Mother Frances Kelley - You Are the Salt of the Earth

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[Music] [Music] and God [Music] I don't know how I'm going I don't know what I'm just get out of the way that's what I'm working on that [Music] but you sit down Jesus what's your name hey yes thank you Jesus I know expert you know what just just pray that the Lord is helping here I'm getting there I'm listening I feel his help in the room I feel a strike coming in all shout I feel the Liberty room thank you Jesus thank you yeah uh-huh thank you thank you Jesus and of you so thank you Jesus I am highly out of God to be standing here today I think the last time I was before the people like this and a national convocation to bring a word was in front of my late pastor the bishop Jo Patterson senior has been 4550 years ago whatever but I'm so thankful to God and mother Louis looked on little me and asked me to bring a word it's all I can do to keep from boo-hooing right now I thank you I give glory and honor to God certainly to the presiding bishop and members of the general board and to mother Lewis and all of these wonderful women and I'm honored to be a part of thank you Jesus I see behind me sitting there my bishop Hall came to encourage me my own past the bishop Charles Harrison Mason Tennessee my god call me he called on my shine this morning was it this more in the past to encourage me I'm a little nervous though uh it was lately it was we got no say you don't get no big shots up here you don't get no big heads when you standing in front of God's people my first lady my bishops way you don't get wonderful you let see who you really are and if you're not careful the Saints will see straight through you amen I thought that's mean I want to be saved Amen Bishop Luers I want to be saved Saints I want to be safer yeah we thank God for all of the Saints in the prayer team with whom I've worked these years and I dearly love pastor Dennis Johnson my son from California bless you honey bless the Lord for you and all of the saints and if I don't call your names I love you and I'm just gonna try to get in this word for a minute two of you and hope to say something that will strengthen and encourage your high where they talked about salt if an innovator overlooked you I love ya I don't mean no I'll get you later okay don't worry now you know your names I don't where me and I give honor to you and said everybody so they got you some Pentecostal temple folks are you in the house my people praise God now when Jesus said in the book of Matthew 5 ye are the salt of the earth he's doing more than paying your casual compliment saying you are the strength of the earth you are the flavor amongst the bland you are one of the necessities of life you see salt is one of the most important things in the world we don't think anything about it but it is oftentimes we breathe through the scripture because salt is so commonplace today but it was not always so at the time Jesus made this statement around I believe it was around 28 ad something salt was a precious mineral then an ounce of salt could be treated for an ounce of gold and around the Mediterranean salt cakes were used for many many times Roman soldiers were paid with salt mm-hmm thank you Jesus this is where we get the word salary or transposed into salary thank you Jesus the Greeks considered salt divine a gift of the gods the Romans salt was a symbol of purity because it wasn't mixed with anything they would catch sea salt in huge bins and allow the Sun to dry the water until there was nothing left but the salt in the Old Testament the priest was commanded to use salt in all of their meat offerings at so in Leviticus salt is a working mineral no 1 bath salt just to put on a shifter for decoration it's bought for many uses we know that we're salty a blood I sweat our tears all these taste of salt salt is indispensable folks if body chemistry is to work to salt concentration in the blood must maintain a certain level a salt-free diet would cause the body to increase its secretion of water eventually the organism desiccates or dehydrates and dies that's how important salt I rake this up I'm a read this yeah all they gonna wear me but I ain't gonna go overtime but I'm just gonna solve deficiency results in weight loss tiredness irritability and decreased fertility brothers y'all didn't know that salt sees that it makes food it gives food like it makes it more agreeably even folks with it in coffee they'll salt at it sweet cake recipes calls for a little so now I'm just gonna get soft talk about this all day on this one how come good so do you know you can't live without it I can't either well you do know this salt will melt ice uh I'm getting there you know in the winter when there's snow in the streets and bridges freeze over the city since salt trucks out nice rich salt all about sometimes it takes a while but finally the ice melts amen and Jesus said over the Saint Luke go your ways I send you forth as lambs among wolves as you go you'll meet men who are arrogant whose hearts are frozen from the long winters of tradition jealousy and sin thank you Jesus amen people will hate you for what you stand for but if you just keep spreading salt they'll often yeah they're softened up after a while and I don't stop because you're outnumbered a little salt and seasonal whole pot you know that finally finally I'm getting to that salt is a preservative years before we were had deep freezes I remember I'm old so I remember when the ice man used to come around the yah you know the street and whatnot and you put a sign in about old enough to remember I'm signed you put in the window you had 25 and if you could have said 50 you had a big