Now! What a word First Assistant Presiding Bishop Jerry Macklin.That was then but this is Now!!!

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it is no accident that we all have gathered in the same place through the mercy of the same God tonight we are grateful and thankful for the presence of the Lord as I look out here this evening I'm just wondering on the inside who did God Direct [Music] for what he wanted to do for them by bringing them here in this service already we've been blessed I said already we've been blessed [Applause] [Music] and who knows what the Lord will do in the next few minutes and it's not about me it's about what God wants to do for you I am so grateful and thankful and we will go right into the word of the Lord I feel God's presence here something's going to happen to somebody tonight that's going to change their future I'm excited for you didn't have to be me I get happy when I see somebody else get blessed [Applause] Hallelujah may the Lord bless you shall we pray dear God we love you tonight we thank you for these moments that we have to share Bless the people of the Lord that the power of God be manifest in this house tonight we ask for your continued blessings upon our leader continue to crown him with wisdom and encourage bless the leaders of the church who are moving your agenda forward and then bless those who've come tonight for the purpose for which you brought them here and bless our churches that we've left behind but look forward to going back to you and we'll give your name praise glory and honor for the same in Jesus name thank God any man before you sit down and turn and look at somebody that's near you today and say these words that was then but this is now you may be seated [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this year [Applause] all right here [Applause] [Applause] this was here thank you for this opportunity to share God's word with the people of the Lord I am so grateful to the Lord that God never leaves his church without a witness God has raised you up for this moment and this hour for this time and it means something when the people of the Lord say Amen to what God has done what you say Amen we're praying for Bishop Sheard and I'm doing all I can to help as every member of this General board is doing and I believe that God has his hand on him and together we're going someplace I said together we're going someplace may the Lord bless my dear wife lady Macklin I just wanted to stand precious please stand for me or it will be 49 years I told her after all that time she might as well just keep me Hallelujah our children some of our children are here tonight and I'd like to ask some of the Macklin family that are together tonight would you please stand um as my youngest son as my middle daughter my my sons in the Lord Seth is that you I see over there praise the name of the Lord all of you that are members of this Macklin family I thought I saw uh who to whom I'm missing where's my grandson Orient grew up so much brother Langston I could barely see who you were son praise the name of the Lord and for all of our children we have five children we did have ten grandchildren but I'm happy to report that about three weeks ago Elder Aaron helped us out thank you very much son and we now have a new grandson for which we're happy [Applause] love them all so very very much hi Gloria all right I'm I'm getting there and I don't think it's going to be long I just need to get started I had it all together but that was then [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh-huh to supervisor Gloria hunt our supervisors here someplace and to the bishop designee Joe Nobles of our jurisdiction I don't know where they are but wherever they are let's give them a great big God bless you wonderful jurisdiction yeah it was Friday morning April 7th A.D 30. from the long sequence of events brought an unsuspecting knock at the door of the governor and had him to wake up early that morning the person that they were leading around had been up all night and they now leading him through the little streets there from one place to the other by the time he ends up at the house of the governor he has been beaten face is bruised blood he has been tortured so to speak and now he finds himself early in the morning at standing outside of The House of the governor they could not come any later because what the church folks wanted to do to him they had to do it before communion call then the Festival of Passover and if we're going to sit down and have dinner we need not to be involved in sin too early sometimes it's hard to sit with folk who 've been involved in that kind of behavior but now we find Jesus standing outside the house tonight I invite your attention to Matthew chapter 27. and verse 22. it is here tonight that we will read our texts and as the Late Oliver Haney used to try and help us learn how to preach he said now fellas that's the text that's not your subject the Bible is where your text is Houston I hope that's what y'all say that that that's where the text is but your subject Rises out of that I'm not David Hall but I'm just trying to make a point and so tonight I want to read from the text may I read it Highland said unto them in verse 22 what shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ they all stay under him let him be crucified now our subject is almost identical to the text I can't remember what they said we're supposed to do when they're identical but to make sure that they're not identical I'm going to change one word that way they won't be identical so our text tonight says what shall I do then with Jesus our subject tonight is almost identical what now shall I do with Jesus if you didn't figure out which word was different ask the person next to you [Applause] the text and the subject are separated by 2 000 plus years in one word it is here tonight that we now find pilate exhausted and if you think he's exhausted