Bishop Eddie L Long I Will Do A New Thing Dec 2011 Pt 2 of

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[Music] no come on and give God praise no give the King of Kings the Lord of lords the Almighty God Elohim Jehovah Jireh hallelujah give Him praise give him honor open up your mouth and bless the name of the Lord bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name for he has done great things he has done and will continue to do great things bless his holy and righteous wonderful magnificent supernatural greatest great better than better gooder and gooder supernatural the only true and living God [Music] hallelujah I want you to stand with me very quickly open up your Bibles Isaiah 43 Isaiah 43 I'm gonna move real quick tomorrow morning I need you to be aware one service at 11:00 so you can sleep in those of you here early so I know you're gonna go bed early you came early so you can get out early to be able to get up early for service my momma said my momma said if you don't be at service or the first Sunday of you you never making the rest of the year that what mama said and so I have a major word for you in the morning I want to just setting that up and moving in that what we did this past week I tried to have on every just about every morning I had someone speaking prophetic voice to you and a 6:30 morning prayer if you weren't on the player I did not download it we put all of them in this pack that you can get tonight it's I think it's only it's only $15 and you can get it play it in your house hear God when Rabbi Messner was talking I had a pad trying to take notes and my finger wouldn't move fast enough and so and then Bishop Bismarck and and others dr. Wanda Turner it was just a joy and we'll have a few more with us on next week so those of you are missing morning prayer I don't know I don't know what you're doing I just don't know what you're doing all right chuckling preach to me just for a few moments I want you to turn to Isaiah 43 and 18 you got 43 and 18 a very familiar text you go read it one two three read [Music] [Music] just 1880 now all right phrase because it praise the Lord now go with me to Isaiah 10 and 27 I want to marry these two scriptures and be out of here by 8:00 hallelujah I am speaking something different the next service so you get it in the morning you got Isaiah 10 and 27 Isaiah 10 and 27 reads it shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder and his yoke from your neck and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil the burden shall be taken away from your shoulders and the yoke from your neck and it won't be broken because if you break something you can put it back together it will be destroyed and it will be destroyed by the anointing of God Father let the words of my mouth the meditation of our hearts be accepted in thy sight O Lord our strength and our Redeemer a man a man and a man you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I I want to say this on a side note as we move and I want you to maybe for a part of this you'll take a few notes and for a part of this I want to talk to you I'm not preaching and then for a part of this we gonna have to let God move I I was thinking the other day and I realize as we've moved through 2011 as we move into 2012 I I hope and pray that we have moved into such a maturity that we are important touch your name say we are important touch your neighborhood side say we are significant I was at one time I was getting sick of being in the media and then I thought to myself if they didn't report about me I wouldn't be important I want you to know that we are so important that we scare the hell out of hell and if we weren't doing anything nobody would pay us any attention I want you to be mature as we go into 2012 to know that we have a charge to keep and a God to glorify and when you study the Bible and you study the journeys of the people of God they upset systems and they upset folk I've never seen comfortable Church I seen folk who settled and didn't want to move but those who get in the movement of God will stir things up this is a season that we come together as one and I'll talk about that and the power of one that will be revolutionized in the whole body of Christ can I get someone to say a man I first want you to understand some things and I wanted to get it down and I want these things to settle and you sometimes we move so fast the new year is an interesting time for people and we respond to it and we reflect to it in a renewal kind of way we come here we want to renew we're moving in and and then we come with these reactions that take the form of resolutions and probably on your list I would imagine the top 10 resolutions would be number one because of Christmas lose weight number two spend less all this cause of Christmas number three workout number four maybe I'm a stop smoking number five I'm gonna become a better volunteer number six I'm a drink less number seven gonna eat healthier some number eight get a better education others imma find me a new job and then some say and just as a new year resolution I'm gonna say Amen more to Bishop Eddie Long sermons now and are all of actuality a reality you will understand that 50% of us make resolute resolutions and and 68% of that 50% does not last for months last year I had you write down what she's gonna do and send it to you by Easter and and many of you were surprised how you started with one thought and by Easter you