Bishop Nathaniel Wells Jr-104 Holy Convocation.flv

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't let him down sir [Music] Oh [Music] seems to me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh what don't you [Music] [Music] [Music] mother what's going on before chest [Music] but it looks like God to ensure [Music] [Music] well Lord it's me again and I'm asking you to visit me speak to my mind today and give me a word of inspiration Lord oh yes please let it be a word of life let it be informative Lord I realized without you I can do nothing but I rest with the assurance that I can do all things through you who strengthens me thank you for this fellowship this time of sharing now God speak to my mind and I'll give you the praise I'll give you the glory I'll give you the honor it belongs to you in Jesus name thank God then a man's as I stand here tonight I thank God for the mind I want to invite you to Joshua chapter 7 verse 11 Israel hath sinned and they have also transgressed my covenant which I commanded them but they have even taken of the accursed thing and also stolen and dissembled also and they have put it even among their own stuff therefore the children of Israel could not stand before their enemies but turned their backs before their enemies because they were cursed neither will I be with you anymore except you destroy the accursed from among you sanctify the people and say sanctify yourselves against tomorrow for thus saith the Lord God of Israel there is an accursed thing in the midst of thee O Israel thou can not stand before thy enemies until you take away the accursed thing from among you I want to talk from a little simple subject overcoming the enter me pump back to me and say overcoming the enter me the worst enemy that we have is ourselves self is something else he occupies the same skin that we occupy self uses the same brain that we use in thinking his destructive thoughts he uses the same hands that you use to carry out his deeds whether you believe it or not self is the greatest handicap that we have in our daily lives I'm listening to Paul just for a moment just whisper in my mind when Paul says I then find a warring in my otherwise I got a battle going on in my mind when I would do good evil is present with me something about self that will make you do things and say things that you really know you're not saying self is a terrible thing when Paul begins to talk about that Waring he got so depressed with himself until Paul says o wretched man that I am who can deliver me from the body of this death o self will beat up on you self will make you so discouraged until you feel like throwing up your hands and wanting to walk away not wanting to live but want to give up on life self is a mess now one of the big problems that we have is that we are reluctant to recognize and identify self who and what he really is the fact and matter is and the big problem that we have we really like old self we we really like him the second problem is he lives on the inside of us yeah he sleeps with us talks with us communes with us goes to church with us shops with us yo ain't saying nothing to me that self is a mess now if self would come out and stand in front of us like a man or like a woman where we could look at him and really see him we might could handle him a little bit better but the problem is he he remains on the ends where he has more power and where he has more influence and you must remember who he is he is your intern me take a look at our cities they're crumbling I can just pick it the Southwest Michigan for a moment in South West Michigan where there has been what we call white flight where the power base has squeezed all of the juice out of the lemon what am I talking about where major business has gone and left and the tax base is no longer there cities are failing not from the outside but they are failing it from the inside great nations are crumbling let's take a look at Russia Russia the great Soviet Union it didn't fail because someone attacked it from the outside but it was the doctrine of communism that ate him up from the inside the great Roman Empire with all of its might and with all of its power it didn't crumble because it was a gigantic army that came from the outside but it was the the immorality and the corruption that ate away at the inside let's take the United States of America just for a moment the greatest empire that's ever lived in the history of mankind the United States of America is declining right in front of our eyes both morally and economically not from without but from with in there's the effort of a few who want to cause a black man to fail they'll do anything in order to make sure this man fails so he's not reluctant they don't even care about the credit of the nation all they want to do is see this man fail I'm trying to tell you our trouble is not on the outside but it's beating away on the inside I'm gonna talk to you just a little more the greatest challenge that's coming against this church it's not from the outside look at elexander the great one of the greatest military minds that ever lived he died at age 35 troubled in his mind died as a drunkard y'all don't hear me died because he couldn't see any more world's to conquer but died as an alcoholic because of the demons are on the inside there wasn't anybody spawned enough to overthrow him from the outside but it's what's on the inside that counts y'all don't hear me in the house we gotta watch what we put on the inside you got a watch what you think you got a watch how you talk to yourself because the devil is so sophisticated he used to persecute the church from the outside no longer is he throwing bricks from the outside but he's prepped on the inside he's on the inside eating away and the brothers and the sisters Oh God Almighty I hear Jesus talking to my mind when Jesus said because iniquity shall abound the love of many it's waxing cold we can shout all we want and dance all we want but I'm here to tell you if we don't love one another if we don't really care about one another y'all don't hear me huh all of us shouting it in all of our dancing it isn't in vain because the