#FlashbackFriday with Bishop Eddie L. Long - "Your Promise & How You See It"

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[Applause] [Applause] this is a direct word from the lord to you exodus 1 8. you got it please understand at one time the people of god had favor in egypt through joseph who became the second man and then we find because he had found favor with pharaoh but in the eighth verse it says now there arose a new king over egypt who did not know joseph and said to his people look the people and the children of israel are more and mightier than we come let us deal shrewdly with them lest they multiply and it happens in the event of war that they also join our enemies and fight against us and so go up and out of the land there arose a new king over egypt who did not know joseph look at me this new king because he did not know joseph did not move in the favor that was given to the people of god and the people of god began to be oppressed go with me over to genesis 12. it's a promise even though you'll find yourselves being oppressed god made promises and he made you a promise say i'm a promised child you got genesis 12. just let me read some of these things i just want to read for you now the lord had said to abram this this was the cost of his the cost is get out of your country from your family and from your father's house look at me i'm just listening to god as i read this half of you joined this church and didn't want to i know that it was too big too much traffic it's too big and plus your mom and them said it was a cult and some of your parents or relatives are mad at you because you did not stay at the old church some of you were kojic and the be at a baptist church means that you have lost your salvation this is true but god made you a promise conditioned upon you leaving your old stuff and i i left one other group out then there's this other crazy group that heard me preaching on tv and you were in alabama new york california and ohio detroit michigan and somehow you had to quit your job pack your stuff up not knowing that you even had a job or a house or anything am i talking somebody and got away from your family and they thought you was absolutely a fool but it was the condition of a promise [Applause] [Music] i'm trying to help you trying to help you and because you've done that and we're flowing in what god spoke to abram listen to this why do you want to he said i'm taking you to a place i will show you ain't that like god get out from your kindred and everything you know and i'm taking you to a place and then i'll show you because there's many of us going somewhere but we don't know what it's like we don't know what it looks like we don't even know we don't we don't exactly know i know i'm going somewhere i know god promised me something but but and the only thing you can say is when i get there i'll know what it i'll know it i'll know it i know when i get there i know how it feels i know how it since but right now i'm on a journey it's somebody on a journey right now i'm headed somewhere and i'm not quite sure but i am sure of who's leading me i am sure who called me and i am sure of who promised now watch this and all of that movement that i just spoke of was painful it is painful to walk from a group that walk from folk that you've been with a long time that you have finally discovered ain't growing no more and ain't gonna help you anymore it is painful when you think of the memories and the times that you were saved with them and maybe baptized with them but you have come into another dimension that you just don't want to be saved i want to walk in the power that god has ordained i'm tired of being broke down jacked up i'm tired of having sad conversations but if i walk into where i want to go it means i got to leave everybody i know it means i even got to leave my mama and my daddy it means oh good god of mine and it's painful [Music] [Applause] because because god spoke something okay y'all go ahead and sit down i'm preaching already god spoke something say he spoke something to me i need to see if i'm in the right crowd god spoke something so big to me that i can't even articulate god said something to me that every time i try to explain what god said i don't have the vocabulary to express the dynamics the width and the breath and the depth of what god spoke to me god said something to me that i'm afraid to talk about because if i tell somebody about it they ain't gonna believe it and they're gonna try to talk me out of it so i gotta keep my mouth shut because every time i tell somebody about the goodness of god and what he promised me they tell me how i don't qualify for it they tell me how i'm not educated enough they tell me i don't have money enough but god said something to me that i feel in my bones it's like a fire shut up in me i don't know when i don't know how i don't know [Applause] [Music] and what and what and ah and what gets me what he spoke to me is almost impossible from where i am right now and looking at what he said he got to do this a lawyer can't do this a doctor can't do this my friend can't do this the bank can't do this it's got to be god [Applause] now now here's what i like about it [Music] after he puts you in the pain crusher and isolates me and separates you and then starts hearing me oh good god making you hear something that everybody else ain't hearing yeah let me tell you hell good god of mine let me tell you how god isolates us he starts telling us a secret that he ain't telling that that he's not telling anybody else have you ever been in a group and you knew a secret nobody else knew and you were so anxious but you wanted to talk about it but you couldn't talk about it because they had no point of reference of what you were speaking there are times god would speak to you and you'll be in a crowd but you can't talk about it because even if you talk about it they wouldn't understand what you're saying so no longer do you want to hang with them because