didn't know where you were why does this matter it matters because the simple text in Isaiah I mean in Isaiah says in 43 it says I will do a new thing say with me I will do a new thing who is I say it again who is the I who is the I the problem first is we have in going into 2012 and every year is a setup for disappointment it is a setup for disappointment because we go into the year in the first quarter of the year we have all of this not God I will but I I will we make resolutions we make promises to ourselves we say we're gonna do this we're gonna do it fresh this I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do this it's gonna be fresh and it's gonna be new but in all actuality about 68% of the time all that stuff you put down and decided you were gonna do after while you're not doing it you're depressed and now you're mad at God I had such anticipation I had such great hopes I had such a great great vision of God and what God was gonna say what God is gonna do how God's gonna do this and how he's gonna do this and but but yet there was a substitution of the I God was giving us an invitation to join him and we were giving God an invitation to join us if God was even in equations a lot of times we'll say what we're going to do and then we put a spiritual smattering on it to make it sound spiritual I know God wants me to have good health I know he wants me to do this I know he wants me to do that all that aye aye aye aye aye and you still end up in a human place you end up in a human place because you're nowhere near the place that God ordained for you to be going into the year so in all that here we have 2011 going out getting ready to go into 2012 and we got to understand that the AI of doing a new thing and what you probably need to do is God says I'm doing something you need to catch I'm gonna say that again God says I'm doing something you need to catch on to it says I am doing a new thing will you not know it many translations says I'm already doing it when you're gonna catch it so as I'm going in a new year I'm not really planning to submit to god I'm telling God what I want to do and then we'll say if it's your will and God says I'm already doing something you want to join me because I've already went before you I've already prepared the pathway have already given you victory every promises me as y-a in a man the problem is you ain't where I told you to be and you're not moving in what I'm moving in when did you pray as we've been going and getting ready for 2012 god what are you doing and make me a part of it that's a good question write down Lord what are you doing because I want to be a part of it because many of us are doing stuff and asking God to join us then we're mad if God doesn't join us because you know this sounds like God hmm we went Catholic ah that let me remind you how God sees life God sees life and his chance God sees life more according to our future than our past I'm a sin again God sees life according to your future then your past he is more interested and what you can do in the future versus what you've done God is not sitting up talking about what you did you know what very difficult it would be very difficult if I gave you a test that's I just asked you to do something I would ask you to do this you can try it at home right 10 positive things down about yourself and then right 10 negative things about yourself you would do more negative things in what I ask and have a hard time finding 10 positives because we'll start lingering in yesterday instead of understanding the past we know more about the wrong than we do about the right and what God is sitting is saying I got some right stuff I got some good stuff I'm proud of you I love you I got a great future for you and I'm having a problem with getting you out of 2011 while you're getting ready to go into 2012 we're sitting in the same breath saying 2011 was hell 2011 was this 2011 was that God said forget those things I'm telling you and a few hours before you go into 2012 forget it forget what hurt you forget what disappointed you forget what walked out on you forget that you still don't have a job I'm talking about the future and if you can let go of yesterday I am the future God not the god of yesterday I'll make you yesterday work for your tomorrow but if you don't get on my plan there's an announcement there's an announcement what's this because you got people that you run into there's always talking about yesterday don't you understand don't let your past become bigger than God's future for you yesterday can be God's tomorrow please understand this and the reason why many of us are worn out is because we're dragging yesterday in a u-haul trailer touch your name and say unpack your trailer to a matter-of-fact unhooked and he'll hook the trailer you can't go into someplace and new carrying old stuff we're new birth say it we're new birth there's something significant about the name of new birth which means that you're supposed to be always birthing something every husband in here knows that when your wife gets ready to deliver a baby and then she starts telling you that there needs to be new stuff bought in there needs to be a new room fixed up it needs to be painted a new crib needs to be in here a new chair needs our being here because something new is coming in but we don't understand God won't give you new stuff when you're trying to hold on the old stuff he's telling you I'm bringing new stuff in