don't have the time to deal with but nonetheless he could have let them out way before they got to the fire but he chose not to move until they were actually in the fire itself let's give that just a few moments of thought they could not have been any more apprehensive because they ended up in the fire anyway which means whatever their thoughts were on the way to the fire they fulfilled and and had a total thought process because they ended up in the fire anyway and what God did was simply step in the fire and now that I'm in the fire it won't even burn they came out of the fire without even a singe God is talking to somebody today who feels like what they're in is going to overwhelm them but the message he's sending you today is I am in it with you and if I am in it with you since you can't destroy me it won't destroy you [Applause] it's critical because many times we feel as if something is wrong with our faith when we're in situations that won't go away and I've discovered in life that there are some things that the Lord holds our hands through and they will not go away the test of your strength is not always what you got out of the test of your strength is also seen in how you operated while you were in a terrible situation oh and I can say I still praised him when I can say I still trusted him when I can say I didn't complain about it I just went about it like I should have gone believing that he is a deliverer and if he won't deliver he'll sustain me until the point where he takes me to a higher level I feel all right I'm getting better his movement then is in his revelatory scheme because your life and my life is not about acquisition it's not about houses and land Our Lives is about the revelatory experiences that we have with God that's what our life is about what are you going going to show me today what exciting thing is going to happen in my life that I can ascribe to the power of God what is it that's going to take place what is it Satan's going to throw at me and God is going to buffer what is it he's going to try to eat to do that God is going to intervene the excitement of life is when you are faced with your challenges and God reveals himself in your spirit and in your strength and so then changing circumstances and the question now becomes how does he operate the function of God as it relates to man is time and in time circumstances change so my mind rationalizes it this way in changing circumstances the demonstration of God's power is exhibited because it's God who moves things back and forth he moves things in a way that he can move them forward and move them back in the same way that he changes circumstances to change the times and he changes Times by changes circumstances there are some things that you have been through in your life that you cannot remember what life was before it happened there was something in your life that changed you so completely that you can't go back to life before that thing happens indeed and in fact God just set up something in your life that completely changed your direction changed your thought about living there I've got news for you I'll put it another way some of us would have never met God if certain things did not happen in our lives and God used the situation no matter how negative in order to turn you the way he wanted you to go and every now and then we look back over our lives to incidents that happened in our lives and we give God the praise because we're saying Lord if it was not for that man if it were not for that woman or that circumstance I wouldn't be where I am right now and so all of us can say like Joseph you meant it for evil but God [Applause] he changed his times my circumstance and Circumstance by time and what it reminds me of and the good example is the speaker the speaker is driven by an amplifier and an amplifier moves your speakers in and moves them back when you go home just look at it you touch one of them wow something's going on it vibrates and it's what you call damping that the amplifier moves the speaker in moves the speaker out in order to change the tonal qualities of that particular speaker now if the amplifier is weak then what ends up with the speaker is Eclipse the amplifier clips and sends Distortion through the speaker anytime that weak amplifier can't move that speaker back and forward it's going to send confusion to the speaker you see the power of God then is his ability to move your life back and forth without his power clipping so you don't get any Distortion even in a situation that is awful and terrible you see the end of the day is that Satan is trying to distort whereas God is saying life must go on and I have to have the power to give you not only life but more Abundant Life oh I feel like having some church I'm gonna have some in a minute to see what he does is he flushes the old and he gives us new beginnings and sometimes you have to have a catastrophic extirpation to cut off in order to go on and anytime God gets ready to take you into something new he looks over all of your old and he decides which one of the old has no more implication for your future you didn't always give things up sometimes God just took it from you in order to put something else in its flick oh I feel something happening in here and so I might say life then is a series of Revelation progressive revelation uh one writer says Isaiah says Thou shalt he teach knowledge he's got to teach me his ways he's got to upset my conceptualization of my own importance and he's got to bring it into my life his ways and he has to teach and teaching now it's not stuffing it down my throat what teaching does is I need you to do it this way and then I still mess it up no don't do it that way here's how I need you to do it let me show you