Bishop Noel Jones--The Power of Pain

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Bishop Noel Jones presents this provocative challenging and life-changing message to encourage inspire and motivate you to keep marching toward your destiny now receive this fresh or from Bishop Noel Jones as it flows from the vials of heaven to saturate your soul in sin John's Gospel chapter 7 primarily focusing around verse 37 through 39 but to embellish or to enhance really to make it clearer I would like to add chapter 12 verse 24 and chapter 19 verse 34 it is in the water ablation the last day of the feast the great feast of tabernacles that Christ makes a proclamation and a declaration that would have shaken every Jew turistic following sin John chapter 7 37 Jesus now makes a declaration that would shake anybody who was a Jew turistic believer and follower when he declares on the water ablation day listen to what he says in the last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried If any man thirst let him come unto me and drink he that believeth on me as the scripture hath said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water John now puts it in brackets he says now but this spake he of the Spirit which they that believe on him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because that Jesus was not yet glorified in Chapter 12 John's sheds a little light little more light on the whole concept of glory fer and then 23 as Jesus is speaking to his disciples and he predicts his suffering he says unto them the hour is come that the Son of man should be glorified verily verily say unto you except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit in chapter 19 verse 34 he down John enlightens us a little bit further verse 33 says but when they came to Jesus and saw that he was dead already the practice was to break the leg of the person who was crucified they break not his legs but one of the soldiers with the spare pairs decide and fought with cane their out blood and water they pierce Li the SAC around the heart pericardial sac for these things oh no no I'm reading too fast and but one of the soul yes and he that saw it bear record and his record is true and he knoweth that he he saith true that she might believe now we began in Chapter seven Jesus's extraordinarily proclaiming that if you want some water you gotta come to him and drink but as I look at the flow of the text it seems as if we could actually talk about harnessing and releasing power how power in Jesus's case is grasped and how the power is released I want you to look at somebody like you're angry with them and tell them if you want to have power you got to deal with pain amen oh don't frighten me here today it is obvious from the text that there is a distinct relationship between the cross and the Holy Spirit indeed and in fact I would suggest to you very strongly that it is impossible to get to the upper room in Pentecost without going through hell indeed and in fact Pentecost is only in prospective because of the sufferings of hell if that is so then there has to be a relationship between theology Christology and pneumatology there has to be an intricately interwoven relationship between the study of God theology the study of the Messiah the crystals the Christ Christology and the study of the Holy Spirit numerology there has to be a relationship because within the Christ I have to find God and it's only through Christ that the Holy Spirit is released so if I'm going to ever get to God I've got to go through Jesus and if I ever have a relationship with Jesus it's got to be through the Holy Spirit oof if the cross then becomes a place that releases the Holy Spirit the question now becomes how is the power harnessed and how is the power released because in order for there to be a massive explosion of power I think it might serve us to find out how the power was harnessed the first question would rise then from the text and the question I would ask is out of whose belly will the rivers flow because if I focus on Jesus he says now you believe on me and it would seem that at first the parents that if you believe on him then out of the believers belly would flow rivers of living water that's what it seemed Jesus says something here John really hope you with me you know I'm trying to catch up my bodies on the other side my mind is way out there my body's coming John uses as he gives us Jesus's statement he uses Hebrew poetry in its presentation it's called really Semitic parallelism and since support it's it's poet and one good place to find it would be in proverbs 2 in 21 I mean if noted it says for the upright shall dwell in the land and the perfect shall remain in it and even though the language is different the theme is still the same because to say the upright shall dwell in the land and to say the perfect shall remain in it is saying literally the same thing so both sentences are parallel in their theme because you can substitute upright for perfect and you can substitute dwell in for remain in our translation does something very special it puts a period after verse 37 so it goes like this if someone thirsts let him come to me and drink there's a traditional Eastern translation help me Lord and it's he who believes in me , just as the scripture says , rivers of living water will flow from his belly and you look at it from the