Bishop Sedgwick Daniels 102nd Holy Conf Memphis 2009 * Part 2

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all I need is a more coaching minutes well I need to tell you that bottom ATIS he obviously heard something he had heard something about Jesus and he wasn't ashamed to make some noise you see Bartimaeus was living right outside of Jericho and Jericho is eighteen miles from Jerusalem and five miles from Jordan but there was another problem that this individual had though he lived 80 miles away from the City of David and five miles from Jordan the Bible says that he was a beggar you see just because you've got a challenge doesn't mean that you have to be a big everybody's got something wrong with them Halloween is over stop playing trick or treat is over everybody's got something that we're dealing with some fool just hide there's better than others but here blind Bartimaeus it appears as if he has to learn from what the words he heard in Jerusalem blind Francis Crosby was blind a Methodist hymn ologist who wrote more than eight thousand hymns lesson assurance pass me not old gentle Savior tenderly calling me home praise Him draw me near and safe in his arms but she never allowed her challenge to make her bitter at eight years old she writes whoa what a happy soul I am although I can not see I am resolved that in this world content I'll always be Stevie Wonder slide from excessive oxygen while in an incubator Harriet Tubman became black the great Underground Railroad Liberator when a slave owner abusively and severely hit her in the head and caused her to become blind and have seizures Lois rail uh accidentally stabbed himself and became blind but instead of being overwhelmed by his challenge he created a method for other blind folk to write and read Galileo black cloud monette black Sean Stanley blind Joseph pulls her line Paul saul of tarsus black Samson blind but just because you have a challenge Bishop King of Tennessee says you might lose your sight but you don't have to lose your vision five miles from Jordan 18 miles from Jerusalem the number 5 symbolizes grief but the number 18 symbolizes bundage all he needed to do was to take one step back or one step forward because one step that is the number 19 and the number 19 is a number that means faith or if he had taken one step forward the number 17 is the number that means victory all he needed to do was to take one step I'm encouraging somebody take one step walk away from that abusive situation walk away from that painful past walk away from that disappointing present and take one step when you take that step just shout Lord do something for me and then be like David and say lord have mercy on me Psalms four have mercy Psalm 6 have mercy Psalm 51 have mercy Psalm 109 have mercy Psalm 123 have mercy can I just share with you I'm only going to ask you one more time please merci merci merci gonna tell you some about merci merci when you see merci merci will not have on a new suit when you see merci merci will not have on fancy shoes but when you see merci merci is gonna be wet merci is going to be burnt and Mercer is going to have holes because every time you pray and say lord have mercy mercy steps between you and what could be mercy turns things around well what do you mean that mercy is wet mercy is pert and mercy has whole hallelujah mercy got wet when the children of Israel needed to cross over the Red Sea they said lord have mercy mercy got burnt when the three Hebrew men were in the fiery furnace and shout lord have mercy and mercy got some holes when they nailed him to a cross and lifted him well I guess somebody here just to shout love and mercy not praising like he's already done me I have for holding minutes thank you very much then stand up when you're ready for the law to do something unusual you've got to come out of your past and forget those things that are behind you and stop letting people negative people remind you of your past you got to learn how to get over it somebody told me Bishop Daniels I know somebody that don't like you I said I know what they mean cause some days I don't like myself stop looking where you fail and find out how you slip and then tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth this blind man could not see with his eyes but he could see with faith and he said I've been here long enough is there anybody here that can shout by faith I've been here long enough I'm coming out of here and I'm coming out with more power than when I started I'm coming out with a testimony I'm coming out with a hell is a list I'm coming out with a bang coochie mr. Macklin I've gotta close now but I just have to rivers I need to cross Bishop Macklin I was on my way to your father's funeral to be by your side and I caught a plane from Milwaukee to California and they changed on my plane in Minneapolis and when they changed my plane in Minneapolis they gave me a seat next to a man who was blind and had a dog on his right side now I'm not afraid of poodles but pit bulls and German Shepherd uh-huh I had to say it all do something for me but the blind man and I were talking because it was a long flight out to California and the blind man he was from Ohio and he said to me where are you on your way and I told him the California he says I'm on my way to California as well but I'm taking my seeing-eye dog I'm taking him with me you see you gotta understand preacher my dog he leads me my dog he guides me my dog he protects me do you have a dog like my dog I said blind man I don't have a dog like your dog but I've got somebody he walks with me he talks with me he guides me he blesses me my man said what is his name you know his name can you shout his name my help my strength my going-out my coming in my running in my feet my head my joy in my heart true story the blind man said excuse me help me to the bathroom I helped him to the bathroom he stayed in there a long time then the dog began to look at me and so I shouted I shouted nine man sometimes you got to shout that's my second point and I'm gonna go to my seat in just a minute uh-huh I shouted come forth oh you would have done it too there was no getting out of that plane and then a few minutes later the blind man came out with tissue on his eyes his eyes were wet he looked really sad then the dog looked at me at him but then the blind man said you talk so much about your Jesus that I went in the bathroom and I said Jesus do something for me I've got to sit down now but if you really need a move from God you gotta do like the blind man you've got to do like Bartimaeus you gotta make some noise you gotta make some noise you've gotta make some noise make a joyful noise Here I am long I need a blessing I need a miracle I need a breakthrough do something for me don't turn around to swimmin work America to serve do something our world is in trouble do something down in my soul do something I hear him saying Sally's here he's helpless miss harridan liver Oh bless the name of the Lord listen I don't know I know everybody can't do this but there's somebody that came to this convocation you came and you said Lord you've got to do something for me this I don't know where you are but if you're sitting anyplace in this area run up to the front of this charge and tell God thank you and run back to your seat I don't know where you are or somebody's getting a breakthrough right now somebody's getting a breakthrough my my my my my my my glory to God somebody shout glory in this house somebody shout glory in this take your signified head and ladle somebody shoulder and tell them whatever you want from God just shout it now shut somebody else that's in this house and count them whatever you need from God he's here right now open your mouth and shout unto the Lord Oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just reach up and receive it just reach up and receive it Garland's in this house right now get a read jump and receive it down thank you lord I've got it right now thank you lord I've got it right now thank you lord whoo hallelujah if you're in this auditorium tonight and you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior if you're in this area where your income walk to the front of this church if you cannot walk down here when you wave your hand hallelujah I see some hands lift it now everybody pray this prayer with us come on and say it with me Lord Jesus Here I am and I lead you right now Lord Jesus you know who I am you know where I am and you know what I need forgive me of all of my sins of everything I've ever done come into my heart and save me and sanctify me and fill me with your suit I receive your Lord as my Lord and as my savior and I will praise you and worship you the rest of my life now Lord Jesus I'm not going to wait for Sunday morning to praise You I'm going to praise you right now come on and raise the Lord come on please
Channel: cogic737
Views: 43,426
Rating: 4.7770491 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Sedgwick Daniels, Cogic
Id: cUKHQx6cvSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2011
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