Bishop Eddie L Long Getting My Mind Back Apr 2006

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on and bless the Lord I thank you appreciate that brother Wexler for being with us today and I want to just give God praise for him and bless God and let me say this because I I hope you're not a stranger to this we have been have dealt with this before whenever you stand up for Kingdom principles and you stand up for righteousness especially at a time such as today you come under great criticism great scrutiny and the forces of hell will come out against you and and bring lies insinuations etc please do not be surprised I told you it's not popular to be a true Christian and it's not popular and notice I said true Christian there's a whole lot of folks and say they're Christian and what Christian means to most people is that they go to church occasionally but I'm talking about folk who are committed to the cause of Christ totally surrendered and realize that they might they might have to get another job by speaking their mind they might have to do these things or folk just ain't gonna invite them to the parties or and take them to the movies they just not gonna like you and the real challenge of that is that even your own family you're not hearing what I'm saying today that's alright that's alright and some of you are witness because you left home and there's some folks still at home that you need to minister to just think you crazy because you got up early this morning to go to church they made fun of you last night I guess you're going over there new birth in the mornin ain't you now if they've grown and ain't paying no bills I put them out but anyway I don't wanna mess nothing up this morning so let me leave that alone I saw I do appreciate him and I appreciate what's going on in this we'll talk more about that later just grab your neighbor by the hand I know that elder Paulus prayed 400 times out here already he was trying to cover for his pastor you ever have one of those mornings I had I've changed three times today every time I put on my clothes I spilled something on myself I anoint myself every Sunday every time I preach every time I minister I anoint my head the god covers me anoint my eyes that I only see that which he has ordained knowing my ears that I only hear what he is speaking i anoint my mouth because y'all know my mouth not only to speak what he is speaking I know my heart and my chest because I don't want anything that it's undone that God's still working on to come out on my people and so I finally got myself together was coming downstairs and anointing myself poured oil all over me I'm anointed this morning and so I just pray for me y'all know what to say God said it we believe it that settles it a man you've got praise in the house when what you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I want to continue let me let me I don't know if elder Ettrick as a church had said anything to you or elder power be sure that your did you talk about the you did all right make sure you're filling those out and giving us input it in offering instead of your acts of kindness or service that we continue to be a blessing we have to do we're gonna do over a hundred thousand acts of kindness or service in the name of Jesus Christ not in the name of new birth don't say I came in the name of Bishop you just in the name of Jesus and that we do that and it's not and that's the reason why you filled out personally it's not something that you just get up and brag I did this for so and so I did this for so and so that's not what it's about what it's about is to keep us mindful that we have been called to be a blessing and then every day that we will come out of ourselves and please understand that you know I've saying that said I felt sorry for myself where I had no shoes until I saw the man who had no feet and so in all that we we walk and move into things that God has ordained for us I want to talk to you I want to continue where I was talking on Wednesday night and move a little bit deeper on that but at the same time pick up where a pastor Matthew was on last Sunday I don't spend a lot of time because what we're doing is making a transition into the kingdom say transition into the kingdom so with the mindset of making a transition into the kingdom it comes against a lot of stuff that we and please hear this there's there's not a problem with the church such an age there's no problem with the church now and please understand and so when i'm when i when i mentioned church etc i'm there's no problem with the church as god described it there's a problem with the church as we have taken what god has said and twisted it or over time you our own customs etc and traditions to block the Word of God the Bible says this one thing that's more powerful than the Word of God most of us didn't know that and he said it is your needless traditions and what has happened in the body of Christ is we have become so settled with our needless traditions because we're comfortable but in that comfort we have lost the power and we have a form of godliness yet denying the power there within which causes us to be able to say or do anything and still say that we're saved and sanctified filled with the Holy Ghost etc will cut a parking lot attendants head off will push the earth shut down and will cuss not out in the best view will even cuss up in here and there's all kinds of things that we do not being mindful of we are blocked and we grieve the Holy Ghost because while the Holy Spirit is trying to work on us we are working against him and not allowing him to have his way say have your way Holy Spirit so what I started on Wednesday night and it was a variant of what happens you cannot duplicate certain things when God moves in he just moves in it's not any long it's not anybody else we had a very special time on Wednesday night and I thank God for his intervention in our service if you were not here I guarantee and there's something about even listening to the CD that the Spirit of the Lord was so wonderful in this place on Wednesday that even comes off of the recording so I would challenge you or I'd urge you to get the first part of this and I'll touch on it for a moment that we started with and on Wednesday and those of you who were here on Sunday with Pastor Matthew and it was I started this message talking about I'm recovering from my fall saying I'm recovering from my fall and essence what we're doing is is it's called a subtitle of getting my mind back so I'm getting my mind back and one of the things that I am one of my favorite scriptures is where it says before you were