Bishop Jerry W. Macklin - Where Is the Power?

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come on everybody put your hands together and give a lot of hand praise yeah hallelujah glory to God how many can feel the power of the Lord in this house right now I said how many know the Lord is here right now preach the name of the lord god bless you tonight your God we love you now what you have your way here take control of everything that happens my god Lord come in this place right now let the Holy Ghost have his way we surrender to your will right now it's not important that I finish a message but it's important that you move speak to our hearts right now and we'll give your name the praise the glory in the honor give us of your riches both new and old God and we'll tell the world in Jesus name we pray thank God any man the what bless you please be seated everybody I will not tarry long here praise the name of the Lord but I am certainly honored honored honored to stand and I certainly want to give honor first of all to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and how honored I am tonight to stand at the side of Bishop Charles Atwood Blake who I believe to be the greatest leader in the world today I believe that oh that sounds ok for me but that don't sound all right for him praise the name of the Lord God has given us a leader and he's using him to bless us all and I want Bishop Blake to know that I am honored you could not have told me you know any short time ago that I would have been standing here tonight I am as shocked as some of you are to see me standing here and I'm a shocked along which praised the name of the Lord and I pray to God that God will give him strength and continue to take him forward that he may lead us forward certainly want to acknowledge all of the board members were here tonight god bless bishop PA brooks god bless you Bishop to Bishop Hamilton our secretary Bishop winbush assistant secretary bishop owens god bless you former presiding bishop so glad for all of our general board members bishop right god bless you bishop green bishop wells bishop McKinney is here and Bishop Hanes I want you to know what an honor it is just to walk in the presence of greatness these are men of the Lord that I have long admired and have watched their lives and have watched the contributions that they've made and I want to thank God for them and for you for making room for somebody perhaps a little bit younger to serve and I want them to know I do not take it lightly at all to all of the National officers god bless you all I love you I appreciate you so very very much it's our secretary and to mother rivers god bless you you've long been an inspiration I'll never forget you mother rivers when I was just starting out in the Church of God in Christ and came to the woman's convention with my recording equipment you were in charge of the exhibits and you gave me a good spot thank you very much you ever want to forget bridges that brought you over and to mother Mae Blake mother Louise Patterson get bless you lady Patterson each of you we're just honored and how thankful I am for my family that's with us tonight and I just want them to stand and my children are here somewhere my wife of course is here I want her to stand first as some of you may not know this is my wife and I want you to know that is my wife under that hat praise the Lord this is the missionary of Vanessa Macklin 34 years 34 years of marriage come on give a lot of hand praise for her and somewhere I have my children in here where all might know there they are has the whole Macklin clan over there each one of my oldest son Jermaine and there's Aaron the youngest at TCU there Mallory who just married Minister elder Marcus branch and Jessica God blessed them and I'm missing my oldest daughter and son-in-law they're in Carolina hello Langston and Garrett and they're in Carolina we're expecting our granddaughter and you'd know you think I was messed up with my grandsons I can't wait to get a granddaughter and I just drag them on along as well praise the name of the Lord and I want to thank God for all of my family other families here as well my sisters and brothers are here and I just want them to stand I know they're here someplace praise the name of the Lord thank God for family thank God for family and for each of them and for their support that they have given to us through this time now the Lord bless you we're all waiting of course on Sunday morning to hear our presiding bishop Shan and I'll care who preaches as nobody is going to say it like he's going to say it because he's our leader I said he's our leader and I want to thank every one of you for your support of the vision and God bless you as we continue to go forward in where we are having said that may I cut through the field tonight and take a shortcut praise the name of the Lord I have want to do that tonight I am working everybody is working on books everybody has books out I'm gonna write a book I'm gonna write a book and I need you to help me I want to include every one of you in the book and I want to make sure I note that I did this survey here tonight and you were a part of the book is that Alright and then when I write the book I want you to buy it so you can see that you were in the book I want to know tonight how many people who are here tonight how many people who are here tonight I'm looking around to make sure I see everybody where's my supervisor another dance say where's she I know she's in the house someplace oh there she has got Blessed Mother