Bishop Eddie L Long We are on a Joseph Journey Jun 2006

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[Applause] [Music] although I'm gonna ask that you be seated we've got to do some things real quickly we're gonna do a lot of groundwork today and then moving up on the Wednesday so I pray that you have your Bibles with you if you don't I'm asked that you would look on with the neighbor or write down the scriptural references I'm not going to to preach at you I need you to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church now are you ready all right let me do a couple of things yesterday afternoon I took for granted that everybody know about Joseph and some of them think he's their cousin and so if you know if you don't know about Joseph if you don't know the story of Joseph then it will put you at somewhat of a disadvantage because I'm I'm saying things that I assume that everyone knows and so I don't want to take all that for granted so I'm gonna do some back tracking for a moment just to let you see Joseph had been able to go and study him yourself the other thing is I I'm putting on sale today just for ten dollars when I talk about a Democrat 'im consciousness well well the ax Demick nature is how we suffer and what were the causes are the effects are the things that happen because of the fall of Adam and Eve and we have now yield it to external influences versus our internal spirit in the presence of God the pass over please understand that places us and the reminder through the Lord's Supper places us before the curse puts us back in the presence of God puts us back with the Spirit of the Lord in us in his presence someone say in his presence it is very difficult for you to totally grab this while I'm preaching it and I am trying I want to require that every member read this book that I that I've written deliver me from Anna I want to make sure I'm not going to be out there trying to autograph it I don't want to hold it will have some times where I'll sign it I'm that's that's that's not the main thing that they the main thing is that you have it that you get an understanding and I don't want you to take him for granted it is very clear in this book of moving us from the first atom to the last atom and what happens in your spirit what happens in your mind and please if we're on a journey took names and we're on a journey now I'm I'm I'm maturing God is maturing a pastor and in a maturing of a pastor and matures a congregation in maturing a congregation that means we have to grow beyond milk feeding you cannot get it all just listening to me on Sunday morning please understand that and then while I'm ministering I'm saying a lot of things that you need to go back and check please understand when I'm ministering to you I'm ministering to you from about 40 pages of research that I'm trying to condense in a way that you can grab the principles and the nuggets in there that you would live but I want you to go back and get it because I don't want you to witness according to long I want you to have it if you don't have it it'll be stolen from you killed or destroyed and so you got to get it so it's name so you got to get it so you need to go after please also you can get and even the day on special right outside of several places so you don't have to wait and I'm just gonna minister for a while to make sure that we're out of here on time and I could just I'm just I'm just gonna keep continuing and picking it up I did you can get the CDs on deliver me from Adams so if you don't have a lot of reading time or your reading you can have a CDs you can play them in your car and then I did a series on Joseph the dreamer please my brother's my sisters out in the vestibule around the best view everywhere everywhere you can come and they'll be on discount and the only reason I'm doing that is that I want you to get an understanding Bible says while I get him do what say it one more time get away I want you to go in the book of Genesis I want to move there very quickly I want to before I start there I got to do some things I do want to thank elder Eddyville as Minister for T of all the volunteers everybody who worked with our representative conference it was the most phenomenal most absolutely wonderful and as it was that is Eddie here this morning said of Minister for Don he just did a wonderful job and I want all who volunteered everybody who worked with represent all our youth leaders as Lisa Bolton here this morning where's Lisa she's over the children's means Lisa did a phenomenal job with the young ladies I got to witness part of that she's just very gifted in ministry but for us to have and planned a conference that was in the black before it started and also had to turn away we got to do something about this next year because we had to turn away kids who were trying to come from around the country because we could not accommodate them so God has given us favor with this generation coming up and I do have good news for you all that's not lost we have some great young men and young women who are hungry the Lord so number two a lot of times some people said we don't give you a little follow-up on things you did we want to thank you all for your generosity in helping the Fairchild family has a brother Fairchild who has 11 children you gave and raised in one morning $33,000 and we thank you for doing that give God praise for that and he wants you to know on behalf and what a wonderful testimony to those children that the church the body of Christ in an instant suddenly transform their lives and let them know somebody has their back give God praise one more time hallelujah I think I have told you everything we do have the reclaiming your territory it's your time you can also order that today and pre-order so we can move in then go to the book of Genesis very quickly I want to do something because I want you to understand I want to go to