Bishop Jerry W. Macklin - The Final Jubilee Message

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god bless you thank you very much thank you so very very much pastor and first lady this church and to all of you the people of the Lord who have gathered here for this grand celebration of 100 years I thought I would come today because I don't think I'm coming to the next one and so I said well I better get in on this one instead where's the name of the Lord and so I'm honored to be here in a church that I certainly love and have so much respect and so many warm memories that we've had over the years that we have fellowship together and have been together and just a joy to be here I'm sorry our choir had to go back we have a saying at eight o'clock and when they got through singing I said I'll write on the bus when they got there singing here I said on the bus back to eleven so so there they're on their way back and my wife is speaking at the service and so I'm sure she'll be very happy to know that I sent the choir back praise the name of the Lord so it is a joy to be here I see so many people that I know and somebody that we work with and fellowship together with that I'm just looking around saying wow look who's here and I won't have time to see everybody after church so let me just agree to all of you and tell you what a joy it is to see you and some of you I've been seeing you for a long time a real long time and that means that you and I both are probably a few days older than we were when we started and but here we are and were grateful to be here again and so our salute and certainly congratulations to this wonderful pastor and all of the passengers that served with him and it is just a joy all and John and Vincent to see all of you and to see the great work that you're carrying on I'm excited for this church I'm excited for your future and to be here for the hundredth anniversary I said Wow because I don't think I'll be around for glad-tidings hundreth either and but I'm just happy to be here with you and to share this joy and you can feel the joy that's in this house and come on put your hands together write it down now the mayor and I both have to move on to another service Palma Ceia Baptist Church is having their 50th anniversary today and so as soon as I walk out of here I'll head to Palma Ceia and somebody's about what happens if the Lord is really blessing I want you to know this as a tag-team situation today and if you know things keep on moving and I have to go I'm gonna give this mic to Pastor Roger and he'll know what to do praise the name of the Lord he'll know exactly what to do if I had known he was in town he could have preached for me at 8 o'clock and we could have come back over and we're dear dear friends as we were with Pastor tani on and dad sister Ruth I'm so glad to see you our dear sister in the Lord I'm just so glad to see everybody that has come back home so pray for us for just a little while and dad we're gonna get right out of the way is that Alright I don't want the mayor to go over to Palma Ceia said well I saw Bishop Macklin but he was still preaching at another church you know so I'll try to get out of this and not get involved in all of that today but God's peace be with you I see young people here I see people who have come to this ministry over the years some of you who've came back from the valley and there's so many of you that have moved to the valley who came back today I wish you would have brought all of the members from glad tidings that went to the valley they sing that song I went to the valley didn't go to stay my soul got happiness stayed all day that's kind of what happened praise the name of the Lord I'm gonna be reading to you in just a few moments from the book of Acts chapter 8 I want to read a passage of scripture from there in just a few moments time if you have your Bibles as a matter of fact I I think that will read from there and then we'll go forward with what God has laid upon our hearts so glad to hear that the speaker was here from last Sunday and dr. George woods he and I are good friends and I'm sorry I couldn't be here when he was here I see some of you and some of you your children went to school with my children and if that was the case some of you might have your children might have gone to school with my sons who both ran track and both ran at Chabot one ran at Redwood and then went on to she Bowl the other at Mount Eden went on to Shabo and they both were outstanding track stars and I was very very grateful that they got that from me so I've been into track for a while and of course they were much better than I was but I always get excited I like track meets and nothing excites me more I get more excited over the Olympics than I do the NFL and I just like watching it and I've kept up with some of the stories from the Olympics over the years and one of the stories that always comes back to mind in the last few months that really really got to all of us was the Olympics and real here just not long ago where the US relay team the 4 by 100 was scheduled to win and they didn't make it the first time around they said well that's all right they'll win the bronze and so they ran the race and we all assumed because we have the best runners and during the race as they were running and they finished the race and began to rejoice they were happy they took the American flag and wrapped themselves in it they were jumping around and then all of a sudden they looked up on the screen and discovered that they had lost even though they won they lost because they had been eliminated because they did not get the handoff right and you only have so much space to pass that baton and if you don't