Bishop J. O. Patterson

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with the voice of Pentecost Saints I'm just gonna have to say a few words to you extemporaneously you know that I'm not saying Jo Patterson that was last year and you may not be the same you but our hope we'll do anything through my illness [Music] that he would bring this church back to old time hold on this and of all holiness have caused people to call us fanatics and say we were crazy then have that sense I would trust the God through my illness cleanup the church's political ambitions and help us to realize that we are on our way a slit to the judgment there'd be no positions up there chairman of no boards no state nervous no patience nothing but servants I saw an ad in the paper just on yesterday I've never seen that kind of it at least was read to me and this couple had advertised [Music] fashion Presbyterian Church they that preached the gospel with simplicity and believe in the father-son and and believed in leaders wear their dresses modest members of the masculine gender you know the newspaper says that they haven't found one yet some indictment on somebody it is an indictment on America the world and the Church of God in Christ that 1 million 500,000 babies legally murdered every babies don't have the chance that a common criminal has he can't be sentenced to death without an automatic appeal [Music] and then often time the governor stays the execution but those poor babies don't even have a lawyer to plead that case 1,500,000 at least a year I've been legally medical science is trying to say improve that it's not a human life I don't care what medical science says God said that he are Dane the fella [Music] while he was still in his mother's womb he had an ordination service moving before he was formed in the belly damnit profit while he was still in another God don't judge us God's gonna judge us we're looking at television that some of me we ship of preachers and missionaries we'd better wake up and see what's going on around us devil worshippers [Music] killing animals and I'm talking about not old people were little children 14 and 15 years old killing cheese dough and other smaller animals and one boss said that he quit because he was just sacrificing our kidnap and sacrifice a human baby and they kill them and in a bowl and pass it around it clear to the devil we're in trouble my little 14 year old are becoming mothers really in trouble when a little 16 year old a six year old where six year old girl [Music] to triplets six years old we and trouble whether I'll have the opportunity of speaking to you people again but I think I need to leave a testimony with we've gotten too proud we've got now prowl Rock is in the wrong place we wish have been hats and wigs we're wish have been lure all suits Johnson where fish fingers jab Max and Lakers and some of our cars look like a pimpmobile as too vain that too vain that's too vain Oh preachers haven't gotten to bid his ride around the police following him because he looked like remember the Mafia we are address like fridges preachers like preacher black preacher Gardo judges missionaries [Music] don't let anybody deceive you you don't have to go around looking like Zsa Zsa Gabor God has given you natural beauty and without any lipstick lack that worn by the proverb of Jezebel God made you to look beautiful well is God don't send me to hell live I'm not trying to say god no singer there but you're gonna call so many other folk because the other people believe that true holiness changes your dressing appear I'm sick and tired are these for being like means a dull on the sidewalk and a fellow walked up to them and said boy you oughta be ashamed of yourself you need to get this dog treated so this Dalton bad sick but all of it these mains infections the boss said what are you talking about so this is a police dog man said you know does not polish dog he said it is a he said well how in the world can all that that condition be a police dog he said well because he's in is an undercover I don't think we need in an undercover agents and the Church of God in that we ought to look like what we are are the pastor's they're recording this you'll have it [Music] we don't have to try imitate the theatres and the movie stars to have service someone was telling me about what about groups blessed Rebecca's sister Mary Clark bless you baby bless your sister Sarah Jordan Powell Yvonne with live bless all of it back there with the Department of Music I appreciate you we're just the orchestra were just simply trying to make room for more people who want sir but to know it breaks my heart now you don't have to bawl that won't help but it breaks my heart to see people who are steeped in the religion and the doctrine of the Church of God and Christ have to go to the stage and act like the world to make a dollar and it breaks my heart yes some of our seniors say that we have got to communicate with the society in which we live and therefore we have to rearrange our music and make it contemporary and put a little beat to it there so they'll understand it that's not what the Bible said I said be not conformed to this world but the ye transformed by the renewing of your man God didn't tell me to be like the world he said that I was the salt of the area and when I was a boy in the country my father would kill hogs hanging out overnight he said let the animal heat and then he put them in a box course salt down then a layer meat cover that meat with some more salt thank you say you'll haul razor you and when my daddy got through it could be hot in the summertime you could take a piece of that meat out and it would be sanctified down to the bone never one time hear anybody say this salt tastes needy they always said that meat tasted salty we are to save this world we have got to be examples to the world I wonder did you hear me I wouldn't that did you hear me no I don't approve I don't have don't come in the church we are pastor but a lot of weirdest songs he is not loaded to call him Lord is about that : somebody pretty boy the Lord God is his name and his name should be river us his name is holy no Lord Ilona safes there mrs. Washington said something in his sermon I've thought about it I've thought about it I have his tape and I played it he said that he went by a church and the people were standing in the door and he stopped this car and went over and preacher I believe in what was planned to get time and he was picking his guitar and that people would jump in and holidays shouting and the fellas were standing in the doorway and up and down down with the hat song son the other door was smoking and said he hollered stop the music stop the music stop the music said if you play the right music these men take their hats off you play the right music oh stop smoking I dare you to play how sweet the name of Jesus sounds in a believers ear