how to do it you see anytime you talk about teaching you've got to talk about patience uh you don't just say all right I'm going to teach your child I need you to fold it like this and the little child takes it and folds it like that and you say no watch me now here it is fold it like this and you know and then let's go over it again now I don't care how irritable you're getting if you're a teacher you will show patience oh man you just dumb like your father I can't figure you out now that's not teaching I wish somebody'd understand me you're just using that opportunity to show your disgust when teaching is not a place to show disgust teaching is a place where you go over it and you go over it and you go over it and you go over it until the individual gets it and is able to stand on it the only reason you're still here is God went over it and over it and he went over it and he went over it and he went over it until you can stand and declare I have victory in the power of my God that's why I'm so glad that I don't renegotiate I stand in Grace I can't renegotiate I got to stand in Grace and so what he does now he teaches and Whom Shall he make to understand Doctrine them that are weaned from the milk and are drawn from the Press uh I feel like I can touch your neighbor and ask a neighbor are you on the bottle yet he says precept must be upon precept and line upon line here a little and there a little I told you before that God is making deposits in your life that sometimes you don't even feel it it is just such a small incision that you didn't even know he deposited something in your spirit for the spirit maketh intercession with groanings that cannot be uttered something passed between you and God you really don't know when it passed but you know it passed he did something in your spirit you can't tell when he did it but he did it because he has a way of preparing you for the next level and giving you Revelation that you have not seen until the situation comes on you and then all of a sudden you find yourself with the strength to handle it and don't know where the strength came from and that's why when folk writes you off let them write you off because the only off you can be written off by is God and every time they write you off he writes you on every time they put you out he put you in every time they try to kill you he raises you above the last time I saw your enemies they were jumping like that trying to catch you while you were moving to another height I feel like preaching in here give somebody a high five tell them I'm coming back I'm on the way back I'm on the way back I I left one way but I'm on the way back oh God I cannot preach like I feel it the precept is Miss why it's a command and it's a command upon command it is not just one big juicy command because God is too big for us to take him in all at one time uh how many years have you known the person that you're with how many years have you been married how many years have you known the people around you you know sometimes you've been around them for 15 years and don't know them yet uh you're still discovering stuff I got news for you how much of you do you know you're still discovering stuff I memorizing relationships somewhere some time ago somewhere and somebody say well you should have told me you were like this I said well I didn't know but I'm signing out with you like this like me emptied and in fact it's something about you that's bringing something in there I've been me that I didn't know was there till I met you uh I'm gonna let that alone it's a command but it's Progressive because you can't get all of God at one time and the amount of breaking it takes the amount of circumstance it takes and situation it takes to complete you and make you who he wants you to be makes life an adventure because Walking with God is a coming alive having him have some expectation of you that you're trying to meet and trying to fulfill who could have told you 20 years ago that you'd be sitting up in a church trying to get over some stuff and trying to do some stuff you never thought you ever would want to do aren't you the one that stood up on the outside looked inside the building and called those folk crazy and look at you now are you moving with the Crazy Ones you just shouting like everybody else because it takes more time to reveal oh I feel like shouting you don't have a clue what God has prepared for them that love him you going through something now honey but you can rest assured I'm coming back a whole lot different than I went out because I'm coming back for my Harvest I feel the holy spirit in here the instruction then of a father to a son a farmer to labor as a king to his subjects is that God commanded the world into existence all at once but he can't reveal himself all at once one writer put it this way all creatures and elements therefore obey his commands and God also directs the course of history by decreeing crucial events indeed no determinative event happens without God ordaining it unquote it's a comfort that the individual has to know that the Lord knows the number of our hair and he has ordered our steps that's why the Bible says a good man steps are ordered by the Lord and He is the rest of it and if we fall he will not be utterly destroyed which means that God sometimes orders your enemies to come after you but the truth of the matter is no weapon formed against you shall prosper all I'm doing is setting you up for a greater relationship with me all I'm doing is purging you of the stuffs that you need to rid yourself over anyway because anybody that's valuable to God he tries them in the fire and the reason he you in the fire is so that all of the imperfections can come up to the surface so he can scrape them off that's