Bishop Eddie L Long, Forgiveness April 2009

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you tell Gracie [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] reach out to grab your neighbor by the hand whether you're standing or seated that make a difference put your hand on their shoulder with a wonderful opportunity to always embark and move into the presence of the Lord and to bless him to sing to him to get your memory back something about getting into the presence of the Almighty God get your sanity get your mind back get your peace back get your joy full scripture says I was glad when they said unto me it means I hadn't got there yet I was just glad when they said it because there's something about getting with the redeemed of the Lord and I don't know about you but it recharges me renews my faith hallelujah and so I get glad to be able to go into the House of Prayer what folks who are not perfect like me not walking in their own righteousness but the righteousness of Jesus who will not condemn me but embrace me will love me like Jesus loves hallelujah thank you father for touching us giving us another enriched in speery ins with you thank you for filling our peace or joy a peace that surpasses all understanding I don't know how you figuring this and working this out but I know you did so I'm not even gonna worry about it I was worried when I came in the door but I'm a lead at with you forgive me for carrying things that only belong deal now God we honor you and as you're healing our bodies our mind our spirit we bless you and we pray for our neighbor the left and right and back it in front all cross our rowing in this sanctuary those watching by way of streaming faith around the world we make connection we declare you have already gone before us our footsteps are ordered we're walking in what you thought of hope and goodness now God change us even more as we behold your face God you increased even more as I decrease let me say nothing that you did not say let me say all that you did for this moment and while I'm ministering to others that I might hear myself that I myself might not be disqualified God let's move with you and your preceding word in Jesus name a man a man and a man give God a wonderful hand of praise again bless the name of the Lord hallelujah before you see that hug your neighbor left and right say it is absolutely marvelous to be here today and you look absolutely gorgeous wonderful yeah [Music] I want to I wrestled for a few moments today and even yesterday more so this morning and walking into the book what I had two messages I'm still in a series of helping us understand vision in hard times when we started in Easter and moving and talking about vision destiny and all of that I please ask that you would be mindful to get the CD series as it's changing lives but you have to hear it over and over again I want to continue in that on Tuesday and but I want I have to make this this stop and I think if those of you who were like me who came up every year when we were on vacation I I was born in North Carolina Charlotte we would we moved when I was six months old to Montclair New Jersey and I was there until I was 13 and then we moved back to Charlotte thank God for white castles and [Applause] and it is a slider anyway and and back doing that era of the only place you actually could stop coming from Jersey and going to the south mama would pack up a big box of food fried chicken and all of that pound cake you get the thermos jug make lemonade and ice and put it in there and wrap it in wax paper and some about frying that chicken in that hard lard and when when it was cold it was good and my mama used to like fried chicken and pound cake and stuff because you couldn't stop and eat because yours color and if you did you have to go around the back and my daddy didn't believe going around the back and didn't food didn't taste as good as that was when in the trunk you know and stuff like that and the only time that we got to stop and relieve ourselves was that rest stop on the way to our in our journey to our destination we're on a destination our journey to a destination called destiny and the ultimate point but right now on this journey we need to stop and dump we need to get some of the trash out the car I and stuff like that and some of us have over packed you know I I was talking today I have I was telling where I got the distinct privilege of traveling most of time with dr. Anthony Randolph maestro played for the Pope and all of that stuff and no matter where we go around the world no matter how long we stay Anthony only only has a carry-on bag he never checks a bag you know we could go stay six months and he has a carry-on bag and I'm trying to figure out you know how do you maintain this long with a carry-on the bag you know how do you pack enough clothes you know unless you wash them in the room hang them over the shower at night and pack a lot of thongs but anyway so whenever we arrive whether we arrived in Africa New Zealand or whatever Anthony's always ready to go because he didn't check a bag we're sitting up there waiting down the carousel trying to get our bags etc sometime I'm a first person off the plane especially when you're going through customer the last person get my bag and all that waiting and all those kind of things and and I explained to you not too long ago that uh I get I got a little bit upset at the airport because now they're charging you for baggage you know and I haven't I said you know first naturally in the spiritual I you know I ask God what does this dollars mean it and the Lord and the Lord said you know if if you're going on if you're gonna carry baggage and where I'm taking you I'm gonna charge you for it please understand as we're