I'm sure Jesus was Jesus would endure six trials three of them by Civic authorities and three by religious Folk you've never been tried until you've been tried by religious Folk don't look around look up here look up here [Applause] even his own wife now has told him leave that man alone that's a good statement for a whole lot of folks he asked them after making three statements he has now come to this three times he said I have looked at what you have brought who he is and what's going on but I find no fault in him so here we are tonight two thousand years plus and one word different What then shall I do with Jesus who is called the Christ tonight November 10th 2022 our subject what now shall we do with Jesus who is called the Christ my brothers and sisters there is only one word difference between the text and the subject and I'll text the word is what shall I do with Jesus the new King James version simply says what now that's my interpretation of our subject the two words are shall and now pilate said what shall I do with Jesus and I'm here tonight to say what now shall I do with Jesus same text requires us to look closely at this this evening pilate on this Dark Night of the Soul took steps to exonerate Jesus but finally even after the warning from his wife gave way to the will of the people Mark makes no mention of Jesus guilt or innocence here but Luke claims Matthew gives us insight now we know pilate has come to a place where he turns around and says what shall I do with Jesus he has come to a place where he was decision and the decision is based on what he knows about Jesus already he knows that he was a Healer and a worker of Miracles already he knows that he's returning sight to the Blind and opening deaf ears already pilate knows about Jesus that he had been involved in family reunification programs ordering husbands who live in dead neighborhoods to return to their families he was concerned with the poor even to the point of feeding those that were hungry with small amounts of food was involved in Crossing cultural lines and changing the plight of the oppression they tried to accuse him of being a hater of Caesar but he really was not and that's seen by the fact that he went fishing and came out with a coin with Caesar's picture on it so knowing in his heart that Jesus is innocent he takes another approach and an exhaustive Governor as the unruly crowd what then shall I do with Jesus and I come tonight to say what now shall I do with Jesus pilate used the word what then you see the word then in the conversation indicates that what you are about to say follows logically in some way from what has already been said or implied or previously known at this point in time based on what he knew and what he learned and had been informed pilate comes to a decision pilate does not have knowledge of the future beyond that point yeah yeah there's no indication that he had got saved pilate does not understand prophecy has no revelatory knowledge does not know what the Bible or the word of God had taught so tonight friends that's as far as I can go with Pilate and I'm gonna have to leave him here [Music] I got a part company with you pilot because all you can do is say What then shall I do but I wave couldn't buy it to you sir and say what now shall I do and what now shall we do you see we're in a better position to answer the question than pilate was because Pilots information was based on what he knew up until then I got even tried to wash his hands and get rid of it all but the blood is still on him but here we come tonight with a new era of discovery we can now see more than what pilate could see the new space James Webb Space Telescope has now allowed us to see so far beyond what we were ever able to see and they brought it close to where we are so pilate says What then shall I do but because I have information that pilate doesn't have I can answer him better and say what now what now do I do with Jesus since he's been crucified and buried and Rose on the third day morning but now [Applause] can I do since he borrowed a grave and then gave it back I was reading the text to find out whether he left the light on for him what now um shall we do with Jesus since we know that he walked on the Earth for 40 days what now can we do with Jesus since we know that he was seen by 500 plus Witnesses what now can we do since we know that he stepped on a cloud and went back to heaven and the angels remained and looked at them and said why stand you here steering the same Jesus [Applause] because we're gonna feel something here uh-huh what now do we do with Jesus since we know that God the father told him to be seated on my right hand side but now can we do with Jesus since he remains to make intercession for the Saints what now can we do with Jesus since his eyes are still in every place beholding the evil and the good what now can we do with him of this when he made his decision decision was limited but ours is not cause you know Jesus better than pilate knew him and if I'm looking at anybody that knew him better will you wave back and say I know him better glory to God I know something about him now what will I do with Jesus pilate couldn't do much because he didn't know enough oh but because we know I can see now that that was then Jesus came according to Matthew 5 and said do not think that I've come to abolish the law or the prophets I've not come to abolish them but to fulfill them in Mark 2 he said those who are well have no need for a position but those who are sick I've come to call the righteous my Hallelujah glory to God I cannot call the righteous but Sinners Jesus came to serve and to give his life for even the son of man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life now I come tonight and let me hurry and get through with this so God can do whatever he wants to do I come by to tell you tonight Church of God in Christ you that are here you that are watching around the