formed in your mother's womb God said I knew you he said I sanctified you and ordained you to be a prophet to the nation's Jeremiah 1:5 now I need you to hear me and I want you to look at me real quickly I'm not want to preach to you I don't care if you jump run or whatever this I just want to drop a few things to you this morning and release you that you would ponder and understand please understand why would God even say that before you were formed in your mother's womb I knew you I sanctified you I ordained you to be a prophet to the nation's now the and the the the the comment that comes after that if you go to Jeremiah you will find that he responds to God and says yes but I'm just a youth now you got to understand this here is God saying we had a relationship I knew you you knew me but once you got formed in your mother's womb once you took on to hear this word flesh you forgot me forgot what you agreed to do once I released you out of eternity in the time and I have now come back to remind you you do not belong to the world you belong to me and there's a problem because I ordained you already so stop trying to look for somebody lay hands on you and all this stuff I've already ordained you I've already sanctified you I'll read set you apart please understand there are a lot of folks were saying they'll come to the new birth for coming to church say I believe that God has called me he called all of us does your name say your call now so you and please understand so don't have to line up for Bishop long to give you a license to preach all the folk you run into everyday people you work with at the grocery store etcetera etcetera center now if you're waiting on me to validate you and you don't pass all these people all week then I don't know if you realize who you are or you just try to get a piece of paper and get yourself established and Center and all the things and miss what God was telling you to do so in all of that I'm trying to tell you what there has to come a recognition that I am already empowered I want you to hear this how I'm already empowered so well if you're already in power then what God is trying to do through the Holy Spirit now is remind you of what I empowered you to do I've empowered you to do something in the kingdom you came out of eternity in the time to go back into eternity I say this all the time and then you got to understand what you do in time determines how you spend eternity and sometimes we get so concerned about how long we live versus whether we finish Jesus did not have to live to be 120 he lived to be 33 in some odd months but you need to understand this and get this in your spirit but he left empty he left completed he left with his assignment and because of that God said at your name and then he he ascended say he ascended he ascended and he seated on the right hand of the Father what what what you have to deal with is that am i doing what God has assigned me in time so I can ascend instead of descent we're going somewhere going me to Genesis 3 Genesis 3 this is where I started I just want to get to one place that you would think about this Genesis 3 recovering from a fall when you have it's a man now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said to the woman has God indeed said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said to the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the tree of the garden but the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said you shall not eat of it nor shall you touch it lest you die then the serpent said to the woman you will not surely die for God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be open and you will be like God knowing good and evil so when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant for the eyes and the tree desirable to make one wise she took of its fruit and she ate also and gave to her husband with her and he ate then the eyes of both of them were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves a covering in essence my brothers and my sisters look at me what you have just been introduced into is the fall say that's the fall when you under trying to understand what has happened to us in our flesh in our nature we have to understand we go all the way back to the fall and so what we've been doing is trying to recover from this fall ever since Adam and Eve and from that time on you will find that God had issued his laws etc but it could not find a man who can stay true to that and that is the reason why in god's wonderful plan of life and restoration he had already established christ who would come he would come and take on flesh and show us how to walk show us how to get up show us how to walk in the things that he has ordained for us to walk in you got to understand this and get this and in all of that that we're able to be everything God ordained for us to get up touch your name and say get up that is the reason why it's so important I want you to say because I'm trying to show you in a moment some kingdom principles that is the reason why it's important that you got to understand the last stages of Christ please understand this here I want to repeat after me say the last stages of Christ say his death burial resurrection I want you to say that one more time say death burial resurrection I want you to understand that that's probably the sermon for many of you here I must say it again regardless of where you find yourself in life at certain times because you'll continue to go through as you graduate and move higher and deeper in the Lord you will go through let's repeat the stages of Christ what is it there will always be where you'll experience a death to some old stuff and then a burial where it seems like you're being sealed up dirt throwing on you people talking about you going through sickness going through this going through that to the point that you don't think that you can get up they seal the tomb of Christ and put guards on the outside because they were guaranteeing that this man will not get up there are some folk that have been assigned to you by the demons of hell to make sure that you stay down but if you can remember death burial and resurrection if you can remember that somehow some way because I'm a child of the king I'm coming up out of this I'm gonna be delivered from this in a day now I'm about to have a change I realize that it is not the devil that has power over me I have power over the principalities of Hell and the only reason why I'm experiencing when I'm experiencing it is taking me into a far more exceeding glory and opening up my eyes this is not where I'm going to end I'm about to