Bishop Jerry W. Macklin | "Lord, Don't Leave Me Alone!" (FULL SERVICE)

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everlasting life. Thank you, Jesus. You are on you. He said, I hope you You are. the everlasting the everlasting. I will I will see. Come on. You are singing. One more time. We're going to wait on you. We're going to wait on you. You. Come on. I'm going to wait. I'm good. Check it Let's check it out. on this because He will. The lord. They shall mount up. did not get weary. That's what happens when you What happens when you wait? What happens when you what We're hearing people. Come on. Wait on the lord. I know that trial that you're going through is tough. I know the struggle is hard but keep holding on If you hold on to god's unchanging hand, come on. They are saved. On the wait on the lord. but you can shout right now. Come on. testify to somebody and say you don't have to wait until the battle is over but you can shout right now. with the tears of life. and just Your deliverance is not That is over. Somebody shout hallelujah. I said we're going to because we're going Don't wait till the end. Don't wait till the end. Don't wait till the end. Don't wait till the end. the way to the you can right now. wait till the end. Don't wait. the sickness. to the Don't wait till the end. Michigan Southwest fifth Jurisdiction presents TheReGathering the Holy Convocation September 1st through fifth at Barn and Bush International Ministries Church of God in Christ 30355, Annapolis Avenue, Westland, Michigan, 48186. hosted by Michigan Southwest Fifth Jurisdiction presents ReGathering the Holy Convocation, September 1st through fifth at Hard and Bush International Ministries Church of God in Christ 30355, Annapolis Avenue, Michigan. 48186. Hosted by Bishop Don W Shelby Jr with special guest speakers, Wednesday, 7:30 PM with Bishop, Brandon Jacobs held at Church of the Harvest twenty 202, West Dartmouth Street, Flint, Michigan, 48504, but I'm not impressed with your gift. Oh, come on on here. I'm not with your anointing. You need to get up to somebody who's not impressed with how well you preach with how well you sing with how well you prophesy and who's not afraid to tell you that I know you're gifted but if you don't change some things internally, you will never be better Externally. You got to serve Thursday, 7:30 PM, the first Assistant Presiding Bishop, Jerry Macklin, and somebody else said, but I'm going to heaven because I want that mansion that Jesus had promised to me. while I came by to tell you, if I don't get a mansion, it's alright. All roads lead to Barn and Bush International Ministries Church of God in Christ, Friday at 1 PM one with evangelist Bonita A Shelby at Vernon Bush International Friday. 7:30 PM with the chief apostle and presiding bishop J Scheer. You ought to tell yourself, I'm not going to take it back but I already got it back. Whoever counted you out they didn't know your god. Whoever said you wasn't going to make it. they didn't know your god but touch your neighbor and say it's alright now. Saturday. 1 PM Holy Conversations Post-pandemic, Saturday, 9 PM Revival Fire Virtual via Facebook and YouTube at Michigansw 5 five, and Sunday, 4 PM Official day with Bishop Don W Shelby Jr about the Don't be worried. that you're lost. don't be worried about the money that strategy. told me to tell you. It's time for TheReGathering. Don't miss it. Michigan and our supervisor chair Lady Lady Bonita, Andrea. Shelby. Come on. let's make some noise for them. Amen. God bless You. May be seated. We're so happy to have you at this time. Administrative assistant Melvin Jenkins is coming to do a presentation and immediately after him will be the inspirational message from elder Dionne Mixon. They're coming in that order God bless everyone and we thank god for being here tonight and I'm here to make a presentation to this great Bishop that came all the way from California just to see little us. Amen somebody. I'll just say amen right there. Amen. Thank you. We thank god for Bishop Macklin and this Presiding that's here. All the bishops that are here but we want to give you a gift from Michigan Southwest fifth jurisdiction to let you know that you came to see us and we wanted to show you just a little bit of love, sir. God bless you. Amen. Thank you so much, man. Just like change. We have a presentation from the gentleman who's uh It's the lord God's three-minute presentations coming up next and then right after him will be our inspirational speaker. Are you all honored to be here? in the presence of our god? Well, how many love the word of god? It has the power to change our lives forever. For 3 years of my career, I had the pleasure of serving as a national presenter with a company called Faith Life and they have been so generous as to come alongside this conference as a sponsor this year. Can we give god praise for that? Hallelujah. I wanted to give our good brother here. Pastor Gabe Harper, an opportunity to share just a few things about Logos Bible software. How many know that the word of god is the answer today in a in a world that is just out of control. The world, the world will bring your spirit in. Amen. And so Gabe, how can we access this tool Los Bible software Well, good evening everyone. Los Bible Software is indeed the number one cutting-edge software that you can use on your mobile devices, your tablets, as well as your laptops out here in the foyer. I have a special discount of 25%. 25% discount for the remainder of the week. For those of you who are watching online, you can go to triple W forward slash the gathering So, you can purchase yours online in that discount of 25% is good up until Monday, September the seventh. So, listen, if you want to learn about logos, you need a digital library preachers, you need to upgrade, come see me. Matter of fact, if you are a former word search user, word search users in the You got, listen, there's a special discount for you as well as seminary students as well. So, thank you so much for your time and good evening bishops to you. Praise god. We give honor to our bishop and supervising chair lady that have made this tool available to the jurisdiction. We encourage you to patron the table and all of our vendors in the marketplace during the conference. Amen. God bless you in Jesus name. Let us receive our inspirational speaking. Praise the lord everybody. high priest of our profession to the honor of this house. that we shall be the first one. to leadership. everyone from the leaders to the we say praise the lord and to my lovely people, god for them. My assignment tonight comes out of chapter one verses six through eight. Heavenly father, Grant, now that with all boldness that we might speak my word and the word of the lord says in this, you greatly rejoice now for a little while. by various trials that the genuineness of your faith much more precious than know that perished though it is tested by fire Glory. and the revelation of Jesus Christ whom having us you rejoice with joy in it. of glory. We want to talk about god's glory. and at a glance and when we talk about god's glory, it is more revealed than it is defined. I'm reminded of Moses when he was up on the mountain, he asked god, he said, God, show me your glory and god told him that no man can see me and live but I'm going to do, I'm going to put you in the cleft of the rock and I'm going to pass by and I'm going to allow you to see my part and when god passed by the Bible says that Moses saw the backside of god which was an anthropomorphic term to describe a manifestation of his presence and when Moses came down from the mount, he was so radiant in his percentage that they had to put a veil over his face because you cannot go into the presence of god and leave out the same way you went in. It is this revelatory experience that god had with Moses that lends credence to another phenomenon that talked about in first Corinthians chapter number fifteen. He said that there is a glory of the sun and the glory of the moon and when we talk about the sun, grandmama told us that if you look at the sun too long that it would damage your eyes but on the other hand, when you look at the moon, you can glare at it all night and seem as though there is no problem. The interesting thing about the moon is that the moon does not present light in and of itself but the light that we see from the moon is a manifestation of the glory of the sun and I would tell me to uh uh articulate to you the vastness of god's creation as it exemplifies the diversity of his magnificence but I can tell you what the Psalm has said that the heavens declare the glory of god and the from and show us his handy work. It is this reality that allows me to examine this text as Peter writes to the diaspora uh a community of believers who are scattered abroad throughout Asia minor who has succumbed to various trials and tribulations and Peter began to encourage them. He said that even though you are encountering conflict from the outside in but there is something significant about you from the inside out. He said, even though you have grieved uh and there is a greater anticipation of the coming of the lord. he said, but you are to rejoice with joy. unspeakable, and full of glory which means then that they're rejoicing was motivated by a joy that emanate from within rather from the things that's going on around them. Uh it was a glorious joy. It was so glorious it was indescribable. It was an honorable uh the spectators and all lookers couldn't see it but it was manifested through uh the proactive participation of the who rejoice and it is not distinctive when everything is going well um but it is luminous in moments of adversity. when you lose your home and lose your cars, you don't lose your mind when the haters are hating you on the job. You don't get mad but you rejoice. That's why the Bible says, let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and give god the glory. Paul talked about it on this one. He said, but if I'm gospel be hid, it is hid to them. and whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them that believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ will shine unto them which means then that Jesus become the center of exegesis. Uh he is the brightness of the glory of god and he is the express image of his person. Amen. In that first class, it seems as though there was nothing significant about his appearance. There is nothing significant about his persona As a matter of fact, Isaiah talked about him. He said that when we see him that there is no beauty that we should desire him but if you walk with him long enough, he'll show you glimpses of his glory. I'm reminded of the disciples when they were out in the sea, they thought they were going to drown and Jesus stood up and rebuked the winds and they said, what matter a man is this that even the winds and sea obey him uh when he took Peter, James and John up on the mountain and showed them a glimpse of his glory and told them don't No, man. Uh it was in the wilderness when he fed 5000 men not including and children with five loaves of bread and two fish and we don't have to look throughout the pages of Holy red but you can look back over your life and see how god showed cleanses of his glory. Uh that car accident should accuse you but it was a miracle that you escaped. that was just god showing you a glimpse of his glory. Uh they told you that you are going to die of cancer. The prognosis wasn't good but god delivered you from cancer. That was just a cleanse of his glory. God, you should. oh my god. You should have died in the streets but look at god. God sanctified you and gave you the holy ghost. Amen. You are out of your out of your own family. Uh god for the generation of drunken and don't dealers but god used you to manifest his glory that others might be saved. Um that's why I'm reminded of what god have done for me. Uh 20 years ago. That's why there is absolutely no world that I can come into this reGathering, not give god a praise. When I think on the goodness of Jesus and all that he's done for me, my soul cries out. Hallelujah. If I got a witness in this house, somebody make some noise in this place. somebody. One more time. Somebody shout glory. Amen. God bless you. Sit down if you can. We certainly enjoyed that. powerful. inspirational message from Elder Mixon. Let's celebrate it one more time. Amen. We thank god for a leader. that looks out for the pastors and elders and comes up with visionary ways to get them involved. Come on and thank god for Bishop Don Shelby one more time. time. Uh Superintendent Armstead is coming. He's going to lead us in a portion of service that I know we look forward to because all of us can play a part in this one. Would you clap your hands for superintendent Armstead as it Come on. We can do better than that. Somebody bless the name of the lord. Come on now. Don't panic. This is day two of holy Convocation and if you were with us last night, you already know favor has been released. Oh, y'all ain't come on. Come on. Somebody that know you have over your life shall favor my god. My god. You may be seated in the presence of the lord. I'm going to be obedient but II just can't help it Every time I come to Convocation, I'm reminded of the favor of god. Look at your neighbor and say neighbor, you're in the right place or y'all ain't saying good. Come on now. Don't let this man stop. You say neighbor, you're in the right place at the right time for the favor of god to hit your life. Now, if you believe it, I want you to put those hands together and give god praise. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. About 3 years ago, the lord allow me and my wife to join Bishop Don Shelby, the first lady Shelby in this wonderful uh exegetical splendiferous, magnanimous fellowship. that I sound like I was saying something Michigan Southwest. Put your hands together and let's give god praise for this wonderful fellowship. Thank god for everything that he's doing. Thank god for all that is happening in our lives because of it. I said that it's I said that because about 3 years ago, I began to experience unusual financial breakthrough. I need y'all to just give me about 3 minutes. I don't need a long long time. I began to experience unusual financial deliverance. I The moments where I realized that god was rebuking the devour for my sake. Do I have anybody in here in the last 3 years, even though you've been in a pandemic, some kind of way, God has has been making a supernatural way in your life. Y'all come on. Y'all going to talk to me. He has been rebuking the devour. He's going to start right after your why. Yeah, for sure. Hey, I'm Bree. I'm Sam. And I'm Brie. And you're live with MSW five. Welcome everyone to TheReGathering. You all. It is Convocation time. We are here. The Saints are here. I am so excited. Yes. Yes. The excitement in the air. It is truly electrifying. I'm just so happy to be here. I'm excited and you know what? I'm really excited because right now, we are in the point of the service where we can. So, this is the time where we can really give into what we want god to do in our lives. We know that this Good ground and this is the time. It is time to sell. So, get your offering. Get it together. We have Givelify. All of the ways are right here on the screen. You can cash app. You can also call our headquarters. Are you ready to sell? Yes, I'm ready to sell. Tell me about a testimony that you have about sowing You know what I found out when you sow, God will put everything in front just for you and I've I've found it that even my last sacrifice that because god can take. he can take a little. Yeah. make it a whole bunch and I'm a living testimony and it's happened to me before. whether it was school tuition, whether it was money for food, whether it's gas money, you know, in between jobs, God has made it his business to make sure that he bless the people that serve him and so I'm giving, I'm sacrificing just so I can be blessed. Yeah, that's so good to, you know, offering and tithe, giving money. It's it's not about god getting something from you but him getting something to you offering in this time of sowing truly just a time to increase your faith. Are you going to trust god with your seed And man, watch. Just watch the doors open. If you trust him, you're going to see, you're going to see it work in your favor. I've seen it happen and this is good ground. I can testify to that good ground and not only that, we know that conferences like this takes money. Oh yeah. I mean, we oh my god, our Bishop make sure that we have the best whether it's the musical guests, Guest preachers do it like no other and that takes money. So, putting your seed into good ground. I'm telling you, you're going to reap a harvest. You will reap what you sow. This is your opportunity. This is your way that you can partner with us from all around the world. Whether you're here, whether you're watching online, you're in Michigan, California, South Florida, or in Africa, you can be a part of this conference. Please go ahead and partner with us. All of the ways, all the ways to give. Amen. So again, all the ways to give are right here on your screen. You can use Givelify and Givelify is an app that many churches have been using and it is app. You can download it because you know what? We're only on day two of the conference. So, you can use this app for tonight, tomorrow, tomorrow's Women's Day at 1 PM. So, you can can use it You can use for revival fire and you know, I'm plugging you guys because that's going to be this week as well and just in case you missed last night, you still have an opportunity to get stuff from last night. Amen. Right. And so you have an opportunity for multiple times this week. Yes, official day is what day? Sunday. Sunday at what time? At o'clock. That's what they tell me. They need to be here but we know that service is going to start at four. Amen. But he will be here on time here at three. Absolutely. So, come here in your all black because we are going to be able to bless our bishop. So, that's what you want to download the ways to give so that we can be a blessing to the Michigan Southwest jurisdiction. So, download the app. We do have cash app because we know that that is an opportunity that everybody uses Cash App. I mean, people still use that. We are 21st Century Church. We're ready. We're ready for you. You are. So, if you don't have Cash App, that's another app on your phone. Listen, if you are a mother, church, mother, or a deacon, ask the Ask your teenagers, ask your kids because they know they know they know how to download Cash App. That's a free app as well and you're going to use that to to cash up your friends, your family, and again, you can use that throughout the conference but if you're old school, you you can call, you can call our headquarters as well. So, make sure that you take advantage this week and so into the jurisdiction. Amen And you know what? Speaking of this conference, let's talk a little bit about this conference. I'm ready. Let's talk about last night was I mean, off the charts. we have Bishop, Brandon Jacobs who came and preached a life-changing word fire. I'm telling you, it felt like old school revival. Yes. Uh I mean, it was like you know, back in the day when they think I wish somebody's soul will catch on fire. Oh, the people was on fire that was on fire. that was lit up and it was the presence of god truly met us in Flint and if he met us in Flint, I know he's going to meet us tonight. You know what? Because we have our first Assistant Presiding Bishop. Yes. night. Mister speaker. Where is here? Speaking of here at the greatest church in the world, our headquarters be the Bush International Ministries which is led by our jurisdictional prelit, the one and only, the the my god dad, the you know II want to get personal, the greatest to ever do it. Bishop Don W Shelby and that's what that's where we are right now. Yes. Yes. So, we have virtual services and in person services and then we have a special musical guest tonight uh West Morgan so it is not too late to come and join us tonight but make sure you are liking this post. Share this post. We may have some technical difficulties. Only the devil trying to get in our way. Trying to stop our praise online but just come and join us this week. We do have some online and virtual services. Yes And then we have service on tomorrow. Yes, absolutely. Like I said, you all the the excitement is in the air. The Saints are here and they are ready to have church. So, I just want to encourage you if you're able to still come tonight. Come on. make your way down to Annapolis Drive. Um we're going to be here tomorrow all the way til Sunday please Come on out and join The church is open you all. That's the point of this Convocation and it's time for the saints to regather because you know, the the National Church of God in Christ Convocation. we don't know, right? We don't know if it's so if it's going to happen or not because COVID. so it may or may not. So, this may be your opportunity to gather with the same and you know what? Some You know what happened? You know what Bree Bree? I love that both of your names are Bree speaking of the National Church tomorrow. Tomorrow. the presiding bishop of the Church of God in Christ, the one and only Bishop. she is coming to Michigan Southwest fifth at the guest speaker right here, right there. I'm telling you, you want to be here and this is our presiding bishop and you know what? We want to make him proud. Let him see your support in the audience and let's make our Bishop look good. So, be here. Yes. don't you? As I say be is it be here or be square? What's the saying? Be here. be square. Be here or be square. Whichever way. Bishop sheer Bishop. She is going to be here. It's a big night for Detroit. A big night for Detroit. Yeah, absolutely. So, join us on tomorrow at 7:30 PM and then our Women's Day with our supervising chair, lady Evangelist Bonita Shelby is going to be on Friday at 1 o'clock Pm. Are you believe the blood? The blood is part four part four. It's going to be recorded live. Now, let me tell you something. If you need deliverance, you need to make your way here to the blood prayer. I believe the first one came out right before COVID. Yes and first lady Shelby covered our family. She covered our stuff. She covered our careers and not one, not one soul in our church was lost because we are covered by the blood. You need to make sure that you are here. if you haven't had uh opportunity to listen to part one, two, or three, go do that now. Get your heart ready. Get your heart prepared because that oh I know you talk about the service. I do know Lady Shelby has some power and absolutely if you don't know, she's saying and praise and worship and give you a snippet of that some power today. She's saying today about the praises. She said, pick him up. Put him down. I mean, she has some power and like you said, we need covering in this time of our lives right now and if we need the blood, it's right now, we need the blood and speaking of our leaders, our leaders are safe individuals. They they live the life that they talk about and they sing about and you know what? Speaking of speaking on Saturday, we have Holy conversations, Holy conversations now, you know, in order to be a part of Holy conversations, you've got to register brings up a great point. It's not too late for you to register for this conference. I believe it's only $30. Yes. To be a part to partner with Msw 5 five. You want to register, You can be a part of the special conversations. It's intimate settings. You can ask questions and they're teaching good. They're teaching good and they're talking that good talk. So, make sure you have an opportunity to register. Yes, you can register at Michigansw 5 Bree. Speaking of