get the handoff right I don't care how you jump and shout and say you won you lose my brothers and sisters this morning here at Temple dela Cruz let me say to you as you come now - this hundredth anniversary and this hundred celebration it marks yet another generation and that means that we must be prepared to pass the baton from one generation to the next and that means that the younger people who are coming along must be in position to receive it and we must be in a position to continue to pass it it does not mean that all of us are the same but it does mean that as this church has come to a hundred years old we needed me aware that this ministry must go forward and if it goes forward we cannot afford to make a mistake with the hand off thank God for the founder of this church 1918 thank God that somebody was here to receive the baton so that this ministry went on after the founder had completed his leg and all of us have a leg to running all of us have a race to run and I hear the Scriptures saying unto us that seeing them that were compassed about with so great cloud of witnesses let us run the race that's set before us that is run with patience that race and that means that everybody in here ought to be doing their best to run their race and I've discovered nobody else can run your leg but you we don't have designated runners everybody has to run their own race but how sad it is when you look back and discover you didn't get the handoff right how sad it is when we look back over our shoulder and realize we missed that and as a result the entire team has to forfeit we can't afford that to happen now and after 100 years we've got to go further with what God have called us to do our scriptures today find us these verses find us today in the eighth chapter of Acts and it deals really with a handoff in ministry because up until now all of the ministry had taken place for the most part in Jerusalem but now in the eighth chapter something has happened and now there's a need to hand off the baton and you must be careful because everybody who dressed up may not necessarily be in the race and there are some people who are tight cast and you think that they can't participate because they don't look like they belong in the race but that may be exactly who God wants to use to take the baton to the next level and nothing can be more true of that than when we read the eighth chapter of Acts I love this chapter because I think this is where the rubber meets the road and so I'm gonna ask you now to stand with me as we do in our church to read the Word of God from Acts chapter number eight and verse number five and the Bible says then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached who Christ unto them and the people with one Accord gave heed unto those things which Philips faith hearing and seeing the miracles which he did verse seven said four unclean spirits crying and loud voice came out of many that were possessed with them and many that were taken with falsies and that what lame were healed and here's the last verse I want to read now it says and there was great joy in that city I want to talk to you about the Pentecostal church that brought great joy to the city would you sing with me and that was great joy in the city would you look at somebody new you this is kind of the way we do with Church can I be myself thank you very much would you look at somebody that's near you right now and tell them the church should bring great joy to the city hmm you may be seated thank you very much I mentioned about typecast a moment ago because the person who brings this great message of hope to the city of Samaria was a man by the name of Philip and the last time we hear of Philip he was not a preacher he was a deacon and he was assigned to working in the dining room and in charge of the cafeteria he was in charge of serving the plates and food and somebody said what up what is all that about the Bible said that he was one of the seven who were filled with the Holy Ghost now somebody would say to me well bishop you don't need the Holy Ghost to work in the kitchen you've never worked in a church kitchen if you've ever worked in a church kitchen how many know you need the Holy Spirit I'm glad to see that I'm not by myself and so the last time we heard of Philipp he was working in the kitchen serving meals and then the Bible says that there was great persecution and with that great persecution came the scattering of the church now you remember that Jesus had told them I want you when he left I want you to go into Jerusalem Judea Samaria and and in the uttermost part of the world Jesus has been gone and they're still in Jerusalem I don't think they had any plans really to move out they were kind of comfortable in Jerusalem but may I say to all of us who are here today that few great things happen when you're comfortable as that few great things happen when you're comfortable sometime that's why God has to kind of give the church a little rumble in the tumble my god it kind of got a movie a little bit sometime because when you get too comfortable you don't do enough for God it's not until God disturbs you that you begin to go and figure out there's something else for me to do and the Bible said that persecution came upon that church and they were scattered in every department and when many people read the word scattered that meant they think that they said well there was a big disturbance and everybody just took off yeah I help me I'm ready and went off in different directions that's not what the word scattered meant at all that word scattered is the same word that's used when a farmer takes seed and he scatters it but a farmer does not take seed and throw it like this my