begin in something else there's always a death there's always a burial but thank God there is always a resurrection and you need to give God praise for that right now in the name of Jesus now the problem with that is that Adam he became church folk they became church folk and the reason why they fell because they became church folk and forgot that were kings and so when the devil because they did not study the show themselves approved and and stay with the word stay steadfast unmovable always abounding they allowed Satan to trick them into falling here they allow Satan to trick them because they changed a word or two please understand you need to know it and you can't add anything to it and you can't take anything away from it please understand that some of you on the Saturday morning when you get that knock on the door and you peep out there and you see it you're over witness and then you want to change them and convert them and you open the door please don't say you don't know enough word to open the door just stay on the other side and pray do not open that door because they will talk to you and almost convince you and if you don't know the scriptures like you supposed to know the scriptures you'll be out next month on Saturday morning with watchtowers I'm speaking from almost experience and I'm telling several years ago but yeah I opened the door back for I was I was half saved I open the door I'm a preacher son I'm a witness back to them i'ma show them Jesus and all that in this life thing and the next thing I know I was reading the watchtower [Applause] like y'all don't know what I'm talking about here touch the name say if you ain't ready don't open the door the problem with Adam and Eve was that please understand when he said that she would be like God Adam and Eve was already like God they were created in the image they were created in likeness they were created to have dominion and power they were created to have authority in the earth whelmed and it was already done but the devil started to introduce and I talked about this Wednesday extensively he started to introduce to Adam and Eve doubt self doubt please hear this I want you to hear this because I'm speaking to somebody in here the Satan used against Eve the most powerful tool possible he caused her to doubt herself hmm therefore it opened the door for her hear this to doubt God as well if you doubt yourself you'll begin to doubt God if I can convince you to doubt the healing power of God or doubt that you deserve to be healed or doubt who you really are in Christ I'm really speaking to a church of a group of people I'm speaking to folks on internet around the world who have some sense of doubt of who they are I'm back to Jeremiah 1:5 before you were formed in your mother's womb I sanctified I knew you and I sanctified you and I ordained you to be a prophet to the nation now he comes in doubt self doubt and says but I'm a youth I'm I got this I and there are many of us but but I don't have the education but but but I don't have the pedigree out but I don't have the money but I don't have the family but I don't have the knowledge and God is sitting a bit saying before you were formed in your mother's womb I gave you everything you need I have given you everything that pertains to life and godliness is not that you gotta find something new it's about that you got to discover what you already know and what you are they have hear me and so in all of this self-doubt please you death you put yourself in a bad light which will cause you to doubt the character and quality of God if you doubt yourself you will doubt God you will doubt God when you're praying now some of you I know you don't I realize you're really holy but your neighbor look at them your neighbor when they pray they start to ask God to do something but at the same time they start trying to consider whether they're worthy whether he should if God doesn't move on this part while I'm trying to get healed he doesn't do anything well maybe because I was this and maybe because of that and maybe I really don't deserve it and then I'm doubting God well maybe he really can't do it and all of that all of because of self-doubt it is amazing please understand everybody who's single want to get married when they raise your hand do not marry somebody in self-doubt please understand that wait until they recognize who they are because they'll blame their problems and their stuff on you and they'll be like a tick because they have no trust and nobody not even God and then you can go to the service station to get some tater chips and you spent twenty minutes and they think you had an affair you need to tell them I ain't that quick it takes me I'm trying to go somewhere real quick some of the married people want to shout because I'm talking about their spouse right now just nudge your name say grow up and believe say you are who God said you are don't take the evil report you are who God said you are you're a son you're a daughter of the Most High God you have nothing to hold your head down so your head back and lift yourself up God has created you and you're not in a junk and what your current manifestation is it's not a direct indication of where you're going I'm on my way somewhere and I have not seen some things in my life I would not have recognized Christ is my breath yes my lover is my Redeemer here's the other one get tight my mass and read David I'm trying to go somewhere and because of this self-doubt because of this self-doubt hear me you and me will not take our seats will not take our position and what God ordained for us hear me because we don't think we deserve to be kings say Kingdom where in the kingdom that means they're kings so you didn't grab that one said that means they're kings let's see this is the police in sentences to mess you up because for years I would sit up and say he's king of kings and Lord of lords but when I would say that I was thinking that he's over the kings of the world I never included myself in that I'm just a humble servant safe filled with the spirit sometimes fire baptized every once a while I gotta quicken it make you feel spiritual everyone's well know what it does one time I did that hurt my back but I finally grabs hold of the revelation he's talking to his family and I've made all of you kings and priests and I am the king of the kings and all of us are equal in the kingdom that is the reason why we bow down to one another that is the reason why we're the extender more highly than ourselves what's this what's this remember when the Queen of Sheba went to visit Solomon she was on her way to esteem him coz she