Saturday, the youth department is gathering as well. So, Yes. If you are a youth, I want you to put in the comments. Me, me, me. I know you may be sitting with your parents. So, on Saturday at Skating station two in Canton, Michigan, we are going skating from five to seven. The cost is $12 and that includes your skate rental. You can see your supervising chair, lady Courtney Shelby or the youth president, Elvin Owens for more information but that is going to be a great opportunity for the youth to gather on Saturday for some skating fun. some good church fun during the weekend of the gathering. Good church fun but we want y'all to wear your jeans now on Saturday. Come out with your jeans. You don't have to wear your dresses and your heels on Saturday, okay? Jeans. we're going to hang out. We're going to have a good time. You know what? I love being here with you guys. I love it. It's so amazing but you know what? It is time to go back into service and I'm telling you, we are having some church church and I gotta get out of here to hear this word. Thank you guys for tuning in to MSW five tv I'm Sam. And I'm Brie. I'm Brie. We'll see you all next time. Alright, let's go into worship. Put your hands together. Thank you so much to what you have given at this time. Let's see our jurisdiction. The choir service At this time, we're going to relinquish our pastor Starks and it's very lovely. Wife is going to come and further introduce our service, give them a hand as they come Thank you very much. But come on, let's give Jesus a hand tonight, everybody. I want to say good evening to each and everyone of you. Our bishop's Guest and to all of you. We thank god for you on tonight on this evening. It is a great, happily happy privilege and honor. It is a pleasure and my honor to introduce the leader of Southwest fifth Jurisdiction. I speak none other than our own bishop Bishop Don W Shelby. Can we praise god for him? Despite all that has happened over the last 19 months. many things have happened but in spite of it all tonight, we are here I said we are here. I echo the words from Acts chapter sixteen. I call it a good chaos. as those that were in that prison. Paul and Silas one began to pray and one began to sing and the Bible says that there was a earthquake and the jailer thought he had lost it all. Yes, he did. Yes, He was getting ready to commit suicide. But Paul said something. He said, do yourself. no harm, no harm. We are here and tonight after all that we have been through, we have a leader in a person of Bishop Don W Shelby, a man that is poised a man that is precise, a man that is personable. He has led us through this pandemic and we praise as we continue to move on. we're here. Look around you. Those that are watching us live, put some hearts out there. We all here. We honor our also our first lady, our supervising cheerleader. Andrea Shelby. We love you so much. Bishop Shelby is a man of vision, a man of strength, a man of courage. He is Mother Edwards, a leader to the leaders. A man that has his wife by his side. I secretly or her the Wonder Woman. A man not intimidated by the strengths and gifts of others. We praise god for a leader that we have. I want you at this time to stand all over this building as we present god's man and power and while you're standing, I heard this story about a lion that was raised among sheep. Alright? He was raised among the sheep until he thought he was a sheep. That's right. He ate with the sheep. He grazed the field with the sheep until 1 day. he met another lion and when he met another lion, he realized who he was. This is the kind of leader that we have. You might not know who you are until you meet Bishop Don W Shelby Amen. Thank you pastor Stark and Stark. Come on. Clap your hands everybody. Come on. Open your mouth everybody. Come on. Lift your hands everybody. Come on. Eighteen plus months. We could not come here as a jurisdiction for eighteen plus months. We couldn't clap our hands in one place for eighteen plus months. We could not praise and magnify the name of god. Now, come on. You mean to tell me god has blessed us to be here tonight and we're not going to open up our mouths and clap our hands and stomp our feet and give god some glory and give god some praise. Come on. I want you to open up your mouth and shout. yes lord. Come on. Give god the praise. Everybody. come on. Come on. I know you're here but it's your praise here tonight. Come on. I know you're here but it's your joy here tonight. Amen. Amen. You might be seated. You might be seated. The hour is moving. Um we we have a little issue with with the speakers here to my left. Amen. And it's it's they're trying to correct that Um but but I'm here to tell you there's nothing wrong with that speaker that's inside of your mouth. now. maybe, maybe you can't hear that but come on. I want you to open your mouth and shout hallelujah. to you. Give the devil a spiritual headache in this place. right. Come on. That's alright. That's good. That's good. Because because the last thing we need to do is force people who came out of a pandemic to praise god. If if if they don't want to praise him, don't worry about it. sanctified children. Alright. God bless you. Look at your neighbor and say neighbor. if you've been through what I've been through, I promise you, you'll be dancing too. Alright, come on. We don't have no I want to. I want to see how much to this is Music motivate. this. I want to see how much of this is music motivating. I want to see how much of this is bodily exercise. but I want to redeem of the lord to say so in this place. I want those that have came out of darkness into his marvelous light to begin to praise and magnify god. Amen. God bless you. Sit down please. Amen. Have a seat. Have a seat. Have a seat. Thank you for a quick thank you. Do me a favor. Say neighbor. Come on. You're not helping me. Do me a favor. Say neighbor. Come on church. Do me a favor. Say neighbor. Say, listen here. trying to fix that speaker. said the young man is going to go and do it in about 2 minutes. So, you got two more minutes. to praise god like you already have what you've been praying for. You sound like it's already done. Amen. God bless you. God bless you. Amen. This time for real. Amen. God bless you. You might be seated. You might be seated. Amen. Please be seated. Please be seated. Please be seated. Amen. God bless you God is so good, isn't he? And he is worthy of all of the praise. man. I do give honor to god and his son Jesus. I praise god tonight because I can testify that I'm saved. sanctified and holy ghost filled and I'm fired, baptized. I don't have a mind to go back on God. I don't have a mind to turn my back on god. As a matter of fact, my dear brothers and sisters, I am running for my life. God has been so good to me that I cannot even begin to tell it all. He's healed my body. He's blessed. my family. He's kept my church together. He's kept his jurisdiction together. God has been so good to us and tonight, we are back for day number two of Holy Convocation 2021. entitled TheReGathering and we're blessed night. We have a very special guest with us. One of god's finest. Amen. This this man is one of the great leaders in the body of Christ. worldwide. You know, they always say that if you really want to know what somebody's doing, follow them home. well IIII went to California and I saw what this great man of god is doing and he he's not just impacting uh uh a neighborhood or even a region but he he's impacting the entire city and he is doing it in the name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. He's taking territory for the kingdom of I'm excited to have him here at Burning Bush to minister for Michigan Southwest for the very first time ever. Yeah. Come on. You can stand on your feet because tonight we make history. Tonight, we make history. to have with us. No one other than bishop Jerry Macklin, the first Assistant Presiding Bishop for the churches of God in Christ worldwide. He has served, served on the general board since 2000 2004. Um he's the former National Sunday school chairman and man II believe that he's the founding chairman of Aim. It was over summer conventions for the Church of God in Christ. Um I even heard someone say that um he's possible for you kind of putting together um the tapes and all of those videos starting that whole process He's been a leader not just since yesterday but he's been a leader for a very, very very long time. but let me tell you something. When all of his accolades and every achievement that he has made, the thing that thing that stands out the most for Bishop, Jerry Macklin, is that he's saved. I said he's saved He's a holy leader. and I'm so honored. I'm so honored to have him with us on tonight, Right before he comes, we're going to be blessed with one of the voices in the in the kingdom of god who is just taking the world by storm. Um his his music is unique. He has a powerful voice and a very powerful presence and I'm so excited to have him here with us again for the very first time. I'm talking about Wess Morgan. You've seen him on TBN CBN and you've seen him. I'm on national syndicated broadcast all over the world. He he sung before thousands and tens of thousands but tonight, he's singing for us in Holy Convocation 2021 and he's going to come and minister um for for about 10 minutes and then right after he concludes, there's going to be a video introduction um of our illustrious speaker Bishop Macklin and then once that introduction has concluded, I'm going to ask you an honor and respect for the first Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ. if everyone would labor to their feet and I want you to do more than just clap your hands. I want you to pray for him. I want you to god to touch his body. I want you to ask god to allow his favor to rest upon him and his family. not just today but today and forevermore. Say amen in that order. please brother Morgan, Good evening, everyone. Good evening to all of the wonderful men of god that are uh here tonight. Thank you Bishop Shelby for including me. sir. You're looking good today. I got I'm going to have to find out where you're shopping at though. Can we just have a good time tonight? After all, we all been going through some stuff. You know what I'm saying? We are just at least just take a little bit of time and enjoy being here together. Now, I'm going to tell you, I've been going through some stuff and I've been experiencing a major transition in my ministry and in my life and so I just want to invite you into my prayer closet for a few minutes. Is that alright? Now, I'm notorious for saving a song. I grew up on that old Donny Hathaway and Minnie Ripper Those songs were good boy. when you make them vertical. You know what I'm saying? One of my favorites. This is my prayer closet. Y'all want to go or no? Go ahead. It's out of love. You Love you. My life. so beautiful. everything. everything that I do. It's just because I'm falling. with you. That's what you do when you're in love right there. Help me right here, ladies Rock. Come on. That was cool. I might give y'all another chance on that one. Alright. each moment. with you. It's just like a dream. that. came through. and I know We'll be the same. y'all. Don't be worried. We're going to church in a minute. We've got That won't ever change. if you're in love with it. Come on church folk. The Bishop ain't going to be mad at you. Come on. You're in love with Jesus. Come on. with a time to tell me. really care. and and I always love you. For You gotta go back to your first love. forever. I want you to know I love you. I'm going to love you forever. Yes, I will. Come on. If you love him, just lift up your hands and say I love you Jesus. I get it mixed up sometime. My dad's a jazz guitarist and my mother was a church organist and so sometimes I have to just mix it up a little bit. I want to sing this song real quick called Get Me Through. We wrote