god but he throws it in a direction and he releases the seed in two places that has been prepared for the seed he does not just take it and throw it anywhere the farmer has a master plan in mind when he gets ready to release the seed and there are many of us that don't understand it and to us it looks like you just threw it everywhere but God had a plan and that gives when you look at it you will notice that the Apostles never leave yet they're still there but God took everyday people and said no if they're not gonna leave I'll use you and I'll help you to do what I want done in the place and the bible does not send them to the same place but the Bible said that when he began moving that Philip ends up in Samaria now my brothers and sisters let me tell you something I don't know when he got our Dane I've been searching the scripture for that trying to figure out now when did he go to Bible College all right wouldn't he go before the ordination board and they laid hands on him I can't find that but someplace between Jerusalem and Samaria God laid his hands upon him and I read that and I said you know what that's just like God and sometimes God moves us from one place to another in ministry but as he's moving us he's laying his hand upon us and he's preparing us for what else he has for us to do and there are some people in ministry even within the church within the local body who gets stuck in typecast in one place and God says no I want to use you in the body but I want to move you from one place to another I want to move you into another area of ministry when I move you into another area and the church has to be open to allow the Holy Spirit to move people as he wants them to move because if you don't allow people to move up in ministry and move to other areas of ministry the ministry will become stagnant I should have brought my a man's with me glory to God that's all right I got a I got a couple extra in my back pocket praise the name of the Lord hallelujah and so the Bible said that he moves Philip towards Samaria and the Bible goes on to say that it's a time when there was great havoc and that Saul had brought great havoc to the church and the word havoc that is used there is a word picture of a wild animal who's literally just trying to destroy things going after stuff and that's the spirit that was going after the church it was like having it was going after the church and it looked as if the church would be destroyed but rather than being destroyed the church was made better let me tell you something I'm thoroughly convinced that we do more for God when we're under attack than we do when we're at the table of comfort hey man somebody let me tell you my friends it's not what challenges you that matters is what you challenge that matters and so many of us are just fighting off what challenges us that's one thing but I want to know from you what are you challenging today I want to know from tempo Delacruz what are you challenging now oh you're just waiting for something to come against you are you going against something else and so we just can't wait until something comes against us we've got to figure out what we gonna go against there must be something in this city that we need to work on there must be something in our neighborhoods we need to work on there must be something around us that we need to say no that's not gonna stay like that because I've got something to say about it I want to ask everybody here that's sitting on these comfortable pews what are you challenging in your life today my brothers and sisters I must move on I have got to be aware the fact that I've got a place to go but I want to say something to you as we move forward in this text today one of the things that happens when you read the Bible if you read it and just pick verses out and put them together you can almost destroy the context for which the scriptures were written for instance if you want to look at the church you could simply pick out acts 2 and 47 and says praising God and having favor with all people the Lord added to them daily such as should be save then you can say boy that's good I think I'll go to Acts chapter 3 in verse eight and leaping up stood and walk and enter in with them into the temple walking and leaping and praising God boy I like this church my god Acts chapter 4 and when they had prayed the place was shaken and they were assembled together and they all were filled with the Holy Ghost and spake the Word of God with boldness on this is a good church in Acts chapter 6 and the Word of God increased and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem exceedingly yeah that's my kind of church Acts chapter 9 then had the churches rest throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria and they were edified and walked in the fear of the Lord and the comfort of the Holy Ghost was multiplied Acts chapter 2 chapter 12 verse 24 but the Word of God when multiplied at chapter 16 so the churches were strengthened in faith and increased daily now if those are the only Scriptures we read today we'd say man this is a wonderful celebration like that but if I stop there I would fail to read for you the other half of ministry and sometime you've got to flip it over to see what's really going on it's kind of like a tapestry that people saw and put together on one side it looks wonderful but I dare you to look at the back of it when you look at the back of it you'll see stuff going in all kind of different directions you can't even recognize what it is let me tell you something I don't care how good it looks on this side there's something on the other side Acts chapter 4 verse 3 the Bible said and they laid hands on them and put them in prison Acts