you ain't wanting to talk about that old stuff you done heard some new stuff you don't heard some powerful stuff [Music] [Applause] and you ain't concerned whether you fall out in church what's your concern is what happens when i go out them doors what happens on monday and tuesday what happens on wednesday what happens on my job what happens with my family who do i bless who do i touch [Applause] for where you're going if you can believe this thing it will take god to do it now you got to get this i like the second part god says if you're willing to pay the price up front to walk alone to separate yourself when you know you got to separate yourself if you're willing to cut stuff loose and go from what was familiar to totally unfamiliar do you know why god had to put you in an unfamiliar place because your prayers wasn't strong enough in a familiar place when you were somewhere familiar you was praying the most same old prayers thinking that you were all this religiousity you know oh god of abraham isaac and jacob and all of that stuff god said chill out let me make you uncomfortable so you can get really in touch with me so when they put you in an uncomfortable place you ain't called god or abraham isaac and jake oh god my god my savior if you don't move in my life ain't nothing going to happen god i'm here today all of my footsteps if you don't feed me i won't eat if you don't talk to me i can't speak if you don't cover me i can't live i need you [Applause] i like this part such as say he promised y'all didn't know it was that much pain in that first verse i ain't touched my paper yet but that much pain in that first verse but guess what here comes the sweet part i it's god talking we'll make you can i tell you something i mentor a lot of people and i know when i'm effective and when i'm not effective and my effectiveness has nothing to do with my ability it all has to do with the willingness of the mentoree y'all got to check this out check this out because when they're puffed up in themselves they ain't listening but when they're humbled and tenderized to the point that they can't do nothing then you can speak to them and you can make them there are times that god will put you in a peculiar situation it's not to mess you up or to hurt you it is to tenderize you to the point that you will listen again because i am the one that's going to make you so i'm going to make you understand that everything you try ain't going to work i'm talking to somebody that's been trying this and trying that and doing this and doing that and god says do all you want to do it ain't going to work and when you wake up broke down and tore up and you look up even if you make your bed in hell i will make you if you all puffed up in pride i can't make you if you're angry about what you had to leave i can't make you if you're sitting up and you're just complaining and all of that i can't make you but if you're broken enough to understand that i'm the only friend you got if you're broke enough to understand that if i don't do it ain't nothing going to happen if you're broken enough to understand i and me you live you move you have your being if you're able to look up and say god [Applause] i will that's a promise i thought somebody said he will whatever it is he will say it's a promise what says i will make you oh god i didn't mean to get here but i know this ain't right but stay with me long enough i will make you i know this stuff in your marriage ain't right but just stay with me long enough i will make you i know you don't have any money right now but if you can listen to me i will make you [Applause] it is he that has made us and not we ourselves like it he said i'll make you a great nation i god says i god not bishop long i'm mad because i can't get an appointment with the pastor i'm mad because he didn't stay out and shake hands today i'm mad all the way up in the back pew of the balcony if you hungry enough for me don't be worried about whether bishop long ever come up there i will bless you and you ain't got to get the new birth to get this blessing if you you don't have to get to the church property i'm telling you that all you got to do is [Applause] do you realize that god will answer a prayer before you pray it there's some stuff god done done for you that you ain't even had to pray about there's something before you ask it he's already done it i will [Applause] [Music] god bless you i i i'm about through i like this i like i like this i like this and and and i'll make your name great see folk misunderstand that can i help you notice what he didn't say he did not say i will give you a great title see i got people want to be bishops some of you want to be doctor so-and-so you got to have something that comes before your name that makes your name great if you have to have something that comes before your name guess who put it before you people and the people can put it before you [Applause] but god says i ain't gonna put nothing in front i ain't gonna put nothing behind i'm just gonna make your name great that wherever you walk you got favor whenever you open up your mouth you got authority i've already given you authority i've already given you power i've already empowered you i have already sanctified you oh um i ain't even touching where i went this morning please help me somebody can i talk to the misfits i need to talk to the misfits i want to talk to the folk that hadn't fit in all your life i want to talk to the folk have been looking for a place to exhale and you haven't been able to exhale i'm gonna look for folk who tried to get with this group and try to hang with this person and try to get accepted by this and nobody seems to let you fit in and every time you get with a group you still feel like you're on the outside but before you were formed in your mother's womb god said i know you and i sanctified you i wasn't gonna let you fit you missed that i'm sorry to make this announcement the calling on your life is so valuable and important