this song a few years ago. How many know that god can get you through any kind of situation no matter what it is, I'm ready whenever you are. just play that track for me. Look at somebody and say god's going to get you through crack that track up for me. Real good, sir. I'm for the price. I can't give up now. I've come to realize that these problems that I'm facing are just tell you in the race, I know that I keep my and I get and I want to be get me. Those are the plans and he but the pros and to help you the future. we're going to win. keep on saying to yourself, get me through. get me through this. me. me and say it with me now. He's going to get me. See you. He going to get me. Come on. If you believe it, lift your hands and say god He's going to get me through. I'm a living witness. Come on. Going to get me. I know I know that I'm a living witness. He's going to get you. job. but I know that if he did it for If you Oh god. I'm Good morning. me. Anybody ever needed something he provided right on the spot. I wish I had a two or three people in here that know he's a provider. faithfulness. I just celebrate. I don't know what you need tonight. I don't know what you came from but I come to give him praise in advance for what he's about to do in my life. He's been a deliverer for me a healer for me. I just need two or three people who's not suffering from amnesia and you remember where god brought you from to open up your mouth and give him a real praise. I'm not talking about that little patty cake stuff that you do at home. I'm talking about open up your mouth and say thank you. Thank you. high five, two or three people and say, I've just been through it, honey. I can't help it. I got to give him praise If I don't give him praise, I might lose my mind. I've been through too much. I feel like first lady I said, don't wait till the battle is over right now. I wish I had somebody that had been shot before The battle is won before you get the victory. Shout it right. I got get two or three people inside baby. I hadn't forgotten where I was when God came through for me. I'm not suffering from amnesia. when I was down on my I could not get up. Don't let this white boy come in here. time. 123. Go. I love y'all. Let's get some word in this now. 1231. More time for me. just for me. One, two, Bishop. Jerry W. Macklin is a native of San Mateo, California Bishop and Lady Vanessa founded Glad Tidings Church of God in Christ in Hayward, California in 1978 with more than forty active ministries bringing life and hope to a diverse community. This servant church is a dynamic voice throughout Northern California today. Glad Tidings Church continue to mobilize and equip hundreds of caring people to respond to communities in crisis home and abroad. Bishop has served on multiple boards including Saint Rose Hospital, Patton University, executive board member for Prison Fellowship Usa, Hayward Community Policing, County Donor Network, and California State University, East Bay Presidential Search Committee in the Church of God in Christ Bishop's leadership has expanded four decades including the National Publishing Board National Sunday School department superintendent, and founding chairman of Aim Auxiliary Ministry Convention in 1998. Bishop. Macklin was consecrated as an auxiliary bishop and the 2001 Founding NorCal Metropolitan Jurisdiction in 2004. he would be elected to the Church of God in Christ General Board in 2007. He would ascend to the chairman of PCC, a Pentecostal Charismatic churches of North America representing more than twenty Pentecostal denominations in 2008 Bishop was elevated to the office of second Assistant Presiding Bishop under the leadership of presiding bishop Charles E. Blake Senior where he has served for the past 12. years as 2019 unfolded. Black Tidings Church embraced a new name, reflective of a changing community and a broadening vision. Glad Tidings Institutional Church of God in Christ Bishop Macklin Global Reach continues to stretch around the world including Haiti, Brazil, Germany, India, Nigeria, South Africa, and Indonesia. as speaker of the World Pentecostal Conference Bishop is a recipient of numerous citations, honors, and awards including Hayward, highest, humanitarian and lifetime achievement Award and the and the distinguished Area's most influential African American Clergyman award in our nation's capital Bishop, Macklin represented the Church of God in Christ and delivered the invocation for the 113th United States Congress. He and Lady Macklin have been married for 46 years and have five children, two sons, three daughters, and eight grandchildren Michigan Jurisdiction welcomes First Assistant Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ, Incorporated Bishop Jerry W Macklin, Dear lord, we love you tonight. We thank you for this opportunity. We have to share Thank you for every man and woman, Every young person that has gathered here in this reGathering Convocation. We ask your blessings upon us tonight that the spirit of the lord rain down in this place. Speak to our hearts. Give us of your riches both new and old Inspire us for the days ahead and let us continue to paint on the canvas of our tomorrows. if you do it, We give you praise, glory, and honor. in Jesus precious and mighty name. All of god's people said, thank god. thank god and amen. May the lord bless you. Please be seated everybody. Thank you so very, very much and to this wonderful setting of saints that have come and many of you have not seen each other since you saw each other last but you're here tonight and those who are joining us online, you're just as important as everybody else that's sitting here and I think we we ought to give the of our Convocation a hand just for being online with us. Come on. Come on. Let's do that now. Hallelujah. Glory to god. We give god praise for all of you tonight and for what the lord has done. and to be be in the setting. never been in this sanctuary before and and I'm absolutely just overwhelmed by the presence of god. Uh some people get a new church and lose their anointing Some people get a new facility and forget they used to shout but I'm glad that that has not happened here. Come on somebody. Praise the name of the lord. You are carrying on in the presence of the lord and I am so happy to see you tonight. I'm honored to be here and to have the privilege to be with um one of the most exciting voices in the church of god in Christ today. Oh, come on somebody. Bishop Don. Shelby has brought fresh wind to our church. and you don't need to be mad Just learn to flow with it. and uh he has certainly come. You know, some people come to a place of promotion and they show up with their fork and spoon and knife in hand and then there are others that show up and say, allow me to help set the table. Well, that's what happened when he and his wife and his family they've come to and to share and that they have done and I know you're happy and thankful that god has given you that kind of a leader that is blessing the people of the lord. Thank you so much. We were honored to have them in our little city. A little one church town and uh but we were honored to have them with us and this actually his son was the invited guest to preach at our uh at our youth congress. I guess that was it and uh but the whole family came to support him. I said, you know, that's that's what I'm talking about and I said my goodness, this just worked out well. I was trying to figure out a way how to find that thing around and and see if I can keep him another day and say y'all y'all think that's come on back tomorrow. you know and uh We have given them an open invitation and I look forward to both of them coming back to be with us. What an honor it is tonight to be here. Uh so many friends and uh uh pastors uh who are here tonight, leaders of our church Bishop Darren uh Burns. I'm so glad to see him. Where are you? There he is. Praise god. What a blessing he is to the church of God in Christ Bishop Phil Jackson is here tonight. and he has been the glad tidings and uh let it in shambles. Praise god and I'm so glad to see him tonight. Uh Bishop uh Gibbons is here tonight. Uh we call each other cousins because I have an uncle who's passed on now but his name was uh was Edgar Givings and he looked identical I mean, you couldn't tell them apart to Bishop Gibbons and he was the head of the board and a phenomenal guitarist and uh for Bishop um uh there in San Jose Bishop Mathis and the name of the church that he went to that he built helped to build was prayer garden Church of God in Christ in San Jose and so I just knew that when I met him, we were connected. Do you ever meet somebody? You know, you're connected to them? Praise the name of the lord. Then there's some folk folk you meet. You want to be connected. Listen, I'm just going on Bishop Johnson. We're glad to see you. Bishop. Lester Johnson. Come on. and uh my dear dear friend of so many years close close friend and we have been together for so long. We've worked together for so long. We were both youngsters when we got started. Uh never mind the rest of that but anyway, we were friends and that's the one and only Bishop Jack Whitehead So glad to see him tonight and I hope I'm not leaving anybody else out. Praise the name of the lord. Did I leave anybody else out? I hope not. Praise god. Well, we're glad to have all of you with us tonight. Enjoy the music, praise, and worship. I said, oh my god, I saw them. So, those young people, they got that special kind of shout. they can do on one leg, back and forth. everything. I was sitting next to an older gentleman one time. He said it don't take all of that. I said, tell the truth. You can't do all that and that that's that's really the bottom line and so, I was in uh in South Africa and uh we were there and boy, they were having church that night and and and my brothers and sisters in South Africa, man, they started a line dance and they were doing that thing. I mean, they man, they could do it and one of the guys with us jumped up and said, sit down You're going to throw your hip out and we have to try to get you back home. I said, just clap your hand nod your head. You know you'll be alright. Praise the name of the lord and uh so we celebrate the fact that god is using them and for that, we're thankful. Thank you my brother for singing for us tonight and then I understand that um uh Helen Reese is in the house. Helen, where are you? I thought that was you. I'm so glad to see her. Uh we go back a long long way when I was uh in charge of Sunday school and before when I was working for Bishop Williams and it was his assistant. She was in charge of the Jenny B. Jones T in the International Sunday school department and uh I was so shocked that that was her son that came to escort me to church tonight and I said, you know who's son and I he said, mama going to be here. I said, boy, I'm glad to see her and uh god bless you. We go back a long ways. Let me tell you folks, you work your way up and you fight your way down. You'll catch it sometime tomorrow. The moment your attitude changes you're on an escalator that's going down You go up with a bad attitude. Don't look at anybody else. Look up here. Look up here. You'll you'll never go up like that. You've got to learn to say God, whatever it is, I'm going to make it. however you want me to serve. I'm going to serve and there's some people that want to wait until they get to the big chair and then decide to serve too late. Let me tell you something IIII traveled extensively and sometimes I meet people who are waiting for that appointment and a church comes up or whatever position comes up and they want to know where do I, what I got. I want to fill out an application. I said, you're too late, son. I said, you've filling out the application for the last 10 years. or you won't get that till tomorrow. Amen. You're filling out the application when the position comes up, you don't