talking to me he said it's the little fossil some little foxes that eaten away at the root they go down to the root and them little foxes the little foxes like jealousy them little foxes like envy the little fox is like the little fox is like lying but the little fox is like deceitfulness y'all don't hear me in the house they're eating away and you wonder why folks change on you they're with you today and gone tomorrow because hidden sin hidden sin hidden sin this was on the inside that's eating away is what's on the inside that's stealing our joy it's what's on the inside let's take it our hope will you talk back to me say lord revive me again I think we need a new revival we need to go back and ask God Lord do it again lord I need you to stir be again need you to lift me again because them little foxes are eaten away in the pulpit they're eaten away in the choir stand they're eaten away on the mother's board and we've packed to the place in this church [Applause] in this church we were people who know how to cover up some of the greatest thespian some of the greatest thespians in the world are in the church smiling on the outside crying on the inside jumping and shouting because we know how to shout but lord and touched my heart because I know it's not my brother it's not my sister but it's me Lord with too busy throwing rocks and criticize and everybody else but you need to turn on your soul and anything that shouldn't be need you to come in here and straighten me why because I wanna be right yes I wanna be see I don't want to waste my time in the church walking outside of the world and then turn around and die and go to hell in the church y'all don't hear me because it's what's on the we all help me preach tonight tell your neighbor say neighbor this was on the inside that drives me now Touma tix as I move to the tits this period of time open let me back up just a little bit because Israel is important to us that Old Testament is important to us because 1st Corinthians chapter 10 and verse number 11 tells you all of these things happen to Israel for our example Israel is a bust type of the church can I tell you something else' spirits don't die let me tell you some assets spirits don't die people died personalities die but spirits don't die he's the same God yesterday today and forever more that same demon that was working with Israel is the same demon that wants to come and overthrow us but I'm here to tell you I'm determined I'm determined to stay in the race how many determined folks that we have in the house if you really determine I want you to help me preach some a little message tell your neighbor say neighbor I am determined the point at the pulpit and say Lord anoint him debrief Moses had died and the thirty days of mourning had passed and Moses had instructed brother Joshua he had instructed him Joshua I want you now to go on over across the Jordan River I want you to cross the Jordan but listen there is an inheritance over there but there's three tribes there's three tribes the Reuben nights and the gates and Vanessa I want Melissa to get their hair inheritance on this side of the Jordan but when you get your blessing on this side of the Jordan I want you to go across with your brothers and I want you to help them conquer the hate Heights I want you to go over there and help them the conquer the goodness the nights and I want you to help them to overcome the amorite and the Canaanites and the present sites I want you to help them to overcome the Hittites and the jebusites up there are seven nations that's bigger and stronger than you but I want you you got your blessing now but I don't want you to be satisfied with what you got on at this side of the Jordan I want you to go over there and help them other nine tribes help them overcome them seven stronger and bigger nations what is the message the message is simply this family of God there's some of us that God has blessed in you youth he is blessed many of you before you have crossed over the Jordan there's some of us that don't get our blessings until like we get to the other side but I want to tell you something you don't have to end me other folks who got blessed in their youth all you got to do is learn how the wait on the Lord and while you're waiting on the Lord you just hang in there and praise Him until your change comes up because you cannot die you can't not die until the promise of God is fulfilled in your life but while you're waiting and you hang in there and praise why do you want to praise because your praise helps to release your faith and when your faith is released your faith touches God and God operates by faith will you help me out tonight and say Lord increase my faith here he says all right you've got your blessing now but here comes Joshua Joshua begins to give instruction to the people he tells them he says first of all I want you to sanctify yourself otherwise I want you to clean yourself up you see sanctification is the cleaning of the outward man to Israel but you don't hear sanctification much now one of the things that's troubling me is that we're getting like the charismatic folks we're talking about being saved but you don't hear nobody talking about being sanctified you don't hear talking about cleaning up your life come out from amongst them and be separate that saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing y'all lookin at me funny and I will receive you but I got news for you the Holy Ghost don't dwell we all help me preach tell your neighbor say we gotta clean it up sanctify yourself then I'm when your sanctify yourself this is what I want you to do I want you to grab hold that was about three and a half feet long and about two and a half feet wide and a half feet deep are y'all with me but I want you to take this part and I want you to cover it over with gold I want you to put gold on the inside gold on the outside and then I want you to take all of the sacraments all of those things that were precious to us when God was bringing us out of the out of captivity I want you to take Aaron's rod now Aaron's rod is symbolic of me in you you you understand even nothing but a sting just the plain