chapter 5 verse 17 the Bible said the high priests and others were filled with indignation laid their hands on the Apostles and put them in the common prison Acts chapter 533 said and when they heard the truth they were so crept to their heart they took counsel to slay them in Acts chapter Acts chapter 8 verse 1 Saul was yet consuming under the death and at that time there was great persecution against the church which was there now my brothers and sisters all of those scriptures are in same area from acts 1 to acts 9 all the scriptures that I read are right in that same area what do you mean brother preacher I'm trying to tell you that even when God is doing great things that can still be great persecution mmm can I talk to somebody today that even when God is up to some good stuff the devil is still up to his stuff my god even when you think you're blessed keep one eye open when I closed can I talk to somebody today many many years ago my god I was a young minister and I was running a crusade revival I was in my early 20s and maybe 20 to 1 22 years old and I'm running this revival in San Francisco on the corner of hate and Fillmore mm-hmm I was bad my god and a little bit stupid but I was running this revival my god with a bunch of young guys and have to pay us the fridge we pay to preach my god we were so excited about preaching and I'm standing on the corner right that on that Friday night I'll never forget it was about 6:30 and I'm standing right in front of that they had a famous bar that was right there a whole club right on the corner of hate and Fillmore and I'm standing on that and I've got my eyes closed and I'm preaching he come to Jesus the Lord loves you Jesus wants o Savior an old drunk guy walks out of the bar walks right up next to me he said you better open your eyes let me tell you I'm excited about ministry but I have my eyes open praise God is there anybody here that has your eyes open praise the name of the Lord let me tell you my brothers and sisters in this scattering in this thing that was going on God had a way of moving the church from one place to the other and so therefore when you're going through stuff in ministry and your church is being challenged it's not always that bad God said I don't do that you won't have anything to move up on and somebody said we've had some failures we've had some theory notes or stuff that didn't work out I understand that nobody has had more fares than I had you read that resume that sounds like man everything worked good for that guy don't turn it over praise the name of the Lord don't read the backside of that paper praise God hallelujah and you've got to learn what to do when things don't work out so every time I had a failure I just built me a little box and I put it in there I got cuz I wanted to get something out of it and then I've had another one I built another one and I had another and I built another one and another before long I had so many boxes I had to stack them up and then I realized when I stacked them up they look like a stairwell and I stepped on top of one on top of the other on top of the other on top of the other my god and then all of a sudden that looked up and realized that all of that that I went through that all things are working together for my good God is working it out for me are you with me today every trial every circumstance everything that's going on the Bible says that we are peculiar people my god and that word peculiar is a dot with a circle around it the dot is the believer and the circle is Jesus that means that there's nothing coming upon you that Jesus hasn't already looked at analyzed and determined that you can make it so look at somebody next to you tell them whatever you're going through it's God telling you you can make it mmm are you with what I'm talking about hallelujah the second century North American North African theologian trillium said planet and pointed out that the blood of Christians is the seed of the church's growth somebody's gonna have to invest something if we go and go where God wants us to go somebody's gonna have to put up something if we're gonna accomplish what God wants us to accomplish and many people want to have success over tomorrow but they don't want to put up nothing today this is a sacrifice if we go make it to the next place and if we're gonna pass this baton to the next generation somebody's gonna have to have a sacrifice involved here in Acts chapter 8 we see the church unconsciously but irresistible being moved toward her destiny what did the devil think that he would wipe the church out because Jesus had gone I don't think so he believed that he could wipe it out because he had seen the church arguing over seats when you come into your kingdom put one on the right and one on the left he thought the devil thought he could wipe the church out because he had seen the church when they were afraid of storms mmm when wind began to blow and waves began to beat and they believed within their hearts oh my god and they became fearful and thought that they were going to get wiped out and the devil said well if Jesus isn't here I'll wipe them out but what you have to realize is there's a lesson in every storm and every time I read that passage of Scripture I looked at it I come away with something different than everybody else when I read that passage of Scripture and I read about the disciples who are on that boat I recognize that by the time that scripture is finished by the time that story is over I look down at their shoes and I recognize that there are 11 people with dry shoes and dry shoes as always an indication of weak faith know you'll get it tomorrow it'll hit you tomorrow but I don't understand what you mean by