Dr. Dorinda Clark Cole-MNCEJ Convocation 2014 (FULL SERMON)

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thank you come on let's give the lord a praise if you know he has done some things suddenly come on we can do better than that come on let's give god a praise for just being here in the land of the living the activities of our limbs we're able to walk we're able to talk it is a blessing just to be in the house of the lord are you excited about being in the house of the lord amen why don't you get somebody's hand it's imperative that we touch and agree and believe god for some greater things that are coming and i don't know about you but i sense a greater anointing in this meeting ever since the day it started and i just sense that god's gonna send us out here doing greater works and i just want you to squeeze your neighbor's hand and say god's looking for you he's counting on you he's depending on you at hand that you're holding you don't know what it is they're going through but yes by you just standing there is an indication that i need you to pray with me some things that we can't even talk about some things we can't even share but because of the power of agreement the bible says any to touch and agree asking anything it shall be done squeeze your neighbor's hand and said it will be done we'll be done it will be done don't let them go don't let them go because there are some things that god is getting ready to release in this atmosphere tonight many of you been praying about some things that you need god to turn around to move to shift and tonight if i be a woman of god you're going to see some things happening even from this day forward because of your willingness and your obedience and and your accountability and ministry god's getting ready to shift some things in your very home shift some things on your job shift some things in your business shift some things even as it relates to your family god's gonna do that tonight father we thank you for your loving kindness your tender mercy your outstretched hands you've been better to us than we could be to ourselves we thank you god because it's because of your mercy i and your grace that you gave us one more chance to walk through these doors and to lift up our hands god and give you praise father for it had not been for you we wouldn't be standing here right now we thank you for your grace and your mercy i thank you god that the hand that i'm holding i don't know what it is they're going through but god i believe you by your power that you're able to do anything but fail you're able god to work a miracle you're able to heal you're able to deliver you're able to set free we believe you by your power you told us to ask anything in your name that you would do it tonight god we believe you we believe you we believe you squeeze that neighbor's hand and say we believe you god we believe you god that the things that we pray to you this morning we believe that things are going to change by tomorrow we believe that by this time next week things are going to shift some things are going to be released in our hands we thank you god we thank you move by your power move by your spirit put the devil on the run and everything that the devil stole god we're going to get it back because you told us we could and we thank you for deliverance we thank you we thank you god for what you're going to do for my neighbor i don't know what it is they're going through but i believe by your power that things are changing in the name of jesus squeeze their hands and say things are changing tell them again things are changing open up your mouth and give god a praise right there i believe your god i believe you let your neighbor's hand go and go for yourself and give god the best praise you can give him for some things that he's about to do come on if you don't say that that means you don't need god to do it you got to open your mouth open up your mouth open up your mouth and praise him come on you got to seal the prayer by opening up your mouth you got to let god know that you're in the house and the only way he can happen is that he hears from your mouth come on open your mouth don't just clap your hands if you worship and you'll open your mouth and say god i believe you for the things that you have in motion the things that the doctors have said god you are a healer you are a deliverer you are a waymaker you are the same yesterday and forevermore and god we hold you to your word behold you to your word that every promise is yeah and amen and we thank you god that what you've promised you're yet able to perform and we believe your word your people tonight came to get this word thank you for allowing me to be the messenger that would stand behind this sacred desk thought i pray now that you would touch me if there were some not the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight oh lord my strength and my redeemer and all the people that know that change is going to take place in every area of your life for the next three or four months i need you to open up your mouth and act like it come on act like change is about to take place you know what you need god to do you know what you need him to do you know you need him to walk up in your house you know you need him to talk to your children you know you need them to talk to some people oh bless the name of jesus hallelujah and father we thank you for what you're going to do in jesus name thank god amen come on put your hands together and thank god for what he's going to do in your life i excited about your future i'm excited about what god is going to do for you is it anybody in here know that god is really up to something and it can happen suddenly now if you don't say now this is rude to be in a conversation with one person talking all the time look at your neighbor say she gonna need you to say something back to her uh-huh yeah i need a two-way conversation going on tonight so look at your neighbor and say if god's been a healer don't sit there and act like he ain't healed