you can't smoke on that song you can't smoke on Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me you can't smoke on there weathers and sisters timotha did say a Paul did say Timothy take a little wine where your stomach state first place you'll name not Timothy and the second place wine doesn't smell like gin I don't care how we try to justified if you're going to lead people you've got to carry yourself in such a way that people will respect you sin and all we've gotten to church in trouble and sans was getting us in trouble I'm about finished thank you baby that's all I can do now Apostle Paul had a problem preachers with this Caribbean change Apostle Paul had a problem with this Corinthian church and listen what Paul says to the Caribbean church reported Kamala that there is fornication you and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles that one should have his father why and ye are puffed up in San and proud of it and have not rather mourned that he that has done this deed might be taken away from among you you're talking about getting a judicial court these courts were already have are not working somebody ought to be able to say what right and what's wrong and splitting jurisdictions is not correcting wrong for Vanna for our villa as absalom body the president spirit have judged already as though I were present concerning him that has done this deed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ when you gather together and my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ to deliver such an one unto Satan for destruction of the flesh your glorying is not good know ye not that a limb the whole loop don't you know that the keeps sin in the chase known sin is a bad influence for the church purge out therefore the old leaven that he may be a new lump as ye are unleavened for even Christ our Passover is safe to fight for us therefore let us keep the feast not with old leaven with the leaven of malice and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth' I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators yet not altogether with funny caters of the world with the covetous on the extortioners or with idolaters mushy knees go out of the world now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator our coverages and a dollar raela a drunken an extortioner with such an one no not to eat so whatever to do could use them also that are without do not eat jizz in that over the end but they are better without God judges put away from among you put away from among yourselves that wicked person that's what the Bible says I know that we sometimes say we have to let God do the judging my dears answers that really knitted to church when you see outward sin and the world is beginning to ask now where do we draw the line I know at one time everything was wrong wrong where nectar wrong wear eyeglasses wrong to have your dental work done and maybe we were a little fanatical but what's worse for everything to be wrong off are not anything to be wrong there has got to be somewhere right god I wish I felt better I wish I felt better as an old man six to four years old and had been living with [Music] for a year he was six to four years old and the other meal was fought seven to two years old and they're celebrating because their State now has legalized then being married that's nothing Freddie I said that's nothing funny legalized being married who tell me now not tell me that this is all right don't tell me it's right because I'm not gonna believe you God put us here to replenish the earth and two males came to pennis the area God made Adam and I know I'm hitting some batter now cause you're looking at me to me God made Adam and Eve he did not make Adam and Steve you didn't do and the only thing gonna help us as I continue the only thing gonna help us his wholesale repentance and this is no indictment and in it it could be the Lord will and January with Birmingham yes where there won't be any bored of vicious meetings and no state Mother's meetings and the council won't be meeting and the gentle simmer won't be meeting those well nothing be meeting but the prayer meeting and I know I'm not being rude I don't know if you got a leader the leader came getting away unless somebody follow a leader without followers are just a man what taking the wall I realize that all other things have got to operate council of elders gentleness inland women's a proper young people depart realize oh let's gotta operate realize you got to have some business meeting but is it asking too much Bishop's to do all around so that nature enable and let this be a holy convocation can you have a holy convocation when just a skeleton group of LeMans are in the auditorium and the leaders are often different looms have a meeting you've got the lead people back to God let us think about it give us November as a holy convocation people come here to be healed I need a touch from the lower thank you Jesus people come here I said to be healed soaked all over the country I'll say if I can just make it to Memphis like Apostle Paul said I must by all means keep the feasts at Jerusalem woman well preacher called me just before I never oh yes that one of our sisters sick but someone to come to the convocation put it in the hospital yesterday should I under one I just wonder if all of us bishops said this in here if all of us Bischoff had been in here instead of runed Poland business session if we've been in here during the meeting and of all of our preachers had been together sitting in here during the meeting come on I wonder would that woman be allowed now tawanda what's the matter words I'm xander play like she used to pray know what makes you used to walk so don't talk much he used to talk something wrong with an take your children Alijah let them know there's only one hope one whom we don't need no business sessions haha we don't need to amend the Constitution no sir if you want a bad buy this here minutes Aaron if they won't abide by this we're not gonna bad by that if a man had obey the Bible he's not gonna be yo Constitution yes and we get right this is the Constitution it is holiness a hail including the presiding bishop his holiness ah hey yes sir I just said we don't need all that we don't even need a three days shut-in just need a one-day crusade let's meet up on now comms yes Nick there and I'm gonna give you top practice so you've got known your program now I've got on mine you've got 450 participants you got the introduced then it takes you a little longer to get ready because you got to bring your guard up on an oxcart and I gotta be up there when I get there yes so y'all go ahead and take prime time you know what primetime is preachers you don't have to worry about these crooks taking prime time they've had it Pharaoh's magician had primetime - but Moses snake eats as up and when I got through it all there wiggling and giggling and