Bishop Eddie L, Long Another Dimension Oct 2014

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no no he's I'm about to show you off I had to make the situation so miserable that when I bought you out folk couldn't give long credit couldn't give anybody credit it had to be God you're about to be a sign and some of you gonna be a wonder and another gonna be a miracle but you are now entering in we're not waiting till 12 o'clock you already in it I said you are already in it I said open up your eyes to the east to the west to the north to the south God has 10 somebody say on the quickness suddenly take one step you stepped into a suddenly I don't know what you needed suddenly but when you took that step you might as well throw it in the atmosphere I said the Angels are here tonight I said the Angels are here tonight and they're not here to worship they're here to go to work so while you're worshiping you need to open up your mouth because the assigned angels are ready to open doors for you that no man can shut now I just want to know since we're here we got time to play you got to get the passion in 2014 you got to be intense you got to come after it you got to gotta want it I'm not acting like 2013 I'm in 14 I'm in the year of our Lord I'm in manifestation I'm in miracles I'm in my mind change and I declare everything that was training you everything that was holding you back everything that was cursing you everything that was pulling your money everything that was causing drama by the power vested in me and the anointing resting in this house it is destroyed and the burden if somebody can get to a level that the glory of God [Applause] but please hit us I'm slapping the devil cuz cuz he thought he was rested cuz he was waiting on me to start preaching so I had to engage before he got ready all year you don't catch the devil off-guard every plot every scheme you're gonna knock it out of timing you're gonna get it out of River it's gonna be uncovered unrevealed everybody trying to plot against you you're gonna see their hand and what they've done for you till you they'll fall in not you I need somebody to give God a gracious praise praise of honor a praise of glory a phrase of fire that needs a big fire in your belly that says I cannot be denied I will not be stopped death yes I got I guess it's offering time bye bye sister what's his name I say he's Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end I made up in my mind since he's Alpha and Omega that the last check I'm writing this years to God and the first check I'm writing next year is to God which means he gonna cover going and coming this ain't a time to tip God touch your neighbor and say come out of regular no touch three people say you gotta come out of regular you got to come out of regular I'm already taking the offering you need to come you need to come out of regular I wrote checks on my business my personal and everything else I could find I'm coming out of regular if you need an envelope you hadn't got it come on Bernard I need y'all to come we go worship for a moment come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come out a regular come out of regular I'm declaring dead Council I'm declaring the 14 means double you gonna get double for your trouble I know you said I heard that before but you need to go back again and believe add it with faith hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah that move quickly [Music] prosperity healing come I got a word for you the best day the best day of my life today [Music] come on site today will be the best day the best day of my life [Music] [Music] you [Music] you safely safely guided me through [Music] [Music] I'm gonna ask that you stand open your Bibles very quickly to the Book of Luke the 11th chapter I want to spend a few moments Luke 11 as I stated earlier I'm doing two specific messages if you're not here in the second service tonight get it when you come in on Saturday or Sunday both of these must be said and tonight the timing of God as we move into 2014 you have Luke 11 the ninth and 10th verse I'm gonna read the 9th and you read the tip I'm actually reading from King James Version and I say unto you ask and it shall be given seek and guess what knock and this Shelby please before you read that next verse this verse has no respect of person you don't have to be a bishop or an apostle or prophet you can be you and ask read verse 10 in concert stop right there read stop read that almost preached itself for everyone does your neighbor talking about you tell me how about you that ass receive and he who seeks guess what and to him who knocks I want to talk to you about 2014 just talk being the year of the open door it shall be opened unto you say with me it shall be opened unto me and the redeemed of the Lord and we're saying so now God like the words of our mouth of the meditation of all of our hearts be accepted in my sight O Lord our strength and our Redeemer a man a man and a man you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I'm gonna move kind of quickly and you can take some notes I won't talk tonight as we're transitioning already in the new year but transitioning and approaching and a few hours 2014 you have to understand that this is the year of the open door say it with me this is the year of the open door and now hear this because I want you here the body of Christ is moving from a season of windows to doors i'ma say that one more time the body of Christ is moving from a season of windows to doors let me explain for years the body of Christ have been