Genesis 37 Genesis 37 so I can move once we do groundwork then we can go fast but we just want to kind of pass and get some things and lay some things down you with me say I'm on Joseph's Road I'm going from slavery in Egypt to ruling over Egypt now look at me that means that there is no system that can hold you down and regardless of what's going on in the natural God has supernaturally translated you transmitted and moves you and place you in a position of rulership you when we get through with this will no longer be ruled got about 10 folk whose belt I to be in the rule you will no longer be ruled please understand this reason why we're kind of colorful today and we're talking about we're on Joseph's journey and I want you to look at Genesis 37 you got Genesis 37 all right and Genesis 37 and the verse now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children because he was the son of his old age also he made him a tunic of many colors that is the reason why we're talking we've discussed about Minnick oh I'm just running through something just giving you some highlights that you go back and read this whole thing look at Genesis 37 5 and 8 Joseph had a dream now Joseph had a dream and he told it to his brothers and they hated him even more so he said to them please hear this dream which I had dreamed there we were bent binding sheaves in the field and behold my chef arose also stood upright indeed your sheaves stood all around and bow down to my ship a verse and his brother said to him shall you indeed reign over us or shall you indeed have dominion over us so they hated him even more for his dream and for his word look at me for a moment I'm gonna talk about this but I want to get and it's in the series you got to get that because God gets excited when you catch a dream but I when I get into the dream I don't know if I get into it this morning I want you to understand it was divinely inspired it wasn't because they had pizza with anchovies and stuff like that it was a divinely inspired dream when you catch hold of the Divine Word Mind Spirit of God and you speak it to those who are trapped in Egypt madman fact I I told this story before about back early in in in in my password here new birth when I went and I got a new car and but I didn't get a new car just that people let me test drive it for a day and it was it was a Mercedes I never thought I could drive one of those before and so I went to some of my friend's house and when I pull it up I saw their face and who I thought was my friends weren't happy so I said let me go to some other folks house since I got the car for a day and this is just a test to see who is really my friend and I had some who rejoiced and some who looked at me and started telling me you can't afford this and all that I want you to know when you start to break out of the box the eye in here and what I'm saying and the only reason I'm saying this I want to put you on alert because your mind is already shifting and you're talking 2-fold about possibilities now and they're not responding the way you thought they would and the more you talk to them about the possibilities in God and your new mind the mind of Christ you gonna be hated because folk have become comfortable stuck in church stuck in tradition stuck in poverty stuck in sickness stuck in sorrow but you leave in that place and I said you're leaving that place you are lender NOT a borrower always above never beneath you're not no junk God called you for such a time as this there's something in your spirit that won't let you quit and no matter what folks say about you talk you down you have learned how to bless God yourself you have learned how to encourage yourself and whatever situation because of the resurrection power in you touch your neighbors I'm coming up and tell them it's all from a dream right now so you got to understand that and but but because of that and here's the problem because of that say because of that because of that in verse 30 chapter 37 18 and 19 because of that they said to one another look at the dreamers coming come therefore let us kill him and cast him into some pit and we shall say some wild beast has devoured him and we shall say what has become of his dreams please understand that they conspired to kill him there are folk when you start to walk up look who come in I'm telling you and I don't get deep in it I'm trying I'm trying to prepare you for your journey and and see people that you used to hang with and are with already know your mode of operation they already know so when you shift it is amazing how people try to keep us where we were and then they'll make fun of you or start oh my girl man you changed and then if you're not careful you try to say no you did and you need to say yes I did change I am changing I am change and I'm not ashamed of changing I'm going somewhere because that's I say Here Come now but anyway they got to say now because you know what you disrupt their chaos and if they're not getting the revelation you seem confusing so please understand there'll be a time that it looks like in this journey that somebody's gonna line up to throw you in a pent thought your name say watch out for the pit and 37 23 and 40 and 24 please please understand they tore off his tunic and cast him into the pit third and verse in chapter thirty seven twenty eight they sold Joseph into slavery into the system you have been sold into the system how did I get sold in the system you were sold by the last generation who was sold by the other generation who was sold by the other generation to tell you that this is life they don't get any better than this part of the the selling was to sell you that the American Dream is the kingdom of heaven an American Dream Foster's debt it fosters employees who would govern their lives on false securities it's going to get its tithe before God and then we depend on Social Security and we invest in