your body oh yes all the years that you've been living there's some time in your life that god healed your body god performed a miracle he worked a miracle that no other person could do i'm looking at some praises up in here and guess what not only am i looking at you but god is looking at you because he's looking to find out where is the real praise the praise that i really brought them out and they didn't tell nobody else just give somebody a high five now if you can tell them you're gonna sit on this road you're gonna have to say something about this not to say something i have to say something this is not the time to be quiet especially if you're looking for god to do something in the next three months uh look down the road both ways look both ways and tell them if you're gonna sit next to me you're gonna have to open your mouth do you need a mint you can do you got to open your mouth you got to say something oh i'm gonna think you're just uh just the person just sitting on this row and not appraiser but i believe i got some praises in this house amen we bless god and i thank god for um just the ideal of me being saved sanctified and filled with the precious holy ghost uh it used to be a time when we say that um i've been saved sanctified and filled you know the saints will go up they don't do that anymore because i guess um we kind of got used to it but look at your neighbor and say are you saved are you saying yeah yeah i just keep the excitement of being saved because it simply says that god has kept you through it all we honor the lord tonight i'm so grateful and i promise um bishop i promise i'm not gonna be long tonight down you know the enemy's been trying to come after me all day long i don't know what has been going on but that's what happens many of you that um of course preachers and evangelists and missionaries understand that any time there's an assignment there's an attack of the enemy so look at your neighbor and say that's the first sign now many of you say i've been called by god i've been caught but these are the signs that would follow them that believe and so if you say god calls you it's not the time to back up but just take charge and go after the enemy because no weapon that's formed against you shall prosper and every weapon that is formed there is a weapon that's formed but will not prosper look at your neighbor say oh yeah it's there it's gonna form itself but it's not gonna take over me uh have i got any overcomers yeah have i got any overcomings amen and certainly i'm excited about what god is doing and let me just say i'm so thankful and i promise i want to kind of rush and expedite um this time of um or be expeditious as possible with um my um what do we call this preliminaries thank you bishop thank you my preliminaries i promise i won't be long but just bear with me because it's really important that i give honor to whom honor is due amen amen i don't believe in just um just getting up and saying just the house has been addressed but i believe in giving honor to these great men and women that have paved the way and allowed us this opportunity i want to give honor to um our great leader let me just talk about him first before i ask you to stand and recognize him um and that's what we're supposed to do but he has definitely um i found him as a shepherd um some odd 18 years ago and he is a shepherd he leads feeds and he meets the needs both spiritually and naturally and when it's naturally that means that some things that you don't know that god can help you with naturally and some things that i i do in the natural that the father the spiritual has to correct me and let me know when it's natural and when it's spiritual so he leads he feeds and he meets the need as a sheep i've sat under his leadership he is a very innovative leader he's very charismatic i've watched him go through the ranks of this church and as he stated there are times when we connected in ministry way back when so when you see us working in ministry is not something that has just happened but it was something that god has connected us together in ministry i've watched him go through the ranks of this church as the president of the international youth department and then as the vice chairman of the aim convention and then they had to actually create a job for him just trying to let you know what kind of leader we had they had to create a job for him and how many of you know that when god anoints a leader sometimes they have to make room for for people that are anointed and appointed in no way in the world that you can say in front of thousands of people we don't have a place no there's no way in the world that that could happen but i've seen him i seen him i watched him grow from the vice chairman of the aim convention and he was elevated to the real position as a chairman of the international aim convention am i talking right uh-huh and wow what a leader he was just to see how god has definitely moved him in this church and i always oftentimes say that you just never know where you're gonna be in this church if you stay faithful if you stay faithful and i've watched him and i've saw him i've seen him even go through some crying spells dealing with church folk y'all ain't hearing me i've seen him go to his hotel room him and his wife and just bow down on his knees and say god i don't know what is going on and all of us as leaders have been through that one way or the other well i don't care what kind of level we're on we've all gone through that but i've watched them i've watched them stand tall as a leader i've watched him um to now the lord has elevated him to the presidium of our church the highest office that you can have sit on the board of 12 men here he stands in that position and who is that is our leader i need you to stand up on my on your feet and give this great honor to our leader the bishop james drew shearer god bless you bishop i thank you thank you so so very much i had to get that out i never really get a chance to talk about our leader because we're