demonstrating with their life putting themselves with stoned missing the round and take it around Elijah just laid then listen uh-huh and after a while they'll I just started you know kind of quick signified signified thank you son the United said maybe your God is a little hard of hearing so column and allow McCall louder and it didn't get in the reserves and then you said well I'll tell you what maybe he's off on a journey you be back soon thank you premiering after a while he looked he said now the sun's going down now you all have had all day and he repaired although didn't to do it put new wood hallelujah and a new sock effects and then dusted down with twelve bells owada hallelujah and said the God that answers not about tambourines the guardhouse about symbols not the dawdlin even has a bad day said not the god that acid by speaking in turn put the gone that acid by fire let him be gone that's what we need now God dance about what God asks about what if you really believe that shop fire listen there Vince yes BeOS group had everything in either hand except one if they really had more gods that Elijah hair they had an altar they are a sacrifice they had wood right but it didn't have any fire the world is a pin with the chase now you can find a hole in this chase now about tambourines and guitars that's all pay yes you may end up anywhere falling at a Marine take your cheesy you find folk beat tanneries on the head on the heel only take your cheesy but what we need now is not hip snappers we need five I'm closing with this stuff yes listen babies a real trauma I know you wanna know about it so you know what to say when you leave here so best may tell you yes because I had a real trauma you stay sweet don't hurry whatever God got for you that's true this you get it you have to try to get more friendly with the folk now than you were this caught a photo you hypocrite fantasize and then you know can tell I'm a preach somebody's fear they'd be like too late Bishop Johnson said in Michigan they wronged me and they were talking about what they were going to because Bishop Johnson was at home dine mr. Johnson Walt pan as that I ain't know that just be sweet see because who we have a clamors for the job won't get and anyway promotions come the motion don't come from the east and from the West not from the south but God puts up one and takes down enough and wholeness job you got lower people not dollars a trauma that I was taken to the hospital couldn't sleep that night I've been a tough man I belong tough men couldn't nobody stood what I have stood the twenty year and a tough man brother I just went to bed one night carousing gotten in the hospital early the next morning doctors that I got to make a pitch I said well hurry up because I've got to go to a people meetings going on that's a national meeting I've got to be there made the pictures I said am i ready to go he said I'm sorry but you're not we got to make another as well please they're up dr. wily said I've got to admit you to the hospital I said not not today I've got to go today but me I'll come back next week he said but Bishop Patterson you can't come back next week you've got to be admitted now finally I was operated on it was found to be malignant they couldn't move in a party they told me that it could be helped by chemotherapy I won't go through all that they made an appointment for me to see the chemotherapy therapist but the same day that I was to see the Cuba therapist I made an appointment with called and had a pet him to call up the chemo therapist and told him that I will go and take my treatments at another hospital thank you and a CEREC earlier maybe six months if I took it or if I didn't take that leave maybe six months and maybe a month so yeah but I said if I don't live but a if God doesn't heal it it won't be here and I had this one consolation and this is all it came to me about the man they lost his wife and he had only a daughter left yes they buried her on a gloomy day and coming back from the cemetery [Music] they were grieving they went into along the house just II in his little seven eight-year-old with a broken heart he put her to bed and he would debate in his room few minutes later that was a figure in the door and her divorce and daddy are you asleep he said no baby I'm not asleep so dead this dog isn't it he said the rest is dark sweetheart it can be dark at 12 o'clock today she said daddy I haven't ever seen it this dark before have you he said no has never been this dark before she's not daddy I'm afraid can I come in the room and get yes ideas [Music] she got in the bed she said I can't see your face dead here's your face turn towards me is a dis baby my face is turned toward she closed the eyes and with the sleep that was my consolation it's dark never seen this dog before Thanks meeting huh the Lord's face this time toward me just to behold his face to my bears who knows who knows why God gave me the strength to stand here talk to you today don't care what it is thank you Jesus last time I went to see the man who said I make it live six months he was so amazed at the table now tempt me to get on when I got through talking here I was in the chair had him on the table who knows miss obsess I don't care what your condition is Doh bad you may be a drop it take your Jesus your home may be disintegrating you may be a sinner lost and the Lord is on his way back I don't know when he will get here but he's right around the corner the harvest is past and you're not saved so it's late it's really about 13 o'clock and this may well be your last opportunity you may not have the wonderful gift of the Holy Ghost I'm within you if you have the bonus to come down here and all over this building all over this building yes I want us to go back to God in a Holy Ghost renewal before we leave out of this building today I want every press it in here to go back to God with us and a holy birth module you in the mail want to be saved would be filled with the holy ghost were to be here what to be delivered I want you to have the boldness to get up and come down here now you this God had continued this get up and come down here now we're gonna straighten this thing out now we're gonna straighten it out thank you Jesus thank you get Jesus spirit of the Living God that's it that's it come talk to Leo see you feel don't you dare till you shall have received sets from God that having no solar noon yellow soft to listen to me we've heard a pastoral message the bishop spoke to us promise ha said this could be the reason why the Lord is just keeping him here with us is there anybody here with enough bull listen to repeat after me oh lord save me
Channel: James Edwards
Views: 27,879
Rating: 4.8130841 out of 5
Id: jNfbEE2mfZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 10sec (3610 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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