that you had to walk by yourself because god was not going to chance contamination he was not going to allow those people who you wanted to be with to sidetrack you derail you or infiltrate the divine purpose that he's put in your life i'm here to announce to you yes your life has been lonely but unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground it remains alone but if it dies it brings forth much fruit you're not catching that you were born to bring life to others no you missed that can i tell you this one of the greatest books in the bible is the book of revelation the book of revelations was written john guess where he was on the what isle of patmos god took him and separated him from everybody so he can speak to them you miss that you can't be with them and speak to them you have to be separated from them so you can speak back to them with a perspective that only god gives you you can't be in the crowd and rescue the crowd you've got to be separated from the crowd walking in the way god ordained you to walk that you can speak to the crowd and direct them on the revelation of jesus christ watch this god says can i wake you up thank you i made this statement today they had to write it down it says we see things not as they are but as we are which means whatever your perspective is you transfer that on heaven instead of letting heaven put its view on you let me tell you what god says now if you walk with this i was i was talking to somebody the other day i said i said to them i said you don't want to talk to me he said yes i do want to talk to you i said no you don't want to talk to me he said yes i do want to talk to you he said can't you hear me saying i want to talk to you i said no you don't want to be bothered with me he said i said i want to talk to you i said let me tell you something you communicate three ways you communicate through word you communicate through gesture and you communicate through spirit i said your words say you want to talk to me your gesture says you don't and your spirit says you don't so call me back check this out check this out what you mean what you're trying to say bishop if you don't believe from word gesture and spirit what god said about you it won't work for you now watch this god said about you i'll bless whoever blesses you but if you don't believe that they don't get blessed yes i believe it but you speaking it but you don't understand that you haven't received it yourself if you ever can get yourself to wake up one morning and say if somebody blesses me they gonna be blessed because god promised so therefore as i go around when somebody blesses me i tell them blessed be unto you in the name of jesus please hear me watch this he said and i'll curse those who curse you why are you sitting up worrying about girlfriend you don't know bishop them folk are planning this and doing this and they they working roots and all this kind of stuff on my job they do it god says if they lay a finger [Applause] you're not hearing it you got to get this in you if they even try it if they raise their voice against you go to sleep baby i'mma handle this if matter of fact you pray for your enemies because when they mess with you i get so mad i might kill them so when you go to bed tonight you pray for them that i have mercy on them because i am mad they're not messing with you they messing with me and when they mess with you they mess with me and i get upset god loves you so much come here tommy you ever get mad at somebody come here what's your name wise get in front of me hold me back you know you get in front of me look at me stand back there you hold me hold me hold me boy i'ma kill you i'm gonna hurt you he better hold me you you better he better hold me because i'ma hurt you that's god god says when you talk about his child he gets so mad that the only thing that can restrain him from hurting the perpetrator is that your prayers restrain him because i'm about to mess him up [Applause] and if you could ever get that in your spirit that you gotta pray fervently for your enemies because god is so mad about what they [Applause] did say he promised [Music] my table i'm about through say hey promise right here as 300. say promise what's your name tracy tracy that's your 300 okay listen tracy it's yours it's got your name on it okay nobody mess with it it's yours okay i say already see y'all y'all miss it can can you understand this everything god's gonna do for you it's already set aside now i'm i'm through but i got to read this say but god took three and a half million folk out of egypt in deuteronomy 6 and 23 says he takes them out so he can bring them in he takes them out he delivers them so he can take him in to what he already set up and promised now if i read the bible to you and i'll let you know that the amorites and the presidents and the hittites and all of them were already living in the promise say they were in the promise please understand which means that the promised land was all ready there say already you miss that can i make it personal your stuff is already you miss that everything you even pray about god has already set up [Applause] watch this do you want to know how adam named all the animals and not repeated himself it was not that adam was making up names every animal that came in front of adam was already named by god and god was checking adam to see if he was thinking like him [Applause] because the animals were already named so what was he doing he was testing adam let me test you before i give you your woman let me test you before i leave you in charge uh tracy your money is still sitting right there it's your money nobody else can come get it because it's already yours it might take your moment to get up here and get it but you got to wait until you release to come get it but it is yours it ain't going away until you come get it because it's already set aside for you it's set aside with your name on it the money says tracy i'm trying to paint something i'm trying