why job said though he tried me I shall come forth as your goal I feel like preaching in here cut your neighbor for the second time and says it's just a trial it's just a child and everything has a time so he commands to be done he provides the means to accomplish God does not command something that he does not energize because he is the power behind what He commands and if he is moving in your life what you're going through is just for a moment and what the rewards are going to be are going to supersede everything that you had to face that next level and I've got news for you this is a time of preparation this is a time where God is bringing your mental state and your psyche to the place that you can handle what is about to release he wants to release it but you got to be ready for the releasing so he puts you through a lot of stuff I feel the Holy Ghost while he's preparing it on this way he's preparing you on this Ray and he has an appointed time when you and your blessing will collide but you told the Lord Lord the next time you bless me don't let me lose it and what God said that's all right I got to prepare you so that the next time I release it you will never ever lose it because now you're ready for it ah I'm on my way back I'm telling you it is here then let the line and what he does Isaiah talks about tidbience and it's good for this text because the mind is gone it's a measuring line where the Lord puts out measures and it's a line for distance and it's a line for caring and it's a line for construction the first thing when they're constructing something is you see when the architect comes and the man goes over there and they begin to line up the bridge or line up the house or line up anytime they're going to build something we gotta know where it is and we've got to have the lines drawn before construction can begin and all that you're facing is God just Drawing the Line he's getting ready to take you to a greater height but in order to go to a greater height you gotta have a deeper Foundation see you want to go tall but you don't want to go deep but God says I've got to put you deep and others want to get you tall because when the winds blow and the storms rise if you don't have a foundation the house is coming down oh God I feel it here every now and then you want to tell him Forge me the psalmist said make me search me try me see if there be any wicked way in me then lead me into the path of righteousness I'm ready for mine I don't know about yours but I'm I'm ready for mine I'm ready for my uplifting I'm ready for my next level I'm ready I'm just ready that's it and so now Grace then is measured here thank you because what he does is he says I have an appointed time and whatever is captivating you I am going to break you out of it and I'm going to take you out of that situation into where I want you to be and he who laughs last is the one who's gonna laugh this and so that leads me now into the Lord measuring time and he does a couple things with it one is what he does in time through Grace is he allows at the time for you to recover your thinking and understand who you are and then while he's doing that he is preparing the blessing and then he's preparing the confrontation that's gonna change your direction I feel it here now we're moving from chronology it to Kairos this that I have is a watch I see it somewhere and it's just telling time it isn't doing anything with time it's just telling time but God likes to change Seasons I feel like preaching and so you ask what season is it well it's the fall well what season is coming it's the winter but just keep on living because after the winter comes of the spring and after the spring comes the summer and you end up debating which one you like the most but what God is getting ready to do is fix your season so that this is going to be the season that you like the most because all the hell you've been through to capture this reason is going to be a season that defines who you are oh God I feel it here how can I preach like I'm feeling give somebody high five and say neighbor what God is getting ready to do he's getting ready to cause you to forget every other season in your life because this one is going to be overwhelmingly the most anointing most appointed the most prosperous the most blessed that you've ever had in your life I feel like lifting in my field a move of God and so the scripture now speaks of Kairos and signifies it as a season and remembered in many places it's rendered times and he points out now that it is more than just going through the motion it's about the father has set within his own authority both times Chronos and Links of period and Seasons characterized by certain events you used to be defined by your weakness God says I'm going to Define you by your strength you used signed by what you didn't have God say I'm going to Define you by what you have now you used to be defined as lonely God said I'm going to Define you as multiple I'm going to redo how people feel about you and everybody who wrote you off I want you to pray for them when I move you to the next level because not only am I going to take you higher I'm gonna give you an anointing thing for them I feel the Holy Ghost and I'm gonna bless you so well that you won't feel any animosity against anybody who tried to curse you I won't bless you so well that you'll be good to folk who would never have been good I feel something pushing me here if somebody high fives and this is your season oh you coming back now aren't you every tear you cried watered your Harvest ah I feel it here oh you didn't know you were watering the seeds you thought you had to go get a hose to water your seed it's not a hose that Waters your seed because your seed is who God has sold in