fortune 500 companies that we hope would do right in integrity that will have money left over for us when we retire and then we get an Enron somebody gonna wake up one day and then if you don't know those of you who find your comfort in corporations there's a move in corporations that they ain't not gonna let you retire they're always hiring younger folks and they got a timetable of when they want to move you out so they don't have to do Oh somebody's better understand what I'm talking about and if you're sitting up there with that false security and thinking you live in large and then you die and we got to borrow money to bury you judge your name says Egypt and I've been sold into slavery but tell us weaves free now [Applause] Joseph found favor in in chapter 39 1 through 3 verse 1 through 3 I'm not going to read all that cuz I get to it and 1 through 3 it says he found favor with Ponte fir and pine firs house in the sight of the Lord man in fact I want to read that go to what I say go 39 1 now Joseph had been taken down to Egypt to Potiphar's an officer Farrell captain of the guards and Egyptian bought him from the instrument lights who had taken him down there watch this I just want to say that the Lord was with Joseph I just wanted to read that for you I want to read that and the Lord was with Joseph and he was a successful man and he was in the house of the master of the Egyptians I want you to understand that and his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord had made all he did to prosper in his hand look at me when the Lord is with you you don't understand what I'm saying I said when the Lord is with you other folk will be able to witness they ain't got to be saved I need you to understand it they don't have to be saved your your employer doesn't have to be saved to see that the Lord is with you when we get to the place that God has ordained for us folk will begin to see that the Lord is with you and wherever you place your hands whatever you put your mind to whatever you put your spirit to they will know that it prosper that's the reason why you won't sweat when they say we might have to lay you off you look at them and say well you really going down now because I'm the only one making this thing work I need some more monitor I could eat something and take what we're doing is moving in the presence of the Lord and understanding the favor of God and when the Lord is with you does your name say and when the Lord is with you so you got to know it I even got to where I'm going that but I got you've got to know is this it's it's time out waking up like Adam thinking that you outside the dardan I need to make an announcement to you you've been received back into the family I said and the Lord is with you I said and the Lord is with you I said and the Lord is with you and whatever you put your hands to and 39 for part of her maid joseph oversee of his house and put all things under his authority in 39 and 7 joseph was tempted by Potter's for his wife i'm going to talk about that a little while later and i'ma get there and 39:20 joseph was thrown into the prison in 39 21 the Lord gave Joseph the keeper of the prison and 41 41 I want you to go there because out of all that I said this is where I begin in 41 41 you have it and Pharaoh said to Joseph see I have set you over all the land of Egypt God gave Joseph so much favor that the ruler had to pronounce him the ruler over what used to rule him and in order for the ruler to survive he had to depend on Joseph there are rulers your gifts make room for you and bring you before I need you to hear this I need you to look at verse chapter 45 look at 45 I'm just I'm just giving you a quick picture of Joseph you got 45 cuz I now I got a burden you can i burden you I don't want it I want to burden you I want to burden you fifth verse but now do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourself because you sold me here for God sent me before you to preserve life look at me look at me he's addressing his brothers and I need you to hear this he's addressing his critics got to hear me kill that company I'm just being just bluntly honest with you the journey that you are embarking on now will get you and I'm a witness a lot of critics there's not going to be a parade on the front side of your journey because you're gonna start saying strange things to religious folk and they're gonna start saying here comes so-and-so they go to that crazy church and you know that Bishop always in trouble I want you to understand that I want you to send his here's the push joseph was saying chill don't don't don't be grieved God trusted me to go through and push through what I had to push through to go before you so I can save you and your bloodline you're not hearing I'm making an announcement to you God considers you so special that he's opening up this Joseph revelation to you that he knows that you are sick and tired of where you been and he trusts you to forge forward even in the midst of criticism that those that criticized you will be free because of your favor you're not hearing what I'm saying you're about to free up some young folk you're about to free up some people you're about to free up some nation's it might be tough on the front side but you're gonna come to a place where your honor will be restored and you'll be able to stand and you won't stand in bitterness you will stand as a blessing to others don't your name say I'm blessed to be a blessing now let me move need you to hear this in Genesis 41 41 42 and pharaoh said to joseph see I have set you over all the land of Egypt then Pharaoh took his signet ring off his hand and put it on Joseph's hand and he clothed him in garments of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck please understand what we're trying to do is show you the the correlation and the similarity and the relationship in the understanding of how Joseph is so