dancing all NorCal metropolitan glad-tidings family love all of you so glad to see you how many people here tonight have ever heard of the Holy Ghost alright I'll put that in the book how many people here believe that you receive the Holy Ghost after you're saved then you're baptized in the Holy Ghost anybody believe that how many people have been baptized in the Holy Ghost alright now I'm ready for the statistic that I need for my book how many people have received the power of the Holy Ghost now here's the question as I go through this just answer it as honestly as you can how many people in here tonight are using 100% of your Holy Ghost power you're operating at 100% of the power God has given you do not be ashamed just raise your hand I've maxed out I can't do no more may the record show and then I didn't see no hands in this auditorium how many people are using 90% of their power may the record show mr. sucker tell you'll be ready may the record show that there is no hands raised at 90% how many people are using 80% of their power how when you're using 70% of your Holy Ghost power I saw two hands 60% I got about maybe 10 to 12 that means that everybody else is that 50% or less and I'm not going any lower would you look at somebody near you tonight and simply tell them the half has never been told turn in your Bibles with me tonight Psalms 137 and new Acts chapter 1 none of us will forget 9/11 that terrible day when those planes flew into those buildings but I will tell you my friends that are the government responded and in their response Homeland Security set up a system that they use to measure terrorists around the world to find out whether or not they're planning something else and they have even in the airports red orange yellow alerts but as they continue to measure to prepare to make sure we're not caught off guard again they've come up with something that they call chatter and they measure chatter by checking people's internet email fax cell phones when we were kids we just said we heard it through the grapevine and the level of chatter is an indication of an impending danger and chatter as always it is the essence than the subtle and not-so-subtle voice of your enemy at work so we're always listening to see if the chatter level rises then we know we have a greater alert I will tell you tonight my brothers and sisters that the people of God are not unfamiliar with chatter for often we discover in Scripture antagonistic hostile environments laced with chatter when God's presence in power is known are perceived when shepherd David showed up at a standoff with Goliath he heard chatter that's why he turned around and said who is this uncircumcised philistine when Nehemiah showed up to work on the wall to work on the city he heard the chatter of Sanballat and Tobiah and he responded the God of heaven will cross for us but this evening the children of Israel are once again confronted with chatter but this time it's not the enemy's voices that capture our attention it is not their threats not their booming voices but rather it is the Silence of God's people and that brings us to our texts would you stand with me psalms 137 by the rivers of Babylon there we sat down and yea we wept when we remembered Zion we hang our harps upon the Willows in the midst thereof for there they carried us so we captive and required of us a song and they that wasted us required of us mirth saying sing us one of the songs of Zion but how shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land in Acts chapter 1 we hear that familiar grass but he shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth look over at somebody near you and ask them where's the power hmm now look at somebody again and tell him if you want to see something happen release the power now if you're sitting next to somebody they've got power just give them a high five and tell them release the power hallelujah my brothers our sisters tonight and I must hurry psalms 137 tonight finds us here with god's people here they say that they find themselves at the river of babylon what are they doing at the rivers of babylon after all that is not the place of their destiny that is not the place that god sent them it is not the place that they are supposed to be after all babbling it's a long way from Jerusalem they have no military Allegiance with the territory of modern Iraq God delivered them from Egypt and brought them to the land of promise so what are they doing at the rivers of Babylon my brothers and sisters was interesting to notice that psalms 137 is unique within itself because in these few verses it is the only place that we have the history of what happened to god's people when they were in captivity for 70 years because after we read from the kings and the chronicles the book is closed and we don't hear anything else until it picks it up with the minor prophets again and then we begin to hear again but somehow we don't understand what's really happening and what they're doing there and the only place we have history that tells us what happened is in these few verses that are there it is not to say that jeremiah who at that prophesy at that time he did it is not to say my god that daniel did not prophesy he did but he was in the palace my god and so we didn't hear much about what was happening with god's people and somehow you would almost get the understanding that when you get out of God's will God starts counting and it's almost the stuff that you do when you're out of the will of God doesn't count and so they find themselves there