to paint something say but i got to come through the wilderness i'm through i just want to read this can i read this what's this every command deuteronomy 8 8 8 1 every command which i command you today you must be careful to observe that you may live and multiply and go in and possess the land which the lord had sworn to your fathers and you shall remember the lord god that led you all the way these 40 years in the wilderness to humble you and to test you to know what was in your heart to humble you to test you to know what was in your heart tracy baby this yours this is yours got your name on it and set aside it's your promise gotta read one more thing to you but but he's got to test you because your promise is so big he has to qualify you and grow you up to meet what he's going to give you for everybody in here who has great tribulation that means you got a great promise you got a great promise don't get upset because it's so hard all god is doing is maturing you what what's this what's this what's this what's this what's this i'm through i'm trying to get you i'm trying to get i'm trying to get that and and he did not i'm through i just got to read this and he did not go the short way watch this exodus 13 17. then it came to pass when pharaoh had let the people go that god did not lead them by the way of the land of the philistines although it was near there are folk in here who've been in a long night and even though new birth starts jumping and shouting about prosperity and all this stuff that's going on you ain't seeing it i'm talking to somebody there's some folk in here who are stuck in a long night it's been hopeless and every day you get up you're stuck with the same thing looking at the same thing day after day and what you thought would be ended in six months has gone six years and you keep getting up and keep getting up and keep getting up and you keep wondering when is this going to be over and you're sick of it and you're tired of it and somehow what keeps you going is this voice inside of you this little promise that god gave you but i am sick and tired of this long night tracy tracy baby tracy tracy tracy tracy open the eyes tracy open tracy's eyes tell me tracy open your eyes tell open my eye open your eyes baby baby this is yours but watch this can i have you for a moment tracy can you go somewhere with me god's promised you a whole lot of stuff but he's not going to take you the cut way her 300 is over there but god's gonna take her the long way because she has to stop by brother man who's having some problems and minister to him and then keep on going while she's suffering and oh excuse me excuse me and and take you through a whole lot of folk that doesn't look like it's headed to your promise excuse me excuse me excuse me and then we'll stop by even while i'm hurting but i gotta minister to another sister now my promise is over there but i gotta come now come on come on i've gotta cross over folk and and bow down and say excuse me i'm sorry excuse me i didn't mean to come through here excuse me uh let me help you and bless you and encourage you you always encouraging somebody when you want to be encouraged and it ain't even headed towards your promise it's going in a different direction but you must go by this way because there's some things some folk got to tell you and there's some things that you got to learn and even though it's not in the direction of your promise it does not mean you won't get to your promise was it what what come on tracy you got to stay with me you can't give up tracy you can't now watch this tracy you need the 300 but god blesses somebody else with what you want and then he wants to know if you're going to praise him even though what you were praying for went to somebody else and then he takes you and he takes you and he takes you around and it looks like you're on your way in but then he says now stop over here because what she needs you want to but he says if you can give it to her then i'll give it to you i'm checking you out come on come on come on come on come on it's not headed towards your promise i'm headed in a whole different way i'm somewhere in the wilderness and i'm getting close and it looks like it looks like i'm gonna get to my promise and you'll see it but then god takes you another direction because he realized that you were down and so he says come on there's some folk over here i know you're tired i know you want something that's why i showed you your promise but right now there's a brother over here who needs to be sponsored so i know you ain't got much but what little you have you're waiting on your ship to come in but what little you have take the last of that and say god bless you my brother i hope you get yours god bless you my brother i'm still holding on it's been a long night but i'm still trusting god i'm still praising him i'm still praising him i'm still praising him soon and very soon soon and god come on come on come on we tired we gonna make it and if you can endure weeping endures for night but joy joy joy joy [Music] [Applause] [Music] joy [Applause] [Music] it might take me a while i might have to go around the block a couple of times but bless be under god he is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] faithful it might look like you're going away from your breakthrough it might look like you're going away from your deliverance but i want you to know something huh looks like you're going contrary to your deliverance but god's just leading you the long way he wants to see if you'll bless them when you ain't getting nothing he wants to see when you bless him if it looks like ain't nothing coming back to you he wants to see if you can say bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name not because i got a car not because i got a house not because i got married just bless the lord oh my soul and all that is within me he wants to see if you can celebrate somebody else's blessing he was oh god [Applause] do you can i help