ol icebox and then you if you were telling a real PO you do twelve and a half uh-huh salt yeah people use salt to preserve meat they'd had him meet things hanging up I hate to say it but it's the truth in your mouth at some time oh I have seen that when they killed the Hogs they salted the meat down until the flavor went through and through I didn't live in the country ahead of them uncle who did and then they get they take that salt and put on it homey and granny would cook it and put some greens put it over there some greens good great isn't like I didn't care where the head hunger song I didn't care cuz that hot water boiled and you know whatever the came but anyway I wasn't starting about biological stuff and whatnot I just wanted some greens and cornbread and that's what we eat and it was good amen salt was always in control know the salt never taste meeting but to meet always and you can saw takes control that's all I'm trying to tell you about that intimidate I'm knowing whom I have believed and I am persuaded that he's able to keep a salt preserve that which I have committed to him against that day okay chemical salt and just through with you for now let's talk about spiritual salt hang on baby all day spiritual salt has a different taste from the regular chemical saw the spiritual salt tastes like love and today's society we often hear the word love used and mostly misused many time worldly slangs have thieves sanded one another love you man and they get on your dope territory as soon as you turn your back they want to get your clients love you man uh-huh lovers on a one-night stand declared to one another y'all we're to pray for me cuz I'm gonna get ghetto in a minute I'm getting there it meant and this is probably my last time I get up so I'm scared somebody with a big mouth like this gonna have to tell the truth and we got to quit trying to do this Sunday school talk to these evens and tell them what sin is and get with them get on down and if they don't like it it's tough but at least is up to us to tell thank God they told me I had to give up that stuff that I was in - amen so they salted me down and I'm thank God for I'm glad I proud of been wore out right now in that sin like something the cigarettes and laughing going would mean and I thought men was sometime I thought it was much right what's right man I see my sister sitting here I didn't see my sister god bless you Queenie hey man yeah bye chateau we're gonna have to get softer here now y'all mm-hmm we use it loosely to describe automobile clothes come on I'm almost used a word I'm a substitute salt now for love uh-huh ooh you don't mean that there's never been but one source of real salt a real nerve and that's the love of god but god is love and he gives us power and patient to love one another it is not always easy it's not always easy you can know you got to love everybody everybody gonna let you love them you do the best you can but you can't love them like you really want to cause some folks is as dirty and lowdown and ain't gonna let you love they come in to church they salt it ain't time-outs altar with godless salt they got a salty attitude I don't care who your mama were don't come tell me who your daddy well then they don't help me Oh gonna be the guy Amen they don't help me not my mama used to be older songs so good for her and I hope she got her to war but that ain't helping you coming in won't speak to know about it act like you look and you get your own then you nerve folks on the outside and if they don't put you up first and I'm gonna put you on every program you get hot and go home don't want to pay time you ain't you in the preacher no favorite pantac God told you to pay time man you're you're in love you ain't loved you want to be wonderful every but everybody can't be seen at all time a man and upon you jumping salty try please it may we used to have a hand but the last one I got mother Lewis gave it to me Harahan Booker tell us what to do how you keep salt in the church as women let me get with the women I want of you a man there's women tell us how to do I can't talk to you and tell you what to do if you was a virgin I never have a one man I can't help you I'll let some it hey baby that's some of these other uh-huh but God save folks last me so I can help most of you got my testimony don't come in looking like you ain't ain't never know you're alive you're had everybody that wanted you I'm gonna get started with me god save me from my stuff apples of Silla so I can't talk to the woman ain't never had with one man but let me talk to most of you he come in with that lie he loves you he don't love his wife and he in love with you and and and some of them boogers I started using Edward I won't do that but some of them and I'm not gonna do that it's to me to other people working around here but what I'm napping book will come in and date you that laugh I don't know her I with her because of the children the children brown I what's good what we're not I don't love her I love you I tell you what I'm gonna tell you how to solve that would he tell you that laugh he don't love his wife no more he love you let's go tell her together [Applause] let's just go in and tell her you don't love her no more Clyde you there sweet baby jump salt it and get the deed to the house bring it over to my house the automobile insurance will it to me you'll find out where the salty is a new side to salt is on and apart being a food and you got to teach this to your daughter's a man and you can't teach them nothing when they hear you lying and gossiping and talking on the phone when they see you don't go to the meetings like you're supposed to when they see you lying and crying and flying amen you can't