at the rivers of Babylon for 70 years they find themselves there as a result of a bad memory because they could not remember that it was God that brought them out because that their memory had gone bad and they could not remember that it was God that had delivered them as a result of that that means you turn and he ended up back but this called the rivers of Babylon but let me tell you something my friends when going Chuck Kepler you will find out that there really aren't any real rivers of Babylon or you will find out that the only rivers there are really the rivers of the Euphrates and the Tigris River and when you look at that you would discover well why did they say that there must have been some water there was water there because the people who went into bondage was then put into slavery and dug the canals and it was the canals that connected Babylon back over to where the rivers were that brought the water there and they're the people of the Lord suffered again as if they had not been enslaved enough already there they suffered again and it's amazing what God will let us go back to when our memory goes bad I wonder can I talk to somebody here tonight my brothers and my sisters and I must hurry on today let me tell you something here the large majority of Christians are now content to remain silent in the midst of a noisy world perhaps we could have entitled this message a silent Church in a noisy world the large majority of Christians are content to remain silent in the midst of this noisy world to find places of arrest in the comfort zones of Main Street to join the course of nonresponse together at the river of apathy once a week reflecting on past accomplishments and discussed at the round table of theology the deficiency of others and that's they find justification and raise in the sit down and say nothing I wonder can I talk to somebody here today my brothers and sisters we must be careful because comfort is not always the best partner hallelujah today in the strongest terms I can I take issue with those who say we're here because this is the best that we can do please know that I have no doubt and no question no reservation concerning Jesus Christ somebody yet don't trust the Lord I trust Jesus and just have questions about some of us I know in whom I believed and I'm persuaded that he is able to keep that that I've committed unto him against that day I know that he is my God and ever shall be the Son of the Living God my problem is not quaint and his purpose his power my question is if Christ is wrong that we believe him to be ten years if the gospel is all that we say it is and it is if Jesus will return to this world and he will if the dead in Christ shall rise and we will if we've been baptized in the Holy Ghost and you say you have the question is where is the power I wonder can I talk to me my god so so so here we find ourselves hear the chatter of society grows daily of a louder and more intense and before we heard it in the closet but today we hear it on the streets and I enemies are not ashamed and there was a time when somebody else was in the closet and we was out but now we're in the closet and everybody else is out I wonder can I talk to somebody here today I'm hearing things Oh can't you hear what I hear I'm not always surprised at the chatter of the secular humanists the modernists and the postmoderns I'm not surprised by their chatter I hear our schools as they're talking loud and continue to debate intelligent design and create creationism I am not overly surprised at the chatter from the Supreme Court who continues to do their best to turn the advances we made and turned them around and go backwards and somebody said well now that we have a new president everything is alright I wouldn't cash in on that just yet I believe he's gonna take us to a great place and we're gonna do better than we did but every element has not laid down their arms and just because we had an election it did not mean that everybody gave up their attitude that everybody gave up what they were doing we're still there god yes we still medium I wonder can I talk to somebody tonight hallelujah now that preaching is applauded my god for its entertainment value and audience appeal evangelism has been reduced in our time to marketing really y'all not gonna let me talk to you tonight I know this is a little uncomfortable but I hope you can help me get through it here tonight my god my brothers and sisters and I want to talk to pastors who are here tonight to leaders of congregations because we set the standard but what's going on but we must be careful not to get sucked in my god two popular religious movements can I talk to you today everything on television is not there for you to duplicate I wonder can I get a witness here sometimes we live on the television here was it well I'm gonna try to do that cause it looked like it worked for him you're gonna find out what God have called you to do can I talk to somebody here today what's wrong with you my god and what would you like to hear and sometime now return in the jukebox whoop it's almost like people come in and put a quarter in the offering plate my god and then said I will pick a song and now it's so bad they give the preacher $10 as I preach my favorite sermon I don't hit nobody today reach for me today preacher let me tell you something I don't care how much money you give but gospel is not for sale do I have a witness here my god I think now we're at a place now who are we in judging the effectiveness my preaching by what kind of audience response