always rushing but i wanted to to definitely uh let him know how much i appreciate this spot this is a a spot of just history i thank god for allowing me to stand in this dead to be able to minister the word of god tonight and to our establishmentarian the one and only our founder that we celebrate tonight the bishop h.j williams god bless you bishop god bless you who thought it not robbery to allow our bishop to continue to carry on his legacy and of this jurisdiction to all the administrative assistants um administrative assistant gangs givens and to all of the superintendents and pastors of rushing along and to all of these great men of god that served our great leader come on let's thank god for bishop's cabinet of men that really helped to keep the north central jurisdiction apart and certainly we thank god for our jurisdictional supervisor mother kareem wade adams i love you mother thank you so much for allowing me to serve with you and it's been an honor to work with you to our first lady of this jurisdiction north central jurisdiction my sister such a sweet sweet lady i thank you so much evangelist karen clark sheard and to our evangelist doris allen i mean ellison come on let's thank god for our assistant supervisor my counterpart to all the district missionaries to all the respectful ladies uh all the elect ladies and their respectful places we bless god for all of you come on let's thank god for all the people that i didn't know to call with the protocol amen i want to last but not least i want to thank god for my family my daughter's here nikki nikki where you at she travels with me stand up nikki so they can see you nikki travels with me every time i'm out of town she's with me and god has definitely pulled her in and i'm so thankful her and her husband uh brother dion and and then of course my son jay i saw jay stand up jay he works he's actually president of the youth department here at our church i love to see my children in ministry amen keep praying mothers can be praying fathers that shall that god will find a place for them amen amen i want to thank god for my husband my husband thank you sweetheart i really appreciate you standing by me and standing by my side he is the wind beneath my wings and uh certainly i am happily married for uh 36 years and and um just being married these 36 years i don't think i can i don't think nobody else could put up with me my husband has definitely been my support he knows when i feel good he don't knows when i don't feel good he gives me my space and i just love him i just love him so much y'all give it up for my husband the elder gregory cole my grandbaby's here sir jay sir dj it's her dj oh he waved his hand tonight praise god the holy ghost is here hallelujah you know the devil gets him every time but anyway we just thank god for my family and i thank god for all of you let's go quickly to the word of god um i promise i won't be long tonight um y'all praying for me right amen pray for me i'm telling you these powerful messages that we've been hearing all week look at your neighbors say you can't do nothing but stay safe hallelujah gotta stay safe stay safe i want to go to the gospel according to matthew chapter 20 the gospel according to matthew chapter 20. thank god for my sister jackie um where is he i thought i saw her yeah hey this is yeah sister jackie who works with me and my ministry and i appreciate it so so very much you got the word the gospel according to matthew chapter 20 verse 1-7 and it reads like this for the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder which went out early in the morning to hire laborers everybody say higher laborers into the vineyard and when he had agreed with the laborers for a penny a day he sent them into the vineyard and he went out about the third hour and saw others others others standing idle he saw now this was the third hour he saw other standing idle in the marketplace and he said unto them go ye go go ye go ye also into the vineyard and whatsoever is right i will give you and they went their way and again again again here it is again for something about mercy something about grace again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour and did likewise and about the eleventh hour he went out and found other other other if you say others i ain't talking about you others standing idle and said unto them why stand ye here all the day i if i was to twist the scripture just for just for a moment i would say why stand you here all the year why stand you here all the week why stand you here all the month why stand ye here why stand here idle nothing to do but just here why stand like other people why be like other people standing idle he said unto them why standing here of the day idol and they said unto him because no man has hired us are you really serious he said unto them go ye go ye here it is again go ye also into the vineyard and whatsoever is right they shall receive ah let's go to saint john you don't have to go there but i'm gonna just tell you this john 9 4 familiar passage of scripture says i must work the works of him that sent me while it's day that when night cometh when night cometh everybody's sleeping when night cometh nobody really wants to work one night cometh no man can work close your your bible and grab a neighbor by the hand and look them right dead in the eye they may owe you some money still look at them and say when you're going to pay me back no no i'm just kidding i'm just look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor say if you expect to get paid on this job okay stand around i don't you got to go to work i look on the other side and tell them say if you expect to get paid on this job you can't stand around i don't you got to go to work [Applause] that's what i want to talk about for the next feeding moments if you're gonna if you're gonna be seen with me you gotta go to work you're gonna see me traveling you've got to go to work see me going to do outreach you got to go to work it's important that those that