focused on or taught to live by windows and Malachi see that approved me there with that I would not open up the windows of heaven and pour out blessings that you cannot receive windows of heaven windows of opportunity windows etc etc cetera a window windows are so powerful because they allow you to see through them does your neighbor say I see through windows which means that you have the opportunity through windows to see into new dimensions say I've been looking into new dimensions yet God is saying to us that I'm not leading you through windows anymore God says what's this now and watch this such names I'm about to get excited God says I don't want you just to see it anymore I'm saying it one more time I I said I didn't know I one of my favorite pastimes all my life has been the go to the malls even if I didn't have money back in the day when when it was very popular I was a layaway King and I used to like to go winless I didn't have to have money if I had five dollars and it cost $50 I just put the 5 on it and pay every week I like to go window shop and look at stuff and see stuff and imagine it on me many of you been going through life window shopping imagining you with this and never getting there that day is over I said that day is over I don't know let's listen here listen listen I just did I just did a thing today in reference to pretty soon I'm celebrating 20 years of being a bishop and they they asked me to kind of talk about it and one of the things I said on 20 years ago 27 78 snap finger roll when they consecrated me Bishop and Bishop Morton was there and Bishop Jake's did the message and the highway was all backed up and all of that I said I didn't change and what I meant by that I said the church was elevated but I didn't change and the reason why the church was elevated is because they received me differently I was no longer revving long I became Bishop long and they started receiving me as a bishop and not the Reverend which opened up a gate to supernatural things please understand now you can look at me however you want to look at me or you can draw from me whatever you want to draw me but I am here as a door for you to pull out of you and if you want to be cool and peeped through the window you keep window shopping but I'm talking to folk who wanna cross the threshold and go through the door touch your neighbor and say I don't know about you but I'm tired of window shopping I'm going tell him I'm going into the store that I thought I couldn't come for I'm going into the place that I didn't think I was qualified I'm going to the I said I'm gonna talk tonight watch this what's it what's this God says say touching him said just God speaking not Bishop God said God says I want you to have access he said I don't want you just seeing healing I want you to have access to healing which means not only will you be healed but you will take what you've been healed from and able to did somebody else heal I like when folks say I'm a 20 year cancer survivor I'm a 5 year cancer survivor but don't stop there if you've been healed of cancer say such as I have but you need to find others that have cancer and say I've come through that I'm carrying something I got something that you ain't got to look at I got something that you can enter into God says I don't want you just to see breakthrough I want you to have it I don't want you just to see miracles for your family or for your ministry and says it's time for you to have access someone say access now watch this now please it is for months and years and even decades we have been at the mercy of our vision and our dreams anybody our vision and if I have dreams you've been still looking what's this God promises us things and then he shows us things and even though his promise is the source of hope it also can be a cruel torture what's this for day after day such a name say day after day you have to live with the reality that what God said you have yet Dutch name and say he preaching about something up there for me what's this what's this some of us I'm talking about your neighbor right now have reached your breaking point and we've almost got no faith left in our faith I'm gonna say it again we have no faith left in our faith Lord I believe it help my unbelief I don't even know if I believe I'm still here but I am here to proclaim to you tonight that despite the devil's greatest attempts to control you still from you embarrass you destroy you what God promised as elder Stokes said on Sunday she'll come to pass all right 50 of you got that i'ma say it again you might as well catch it if it was this your angels waiting on you to say something so you need to just open your mouth and say that's for me a man that's for me Amen right now I know you came with your friend and you trying to look cute for the after-party but right now you don't come through so much hell you might as well get a breakthrough you might as well stop looking in the window I'm declaring I'm not gonna die as a window shopper I'm stepping in the doors and places that my mom and daddy praying about that my grandmama dreamed about that my great granddaddy talks about I'm not gonna be a talker I'm a mover and a shaker I'm a well I see why this was it wasn't what's just what's this please please really what's this it seems it appears it appears it appears very dark in the world right now many of transition and many things are happening everywhere and and it seems like lamps are being blown out and and it's just things are happening because and and and we think it's not because God has left us but it's