that we did and the people clapping I'm happy then that means that we've done a great job but I'm here to tell you my brothers and sisters I grew up in a house my god well they kids they're my god growing up in that house and I will tell you that it was not like it is now now my god kids grow up everybody eats of a different time my god everybody has a different menu I don't want this I don't like that I don't like this I don't walk not here and mama ends up fixing five or six things I make everybody happy that's new I didn't like that when I grew up my mama said listen boy I am having dinner at five o'clock and I don't care what's going on you'll be home and fine and she would put some neck bones and green on the table there's some cornbread and it didn't make any difference whether you wanted a steak or not when you look at the neck bone you said that's a steak I wanna do I have a witness here my my my my we take a survey to find out what people want us to preach about what y'all like to hear the name that I can hear one lieutenant take your choice of what you're here but somewhere I thought I heard the Bible said that we ought to seek God's Word and his mouth my god oh I wish I had a witness here today my my my today we're paranoid by the possibility that we might create a disturbance and therefore churches have been her into the safety zone because we don't want to create a disturbance we want to be a well-liked by all of our neighbors I wish I had have somebody to talk to you here tonight hallelujah I feel the Holy Ghost in here already we live in a pluralistic environment hallelujah where our God is not necessarily excluded anymore but he has been invited to have a seat on the mantle of Western society oh can I talk to somebody here today along with we now put Jesus on the mantle and people say we have a a religious environment of inclusion we include all of the religions and so we put everybody's God on the mantle and that way everybody is equal well that may sound nice but you better go back to the Old Testament and find out what happened when they brought the Ark of the Covenant in and when they brought the Ark of the Covenant in they said we're gonna sit up next to your God and we'll just set the ark right here oh but when they came back the next day their God had fallen over they said all it must have been an earthquake or something we better fix it we're putting wood your cropping back up my brothers and sisters in this world in which live I don't need a guard that I can prop up I need a car that can pick me up I wonder can I talk here tonight hallelujah hallelujah we live in this kind of culture along with all of that and I'm not surprised by America's growing commitment to prisons and dwindling education I'm not surprised to hear of that at all but I am surprised when I see churches retreating into the comfort zones I think we'll just hide out right here and that way we won't you know get in any trouble let me tell you something my friends that reminds me of the story of the fleas who have a convention nothing like a free convention the fries were meeting one time they were flying inside of a can and they were just having a good time fellowshipping and all of a sudden somebody came and put a top and laid something on top of the can and they couldn't get out and the flea said hey we got to hurry up and get out of here so they started bouncing up on top tried to get the talk off and the more they bounced up the more it went Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing and it hurt so they called a convention and they met at the bottom of the can and they said listen we need to do something cause it hurts trying to go through that thing so somebody suggested god mr. chairman the Chairman ah wait wait to the wing said I have a suggestion I move that we don't jump so high and it won't hurt so much another free waved his wing and said I agree with that I suck in that emotion and so they lowered the level a little bit but they were still hitting it so they had another convention and at the second convention they said I suggest that we fly a little bit lower and they won't hurt at all they all agreed and that's what they did pretty soon you didn't hear any more tips at all and the man that put the top on just came and pulled it off and looked at all those fries just flying around until all of them in the can they died in the can because they were afraid of the pain that it took to gain can I talk to somebody here today all my brothers and sisters is it our goal to avoid pain or is it our goal to proclaim his name hallelujah to proclaim the kingdom of heaven is at hand to proclaim Christ the hope of glory to proclaim that then come at the end when he shall have delivered up the kingdom when he shall have put down all rule and authority and power for he must reign hallelujah is it now ours to preach the gospel to the poor to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives the recovering of sight to the blow my brothers and sisters we must be careful that we do not allow our churches to become our prisons mmm you won't get that till tomorrow we've allowed the world of force us into our little buildings called sanctuaries and we find ourselves spending the majority of our time and the majority of our money on our sanctuaries y'all ain't gonna like me today but can I tell the truth and here we are locked up in our own sanctuaries reaching to the same folk y'all let go let me talk to you today my god testifying to the same people Sunday after Sunday week after week arguing over the