identified with Jesus to give us the example of how we are to walk in the way God has ordained for us hear me as I just give you these things the Lord Jesus was sent by God to enter humanity he ruled through suffering Joseph was sent by God to Egypt he rose to Authority and he ruled through suffering Jesus had favor with God and with man he was still temporarily placed in a tomb Joseph had favor with God and with man and he was still temporarily cast into a pit dodging neighbors say temporarily I need you to get that I don't care where you are right now if you don't like where you are it's temporary I I need you to understand that and I'm gonna keep emphasizing to you until you get what I'm saying I am yesterday every place I went it seemed like I was supposed to be there I would go someplace somebody blessed me I went somewhere and somebody did this I went somewhere and somebody told well because you're here this time you don't even have to pay for this I said this is good this is a good day innit no what's this Jesus was sent to give man Dominion say dominion over sin and death and manifest through the resurrection Joseph was set to experience God's dominion over the world system I need you here this Joseph was sent to experience God's Dominion he hear this I'm pushing you over the world system so you see the mindset of the body of Christ is that we're stuck in a system that has been created by man there's a reason why if you ever get to go to Rome and go to the Vatican and understand that it is not ruled by any world system it is totally independent on its own has its own army has its own supply and source of everything it needs we have to understand that God is raising us up to give us what's that word again Dominion the system that you think that stresses you and hold you there is a way out of that slavery and above it but you got to open up your Christ mind to see it hear it and walk in it and it's going to cost you what's this Joseph was sent to exercise dominion over the world system Jesus identity as the Christ was formed through the anointing of the Holy Spirit we talked about that Joseph's identity was sculpted out of his being through divinely inspired dream say it with me divinely inspired dream what's this Christ's identity was questioned by religious by religion by the world and by even his own disciples Joseph's identity was challenged by his brothers assaulted by Egypt and tested by God's Word please I said when I get to the part about how God used his word to test Joseph some of you are going through a period right now I'm getting ahead of myself where you're on your way to rulership you're on your way to Dominion but God is testing you in his word I'm gonna say that again God is testing you in his word I'm gonna matter of fact I'm gonna jump ahead of myself just for a moment so you can understand this please understand this when Joseph was on his way ascending to authority and he found himself in Potiphar's house and he was tempted and tried to be seduced by Potter's first wife he refused her attempts to the point it got him in trouble matter of fact he would have been in less trouble if he indulged and I need you to hear this we would say that we couldn't resist because watch this we're all human come on somebody and what God was doing was testing his word and showing us through Joseph that regardless of the temptation there is no temptation such as common to man that God has not provided a way of escape but if we continue to fall why the word is testing us and then think we're going to rule that's that double system we want to be corporate we want to be Americanized we want to do what you see on TV in the stories and the sitcoms and all of that and then we want to be saved and we want to rule and we want to subdue and we want to transcend this this Egypt system you cannot be double-minded you cannot be on one side and on the other and then expect God to raise you up please understand every word that you hear he's gonna test you on to make sure that you have it was this religion hated Jesus because he said I am King the Christ and the son of God religion then and today hates Joseph who says I am King and priests the manifested Christ in the earth the corporate son of God if you go and you've already had this experience at least once and you said to somebody who didn't come to this church I am Christ in the earth right you have lost it blasphemy and then they get on the phone you know what they said they think did Christ now to the point most of you don't want to say that to nobody cuz we don't want to hear what they got to say I didn't say you were Christ your Christ in the earth the representation of the Living God walking in physical flesh on my way on a journey and you better catch hold of me are you gonna get left behind what's this Jesus manifested Christ in the earth for all humanity after suffering and death and resurrection Joseph manifested God's Dominion in all of Egypt after accusations and prison Jesus ruled as the manifested reveal son of God Joseph ruled as a type of manifestation of the sons of God go with me real quick to Romans 8 real quickly I got one big place to go I need you to hear this you got Romans 8 Romans 8 if you haven't say Amen for I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which will be revealed in us for the earnest expectation the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of who who say it I want to go back to 18 for I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us if I had time to talk to you for a moment I will tell you that the present suffering is the testing of the Word of God I need you to understand that and get that what are the biggest challenge we have we've got so tied down in religion and we sit and we suffer and we fight with the Word of God until someone can come and push us through and that suffering of standing and being a representation does not compare