have to fill out an application. You just have to sign it and date it. It's over already. Alright. Okay. I'm in Detroit. Alright, thank you very much. Praise the name of the lord. Glad to be here tonight with a wonderful, wonderful son of this area and that's in uh the lot is here. Jared, stand up son. and I um I'm glad he came tonight because I wanted to thank you for all that you put into him. You trained him well. I mean, you train him Detroit style and uh you you trained him so well and by the time he came to Hayward, he was set to go and I said, lord, when I get to Detroit, I'm going to tell him thank you. Oh god, I'm talking to somebody and his parents are here tonight as well and I'm so glad to see them. God bless both of them. We pray for you all all the time. sister Jackson. God bless you. Well, I guess I have stalled as long as I can. I was trying to stall and when they were shouting a moment ago, I said, god just take over and then I can say, man, we had so much church. I didn't even have to preach But y'all quit too soon. I want to share with you tonight. from a passage of scripture. Actually, there are three passages but I don't want to read all three of them at one time. Somebody say with me, story number one. Story number two. and story number three. and that's what I want to uh to share with you tonight. A three stories are all found in the New Testament in the gospels. Uh one story is uh takes place at church. Another story takes place beyond church and the third story takes place after church. at Church Beyond Church after church. story shines the light of the behavior of members in the church. A synagogue church. Yeah. Talks about how folk act at church The second story gives us what goes on outside of church because sometime people like different outside and they do inside Have you ever met anybody that was different in church than they were outside of church? I mean, in church, they speak in tongues but outside, they can speak well anyway and then the third thing is that one gives us a light of what goes on after church. You'll be surprised how little church matters when church is over god. you're going to have to help me tonight. Uh you'll be surprised how people act in church or maybe you would not All three passages tonight highlight the ministry of Jesus and all three highlight the ministry of demons and all three of them reveal how people act. God help us a little while. Do you have a few minutes tonight? If you do, I want you to go to church with me and let's join Jesus in church. Somebody said, let's go to church with Jesus. We find our first story tonight found in Mark chapter one verse 23. and uh well, since we're not going to stand for all of them, I'll let you stand for this one. Please stand Mark chapter one and verse Twenty-three, You're going to have a great time tomorrow night because the presiding bishop from the city of Detroit is coming to be with you in your Convocation. and I know you're looking forward. You're going to be blessed. Bishop. She will be here and he's been on the road. He's been working hard and I know you're going to receive him in a great way and welcome one of your own. I said and welcome one of your own Praise the name of the lord. He's leading us to higher heights and for that, we're thankful Mark chapter one verse Twenty-three. Let's go to church and they went into Capernaum and straight away on the Sabbath day, he entered into the synagogue and taught and they were astonished at his doctrine for he taught them as one that had authority and not as the scribes and that was in their synagogue. A man with an unclean spirit in church and he cried out saying, let us What have we to do with thee? Thou Jesus of Nazareth are thou come to destroy us. I know thee. thou art holy one of god. Let us alone. I want to talk to you tonight for a few minutes. Uh we won't stay in church too long but I want to talk to you tonight for just a few minutes from a subject that's simply entitled Lord, don't leave me alone. lord. don't leave me alone. Well, let me say this side Lord. Don't don't leave us Don't leave us alone. Come on everybody. Say it with me one more time. Lord Don't leave us alone. You may be seated. Don't leave us alone. You ever been by yourself? You ever had experiences in life where some people just always bug you? Don't look around. Look up. Stop looking at folk. Look up here. When people come to church just so they can cut eyes and folk. No, no, just some people just just won't leave you alone. The Bible says that were in their synagogue. Jesus comes and he's already called his disciples and the first thing he does is take them to church. and so he heads to church with his new call disciples and moves in the direction of the synagogue and when he gets to church, Wouldn't you know it? There was a man with an unclean spirit crying out in the middle of church. You ever been to church and heard demons speak Alright, let me let me talk to folk. That'll tell the truth. Have you ever been to church and and and seen somebody act up with the devil? Alright, I'm just checking. Just checking my problem with this passage of scripture is this, I've often wondered how long had he been coming to church I'm here. I'm getting ready to go there. Just hang on. Now. I want to know. was he a member? of the church? Yeah, he had the devil in him now. Mm hmm. What's he in office holder? in the church? Did he have a title or position? Yes, sir. In the church. Was he on the trustee board, the beacon board or in the choir? Did he give money to the church? I don't lost my house already. What's his family A long time? Long time family in the church. Who else in church knew that he was demon possessed. And y'all going to pray tonight. and who else in the church was just like him? The Bible said that there was in their synagogue, A man with an unclean spirit and he was sitting up in church. Stop looking around. Look up here. and then Jesus showed up in church. Now, what was going on in church before Jesus got there? That's another story. I suppose we could have entitled this part of the message when Jesus comes to church. Mm hmm. Perhaps, we could have entitled this part of the message unexpected guest not welcome here. You gotta be careful who's always on the front door because sometimes anyway, next door uh guess who's coming to church? we should say. Guess who's not coming? His name is not on the program but he's always on time. Let us alone. We we. What do we have to do with the how Jesus of Nazareth? What are you doing here Bothering us. We were having church and everything was just fine and now you have showed up and there's something when Jesus showed up in church, because when Jesus show up, you can't show up but that's another story. God help me a little while here tonight. Can I talk to somebody in this area? The Bible says the demons spoke for uh spoke out but the demon did not have just one name. He had Jesus had one name. He's I know who's that But listen, let me tell you something. The demons spoke out and all the demons he represented. He recognized that this was a confrontation, my brothers and sisters, when you look at this, this is not just a confrontation between two people between two men between two forces. No, this is really a confrontation, a confrontation. my brothers and sisters uh between two kingdoms that are and that of Satan and Jesus forced the demonic to give. Well, this man who was filled with demons to give his own name Uh the NET Bible. The Bible says it this way, leave us alone. Jesus. the Nazarene have you come to destroy us. We know who you are. What are you doing here? We've been having church all this time and you haven't showed up and now you're here and I can't help but act up The Bible said, what business do we have with you? Yes, sir. Jesus of Nazareth. This is this is just a Sunday morning service and what are you doing here? We have a program. We have that it's already written out and and we know who's on program. Jesus and and and and we know who's day it is. Can I talk talk to somebody and we can't have any You just can't be running up in here like that because I've been waiting for the whole year to have my anniversary I'm trying to talk to somebody for just a little while. Uh it's it's it's been a whole month since I've been on programming and uh we can't have Jesus just showing up like this because of Jesus. show up somebody else. They're not going to be able to show out because Jesus seems to have a way of taking over when he gets there. When's the last time you've been to church? And Jesus said, I'm in charge. I got this. Mm hmm. You're trying to have the choir saying, Jesus said, I got this. My god, somebody's trying to testify. Jesus said, I told you I got this. Somebody else is trying to say next on programming. Jesus said, I told you I got you. I got this. Praise god. When my spirit com that turns programs upside down. when my spirit shows up the stuff that you thought you were going to do, you're not able to do it because Jesus shows up. Isn't it wonderful when Jesus comes to church but everybody's not happy about that. The devil is uncomfortable When Jesus is present. The devil is aware when Jesus is present, The devil knows that he cannot do his normal thing. When Jesus shows up, The man filled with demons said, let us alone In other words, don't disturb us. don't hurt us, and don't destroy us. We need to stay the way we are. Demons have worked out a mutual agreement that says, I won't act up on Sunday if you let me act up the rest of the week, Lord, I'm feeling cold spirits up in here. is it II? Think it must be the air conditioner in this house. I'm not sure what's going on here. Lord Jesus of Nazareth, can't you just leave us alone? We're trying to have a good organized church service and after all, it's already timed out. It's supposed to be an hour and a half with the new pandemic services we're having now. you're going to be on online for the 90 minutes and we're trying to do this like this and you're going to fool around and act up because when you show up, somebody starts thinking about who you are and what you've done and somebody starts thinking about it before you brought them from somebody starts thinking about the kind of stuff that they were in and before long they start shouting out. and how you going to have church when somebody's shouting Glory. how you going to have church when somebody's shouting? Hallelujah. Jesus. You you you you need to get up out of here. I want you to know something about Jesus. Watch him because we can learn how to handle demons. This is a demon driving lesson. Come on Bishop. Notice that Jesus does not ask the choir to sing when the devil speaks out God, I lost somebody here. Can I can I talk? somebody. Oh, we're going to church. We're going to church. He does not ask the ushers to drag him out. Get him out of here. He does not ask the adjective to pull out his other holy ghost. You won't get that till tomorrow. I didn't know there was another holy ghost food with some saints. They'll show you what they got. Lord, help me here today. Uh yeah, you haven't got it yet but don't worry about it. No, he confronted the unclean spirit commanded the devil to shut up. and come out. I know some of you are saying Bishop please, whatever you do, don't disturb the devil. We're trying have a good Convocation and you start telling the devil to shut up. He may act up here tonight. but some saints around that would tell the devil. Come on if you want. I don't hear nobody today, Bishop Bishop Shelby. I have I have my two little grandsons. This has been years ago and uh one was about, I don't know, 3 years old. The other may have been one and a half or 2 years old. He was just learning how to talk real good. Still had his pamper on but the other one had grown out of his pamper. They both were sitting on the couch but the the big one kept fooling around and hitting on the little one and finally, the little one