was a king he's a king and so in all that I've got to bring a gift because I'm going to a King's house and every time I go to a King's house I must bring a gift because I'm going to somebody that has glory and that is the reason why we say glory to glory because when a king meets another king the king is extending him and bringing his or her glory to their glory so it's glory - glory to glory if we ever have a church service where thought were recognized when they get to the parking lot and I see somebody walking that's another King and I bring my glory to them bless you in the name of Jesus and then they blast you back in the name of Christ and it's authentic and it's real and they're not pretending and we get into the house of God and I'm trying to make sure you're comfortable trying to make sure you got a see trying to make sure that you got what you need I'm humbling myself when I sit down I ain't praying for myself I'm praying for everybody on the bro because I'm bringing my glory to your glory what a service we would have what a manifestation of the glory of God when the kings come together and take off their crowns and bow to one another and offer up a gift of themselves what's this what's this what's this and so in all this I'm trying to get some win I'm still where I was on Wednesday hear me I need to fix up because we won't take our rightful place because we got all these flesh hangups and I said I think I've been wrestling with this and when I deal with the men and we on this week coming we're gonna kill this thing once and for all because every time we have a men's me we always talk about our daddy you know what our daddy didn't do my daddy wasn't here on my daddy this my daddy abused me my daddy this and then some of the things that as you grow and even me as I was growing this some things I don't like about my dad my dad was a tough guy and I thank God for him because I always had something he always had something where it's somewhere to live my daddy taught me a lot of things just by being tough he wouldn't buy me any school clothes once I got 13 he said you buy your own you work and you get your own I hated them then but now I've been I've been homeless I don't lost everything but I know how to go work I know how to where I learned that I learned that I have to beg I know how to get out and whatever it takes not legally illegally whatever it takes I will make sure it's done I can humble my sock and bag grocery I can do fries I can do hamburgers whatever it takes as I know it's temporary it's not an insult to me I know it's temporary I don't understand these young folk now telling me they don't do burgers they don't do fries well if you don't do burgers and don't do fries if you don't work you don't eat if you no eat you're gonna die I'm here to tell you there ought to be a change of your mindset you ain't all that in a bag of chip and if you think you are that's a temporary assignment until you get to where you're going that was a side note for somebody and so we're sitting up here and we're trying to fight through years of trying to be delivered from our dad sometime I walk in the bathroom and the mirror then I look and I see and it looks like I look so much like my daddy scares me and I don't I don't want to be like him in certain ways so I get upset and I got these hang-ups these daddy things and then one day I discovered that I am just like my father but you got to understand this I am NOT talking about those two here Wednesday understand what I'm saying I just got to catch everybody up I'm not talking about my biological father my biological father carried me he carried the seed he was responsible to raise me God will deal with him but that is not my daddy my daddy is God I got his DNA I got his power got his spirit have his nature I have his way if you ever can get delivered from thinking that your biological flesh daddy is where you came from then know that God is your father our Father who art in heaven how excellent invite name thy kingdom come back perfect will be done when you ever can switch into the DNA of God and understand that you're not tied to negative experiences and the thing about it cuz some of you got some stories but you're crazy you will know why you're crazy glad you asked because you're still here and for you to complain about the experience instead of celebrating you made it through it I said you ought to celebrate you made it through it there's some folk that did not make it through but God had his hand on you and I realize it was pretty bad but if you ever can look back up to your real dad that's no sorrow that heaven cannot heal and if you focus on him and not him God will heal you and bring you into the fullness that he ordained you to be tell him I'm recovering from my fall what's this what's this stay with me so so so so this is why God sent me to Detroit Jerome I went upset a man's life upset his family they've been many days mad at me but I was on assignment so I went to Detroit and Jerome Edmondson had no business watching taking authority because I remember getting finished preaching first service came up me somehow he called me how'd you get my number and said me and my wife is watching you on television told my there's still more land to possess he just kept talking and talking talking I put the phone down went the restaurant came back picking it up I said uh-huh he was so excited I knew was gonna take a move about 20 minutes to get it out and just kidding wrong and they started talking about how he develops business-focused Kingdom thing and I went to Detroit and the Lord said that they need to come you need to bring him to new birth because I need to wake up Kingdom folk and I told him give God praise for that that's this and going to seminary I got to get there you got a bear with me I want you I want I want to own a revolutionary change somehow I'm supposed to still try to end up in Romans 12:1 and 2 but hear this as I said Jerome you need to come to Atlanta just get rid of your building all that he had a major building all that said get rid all that and come to Atlanta I said nevermind I'll need to talk to you I want to talk to his wife I know the power the house and next thing you know long story short he's here and he's trained over hundreds and people are in business making anywhere from thousands and multi-million dollar contracts right now focal didn't believe that they were Kings and now we're moving now he's out even working on corporate America again and training their people on Kingdom principles I need you to hear this I told you the story that was told by Myles Munroe or not on Wednesday