same chairs you know I'm telling the truth we can't hardly get Jesus to show up because we have an annual date by everybody except him I wonder can I talk to you today and if you don't celebrate me then I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna tell my group we ain't coming out no more and I don't care who you are you understand very soon that every pastor knows that you have more than one pastor in your church we have past threats you don't believe it watch what in church certain people not gonna clap till they get the clue you know I'm telling the truth can I preach here tonight hallelujah somebody you wanna find out who all the other pastors are have a business meeting dismiss charge and then look out on the parking lot when you look out on the parking lot you'll see about five different little churches going on all of them asking the leader what you think you only don't let me talk to you today my brothers and sisters I refuse to accept this as the standard by which I must minister where the past is would you listen to me tonight please please listen to me the size of my church cannot dictate the size of my vision my vision I've always been larger than my building the size of my church circumference of my property the width of my pews does not reflect the depth of my completion and so many times you've allowed people to force us into some little corner and make us feel bad and then we come to Memphis and all sit down and we don't want to talk to you but we don't want anybody to know that I don't have a big church my brothers and sisters did the largeness of your church is not in how many members you have it's in whether or not you are connected to the will of God for you can I talk to somebody here today 1st corinthians 1620 reminds us for we are all bought with a price and therefore we ought to glorify God in our body and in our spirit which are gods let me tell you something when we give up on what God has given us and tonight as I look around this great auditorium and I see thousands of people that was sitting here I am fighting back the tears and I'm saying God give us another chance there is just no way in the world that all of us have the Holy Ghost power and our well remain static the way it is there's no way that can happen hallelujah there's no way you can have 200 people in church are you with me today and then we passed the church on our way to church somebody said well we didn't have nobody come today let me tell you something friends you passed your church on the way to church and the reason you didn't recognize them is because they don't look like churchy folk and what many of us call church growth is nothing more than people transferring from one church to another you get five of my members I get five of yours or their you get five of the next week that's my church growth I don't hear nobody today it's Church growth when you preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and meaning and the women come with your conviction and come with the hand raised up in size what must I do to be saved go over to God and it's a shame that the next generation coming up now is using many of us as a standard on which to measure themself and so we think that the measure of their success is 17 years all walking up to me come on hey Doc I said all my god are you with me today calling me up on the phone and say you know what doc you get me out raise you some money God deliver you if the reason why you have a revival is the raise some money I don't hit nobody today if you need to have a rally just say we have an array raise but you have to raise pay off your bills and God I'm not gonna use a viable as an excuse hallelujah God deliver us from these pattycake sermons hallelujah reaching just to make people comfortable so we don't offend nobody hallelujah if you're preaching never offends anybody I'm wondering what kind of preaching you're doing somebody setting up on one occasion that real preaching should have lit the comfortable and comfort the afflicted Paul Scheer said it right at Union and Princeton when he said nothing can do people any good without disturbing them and nothing will disturb them to any lasting effect until it disturbs them deeply there are no prefabricated substitutes for the disturbing gospel of Jesus Christ you're not saved at me because somebody patted you on your back but some of you are saved Annie because you heard the gospel you didn't get saved that day but the gospel followed you home hallelujah you got in the bed and closed the door got in the bed and the gospel got in with you my god you disturb you know why you couldn't sleep you got a big morning that thing was still working on you and finally back to church Lord forgive me of all of my sins I want to be saved somebody said I didn't go through all of that I didn't get saved like that you know I just went to church and I went to the tongue speaking class and I just started speaking in tongues oh I wish I had a witness here today our problem is we have a Pentecostal church mr. Blakey oh right but it's sad to have a Pentecostal church and nobody have a Pentecostal experience y'all didn't want me to preach in hitter name hallelujah let me tell you something Jesus was not afraid to disturb folk my god even when he was born he disturbed the king and the king said where is he that is born King of the Jews he was not afraid to disturb families he's walking by the Sea of Galilee and he sees Simon and Peter and Andrew and Carl ever tell him drop your nets and follow me he was not afraid to disturb non