moving in this thing called destiny I'm waking you up two generations of things lost you should be much further you know that and you're gonna and if you talk about restore the years that the locusts aid well that means I'm gonna move real fast and give you those years back that was lost by ignorance etc but but I don't expect you to be dragging stuff I'm a matter of fact I told him this morning I said when first time being a Vanessa went to newsy I'm not New Zealand we went to Australia and when we got there they lost our bags to the point that they gave us money to go buy clothes until they find the bag and so I asked God what this this is I was meaneth and he says you know where I'm taking you I'll give you new clothes the things that you used to wear was not appropriate for where you're going hello somebody touch your neighbor and say what Bishop is saying travel light don't take anything you don't need and stuff that has run its course leave it alone come on now bless God for that now now I want to move in that because I want you to hear this just gonna take me a few moments and you know that I I wanna something I did not do this morning cuz what I want to talk to you I want you to go with me to John 20 I don't need you to stand but what I want you to talk to you about is forgiveness say it forgiveness because in all that there's a whole lot of things going that's weighing us down and this morning after I ministered to this I had probably 80% of the congregation at the altar and so to get free it was it was it was a moment of freedom but but as I talk about purpose and things like that when you fit into God's overall plan and presentation I didn't say this this morning but but the first step in recognition of your purpose is that and I hear this this might sound a little bit rough so I'm gonna explain it on Tuesday what's this that purpose that it has nothing to do with you but everything to do it what God gets from what you go through it's what God gets from what you go through what West is in fact it's like it's like a chef making a gourmet meal etc and adding seasoning etcetera putting salt you may have to sacrifice more than you will gain in your day-to-day walk in purpose sometimes you you may have to give a little more attention so you might have to give a little more now now when you're truly walking in purpose you'll you'll stop seeing life as what I can get out of it so you see one of the problems we have is that we're looking at life at what can I get out of it and and your your resume or whatever could be entitled or your your biography autobiography could be entitled me myself and I and and we're offended and we're bad because I ain't getting what I want to get and then got nothing do with whether gods being glorified I'm not getting what I want to get and and so when you're truly walking in purpose you you you stop seeing life as what I can get out of it but rather how can I contribute to it which means I'm in life to bring something to life now Bishop willing to explain John 10:10 I am come that you would have life and have it more abundantly life that word when you look it up in the Greek it means oh it means and so it means in Greek it means life as Christ lifted so you have to study how Christ lived life to know what the life he's giving you and more abundantly and every day was not a day that he was just getting stuff it was days that he was giving he was blessing and he was a changing things to bless others no no once this and purpose is never about you is how well you can be or how well you can be seen or how much credit can get contributed to you and to be candid if you're walking in life and walking in purpose and and the path properly you you you would only be complimented occasionally if you get frequent accolades please understand that it must mean that it's too much of you in it and not enough of God now I want to launch from this this statement here I'm going to launch from this statement and I want you to hear this and you'll hear it again I'm gonna give it to you it'll be on our notes on our website but I want you to hear this purpose is not a destination reached it's not purpose is not a destination reach say that with me purpose it's not a destination reached now I want you to hear this but not because the reason why I got a priestess about about forgiveness is because I don't want you to miss your opportunities touch your names they don't miss your opportunities please understand this this is what it is but it's a series of opportunities along life's journey that present themselves for us to be in position physically mentally and spiritually to fulfill a need that destiny has placed before us that will serve our fellow man and glorify God I want to suggest to you that many of us have missed opportunities to bless others and be make major contributions to life that changes life for others forever you are a life changer you are a life giver you were born not to kill but to bring life to others and when when the Lord says people that bless you would they be blessed and that you are to be a blessing to others that it means that if if you understand this whoever is associated with you gets blessed by your mere parros's because your whole persona is if you hang with me I'm trying to make you all you can be I'm not sitting here trying to get you to make me all I can be I am walking with you to make you all that you can be and I want to see and I see your potential and I see where you are and I'm trying to push you into that potential go with me now because I want you to touch your neighbor say don't miss the opportunity now here in John 20 John 20 John 20 I'm gonna just take a few moments and I want you to hear me and John 20 and then I want to start with the 19th verse reading