stick but the difference about that stick was that stick but it that stick had life in it God was in it can I tell you something we're nothing important don't care nothing about no title don't care nothing about a position that we nothing but just a stink but thank God when the Holy Ghost is inside that stick that stick will bud y'all don't hear me in here if the Holy Ghost is in you you will have life you don't hear me in the house tonight but I thank God for the Holy Ghost on the inside because this the Holy Ghost only inside that makes the difference it's not your training it's not chicken elector but it's the power of God on the inside are y'all still with me in the house the bold and bold that contains the manna and the incense because I want the children of Israel to always remember when I brought them and fed them manna while they were in the wilderness not only that I want you to take but 10 commandments and put them in the chest but not only that I want you to go get four rings you take them four rings and put them in the Lord corners of the chest and you make those four rings out of kitchen wood kitchen wood because it'll be able to span the weather y'all don't hear me but I want you then to overlay them with gold and then take you some poles make them out of kitchen wood and then take them poles and put them through before rings and I want the Levites to take the Ark of the Covenant put that arc upon your shoulders and when you get to the Jordan River when you step in to the water you see the Ark of the Covenant meant God that people help me say God with the people that not matter how much we think we know how big we think we are God is the one that has brought us where we are today so I want you to carry that Ark and as the Levites step in to the Jordan when their feet steps in God will turn around and take that water and he'll roll it back and I want you to stay in the midst of the Jordan until the whole congregation has passed through the flood y'all don't hear me in the house what I'm trying to see while you and I are passing through the flood the Levites the leaders of the church we gotta keep this word up above our heads so that the congregation not don't see us y'all don't hear me don't see man but you gotta see Jesus you gotta see the word keep your eyes on the word will you help me in here and I tell your neighbor say whatever you do keep your eyes on the word let me cross now they gotta cross the joy when they gotta cross the Jordan there were so many of the men of war who had died but now a new group had been birthed doing them of 40 years of wandering when they got across the Jordan here comes Joshua Joshua say listen what I gotta do I want to circumcise you again because there were many of you that were not circumcised so I'm gonna circumcise you again I want to renew the Covenant of Our Fathers with you y'all don't hear me that circumcision was a sign of outward sanctification meaning that the male would sanctify his body so then when he became intimate with his wife he would not pass any diseases on to his wife because he was sanctifying in his flesh and God is saying the same thing to mean you yes our fathers on the other side of the Jordan they preached holiness they lived holiness and we charge a generation we gotta come back and redo it again and remind our children of who we are we do more to jump and shout and have an emotional experience but we gotta sanctify lives we gotta live a life unspotted from the world come out from among cemre and be sanctified y'all don't hear me in here well I'm prayin for me after they rededicated themselves after the men had gotten healed God sent an angel and he appeared before brother Joshua would have sworn Joshua asked him he said are you with us or are you against us and he said I want you to know Joshua Who I am I'm the captain of the Kings hose and then he goes on to tell him and listen Joshua I want you to see Jericho God has given you Jericho you have we dedicated yourself and you've we dedicated the people now God is getting ready to take you to another level y'all don't hear me in the house mm-hmm so now here Joshua is getting ready now to step out and take Jericho now let's take a look at Jericho just for a minute Jericho was a city that was a walled city and history tells us that the walls stood between 12 to 17 feet tall and the walls were about five feet wide they weren't no weak walls so God said listen Joshua this is what I want you to do I want you to walk march around that wall just one time just go around one time but I want you to go around one time but for six days six days I want you to do it but on the seventh day I don't want the people to talk but I want to gather this I want them to be united and when you hear the trumpet blow then I want y'all to shout when you go around the seventh time and when they went around the seventh time the Bible says that the walls came tumbling down I want you to kill off everything but I don't want you to mess with stuff because all of this stuff is cursed but I want you to take the gold you take the silver you take the brass and you take that in to the chambers of the house of God y'all don't hit me in the house but that was that what [Music] just one man by the name of and the Bible tells us that a Babylonian turnaround of silver and he turned around and he stole a golden looking at him and he turned around and he buried it in his stuff but I gotta tell you [Music] I have called you out and I didn't call you because you were better than nobody else but I called you because I had a covenant with your father's and because of that covenant I love you and I don't want you to touch their stuff don't you marry their daughters huh don't you mess with their sons because you are a peculiar people y'all still with me in the house he had overcome Jericho and after they had overrun that gigantic City there was one little teeny town it was just a little teeny town called brothers touch we don't have to send many men over there because they just a few of them so he said all we gonna do is get about 3,000 of you and y'all go on over there and take the city that's why we have to be careful when