world under every church that names the name of Jesus we have come through something in the last few years we're taking it for granted we're acting like God owed us something and we just have to be here but the devil is alive I went to too many funerals I preached too many services to think that God owed me something I went through too many times of tears in my eyes when I lost members that I loved and was such a big part of our ministry seeming now as that season is lifting a little bit look like I owe God more than well I made it no sir I owe God I thank you Lord [Applause] so you want me to do God I don't gotta Lord I Surrender we are not preaching the gospel perhaps with the fervor that we ought to maybe because the church is involved now and we have succumbed social media and the new mindset of America where the church has been marginalized and they all of worship the Glorious incoming of his presence is no longer expected so when we come to church we really don't expect that much and when you don't expect anything you'll seldom disappointed can I talk to somebody today what would happen in our churches again if we said Lord now do it again now Let Your Presence invade our setting [Applause] I know that we have to adjust to where we are in our morning worship services on Sunday now we're told you got an hour and 15 minutes of people Gonna Leave You and go to someplace else but I hope we don't leave before Jesus shows up but what would help would be if we brought Jesus with us when we came our preset one two three four punch one two three four punch one two three four punch now we're out of here can I talk to somebody we are marginalized church to where it's no longer exciting to go and you don't have to have a big Cathedral to have excitement in the church that some big buildings where it's just as dead as a graveyard and at the same time glory to God there's some other places that don't look sense at all but all you got to do is step in the church and the power of God meets you there don't let anybody make you believe that you can't have God's anointing and his spirit because you're building ain't big enough the devil is alive he won't dwell where people want him to dwell I'm trying to get out of here now we're dealing now with the downsizing of faith we don't believe God I'm so glad to hear the the the brother talking uh our son talking there tonight about how God delivered him and you're sitting next to somebody now that their Miracle may be because you are there with your faith I don't want you to turn around and talk to them but just quietly put your hand on somebody's shoulder and just whisper the word be healed somebody just got healed and didn't know I don't know where you are but somebody just got a delivering moment now if that was you and you know God just delivered to you don't have to wait for the service to be over you can stand and Shout Where You Are I came here sick but that was then but this is not Hallelujah so glad that I can begin to move in the now of God Hallelujah brother preachers I don't mean to insult anybody but God delivers us from pandering pulpits adjusting our preaching so that people will like us more I'm not preaching for you to like me preaching to be popular anything to make people think I'm somebody special that's why I'm preaching and those of you who've come from one church after another around this world to fill this place tonight you're not preaching to be popular God has called us to Proclaim this gospel Hallelujah you may not like this Brethren sister but turning your Pulpit into a motivational platform to sell products to get people to sign up on a tier program you sign this what up you sign that one up you decide and then we can make some money I'm not preaching at this Pulpit to sign up all of my members so they all make a little extra [Applause] oh you don't have to like me but I know I'm right but something happens when we preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we cross you don't have to try to fix it up and make it sound good but I don't want to do that because it may insult somebody preach the gospel [Applause] my father told the young man that son stopped worrying about the gravy get the meat right and the graveyard take care of itself people see our clothes but can they see the anointing in our life people see our cars my heart breaks for our young men and young women today who somehow have adopted some mindset that is what you have on that makes you somebody will spend all of their time you don't have to say amen I know I'm right pay an offering so they can get the kind of car that looks impressive that is not what impresses God help us here today I want to apologize to all of these young people who have been picking up the wrong habits and they didn't get them from other young folk they got it from some of us old folks now we got to have a certain kind of walk so we can look like we did [Applause] man don't worry about your walk out here worry about your walk with God Hallelujah oh God I ain't gonna do this tonight I can't finish this tonight Jesus came to proclaim the good news and that's our job tonight I speak to your heart I speak to where you are and I ask God tonight Lord whatever you do would you birth vision again tonight Hallelujah some of you were just holding on to well we got we got a few for all of them didn't come back but we got a few for we gonna hold on a little bit longer stop talking yourself down start speaking into your future and thanking God for what he's getting ready to do the devil is alive my church is not going to close the devil is alive We're not gonna go broke the Devil is a Lie God still has a future for us a friend Sam Chan said the other day that we talk about we bring about you'll get it sometime tomorrow stop confessing negative thoughts over your church well you know we ain't that big you know we don't have that much you know we down in the rough part of town light shines