hang around you do what you do because there's some people that don't want you to be successful so they'll hang around you they're anointed yes to see what you're about and they'll kind of do everything they can to keep you from doing what god chose you to do if you're gonna be seen with me you look at your neighbor and say you gotta go to work it's so true sisters and brothers that nothing in life is free you have to earn what you work for you get paid according to what you do or the amount of time that you put in if you don't punch in the clock you will not receive a paycheck about talking to workers i hope all y'all got jobs in here praise the lord it's interesting to me to see how some people want so many things in life free you won't work uh you you just want your work already cut out for you you're always looking for a handout without paying for something you you're always looking for a paycheck and you're doing somebody else is doing your work labor labor labor let's talk about labor labor is what is called to do the work to expect the do you got coming if there's no labor favor is not in the plan favor very seldom comes to idle workers because they don't want to labor because they don't want to work labor demands work favor gives you a break matter of fact let me just tell you what favor is and and why it needs to be around every believer every person that labors that you have to have the favor of god on your life we call it the fall which is fog it is the favor of god because one day what is fall what is the favor of god it is one day of favor is worth a thousand days of labor in other words god can do for you in one day what could take years to accomplish all by yourself and if i can prophesy to somebody in this house that god's speeding up your time that others say it's gonna take years for it to happen god can speed up the time and speed up the money i wonder am i talking to anybody in here that know that god has something in store for you but you've got to understand favor has to be on your life listen up sisters and brothers there are bonuses and french benefits that you got to get when you're serving in ministry favor is the number one bonus that god releases to the people that are working you cannot receive the favor of god if you're just standing around just idle waiting for something to happen you've got to go to work to get the favor what is favor favor is a spirit of approval favor is the good will favor is liking partiality favors the act of kindness and favor is generosity if favor is called favoritism favor is the attractiveness to do a kindness of endorsing look at somebody and tell them that sounds like uh it's me it sounds like it's me it sounds like favor is on me that sounds like god is about to release something into my hand that they're talking my name up right now that's favor they're proving your application that's favor they're overlooking your credit scores and saying they're gonna give it to you anyhow ah some of y'all ain't saying nothing that means you don't need it to happen but those of y'all i think it's about 20 of y'all in here that can say i know that god is up to something on my behalf all i got to do is give him the praise knowing that he's about to work it in my favor who am i talking to give somebody a high five and tell him yeah he's working that favor for me he's working that favor for me he's talking my name up to some millionaires yeah right now he's talking to your supervisors and making them release the raise that was due two or three years ago ah is it anybody in here can see yourself about to get just what god has already allowed you to get open your mouth and say it's coming to me matter of fact it's coming in the next two or three weeks i i see it about to be released in this house and if i be a woman of god some of y'all gonna get on the phone and say she been talking about me how does she know about it because you in his house and since you're in his house he's going to your house i wish i could get somebody in here that can slap a high five to somebody and say go with your favor go what's your favor favor is what money cannot buy favor is when they see you they come and get you y'all ain't saying nothing favor is when they see you driving in a car and they don't know what car you're in but they know it's you open your mouth and say that's me that's me something's coming soon something coming soon i don't know who needed but something's coming soon if you can just tell your neighbor something's coming soon some of y'all know what that something is some of y'all see that something some of y'all been smelling that something some of y'all been talking that something some of y'all been looking for it open your mouth and say it's for me it's about to come it's about to come and guess how it's coming press down shaken together and running over men are getting ready to give not getting ready they got to give it to you you've been waiting on it eyes have not seen ears have not heard it hasn't entered into the hearts of men the great things that god got set up for you open your mouth and say it's me god it's me [Applause] look at your neighbor and say that's why you can't stand around idle ah get to work get to work get to work i need y'all to warm up your role and tell your neighbor say get to work get to work no longer will you be sitting idle from this day forward some of y'all been waiting on some of the people in your church to come and get you and tell you what to do you ought to see the need and go to the pastor and say this is where i want to work i wonder who do i need to be connected to is that anybody in here know that if god be for you [Applause] i'll tell your neighbor say you can't stand around i don't know more ah i see your faithfulness god says says i see the time that you put in i see the money that you donated and didn't he ask for receipt we'll say that one more time god said i see your faithfulness he says i see the time that you put in he said i see the money that you donated y'all i don't have