you with something do you want to know when you get the most calls for help you get the most calls for help when you need it yourself and you're sitting there ministering i can remember when i was going through my bout with cancer and seemed like everybody i was laying hands on was telling me i got cancer and then they were coming back telling me about their healing and i'm sitting going through treatment weeping while i'm laying hands on folk to get healed and asking god how come you're gonna let me go this route while i can lay hands on others and they get healed and god said well let me tell you something i'm not taking you the straight way i'm gonna see if you're gonna get up and stop complaining and you still bless somebody else i wanna see if you're gonna still love me if i can take your hands and lay it on somebody else and they get healed and then you lay it on yourself and nothing happens i want to see if you'll still trust me if your stuff doesn't work for you i want to see if you can go and handle it i'm here to tell you i'm talking to somebody here you've been sitting up and everybody's coming to get from you what you want and god says i want to see if you'll still get up if you'll still be there if you'll still stand with me hear me listen to me three and a half million folk get this darius three and a half million folk say three and a half million died in the wilderness because they were babies god said i fed you he said you hungered in deuteronomy but yet i fed you and how can you be hungry and be fed y'all know how i fed you what you needed i didn't give you what you wanted they were complaining and their shoes wasn't wearing out now you might not have got a tail of maidsuit or designer shoes and all of that but please understand the stuff you got on it ain't shabby it ain't worn out it's lasting i can remember when i came through college in the first two or three years after college i had one blue two name suit polyester and i would press that thing to shine put on a powder blue shirt with a tie i was clean as i could be and i wore it all time and focus said he got the same suit but they couldn't say i wasn't looking good [Applause] i learned how to fake it till you make it [Applause] listen god ain't gonna give you all that he promised you if you're so preoccupied and crying like a baby in the transition of maturity he gives nothing to anyone who he has not tested talking to my friend yesterday who's come back from the war and i said if you were to bypass your training and then go to war what kind of soldier would you have been he said pitiful and dead god is not going to make you an officer in his army if you can't stand in the time of adversity so he gives you the adversity first and if you can stand and say i've learned the secret of contentment if i got a lot or a little i'm fine because i can do all things i said i can do all things i don't have to beg for another thing i can do all things today through christ that strengthens me you don't need nothing else today to accomplish your kingdom assignment can you clear this just a moment real soft as me when i asked for this this morning the whole aisles were packed my wife and i stood up and prayed for a group she's not here she's preparing to leave with me but i have her anointing before we got married before we even met both of us went through a very traumatic experience my wife only shared it a couple of times where where she almost took her life both of us got to the point of suicide i was at the point of a double murder suicide reason being i i had a long night say a long night i understand that seemed like this shadow this thing would never go away and every day it was draining me and what i thought would be only a few months went six years and i understand scripture we've been in door for a night joy comes in the morning do you realize that three and a half million wandered 40 years and all god was trying to do is get him right for the promise somebody's already built your house somebody's already built your building your business somebody's already got your money the wealth of which is laid out for the rights as soon as you're ready god's gonna take what he had the wealth the wicked making and put it in your hands listen i'm talking to some folk right now if you've been in one of those long nights and you're encouraged right now but not quite convinced i want to pray for you and i need you to come get right here in front of me bishop i am in that night and i know he promised and i see even more clearly my god if you're in the balcony you can come down the sides and you can come to the front of the balcony how long not long storm is passing over it's passing over there's a break in the clouds [Applause] [Music] take a peep at the sun there you go there you go there you go see it as god sees fresh refreshing over over over vision faith i want you to hear this i'm speaking from the spirit and experience one of the reasons i and my wife had to go through the long way well so i can stand up here today and tell you i feel what you feel i'm not speaking to you from bible college i'm not speaking to you from seminary i'm speaking to you from life i want to share with you something for some of you when you started walking morning came and then for some of you it may be night a little bit longer i'm not gonna stand up here and promise if you sow something something's gonna happen and all that i can tell you this sir i don't know when the break will come but i do know it will come and on the other side of this is a glory that will make you forget every moment of pain that you ever went through listen to me he despised the shame of the cross [Music] yet for the glory that lied beyond if you saw a passion of the christ you got a glimpse of what it was like he knew what he had to go through but he saw the other side of it on the other side of this night is a morning and he shall wipe all god said i'm not talking about when you die i shall wipe all the tears i speak