tell them nothing nothing we need to bring the salt back in the church I was saying mother Lewis gave me that hand but I looked at that's how you kidding me this is what we supposed to be doing I understand that yeah you ain't gonna teach her how to make quilts I don't know we don't have to do that no more but you ought to try to teach him to cook you take aim you got these little gals and I can't cook a man a meal to say they like one thing about it they can't get getting nothing done for their mo long cloth fingernails they don't try to pay for [Applause] I am I topping again no I'm just saying do what you got to do at home hey man we're talking about this off to church we talked about the church that's been salted down and holiness salting it down in love salt it down by the Word of God from the man a woman of God we're not talking about just jump to come together the way our good-looking suits I like good-looking clothes too by God but that ain't my salvation when my body gets sick put on down and brokenhearted when my song was stretched out on the mall my Saint John nothing could help us all to the word the Word of God my god that's the kind of salt we need to teach these young women that's how come we don't have too many young women doing stuff in the church they don't see enough examples of us old folks amen now run and tell that and see if I care it's the truth and a half glory I'm almost through thank you Jesus Laura Peter God they wanna get but don't wanna give listen to some of the statistics in America and in the world because of the lack of the salt of God and the salt of love and the salt of understanding the salt or perception thank you over eight million unmarried couples are living together and the number is rapidly rising somebody's folk go to church some of the folk go to Pentecostal churches mm-hmm children living in one parent homes over fourteen point two million now these stats are little old too few years old single parents in the United States today are responsible fourteen million our are responsible for raising children almost two million children this is the number live in a household headed by their grandparent or no pain now Saints you can't love your child anymore then she loves hers as she loves her so he loves why don't we get enough salt in our backbone we live in holy been by yourself a long time we didn't get to be men because we ain't here in the hood God didn't take our femininity from us I didn't quit wanting to man cuz I didn't have one y'all try to add deep gosh y'all I want a man if you don't want a man if you want a woman you [Music] you don't want to be that way but you but but we got to live say Amen grandparents make that gal take care home baby mama quit taking them babies when these gals go out and get number give me that baby gal you don't know what to do teach her tell her to learn how she knew how to get him a man quit taking the baby and you raising that they didn't gotten under do bruh go get another one but when she got to get up three and four times the night went along baby a man when she got to take him to the doctor which he's responsible for getting him his shots amen when he throws up all over the place he let her clean it up like I do and if she doesn't know how to get you know how to get him then she'll know how to treat it but we as women and mothers and grandmothers quit taking up the slack for our love and children that ain't got no holy goes salt and we're not making them get y'all looking at me funny but I'm telling you the truth I don't care it's the truth in a half some time unfortunately children are living in homes with no parents amen then when our girls come up and become lesbians because they have been abused hey man we don't throw them away we teach them righteousness and holiness but your daughter is your daughter and I understand that I'm not stupid I understand you're gonna love your child but we can help back quit calling them amen and make them get salty only on young ladies whatever young leaders we get in the house today salt it down let God's altar down yeah the song time you know you ain't got to go to bed with brother boy I ain't getting to in a man mm-hmm you tell these young girls and be the example for them and I realized okay what you do summer man gonna do it right but look like to me the young girls would have sense enough if they ain't gonna live right if they gonna have sex before marriage which is totally all wrong there but we did it but we don't magnify we teach against it but girlfriends if you're not gonna live right if you go lay down with brother boy house is enough to make that nappy head booger stop by Walgreen [Music] [Applause] I'll tell the truth I don't care I know it's the truth that's all I mean only of Holi much as you teach it but at least half Sasana to do what is necessary to keep yourself out of certain positions I don't condone it but I'm trying to prevent some stuff that you would have to go through later that's all amen get a saltshaker amen mm-hmm if you are married American your marriage is more than 50% likely to end in divorce now these are special for younger women some of the older women kept their husbands till they died or still got them and wish no [Applause] and wish they'd do better that's all oh go Rebecca no matter what you're doing you'll feel at one time ah other weak and discouraged but hold on hold on God still has more scholarships for young people amen he has more good jobs for young people soft your sex life down with going to Sunday school going to why pww amen and when you have these different boards some of it do something is more to having a board and a group together than raising money we have to teach our young people I don't