because God is leading us does you never say God hadn't left you he's leading you now the problem we're having is we broke camp he's not taking you the way of your tradition he says God said tell you tonight he said I am NOT leading you by windows anymore he says I'm leading you by doors in the Old Testament the last book he talked about with windows in the New Testament the last book he talked about doors we are in the door time now if Bill Gates can get all that off of Windows somebody better grab this there's something in the atmosphere there's something about doors who gonna be the next Bill Gates who stands at the gate and say I've got a better thing I don't have to look through windows I can get you to step through doors step into dimensions it happen the two names they quit looking at it walk in it what's this now what's this what's this windows are transparent please understand they they allow us to light to come through therefore we can see what we are approaching in the future say so I can see the future but what's this doors however house are never are not made for sight they are made to control access [Applause] these doors in here were not made for sight when we put our military rushes on the door I don't care if you got to pee they ain't letting you out while I'm preaching therefore access what's this you can't see what's on the other side of the door what was I'm about to help somebody that's why it looks dark in your life you miss that let me say it again Bishop my life used to be full of light I could see and I'm having a hard time see it's because God's not taking you by the window it's dark at the door because it controls access so when it appears to be dark God is saying I'm tired of you looking at stuff I promised you don't get discouraged about the darkness because I'm about to give you access to stuff you could not even imagine and if you can stand in the dark I'm about to open the door for you that came no man shut that's the reason why I curse fear and I curse failure and if it looks like dark in your life you need to touch your neighbor and say I'm standing at the door I'm about to leave you if you don't grab hold of me tonight before 2014 comes in I'm no longer a looker every place that the sole of my foot tread I already possess it I'm going through the door I thank God for the darkness what's this what's this man what's this what's this what what's this this is why you cannot walk by sight you can't base your success off of what you see well what doors opening up to us in 2014 I'm glad you asked that question the daughter is opening up us in 2014 are called faith doors certain doors only open when you have enough boldness to approach it when you're close enough they open hey bruh Levitt just let it I don't want to see y'all soon we thank God every every new year you're with us we thank God for what you do for the community we thank you for your integrity we thank you for how you bless families we just thank you that's just now what's this he's a living his wife and family's a living example of what happens if you're not afraid to approach doors God told me tell me tell you some of you are living too comfortably he said the problem he has is that the brook dried up and he stops sending food and you're supposed to move but you're afraid because where I'm stepping you at there's not many windows and it looks dark but what I'm trying to do is to stop you from looking and start walking in it and I need you to be bold enough I need you to be tenacious enough I need you to have enough faith that even if ain't nobody going if my Mama and Daddy ain't going I feel an unction in my spirit I feel something turning in me that regardless I'm not gonna surround myself with naysayers I'm not gonna surround myself with folk that don't have no faith I need somebody that if I holla hallelujah they're hollering back at me they'll holler back at me they'll agree with me well whatever I'm singing if I can dream again if I can move and I'm not just dreaming I need to wake up and walk in it I need somebody who can walk with me in darkness and trust that God's promise is his promise he's taking me from just looking at life some of you are sitting up here and you need to ask yourself is the life that I'm living worth Christ dying for and for most of us the answer is no he said I am that you would have life and have it more abundantly I didn't come for your misery I didn't come for you to be the press I didn't come for you to be in bondage I didn't come for you to sit up and watch reality shows that mess your life up and your bloodline I called you to be a living reality I called you to be a walking epistle I called you to be I was explaining to them in in Birmingham see God said he said rule subdue and have dominion say with me say rule subdue and have dominion said again rule subdued have dominion I was explaining my wife didn't like to ride with me no not because I can't drive she's my wife it's a family of librarians don't tell her they're quiet I don't even like to watch TV with her because it's way down low I can't hear what they're saying because they think they're in the library my car makes noise her is done when I crank up my car it goes and she said why your car got to make so much noise and when I hit the gas felt it and I looked at I said honey my car was built to dominate no you didn't hear what I'm saying my car is built to dominate and when it gets on the highway it's gonna make some noise up in here while you're eating its dust I'm here to make an announcement to you you were created to dominate