that let me tell you what that means the people that stayed on the boat had dry shoes and only Peter and Jesus had wet shoes but they're the only ones that walked on water can I talk to somebody here today pull with a God hallelujah when God gets ready to do something with you and for you he's got to get you out of the boat so he can move you to the next place and that's what happened to Philip God got him out of the boat and said knob I've got some place for you to go by the time Philip gets to Samaria he's not running from something he's running to something by God the Lord is that work in his life my brothers and sisters I want to say this and I don't mean any harm and brother if the Lord haven't blessed you like that don't worry about it it's coming sister it's coming in your direction but allow me to use this illustration have you ever noticed that diamonds and fine jewelry stores are never displayed on open glass they never take an expensive diamond and just put it on the glass and say what you think that's not the way they show diamonds at all when they have a really expensive diamond you know three four or five carats whatever that looks like when they have that kind Lord oh let my wife hear that when they have that kind of when they have that kind of diamond they take their time and they pull out a real dark cloth sometime it's black or extremely dark brown and then they take that diamond and they place it right on it and then they say now look at that you know why they do that because the Diamonds brilliance shines greater when the background is black hmm when it's Dawg the brilliance of the diamond comes to life because the background is dark then all of a sudden you can recognize all of the colors of the rainbow locked up in that diamond you would never see it if we're sitting just on a clear glass but only on a dog dog dog background can you see how brilliant that diamond really is can I talk to somebody my brothers and my sisters the Lord works in strange ways but when he gets ready for the gospel to shine in all of his Williams and magnificent ways he does not do it in places where there's no problems but when the gospel is really to be shown off for what it is the Lord drops it down in dark places can I talk to you for a moment does not always just drop it down in a place where there's no challenges there's nothing going on but however black and dark it might be the God says hey that's just the police I want to show the gospel I want to show off what kind of power I have I want to show off what kind of strength I have I want to drop down in the midst so people can tell that this is the gospel of Jesus Christ by God this is the power of God unto salvation I want them to see who I really am and what I can really do so I'm gonna drop it in a dog situation see can I talk to you for just a few moments my my my my my let me tell you my friends that's why God uses churches like Temple delacruz and drops us in neighborhoods like where you are right now I understand that because that's where our church is can I talk to somebody today I know what it looked like I know we could have moved to some other neighborhood my god but the Lord spoke to me when we got ready to build that church the Lord said don't move this church then leave it where it is because light shines brightest wears darkest I wonder do I have one more way man in this house hallelujah my brothers and sisters when we look closely and I must move on now praise God when we look closely at this text here's what we find out my god hallelujah and look like I can hear the text speaking to us today have you talked to Acts chapter aid and Samaria Samaria would say how dog before the gospel I was a vile police call dog before the gospel the streets of Samaria are lined with merchants whose sole idols of choice how dog how dark before the gospel I was filled with hatred toward those that didn't look like me how dark my god before the gospel I lived and to myself created my own authors and crafted my own hybrid religion how dark before the gospel in my yesterday but God sent somebody to town God's in a church that wasn't scared God sent somebody with an anointing that was upon his life and said I'm going right to the place that looks the darkest I'm going right to the place that looked like nobody else wants to go because I've got a gospel that will pick you up and you can't go solo that the gospel can't pick you up and you can't be so high that the gospel can't bring you down can I talk to somebody a little while today I will tell you my friends and that Philip did not show up to negotiate peace he came to declare the peace of God he does not show up to soothe the heart he came simply to tell you that it's time for a heart change he does not show up to request the seat at the table but he shows up to tell you that the table is spread and the feast of the Lord is going on as a matter of fact my friends he shows up to disrupt the city now this bothers a whole lot of saints this bothers a whole lot of churches and if I mentioned that we ought to be in the business of disruption somebody says now wait a minute we're not going to do that we don't want to disturb things we don't want to disturb we don't want to disrupt anything now Bishop that's not what we're called to do we're called hood just be peaceful and to go along to get along and we don't want it we don't want any trouble we don't want any trouble we don't want any trouble we don't we don't want to be we don't want to disrupt anything my brothers this is when I read my Bible I read that the Bible is filled with one disruption after another the Lord our God what is a disrupter a disrupter is a person or thing that prevents something especially