your life but I want you to unpack the old stuff well I can't forgive him I can't do this I can't do that God said you already did it you already dealt with it now let me do something new in your life [Music] I'm sitting here a few hours from 2012 and you're still carrying 2011 matter of fact some of you are carrying 1970 you don't have a u-haul you have a semi you're sitting here and trying to get a hold of what God is doing new but you got so much baggage and so much stuff and so many hang-ups and so many things that are going on in your life and in your head that you haven't been through and you're telling God I'm sick and tired and God said if you could let go of that and connect to this I've already started something new I've already answered your prayer and if I've answered your prayer I want you to grab what I answer not sit there you know what I've tried to figure out what I've been learned God promises me stuff and first of all hits my head I said God that's impossible he said that's why I said it I am the god of the impossible I said I can do it I don't need you to tell me and try to figure out how I can do it be like Mary say being unto me according to your according to your word there's some things God wants to do in your life that use telling you to stop trying to figure it out get out the way get out the way get out the way I'm already doing it this is the biggest problem the biggest problem all the baby boomers in the house say hey there's a little toy we used to play with us baby boomers called the etch-a-sketch didn't need electricity that two little knobs in the screen and you could just do all kinds of stuff build houses and all that stuff and and and when you first get you a little extra sketch you know you kind of mess up and when you mess up all you had to do is and start all over you didn't catch that you can start out you might have started out in 2011 didn't start out right and all kind of misshapen why don't you just shake it 2011 up and start all over I got a new year you didn't make it food 2011 it's over 2012 is here shake off the remorse shake off the depression shake off the financial burden shake off that and start moving your hands again and reconstructing God about your future then it was about your past that somebody say shake it up shake it off start again what since then what's this though what's this now what's this I'm going fast I want you to hear this say say say God's doing something I don't know how to get that in you he is doing a new thing it has already begun Gus says get with the program God said I don't have time for you to cry over old stuff shake your little get your sketch up you didn't get the job you got laid off you got repossessed you got whatever foreclosed on shake it off I got another house shake it off I got another car shake it off I got this for you shake it off I got something else for you your friends walked away shake it off I got some other friends that's gonna take you even in a greater direction checkout and then somebody said well what do you do with this stuff you can't shake off I'm glad you asked that because I just wanted to marry these two scriptures and tell you why I'm here tonight he said it shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulders and the yoke from your neck and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing of God look at me some new birth and I'm through the children of Israel were under attack severe oppression by the Assyrians the attack of the Syrians drove the children of Israel to prayer Friday morning we had over about three thousand folk on the prayer line trouble to make you pray nothing makes you pray like trouble there's two things that you don't have to go to school to learn you'll need to go to school to learn how to praise them and you don't have to go to school to learn how to pray you just have to go through hell a couple of times and you gonna learn you just have to be delivered a few times and you gonna learn you're gonna have to face death a few times just live a little bit longer just live all you little snooty folk who say don't take all that and I wonder why they got us standing so long in the praise time I'm ready to hear the word do you just live just a little bit longer and you gonna know why it takes a little while and while Bernard doesn't want to stop the praise and all that is because he doesn't been to the school that teaches you how to open up your mouth and and you're thankful that you're alive that's the reason why the Bible says everything that has breath because if you ain't got breath you're dead and if you really know who God is every time you take a deep breath you got to think them it's a miracle how your body works it's a miracle how you operate it's a miracle of how do you do it and if you haven't laid in a deathbed and they told you they gave up on you I got this congregation now that the doctors gave up on but the surgeon said it yet it ain't over yet and they're still standing the because and then so don't you get mad when they run don't you get mad when they start shouting don't you get mad when they step on your feet thank God you got a foot that they can step on understand that there's a phrase comes out you don't know what your neighbor pins tool in 2011 and yet they got their mouth of an answer they didn't go to school and learn that God Almighty showed them how good he is somebody oughta flats if name Beata his name is God all by himself