Garrett couldn't take it no more and he jumps down on the floor and looks up at at at Langston and said teed off on him and said, you want some of this? And when you're about 2 years old, you ain't got much to give. I don't hear nobody today but I think every child of god ought to have enough Holy ghost. So, when the devil shows up, you can say you want some of this. If there's anybody that's got enough Holy ghost to say you want some of this, praise god. I've got something. You want it. Come on. Praise god. I've got hold on. I better leave y'all alone here today. Glory to god. You think the disciples, they didn't know exactly what was going on Demons were at church. Listen, that that that story. Let me move on to story number two. Somebody say story number two. My god, I'm trying to hurry up. We get to Mark chapter five and then my god. the Bible says that Jesus across on the sea of Galilee or some call it my god over to the other side, to the country of the gals and when he was come out of the ship immediately. The Bible says that met him. A man of the tombs, a man with an unclean spirit who had his dwelling among the tombs and nobody could bind him. No, not with chains. Jesus showed up and here's come the devil because that he had been bound often with feathers and chains and the chains have been plucked. The sun and the kings had broken in pieces and neither could any man tame him. He was always night and day in the mountains in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones but when he saw Jesus somebody say when he saw Jesus something happens when Jesus shows up. That's why you don't want to have church without him. Praise god. Hallelujah. You can talk to try to talk to him. Well, listen, what I want to do is talk to you about Jesus. Now, you don't have to act that way. I want you to act nice. You know what? Let me tell you something. Alright? I'm all for But brother and sister, when you get ready to deal with demons, you're going to need some power. There's somebody in this house now that's scared that I'm even talking about that don't. there's no way. Keep up Bishop. Don't worry. We got some saints here. We'll pray him off here. Praise god. Do I have anybody that will help me pray the devil off somebody Glory to god. When he saw Jesus before he ran and worshiped him and cried with a loud voice and said, what have I to do with thee? thou son of the most high And when the people of the city heard that my god, when they heard that the uh the demon man had been delivered uh something happened. You would think that something positive would have taken place after all he was no acting irrational. He was no longer a and threatening people. He was no longer cutting himself with stones. He was no longer an absent father. He was no longer a territory. His neighbors, he was no longer breaking chains. He was no longer howling through the night. He was no longer moving among the tombs but now he's sitting at the feet of Jesus cloth and in his right mind some people laugh at us because we come to church because we're there with Jesus. Listen, anybody with good sense would be sitting at the feet of Jesus. Do I have anybody here tonight that say, you know what? I'm sitting at the feet of Jesus. My god. Ain't nothing wrong with me either. I'm clothed in my right mind and sitting at the feet of Jesus. Now, you would think that the mayor and the city council would have showed up when they heard Jesus was there that the man had been delivered that they would have showed up and said, Jesus, we want to give you the key to the city. Whoo and declare there's a Jesus day. We are so happy you came because we couldn't do nothing with this now and we want to proclaim this as Jesus name. That's not what happened. They didn't give me the key to the city. They would have come declaring that but they did not. The Bible says in Mark chapter five verse seventeen, they came and began to beg Jesus for him to depart out of their coats. Something is wrong with this. Jesus shows up and helps your city and Tell Jesus, get out. I'm talking to somebody that's going through something with your city government right now. Listen, Jesus shows up and the man who had been a terror to everybody is now delivered and somebody gets mad, you won't get this until tomorrow. There's some folk that don't like seeing other folk delivered Oh god. I'm about to I'm about to get up in trouble up in here. The Bible says that when Nehemiah showed up in Jerusalem that the enemies of Nehemiah and the people of god got mad because there was a man who had come to seek the welfare of the city. Praise the name of the lord and there's some people that want you to stay in church keep the doors closed and have a nice little time but don't come out. We don't need you to serve the city. We've got the city already set up the way we want it to be. I'm about to lose my up in here. We've got everything set the way we want it to be. We have a we have a hood over here. A hood over Got a ghetto over here. Can I talk to somebody today? We got a section for poor folk over here and a section for the rich folk over here and when Jesus shows up, he has a way of rearranging seats. He has a way of doing stuff in people's life that turns things around and before you know it, those that were poor are not rich and if you're not careful, those that are rich will turn out to be poor. There's somebody sitting in this house right now that has a witness that he will turn your life around and there are people in the city that don't want that to turn around because they need you to stay where you are. Some people you glory, Lord, let me say this. Some people can't be tall as they stand on somebody else. I feel something here but I'm trying to hurry up and get out of this. They can't be who they want to be unless they make you who you're not. but I want to say to you, don't ever, ever, ever, never, ever, ever, ever **** with anybody on their way back. number one and number two, never allow anybody to have the power to say no. They don't have the power to say yes Don't allow anybody to stamp on your dream. When god has birthed something in your spirit, stop letting people be the last word in your life. If you don't like what I'm on, that's your problem. If you can't stand what god is doing in my life, that's your problem. Every time you go back and get mad because somebody mad at you, you give them power over your life. I don't know nobody. I like enough to give you power over your life. I want to tell you something. If you don't like what god is doing, that's on you but I'm not going to praising him. I'm not going to stop magnifying and I'm not going to stop. Can I leave a word in this house for somebody And I don't know who this is but if I'm talking to you, you'll know it. Let me tell you today, I just came all the way from California to tell somebody today, stop waiting on people to celebrate you. Can I talk to somebody here? Listen, I don't mind you being here but I don't need your hand clap to take me to the next level. I don't need your praise to take me to where I'm going. You've got to stop looking over your shoulder and waiting for people to clap for me. If you don't have a clap for me, I got I gotta move on. I gotta move on here. Glory to god. Listen, listen. Listen. Listen. Jesus. Live. Our city. Now, you want to know what a city look like Without Jesus, I can tell you all about it. Leave us alone. We're just fine the way are. We've learned to live with the demons. Lord. I'm trying to talk to somebody today. Jesus, you have come to town and you have disturbed the status quo. We need to stay just like this. Oh, I don't I don't hear nobody today. I want to talk to somebody from Detroit and say to you, I'm going to give you a word right now. Don't you put your head down and talk about look what happened to Detroit. The devil is alive. It's not. Look what happened is look what's happening. My god. I feel like god is bumping something in your spirit. I feel like god is telling you, get ready to paint on the canvas of a new tomorrow. I feel like somebody has to turn around and look and say, yeah, it was bad but you wait till tomorrow. I want to say every That's in the house. Can I give you? This is just for pastors. Don't y'all listen. this is for pastors only. This is my pastoral workshop right here. pastor. if you ever have trouble in your church, I don't care how bad it is, what went down, how ugly it may have been. You got one way to get out when you get to talk about. Yeah, that happened. Yeah, that happened. Yeah, that happened but here's your next word. Just wait till tomorrow. Is there anybody that's been going through some changes in your life? Anybody here been filing some effects of the devil coming at you, then you ought to open your own mouth and say, just wait till tomorrow. I've been through something but just wait till tomorrow. I've had some downs but just wait till tomorrow. The devil tried to stop me but just Jesus did not come to the earth to rubber stamp the status quo. Can I talk to somebody When you look at this passage of scripture, they were mad because Jesus upset the balance of power As long as we can keep you down and we can stay up but when Jesus comes, he has a way of picking folk up. I wonder, can I talk to somebody today? I know what I'm talking about because I know what happened in Hayward. I know how mad the devil got. I know how mad the devil was. I know why he wanted to take me out. I understand all of that and that's because we had upset the powers. My god in this retreat plan that the devil had to keep us down was turned around and god said, I'm going to show you who I am. I'm going to take people who are down and put them on their feet I'm going to take people to look like they had nothing and give them houses. I'm going to take people that look like they didn't have nothing going I'm trying to talk to somebody today. Look at the passage very carefully. You will notice that Jesus impacted the economics of the city because all of those pigs that drown themselves represented money and now all of a sudden, all the money they had was drowned out and look like in a moment. all that they were looking for was gone and their money was gone because Jesus showed up. Oh, can I talk to somebody? But the man that was delivered went back home. Jesus said, don't come with me. Go home. Oh, I'm I'm trying to talk to somebody today. We got some brothers who want to be superstars. Go home. You'll never be more of a star out here than you are at home. I don't I don't lost my house. I don't lost my house. Can I talk to somebody? Go home so your wife will see you really are who you say you are. I was counseling with a young man and he came in with his wife and boy, it was really going at it and uh she said, I don't know why he keeps yelling at me, yelling at her. What in the world are you yelling about? And he hit his hand on the on the desk. He said, I'm the man of my house and the woman turned around and looked at him and said in a very soft. She said, honey, you were a man when I married you did something change Yeah, you won't get that till tomorrow. if you're really the man, you don't have to have a business card to say I'll be the man if you're really the man, you don't have to to have a sign on your house to say I'm the man. You don't have to have a license plate to say I'm the man. If you're just the man Can I talk to somebody today? My god. If you're the man, just be who god made you to be. If you're the woman of god, just be who god made you to be. If you're a person with an anointing, you don't have to walk around and threaten nobody. I'm about to lose my house up in here. My father was trying to train a bunch of of us young ministers how to preach and one young man kept getting up. I got the bomb. I got the ball. I got the bomb. My father got up, said son but sit down. boy, you don't have to tell nobody you got the ball and said if you got it, just drop it. Everybody