God blesses us and we start to think it's us it ain't your doing it's God on the inside is God something else don't you ever get from where your blessing has come telling Israel he said I am he that giveth the power to gain you alpha I am what I am because God has brought me out how many do you know that God has brought you out if you know it tonight I want you to help me preach and tell your neighbor say neighbor the Lord has blessed me and I can't fail to give him Freeza I can't fail to give him glory [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna switch gears on you and I'm getting ready to take my seat and winning stolen and farty got away and when Israel went up against AI hey I came out against them and they turned their back I was there was a pity party and told god I wish I had stayed on the other side of the Jordan because if I'd stayed over there I never would have been in this trouble but I want to tell you I want to tell you I hear Isaiah in that 58th chapter and verse number 2 he said why have you fasted that saving and you take no knowledge he said because on the day of your fast on the day of your faster you still are exacting your own labors and you ain't change nothing all you doing it is just on a diet yo saying nothing to me but when you really get the fast and that's when you gonna give up stuff you enjoy when you gonna walk away from friends you gonna worry you don't worry about being accepted all you wanna do is present your body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service can I talk to you just for another minute well I get up from that job quit having your pity party you get up in search the game you search it you search it because there isn't a curse thing in this Church of God in Christ there's an accursed thing I said there's a curse thing in this camp and how do I know we're being sued y'all don't hear me we're being embarrassed because there's an accursed thing in the camp and we gotta get up and search the camp tell your neighbor we gotta search the camp we gotta clean up the life we got a sanctified get the curse thing out and when we get the curse thing out bodies will get healed oh yeah we will get delivered he will open doors but we gotta get there first thing out get it out of your life get it out of your hole get it out of the church huh get rid of the cursed thing and say Lord as I take my seat I hear God talking to Solomon when he tells him while he had finished the tipple he told him if my people [Applause] I'm going if my people who called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and then turn will y'all do me a favor in here I want you just to turn from your wicked ways then will we hear from heaven I will hear I will deliver I'll make ways for you I'll get rid of the curse I'll get rid of the shame if you believe it put your hands together and praise God [Applause] before I take my seat there might be someone even now going to ask you not to move on me knowing that in your life there is something there something there that God is not pleased with and starting it tonight you want to renew your covenant with God if you're here tonight I want you to lift your hand wherever you may be if you're in this house hallelujah your little song ringing out in my heart simply says holiness holiness is what I love for holiness is what I need let me say it [Music] holiness holiness is what God wants from me what more time choir help me say it holiness yes holiness holiness is wetter Oh [Music] is what one more time I want to say that holding it holding ass is what God wants if you hear those hands that were lifted I just want you to make your way we gonna take time and pray with you right justice right just less is what I love for you know you need to rededicate yourself get rid and that cursed thing you make one step looks like to never match your back to these they don't change till that first thing is out of that light if you know you're here today make your way here righteous righteous man is what right is what [Music] righteousness righteousness is what God was for me what to reach out touch someone by the hand is grabbing by the hand father help us in this time of challenge in this time of stress my destroyed homes being divided churches being split we need your Lord to get rid of the curse thing it's not my brother not my sister but Lord is me come on talk to him tell him say Lord it's me that standing in the need of prayer so now lord I thank you for the mine and for the will to live for you and if you really mean it put your hands together and praise God right [Music] [Music] [Music] company no he is [Music] [Music] one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well sir I think it's God's blessing that you folks do so much for us and every little bit just just help so much and I know God is behind it but then you folks sir number one after him and just continue doing the goodness that you did and we love you so much and all is one everybody is one with Christ [Music] [Music] well I decided to get up this morning and got hit early like we were here at 6 o'clock when I cook right here who decide to get that six-pack in the morning let's go up here and now we get the line you threw up in line two times that's this is a wonderful help to people that need the help here in Muskegon there's a lot of people that don't have and this is a great blessing [Music] I appreciate this I'm a widow lady and I just give enough money to get that yet and I really think god bless you like myself I lost my job over a year ago just got a job back and if it wasn't for these these food trucks or the pantries my family and I wouldn't survive it was Jesus that told us that women we feed the hungry we are feeding him so as we strengthen the lives of our people we're doing the mandate of our Savior it's an exciting moment as we are empowering the lives of women women boys and girls [Music]
Channel: Malone Media Productions
Views: 15,771
Rating: 4.7611942 out of 5
Id: byJDnuxUNu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 42sec (3342 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2012
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