eastern translation the traditional translation it would suggest then that the rivers are going to flow out of the belly of the person who believes many times I have seen altar workers praying for folk and rubbing folks bellies as if to indicate that they wholly believe that a river will flow out of the belly of the individual who believes if you look at the Western translation which is more Christocentric it is more Christological this more centered around Christ it would go a little bit like this in the translation if someone thirsts let him come to me and let him drink who believes in me period just as the Scriptures says rivers of living water will flow from his belly if I look then at the Western what I have is first of all somebody thirsting if somebody is thirsting then it would suggest that they don't have rivers of anything in their belly and if the person is thirsting he then says you've got to believe and if you believe you can drink it seems as if the Western translation the Christocentric or the christological translation makes Jesus the source of living water and does not make the believer the source can I take it further if you notice in the Western christological translation interpretation you have the semitic parallelism going like this if someone firsts let him come to me and let him drink who believes in me but I could also say if someone thirsts let him drink let him come to me who believes in me what Jesus is saying is that I am the source and it's significant because he is saying it in light of the religious ceremonial pockety of the judaistic ritual and he's declaring that you have always gone to other sources for water but if you ever want some living water you got to come to me oh god I feel it the illusion the John 19:34 provides and unavoidable allusion to the prediction in these verses because notice now one of the soldiers with a spare you better watch that spare devil whatever you do watch that spare pairs decide and forth with game they're out blood and water and of course John said he that saw it bear record and his record is true that she might believe what does John want me to believe by presenting the illusion in 1934 of what was dick did in John 7:37 through 39 he wants me to believe that the source of living water is Jesus because once he was pears you want to watch that spare devil he release the water out of the body of Jesus Christ which is symbolic of the release of the power of the Holy Ghost our God is a revelation 20:2 1 and 2 depicts a river of life and it declares that this River of Life flows from the throne of God and of the lamb and of course here again we have an undisputed allusion to the fact and some even in symbolic language that it is out of Jesus that the flow of water will come if you're thirsty come and you will drink because I have enough flowing out of my belly for everybody who dares to believe it is isaiah 43:19 and 44 3 zechariah 14:8 Ezekiel 47 1 through 11 where the Spirit has always been associated with living water eschatologically anytime an eschatology is just anything that's beyond the time of what has been prophesied every time you deal with the spirit and the living water they become eschatological images which means that the prophets can prophesy of this living water and it point to Jesus because Jesus would be the last days of the prophecy that was given by the prophets it is in numbers 20 and 8 where the exodus again simple is used because here it is and where he is now that of living water and he is daring them to bring their judaistic principle to bear because what he's saying to them is whatever happened in the Old Testament is pointing to me and if you believe on me like the scripture had said and something will flow out of me that flowed out of the rock when the children were in the wilderness I don't know who you look at as source but as far as I'm concerned whenever you need spiritual power you need a spiritual awakening then the only source is Jesus Christ and Oh help me Lord ah one writer said and Paul caps it off because he very clearly identifies Jesus when he said as the rock for they drank from the supernatural rock which followed them and the rock was Jesus so Jesus then is the rock from the midst of which living water will flow now consider with me that the rock the rock yes had enough water flowing from it to take care of two and a half million people not mentioning cattle not mentioning livestock of other sights which means then that Jesus is saying I have more than enough if you can just believe in the middle of a desert environment if you can believe in the middle of troubled times I have enough that will flow out of my belly here and cover every spiritual need that you have now that this point John has been concerned about us believing not particularly knowing but believing he is significant in his expression that he wants us to believe and in John the miracle becomes signs yes which reveal not only Jesus's power but now he wants to reveal his glory because anytime he can stand in the middle of the water ablation on the day of the Feast of Tabernacles which is the last day what Jesus is doing is he standing against any kind of ceremonial disposition to a group of people who were so steeped in their tradition that they even stone wanted to stone him and crucified him at the end can we imagine the boldness of Jesus who already