from the New King James it said then the same day at the evening being the first day of the week when the doors were shut when the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews Jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them peace be with you the door was locked but Jesus still showed up when he had said this he showed them his hands because they didn't quite believe it was Jesus and his side then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord mat fat then he says again peace to you as the father has sent me I also send you the reason why he had to say it again because the first time they said it didn't believe it was him because he came to him in a different way and want you to look at me God is coming to you but he's not coming to you the same way he came I'm said again man fact he is ever present in your life now and you think he's not with you because you have gotten used to a certain way he would deal with you but he has changed in the way he's dealing with you to enlarge your faith and to show you that he's bigger than what he was before and give you a little bit of more of him as what you've been begging for so I want to say this to you because he's been saying it to you but you have not been hearing him so he had to say it a second time peace to you that's what he's saying and when he had said this he he breathed on them and said to them receive the Holy Spirit now here's a 23rd verse and it will take off for about 20 minutes and then I want to call you what's this if you forgive the sins of any they are forgiven them if you retain the sins of any they are retained I'm saying it again if you forgive the sins of any they are forgiven them if you retain the sins of any they are retained what's this forgiveness real quick just late maybe seven minutes of groundwork and then go what's this it means to cover remove to wipe away watch this and most of forgiveness is communicated by words which means as in Luke six and thirty-seven loose be gracious to and to pass over now please hear this please in a sense if we don't understand we operate like jailers we operate like prison guards because if we don't understand this very foundational principle we are holding folk captive in unforgiveness and please understand if you're a jailer and you got to watch somebody it means you got to stay where they are so so many of us are missing life's opportunities along the journey because you're stuck watching somebody who offended you and hurt you somewhere along the line and you feel justified in your unforgiveness I told him this morning I told me someone I said this morning I'm gonna be very transparent with you that before I ministered this I administered this by request in Florida yesterday morning and while I was ministering it to some men just about everyone was at the altar I've never seen men so broken because of they've been carrying so much unforgiveness and I had to say I had to make confession was because you know when somebody really done you wrong when somebody really hurts you if somebody really messed over you you know and I know I'm Bishop long but but I found out I had a list I had a list of people on that because I felt because of they doing whatever they did and God said vengeance is mine that's okay I ain't gonna touch him I just got a gun on the side but I ain't gonna touch him I'm not gonna touch him but Lord kill him kill their children blow the house up make them lose their job make their dog go crazy cause the fish to jump out the bathroom counter tank Lord just make them from that power go out get them lay it off I know you ain't like that and then if you heard something bad happen to him thank you Jesus thank you thank you thank you so your name said that might not be God wants this now now take take for granted take take for take for instance if somebody murdered your child I loved one or something god forbid just just for example say and and the person goes to prison you're gonna go to prison he make it to gas chamber or whatever happens as a consequences of that but in the bottom line the bottom line if this individual asks God to forgive them if they ask God to forgive them even though they play the the outward cost but if they ask God to forgive them I want to ask you can God forgive a murderer yeah all right you know just flow with me because I'm a Mickle shift here Kent Kent can he get forgiveness and get washed in the blood and when when if he's died by lethal injection or electric chair or old age in prison okay can he still be right or she in the sight of God there's a question okay then then we have to assume that God our precious loving merciful and forgiving father has paid the price we got it for every sin you agree with that all right yeah y'all starting to go for a little low-key on me right now he he drank the cup at at gas cemani the bitter cup that I I didn't know sin but now I gotta take it and he didn't want to but he paid the price for every sin that every man a woman would commit past present or future then that doesn't mean everybody's forgiven all right off and all that what it means now that you have to come and confess and believe God raised his son from the dead for your children etc when you meet that please understand that God forgives you now what's this now the text says what happens if I refuse to forgive and I hold against him or her forever that a hope that they go to hell I want to pass them in the air and show them a bird while I'm going up I have dreams of them burning in Hellfire Alexis now I'm in your crew Cheerios come on now well and cuz he took the life of my child he they messed up my life and divorce they they betrayed me they did this they did that what's this but well what happens there is he still saved yes