what sister watch this you gotta catch him I says that what's this now what's this now what's this God will do what he wants to do when He wills in order to bring us into the full circle because he wants our full attention and 2011 God got our attention he wanted to know who belonged to the church and who was joined to Eddie long he wanted to see who was gonna dig in and pray and who was gonna run he wanted to see whether you can get hot and not melt [Applause] he wanted your testimony not to just be words but you can tell him I've come to the fire I've come through the water and I'm here to tell somebody about it I ain't just freaking words and watch this now please understand God said the attack [Applause] you didn't hear what I'm saying God in His permissive will lets things attack your life attack your house attack your family to see if you were gonna dig in and fight to see and what you were saying whether you believe it or not to see if you would still call his name [Applause] [Music] he lets you go two years without a job so he can show you he can feed you day by day I need somebody that's got a testimony that you shouldn't even be standing here you shouldn't even be standing here but God let you be tested by the enemy what's its nap I need to go to this fight [Applause] yeah keep phrase and turn it off I said God sent the enemy I said God sent the enemy so he can prove you so he can make you you know it's a few hours left before 2012 and there's still some stuff God's gonna do I wish I can get a congregation that can thank God for some to our miracles there's still some promises get fulfilled there's still some things he ain't done yet if everybody in here drama God promised you something it ain't happened yet you've got about two hours and if you can open up your mouth and get a release in this house if you can open up your mouth and bless the Lord I watch this I need you to understand what's this now God says I use the Austria the Syrians to get your attention but I would not allow them to oppress you once you turn towards me he said we were focused on too many other things and he needed to get our full attention because he had to rely and rely on us to himself what's this and so God says now I'm ready to deliver you Angada I said God said now I'm ready to deliver you what's this and this is part of life he was talking to a remnant because the other ones had left because they were afraid of this Syrians but in due time God said I'm gonna deliver you now watch this brothers and sisters don't be shocked about the people who are here who are doing what they've been doing the things still with a yoke around their neck many of you have come to a end of a year of favor favor on your life but with a yoke around your neck and as you tiptoe into a brand new year you owe it to yourself to see what life would be without this yoke it would be interesting to know how much further you would have been if you didn't have this yoke around your neck such an itch I got this thing to get off of me till somebody sells to say I gotta get this thing off me now that that's where I'm comin I got to get this thing touch the person behind you I gotta get this thing off of me now I need some help because see see the anointing is about to destroy something over you and there's a thing that's been around you that you'd ever get in the atmosphere I got to get this thing off of me I'm not leaving building try get this thing off of me I gotta get this thing from around my neck [Applause] what's that God's doing it's a God's doing he he's doing a new thing who's doing it who's doing it say God do it in the first six words of the text in the first six words of the text of Isaiah 10 and 27 says and it shall come to pass say with me and it shall come to pass listen before jump on my boat now before twelve o'clock tonight so the neighbors excuse me say Matt fat I ain't waiting til 12:00 that's why I came to the early service in the next 10 minutes in the next 10 minutes i'ma bring my new Yein right I didn't come here early so I could get to a party I came early so I can party came to pass say I gotta get this thing off my neck for whatever God has promised me it shall come to pass touch somebody say whatever God promised you it shall come to pass he shall perform it [Applause] every word that God has spoken over you in 2011 every word that you sold into in 2011 God was promising you an uncommon and unexpected of unprecedented favor and you just got a few moments left for the full effect touch somebody say I'm about to go into the full effect but as you move into the new year as you prepare to go into your place of provision it is uncomfortable of us to get this yoke off our neck I need somebody that can turn the heat up a little bit now some of you are comfortable with the yoke on your neck I'm talking about the folk or sick and tired of this thing hanging around your neck messing up your blessing messing up your life messing up your family messing up your attitude that was it you'll never be able to defeat something you can't confront and she'll come to pass sometimes you have to go ahead and be progressive in life to ensure that the other times that you have rid yourself of this nagging issue say it and it shall come to pass say that's six words so that's important say but I like the next three words in that day being cats I'd say women and it shall come to pass in that day now please understand whenever in the Old Testament