where he was talking about he was with some Sony executives Chinese and they asked him a question they asked him a question he said very humbly I want to ask you a question I want to know why is it people of your pigmentation can live in a land for a long time they're hard-working folk and never own nothing he says Asians and Chinese any place they go shortly after that they will own something he said matter of fact as they talked they discovered that the mentality of everybody else is not to get a job our mentality is to get a job matter of fact we're killing our kids because we're tell them to go get an education get a job I'm here to tell you there are a lot of folk that look good etc and got Drive nice cars living in nice neighborhoods I want to let you know that when they pass they didn't have enough money to even have their funeral we have paid and I have personally paid for big ballers shot-callers home goings because they had no money and they had a college degrees but they worked for folk I think sometimes there needs to be a wake-up call within the african-american culture and I think God is using the homeless to do it but we don't see it because he's reminding us of the wrong mindset a lot of times you get a colon and it says I work for food that's our mindset I work for food I work for my house I work for my work we're still in slavery because we have a mortgage we have a car payment we've paid for the clothes we got on yet the bills we're paying minimum payment I need you to hear this because we don't have the Kings mentality you need to understand this he said we Chinese go in and we look for business we might work for a moment a few months but we buy then we're going to have our own business I think the kingdom mind said the church mindset is if I can come to church be safe shalt have a good time go go to the job Monday through Friday then party Friday living for the weekend and then come to church shall pray choir sing good preacher did good had a wonderful time gave my five dollars and I'm on back out I'm suffering through life that's why I like songs about heaven because I can't wait till I get there do you know what earth is what this time is what we're doing now what this time is is God says I've already made you kings and priests when Christ returned he's not giving you more kingly power he already gave it to you hear me he says I want you to know how to be a king what system was this if you believe you're supposed to be down all the time they just believe you're supposed to be the tail if you believe you're supposed to be a borrower and not a lender there's a whole lot of people who will enforce your belief and make money off of you and put you down and control you and threaten you with layoffs and stuff like that jack up gas prices make record profits and you suffer on your job and can't even get there because you came buy the gas when buying gas has become more than your car note you didn't even know you could afford a better car add up what you spent on gas last month added to your car payment everybody in here could be driving Mercedes Luke 12:32 said do not fear little flock for it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom I'm going somewhere we have dominion over the earth is an awesome responsibility at the same time a great privilege we are not to be beggars servant hired but we understand independent to manage and rule and what happened in our fall we just like Adam and Eve they did not lose heaven they just gave up their Kingdom Authority and the rulers became ruled and the victors became victims and the kings became subjects I need you to do something with me real quick going me in Luke 15 I'm still trying to get in this one place and I got about five minutes because I want you to think about it when you have it's a man eleventh verse Luke 15 and a certain man had two sons and the younger of them said to his father father give me the portion of goods that fall to me so he divided them in his livelihood not many days after the younger son gathered all together a journey to a far country and there wasted all lifted possessions with prodigal living I need you this 15 verse then when he joined himself as a citizen of that country and sent him into the fields to feed swine and he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods that were swine ate and no one gave to him anything but when he came to himself such a name said when it came to himself touch him again said when are you gonna come to yourself so when are you gonna stop settling for the little church stuff settling for misery settling and making Sunday morning just a pep service to go back out and be defeated I'm going somewhere i'ma show you your victory is it how many of my father's hired servants say hired servants he said how many of those highest servants have bread enough to spare and I perish with hunger I will arise they get up such a knife to get up because I would arise and go to my father's house and I will say to him father I have sinned against heaven and before you and I am no longer worthy to be called your son make me like one of your hired servants what's this I'm trying to get somewhere just follow me for a moment he wanted to come back and he said if I could just be a servant to his problem with church folk church folk recognized a messed up spin all this stuff riotous living I'm empty I'm bankrupt without God I left them I'm back and lord I just want to be a servant he wanted to settle to be a servant in his father's house and he said knows what he said how much bread that the servants have and what's left over so what he he still has this mentality and I want you to hear this kingdom foe his mentality is if the servants got bread left over I'm sure my daddy has hired enough servants so therefore he really doesn't need any more and if I can just come and eat the crumbs look at me there's a crumbly mentality that we have that we're so used to getting leftovers so used to getting what folks throw away and everybody's making money and we're taking crumbs but if I can just get a job if I can just get a piece of car if I can just and that's our mentality if I can just and if I I'm my whole mentality if I can grab something to just get by and then long as I can make it to church on Sunday and talk about how I took a piece of chicken and ate four full days what a miracle you need miracles when you're in desperate situations thank God for miracles but if you got to have a miracle every week then you're living an unruly life watch this instead of being a full Sun and whom he was what's this he is a full Sun but he's saying let me be a servant but