you are created to rule you were you were created to make some noise you were created with the power of God to be the head not the tail not to watch life be life touch'n they say 2014 is my year and say it's gonna get better and better say I'm about to step in something tonight I'm about to make a business deal I'm about to get a house I'm about to get a car I'm about I'm about to get my miracle I've been stepping back too far I'm gonna dominate I'm gonna rule what's this what's this The Doors God is opening it has no respecter person listen to me I want you to catch this certain doors only open when you got enough boldness to go to it this building has security doors for access and on one side of the door it's locked you can't come in on the other side it's locked but as you get close to it it has a sensor and when the sensor notice you have got close enough to go through it will unlock the door I think you miss that the reason why you have not is because you ain't got close enough listen to me why would God open the door and you're standing here and you want to go out there God says I ain't gonna waste the air-condition I ain't gonna waste opening the door if you get close enough if you can go through folk criticizing you if you can endure the darkness if you can do a little heartache knowing that I'm on my way and I'm being processed for where I'm going he said just as soon as you get to the door the angelic hoax or click the lock and the door will spring open but I'm not giving this to somebody that doesn't know how to handle it I'm not gonna give you opportunity if you have not come through the process to operate God nobody's gonna make you the CEO if you can't count to four you got to study to show thyself approved you got to step into some stuff and then say I was cream to dominate touch your neighbors say the doors faith and the reason you have not because you ask not you ain't been going after it and you've been watching everybody else live and god says 14 that's over does your neighbor say I'm not a watcher I come to live now watch this there are certain places you go in government or certain businesses of you have high-ranking agencies of stuff and the only way the door will open for you if you have the right code as your neighbor wants to write code in 2014 the doors will not open unless you have the right code which is a revelation a prophecy I was telling others that when God has someone prophesied to you you don't sit there wait for it to happen you wore for your prophecy you just don't sit there and say whoa God said such a said and so and so know you war for it you cover it you fight for it you make sure it comes to pass you have to fight for it because the devil is still trying to steal kill and destroy I got to get a Rhema word I have to have a dream of vision and and the light they are all the ways God gives us access what dream our vision are you sitting on that you're afraid to walk in I'm gonna talk later on tonight in the next service about how many of us have been mislabeled and we're operating since birth from a name that God didn't call us and you're sitting back in shame and pain and sitting back because you didn't graduate from this sitting back because you didn't do this comparing yourself to everybody else and whatever plan God has for you deny it because you're allowing yourself to be named by somebody who didn't make you you think you're a Chevy and you're rolls-royce listen you've got to be like the prophet Daniel because he knew how to apply the cold every King's dream and every challenge in his life opened a door for him I want to hear this say with me every challenge in his life God opened a door for him listen repeated again every challenge in my life must mean God has a door for me in case it therefore say it therefore I will not run from my challenge I won't be afraid that he moved me from the window to the door because I know it's graduation time and I'm going through I don't know how no longer have to look at it I can now possess it now what's this what's this the door God is opening or based off of timing give me seven minutes what's this the door of life must be possessed in the lifetime of the door which means that the door will not just stay open until you get ready these are revolving doors and you miss the timing to enter in they got these new revolving doors especially airports and they don't revolve because you're pushing it if you try to push it it stops if you get in wrong you missed it you got to stand there and time your entrance I'm I I was debating with God I said why do you want me to do two different messages you said because I got a crowd I don't want to miss the timing and then I got another crowd I gotta kill the esata they assassin off of and I got to get this in the atmosphere because what I'm speaking atmosphere now the next crowd will step in - I'm here to tell you that God says listen to me look at me hear me prophetically God says I have doors open for you but you have to get close enough to go through what's this in numbers 13 the children of Israel presented with an open door opportunity but they sent spies into the promised land to scout out and see what they could see but Caleb with a prophetic spirit stirred up and he said I know the door is open the timing is right and the numbers 13 and 13 cable's settled two people because 10 of the 12 said everything God says is true but we're like jaw we're like grasshoppers in their sight talking about there's giants in the land they looked at what was negative and did not notice that God had opened the