a system or process or event from continuing as usual a disrupter disruptions uproot and change how we think behave do business learn go about our day today the Harvard professor Clayton Christensen said that a disruption displeases an existing market it displaces it the industry of the technology and produces something new that's more effective and efficient I hope you hold on to your hats for a moment it's both destructive and creative I don't understand what he's saying you'll understand this air B&B air B&B disturbing the hotel industry disruptors over mm-hmm some of you drive for them some of us ride with them so I don't know worse if I got in Hoover the other day and centers a me and my wife we were coming back from back east and we flew into San Jose but we left our car at the church so we call an uber my guy got in the car and I was so tired I was half asleep but my wife was talking to the Hoover driver my god his name was one my god that we get in one's car and he's driving back we never met one before but my wife just kept witnessing to one and talking to him about his life and son you know you need to have Jesus in your heart you and your son need to be in church and and and I'm not paying her any attention he drops us off at church the next subject I mean the very next day at 8 o'clock Warner sitting up in church I will tell you that six weeks ago one got saved gave his heart to God he's one of the best members I had I was gonna have him drive me over here today but he had to drive all right I gotta move on uber disrupted the taxi business has disrupted the whole DNA thing can I talk to somebody for a moment and all the guys who said that in mind that ain't mine is helping you come to the light [Applause] when it comes to baby you are the daddy can I talk to you a little while my god hallelujah our specimen SpaceX disturbing the space industry Microsoft and Apple disturbed and disrupted mainframe computers iPhones have disrupted home phone service and not many of us don't even add to the home phone some of us don't even have a home phone you know why because those mobile phones has disrupted the industry cable news has been disrupted by newspapers and magazines has disrupted newspapers and magazines and now we get our news from cable fake news has disrupted the White House listen I've got to move on oh god help me somebody to strike that I don't know boy I guess it's time to go to Palma Ceia guys God hallelujah disrupters refused to accept the status quo as final disrupters will not take no for an answer disruptors refuse to believe that things cannot change disruptors refuse to live in the box that they were told to live in sounds like a church on fire to me my god but disruption is in our DNA mmm hallelujah I said disruption I'm getting ready to get militant up in here I said disruption is in our DNA look at somebody tell them it's in my DNA I have a spiritual DNA and down on the inside I have a disruptive hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah [Applause] halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah I got it naturally because my daddy was a disrupter your daddy was a disrupter yeah Jesus was a disrupter can I talk to somebody today Jesus was so bad he disrupted the entire kingdom of Herod my god he was born his laying in a manger and he disrupted the whole place they started killing off all the bars because Jesus had been born it's amazing how that works I don't mean to hurt anybody's feeling but if you want to disrupt a city just take a little baby Jesus and put him in a little manger and sit him outside my got all of a sudden the whole city gets upset what are you doing I said it's just a plastic baby yeah my god you don't want to say man goes to Mia's dear I understand Jesus went into church and read the scripture that's all they eat it was read the script you closed the book and all of a sudden the whole church went crazy mind you can I talk to somebody today my god he disrupted stuff everywhere he went he was disrupting stuff my god couldn't even have a parade without disrupting stuff Jesus have mercy on me my god every place he went he would disrupt stuff do I have a witness in this house my my my my mind people don't like disruptors sit down stop that noise you're disrupting stuff blind Bartimaeus shut up we're trying to have a nice parade here you can see I can't and he starts hollering out hey Jesus shut up ain't gonna shut up cuz I don't know the next time he's coming my way so I think I'm most out right now is there anybody here like what shout for him right now you got it whoo I don't hit nobody today glory to God glory to God whoo we were having such a bad drug war there over on for sellers it was so bad for sellers and Tyrell I'll never forget that night my god Oh Lord it was going down and that next morning a church man the tension was so bad in that city it was terrible and I never forget I came downstairs and I told the guys I said guys something got to be done in here they said well pastor would what we go do this they out there messing with the women when they go in the church I said son come here you didn't grow up with a dad I did yeah he said no hard you know I said you had a daddy he told your son they steal your car call the insurance company they steal the TV call the police they mess with your woman take care that yourself when they got ready to start doing that I said something's got to be done here and I'll never forget I came downstairs and I said listen every man that ain't scared come on and go with me we going outside I started moving at 100 guys started walking with me and we got ready to walk out somebody looked and said pastor you can't take that guy with you he was kind of