his father did not accept him back as a servant because you can't make a king into a servant you got to get this you got to get this but there was only one thing the daddy could do was restore him as a king because he wouldn't fit as a servant I'm here to tell you you're asking God to allow you to be a servant and God is saying I got a ring for you I got a robe for you I got a banquet for you you cannot be a servant that's not your DNA that's not your job description that's not your description or life you're not a beggar if you are the hair not the tail bless then you're going and you're coming your land another power you're filled with the Holy Ghost you have knowledge you have wisdom you have ability you got to the Miss power in you you can touch the sick and they be made whole you can change the course of somebody's life you are not just a crumb snatcher [Applause] that's your name so you're not as crumb snatcher but the crumb snatching came from a pig in mentality where have been sitting up and in the shots and the stuff that the world has been giving you and taking the bad news and taking the leftovers and every piece of junk you eat the junk off of TV you eat the junk off a hip hop you eat the junk off the newspaper you eat the junk did you think you're gonna have a kingdom I may not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind going simply what's this what's this what's this what's this God it's searching from the beginning four sons and daughters who were relate to him in love instead of being slaves or higher hands God is looking for us not to obey Him out of obligation he is desiring an intimate relationship that is why religion makes him sick I said religion makes God sick he's tired of us going through our forms and formalities with the Baptist stuff the Methodist stuff the Presbyterian stuff and I'm doing it just because I'm doing it and I know when to do it God said I'm looking for that I'm looking for people who love me and I have a relationship with me that understand you are in the family of God and in the family of God you are there are no servants everybody is equal and you rule with me you rule with me you rule with me that's your name say we're ruling with God that is the reason why we're talking about the Ten Commandments because the Kings are about to stand up and we're gonna make judgment and watch this I'm here in the Holy Ghost and the reason why God began and started this controversy and allowed it to happen in a courtroom because the courtroom of life is calling right now the Church of the Living God just and up and say order on the earth no border in this world order in the faith and we shall not steal and we shall not tell and we shall not come in a dog's right what's this what's this he does not want to rule us but he wants to have a family who shares in his rulership now watch this and I'm through honest got him what's this I could literally stand up here five hours I am so full of this but I'm gonna stop with this one I want to stop with this one such your neighbors say I fall it but I'm up now say I'm a king of the Most High now let me explain I need you to stand up open up your Bibles with me to Luke 10 open up your Bibles are looked in I started a series on the authority of God and I'm not finished with it yet I'm just taking this turn following what God ordained even through on last Sunday but there has to come a kingdom mindset and that's the reason why the Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood cuz everybody's trying to rule folk as far as God sees he sees a whole congregation here kings and and if God sees just Kings guess what you should see well bishop if and I believe yeah I'm beginning to believe then all of us are kings and then none of us servants are subjects now I'm gonna read something else to you because I need you to understand this in John 15 or 15 he says I no longer call you servants I call you friends and what's this and everything that my father has shared with me I share now with you see if you ever can open up your mindset that you've walked with him long enough that he can call you friend and that he can trust you with everything and the only thing he's trying to get you to do is get out of that old mentality and come into thinking like a king and I will give you everything that I already know what's this well then is it say it bishop say it bishop you know what i've sitting up and I was struggling with this I said well if all of us are kings I said that's nice I like that I'm in charge ahead tell not tell oh it's above never beneath blessed am I going my coming cuz give me great wisdom go from glory to glory think the faith graves he's in me and he's in the world I own I said but you know what belies to rule something I said we got no subjects that means I can't rule the Deacons I mean Who am I in charge of and see because we don't know that that's why we fight one another that's why that's why you can put somebody over a certain committee in the church they try to beat the people up you've seen them folk at me not here a new birth no I imma read this what was it where did I say go what verse oh come on now be discerning their kings what's this Jesus sent out 270 you read all that but let me get to 17 what's this he sent the 70 out gave him a charge game Authority he sent you out gave you a charge gave you authority what's this 17 verse the 70 returned with joy watch this then the seventy returned with joy saying Lord even the demons are subject you didn't catch that our servants what's this our subject toss in your name what what's this and he said to them I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven behold I have given you authority to trample over serpents and scorpions and over the powers of the enemy and nothing by any means shall hurt you look at me who do we rule every spirit that exhausts itself against the knowledge and the Word of God those are subject to you stop fussing with folk and command spirits where to go you have the ability when shown Dominion every spirit of subject to you once the seventy found out who they were they came back with such a joy they didn't come to church sad they didn't come to church talk about I'm weary worn and sad they didn't come to church talking about oh I can't wait till I get the heaven they came the church with joy saying Lord even the demons are subject to us when we use your name and Jesus said chill out he said I saw Satan fall like lightning and while he was falling you were being lifted up and even the scorpions and the snakes and everything else in every power if subject unto you what's this you gotta hear this