door and everything God said was true but they operated on sight but Caleb said and to the people in Moses he said let us go up at once and possess it for we are able to overcome it despite what had been taught or thought and the challenge that they had to face they were well able to possess it I want to say this listen to me and look without faith it's impossible to please God for them that come to God must believe that he is and he is a rewarder of them that what's this please it is 2014 is a year that God opens up the devil is a year of a cellar ation and I realize your faith has lost faith and I realize that you're sitting there saying bishop I heard this in 2013 and 12 and 11 and back in 1979 and I'm still where I am now it's because you didn't enter what's this now despite what we have been taught and the challenges we have to face we are well able to possess the promise look look at me watch me prove something to you a body in here in your mind's eye in your imagination live a better life than you actually live but you're afraid to step into it there's a better you you saw yourself on the rich and famous you've seen your house on cribs even though it's a crib now you've seen yourself going international even though you don't know how to get downtown Atlanta you've seen yourself in a better State but you decided to stay where you are because moving in that state means that there may be some challenges of darkness but if you can get close enough and believe that what God said he said just as soon as you get close enough I'll open the door he says and I will not let anyone close it watch this God says I'm installing a new guard at my gate that they will lead my people in and out to the place I prepared this is the year that you will see the miraculous in healing medical breakthroughs and God's sovereign power to restore the body of Christ what's this hiv/aids healed was it's not what's this and God said when I said that tonight when I would say it in the atmosphere he's healing folk under the sound of my voice and I'm declaring right now that your immune system and your blood is clear clean and whole right now in the name of Jesus everybody celebrate that right now what's it go get tested again there'll be miracles in the church all over the world God says and there's something that will be revealed in the river that shall bring healing to the nation's watch this in Revelations 22 and 2 it says in the middle of the street and on either side of the river was the Tree of Life which bore twelve fruit each tree yielding its fruit every month and the leaves of the trees were for the healing of the nation every month this year new fruit I wish somebody can grab that I said if you go have a January fruit of February fruit a March fruit of July fruit a september fruit if you're able to go through it and it's gonna be well you can even heal nations I'm talking to folks who want to bust loose out of the state you're in and they're been folk who've been praying in your bloodline what's this doors gates portals open Isaiah 1611 said therefore the gates shall be open continually they shall not be shut day or night that men may bring unto thee the forces of the Gentiles and the kings may be bought day and night you are gonna be sought out blessings are going to be drawn to you if you don't expect it you don't get close enough my wife and I want to thank all of you who sold in our life for the holiday and we just thank you in the cards and and seeds we bless you and honor you we pray it over we thank you for your kind words one of the things that happened over the holiday because we were kind of just try to get some rest is that there were times that someone tried to deliver a package and we weren't home and they left a note on the door we missed the package because we weren't at the door I had someone in Charlotte kept coming calling saying to my wife did I get my package did you get my package no we didn't get the package we got a note but the package came several times but we weren't there I'm here to tell you packages I said packages I said God's gonna reveal packages there's some months nothing but healings gonna come some months nothing but prosperity some months something but rest a reconciliation so much you don't dream dreams and see visions and get revelation the peace of God is gonna fall on you and your joy will not be disturbed there gonna be such an excitement for those who push close enough what's this this is the year where the agents of faith are released there'll be a new power in the church I'm declaring a new power and I let me say this as your pastor we're starting a fast on the sixth it's it's 14 days 2014 I have noticed in the last 30 days that this church has been hitting this ceiling there's a sluggishness there's a heaviness and I've been asking God what up and now he reveals to me he says your people feel like they're in darkness not knowing they're at a door it is easy to look through a window it's very difficult to stand at a door and not know what's on the other side but he says if you can push through your personal distraction if you can push through your darkness if you can get back to the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same I'm declaring new birth we've been too distracted by stuff that we see you need to shake that stuff off of you shake it out of your mind shake it out of your spirit shake it out of your heart shake it off of your bloodline I declare the devil can have you and he will not take we pay too big of a price just sit here and look in the window or complain