did miracles but what he wanted them to understand that the question is not only what I have but the question now becomes Who I am and that's what John has to bring us to not just what Jesus does because it seems as if the modern day Christian is only concerned about what Jesus does but somebody in this room has got to come to understand who Jesus is and how did the power get in there in order for it to go out if you notice John then he made his book so intensely christological that if one recognizes the identity of Jesus then automatically faith emerges notice when he said these things are written that she might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God and he might have life through his name if I can just come around to believe who Jesus is then I can understand that the power to salvation because unless there is a revelation of God in Christ then there is no salvation for anybody the reason believing I might have life through his name is when I go beyond just what Jesus does and see the miracle of who he is and in order to see the miracle of who he is I have got to wrap my theology in my Christology I've got to know that there is God in Christ reconciling the world to himself oh I feel like preaching in here touch your neighbor say I didn't come the church to see the preacher I came to get a revelation of God in Christ Oh the preacher can't Savior ah ah but when you knew Jesus better get you through that's why he noticed now he he says believe on me I need you to believe on me I want to stretch to look beyond my physicality and my pulchritudinous panoply of flesh that I represent and understand that you have to believe God in Christ in order to do that then somebody has the acquiesce to his deity because only upon believing the God in Christ will out of his belly flow rivers I cannot release God to man I cannot release his spirit to man unless that man believes on me yeah ah you've gotta believe on me you've gotta believe that I am the one that was sent as the Messiah you've got to believe on me because unless you believe on me I got to hold everything that I want to release ah do you remember when Jesus said to Peter to the apostles and disciples who do men say that I the Son of Man am and Peter of course blurted out thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God when he declared about the christ jesus said thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and of course the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it and I have some keys now unless you can tell me who I am then I cannot release these keys because these keys are only for those who can tell me who I am it's not now about what I do it's not now about me walking on water it's not now about me healing the sick of raising the dead but right now I want you to look in my face if I never do another miracle and tell me who I am you see it's critical then to understand that God has to be in Christ because all sin is an offense against God therefore forgiveness of sin is God's prerogative and God's prerogative alone if God is to forgive sins remember the challenge when Jesus would say thy sins be forgiven thee their first reaction is who is this man who is forgiving sins nobody can forgive sins but God the perogative to forgive sin is God and gods alone which means now that man cannot redeem mankind the only person who can redeem us is God himself if Jesus then was only human then of course since man can't redeem man you and I would still be dead in our sins cut off from God without hope in this world or help in the age to come because no man can be a savior of men ah but it is equally certain that if Jesus was God before he became a then the God who manifested himself in human flesh now he can save man ah it is the God in Jesus that becomes the savior of mankind the only reason I trust in Christ and I have confidence and security is in the fact that I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is God and he is able to save oh I don't want to get too heavy here but Rimmer said this Rimmer said and I quote he said the fact of deity in our Savior is prerequisite for our salvation unquote ah you better watch that spare devil you fooling around with some junk that you don't know about you don't understand what you're doing now is so John then says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and this becomes the uniqueness of Jesus because here now the word became flesh that word that logos that was with God that was God so now his origin and his birth are not one and the same man ah I feel it when Jesus was conceived in Mary that was not his beginning because anybody who is conceived at the same time of their origin they are human and human alone the fact that Jesus did not originate suggests that some other dynamics are working here in fact the only way for there to be a virgin birth is for that that was in Mary to have an origin of the venn Mary yeah ah am I losing somebody are you with me he had to be in existence before Mary because that's the only way you can explain a virgin verse and that is there's an implant that did not originate in the woman but it originated by God who now moves and appears in human form now what does this make Jesus and I'm gonna tell you now how the power is harnessed there are two kinds of life that are associated with Jesus he's got two kinds with the nature of Jesus