if you can grab that and look you're crazy acting son in the eyes and said boy ain't gonna give you a spanking stand here for a moment because the danger is so spirit and I'm about to put it back under my feet I don't know how it slipped out but I see it right now and I'm about to command that spirit in I'm talking to the Kings up in here I'm talking to the up in here recognized cooldown the 7d returned with joy and then Jesus said look here well what's this here's here's what we missed was so long in the kingdom playing pitiful church folk she said shell out is that don't be getting all happy about that that's interest in the scripture is it and basically said that's a byproduct of who you are he said now if you want to get excited get excited cuz your name cuz your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and because your name is in the book you got all the benefits and the authority that comes with show name in the book that's three people say my name is in the book my name is in the book my name is in the book I have authority power ability I can command spirits I am seated above principalities that spiritual wickedness I'm seated with Christ ain't got that you then have it you don't have it you don't have it you don't have it you don't have it you don't have that you don't have that you don't have that you've been running from what you can command and just as soon as you turn and tell that sickness I am speaking to you in the power from on high when you tell poverty [Applause] I gotta kill this little ant worker mentality I need to do it right now I need you to hear this because you're kings and it's oh my god and they came out of Egypt and slaves making brick without straw and bless God see a lot of us like to tell people color right now a lot of us like to brag with Jesus is from Africa he's a man of color all right all right then I can go with that let's fly with that but we just like ain't talking about Jesus we like them slaves that came out we in a whole Promised Land we didn't even want to go to the promised land we got bolted over here and we're complaining that some died but it was part of God's divine plan oh I'm sorry to tell you but I'm gonna make another announcement cuz I recognize the responsibility that we have from coming from the motherland God sent us over here to be enriched that we're able to support and bless those that he left there because he's raising that up we just made a deal when Monday Monday last Monday I don't know made a deal last Monday and now along with Pastor Matthew we are building a hospital in Liberia already going up now you understand there's no hospital within a 200 mile radius of where we're putting it where there's so many million of full-course standing I'm trying to talk to somebody that understands we got one in Nakuru we'll have one in Nigeria I'm here to tell you and construction starts in July now watch this what's this what's this we're still slaves there's a whole body of Christ that still just wants to be a servant in the house recognize I got to repent and come home but I want to be a servant in the house and look how many how much leftover the poor folk got you can command the business what's this you can make a decision in your generation that you might not see the full manifestation my son is a book I purchased in Washington last month about this 13 year old kid who was now 16 who was a multimillionaire and he gives his secret so I gave it to Jarrett and I said let's read this together and he don't like to read and he's carrying the book around with him reading it and I'm just smiling saying my future is secure my future is secure my future because he's grabbing hold of it's mine what was this Asian nation what's the anointing for the Spirit of the Lord is upon me for he has anointed me to preach the gospel first to the poor I've got to empower you I got to empower you that you can now mend broken hearts I declare I can stand him preach all day I got places I could take you but right now I want to do this because this that there's and and Jerome come stand up here with me standing where's the room stand right behind Angela I'm not talking to business folk right now I'm talking about everybody in here who heard God and know you're supposed to rule a territory I want I want to break that worker mentality that job thing that she would move that joke grandchildren will wake up and be born rich now please don't say this is not a money message I'm not just talking and wealth I'm talking in word and in power that they're not crummy they're not crummy we already know check this out we already know if somebody tell us I ain't gonna feed you and put you out in the house in the back we'll look up on the hill and we'll see some green stuff growing we'll pick it put it in a pot drop a piece of pork waste in it call it collard green good it's good here hear me we know how to scrape we know how to exist so food is evidence of a people who learn how to live off scraps and so when you eat soul food you're celebrating crummy eating hear me in the spirit cuz even though it tastes good all of it ain't healthy but they had to do it to live and we celebrate a mentality that's killing us it was for them God used it for them to live they had to eat children's you call it a delicacy grab somebody by the hair look at me Steve Forbes is a friend of mine and I remember when we had him at the meeting for the men and he got up and I had just talked about generational blessings to the men back on snap finger roll and I said brother Fork tell him how you became rich and he said my great-grandfather did such doesn't so unsolved then my grandfather picked it up and did such since cell enthroned then my father took it and did so-and-so and I was born that was hard work there Steve your children need to be able to wake up one day and say my grandfather started something with Jesus and then my daddy picked that thing up and I was just born oh my Bible Isaiah 59 give me bring it to me it's so important you're gonna you're gonna meet traffic coming in but this is so important please hear me know cuz some of you crazy I said I'm not telling you to go out and quit your job tomorrow how they'll do that and then call a almost benevolence that's to be an Abraham so you can get Isaac and Jacob say process now I believe God has speeded up the process but you got to make your mind you got to get your heart I got to get I'm still trying to get to the end of this thing go there Wednesday hear me so in the midst of that process it says isaiah 59:21 since that's for me says the Lord this is my covenant with them my spirit who is upon you and