to what's about to be revealed in you Christ is showing up in you say it with me Christ is showing up in me which means favor power Dominion I'm getting you somewhere what's it Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom Joseph demonstrated the gospel of the kingdom Jesus did not preach the gospel according to jesus and we get stuck on Jesus stories and Jesus stories was just trying to show you how he meant and uh and I get there but I'm jumping ahead of myself please understand Joseph got started in his rulership at age 30 Jesus got started in his ministry as to Christ as age 30 he had to dream at age 17 but he had to work his way through and stay focused as it was tested in him please hear me in that time please understand that you didn't hear much about Jesus up until age thirty you saw him when he was a baby you saw him go to church at twelve what God wanted you to see and wanted me to see is what Jesus looked like once he got Christ in him and so the next time you see him after twelve he's getting baptized and filled and then you go on the journey and he preaches the gospel of the kingdom as the announcement was made to him repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand I [Music] said God has anointed you the problem with traditional church is that I have preached Jesus so much that we're waiting on this Jesus to come do something now now he can't do anything cuz he's seated at the right hand of the Father and then Psalms 1:10 for God told him don't get up and so while we're begging for him he's saying what I had I gave you I had to leave so I can get this holy ghost out of me so you can tarry in Jerusalem that suddenly there came a sound of a mighty rushing wind and you were filled with the same Holy Ghost and we got stopped just discussing whether you speak in tongues I don't care if you speak in tongues or not we need a demonstration of power we need to stop just sitting up and dressed ruling folk out and whether they speak in tongue or not whether you are knighted if you are anointed you have the rulership you have dominion you can walk in Dodge power this ain't something for debate Luke 17 20 21 you don't have to turn there I'll read it for you he says listen to this now when he had asked was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come he answered them and said the kingdom of God does not come with observation nor will they say see hear or see there for indeed the kingdom of God is within you look at me the kingdom of God is in you religious tradition causes us to wait for the kingdom I'm waiting for him to establish the kingdom I'm waiting there's a book about it and it's coming his coming his coming is coming here it's in you what does that mean the authority of the kingdom guess where it is about ten folks said it that's why you so weak i'ma say it again but see if you've been hearing this for five and ten years it would be familiar and then you'll be running in shower but because it's new your weak self it's telling you just sit there and be cool okay let me let me make it fleshly maybe they say if I was to tell you that the presidency of the United States is in you which means you have the full authority that George Bush has maybe that'll make you shout but let me put it in the right perspective you have more power than that you're not hearing what I'm saying and you weren't elected you were adopted [Applause] you're not hearing what I'm saying see the thing about this I got so many places to go but I got take my time cuz I'm plowing through stuff if you can maybe I'll just stay in close if you can just imagine the fool see all this power you ascribe to Jesus he's saying to you it's in you don't be looking out there looking out there and watching waiting order to come let it rise up and you let the power of God rise up in you that's the reason why governments can't scare you because the kingdom is in me that's why John the Baptist said repent change your mind the kingdom of heaven is at hand that means now and then Jesus preached the same message and it's taken us over 2,000 years and we still haven't got it Christ our head now is spirit and in union with the Father God and the visible manifestation of Christ on earth in the spiritual body called the church can you imagine what would happen if we all decided and got excited and figured out the power we got mr. Dickson myself we convened pastors from across the country and we believe does not this there's a coming together the body of Christ like never before and he will always get up in the meeting and he'll open it up and say brothers and sisters we are stronger together than we are apart and we remind the group that every two or three hours as we discuss where we're going new birth I know you'd be hating on some folk in here but we're stronger together than we are apart i'ma say that again if we put our minds to it just like we did the other morning with brother Fairchild he was $27,000 of being put out and in a moment I didn't even ask for an offering folk and this service started running till the altar because we knew we're the kingdom and we got Authority in them in us and if there's a need bishop long ain't got to handle it we all together can handle it we can all do some in an instant when we make up our minds to do something we can make up our minds and nobody will be a renter touch the neighbors say bishop take it to the next level and nobody have a mortgage [Music] we done figure the thing out we have got a dream got ahold of it got two rulers it is possible it can happen it can happen quick fastener if we all I gotta get this one thing out and I got just a few moments gotta hear this we are Christ in the earth and in the natural account of Joseph there are spiritual mysteries that pertain to us and the manifestation of Christ on earth let me show you how identity is form real quick I'll be through in about 8 minutes watch this cuz