would know it and he said, if you're dropping it, don't let it happen. Everybody know that too. You don't have to threaten nobody with who you don't know who I am. Just be who you are. If you say you have an anointing, just act like if you say you can lay hands on the sick Oh, I don't hear nobody today. Can I minister up to him a little while? My god, there was a lady whitehead who came to church and she got so mad. I said, sister, why are you mad? She said, because the preacher, they won't let me use my gift and I said, what is your gift? She said, I got the gift of healing. They won't let me lay here. They won't let me use my gift. I said, sister, I feel you, baby. I know exactly what you're talking about. I said, listen, I'm going to fix that. She said, what you going to do pastor? I said, you come with me tomorrow. Meet me down here down here at 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. I'm on the board for the When you walk in, you see my picture up on the wall. I'm going to walk into the hospital and tell the chaplain, I said, this woman has the gift of healing and he's going to take you around from room to room. Just lay your hand on folk and raise them up. Everybody know it. I don't hear nobody today. You don't have to argue about it. If you have the gift of healing, Margaret, if you got the gift of healing, start praying for somebody and start telling them be healed in the name of Jesus. Be delivered Jesus. You get out of here. We can't deal with you no more. I got a call. Let me get out of here. Oh my god. Somebody says story number three. Story number three and I got to close with this. It's found in Luke chapter four verse twenty-nine. The Bible says that Jesus, my god has been out and he's already been into the high places. He's already been tempted of the devil. My god And now he shows up at church. Somebody say, come on Bishop. I'm coming right now. Jesus gets out and as a result of that, he shows up at church and when he shows up, he said, the spirit of the lord is me because he's anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach and live to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised and to preach the acceptable year of the lord and then the Bible said, he closed the book and sat down because he was finished and then he began to teach the word and preach while he was sitting down and the Bible said they were all white if he would just read it but then he started preaching. Let me tell you my brothers and sisters understand what I'm saying. There was nothing that would deliver a man like the preaching of the gospel and it's unfortunate now that we've turned the pulpit into a lecture and turn around and start giving lectures about god. It's a shame that now we turn the pulpit into a motivational station when we come to of people. It's a shame that that we turn the pulpit into a comedian station When we come to crack jokes to make fun and make people laugh. There's nothing wrong with laughter. Nothing wrong with being motivated. Nothing wrong with hearing election that if you're going to have power, if you're going to be delivered, you need the gospel. I came by to tell somebody to preach word. as I preach the word. Yes, I know it's a pandemic but open your Bible because the world needs the word of god and I hear somebody saying, oh, Don't leave us alone. The Bible tells us what happens after church. They got so mad at the word of god that they took Jesus out of church. and marched him to the end of the city and they wanted to throw him over because they didn't like the word but the Bible said, Jesus turn around and walked right between him and said, you can't touch this. Hallelujah. They couldn't do nothing with it but they wanted him to leave him alone. in the number one Is that leave us alone? Story number two, leave us alone. Story number three, leave us alone but I came here tonight to Burning Bush Convocation to say, lord, Is there anybody here that will help me? Leave me alone. I can't make it. Don't leave me alone. Who you want me to be if you leave me alone I've got to hurry and close. I want to say to every church, listen to me tonight. Don't fall for the rope. a dope but I want you to stay inside. your church and have a nice little time clapping The devil don't want you to come out of the church but whatever you do, don't leave your city alone There's an alcoholic that said, don't leave me have a drug addict. that they don't need me alone. There's a marriage that's falling apart. that's I don't need me alone. I'm trying to hurry on somebody say, you know what? I'm not going to bother him. I ain't going to bother nobody. I'm going to just leave him alone. That's a trick of the enemy. I'm talking to somebody. and when I call your name, and your hand that somebody here that has a daughter that's out of the ark of see that somebody here that has a That's not living for god That somebody here that has a daughter that turned their back Oh my god. And the devil said, leave me alone. That's the trick. of the enemy. That's the trick of the devil. Don't Oh lord. Keep on praying. Keep on going. He's lifting her up. for the. Leave her alone and I don't want god to leave her alone. If that's your daughter, lay your hand and help me shout on. That's somebody here that have a son. who brought him up in church but he texted me and he's in the world. The devil called you Leave him alone. I came to tell you whatever you do, How long you've been there? he found somebody's **** I got the hell on. but I feel like a miracle getting ready to happen. in this house. And this getting ready to take place. and thank god. don't leave us. alone. My family is falling apart but don't leave us alone. Our church is on the border but don't leave us but don't leave us. Is there anybody that knows you have the church. the peace. You won't get it to the mother. Is that the church is called to be the peace. the church. is called to disturb. That was a tree. Jesus. disturbed him. The man at the pool. but this time, there was a man at the gate. He was disturbed by Peter. Somebody shout out god. Your Can I have 3 minutes? Can I have 3 minutes? Can I have 3 minutes? 369? That's what I mean. have called you. That don't matter the drug addict don't leave him. Somebody shout It was a few years ago. I was in Alabama to dedicate my daughter, my son's baby daughter. She was only a few months old. So, I flew to Birmingham. I preached for Bishop Meadows. We dedicated the little girl but after church, a man walked up to me with his wife and little boy and said, Bishop, do you remember me? I looked I said no, I don't. He looked at me and said, Bishop, look at me. Do you remember me? I said, son II don't remember you. He said, Bishop. I used to sell drugs. outside your church. that you would come out of church. and pray for us. You would tell us that god loved us. You would pray and say, god, keep them safe. He said, you never yelled at us. You didn't scream but you came out to pray for us. Is that Bishop? I haven't seen you in a while but I live in Birmingham. He said, this is my wife. This is my little baby. I have a house. and a good job and I'm living for god. I hadn't seen him since he was on that corner. but I'm so glad I didn't leave him. I'm trying it. Yes, I am. Now, listen. that's my testimony but I wish I could find ten people. that had a testimony that said II was not walking with god. I wasn't living for god. I wasn't doing what was right. I didn't want the church. I didn't want god but there was somebody that would not me alone. I wish I had ten folk that Are you talking about me? That's 123. That's four right there. So Do I have anybody else? I would just run down here and say you're talking about me. Somebody on their mind and for me, your mama. pray for you. Had you and tell god and tell god grabbed you. god. Whatever you do, don't stop. I got a close I got a clone. but as I close let me tell you, that somebody in this house that ought to get ready for a miracle that somebody in this house that ought to get ready for a miracle. I'm going to leave it with you. I got to go. I got to go. The story with you. was in jail and they were waiting to bring him forth on the morning to kill him. like that already taken to the disciples life but here's what happened. The Bible said, the church Somebody help me say the church. kept praying. The mothers that pray every day Keep on praying. The prayer warriors that pray every day The bible said that after midnight, an angel showed up No GPS. nobody to direct him in but he Just want to go. I'm so glad that when you get in trouble, already knows where you are. your address. He showed up. He showed up. No. Notice that when the angel got there, he didn't have to have a key. I gotta find out what key works is like. you don't have to have anybody show him but the angel just walked in It was dark but the angel knew where to go. Goes to Peter tells Peter not get up and shoes on. Let's get up out of here and the Bible said they walked to the first gate, the second gate but when they got to the third gave the Bible said it opened up his own accord. Now, you are a good Sunday school student. So, I'm going to ask you when did the Iron Gate open? Come on, Detroit. When did the iron gate open? Well, I'm going to give you the answer. It opened when they showed up. I can't get nobody here. You got a miracle coming. but you got to You got a breakthrough coming but you got to You got a miracle getting ready to happen but you got to Stop. I can't go no further. I gotta quit. If I had another minute, I would tell you just a little bit more about that story because you can't read this in the the Bible. This is this is my interpretation of reading in between the verses because I believe that when Peter got out, somebody said he went straight to church. well IIII just have a different interpretation. I believe he went to church but I believe that before that Peter got outside the gate and put his napkin around his neck. and somebody said, Peter, what? what are you doing? He said, I'm uh uh uh the food in jail is real bad. So, I've I've I haven't eaten well so I'm getting ready to eat before I go to church but Peter, what do you mean that he said he prepares a table in the presence of my enemies oh yeah. and went to church. when he got there. knocked on the door. and when he knocked on the door, the living god said, Is that Peter? is at the door. They gave you a crazy He's in jail. She said no. He's at the door. So, I gotta go to my seat. I got a go to see when I tell you. Keep on praying to what you're praying for. Knocks at the door. That's enough. Everybody stand Hallelujah. Somebody lift your voice and say Jesus. don't leave me alone. Don't leave us alone. Bow your head. Lord Jesus. right where we are. in this reGathering Yes. we come to say we need this, that and the other but we can't leave this house tonight without saying Jesus don't leave us alone. We need your presence. We need your power. We need your word. Don't leave us now. Lord. We want to celebrate the fact that you promised us you wouldn't leave us and you wouldn't forsake us. and right now god we're going to give you praise. for the last months. You've not left us alone. and now we feel like shouting. Now, we feel like shouting. Is there anybody that has a testimony to tell you didn't leave me alone? I'm still here. I'm still here. everybody. hasn't left you alone. You got something to praise him for? We'll praise him. Maybe. maybe. maybe there might be one. Maybe there might be one who do not, who does not know Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. Maybe there might be one that says Bishop Shelby. I felt as if I've been alone, I'm going through this pandemic all by myself. So, it seems but I want you to know that even when you didn't know he was keeping you, he was keeping you when you didn't see him. He right there for you. If you're here this morning, this afternoon and you do not know Jesus Christ as your lord and savior after such a powerful message after such a powerful word, there's no need for you to go back home the same way that you came I'm going to ask everyone to just stand to their feet and lift their hands up in the air. Everyone under the sound of my voice everyone under the of my voice and that person, that person who does not know Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. I'm going to ask if you would just lift your hands up just a little bit higher. If you're a backslide, if you lift your hands up just a little bit higher, if you're that person who has a terminal disease in your body and you say, lord, I need you to not leave me alone. Heal my body. I want you to lift your hands up just a little bit higher If you're that individual. you got bills to do. and you can't hardly rub two dimes together. You don't know how you're going to make it from 1 week to the next. I want you to lift your hands up just a little bit higher Bishop talked about demonic possessions and he talked about people who were tormented people who were dealing with private problems in public If that's you, I want you to lift your hands up just a little bit higher. Bishop. Shelby. Why do you want me to do that? Because sometimes like the woman with the issue of blood you gotta stretch When you stretch, that means you're going to step outside of your comfort zone. You're going to do something outside of your normality. You're going to do something just a little bit more than normal. so that god can do something for you a little bit more than normal. Lift your hands and say, lord, save me. lord. help me. Now, if you're in need of deliverance, I want you to say, lord, deliver me. If you're in need of healing, I want you to say, lord, heal me. And this is one that everybody can testify if you're in need of help. if you are in need of help for any situation, any problem, any circumstance of life, I want you to say from the bottom of your heart with the loudest voice you can muster. Lord, help me say it now. Dear father god, I thank you because help is here. I thank you god because deliverance is here. I thank you god because healing is here. I thank you because breakthrough is here now God the very spirit of death has been released from all of these people. Father God. every tormenting and demonic spirit every enemy that will come to try. to rob us of our joy and make us lose our mind. Every suicidal thought every negative thought, and every adverse thought every way that is contrary to our purpose. for which we've been called We rebuke it and we come against it. and we to lose us. and let us go. Now god, every spirit of python that will come and choke the very life and strength and health father, god. every epileptic spirit, every falling spirit, every dizzy spirit, father god, every spirit of insomnia, insomnia, I'll break it down In the name of Jesus. Every condition. of nervousness and fear and doubt and worry and anxiety I break it now I come against the side effect of every pill that's working against us and not for us. I come against every prescription that is silently killing us. and now unto him, that is able to keep us from falling and present us faultless before the presence of his glory. To the only wise god our savior be glory, majesty, dominion, power both now and forevermore. Come on. Amen. Clap your hands for your breakthrough. Come on. Clap your hands for salvation. Come on. Clap your hands for healing. Don't just clap, clap clap. as if you believe clap The spirit of death has lifted every oppression. has been driven away. Jesus name. Amen and amen. Amen. God bless you. Just a few moments of your time. Our hearts didn't burn as the man of god spoke to us along the way and he preached with power And I'm going to and you're live with MSW five. We are so excited to be here with you all tonight. We have had an amazing time today in service. Amazing time, an amazing time. Assistant Assistant presiding bishop Bishop Jerry Macklin preached a dynamic word and we had a musical guest which is here with us on MSW five TV right now. Yes, pastor Wess Morgan, we surely enjoyed you. How are you feeling tonight? I'm feeling great. It's an amazing service. Uh it was refreshing for me to be able to sit down and receive tonight. Uh even though I did sing but it was uh it was very very refreshing and I enjoyed it. I appreciate you guys including me. Oh listen, we were honored to have you. I mean, he literally had all of us just blown away. We love Pastor Wesley Morgan here, Michigan Southwest fifth. I'm sorry to tell all the other jurisdictions but we're claiming pastor Wess Morgan on our side. He's a part of our family. so why we're here? You know, let's get into some things. Pastor, do you have any new music coming? Uh we just dropped a new song Why can't we love? And uh it's on YouTube. Just West Morgan. Why can't we love? You can find it however you get your music and uh we got more stuff coming but right now, I've been really focusing on this new uh launch that we're doing in Tampa, Florida. So, we just started a second campus. Um we have one in Nashville, Tennessee now we're starting a second campus in Tampa. So, we've really been busy with that. Yes sir. And um so I'm excited to get back in the studio but I got some I got some stuff in my up my sleeve. I know you do because I'm I mean this man. Right here in every vocal trick you could think of runs and all that but there's so much, so much so much love and um we're glad to have him here with us tonight. Yes. so this is TheReGathering and Bishop theme. This with really the Saints being able to come back together and so even over the past month, Bishop has branded things with revival renewal refreshing What is a word that god has spoken to you regarding the next season of your life? Well, you know, one of the things that II think about is is renewing uh and and that something that I've been teaching and preaching about for the last four or 5 months is, you know, the scripture says in Romans, it says, be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind and that's really where I am because I think what's going on in the body of Christ right now is people are not renewing their mind. They're they're acclimating to what's going on in our world today and I think it's just a time for us to renew our minds and what an awesome opportunity it for us to be right here in Detroit. Yes. And be here with Bishop Shelby and his wonderful family. uh to renew our minds and that's what this is all about. So, I was glad uh to be here tonight because I need a little renewal too and Bishop Bishop definitely broke it down. Oh, yes. Oh yes. But we are so glad to have you in Msw 5 five. you're in for a treat if you missed tonight in person, you can join in tomorrow because tomorrow night we have our Presiding, our chief Apostle Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ Bishop John will be with us tomorrow at 7:30 PM and guess who our musical guest is? You wouldn't believe it. I'm telling you, this person get here because you don't want to miss him, right? But I'll go ahead and give you a treat. He's standing kind of to the left of me. He'll be here and I let me. I'll go and ask you this. Are you saying I choose to worship tomorrow? I will. Please do. Okay. Please do. Uh I know you probably get out of the booth. We love that song. So, if you want to hear that, I mean, we heard it on the radio time and time again. We he sing it all over the country all over the world and he will be singing it right here. Amber at Mission of Southwest Southwest fifth and we have to give a shout out to the most incredible Bishop and leader of the world. Yes, Bishop Don W Shelby, and our beautiful fragrance, First lady Amber. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Oh, yes. and III will do it a thousand times a week is that they have so much love to give tomorrow. I forgot one thing though tomorrow at 1 o'clock, there's something very special happening and I need every lady of all men and women join us tomorrow at 1 o'clock PM for Women's Day. Yes, our supervising will be with us and she is going to be doing a live recording of the blood prayer. You do not want to miss it. Amber say we said that too lightly. She's doing a what? A live recording of the blood prayer part four. I'm going to tell you something and this is on a serious note. this prayer that she has the blood has helped me through so many times and I'm sure it can help you be here tomorrow at 1 o'clock to witness it in person. This is the fourth one. So we need y'all to get one, two, and three but you can be part of the live audience. forest and make sure you're here tomorrow, okay? Alright. So, I'm going to be here too. Oh, oh yes. You're going to be blessed and you're going to be blessed. Our supervising chair lady is annointed. You're going to be so blessed. So, tomorrow, we're Sharing all day. 1 o'clock Pm, 7:30 PM. We want you all to join in with us. If you can't come in person, you'll be able to watch right here online. Thank you so much for tuning in to Michigan Southwest Fit Tv. Yes and I want to tell you come tomorrow because guess who's hanging out with us? I have to tell you all again, the one and only pastor West Just hanging out with us but thank you guys so much for tuning in to NSW five. We hope you had an incredible experience watching our live stream and we'll be right here tomorrow at 1 o'clock at 1 o'clock. Be blessed. Thank you pastor. Thank you. God bless you. God bless you. Southwest fifth Jurisdiction presents TheReGathering the Holy Convocation, September 1st through fifth at Barn and Bush International Ministries Church of God in Christ 30355, Annapolis Avenue, Westland, Michigan. 48186, Hosted by Bishop Don W Shelby Jr with special guest speakers, Wednesday, 7:30 PM with Bishop, Brandon Jacobs held at Church of the Harvest twenty 202 West Dartmouth Street, Flint, Michigan, 48504. I'm not impressed with your gift. Oh, come on here. I'm not impressed with your anointing. You need to get under somebody who's not impressed with how well you preach with how well you sing with how well you prophesy and who's not afraid to tell you that I know you're gifted but if you don't some things internally, you will never be better externally. You've got to Thursday, 7:30 PM, the first Assistant Presiding Bishop, Jerry Macklin, and somebody else said, but I'm going to heaven because I want that mansion that Jesus had promised to me. Well, I came by to tell you if I don't get a mansion, it's alright. All roads lead to Burning Bush International Ministries Church of God in Christ, Friday at 1 PM Wednesday with evangelist Bonita A Shelby at Vernon Bush International Friday. 7:30 PM with the chief apostle and presiding bishop J Scheer. You ought to tell yourself I'm not going to take it back but I've already got it back. Whoever counted you out they didn't know your god. Whoever said you wasn't going to make it. they didn't know it. Oh god but touch your neighbor and say, it's alright now. Saturday, 1 PM Holy Conversations Post-pandemic Saturday, 9 PM Revival Fire Virtual via Facebook and YouTube at Michigansw 5 five, and Sunday 4 PM Official day with Bishop Don W Shelby Jr about the Don't be That's you. about the money. strategy. told me to tell you. It's time for TheReGathering. Don't miss it.
Channel: Be Revived with Pastor Keith Martin
Views: 1,006
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Jerry W. Macklin, Bushing Bush COGIC, bushing bush cogic westland mi, church of god in christ, church of god in christ convocation, church of god in christ holy convocation, church of god in christ praise break, church of god in christ praise songs, church of god in christ prayer, church of god in christ preaching, cogic praise break
Id: 6nP1EvEPsxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 29sec (9449 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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