he is then something else must have happened what well whatever happened is I retained his sin well what's the big deal what this is me remember now I want you to turn over to the next book I want you to go to act 7 X 7 I'm almost finished act 7 go right over to the next book from John go to acts the seventh chapter I need you remember this now right now if if me and your wife committed adultery you caught us didn't kill me I went to jail or something I repent it but you didn't forgive me God cleanses me and now you become guilty of adultery Oh i'ma help you I'm gonna hope you right now now now watch this now watch this now and the other thing is if if you don't forgive me you're holding yourself hostage and me from destiny I can't show you in the scripture all right show me show me what's this cuz cuz some of y'all is mad with your daddy he wasn't there he this he did that mad with your mama you did this and I'm just a fuel you don't know give me the mic let me tell you about what's folk done done to me one thing church folk God Church folk got a book on what people done done to them we wrote a song about it friends don't treat me like dang you ain't supposed to treat you like to use to because if they did they'd be giving you a joint if we used to get high together and you don't get high I'm not gonna call you up and say come on but then you gonna blow mine be glad they respect you enough now either you gonna be saved trying to be Satan live the old life acts 7 59 60 watch this now and they stone Steven then look at me Steven was a righteous man the only reason he got in trouble was because he stood for God now that's your position let's I'm gonna give you your position cha brother/sister men women boys and girls you are righteous you ain't never done nothin bad to anybody and you get in trouble for righteousness safe yeah now they were stoning him to death and what and he was calling on God saying Lord Jesus receive my spirit now he's righteous being stoned to death for the cause of Christ knowing he's gonna die and saying Lord I'm standing for you he holler and save me he said for this cause I'm here receive my spirit now what's this next verse the next verse says then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice now what's this he talked to God and then he talked so the folk can hear him too he said I must say this loud because Bishop long needs to preach this in April of 2009 what's this what do you need to say what's this he said he said Lord do not charge them with this sin and when he said it he fell asleep once it's look at me look at me now saw say it saw who became Paul now Paul saw so Paul saw at first was a persecutor of the Saints he was there digging them on and holding their coats while they was stolen Stephan to death but Steven knew that if I did not forgive them God will never change Saul to Paul so I have to forgive him so he can be released in a conversion to write almost two thirds of the New Testament regardless of how I feel about their offense oh it's tight but it's right it's tight but it's right because we judge folk by what they're doing at the moment not realizing that God can forgive you and never change his mind about what he said about you before the foundation of the earth but you have an ability to put them on hold this what I'm coming here for this this Sunday why I was singing all good everybody was having a good time then you come out here you might as well stayed upstairs let me shout some more what was this was this I believe those who God forgives can still meet the commitment that God has ordained for their life but yet they're hindered because we won't forgive them well what's this what's this now in Psalms 103 12 and 13 it says this as far as the east is from the west so far has he removed our transgressions from us now what's this in essence well what's this gut says if I retain or hold on to a man's sin that God has forgiven him no matter what the crime the Bible says God cast it as far as the East is from the West folds it into the sea to the bottom and God says I'm not gonna bring that up anymore so what's this now get this picture in your mind somebody wrongs you yet so did show did touch the name say yes they did they was nasty they were inconsiderate they were dirty they was they was just jacked up they were mean they were torturous and etc but yet please hear this when you if they repent it got saved and repented and God forgave them they genuinely repented and God forgave them when you talk to God about how you've been treated God never sees them at that place he only sees you now you missed that you missed that that window that went over ahead watch this now what's this now what's this now what's it so so therefore what God does is he goes to the crime scene and he washes their fingerprints off the crime scene please hit us and as he washes their fingerprints off the crime scene now if you go in with bitterness and anger and hatred in your heart and carrying the luggage of your pain and refuse to let them go the only fingerprints left on the crime area are yours you're not you not see it look at me which means if you're still talking about it you become guilty of the sin because you're the only one there so now your prayer life is hindered because whatever you're angry about that they did if they repented God released them from the crime scene they ain't even thinking about you and the only person there so now saying we never done nothing wrong but been done wrong and you're always the victim lord knows I'm a victim you don't understand 10 years ago such as such 5 years ago this happened and you stopped living at that moment that's your neighbor when did you stop living look at me look at me because most folks I talked to are always rehearsing something that happened in their past and the reason where they are now is because they died somewhere at the hands of somebody and they have not released them and some of those folks went to God God forgiveness and you're the only one still sitting in the bad place and God's saying well I can't bring up what they did so the only one there in the balcony is you if somebody Rob's the store took the diamonds and everything else and they wiped their prints and you walked in there and we're standing in the store looking around touching stuff and then the police got there and you were the only one in there and they lift your prints you going to jail but your neighbors say same principle well what's this what's this what's this God gave us that as an example for us to forgive he said forgive your enemies that's what Jesus had to do he said mad fact don't just forgive him love him what's this he says forgive those who despitefully use you and speak evil against you see forgiveness is a much bigger issue then we make it because if you don't forgive you become a partaker of the sin which means now I have picked it up so when I come into the presence of God with that crime it hinders my prayer life and I'm guilty of something somebody else did because I got my prints on somebody's luggage and what's this so I got it I'm carrying it around with me in other words God can forgive them and if I hurt you and call on God and repent and tell God I'm sorry God will forgive me and he will let me go but if you don't and you're still sitting there wishing I burn in hell you now hold on to that cent what's this so now I'm a partaker of somebody else's sin and my ultimate purpose and theirs is being aborted because I'm not being like Stephen and releasing them I'm holding them and not only am i holding them I'm holding my self Oh what's this what just please hear this watch this when you pray Jesus is a priestly fellow sciples go to him and say you know takes us how to pray these are my teacher pray this our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors he he either blessed us in that or cursed us he said in that one little line Lord forgive me as I forgive he says every time you pray that you're telling God forgive me for my stuff like I forgive others when they trust pass against me how much leverage our leeway have you given God to forgive you when you're sitting here carrying stuff cuz you man what's this and what makes it so jacked up is they really hurt you trust me no I didn't been hurt I didn't been betrayed I've set up and I had to struggle with this to preach it I had to call some names of folks that I just wanted to see all manners of evil come against them and I felt justified no here's this because how dare they do that to me after I did all that for them now but what's this see God says you was evil in the first place I'm gonna be honest with you see y'all I can't stand fake folk I can't stand fake busy and I'm talking about what does this douse me what you talking about me being even he said why you man I said I help them and then now when I need him then here then he said and you help them with the wrong motive you help them so they can be there for you that ain't why I told you to help them I told you to help them for my sake for the kingdom do unto others as if you're doing unto me don't sit there and hold an account and a ledger and start counting up what you did for somebody and then when you need something and that's why we offended many of us are offended because we're mad with folk who we help them then they there to help you well maybe your motives wasn't right in the first place and you were using and manipulating situations and this and that and you need to repent off the bat and stop being mad at him or her and call him up today and say I'm sorry I was mad at you because I wanted to manipulate you I'm a priest of truth cuz I ain't going to hell [Applause] let me let me let you off the hook let me let me help you a minute I said this before in this service maybe two or three maybe a month or two ago and I and and you realize they're saying please understand this I'm mad with folk who were crazy you're mad cuz your daddy didn't daddy you but nobody dad at him so how was he gonna daddy when he ain't been daddy and all he's learned is how to run from responsibility so you you were you were brought into this world by somebody out of their mind and you're trying to hold them accountable for knowing what they don't know now that doesn't mean that they should have learned and got responsible and yield to the Lord but when Jesus had to go to the cross and take on all the sins Jesus said how you gonna defend and take the sins of the world when they were caught doing this stuff there's no jury that will let them off and then the Lord said well let me give you a seven point sermon on the cross and one of the words you say it's Father forgive them for they know not what they do because now if you say that you'll be as Stephen follows the example you'll release them into destiny because you're pleading insanity any lawyer knows in the courtroom that if my client is guilty the only way I can get them off is plead temporary insanity and then they can go to treatment when you got saved you were confessing temporary insanity and I've got to renew my mind that's the reason why I said I gotta get out of my body that a comforter will come to you you need to go into treatment you need somebody that's gonna teach you all truth and bring you into a fullness of God such a neighbors say I'm in treatment and their been days I've done things that hurt folk they're been days I've walked away from responsibility they're been days and I've jacked families up and robbed folk and misused people I've done some evil