brightest for his darkest God I wish I felt like preaching up in here but I'm glad to tell you today that that was then but tonight November 10 2022 this is now and now I believe that God is going to raise me up he's gonna lift my head above my enemies Hallelujah somebody Lord don't let me cry up in here Hallelujah Jesus said the spirit of the Lord is upon me and I want to know when was the spirit of the Lord there the spirit of the Lord is upon me now [Applause] because he has anointed me when [Applause] to proclaim the Glorious news to the poor wind he sent me to Proclaim Liberty to the captain's win the recurring of sight to the blind wind to set at Liberty those that are bruised wind to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor when [Applause] yeah come over to God I have this vision I said God if I tell this Vision if people gonna think I'm showing up crazy Hallelujah laughs would you hold my microphone you see them three letters yes sir I want everybody to see these letters can you see him I thought you were spiritual I had this vision and I said God what in the world what happened to us if we did that I had a vision and I said God if nobody else doesn't Glad Tidings I love you I know you're listening so get ready to do this I want our church there you're getting ready to put up three or four big signs all around my church and I don't want but three words three letters on the side somebody know where I'm going I just want to put a big sign up outside my church that says now when people walk in the sanctuary I want them to see a sign on the wall that says [Applause] somebody said well well what actually gonna put behind it that's your job but you want to put behind it now with your salvation closer than you thought [Applause] now is the acceptable time yeah now unto him that's able to keep us from falling now [Applause] shut up glory to God Church of God in Christ this is our now Mr chair thank you for your leadership this is our now when people drive around my church where I serve I just want them to see a big sign that says now and when they pull in and say what is now all about God had a message for you now God wants you to know that right now he can change your life that right now your Miracle is possible being healed that right now your family is changing that right now the power of God is upon you somebody help me Shout he is that's enough preaching here tonight glory to God hallelujah that knowing the time that now it's high time to wake out of sleep now to wake out of sleep did not have reference to being in there and snoring it meant that there's a cloud over you that has caused you to settle for less than what God has for you so I came tonight to tell somebody getting ready to get up get ready to reach up get ready for vision to come forth and some of you have been waiting a long time saying Lord give me a new vision give me a new vision let me tell you my friends I get people mad at me when I say this vision is birth from a burden you got to feel something before you see something [Music] if you can feel it a burden that will keep you awake at night a bird that'll get you up early in the morning a burden that will cause tears to come to your eyes Nehemiah had a burden he didn't see what he was going to do he had a burden he felt something and then God showed him something put your hand right here right on your midsection right there Glory that hold it right there until you feel something the holy spirit is walking up and down in his Sanctuary tonight somebody feels something now that dream that you thought was gone you feel it again you feel it again my God the call can't you feel it again I feel it there now oh my God hallelujah I've got to feel something now lift your hand and do like this brother Hankerson if we just turn around one time every time you turn you're gonna see something else my God I dare you to turn I dare you to turn look at God show you something your ministry is not slowing down it's getting ready to Break Forth your minister is not slowing down it's getting ready to go forth your Minister's not getting ready to stop it's getting ready to go forth look over at somebody in time I feel a breakout coming home feel a breakthrough coming on feel something happening on the inside and some people try to laugh at us about y'all just saved by fee I'm not saved by feelings but ever since I've been saved I've been feeling something and here we are tonight to take authority over the devil and every negative thought that he's had every negative thought that he's tried to plant the devil is a liar of my church your church our church is getting ready to rise and there's a Revival getting ready to take place now if you don't believe that's a Revival then sit down because somebody next to you believes that on this night there's going to be a new outpouring you see now I have a fresh anointing now God is opening my eyes now the Holy Ghost is moving and my faith even in this house tonight there is a now moment you've been sick but now I know you were going to make it but now look like your church had run out of money but now there is a miracle in this house somebody lift your hand and say now [Music] but that was then and this is now you're gonna look at somebody and tell them that was then but this is now hey hey while I'm in the sanctuary while I'm standing in this place I can see a miracle taking place in Hayward California that you don't have to get happy with me for what's going on in Hayward but you ought to get happy for yourself about what's getting ready to happen where you are your neighbor don't have to patch you you want to bet for yourself you want to care for yourself because the anointing of the Holy Ghost and getting ready to fall in this house somebody's County ass somebody's Giant [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause I'm getting ready now to give you some new stuff and the anointing you're going to receive now it's