I'm just picked this up on Wednesday I need you to hear this Jesus of Joseph rule because they developed an identity forged through knowing and experiencing God check this out now this is my big push environment is where you dwell reality is how you think or your mind experience is their interaction of your thought process with your environment what's this experience determines your identity because you're thinking identifies you with your environment now I know they make a whole lot sense let me help you if you dwell environment on earth in the bondage of Egypt and you think the reality with the a Demick atom mindset then your identity or you identify yourself as a slave of the world system and the spirit of the age where the carnal mind rules your consciousness is earthly through the look at this five senses of the natural body you exist in and your identity is shaped by the world's external influence what does this mean Bishop what does this mean let me let me introduce your devil again because some people can't stand for me not talk about so I'm gonna give you some devil today touch the name think I'll get some devil today where my run is that gotta have some devil at church if you reside in the low places if the whole way you operate is based off of what you see smell touch here what's most saints do then your thought process identifies you with the system that you accept it which understanding Egypt represents stress bondage limitations tightness and in all of that we're stuck locked down in the limitations with no possibilities and we just bare our way through life and seeing if anybody asked you where I'm going where I'm going soon that's my favorite song and you let life slip by you day in and day out what was this what's this what's this if you twelve environmentally I I have I forgot to devil somebody said we're gonna bring the devil he coming pitchfork you know watch this if you dwell environmentally now here is your environment in heavenly places in Christ and you think reality with the mind of Christ then your spirit mind is interacting with the environment of heaven which is the realm of divinity so you experience God who bestows upon you the identity of son of God now Bishop I'm still confused here we are visions one eighteen twenty one I'll read it to you here it is the eyes of your understanding this is what we're going through being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling what are the riches of his glory of the inheritance in the Saints and what is the exceeding greatness of his power what's this towards us who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at the right hand in heavenly places where's that Bishop principalities and powers and mites and Dominion and every name that is named not only in this age but also in the age to come Ephesians two and six and raise us up together and made us sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus we're above if you're being tormented by demons you are out of your seat and the wrong environment sitting down in the low life but if your environment is the heavenly place of principalities and dominions and mites and the problem with the church is its Church does not dwell in heavenly places the church wants to sit where demons and other thing and thoughts that are not to the body of Christ where Christ is there's no other Dominion there's no other power there's no other might and so when you're dwelling down and all that stuff you need to start asking yourself when are you gonna get seated and so when we continue to perpetuate that self we continue to bring each up in the church to make Church folks stay low think low at low and develop imaginations that exalt itself against the Word of God and then we ourselves because every day we're in the war with something that we're far above and if you're far above it with Christ but you're in it it means that you didn't left him and that's the reason why and what in the church in the revelations I got one thing against you you got all this stuff right but I got one thing against you you left your first love you got out of your seat if you love me you'll stay in my presence you know stand my presence you'll stay in my favor you'll stay in my face things Jesus to Christ again if you need to make love with him like you're never made before and a new relationship in a free your mind and free you from stuff [Applause] and so if you live low you're not operating in the discernment of spirit and so you base all of your decisions on what you see what you hear what you smell what you can taste what you can feel there's nothing spiritual about that so when you hear high in unemployment you say there's no jobs the first problem with you is you're looking for a job not looking for a job what's you're looking for I'm looking for a place that I can go train for where I'm going I'm not looking for a job I'm looking for a temporary place that I can go and submit myself and train for where I'm going but yet they benefit from the favor on me and see the excellence well didn't you hear there not many jobs well I'm not looking for a job that's in the other world I'm not looking for a job Savior and like I was telling you yesterday that happened to me yesterday I showed up it was like I was supposed to be there cuz the spirit was leading me and everywhere I got to it was like somebody was waiting on me can I tell you God done set some folk up to wait on you you're not hearing what I'm saying I said God has set some folk up to wait on you and all these blessings will overtake you you're not hearing what I'm saying because I'm not living in the end it's a way you've chosen to live and how you've chosen to think about it has caused your identity and that's why so many of us worry that's why so many of us are tight that's why so many of us lose our dream because we dwell in the land of limitations touch your neighbor and say no limits no