Mother Willie Mae Sheard Throwback | 2018 Agape Holy Convocation

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and then on another night of a Bible study and tonight it's gonna be pretty unique tonight's we are going to play a rebroadcast of an incredible woman of God named mother willie Mae Shearer she was the wife of Bishop John Henry sheered mother to general board member tipep Jade Rashid and superintendent Ethan Blake sheared and she recently passed away and her loss has been felt throughout not just the Church of God in Christ but the state of Michigan and quite arguably the world had a huge tremendous impact on those that knew her well and we thought it fitting on the heels of Mother's Day weekend to honor this great woman of God and so we're gonna dig into the archives and and go back to 2018 during our Southwest Michigan had got a holy convocation and at this convocation mother sheered was our excuse me our Friday night speaker at Pentecostal temple and it was just a beautiful night of worship and so without further ado we're gonna jump into the the Bible study for tonight and hear a word of God from mother willie Mae Shearer see you soon [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is he not worthy to be praised is he not [Applause] give him glory let's do him god bless you I thank you God I thank you God I thank you God I thank you for another day Lord you woke me up another day give me to breathe your air and I thank you thank you Lord for life somebody woke up didn't wake up this morning I go chandi somebody didn't wake up this morning but oh God we thank you we thank you we thank you and we ask you O God to bless these your people bless agape jurisdiction blessed agape jurisdiction I thank you God for your presence in my life your presence in all of our lives and we promise to give you all the glory all the praise in Jesus name Amen you may be seated giving honor to God who is the head of my life I don't like to hold no microphone I'm sorry I want this microphone to hold itself [Music] here come here cut my boy you know why I don't like to cuz I want to be free not all this praise y'all gave me I don't know who y'all talking about cuz you know we got a whole lotta people could have been here besides little ol me but I thank God for my friend but I you know I I still make a mistake and call him Isaac but I know he's Bishop King we've been friends so long our mothers were free and I've been intending to tell you do you know you look just like your daddy he does I've been intended to tell you that but they don't they don't know cause they ain't old enough but you look like your daddy but I'm so glad for Bishop King and glad for this jurisdiction y'all made me nervous I don't do like the resting you know them do and I have to be woolum a I must say I thank God for the King family [Music] where's bum see that and where he know who I'm DOMA and she knows who but God blessed our families together we stood together and we taught how families holiness and it's still right and if you don't live holy you going to him I think God for a super rising she from that stop too because my supervisor came from where our parents taught us holiness and they they saw that we lived it in native sight we didn't do everything what am i good let me get through with this mother Hogan mother who can see they wanna messed up you see but she's a wonderful supervisor and she's do exactly what you all did for her a few people came from my church stop great a Mitchum show a few of them oh then oh that's my baby that's my grand pinky she said Nana if I couldn't get away I'm gonna come I didn't expect that because she was supposed to do something else for me but she didn't do it and I'm telling off on her good night but I think God for my family Bishop I think God's for your family because when you could you did all you could I don't care what y'all say I know they did it all my month daddy and granddaddy alright I'm talking to long-on there but doing the best I can but anyway I'm gonna read the scripture and I'm gonna get out of y'all called y'all have some good service tonight I don't know if this is a leftover but I see some of my adopted children I hear - they might belong to a gothic but they still mind [Music] and they love me if you live right and treat children right did you hear what I said you can't be so mean it's Turkey we had some mean old folks when we was growing I promised myself I get old I ain't gonna be me sitting up like act like you holier than that you better not follow them home Amen sister share I'm gonna read I got a little something I want to say but I'm gonna read a little bit in Matthew the 14th chapter the 29 I thought is from the 29 to 30 first but I'm not gonna read all that but I'm gonna read the 29 30 and 31st verse okay and he said come and when Peter was come down out of the ship he walked on the water to go to Jesus but when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried lord save me and immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him and said unto Him o thou of little faith wherefore did is Dow Dow all right thank you for standing for the word of a God as Jesus constrained the disciples to get into the ship and go before him to