traditional families that's why he met the woman at the well that's a non-traditional family but when he got through talking to her she ran back and told come see a real man I wonder can I talk to somebody he ran a hallelujah oh my god I'm trying to get out of here I want to mess up too bad here praise the name of the Lord thank you Jesus hallelujah the power of the gospel will be stab demons so I said don't preach on that the never the mad at me he just needs to get mad but how many know that you can't say you're a Pentecostal born-again Pentecostal Holy Ghost feel believer and don't disturb the devil sometimes how do they know that real Holy Ghost power will disturb the devil how many know that he'll disturb the devil hallelujah I've always gotta figure this out I'm glad to see dr. Martin here he can help me figure this out the Bible says in mark 1:23 I've never been able to figure this out that you ought to know that you didn't sister I don't know this there was in their synagogue oh man I don't get this there's no synagogue a man with an unclean spirit and he cried out saying let us alone what have we to do with thee Jesus you couldn't destroy I know who you are here's why I'm confused how long had he been there dr. Johnson was he a member of the trustee board was he sitting in the pulpit was the only reward I just know the Bible said there was a man with an unclean spirit and obviously he was comfortable in church I can't hear nobody today you'll be surprised how many demon-possessed folk are in church you'll be surprised how many have positions and titles and you know yourself you bet that mess with them I don't hit nobody today and somebody said when I gonna mess with them because they pay times the devil is a life if you got the devil in you nothing's gonna work but to take the power of Jesus in the name of Jesus you have to fear with the devil can I preach a few more moments here I'm trying to close glory to God let us alone and people who are filled with the devil always want you to leave us alone I don't hit nobody today my god let me tell you my brothers and sisters that two million people in jail and there's somebody telling us leave him alone 4% of the next generation does not even claim to believe the Bible and somebody said let him alone just wait till they get of age and then talk to them about religion don't do it now let them make up their own mind you can't let a child grow up without knowing Jesus you can't let a child grow up without knowing who he is by the time Tina the devil will have his mind hallelujah the pornography industry that spends fifty seven billion dollars a year tells us leave us alone the California Supreme Court cover the other day we wrote Genesis 2 and 24 and whenever that say read it when you get home hallelujah when adoption sinners are running over with throwaway babies and here we are in chat barking over both Sunday is next I want you to hear me tonight Church of God in Christ please hear me tonight any time we have more ministry going on the inside then we have going on the outside it won't be long before we are out of business are you with me here today we can't have all the ministries in the church about us oh I don't hear nobody to me everything centers around us we have a church that is comfortable and it turns into a clubhouse for the religious I don't hear nobody today and somebody said well we don't want to do that code we don't want to bring all the folks here now they bain't say you know they don't dress right you don't have to be unsaved to see folks that don't dress right I don't hear nobody today well we don't want to bring some of those people in here got something else for drink I don't want to bring her the church cause she's shacking had oh I don't hear nobody today we got a whole lot of folks doing all of that and so forth but they're comfortable in church I gotta close and get out of here now I think I'm in trouble God's people in Psalms 137 and then my brothers or sisters you only need to look my god when Jesus got up from the green before he went back to heaven he stopped by to see his disciples and what did he find a man the Bible said that they were in a room closed with the door closed for fear of the Jews they said well we better stay in here let's all stay together let's all get together stay close because the Jews you know they're out there they're gonna get us hallelujah and that's the way some of our churches are let's all stay inside but they don't get us and it's amazing to me that we can testify this loud in church we can't have Church for you because of you yelling and screaming and testifying but when we take you out of here you lay your hearts on the widows of a high day I took a young man and I prime the clothes and I brush it I took a young man to sin quitting one time because he kept telling me son you don't want to go there he said no I've got called me to preach in that jail I said all right I'm going out there doing Chris I'll take you with me I took him out there and that night the brothers was a little restless oh I wish I had a witness here and then when I said come on fellas y'all sit down sit down huh I got somebody go preach to you then guys turn around and looked at there said all right preached in I put that young man up to preach he looked at all them hard looking boys he said the men were looking at him like they gonna cut him up he say I think about my stripping - no I want to do I have a witness yeah brother with my Joe Harris hallelujah he worked there he know what I'm talking about you talk about you have