we'll always say in that day because even even this book is written seven hundred and thirty-five years before the birth of Christ when you understand that when speaking of a day to come seven hundred and thirty five days before the birth of Christ so in that day you just celebrated the birth of Christ which means that day and it shall come to pass in this day December 31st 2011 please please hear me it shall come to pass and whatever is burdening you please whatever is burdening you shall be taken off of you and whatever yoke the devil is keeping are using to keep you in bondage shall be taken away buses that touch your neighbor touch your neighbor say now the burden is being taken away and the yoke is being destroyed I need everybody standing I need everybody to stand I need everybody standing me have I said I want you to look at somebody cuz you got to make a declaration say I can't spend another year with this thing around my neck I can't spend another month not another week not another day with this thing on me god I gotta get this thing off my neck [Applause] as we move into another year I want to see what I could be if I wasn't restricted I want to see what would happen if I wasn't held down I want to see what my life would be like if I wasn't constrained if I wasn't hindered by relationships my first marriage or my second marriage or my my my relationship or somebody needs to ask themself what life could be like if if if they can just shake the restrictions and limits off that hold you down if I can shake off the distorted view and effects of my opinion and derive my passion that upset my merits if I could shake off the controls of my personality and make the things that make me crave attention and make me unmanageable what would my life be if I can get this monkey off my neck [Applause] that's what has you confused you don't understand why someone that's this nice could have so much trouble let me tell you what's wrong there's a yoke around their neck touching inside got to get it off of me if I can get it off of me I'll be a better father if I can get it off of me I'd be a better wife I can get it off of me I can be a better husband if I get it off of me if I can get it off my neck out of finish school if I get it off me I'd gone to college if I'd done that my future would been secure if I can get this thing off me for years I get up in the morning and I go to work with it I go to school with it I come home with it when I lay down by myself that is it's constantly causing me to make bad decisions do stupid things think dumb and every time I get close to a breakthrough there's yoke this thing around my neck when your yoke to something this it connects you with somebody else or something else that restricts you how long have you been living a restricted life depressed oppressed going through motions and the clock is ticking and I came for the sick and tired folk who said I can't I can't take another year with this thing on me and God said it shall come to pass in this day in this moment oppression suppression depression recession is not what you want but at this set time God has sent me because he said there's been some blessings held up and I want them released does somebody say I got to get this thing off my neck I need this yoke from around my neck I am doing a new thing now it shall spring forth not by power or by might but by my spirit says the Lord he says I will destroy this by the anointing we've missed a lot in God over our lives because we've been carrying this yoke is something that haunts us some of you in this service really don't think 2012 is gonna be a better year you're kind of scared you're reluctantly somewhat excited but you know what God can put you in a whole new field fertile but if you got the old stuff and get planted in a new field you'll grow the old stuff the greatest disappointment most Saints have is that I'm gonna fix this mentality i'ma fix this i'ma fix that I've made a list for 2012 I'm telling you you've made a list for disappointment because some of that stuff on that list you can't touch tonight the Spirit of the Lord is upon me for he has anointed me to destroy that yoke and remove that burden by his power before you leave if you're sincere about having God run your life getting in what he is doing and say this is a good part about you ain't got to come here and confess what you yo kids and all that wing that's between you and God he is the only one with the ability to destroy it and remove it and if you're serious about God moving on you now come here come here come here I want this thing off me I want it off my family I want it off my life I want it off my merits I want it off my job I want this thing off my child I want it off my church in 2012 God told me to tell you I'm gonna do it listen to me because you know this is gonna echo really it 2011 in a year and God says I know you need to rest he said thank you for fighting in the spirit and not on a martyr train but God says you need to rest it's my turn here's the hardest thing for Saint to do give it to him that's so difficult you can't figure it out said Lord that's yours it's your I'm going to sleep I'm gonna sleep it's yours if anything feels like a burden our yoga minds been Minds been destroyed by the oil a sign to you that you have taken over your life and move got out the way from this point on if you feel burdened because he has moved it the restrictions are destroyed somebody say