the other side while he sent the multitudes away why did Jesus in the multitudes away he was tired he didn't fed 5000 meaning he doesn't yield all these folks because you know if you know what he'll is in the town y'all gonna run over there and see if you can get here and you got somebody right in your miss that got the same Holy Ghost and he got I'm gonna talk on don't lose your focus don't lose where you have been talked it's so much going on imma go imma better read this cuz I on go off he went up into the mountain to pray and there when the evening was come he was alone sometimes you need to be alone he wanted to meditate in the presence of his father with nobody around you ever wanted to talk to the law did I step on ER to the pastor in his suite but I loved him too you just came first to focus with the Lord and just talk to him about being tired and that's what Jesus was doing as he went up into the mount as believers we tend to lose our focus and stray into things that should not affect us we got children we got grandchildren I didn't thank God for my my daughter and her sister and they because we teach them over and over and over again there is nobody like Jesus put your focus on Jesus and you'll be alright but sometimes they get off and I'm gonna give you a word that the Lord gave me to give all mothers that and fathers that their children have gone astray if you've done the best you can there's no guilt I want y'all to stop feeling guilty for your wayward children when they grow they make their own decisions I talked to two men and women that I just guilt guilty about their children not being saved when they have taught them to be saved they've been in this card class the Sunshine Band they know what's right y'all stop feeling guilty for something you didn't do when we don't know how to raise children I tell I told the Lord I don't know how to raise these children but I'm practicing doing the best I can and that's all you can do made me think mother Bailey taught us when you do what your best so do your best and stop feeling guilty let me get to my lesson there are many storms in our lives as we get older I didn't know getting older was gonna be like you see us trying we trying to get it back but it ain't coming back but don't lose your focus the Lord saves old folks thank God when you get in your eighties I don't care how much you share man shake you'll be glad when it's time to sit down we becoming distracted and that's a trick of the enemy to get you off of what God has in store for you he wants you to stop thinking about what God has done and God has promised us he wants you to lean back and sometimes when we get older when y'all get old because I didn't go through this because I told mine if they going to hell going on I'm not going to help for my children my heart I didn't say nothing about my hood I have a wonderful husband okay beanie I called you beanie that's what he is mama called him I told all phony but you know what we do you make excuses for your sinful children they get in game plan drugs oh he's just time he he hadn't had some drugs and that's why he's so sad cuz it puts him to sleep y'all some of y'all know what I'm talking about I never had that with mine thank you Jesus they stay out all night long the boys I'm talking about they stay out all night long what the girls do I don't know about girls all I know about the boy they stay out all night long and come tipping in but see when mine was our laid out I stayed up all night so they came home my husband winters to me I couldn't sleep stay up all night long and sleep all day don't lose your focus still tell them what's right tell them what's right that what you're doing now is seeing oh god we are distracted or up then the girls wait I gotta go back for some of these fashions that the men wear you can tell me all you want to that Jesus hair was long but ain't no man got no business with his hair down his back [Applause] [Applause] everything that comes in style is not for the Saints you got to draw the line somewhere one come in our church the other week with a tight suit on and I said that looks like that was somebody else's suit because it was too tight for him and when we put on things that look like that that was leftover sister left it for you and it was past that let me get to money but we could lose us focus by taking on too much of the world I'm not saying now y'all know I like to dress oh I'm not gonna tell you what I went through today brand-new dress I thought I was gonna look cute tonight and I had the dressmaker to face a dress [Music] pians was all up the side where she was supposed to I wouldn't gonna take well I did go down the basement and sew it up but it still did it my sewing didn't look like that but we are we there are some things that make you look nice but you can't wear everything that a 16 year old I'm talking to the brothers and the sisters too when you get home before you get out of your house you know your dress is too tight [Applause] [Applause] [Music] but obviously you have lost your focus you're not remembering he said remember thy creator in the days of that she was days come not we living in the evil wicked days but you got to keep your focus Peters in this storm and it