you and what God has placed in you oh yes he sold it in there and in order for it to grow it's got to be watered well how was it watered it was watered with your tears I feel like preaching here oh you thought I was losing my mind when I was crying no I'm just watering my blessing foreign you thought I was over you thought it was done and one of the worst things we have taught our sons is not to cry honey you gotta learn how to release you got to learn how to let them tears keep the veils from sticking I feel like preaching in here those tears help you to overcome and after the tears you shake yourself and get up and you draw a line in the sand and say I cried over this yesterday but I ain't gonna cry over it tomorrow because my Deliverance is now upon me I feel like having just a little church out Somebody Prayed for me cause my back is your feeling better get some money high five for the third time and say you won't be crying always cause I heard him say weeping me and door for a night but join me don't worry y'all excuse me huh my weeping days are almost over it's Joy time I feel a joy bell ringing I I hear Joy bills everywhere I feel some moving in the spirit shifting in the heavenlies that says that season is just about over and don't wait till it's over praise me while it's going out Shake somebody's hand like you gonna shake it off and say praise him while it's going out praise him I feel the holy cause I heard the Lord when he said turn your face not towards the east or the west but turn your face towards the east because the sun comes up on the east side and just about the darkest part of the night is just before the dawn breaks open and I'm here to tell somebody say it it's your time it's your season and I'm getting ready to shift it can I preach like I feel it I sold in tears the psalmist said doing what is right regardless of what you're going through I sold it I kept on doing what's right when it was cold outside when folk were cold towards you when they did you like a piece of dirt when they wouldn't cover you you still did what was right in the middle of fear and even in the middle of danger you still did what was right you sacrifice yourself you love folk who didn't love you and you treated them with everything you had and look how they treated you in return you spoiled and suffered you worked hard with the soil but the seed is precious I feel the Holy Ghost give somebody a high five and said neighbor I found out I'm precious in the sight of the Lord I'm precious in the workings of God I'm precious that's why he keeps anointing yeah that's why he keeps taking you you higher that's why he keeps watching your steps you should have been dead should have been crazier what you've been through should have wasted your heart but you're so precious that the seed begins to rise up and the Harvest is getting ready to take place give some money high five for the second to the last time and said neighbor you didn't need any help when you were sewing but you're gonna need some help when you're reaping cause the reaping is gonna be too big for one person to handle that I feel like shouting tonight I feel like lifting him up I'm getting ready to reap can I preach like I feel it I'm getting ready to get back all the good I've done all the love I've shown all the sweet things get somebody high five say it wasn't in vain honey you weren't a flunking you are not a fool when you are loving folk through all kind of Madness God told me he's got it pressed down shaken together and he's getting ready to pour you out of blessing you're not able to receive let's get her ready get somebody high five say I'm coming back I went away and I am nothing but I'm coming back dragging a locomotive I'm coming back with a shift full of blessing now then I left I left with the shirt on my back but I'm coming home I feel like Jacob I'm coming home with a whole new wardrobe I'm coming home with a whole new attitude I'm coming home with more wisdom I'm coming home with greater anointing still to handle sheep but now God has erased me to another I feel the Holy Ghost tell your neighbor help me help me I need help the blessing is too big I need help the joy must be shared I need help the power is too great [Music] foreign [Applause] for the last time and said never said I wouldn't be anything but look at me now look at what [Applause] [Music] [Music] somebody holla I'm coming back I'm coming back foreign [Applause] they left them in the tomb three days later he came back he said oh power oh power Heaven and Earth is given unto me all right you It's Not Over it's not a your life is not over trouble does not define you this is a process [Music] that you're going through and to that person that's in this house [Applause] who have struggled and suffered [Music] for what you call way too long it's just long enough forgot to open up the windows and pull you out a blessing have you seen your Cry he's heard your pain and he's releasing the blessing cause we finally got to the place where we can handle it oh yes we can handle it now ten years ago you couldn't handle it 15 you couldn't but you can handle it now oh yeah all the selfishness is gone all the all the carelessness has gone on all the whipping has gone out of here now so God can trust you now because of what you've been through to that young man that young lady that person that's not born again he's calling you now [Music] we have no church home you're not born again calm down [Music] foreign
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 41,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZroOfZLnFcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 12sec (3012 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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