no donators up in here but said one more time i said god said i see your faithfulness you see the time that you put in he see the money that you donated and didn't ask for a receipt let me tell you something when you're doing it for god you ain't always got to have a receipt ah because he sees and secretly and he will reward you openly look at your name and say god's getting ready to do something big in your life because you've been seeing about ministry [Applause] i want you to know tonight it's gotta move on [Music] this is what i know god this is working on right now you you all right this is the only way that i can move a little fast so y'all kind of bear along with me i said that you you you you you ain't got to wait till you get to heaven to get your reward [Music] you can receive your reward right here you can receive your reward in detroit you can receive your reward in flint you can receive your reward in saginaw you can receive your reward and been harbor and can i tell my sisters and my brothers that by the time you get back to your home god is getting ready to give you a vision he's getting ready to multiply everything that you've already set out all you gotta do all you gotta do all you gotta do is just just lean on him commit your ways to him and he will you're gonna bring it to pass you know get away have i got to let you know that i i had to learn the difference between planning to do god's work and being willing to work at god's plan you know what y'all you know i know it bothers me to know in to have lazy people around me sometimes if i don't care about some people being around me sometimes you don't see me uh-huh because i'm careful about who's around me because i've invested too much of my time i've given too much but god and i am this time this time around i got to be careful and who i'm connected with just look at your neighbor and say neighbor for the next four months be careful at who you associate with be careful at who you connect with be careful at who calls you on your phone be careful we'll be always trying to get some from you [Music] you gotta be careful good god almighty because some people don't want you to be blessed good god almighty but i'm so glad that it ain't nothing nobody can do when god bless you nobody can take it away from you anybody know that god's getting ready to bless you he's blessing you in the heels he's blessing you in the fields he's blessing you while you're sleeping he's blessing you while you're eating he's blessing you while you're shopping tell your neighbor everywhere i turn god keeps on keeps on blessing me that's why i got to be careful at who's around me and if you're gonna work for god you can't be lazy look at your neighbors ain't no no no no no you can't be lazy because god one thing about him is that i've never seen god put a lazy leader in position he uses leaders that have vision and a plan for god's people the bible says that the people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge he uses a leader because a leader has insight a leader has forsaken a leader has hindsight and leader has a high sight that he can steep in some of your stuff and he can tell you what's going ahead of you look at your neighbor say that's why you got to be a sheep and stay a sheep don't go ahead of the shepherd y'all ain't hear me now i want you to know keep a leader in your life that's why i admire these men god almighty because they're concerned about their sheep they can't let anybody lead them and when you see a leader like bishop jeju shared see where he come from see his mom and his daddy you can attest that god has favor on his life and as he go up look at your neighbor and say i'm going up good god almighty it does not matter what your status is what i love about god god's gonna give you just what you need to preach to your people and i want to tell you uh not too long ago detroit was in a bad position detroit had gone through so much but look at your neighbor real good look at them and tell them you don't look like what we've gone through i see you still got nice clothes i see you driving nice cars i see you still drop looking and looking good but look at your neighbor and say as long as david said i never seen the righteous forsaken there's always going to be a job for the sinks and the saints children as long as the word of god says delight yourself in him he's gonna give you the desires of your heart he's gonna make sure you get what you desire as alone as the word of god says that my god he shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory you got to know that all of your needs are gonna be met all of your bills are gonna be paid all of your children are gonna be fed can i get a witness because my god he's big he's strong he's mighty and in him i i live and i have my being as long as the word of god says that with his stripes i am healed then you know that there's no sickness that god cannot heal can i get a witness i i want to talk to some sisters some sisters in here that's been dealing with ministry that has caused some type of frustration dealing with your ministry that has gone into emotional tales when and it can't seem to be shaken but i stopped by to tell you even though the devil tried to suck the life out of you it was your praise that kept your hands up and your mouth opened that i got to hold on to what god promised me that i got to hold on to what he said you got to know that if god before you eat more than the world against you i want to talk to a person that that's in ministry because it's looking like you've had failures and making some things happen and you've become discouraged and felt like you're just standing around idle i'm here to tell you don't let the devil even take you there snap out of it and he wants to kill he wants to steal he wants to destroy what god has set up but look at your neighbor and tell him you gotta hang on in there tell them hang on in there you got to look to the heels from what's coming your help your help comes from the lord i dare you to look