and some of my eat all day Johanna slow and be farting for the fair coming in the church we don't set nothing to him anymore how come you won't let them come in with that dress way up here and they wait to ten and that grand big but wait wait wait wait a minute I want you to know ain't nobody attractive with that big hunk of meat on the inside of your knees that ain't pretty to know about it big old hunk of meat inside and if you skin it a little bone sticking up don't know about it like that ain't no man turned on with that so why show it known about war now cover that stuff up baby I don't have known again I don't care what size you are that's beauty in a hundred pounds of 300 pounds but soft it down like God would have you to do it cover your backside up sugar what a man sees too much of you don't want it the Pattersons are known for being honest Bishop singing she was telling about they went bad hunting one time stood up in a tree somebody propped up in a tree all night long waiting for the bed it come so they could get the bear he must have got him cuz we had a wire game dinner and some of us a bound me I tried a little chaser it wouldn't do babe what am I trying to say they stayed up all night long in the tree to get a bath but a man won't take a slingshot could catch a pussycat going across the street they let them go on and get under house do what they wanna do I know most folks don't want to talk didn't want to say it cook you know but I mean what if I got to lose I'm 84 years old okay and I ain't got much time don't have you put me up on my tail the truth amen the best I knew it Amen I'm telling my what's sending folks to hell and we're gonna have to attract make an attraction and do something to try to get the young people I am concerned about that we need more young women in the church I'm sorry I'm sorry we need more younger women in the church but they will not come until they find something in us to entice them amen I don't know what it is if I had downside given whether we got enough women leaders we got enough and one woman can't do it all okay so cooperate in your church with the people that's doing stuff amen no one person can do it all that's why I called 12 at first Jesus said you know everybody can't do it all but we're still needing salted down people in the church and this is a women's convention and I'm picking out after women we need more younger women to take on some of the responsibilities of holiness some people's the witness to Cana better do it better than some of the younger women a man cuz they figure we all and can't do nothing some I would be surprised but but since our time is over tell them how to do it tell them how to make a man of me teach them how to witness teach them how to keep a man a clean bed a man teach them how to look decently and in order for their husbands amen teach them you don't have to teach them how to make quilts they can go bad one but you can also teach them how to act when you get on the one that's leaving that's needed when they gonna get it in the street you don't want him to get that information out of the nightclub have groups to get together and teach them you're women who have had husband 34 in 50 years have been successful some of us couldn't do and you did it tell him how to keep him tell him how to wash his back when he in the turn tell him how to hand him the towel a man tell him how to take her uh-uh-uh-uh-uh a fella and wake him up in the morning tell him how to whisper in his ear tell him how to take your fingernails and just tear him o his body slightly make him leap through good God Almighty [Applause] tell them how to tell that Booga you can make him peep through muddy water and spot dry land if you know how to do well well well well [Music] [Music] thank you Jesus I'm through man man you are not a if you get your salt respect your women salty men dare to be different from the crowd have a date night to take your lady out oh I wish I had known all this stuff when I was younger I wish I had somebody to tell me how to have been a better wife somebody in the hole in his church who could help me so that wouldn't have laid with my husband so she didn't convince him she was so good for him but when I had gotten some paddy to witness to me about the Lord and I began to feel a little better but he began to get worse and at one point I heard uh don't be arraigned not gonna do it I'm gettin to say I've gotten just got to save didn't know nothin about it but somebody had witness to and I went back to there's a sanctified Church the first thing they showed me was a scripture over in Jeremiah I think it was 32 and 27 behold I am the Lord the God of all flesh is there anything too hard sorry bad his time this had done so much damage to my heart and he had done so much and they go on vacations and that cow would leave her underwear in his suitcase so when he got home I find it y'all ain't been through nothing some of you a man and if I said too much he slapped me down yeah buddy when a young man came back my husband's big old nightclub mister killers was the biggest nightclub in Detroit at the time and what Hey yeah I know something y'all been there hang on cookie I a man you say I am but in a way going through that told us told me a about coming to the church I said what church he said it looks like the factor I said that little house down there he said yes ma'am invited me to the church I said thank you I said by the way we're bringing I can't think of it now but it doesn't matter some fabulous organist jazz guy I said do you have a hammer dog and we're bringing sewing so in the club he said no man we don't have any count on organ we just have an upright piano y'all remember the piano when you get