my words which I put in your mouth should not depart from your mouth nor from the mouth of your descendants nor from the mouth of your descendants descendants saith the Lord from this time and forevermore he continues to give everything you learned everything he gave you he gives it to your necks and then everything your next learned with what you learned he gives to the next I said this Wednesday the wealth of the wicked laid up for the righteous it says and a good man leaves and inheritance to his children's know the evidence of a good man is not his lifespan it is what his children's children manifest from him so it takes three generations for you didn't get your report card my momma ate the crumbs she washed people's clothes she mopped floors she did that she didn't get to enjoy the wealth now we take care of our mother my mother has dementia she doesn't even know me when she sees me and then all of that and I hate it but but but she's alive and she's not in some home somewhere she's comfortable and she laughs about stuff I don't even know what she laughs about but because but because of her I'm manifesting because what she put in me is character integrity honesty she should tell me that your word has to mean something I mean she she put those a business principle so appreciate everything forgive you even if you don't like it she said go one day they'll give something you want hear me somebody gotta start something then another generation takes hold of and you can pray and God will lead you into your territory into your rulership is every don't settle for Lola's King King get it in here come to church on Wednesday and next Sunday with joy and say Bishop Bishop even the demons look now - check this out check this out if they say even the demons that means it was really controlling a whole lot of other stuff - they ought to be a joyous celebration every time we come together because we don't walk to hell and say Bishop hurry up let's get through this sir I'm coming fun out here chasing these demons saving kids change in generations providing jobs opportunity speaking to mines God will give you is to you from Ephesians 1 it said or how it gives you lounge of wisdom because you need that discernment because what am i gifting I can talk to young men and when I talk to them and I know God sent them to me God will tell me their life and what joins them to me is I will tell them who they are and what their struggles are without them talking to me God will give you unique wisdom to speak in the people's lives and they'll know it's God and you'll get drug addicts and rebellious teenagers to sit up and look at you and say father this poverty mentality in spirit mind and body your own put your our moment comes then just I've icked it from the body of Christ this settle for spirit that if I digits get the crumbs off the lowest table that they do just like the prodigal son and come to themselves and recognize who they are I declare it right now in Jesus name they will no longer settle for less than being kings and fear is nothing they entertain anymore a bonus of spirit they realize that they can declare a thing because that's the power of a king and that thing shall be established and in this divine order all of them [Music] healing mending of families I speak Anton renewer spirit upon them yet when wisdom like never before and the resources will chase after them and overwhelm them [Music] I declare it done and so in Jesus name now I need you to hit us I know we're way late I had a young man he might be in here now who came up to me over in the Family Life Center in the morning when I was working out he said he wanted to thank me he said I'm from New Orleans I'm I'm a Katrina Victoire he said I want you to hear this honey I want the volunteers who served to hear this and those who gave he said I came to New Birth went to the Family Life Center and I got a suit he said I put on the suit went out in the city got a job he said I worked the job for two months and he said I want you to know that next week I'm starting my own business somebody who's God interrupted their life abruptly and he didn't have clothes to wear and a few months came in to another city took crumbs for a moment brushed those crumbs off and opened up his own business don't tell me what God can't do grab your brother one more time I realize it's 9:30 we built it but I had to push this and I want you to get honestly if you can get this one and Wednesday it'll bless you I realized we got folk coming maybe a little confusion but your king's command their car is out the way some if you're not saved we're gonna stand here and we're gonna wait for you if you don't have a church home we're gonna stand up here and wait for you at the same time we're gonna dismiss you and I want this to sink in you to continue to move in you don't don't settle God doesn't want you to come back and just be a little miserable something that does not honor him he can't make you that because that's not what you are and it refuses for you to stay there that's why he said this word to you and continue to send others to confirm it I am pastoring the greatest church that is waking up the body of Christ in the world and you are the people God has called to be living testimony there is nowhere I go in Atlanta that I don't run into y'all I get so much favor I appreciate it I really appreciate it I mean y'all everybody I in the State House y'all everywhere yeah I get a lot of free food that's why I got a workout and so there's no reason why this city hasn't turned upside down by just the people who assemble here on Sunday because you everywhere and that means God's everywhere ruling and reigning you're holding the hand of a king a ruler who comes up every day and with joy and saying you know what even the demons are subject unto us at your name I've got power but that's not what I'm excited about I'm excited because my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life god bless you and the peace of God go with you we're waiting we're waiting but those are not saved come forward those who need a church home come forward men who have not registered for the men nation of Jesus come and register in the best of you hallelujah we're waiting don't leave there's nothing more important than your soul nothing more important than your soul come come on up on the platform
Channel: michael enjoy life green
Views: 44,739
Rating: 4.7328649 out of 5
Id: obnEY3nGmzA
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Length: 79min 31sec (4771 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2018
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