boundaries buses versus and it says the kingdom of God is within you it means that it is the authority that's in you you're the manifestation of Christ in this earth you are not God but you are spirit the same substance that you have eternally shared with God we have from Genesis 1:26 and 27 the kingdom of God is the spirit environment where we as Christ on the earth experiences father God do you realize the Pope very seldom ventures from the Vatican the folk come to the Pope and the Pope stands at the window and gives his blessing in his domain at his place of authority and millions from around the world come to his domain and whenever he leaves his domain he leaves high wherever he goes they established the same rulership and he's received wherever he goes as a king whenever you saddle yourself in your domain that every time somebody greets you you're in heavenly places you have established yourself that I'm connected to the Spirit of God that's the reason why I said God is a spirit and them that worship Him worship Him in the mysteries of God what's this first Corinthians - the mysteries of God are only spiritually discerned the carnal mind cannot comprehend what God is saying and that's the reason why it was so hard to believe Joseph because the carnal mind heard a spiritual thing his brother's carnality and it came at war here me I need to press and see how far I gotta go the gospel of the kingdom is our record of our journey with the Holy Spirit was the bible as the anchor or path where by our divine birth certificate as corporate sons and daughters of God are reaffirmed in our consciousness and as the corporate Sun God we are legal heirs to the Father God and joint-heirs with Christ and whereby we put on Christ as our identity while living on this earth and whereby we began and regained the mind of Christ which Adam lost in the garden and whereby we continually experience God until his glory Christ and his presence since us overflows out of us until it covers the whole earth and restores all creation nature and the universe to the original domain and I put this at you and I'll pick this up because I got to go real deep Wednesday the flood that overruns the street is the overflow of the Spirit of God in us guess what when I give the benediction this morning y'all going somewhere everywhere around Atlanta that's the flood what's this but if Christ in you is not being manifested because you were sent to where you're going whether it's a restaurant whether it's a park whether it's over some relative's house some of your going to work when the biggest problem is one of the things we address in Africa is getting them water there's water all around but they don't have wells it's a dry world out there and when you step up to them there's water in you but if you hadn't primed the pump and I ain't talking about those do you fake folk when people walk up - how you doing blessed because you don't bend the church I'm blessed if I'm hurting I don't wanna hear about you there ought to be something about you that draws me to you and say I can tell you got favor with God because I see as manifested presence I want to say this to you if we can wreck this mind that Adam gave us I don't care how you used to think because all of us were limited stressed out hopeless and subject to and we had a reason the devil and a lot of that is in your mind and where you're seated nothing held Joseph down not prison not false accusations not even a pit for what God has for you the connectivity through a pit some temptation to prison he didn't give up why because he had a divine dream revelation from God what's this what's this and nobody else said a man to it gotta hear me when God gives you something when he opens up his mind to you flesh and blood didn't reveal that to you but my father who is in heaven gave you a divine insight don't you let go I need you to hear this I'm a funny way he works he'll show you the beginning show you the end I won't tell you what's in between but in between he's testing his word and you that's not no devil messing with you he's testing his word and you to bring fall and if you can hold on to what the end he's soldier and you're not crazy and for those of you are sitting up there asking why you why not you I don't know why I need address this in this section here you've been fighting Joseph started at ruling at 30 his father who was transformed from Jacob to Israel who his name was Jacob supplanter trickster all of that it please it is it took him 70 years to be formed and all actuality when I show you Wednesday he wasted 70 years why do you waste 70 years because the Bible said he wrestled with man and God and some of you on the pathway of wrestling with flesh and God and you continue to fight and fight and fight and fight and I want to tell you you're late because you're wasting years that's why a few years ago we spent a whole year telling you obedience do whatever he says you're sitting there trying to talk your way out of destiny it's too big for me that's why God gave it to you he didn't give you nothing you can handle if he told you you gonna run this country that's too big for you that's the reason why you need Christ but you and him together it ain't none but chump change and I have learned the hard way then I don't need to tell God what I need when he tells me what he wants me to do he'll give it to me whenever I need I just need to start moving and when you start moving God will supply he will bring those into your presence he was the circumstance but you got to get moving and my problem that I'm driving at right now is that too many of you on delay trying to figure out what's already been worked out get in your chair spend some time this week worshipping don't get distracted and get your mind messed up God give me my dream give me a vision grab me something solving I need everybody standing and on this journey you might get criticized