was pretty bad but there come what they thought it was a spirit now Peter was mighty braid this time but I tell you if I thought it was a spirit I would have went the other way to the bottom of the ship but Peter you know he was coming he wanted really to be like Jesus but he didn't know the suffering that Jesus was going through see a lot of us we want to be like you want to be like Bishop King [Music] but you have no idea what he is going through and giving honor to my friend my sister in her death she was a great inspiration for a lot of women I don't think I've ever admitted that we used to have we had parties whatever we were and we came together and fellowship with our husbands Margaret could make the best rolls in the world I asked these girls I said did y'all get your mama's recipe ain't none of them got it but we were friends we didn't go away angry and sit up and gossip about somebody and another thing Margaret was she was an excellent seamstress now I was jealous of that I went to school and learn how to sew and but I never got as good as Margaret move on sister the only one can get our focus back is Jesus a woman that does not read the Word of God that does not pray is not gonna stay that's why you got so much trouble on the phone gossiping all day and if you're not gossiping you're looking at the television and the most stupid stories y'all know what's gonna happen day by day shame on you turn the television off and talk to the Lord now in the scripture takes Peter s took come out of the ship to Jesus he wanted to be like Jesus and we all should want to be like Jesus he was focused on Jesus but at the same time he lost his focus but when the winds picked up and he looked at the situation he'd been to Gold he was going down but I want to remind you of a woman in Matthew 15 22 our sister the Canaanite woman she had heard about Jesus and she was pressed her way to get now the Canaanites I read a little bit about the Canaanites were really strange people they did a lot of strange things Saints don't do all that you know we don't y'all don't burn candles and and have let me tell you what I bought a piece of furniture and this furniture had a boy d'argo on it but I didn't know what when I found out what that thing meant I got that thing out of my house [Music] sometimes you have you don't need to buy things that I was young then you know I was real young all these strange looking people in and strange looking Idol you bring a spirit in your house with that stuff and that's where that woman came from but she had heard about Jesus she decided to go where he was and when she got there the disciples the adjutant's they wouldn't let her get to Jesus they stand-in in attention [Laughter] the preacher can go to the bathroom [Applause] but this woman made up her mind I'm not leaving I have a child at home that's vexed with the devil the Bible said the devil and you with yourself your holy self you got a child at home that got the pure devil in them and you can't do nothing they don't allow you to talk they don't allow you to correct them if they don't like you to correct them get them out of my house [Applause] but that's the way y'all do you lost your focus because you were taught better than that yo mama taught you better and your mama's mama taught you better but she held on and look what Jesus did I didn't come for y'all for years but I just didn't understand Jesus being that harsh on that woman he says I came to the Jews and what I have I'm gonna give to the Jew some of us won't even share what God has done for us that's the same thing you if God saves you from sin you ought to be able if you can't I can't preach I can't tell it like these preachers can but I can say something our churches ought to be busting at the sea all these folks going to hell I mean they got a highway but this woman his hearts worse didn't didn't bother her she still stayed there and then she Jesus told her I came to the Jews and not to you poor folks and they called them dough I live with that I was sanctified and holy it did not understand that's the year he called them dogs so you see what you'd have been back in that day thank God for Jesus thank God for salvation thank God but his son died on the cross for our sin and then this is what she said I know you were sent to the Jews first but look at me you're my last hope and you know it can you let my child continue to suffer is she pouring out her heart is she telling Jesus that I want my child healed and Jesus said great is your faith be it unto you even right he didn't have to go nowhere he just spoke the word he didn't have to call her husband if she had one he didn't have to call the preacher he just spoke the word but if you keep your focus you'll be all right now to go back to my lesson now if you notice Jesus never addressed the winds either say would be still good water go back in your face but the waves nor did he address the rise in water but he addressed Peters faith why did you doubt if Jesus done so much for us and he has all of us got more than we ever had in our life I worked I'm a licensed beautician I was thank god that's over I used to take my little money that I made go home on Saturday I stopped by the fabric store on my way home