old and you hit him and the keys jump out at you some of y'all don't know him and I said to myself is he kidding I miss Kelly he's here with me going down there yeah so action things got real bad and one night late at night that don't be a ring and men with guns off I said yes are you ain't just Kelly yes I have an order here to what they do when they put you out evict you I said when he said now it's late at night and I got a baby Saints they took their time it was 39 degrees in Detroit Michigan where I was living at the time had been to New York lived on Central Park West worked at the baby grand would nipsey Russell and worked at the Harlem was that big old theater Apollo opened up this show from Billie Holiday working on done all that stuff and Here I am being put outside in 39 degree weather in Detroit I don't mean just out I'm talking about the furniture outdoors on the ground in that little grassy spot before you get to the house I'm talking about that I had a baby in the crib I said please don't put my baby out in this weather he said we'll do it but you got to call somebody I didn't have a living relative that I had called my sister's a year before awhile before then they had come up to be with me and he put on an act and did all that and made him welcome in this any other and I told my mama what was going on she said listen when you're willing one either said when Willie your cousin when you get his vacation I sent him up there to get you but it was too late understand what was that gonna do my furnitures outdoors it's 39 degrees my baby's in the crib what could I do so I called him what no Elsa my husband do you know I'm gonna tell you about the exalted God I couldn't cry I just was standing in the door watching them take out thousand dollars knocking faith chairs had a beautiful 16 room home and this numbers booking gambling husband that I had had everything in it that you could want all of that snatched right out the door called him couldn't get no answer let me tell you what a God would do if you ain't salty is you want to be and you need to be and he know you got the potential here just sprinkle some on you and let you get a shine let you get the victory I went out to dojust urpy cuz it was 39 the sanctified folks God knows I hang on that from that church the deacon that lived about 12 to 15 blocks in another part of town down Gratiot Avenue somewhere drove back in a great big empty truck with his 16 year old strong son and I'm standing in the dope he knew that's where I lived and he looked he said sir Kelly by that time to tears begin to come had me put out I got nowhere to go got no bad a guy he said your phone still on yes he said wait a minute let me use a telephone baby in the career he called his wife if anybody know Daisy and Elma husband I both of them going to be with the Lord he said days miquellee so Skelly he's been put out he told her the story though and by this time I begin to cry and I heard him say uh-huh yeah good okay I'll see what she said I didn't know what he hung the phone up he said mrs. Kelly would you and Durango be willing to come over and sleep up in the attic as two rooms up there are you kidding me I'd be willing to sleep in the garage rather than on the ground in the snow ain't got nowhere to go he and that teenage boy took me three trips and put me in there took me to their house put me upstairs in the lolani I climbed up and down and every morning at 10 a.m. she called me McAllen so Skelly that's the mayor huh [Applause] [Music] that's how I learn I didn't have changing Church pool I had holes in my stocking my sonic cornflakes three times a day sometimes [Music] but I had to get up and pray in her house I learned how it says something except our five which I don't hit that's what I knew how to say y'all preach but the more my heart rate the more my heart would break I couldn't see the way but I learned how to call home to you okay note you did your best you did the best you could I can't have you no more I learned how to call on do you like your side and then I realized I could pray by myself yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so then I said I got to do something I can't keep eating on these folks up huh so they got me a job and anybody here from Detroit yeah I remember Winkleman got me a job on this selling floor and when I was kid I was kind of cute and you knowing what and I would borrow a dress boo until I could get rewarm on a discount employee discount and then I did me another one the next weekend then I had four or five then when I go to church I was cleaning Flores Oh were to God then I'm cutting it shot I begin to feel funny in my body I begin to hurt and I couldn't explain it but I'd still go to work by this time I'm a saleslady a twinklets standing on the floor one day and my stomach begin to growl what's going on here I pray to God this never happens to one of you you're talking about no one had a humble down Saint I lost my body function not number one standing on the floor in Winkelmann I have never been more humiliated no embarrassed in my life I didn't know I couldn't help myself they took me to the ladies room and brought some kind of rags and wrapped me and I called those people the Saints they cared me through the employee interest and cared me out of there to hit the house I was too embarrassed to ever go back and I called again to my home couldn't nobody come get me at that time and I stayed with those people until God released my time there in Detroit I left home going to Detroit in New York in show business the jet mate magazine Edmond local girl makes good flew to Europe work in New York had a coach to teach me how to stand and forget all this stuff now had how to do and how