new but he was kind of big and I looked over and I said why not they'd look look what he has he pulled his coat back he had a gun this big they said look what he has I said Bar can you shoot straight he said yes I said come on we walked right outside right where the drug dealers were walk right outside stopped all the traffic didn't even bother to call the police department block the street off go down on our knees and begin to call on the name of Jesus something happened on that Street something took place on that Street that was a disruption it was no because the name of God no anybody today they want to disrupt some stuff my god have some families in trouble let's disruptive let some young people going the wrong direction let's disrupt them my god there's some stuff going down but let's disrupt it there's no other name greater than the name of Jesus there's no power greater disrupting is in my DNA I gotta close now and all good Church of God in Christ preachers closed three times I gotta close Jesus disrupted everything look like everywhere he went he disrupted stuff he wouldn't even let the Dead be dead [Applause] hallelujah Genesis daughter was dead they'd already called the corner they'd already announced she's dead Jesus shows up and the Bible said by the time he gets there my god they'd already told him don't bother calling Jesus because your daughter is dead jesus said pay him no mind I like that I like Jesus's attitude and when people try to write you off and say you're already dead don't pay him any mind my god and the Bible said that Jesus shows up at charrisse's house and when he gets there the Bible said that they were already mourning the flute player was already playing because I don't care how poor you were you had to get a flute player to play when somebody died and then they had some professional mourners who were just outside the house crying then even though the girl they denied that crying oh they got painting they're out there mourning Jesus shows up gives us a great lesson on how to handle your haters the Bible said when Jesus got there he just walked right in the house he walked right by the mourners everybody who said what's he's doing here he didn't pay any money to them my god you don't have to argue with anybody when you know what you've got you don't have to argue with anybody Jesus walked right by him and then he turn around and he brought his three favorite prayer partners with him some of us are praying but we got the wrong partners some of us got gossip partners but we don't have prayer partners we got Facebook partners but we don't have we don't have prayer partners everybody on Facebook is not your prayer partner I don't hit nobody today everybody that you've got an Instagram for that's not your prayer partner you need somebody that can believe that God can do anything but feel you need somebody to believe that our God can raise you up that our God can turn you around that our God can break every chain that's within you and the Bible said Jesus walks right by him walks in and takes the girl by the head and raises her up I say as I get ready to get out of here to Temple delacruz stop listening everybody who tells you that the church Jesus I want you to turn and look at somebody right dead in the eye and tell them that your future is in front of you come on look at them tell them your future is in front of you I want to tell you something that your tomorrow is even brighter than you yesterday I said your tomorrow is even what video yesterday I'm getting ready to play I'm through let your hand on somebody that look like they're not scared tell them I'm a disrupter and I'm getting ready right now to disrupt what the devil wants to do in your life tell her when I pray something's going to happen I want to give a word if there's a church I want to say to you why you're attaching your brother and sister I want to city right now and we are the custodians of the future we are the custodians of the future and I say to this church today with all that God has given me temple dela Cruz you can missed the handoff now we got to get this right go back and read the eighth chapter over and over again and you will read that Philip went where he was sent preach what he was given and used the gifts that God trusted him laid hands on the sick and they recovered cast out demons spirits they were made free those that were lame began to walk all because somebody disrupted the status quo this neighborhood belongs to you the next neighborhood belongs to you the next neighborhood belongs to you so I said well we don't want to come over to your neighborhood come into my neighborhood are you with me here today I played for an annoying thing in this house right now I pray for the future of this church and I speak into your life Lord Jesus right now and release this word in this house that there will be great joy in this city because of the ministry of disrupters we will not sit in the house while the devil works outside the house but God by faith and in the power of the Holy Ghost we receive a fresh anointing and that fresh anointing is going to send us like it's sick in the name of Jesus we pray for that fresh outpouring now God as I leave this house I pray that there are eyes up and hear your word right now God will use me to do what he wants me to do I want a fresh anointing
Channel: Templo De La Cruz
Views: 335
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #tdlc100, templo de la cruz, bishop macklin, jubilee, 100th anniversary, celebration, revival, hayward
Id: rDXXx0pXoYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 2sec (2822 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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