up and look at him coming back put i want to talk to a pastor friend who is saying i know what god has told me i know he made me a promise but it looks like the enemy is trying to bring depression upon you to make you lose hard but hold on my brother because you gotta be like elijah even though he got in a place where he was depressed he snapped out of it and he said i can't stand around being idle i got too many souls that's been saving my ministry i can't stand around i've seen too many healings in this church i can't stand around being idle because some of my family members got saved under my ministry look at your neighbor say hang on hang on tell them the best is yet to come i gotta go brother derek cause i feel my help you you you can't afford to sit down like it's nighttime someone said that an idle mind is the devil workshop and this statement is not found in the bible but it's a true statement because if you allow your mind to wander on non-productive things those non-deductive things will keep you from making money y'all don't hear me look at your neighbor and say god's about to bring some stuff to your hands i wish y'all look at your hands look at your hands see all the money that you're getting ready to make see all the things that are getting ready to happen see all the creative ideas that god's gonna release open up your mouth give somebody a high five with both of your hands and say it's on now i can't stand around waiting for people to pay me for what god has done because he told me if i work while it's day he said when i come no man can work which is also in christ jesus christ i got to tell you that's why i'm careful and who i hang around who i talk to and that's the reason and i believe god was in that with your cell phone they got a little button that you push that said either you can take the call or even you can decline it look at your neighbor and say that's for the sanctuary because it's some people that want to stop your blessing want to hold up your ministry want to stop the flow of god doing that in your life look at your neighbor and tell them the next 24 hours there's some calls that are coming to your phone that's getting ready to show you that you've been faithful over a few things i'm getting ready to open up the lines and give you just what you asked for can i get away listen if you're faithful over a few things i'm gonna make your ruler over many touch your neighbor and say hang in there hang in there come on let's go to work what does i don't mean i don't mean that it really gives more meaning to why you can't move forward to be idle and unproductive to be idle means you're useless to be idle means you're fruitless to be idle means you're empty to be idle means you're important to be idle mean your frivolous any little thing you trip out over it to be idle means you miss out on promotion to be idol you're insignificant ministry doesn't mean much to you no more to be idle you're pointless it doesn't matter i don't care what they do i don't care what they doing i have no direction to be idle you have no information to be idle you have no guidance look at your neighbor and say god is looking at how you go back in the next three months cause that's predicated on the release of blessings that god got that he's getting ready to give you look at your neighbor say four months tell them four months yell at four months y'all can't see it but i'll get you september october november look at your neighbor and say all four months there's a blessing coming to me that's got my name on it that's got my signature that's got my approval that god told me to ask and it shall be given he said seek and he shall find he said now and the door shall be open i gotta get out of here but look at your neighbor and say are you hired or are you fired look at them again say are you hired or are you fired look at them again cause you got some people that ain't looking at nobody that means you're fired cause you don't know what to say good god almighty tell your neighbor look at him again this time bishop i want you to look over your congregation and see who in here is hired or are they tired are they on the verge of getting tired come on open your mouth and say are you hired or you're fired it doesn't matter what your body says have you been hired or do god have to fire you can i get away listen you got to be busy doing god's work i gotta get out of here i got to tell you this it's amazing to understand that i can't afford to stand around being idols sister karen i need your prayers good god almighty sister jackie i need your prayers hallelujah tell your neighbor say you can't stand around be an idol because god he made you a promise he made you the head and not the tail made you above and not beneath he's getting ready to lace you with favor can i get away i know the plans that i got for you in other words i see your destiny in other words you're already healed in other words your children are all cracked in other words i seek faith on its way to bring you out in the nick of time i got the plans that i have for you and not only am i gonna give you a future but it won't be of evil but it's getting ready to give you an expected end tell your neighbor i expect healing tell your neighbor i expect deliverance tell your neighbor i expect another anointing tell your neighbor i expect increased faith tell your labor i twinkie wrote the song i'm looking for a miracle i expect the impossible i feel the intention i see the invisible and she didn't stop there but she kept on writing saying the sky is the limit to what i can have if i can only do one thing believe believe and receive god will perform it i dare you to start picking up your feet and say i believe a miracle is coming to me i believe a miracle is coming to my house i believe a miracle coming to my children i believe a miracle and coming to my husband can i get away with this as for me and my house we will serve the lord can i get away anybody know that god's got it for you tell them this time say after this day don't