by my material and go home and make my dress and wear it Sunday morning when the circumstances call for you to do certain things you got to do it he didn't that dress but she didn't stop believing because they deterred her why do you lose your confidence why do you get distracted when you know what's right all that mess on television don't you know to turn the day that's all you don't all you got to do is turn the dial you don't have I believe some of that mess it comes someone has a spirit with you I told y'all I'm old-fashioned but I really don't care what you think about me because I know I'm saying it was and why did you allow your focus to shift to the storm and away from me you keep your focus on the Lord I will make a way fight me sometimes I be praying to the Lord and I see you said if I pray take God's Word and give it back to it it's a good thing if you live right you can't give him his word [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why did you allow yourself to lose your focus on me and look at the storm my god have we lost our focus have we lost plenty of time God has said softly and you know I never had experienced this but some people think that God talks to them one-on-one all God has ever said in my 82 years is he gave me a direction and that's it you don't talk to me like that that's a wonderful thing to be in his presence and let him sit and talk to you one-on-one I never had that I never had [Music] don't go there that's not your friend when I was gonna make of my friend fellowship with he will talk to you but sick you're waiting on a big book oh don't do that my god don't have to do that he talks in a song boys but you know if you know him you know his voice the Bible says that we keep him in perfect who's - stayed on because I trusted if you trust in him he can communicate he is I focus but the storms in life should never make you lose your focus don't ever let the storm became come a reality it doesn't matter what storm they come your way Jesus has already won and victory over the storm Jesus says in Saint John 16:33 these things have I spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in the world and told you the world's gonna mess you up but in the world you shall have tribulation but he said do what Oh yo and anyways a need to look up and smile some possibly ain't no pretty people but a smile does help us out me a good chin he says I have overcome what don't work nothing new Under the Sun be of good cheer he's bigger than any stone you are greater than in Istanbul you are more powerful than any stone you are more than a conqueror over the Sun keep your focus on Jesus and you are a winner god bless you put your hands together for the word of the Lord keep your focus look at your neighbors they keep your focus keep your focus to the other neighbor and your focus should be on Jesus he will do what needs to be done in your life very timely word really timely word from mother Shearer I prayed that you were blessed by that and of course shared this video I'm sure that there are many others who would be blessed from hearing that and of course we're yet praying for the shared family and all those that are connected children grandchildren great-grandchildren nieces nephews even the church family themselves so thank you so much for tuning in tonight and we'll be back later this week showing a few more videos and excerpts and allow me to thank Pentecostal temple for the parade that you gave me the other day totally unexpected to see you all lined up driving through my neighborhood with balloons and cards and food and money god bless you kindly I really appreciate it appreciate the encouragement and also for your prayers and the loss of my grandmother mother hazel Brooks just passed away on yesterday morning one moment she was talking and literally the next moment she slipped into eternity and so we never know when God's gonna call us but I think God for the life that she lived she was an incredible woman of God a peaceful woman a woman just full of joy never said anything mean or rude or harsh about anybody was a songbird as well and I look forward to sharing some moments that I had with her I would go and visit them and we'd have him time we just open up the hymnal and just play hymns and sings together and so I'm gonna share some of those moments with you to help remember this great woman of God previously praying for her my grandfather elder Alvin Brooks they were married for 63 years tremendous amount of time that they spent together of course pray for her kids grandkids great grand and her church family restoration Fellowship Church international thank God for the years that he loaned her to us and hey by God's grace we're able to make it and keep moving on so I'll see you this week we'll be replaying Sunday service as well happy Mother's Day belated Mother's Day to all of the mothers out there and I look forward to connecting with you again right here ten across the temple all right so you guys move less and I'll see you soon all right
Channel: Pentecostal Temple Church of God in Christ
Views: 25,691
Rating: 4.8790932 out of 5
Id: Gc0l2Smphzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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