things but I got saved and I ask God to forgive me I'm and treatment I ain't got everything right I ain't all that right but I'm not gonna hold somebody else's sins when they were out of their mind to thank God for keeping me when I was out of my mind and didn't know any better how dare I hold an offense I I was married once and got a divorce and I felt fully justified and then later on in years as I learned things I found out you wasn't all that clean you could have done this and you could have done that there's so many of us as you've gotten older you've said if I had known then what I know now it wasn't really her fault it wasn't really his fault it wasn't really therefore I was in a deep conversation with my wife about something last night tonight and I said to her something and I said this effect I said no it wasn't their fault it was my fault she said what you mean I said can't nobody victimize me I said I make a decision to be a victim I said I've let folk hurt me that I should have cut off I I put myself in positions then I shouldn't have been in I need to stop sitting up talking about how everybody did this when I put myself in various places I'm not a victim I'm a victor and as soon as I accept responsibility for where I am now and stop blaming everybody for what where did you diet I came to set some of you free so you can take up or take advantage of the opportunities along this journey there was somebody a very dear to me in such pain I want you to hear this this is true in such pain about to get married and then the person they were going to marry switched found someone else and married about the same time they were and now that person seems like everything is going right for and the other one was crying to me saying how can after they done all this look like everything is well for them after they hurt me and I gave my heart and I gave my all and I gave up my life to better their life and now they got everything and I'm hurting Bishop you got to talk to me I didn't know what to say at that moment until a few days ago and I found out that this one went to the Lord and recognized in hindsight he was reckless he was inconsiderate he violated God and got on his knees and begged God to forgive him do you realize felt that dog Jew can go to God with a sincere heart and beg God for forgiveness and he'll free him and the only one still sitting there is you offended hurt and feeling justified and Jesus is on the cross and while he's on the cross he's saying forgive them free them release them so you can be released so you can be taken in so you won't be stopped back at the offense [Applause] what's this now that's just now what's this I once said cuz I gotta be real with you I gotta be real with you why I gotta be real with you look at me I can't explain this to you right now I didn't gonna try but I had to tell you the first part of this message and reference the purpose of God it's not about me I'm here on assignment still Romans 8:28 still works all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord now it's it's for the good of the kingdom see if I think it's my good you're good is that you're walking in destiny he's good is because you love him that he can walk you through whatever he has to walk you through that bless is a my pain is for somebody else Stephen had to die and knew he was gonna die so he can release Saul I still have not answered the age-old question why the bad things happen to good people I'm still trying to figure that stuff out but then I look at Jesus why did all our bad stuff happen to such a mighty God and so so another person that they brought to my mind was John the Baptist John gave up his life left his family lineage disconnected himself from the priestly tribe of wearing the warm and wonderful garments and hanging in the temple and started eating honey Wow locusts and wild honey and going out and preparing the way for Jesus saying repent for the kingdom of heaven but watch this look at me he gave up everything and then he was locked up and Jesus came he was in a prison look at me Prison is not like prison today prison I've been in the prison in Rome where Paul and Peter been it's a hole in the ground with a little little opening on top they were there they put you in the ground there's no cell to look through if they open the top to give you a peep and John whispers to some of his disciples and says if that's Jesus go go find out him because I don't know why I'm still in this tomb in this jail if the one who's come to set us free is here and when he went to Jesus they said John wants to know if you're the one and he says tell him I am tell them the lame are walking in the blind seeing and the death or speaking again wants this and then he says these words because he wasn't coming to get John out shortly after that John was beheaded and he said and blessed is he who has not offended by the things that I do there's a bigger purpose in some of the suffering we go through and if you won't get bitter and get better and realize that in some of the pressure God's being glorified and if I can just sit there and find out what he wants me to say that says I'm sick of pity party folk just sitting up talking about how hard it is you still alive you're still making it you're still here stop talking about how hard it is and say god is this what you want [Applause] the reason my all-time favorite movie is gladiator it's because he even knew how to die do you know how to lay your life down if it's for the cause of Christ what's this that I need in first John 2 and 20 it says and an unction came upon me y'all know I've been ministering about that a few weeks ago in the New King James it says and then anointing came upon me a mere enough the Holy Ghost cuz I'm gonna tell you I went