the first kind there is human life and human life is creature life which is imparted life there is a life in Jesus which is given life this life is creature life than there is human life and if you want to figure this life out all you've got to do is you follow the vital ancestry because it's derived life somebody passed it on and so the Explorer then would travel through a biological maze and come to the primal creation that means now you follow the generations of Mary and you follow the generations until you get to Adam and you will realize then that Adam is a creature who was given life because God breathed into Adam and Adam became a living soul it is Adam then that is traced down through to Mary so Mary being Jesus's mother gives Jesus creature life but there's another kind of life that this creature life canna please and that is create or life or inherent love or life that has no beginning so Jesus has creature life as traced through his mother but he has inherent life that comes from his father that's why he declares as the father has life inherent so had he given it to the son to have life inherit unquote you gotta be careful devil when you're throwing that spare around because what you see is not what you gonna get I feel like preaching in here Mendel's law and Mendel Hammond had said something interesting and I quote he said every individual is the sum total of the characteristics recessive or dominant in its two immediate progenitors unquote what is plainly saying is there is nothing in any individual that was not in the father and mother of that person everything in the mother and in the father is in the offspring which means that my father's DNA and my mama's DNA run within the parameters of my body if Jesus's mother and father were human he would inherit all human characteristics and I would end up with an equation man plus man equals man if I were to reverse that I would have his mother deity and his father deity and I would have God plus godly equals God and that means he would be too inaccessible to man because the problem of salvation is to bridge the unfathomable obese which separates a holy God from an unclean sinner there's got to be a bridge ship to get from the holy pristine God to me and that's why the scripture says Jesus is conceived in the womb of a virgin mother he's not penetrated from the outside he is endowed from the inside and God is the only one I know who can step into places and don't need a door so God now is his father and what we have now is inherent life embodied in creature life we've got inherent life the life of God that is now within the parameters of create or life ah created life rather so I've got a life that can't be created inside a life that is created now I've got man plus God is equal to the god man Christ Jesus oh I feel something in here I am the bread which came down from heaven and you're looking at my flesh but my flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak don't you worry about my inside and you better quit poking that spare aah because something's gonna happen if you keep fooling around with me yeah then Jesus then becomes God's most eloquent word to man in fact he's God's last word to man he's God's greatest gift to man and never before in the history of the world is a gift and a giver so inextricably tied together oh I wish I could preach this here is a Christmas gift for you to have you want a real good Christmas gift have the gift to bring you the box uh-huh let me talk to you here ah get inside of the box and have the box bring you to women the gift then bring the box to you let me say that again you get inside the box and let that box be presented to somebody because the gift is giving the box but the gift knows to get to me you got to tear up the box but you better watch that spam cuz you go fool around and tear up the box and release the gift oh I feel like preaching in here I'm sorry I need you to come with me yeah that's why he said as the Scriptures have said because you're spending a lot of time looking at the box and don't know what's inside this box so wrapped up in that box was the power of God that the Prince of this world didn't know what he was messing with give somebody high-five until you better know who you're messing with uh that's why he said as the Scriptures have said because you are failing to see the scriptures in me that's why I'm G over Joshua I'm Jehovah Jesus every time God dealt with man in the old the name Jehovah was used because it's the covenant word it's the Lord it's a relationship expression he was the provision of the planet that's who he was in Genesis 2 he was that specifically created man in Genesis 2:7 he announced the coming Redeemer when he spoke to him about exposing the Serpent's head bruising yes and the heel of the man that was Jehovah who accepted Abel's offering and a rejected Cain now I want you to believe on me as the Scriptures have said it was Jehovah that made arrangements to save the remnant from the flood it was Jehovah who demanded the sacrificial lambs blood be placed on the door when I see the Blood I will pass over you it was Jehovah on Mount Sinai that gave the code and that's why they didn't understand that there is one mediator between God and man and that is the man Christ Jesus I've got inherent life and I've got creature life can I preach like I feel it I'm not gonna keep