the ministry you have to have nah make up in your mind that the church I serve you're going to see Eternal well now I don't know where you are but preacher if that's you you want to tell somebody excuse me my blessing is now I'll be back in a minute but those are now blessing waiting at this Hawker there's a now blessing waiting here somebody's in the preacher wait a minute how come you called a preacher you didn't call nobody a wait a minute I'm calling the pastor because the anointing starts at the head I said it's stopped at the head and then it comes down you've got another city I can see it [Music] I can see it when you thought you lost it's coming back your way there is an anointing your church will never be the same make up your mind I'm gonna put now when I get back home I'm gonna tell my church now God is gonna Lift Us Now gotta go pick it up now we're gonna have a breakthrough now I'm going back to believing God I'm going back to speaking into existence God said it and God will do it now God said it and God will do it now somebody tell them watch me the next time you see me ask me what happened and I'm gonna tell you now the anointing is Glory on my life the anointing is flowing in my Ministry I went to Memphis and on October November I can't something happened there is a noun in our ministry there is a noun in your preaching there is a noun in your dentist God God is the god not only of being but white he's the adult of the now now [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I got up this morning and we're in trouble because the enemy has surrounded us and there's no way out the men of God said wait a minute now God open heaven give us that he might see Church of God and Grace I say to you tonight now the Lord open our eyes that we might see thank you Bishop the Lord open your eyes take your hand put them on your own eye and say Lord now open my eyes that I might see I can see then but I want to see now somebody help me say that's what's been but this is now and right now if you lift your hands and wave them in the air [Music] and the anointing is all around you so wave your hands if you're in the front row I'm sitting in the back wave your hand in the anointing the devil is defeated the devil is defeated your church shall rise your church shall rise your church shall rise pay no devil stop what God has promised and no devil stop what God wants to do get ready just lift your hands and count now [Music] [Music] Praise Him Now Magnify Him call upon him [Music] now go ahead and pull down stronghold [Applause] [Music] whatever you want pull it down [Music] whatever you need to pull down the compost [Music] I believe you could send me him believe God for your church believe God for your ministry believe God for your anointing yeah [Applause] comes on Earth listen the Lord is restoring the gifts that he gave you originally some of you had the gift of laying on them hands [Music] and you could lay hands on folk and people start making fun of you and teasing you don't pay no attention to them look at your hands [Music] holy hands I ain't talking about just men everybody look at Your Hands Anointed Hands Blessed Hands prosperous hands jewelry and just lay your hand on somebody's shoulder um speak a word to him tell him that it was then but this is not [Music] [Applause] welcome to foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] come here I just want to prophesy and tell you God is getting ready to take our church I am somebody yeah and at a couple years we're gonna really be some no I ain't talking about two years I'm not talking about a year from now I'm not talking about five months from now put your hand somebody help me shout now foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now now okay I wish I could Shout [Music] I wish I could dance about three or four minutes of course I can't dance you know but I sure feel like it hey why don't you praise him right there why don't you bring things right now go ahead and rejoice [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign do it right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we gotta go stand right there I want to tell you this I know God spoke this in the last five minutes I know I heard God say this God said I'm returning the joy back in your church [Music] there it is the joy is coming back the joy you feel it all down inside you can do this and I know all right I gotta go Right Where You Are [Music] don't say it loud just say now foreign NOW Watch What Happens to the Church of God in Christ everything the devil meant for evil God is turning it around and using it for your good somebody's standing here now [Music] #bishop I was thinking about maybe I need to just move on don't move on now [Music] you don't miss it if you move now [Applause] [Music] there's a new outpouring and it's coming down now dear God I thank you now there was some stuff going on that was then and this is now now has the Lord stepped in to be the lifter of my head now unto him who's able to keep you from falling now New Vision now a new anointing new Devil driving power go back and take your community make it the most exciting place on that street when you put the sign up outside your church that says now you watch what's gonna happen somebody I ain't gonna do that I ain't talking to you who am I talking to [Music] [Applause] I wish I could be in church when you start preaching on that subject now before you go to bed tonight I want you to text two or three yo members wherever they are whatever timetable it is don't put no words with it except one I want you to text some people before you go to bed tonight it'll wake them up and just put one word in the text [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Jamie Washington Johnson
Views: 34,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 41sec (3821 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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