about darkness there's something on the other side I need everybody standing I need everybody standing I clear your hands come on praise Him get behind me hear me I'm about to release something [Music] they'll still be hurricanes earthquakes and tornadoes but this is a year of the double-double I said this is the year of the double-double miracles manifestations movement this is the year of release so anjala release this is the time and I got a message already for Supernatural help touch somebody and say supernatural help is on its way this is the time for full recovery I I said this is the time for full recovery touch three people say full recovery in your ministry in your family in your business in your health full recovery whatever was stolen you're gonna get it all back with interest this is the year you can't be sluggish you can't hold your head down you can't drag through life full recovery somebody hollow full recovery say open heavens and we're going to see a different level of manifestation to hit the earth at the same time we see the levels of manifestation we will sit at all at what's happening in the nations let me put you listen to burr we're not a regular jet in five months South America is coming to fill your house we're gonna have a worship service for three days speaking in English and in Spanish and even though we don't know each other's language we know the language of the Holy Ghost and we're gonna shake foundations South America's go meat and off America and we're gonna bring the very chains of Hell down and you gotta realize that you're in international warfare you're not just indicator warfare you're not just in Atlanta warfare and it might look a little dark but I'm telling you that we got a big door standing there and if I can get my leaders and if I can get the fellowship to follow in the push through we're going into a dimension that the world have not seen God called duper to bring a new perp in this nation and I need somebody in here strong enough bold enough faithful enough to push through your personal crisis and move through the door [Music] let's just now God is going to open doors and he's gonna shut some we're gonna say goodbye to some major generals because a new day has come a new dimension and a new era has been entered into what's this fastened consecration is to start you to understand a more intense level of prayer is required look at me look at me I'm going to say this as your pastor as an apostle and a prophet you will not make it in 2014 at your current prayer level this church will not be able to get through the door because the access codes are through revelation and I don't have time to convince you which means when I stand in Minister I won't be telling you something new I will be confirming what you already heard God's say which means that we can't drag into the sanctuary because there's a certain level of glory that has to be creative there are three levels you have faith you have anointing you have glory faith things you can believe yourself into anointing is where God anoints others anoints me to do certain things that's why certain times I'll lay hands because I've been giving the power of anointing and your sphere of operation you've been giving the anointing but there's certain things faith and anointing can do only glory and when you get into the glory atmosphere you ain't got to even worry whether you believe because the sovereignty of God will start healing from the back to the front the sovereignty of God will make a couple who hadn't spoke to each other in a month but Live Together start talking and they won't even realize what it was that kept them apart when the glory of the Lord hits you can prophesied to your chequebook you can prophesy to your retirement you can prophesy to your kids you can turn them around [Music] grab somebody by the hand someone say miracles miracles miracles 20:14 double portion double-double deliverance double completion recreate reproduce manifestation revelation when you look at the genealogy of Christ you'll find it breaks down into three four teams but actually Christ stops and a 13 which means we are in the 14 which means if he says in the Old Testament windows in the New Testament under revelation the revealing of Christ he talks about doors which means if you get a revelation now of what God is saying through Christ nothing can stop you nothing can hold you back drop hands and lift them [Music] I need every put put your hands down real quick I know I gotta let you go I need every businessman businesswoman at this altar quickly quickly quickly run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run come come come come come I'm operating off of a revelation I'm operating this is not in my notes [Music] doesn't say I got new fruit every month [Music] on both sides of the river Gus says I need you empowered I need you flowing I need you not in red but in black [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now everyone who plans to open a business is still standing jump behind them real quickly real quickly real quickly real quickly touch your names are we coming out now look at me look at me look at me look at me I'm getting ready to let you go look at me oh the toughness of your life was to make you if it didn't do number to teach you how not to do business I've tried to teach folks stuff and they try to tell me and I just say if you don't like what I'm teaching you at least I if you think I'm that bad then I'm teaching you how not to do it so you still learn it hear me the kingdom can no longer crawl so he has to