and it might get a little bit confusing but I want you to know this one thing you gonna get there I gotta tell you something else it would be foolish for us even if we were heading down the wrong road not to him try and see what's down there because where we were wasn't clicking him but I guarantee you we are not headed down the wrong road we are on the right Road [Applause] I want you to grab somebody by the hand don't stretch across the aisle don't stretch don't stretch some waking up in you holy spirit said I've been waiting for this day he said I've been co-piloting too long allow me to be in charge my whole assignment is to bring you into all truth not a little truth all truth bring you into it do you know I did the inspirational vitamin on sudden the Friday morning I was do you realize God doesn't waste a thought and never had a bad thought and then when he said that we were his thought before you are a thought of God he didn't think let me think 25 Negros 25,000 folk up for misery it's the misery crowd let me think 25,000 poverty oh let me give them heartache let him be miserable then we'll all go to heaven and sing Negro spirituals that whole picture that we have of him I told young man the other day I said we're not gonna be just singing in heaven he looked at me like I was crazy I said we'll still be working we'll still be learning it takes forever to learn all of God we got this little milk and honey place if you ever can grab hold of what God thought about you and walk in what he thought about you and manifest that thought father I pray that the eyes of our understanding be enlightened and as we enter into a moment of sowing and giving and we don't shortchange you we don't give a traditional church offering for the burden of revelation that you give us and continue to give to us that you so trouble the spirit of those that need to go by and get the book get the tapes and not in a hurry we're on a journey you've got a belt on our sandals oh and we've got our staff Passover we remember what you did we're back in the presence and the favor of God thank you Jesus for walking as you did being anointed Christos The Anointed One showing us how to walk together thank you for continuing to be our head thank you for the healing that comes with just divine revelation thank you for the men and women who will give their lives to you this day thank you for Joseph for showing us we didn't have to yield to temptation many of us did leave our first love we're coming back home many of us have been out of our scene we're getting back in because we're far above repeat after me let this mind be in US which was also in Christ Jesus give him praise where you are right now [Applause] two things that I want to do real quickly real quickly if you're not saved in this place if you're not saved real quick nobody's leaving we're gonna do offering and we're all gonna be gone in seven minutes if you're not save wherever you are start marching forward just come wherever you are if you're not say you cannot say we do not say come comecomecome the time but those of you who don't have a church home and you know new birth is where you're supposed to be this is your house this is where God's gonna meet you this is where you're gonna bring your gifts your talents wherever you are for membership for membership come come god bless yourself come come come god bless you man come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on see you coming see you coming come on see you coming god bless yourself come on come on come on come on new birth give it a wonderful shout but that one coming [Applause] come come come come see you we see come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on come on [Music] I'm gonna ask that you take your seat for just one moment if you need an envelope keep on singing bard if you need an envelope Rush's get them one real quickly we got two minutes then real quick god bless you for come and God bless you're welcome raise your hand I should bring you no envelope we want to give a supernatural offering today come on we want to bless the Lord where's my covenant partner [Music] once you get it ready just start waving it now just wanna let you know we're sewing good seed in the supernatural soil we're releasing ourselves from the limitations of Egypt from the bondage to captivity the pressure the stretch the stretching the stress the tension the labor the sweat the toil the warfare is old the warfare is only announced in the Book of Isaiah the warfare is over you're in the right now time we're gonna get into it later I'm talking about the chaos moment we're entering into a chaos moment a special time of God where the super meets the natural and you're gonna slip into things I need you to understand that don't miss Wednesday you're gonna slip into some things some things that would have taken you years to get to I'm here to tell you that those years are gonna be wiped away you're gonna slip into those you're gonna slip into that I need to already get somebody to bear witness with me today that I ain't gonna take that long I don't have to take that long I'll have to take that long almighty and they resides in me and there's no limits no boundaries increase in health increase in prosperity increase in blessing increase in your joy father God we honor you and bless you and we pray as we get ready to depart this place that you'll receive our see receive it unto yourself into your almighty presence that has returned to us that you trust us multiply back that we advance the kingdom we are Christ in this earth and we won't let you down it's in Jesus to Christ's name Amen amen and amen give Him praise rushers will go past the baskets
Channel: michael enjoy life green
Views: 21,535
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 13sec (4693 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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