through my list I want to be honest with you I went through my list and I got I forgave a whole lot of folk but there was three still on there I'm just yeah it was three still on there that was three Father Son the Holy Ghost it was three that was on there and I said god I can't and then I started saying you don't know what they did and I was member I was talking to God and the Lord said when you Minister this the Holy Ghost it's gonna come upon you the Holy Ghost is gonna come upon those in the atmosphere not by power or by might but by my spirit I'll give you the ability to release who you didn't think you could release now please don't stand this ever since Hurricane Katrina I got this little mummified body down in my garage right here and I was gonna preach a message and tie this mummified body to me to preach a message to illustrate it but after the tragedy of Katrina and all the things that the people had witnessed I felt it would be too grotesque to put certain people through and I didn't it's been sitting there for years but what what the illustration is back in in in biblical times when Paul says who can deliver me from this body of death certain crimes were punished by tying a dead person to you and they would tie a dead person to you who was decaying and as that person decayed that would seep into your body and start to kill you and he's saying who can deliver me from this body of death now what are you saying mission everybody who you have not forgiven it's like a dead body strapped to you sucking life out of you and you're carrying around it and God says I want to deliver you from carrying that body of death is messing up your mind is messing up your thoughts it's messing up your opportunities and this is the day that I give you an action and so everybody in this place who've been wrestling with unforgiveness need to come to this altar as quickly as possible wherever you are if you're in the balcony you can go to the frontal balcony but you got to move I need to be free from this I need to be free from this I need to be free from this you've been carrying extra baggage you've been hurt I can pass this mic around and you can talk about some nasty stuff than happened to you you molested left uncovered subject to all kinds of abuses and and it looked like they still being bless you lost your home because of somebody you lost your job you're divorced and the only thing that happened is you loved them and that's been six and a half years ago and he married again I'm talking to somebody and they got two children and you wanted children I'm talking to somebody and you're still alone how did she get what you wanted and you have not left that point God says I got some good stuff for you but you're missing the opportunity carrying what I didn't ordain for you to carry if Stephen can forgive him while he's being stoned to death if Jesus who knew no sin can be stretched out and marred on the cross but utter out Father forgive them they're out of their mind that's why he was crucified on the hill of the skull when they come to themselves they will be one like you and I and the evidence that they have come to themselves as they start loving one another you'll know it you know what it when it says you'll know them because they have love for one another ok check this out now I have no problem loving nice people I ain't got no problem loving folk who treat me nice so every time you hear that that's what you think God says when they're in treatment and ain't doing everything right but they can still love one another they can forgive each other because they want to be forgiven that's something when I had to straighten something out this morning because I had a young lady here at the altar and I said something didn't she just start saying thank you Jesus forgiveness does not mean that you have to go back to somebody that's nothing that's not what it means that doesn't but it means you're releasing them you might even found out you made the mistake but you realize the journey with them it's not not no more you don't don't go back and try to fit you're just releasing I'm moving on I'm free I'm free I'm moving on I've no longer wakes up and think about that anymore and if I think about it there ain't no pain there anymore I might not forget it but I I don't have no pain God gave me a Saturday [Music] hallelujah [Music] halleluyah halleluyah I don't know what they did but I know what he did [Applause] and at this very moment where the spirit is there is Liberty now for everybody who system said but Bishop I still don't know how I'm gonna forgive him because God didn't asks you to figure this out that that three or mother's was on my list was for him to work through me to release and if I got in the way then I'd mess his work up God says get out my way get out my way get out my way and let me work it out of you I want you to repeat after me father everybody didn't say at that times I want your Pete after me now you didn't walk this far you might as well finish it Father forgive me for holding on to unforgiveness and feeling justified at this moment I receive your anointing and your grace to forgive and all of those that I have been holding back my forgiveness I forgive them in the name of Jesus and release them out of my spirit now [Applause] flow with me just a little bit longer lord help me there's a few say when there's a few that's very difficult to release I tried and it didn't work but this time I'm giving them to you and I realize not by power or by might but by your spirit God move them [Music] [Applause] now let me tell you what I just heard in the Holy Ghost I don't know who I'm talking to when I finish I just want you to lift your hands because God wants to do a Mindwipe for you you've been you've been