raise kings you're the kings that means you'll conquer territories grab spoils bring it into house is amazing because what I'm releasing to you now is even international influence what's this now please hear this and five months South America will be here in ten months in October we have our first worship service in Asia New Birth Asia this is new birth I got I got you to understand please understand that's why the prayer has to intensify we are not just a chat [Music] you paid for this now while they were in bondage for 430 years I think I'm gonna talk about that Saturday morning while they were in bondage please hit is everything they needed their enemies were building so which means look at me you haven't wasted time God had your dream under construction while he was making you your business is under construction you're building whatever it is that is holding you your connections say connections their folk that God has set up to come into your life to accelerate you now look at me look at me you won't recognize them if you're distracted and so I'm trying to help you when it looks dark start shouting and folks say what you shout about I'm at a door and I'm getting close and I'm just bold enough to push the envelope just a little more cuz I realized now before I wouldn't go this way but now I realize the plan of God if I get close enough if I can trust him like he says I'm going through same I say I'm going through now watch this don't confine God to where you been because some of you in your mind have a picture you know what and got guts I mean I'm God's a WOW factor earlier you ain't seen this just flow with it I grab somebody by the hand come stand behind me elder Stokes I got to do another service and did another service now in the next service I'm going to speak this over you one of the attacks of the devil is to kill what was conceived and in the next service I'm gonna break the curse off of conception whatever God wanted to conceive in you for the kingdom that the devil has been blocking I declare right now by the blood of the Lamb that is destroyed and off of you in Jesus name now if you receive that drop them hands and give God praise come on drop those hands and give God breaks yeah yeah yeah come on come on come on come on drop the hands and give God praise no come on everybody drop the hands and give God praise come on that's what I like I think we're waking up in here I think you're waking up grab hands again grab hands again grab hands again I know I've gotta look I've gone too long I'm so sorry but watch this listen listen listen listen watch this now give and it shall be given unto you watch this now good measure pressed down shell what watch this see what most people understand we make that so spiritual the key in that is that Gus says I'm gonna bless you through relationships and contacts you might not have the money but if you got the dream and if you only have fits in and you gave a quarter I'm gonna bring you into mr. 50,000 because he's gonna pay for your dream so if you cave I'm gonna come back with good it ain't about the amount it's about your heart and what most folk because we stuck up and too preoccupied with darkness that when connections come you ignore him but I'm declaring that the eyes of your understanding being lightened and those folk that will come into your life that are gonna bless you you're gonna be able to recognize them and it's gonna come to you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over the fine connections are open to you right now and if you receive that gift God praising out divine connections divine connections divine since Depp [Music] [Applause] all right we're gonna get to the party in a minute but just let me finish this thing whoo this is Vince's crab girl look at somebody just grab someone look him in the face and say now doing 2014 I just don't have time to be sick I ain't got time to be going to CVS and Walgreens I ain't got time to be sitting up in the doctor's office I ain't got time to be on dialysis I don't have time for chemo and radiation I don't have time to even have a headache by airstrikes by you yeah do some happening in here you know some happiness Joe I refute sickness and I turn set to its root tap out come on praise come on and bless them come on and bless them come on in bless ya ya ya ya prosperity blessings power they bring something dominate go after crap [Music] [Music] go [Music] yes God we receive all of the blessings that the Lord has for us amen amen and we will walk in everything that God has proclaimed through the Apostle and before we leave out of here tonight we're going to make sure that we are all partakers of the salvation that God has for us through his dear son some of you won't sin here tonight and you had no intention of doing anything in this service but sitting through it but God has already touched your heart and today we compel you to complete the transaction that has already done his part and he's already extended to you the blessing and now it's time for you to do your part and receive the fullness of the blessing that he has it's not just in the things that he wants to give you but it's in who he is and tonight we invite you to embrace all of who Christ is all of who he came to be just for you and if your life has been
Channel: michael enjoy life green
Views: 4,591
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Id: SKrnsovp-xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 26sec (3806 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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