all of that but the salt had not gotten to me like it should have yet and when God began to solve it it never wanted to kill me I had a big knot in my neck they called it a God made my heart beat faster made my temperature go up amen they took me out of there took me home I stayed with them called home and finally I left going home when I left home local girl makes good with my little pet monkey on my shoulder Miss Muffet no that was my dog Coco Coco was my little monkey lower but when I came back I didn't have a monkey I had a six year old nappy head hungry boy with Buster Brown shoes and clothes somebody had given me that their child had outgrown and a funny-looking dress or all those New York gowns I couldn't use them all that Flair it had no salt I couldn't use but I had my little boy by the arm in a one-way ticket to Memphis clothes on a cardboard box in a bag it said behold I am below is it too hard I went on home I got a sister sitting that can witness five minutes went to the house prayer they were praying in the homes then but this big night my mama had a friend who worked for this doctor that didn't wait on black folks that could help this he let me come in the back and I'm back through when everything was over and he told me what did the surgeon would take it what it would take to help me I had no insurance and no money but a friend of mine from Pentecostal Temple Church of God in Christ in Memphis told me about a prayer meeting they had at a woman's house they took me to cook the erect lifts house when they were praying I had shown this to my grandmother and one day my sister at that time I'm not gonna give her testimony she can give it but she wasn't saved at that time a man and I would walk around she'd be getting ready to go to work at her job at the insurance company I would walk around in front of her and with her showing her scriptures in the Bible and some time I'd get on a nerve so bad she said mama dear friends to leave me alone but I kept bugging I kept bugging I said see here Louie I said see the red right that's what Jesus see and see that party mama made friends that leave me alone and I you turn your head I don't want you to see this make a leave me alone but guess what got to this sister's house today they told me God was a healer and I found out for myself they prayed for that god of the God a left ain't ain't no scar ain't had no it not a cook not a doctor but I hear a salty guy it said behold I am the lord i'ma keep saying that the God of all flesh is there anything too hard for me God heal me he's saying he saved my sister at a young preachers Church ain't going in today save my other Catholics sister took the cigarettes out of my mama's mouth saved her saved in the family and I thank God for the song God is who he is and there's nobody god but God everybody's there [Music] thank you Jesus oh and wasn't all of the stuff I had one of the way I had planned to go but I would rather have God to have his way thank you Lord this is the part where we all can play our souls are at stake there's somebody in the house that is not too proud to say I could use another - and somebody could say my soul shake is empty I want to come back and get result those of you that in the house and then we might have somebody who's never been sprinkle down if you're in the house please come this is the altar to the utmost Jesus saying Jesus aim will pick you up [Music] and turn around I lose [Music] Jesus saying somebody else beside this young woman truly unmowed oh Jesus say even on emotion somebody want another salt and come on I'm coming down and they help sprinkle you but God's got to do the salt Jesus same you turn around Oh hallelujah yeah I needed a couple of strong men to get me down here cuz if I break something old as I am and hang only you so you get the prefer to the be the same to the art mouth [Music] I live in the hood here we are on the altar today come on in people say feel with your spirit set free in the name of buying demons by Devils the blood of Jesus fever both shock I feel the help in the room the blood of Jesus the strength of God of God oh God thank you Jesus now let me tell you what what I see now I tell you what everybody on this all to step up I'm going to change your helpers here you get behind there get behind everybody get behind one of them y'all take two steps up this way look at me everybody there take two steps up this way take two more and stop right there dog two workers get behind them either by bus Thank You GU Thank You G Thank You G thank you Jesus that Thank You G washable Thank You G [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you thank you for your peace thank you [Music] [Music] right God Almighty right God of peace Saturn free Satan look at me as a distant whatever seeing the enemy it's cloaking you with do you want to be delivered do you want to be delivered to go back no motorway curse I'm not gonna call about his name he knows naming you do too but you're a lying demon God birth this young man to be what he wanted me to be and the blood of Jesus residential this [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what you need you got a tumor where right here take your glasses huh my heart can't you do with that I push you now can you see can you read can you read good you do all the day you just want to add to go back angle push it back uh-huh you don't have Tara no more it's up to God I can't do it no huh I shouldn't even be pushing you in ass thank you Jesus I'm just gonna lay my hand on it and if God gonna bow sure but he wants to do like he wants to heal shot shondo in the name of Jean [Applause] No thank you sir thank you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] actually let me