the person you have held unforgiveness is someone who who who who verbally abused you for such a period that you feel inadequate something you don't feel your manhood you don't feel your femininity women you're depressed you're you feel limited they it was like nothing you could do was ever good and you was like being always beaten down to the point you you've been for four years been thinking if if they had not beaten me so if they had not limited to me and verbally just telling me I can't and this they molded me constantly always favoring everybody else over you and Center I don't know but I just felt a very heavy lock by verbal abuse if I'm talking to you lift your hands every word spoken to you by that of those individuals that was not God by the power vested in me and by the word god deposited me in this moment I curse it at its root it can no longer bring forth fruit and choke life it is now dead and dying and only the report of God shall live in you loose from the torment of your mind loose from the limitations that been put on you loose from the bondage that has held you down man a woman of God thou art loose in the name of Jesus in your mind in your spirit and in your body and if you agree with that gift God praise where you are hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh come on and bless the Lord come on come on come on come on unless his name come on unless his name come on unless a here's the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end and he big thud work and Hill South completed [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] put your arm around somebody to grab somebody this is a moment and I'm gonna dismiss you that goddess is moving releasing if you got a holler get it out of you just get it out of you ain't gonna bother to get it out of you get that spirit off of you get it out of you get it out of you being transformed you you've been it's been locked in a scream has been locked in from your very soul for years but that's freedom coming up out of you that's that's liberation coming up out of you you've been bound but let it come let it come let him out let it out that about ya [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one one last thing there's one last confession we have to make and then I'm gonna dismiss in a different way because I our elders and ministers will be around the altar you need special prayer this is a special moment this is not Church if somebody rolled with you and they're being ministered to you wait for you just wait that's that's your assignment today and if they don't wait for you we'll take you home so don't you worry about it now hear this I just heard this hurt people hurt people and because somebody hurt you if you go back in your mind out of your pain you hurt some folk and somehow we spiritualize it and justified it but it still wasn't right and at this moment I want you to get yourself released from that so repeat after me father forgive me for in my anger of being hurt I hurt some folk and you've opened my eyes to it forgive me Lord and set me free from that and I pray for the ones I've hurt that they'd forgive me also thank you for hearing me thank you for answering me for I am now free from that [Applause] now now now I want to take a moment take a moment I know you please hear this you don't know what's going on in in your neighbor we just basically had an invasion of the Spirit and then in folks psyche and even though you see on their face a lot of things are going on inside so you're actually kind of in an operating room in a very sterile environment and I don't need you to bring any germs and I want you to take a few moments to embrace a few pop folk and this little notice I love you with the love of the Lord and I'm honored to be with you and I I seal what God has done in you in the name of Jesus and and and there are certain times you'll feel a pull meaning don't let them go so quick because sometimes they'll draw from from your well for a moment you know some folks been wrestling with some things I've said since a child and and they died when they were eight they died when they were seven and all of that and had missed so many opportunities but God's gonna restore them years embrace a few folks for a moment just just embrace a few full I don't know your name but I your name is in the Lamb's Book of Life I love you I bless you I honor you [Music] yeah take your time take your time take your time those of you who are not saved can start coming down to the front those who don't have a church home can start coming to the front just take a moment time to come take a moment and see what you're ministering right now don't don't pass somebody by yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hallelujah hallelujah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh-huh [Music] now now what I want to do at this moment there'll be elders and deacons at the altar if you want a membership you can come if you come for a Salvation you can come if you want ministering you can come I plead the blood of Jesus over you right now and as you depart this place to serve I speak healing to you from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet I speak peace to you beyond all understanding and that your joy is made full this is a transitioning day into opportunity transitioning in to your future live live live life like you ain't never lived it before open up your eyes and look all around God has great things in store for you god bless you and the peace of God go with you you
Channel: michael enjoy life green
Views: 24,192
Rating: 4.7003746 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 44sec (5024 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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