it too much longer it was Isaiah who declared the voice cries prepared heed in the wilderness the way of Jehovah he's on his way he's coming through 42 generations he might not look like much but don't mess with him you better watch that spare you better watch how you go jabbing around I feel something pushing me now in prophetic language he was expected to visit the earth that's my math you declared to the Jews this is he that was spoken of by Isaiah the prophet saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness make thee ready the way of the Lord make his paths straight it was John when Jesus said I am come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him that sent me even his disciples couldn't pick it up because Philip said Lord show us the father and it suffice and us jesus said unto him have I been so long with you and yet thou has not known me Philip when you see me you have seen the father and how do you ask me to show you the father don't look at my flesh and think there's no power you better look at me and understand that inside of me is enough power to turn the world upside down I wish you'd shake somebody's hand and tell them you better watch that sphere touch your neighbor tell him tell the devil you better watch that spare but you getting ready to release some stuff that's you ain't able to handle I feel the Holy Ghost in here I got a little more work to do you've got to understand now that it is power then that moves within the panoply of flesh it is the power of God in his theology that has just stepped into Christology which means that in order for me to release the power it's first got to be harnessed and harnessing of the power its theology in Christology that's why the Bible declares that this Jesus that we serve is God wrapped up in the flesh and the only thing that devil can mess with is what's on the outside and that's why he keeps messing with you but you ought to tell him watch that spare devil don't go by where I live don't go about what I Drive and don't go about how I look there is something only inside of me I'm anointed touch your neighbor say I'm anointed can I preach like I feel it huh and so what fool the devil was there was divine omnipresence limited to human dimensions there was divine immutability that was harness in the vehicle of physical facility Dennis Nessa and that is pain can I preach like I feel it huh you see the pain was not only at Calvary yeah but when you take divine omnipresence and you put it in a limited body and the body knows and the body the mind knows the power that's on the inside but it's restricted to the dimensions of the body on the outside you've got created life balled up inside of Jesus create her life balled up inside ready to explode at any time every now and then he would do something and the folk would see his actions and he'd tell him hush don't tell anybody what you experienced because my time has not come yet give somebody a high five and say neighbor my time has not come yet might as well have Church today my time hasn't come yet I look awful weak I look like I only have flashes of greatness but don't fool yourself everything down on the inside is as great as it gets and you got divine omniscience restricted by the finitude of the human mind that's another pain when you've got divine eternalness bound by the periphery of time that's another pain but devil don't you mess with the body let him stay by himself cuz you're getting ready to touch something that you don't want to deal with so he pulls him in on a sleepless night and he goes through Hima hydrosis at Gethsemane he is brought to a March for five miles to three different courts he's hungry sleepless and thirsty he is now bloody aah but you're breaking him down devil huh you're breaking him down you're breaking him down and it's dangerous to break that body he's got down because except the grain of a wheat fall into the ground and die it remains alone but if it dies I feel like preaching in here give somebody high and say if it dies it's gonna mess your kingdom up ha-ah they whip them in the skin and they whipped him until he was a bloody mess of protoplasm then they crowned him with thorns and mocked him with a wooden sceptre and a purple robe they cheered him what pain I was weak in shock he was dehydrated had bloody chills from the blood loss with the March to Calvary with the 75 pounds of a pata Bullen across his neck then they had the unmitigated gall devil you're a fool to mess with Jesus sir never you're a fool not to find out who you are messing with you should investigate her before you go to kill in something they put a five-inch spike between the radius and the carpal bone they cut the median nerve and said his hand like a claw they cut him between the inter metatarsal space of his foot and cut the paranoia nerve and sent fire this way his wounds will open on his back rubbing against the old rugged cross there was pain everywhere there was dehydration of fixation had a hypovolemic shock but you better keep him alive cuz if he died he's gonna tear your kingdom apart you better change your mind that's why one man says if thou be the Son of God come down from the cross give somebody a high five and say too late too late too late too late I feel the Holy Ghost in here too late look at the fruit you are the fruit I am the fruit coz if a wheat grain dies it bring