let jesus get you standing around don't let jesus catch your idol you got to work why you can why you got the activities of your limbs but before i leave i gotta tell you tell your neighbor say i gotta get busy [Applause] [Music] tell them again say i gotta get busy tell em one more time say i gotta get busy i gotta get busy because there's a leftover record dr plumber it's left a record that everybody in the bible was finding themselves being busy and if they were busy that means you can't be in the church for 10 years not doing nothing y'all ain't saying nothing i said that means you can't be in the ministry for over 20 years and not doing nothing you supposed to work until it calls you home that's why sometimes the preachers ain't got nothing to say over you because you threw in the town look at your neighbor and say i want jesus to find me busy he found moses keeping the flock of jethro busy he found david he was busy as a shepherd boy he has a shepherd's job very sensitive one enoch was busy working with god abraham was busy watching his age but holding on to faith joshua and caleb were busy working with moses near maya was busy building the walls ezekiel was busy preaching to the boneyard daniel was busy praying to god until god got him in the lion's den and say what you gonna do daniel said i'm gonna keep on doing what i've been doing hallelujah hosea was busy trying to display the lord to god's people matthew was busy collecting taxes luke was busy seeing about patience pete james and jonathan and andrew they were busy fishing until they brought fish and god had to turn it around and say let me flip the script and say that's what i need y'all to do good god almighty lucky here paul was busy preaching the gospel good god almighty that's why he said that i'm not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ but it's the power unto salvation they were busy and of course jesus he was busy doing good being about his father's business yes he was what was he doing she decided he kept the work of blazing he kept on preaching he kept on doing what he's supposed to do he kept on working the workshop he worked the works the four disciples were called he got the drought of the fishes the demonic was healed he worked the works until the leopard was healed the paralegics were healed the man at the pool was healed he kept working the works until the man that was healed with the withered hand the saturnian serpent he was healed the widow's son was raised to life look at your neighbor and say keep working keep working the work sir he worked the workshop until he calmed the tip to see he worked the works until an afflicted woman she got healed he worked the works a genjari's daughter was raised from the dead he worked the works until the blind man was healed look at your neighbor and said that's what jesus wants you to do is work the works he said greater works shall he do good god almighty and i got to be about my father's business i can't wait until i get sick i gotta work good god almighty my mama taught me everything that i know as a young woman growing up in ministry i never knew that i would experience so much but look at your neighbor and say what you're going through it's a testimony that you've been through it you came out of it and you got the victory look at your neighbor say you a testament that you went through it you came out of it and you got a praise that i will bless the lord at all times his praises shall continuous be in my mouth so as i leave you the word of god told me to lift him up he said if i and i be lifted up i'll draw all sinners and just lift me up i'll draw your crazy husband if you lift me up i'll draw your nagging wife if you lift me up i'll wow your alcoholic husband or your uncles if you lift me up i'll draw your crossing out if you lift me up tell your neighbor say from this day folks you got to lift him up lift him up i need y'all to do me a favor look at your neighbor and say neighbor why standing here idle on july the 24th is that what day this is the 24th i want to make sure god see me working y'all ain't saying it i said look at your neighbor tell them it's not time just stay here i don't doing nothing roll up your sleeves get ready god's getting ready to use you like never before these signs shall follow him that believe in my name shall you cast out devils if you're drinking any deadly thing it's not gonna hurt you cause i got my hand my hand over you i got my hand on ya i got my hand beside you in back of you yea though i walk through the valley and the shadow of death i fear no evil for god aren't with me the lord it comforts me it prepares a table right before me in the presence of my prayer haters that every time they try to do evil god he is my battle he is my rocker my sword my shield my will in the middle of a whale he's a bill player he's a body healer he's a pain killer he's a company keeper can i get away with this anybody know him living he loves me dying he's saving parody carried my sins far away rising he justified me free me forever but one day if you're not idle one day if you're not hanging up your heart's on the willow creek one day he's coming back at a church without a spot all right guys i'm gonna tell you goodbye goodbye when i hear him say come on up to the city call heaven good morning good morning good morning we've been laying down for the night but yeah [Music] oh i wish i had some praises in here i wish i had some praises you ought to praise him you ought to praise him
Channel: BlessedByTheBest
Views: 2,338
Rating: 4.9459457 out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, GEI COGIC, Dorinda Clark-Cole, Preaching, Bishop J. Drew Sheard, Greater Emmanuel Institutional COGIC, Dr. Dorinda Clark-Cole, The Clark Sisters, Karen Clark-Sheard, Twinkie Clark, Jacky Clark-Chisholm, The Rose Of Gospel, BlessedByTheBest
Id: lfKtmaxGHy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 57sec (3717 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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