tell you something young man I don't know you I don't know you do I let me tell you something's gonna help you amen you're called of God God chose you God wants to salt you some more come out from among them sissified men that's been hanging around you you understand what I'm saying God can't use no men trying to be women we call them ain't calling you that understand that understand it but the ones that's been around you they've been around your heaven yes ma'am talk to me boy I don't slip Hey I don't break up the God stay away from random sisters okay let God save them but God has chosen you and they know it and that's reading the devil in hell is trying to destroy you in the name of Jesus [Music] ha [Music] that game like you too [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank You G Jesus I can get through here like you're Jesus that's all I can do is to pray ma'am you need me to pray where were you when I was calling all these folks I've been praying which you went to the bathroom bless yo sweetheart okay yep all up here thank you Jesus come here Mel thank you right here in the name of Jesus we praise you Jesus we give the name floor we give your name honor I think your little more shine go and do better and be better take your seats I believe God thank you just a little later it's literally thank you Jesus I kept up and is she getting up I didn't ask you what was wrong cause I can't fix it no way baby here God did that's what you did just go thank you darling god bless you saints take your seat bless mother rumors god bless you mother Brooks praise the Lord I feel in the room I feel salt oh yeah strength is in our own help is in our own healing is in a room delivers is in a room the peace of God is yeah the hope of God the help of God not the difference of God the awning of God God even the more the unknown of God Thank You G soon as you can take your seats haha Thank You G Thank You geez he's in a room he's in a room [Music] [Music] I'll me no homo shot [Music] - Appa God sit in this cell thank you very much Shonda thank you all thank you thank you long I miss you Matt past hmm alright alright now if you gonna tear some I ain't got no problem with that go over there go over there on the concrete and just tear until God gets through you don't want to cut God off take him over there - babies sir you take him over [Music] do you feel salty coming preach it yeah thank you Jesus thank you no no no mo Shonda thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I ain't I ain't playin with I just don't mess with me thank you Jesus and in what I go to the line yes I'm gonna do something else with the Lord I need some me in here doctor thank you Jesus I just just stand behind him don't touch him don't bother them leave her alone thank you Jesus thank you Jesus and when I go to land telephone Thank You Gia it's something bad it's insurance but it is kind of more like a mortgage it's more laughs alone it's more like a bank dear gosh and you haven't been able to get it like you want it [Music] God said I'm gonna knock the percentage down sir you own it God daddy thank you not only am I gonna knock the percentage down I'm all shot in two payments but so you be through [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm stupid then later just sparkling right through there waving your hand with their sparkles on right there yeah you don't know don't come out and get anger time to go just stay where you are I just wanted to die oh no you do it you're a bite of singing I can't you so dressed up sister I don't know if I didn't know you don't know you know it's it's not for you it's for your family member I wanted to give you some encouragement for that family member let them know helping this hold on here I got to get it right cuz I don't want to be a lion private they're trying to branch out and another expansion of what they already get and they don't have all of the credit references and all of the stuff they need are the financial security but God is gonna give them favor is that huh her husband she can to you your baby God said I'm gonna make it so you can get the loan so you can have the thing God is gonna put it out and it's gonna be professional that's what I hear professional am I talking to you well howl until God [Music] [Music] so the joys come take this microphone for me carry on god bless you mother Lewis at 85 I don't know how much time I got but until breath leaves my body I will never forget this day and your permission are calling that they asked me to say a word and since you hear mother rivers I'll never forget the opportunity that you afforded me as well I praise God and hope I just hope that I can become women like I see sitting up here it brings tears to my eyes to tell the truth see people don't know what these women been through they don't know that years that they've taught and suffered and went with and went without some of them struck by their husbands and when things were so tough they didn't hardly have money to pay bills they took it for the church oh I know some of you those of you that are coming along you might not have that test young women but if you live holy you're gonna have some tears and if God be magnified you come out just like these three sent up here god bless you I thank you for this opportunity from the bottom of my heart
Channel: Albany's Internet Mall
Views: 52,484
Rating: 4.8325405 out of 5
Keywords: Mother Frances Kelley, You Are the Salt of the Earth, 111th Holy Convocation, Church of God in Christ, The Church Seasoning the World
Id: _5C30otrz5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 4sec (4684 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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