it for much fruit shake somebody's hand like you're gonna shake it off and say neighbor you're going through some stuff the devil is on your case but he's getting ready to release the power that's in you tell your enemies watch who you're messing with tell your enemies watch who you're talking about tell them I know the pain that releases power for the same power that's in Jesus Christ is the power that's in my soul coz when the devil killed him on camera theology became pneumatology and I have the Holy Ghost I feel like preaching in here somebody's trying to hurt you but they're gonna release the God that's in here somebody's trying to keep you out of the job but can no job stop God somebody's trying to tear up your life but the truth is for every time they hurt you it releases something in you that's it I'm a child of the king ah the son of God I feel like preaching in here give somebody high five so for the hell I'm going through there's gonna be a release for the hell I'm thinking something's gonna run it a habit for the thing I've got to endure my God is getting ready to release me give somebody a high five say it's releasing time it's releasing time release your joy will eat your strength we'll leash your love will leash or anoint it everything you'll go through really gets set your friend yeah give somebody high-five tell them no pain no power no pain no joy no pain no one wanted no pain strength touch your neighbor say it's alright it's alright the pain is leading to a new you to a powerful you tour delivered you to I release you three days later up from the grave he arose is I'll throw it throw it so it's called snow it you better watch that spare gun but I watch that spare go release more and so if the god of this for you he would not have rusev the Lord of growth because theology was passing through crystals to explode in new touch because of them you were here today and you want to send notes to your enemies watch that spare watch that spare you getting ready to release me and since you don't like me anyway you better not what y'all know you don't want me release yeah as I close take somebody's hand and to you who have felt an enormous attack do you who have felt as if you've come under enormous spiritual attack it's part of the plan look they are bachata it's part of the plan cuz there's a side of you that wraps the power that's in you and it takes the breaking down of the box to release the gift and there's a gift in you that your enemies don't know you have and that's why I tell you all the time gotta give God thanks for your enemies I'm glad it wasn't my loved one that did this to me I'm glad it was my enemy but I can praise God for my enemy because they get me bless my friends don't bless me like my enemies whoa so as you're touching somebody I speak to you personally what's going on in your life it's not contradictory to what's what God's plan is its prerequisite you've been carrying your gift around all the years and it took somebody leaving you for you to find out that you didn't need him in the first place we've been walking around with your gift all these years and it took somebody firing you for you to be released to that business that was already in your spirit yes you've been gifted of all these years but it takes a break up a break down or break out we defined your own value suddenly Satan is engulfed because if the rock can feed can water two and a half million the holy spirit released from Jesus gave birth to a whole church so much so now until the church in all of its generations is now the body of Christ now you understand when he says and greater works shall ye do because I was just one just one body for the Spirit of God but look how many bodies in here have the Spirit of God as you squeeze that person's hand ever so slightly Lord I realize through your word and in the very name of Jesus that my brother my sister facing horrific times but lord I count on this one fact that my brother my sister is a believer and I believe stems from the Gospel message you live you die you were buried you rose again and so now Lord we're looking at you as our role model and now we understand that as gospel believers there's a release about to take place in our lives so Lord we will hope emoni we will remain under because we realize that this is just the breaking of the outside to release the power that has always been in us so now strengthen my brother in the breaking o console my sister in the breaking I claim that now in Jesus name Amen that's soul that's in this house bishop noel jones would love to have you visit the city of refuge whenever you're in the los angeles area for any of our weekly services for other tapes books or service times write to us at noel jones ministries PO box one one one four nine carson california nine zero seven four nine visit our website at noel jones ministries org or call one eight hundred five two six noel that's one eight hundred five to six sixty-six thirty-five thanks again for listening now take what you've heard and go do something with
Channel: Chip Dizárd
Views: 2,423,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bishop, Noel, Jones, Sermon, Church, City, of, Refuge
Id: 8bWdlBeor5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 56sec (3476 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2008
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