the Holy Ghost you gotta have it when you step outside there's one thing to pretend and perform only inside but you better have the Holy Ghost will you step outside you gotta put up or shut up look at somebody that's the worship our God in Christ I know I know it's a dark time now I know I was in trouble and it looks like we have no one else to look you anymore but I came to tell you that this is our finest hour this is our finest hour look at somebody and see that's trouble outside but this is our finest hour this is the time people say well you don't understand the banks are going out of business homes are being lost going every which direction the economy has gone bad my client has running wild it's a dog and when you go to work everybody on your job is walking around singing the blues let me tell you something friends this is why you are saved this is our time to hold our head up and walk in on your job next week and tell them I know it's tough out there but I came to tell you I have a smile on my face because God will he will provide however talk it is I'm a child of God however bad it is God is on my side after they with the Holy Ghost a wonderful story but I want you to know this very important and the city had more than one they could have pulled me around the back way so I don't encounter all that stuff but I look at somebody and tell them I may not have much money but I want you to look at somebody say release the power release the power chapter 5 talks about it and said believers were the more added to the Lord but the multitude of both men and women in so much that they brought forth the sick and laid him on the streets that even at the shadow of Peter that they would be healed I ask you the night what kind of shuttle are you casting what kind of shadow ha are we casting they said we don't even have to touch it but just your shadow because you have the Holy Ghost because you are filled with power just your shadow is enough to bring about a change now my friends you don't see a good shadow in church outside not just on the inside in church but decided we'll go to 2 other cities the Holy Ghost said no they said what we're going to Metheny huh the Holy Ghost said no they said we'll go down the course the Bible said that they had a vision angel showed up look like a man and he showed up where they were and I said come over to Macedonia and help us when's the last time you heard God say go over here and help somebody go over there and help somebody and the Bible said when they went there there was nobody saved the church and when nobody was young ministers I hope God puts an anointing on somebody we want to open up churches next door to all of our other churches and we end up with 12 coated churches in one block and 10 miles away we don't have a church in the city come over to Macedonia and help us save they're walking down the street and a little slave girl behind him you've been by The Wall Street big shots using her and saying these men turn around and said I've got enough and turned around and something the last time you saw children in the streets and I want you to watch this I hear people saying you need a burden burden is what you feel but vision is what you see look at somebody say burden is what you feel come on tell them burn and it's what you feel and vision is what you see if you don't feel nothing when Paul and Silas are you jail the jailer comes me because that was an earthquake and it runs in to see if they were still there sang-doo yourself no hope we all here ain't no problem here and the Bible said the jailer got seen now watch it my friend and see gospel see the power of the holy spirit that crosses watch it if you will Lydia rich the slave girl poor the prison God I don't know his name we'll just call him Joe the prison guard but the prison dog represents the middle class yes yes reaches the top and reaches the yes now lay your hands on your eyes close your eyes lay your hand across them let's say Jesus Jesus when I open my eyes let me see what I have not seen gee that's when I open my eyes let me feel what I have not seen I'm ready to release this power the hand has never been told has never been told now will you take your hands off lift them up receive a fresh anointing received a new outpouring receive yes Jesus the powers ah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh wait a minute lift up your right hand now lift up your left hand with it and look at your hands and say with me Healing Hands Healing Hands Healing Hands Healing Hands Lord anoint my hands anoint my hands anoint my hands anoint me Lord I want to walk in your anointing I want to speak in your anointing Lord give me a healing shadow give me a healing shadow in the name of Jesus now I don't know who all is sick but I just want you to lay your hands on two or three people and tell them the power has just been released be healed be healed be here come on do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it yeah come on for a few minutes put your hands together and let's call him on down praise it come on give it for about 10 seconds give him your best friend yes come on raise holy hands all over this building and tell him yeah
Channel: Albany's Internet Mall
Views: 36,350
Rating: 4.6759496 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Jerry W. Mackli, Where is the Power, Church of God in Christ
Id: WWtFJxiOidw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 32sec (3752 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 17 2014
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