Lord thank you brett grab somebody by the hand grab some my bunny hand wrestle my better hand don't you hear this I want you to hear this to get this hear me the issues that appear not to be resolved for 2012 is already handled the promises are already fulfilled some things you'll see manifest before 12:00 some things you'll see after 2012 has come in but you'll see that it already happened in 11 now don't be disturbed if you wake up singing and dancing in the morning now watch this because this sounds funny but it's really kind of pathetic some of us wake up such a booger bear every morning that when joy hits you you think something's wrong and it's like I don't know why I'm so happy but I know I need to get sad again because I'm used to being sad and watch this something must be gonna happen and take this joy away so why don't I take it away first and so what you did is you grieve the Holy Ghost because God already did it God was doing it when you started walking 2012 is easy I want you to hear this I want you to hear this I god said I'm doing it trust me nevertheless not my will by will you know I've worked out your job I've worked out your business I've worked out your family I've worked out your children I've worked out your grades I've worked out your mortgage I've worked out your car I've worked out your stuff I fixed it I fixed the legal situation I fixed it I fixed it you ain't going to jail I fixed it I fixed it I fixed it I've already touched the judge I've already moved in this regard I've already done that I've got it [Music] and just slowly but surely you don't have to your gonna stop taking as many pills let your doctor give the card confirmation or you don't need this no more and you don't need that no more your blood pressure's all right you don't need that normal I don't know what happened - what cleared your veins up but you ain't clawed no more I fixed it it's it's done it's done it's done and everything that was on delay I declare by the anointing of God everything that was on him held up release now the good stuff the burden is removed and the yoke is destroyed that old mentality gone you ain't gonna die but live Happy New Year happy new life happy life in abundance father you did it not by power or by might but by your spirit and therefore who the Sun sets free is free indeed I need you to hug five folk and say it is so 5:00 [Music] and then tell him Happy New Year early it's already begun tell him it came to pass tell and it came to pass and it came to pass and it came to pass and it came to pass [Music] Oh somebody ought to give him praise where you are bless you Oh somebody ought to bless the Lord we're all getting ready to leave i'ma ask the elders to come don't ask the elders to come elders to come those of you that don't know Christ as your personal Savior we give you this invitation to come those of you don't have a church I'm going to ask everybody to stand in case somebody has to crawl so we're all getting ready to move all getting ready to move if you don't have a church home but you don't know Christ as your personal Savior wherever you are wherever you are come if you already saved but yet don't have a church home we'll receive you well get ready to leave together we'll receive you will receive you we'll receive you what a wonderful gift what a wonderful opportunity at this moment to move into the kingdom wherever you are wherever you are wherever you are let it come to pass wherever you are in this moment we open up the doors of the kingdom we open up the moments of life god bless you sister come on [Music] come come come come come come and yet there's room I want to do this very quickly III because I want you to not be caught in any kind of traffic I want you to join hands real quick be sure that you are be sure that you move those and get a copy of the prayers that we did this week is it's a lot of information there and be great for you and to share with someone on the break God's divine protection over you tonight and some of you will go and spend time with family tonight and do all kinds of wonderful things be free there for who the Sun sets free is free indeed stop looking at yesterday get excited about your future God has not beaten you up about yesterday one of the things about the Saints then we have such a challenge is there are certain things and only God fixes in your life and when you avail yourself to him he moves you through the Holy Spirit so father we honor you and bless you and I thank you for these wonderful brothers and sisters sons and daughters kings and priests warriors bless them and they're going in they're coming let favored flood their lives move them in the great possibilities let them not walk in doubt or fear but in power love and sound mind you've called us you ordained us this is our time and we're moving in that in Jesus name so I speak nothing but life then but prosperity nothing but joy nothing but protection nothing but healing upon their lives and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding guard their heart and mind in Christ Jesus a man a man and a man god bless you go in peace and the peace of God go with you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: michael enjoy life green
Views: 12,831
Rating: 4.8150287 out of 5
Id: -D0blEqgRQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 42sec (3342 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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