life [Music] um now i'ma say something to you young lady i need you to hear this god says i will stop trying to figure anything out it's already done handled worked out yours you gotta let go you've tried to carry it too long you've been too strong you're too strong too strong it's not i hear him say it's not your fault it's not for you to carry release it release it there you go let go let it go let it go yeah uh-huh let it go let it go let it go now in the moment he's gonna rush right in you like you're gonna feel him rush but you got to open the door he's not he's come on come on come on come on oh [Music] he said you're forgiven he said stop it stop carrying that let it go let it go put your arm around somebody to grab somebody come here we all just whatever whatever whatever grab somebody grab somebody get somebody get somebody i i i need you to make sure those of you who did not get the tape from wednesday you need the tape from wednesday you got to get that please hear that get that today [Music] listen what he promised you is yours ain't nobody gonna get it now it might be looking like you headed away from your promise but that's just part of your journey when you have an opportunity to bless somebody bless somebody some folk gonna get what you've been praying for celebrate it i love the way that girl told me one day young lady told me he said said something about her friend got blessed with so-and-so and so-and-so and she was so happy and i said why you see it because her her her last name uh end with m and mine with p so he's getting through that alphabet you celebrate there'll be moments that the thing you want folk will be pulling out of you you want encouragement but everybody wants you to encourage them and they won't come by and say oh that's okay god's testing you can you encourage yourself and just as soon as you can just wake up one day and say if ain't nobody telling me it was good i'm gonna be as arrogant as god when he got through and he wasn't even finished every day he said it was good i realized i ain't totally got it together but if god can say at the end of the day is good i'm gonna find something today that i did that's good and whether anybody like it or not learn how to throw your own self a party go get a hostess twinkie father in the name of jesus we're ready let this wilderness experience that was sent only to train and test us be released and we go into the promise that you don't have to wait for our children to believe you god i speak grace peace and strength i come against the spirit of suicide murder i come against that spirit of unforgiveness i curse that spirit of fear and torment and i speak that they are loose free i speak of divine healing on your bodies from the crown of your head to the soul of your feet hmm [Music] let me see this young lady right here tell me come here special release over you right now in the name of jesus god said i've singled you out for now you are in your moment don't be afraid i am changing things for your good receive a refreshing receive a new anointing receive a healing i i i [Music] i need you to do something and then this is the reason why it's so so crucial that you be here with me thursday friday and saturday there's some stuff that has to be destroyed some of y'all ain't even been hugged oh god it hurt on the cross i said it hurt on the cross but he got up i i said he got him and because he got up you are up i announce to you you are up today i want you to declare something over the lives of those around i need you to help me minister i need to go to three people and tell them it's morning embrace them don't don't give them that little production hug but embrace them in the spirit and say it's morning your night is over it's morning other pounds see this young lady right there right there in the red shirt tell them this morning it's morning no tell him it's morning celebrate this morning joy comes in the morning it's morning it's morning it's morning it's morning it's morning through it all [Music] everything none but i learned how to trust them and depend on them hello somebody [Music] holiday holiday it's mourning he's faithful to what he promised nobody leaving hold on just everybody stop right now because i want to make sure that this house is right you promise she's going to stay i can still fly over the congregation tackle somebody this is the most important moment there are folk who are standing for the power of god and they're not saved they're not saved they have not confessed christ and made him save your lord and wherever you are right now if i'm speaking to you very quickly no need to debate don't need to sit down and try to discuss it come right now wherever you are come up on the platform to my left or my right come come come come come right now right down right now right now right now come on just in the balcony we'll wait on you those of you who are came a little late was not able to give your offer and there'll be ushers at the door especially upstairs to receive it those of you that don't have a church home and know that this is the place that god's ordained for you to be he spoke to your heart and spoke to your spirit wherever you are come come come come come come come come come come come come come on come on come on new bird put your hands together right now come on come on up on the platform come on come on come on come on come on wherever you are come come come come come come come come come come come come come come all right bring him on up hallelujah come on come on come on come on new bird put your hands together throw it all come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on [Music] keep coming keep coming keep coming come on come on you
Channel: New Birth Mbc
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Rating: 4.9072847 out of 5
Id: I-9F26fkkpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 55sec (3895 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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