Bishop Marvin Sapp, Holla Till He Hears You Sept 2016

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but he's a preacher called by God and a prophet and an apostle moves in dimensions and arenas and Trailblazers I'm honored to know him honored to have walked with him honored to have ministered with him I thank God for him and as he moves with the one who declares he's the Bishop of this house Bishop Neil Ellis who will be here in three weeks i I think that Bishop Sapp know I think I know he has this ear to the mouth of God and I can just test I think many other you will witness that he always had a word for the season of life we were been and as I look back over 28 years I can see him waking me up carrying me stirring my spirit up with the right word at the right time in the right spirit he's a very humble guy and God has not just gifted him he is anointed by God I just tailed him earlier this morning we did a service over it was the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit and we I think i anointed laid hands on maybe 800 men that day some of you in here and and Bishop Sapp was with us and I was caught up in the spirit and I went about 2 hours and he reminded me this morning that I had him sing they'll hold two hours and I said I guess I owe you some more money he said yeah can you stretch your hands towards this man of God and say blessed be the man who comes in the name of our God speak profit God's servants hear and obey put your hands together receive the ministry of Bishop Marvin sac [Music] place off of it they told me that he wanted to hear this song this song was written 20 I recorded this song 20 years ago 20 years ago I probably ain't sing it in 15 years so so if you know the words and I don't sing them right just just like then eat their song but we go try to do this we can't touch somebody say this is not the time nor the place together just look at somebody say it's not the time or the place this is not the time but giving up no it's not the place where you should be no it isn't no no it isn't Oh [Music] why maybe you gotta press on you gotta move on this is not the time to question your faith no who knows this is not your place of destiny no it isn't no no no it's not the time nor the place to throw in downtown you gotta press all he should do you gotta move on the sometimes you win and sometimes you but it's a pattern no still sometimes sometimes there's pain but it's a part of God's plan so dr. Petersburg Oh Oh I don't [Music] [Music] in your favor this is not your place of destiny no it isn't no no no it's not the time not the place you gotta wear something yes you do you win and sometimes you lose but it's a pie [Music] so tired players pain [Music] there is a whole [Music] you [Music] Oh silver [Music] [Music] I said no matter what your trouble is keep on keep on Angie moaning oh yeah no matter what your trial may be keep holding keep oh yeah yeah no matter how hard it is keep [Music] no matter what the store maybe Oh [Music] yeah yeah keep holding on oh yeah no matter how hard it may get keep honing keep Horning keep holding [Music] matter what the struggle may be keep holding keep holding key party yeah no matter what the devil may say keep holding keep on and keep holding [Music] no matter how hard it seems to kids keep horny keep holding keyboarding no matter what he ladies keep holding keep warning I gotta keep holding on and there's a reason why I keep holding on cuz he saw the best in me when everywhere else around only see can only see did only see the worst in me I wish I had one witness all I need is one witness in the place he saw the best in me the other one else around could only see the worst of me why don't I help myself it's a Esau with everyone else and everyone [Applause] on the scene does anybody have the testimony you saw only see the worst in me can I sing Merry verse one time can I sing - one time he is mine I am he really doesn't matter you're what I did for he only sees me who I oh he's my head I am it doesn't matter what I do but he's always seen alfonseca said [Music] he saw with can only see can I ask y'all the question of the day I said to the ask your question I said why did they say when people lied on your set you would never be nothing when they began to spit venom on you because of the mistakes and the mishaps that you had aren't you glad that he didn't see you the way other people saw you but he saw you different the simple question I said why they say when mama said she would never be nothing with me members and friends said she would never be nothing because she didn't die every I nor did you cost every team but I'm so glad that he didn't see you the way people saw you but his song simple question I said what is a can I tell you I saw the best because he was wounded for your transgressions he was bruised for your iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and is is I said what it is I said what it is I said what it is ah yeah [Applause] that's record of a saint luke 18 [Applause] [Music] I'm Evy [Music] [Applause] [Music] every hour [Applause] I need I need [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] I say I can [Music] why let your spirit let it fall follow me whoa please lay this follow me if in the desert I find if in I really I can go through the will shadows of my I will mine as long as you are there my God my god [Music] let your sphere it [Music] follow me now I see she won Eid with your hair on a benign my success but my hand [Music] oh now I see that it's you I mean happened with your help I will deny myself put my hand [Music] oh now I see human I need and with your help gonna deny mine put my hand in yours oh now I see you better need your help wanna deny [Music] father we thank you we give you glory - today we honor you for this moment in times and thank you for your spirit being in this place like never before now float away throw your weight around execute your will in your authority we made up in our minds we purposed in our hearts that will forever give you praise both now and forevermore I notice in deed a friend shouldn't do the anointing that causes teaching and preaching to be easy well yokes will not be broken again under the weight of your glory does anything that's broken can be fixed but yokes will be destroyed under the weight of your glory I think and I give you praise even now we honor you in Jesus name we pray everyone said a man Dhalsim quarter Saint Luke chapter 18 I was going to single chapters of 18 Bishop said he laid hands on about 800 men it was it was way more than 800 men vision I was there you were in the spirit and I was counting them because as soon as he said Marvin I just want you to keep singing I want you to sing I'm gonna lay hands on these brothers and he asked them to stand and I was thinking myself okay now he's going to choose the selected few and he began in two hours and 20 minutes later I had just concluded singing and I was indeed exhausted and I just I don't even think I said bye I think I think I just told him just put me in the car please take me to the hotel say don't you want to wait to see Bishop no I do not by that point I was in the flesh so I didn't want to talk to you but I thought that was one of the most amazing moments that I had ever seen before in my life to see men who had gone through a process in order to be made better and changed and to see the man of God take time out a lot of time and lay hands on each and every one of them as a point of contact for impartation and I think that that is something that is absolutely missing now in this type of church that we go to everybody is so ready to get in and get out we don't have people that really want to take time and help you pray through stuff anymore y'all they gotta say man I passed the y'all I know what I'm talking about some of y'all would sit up there while I was singing to my when he's gonna get to the word so we can get to the kitchen that's all well and fine just hang out with me for a little while I promise you I still got to sing one more song I usually don't sing that song till after I preach anyway cuz if I sing it before I preach then I'm gonna be here by myself it'd just be me and Bishop [Applause] ain't leaving me doggone it I had to get up at 6 o'clock this morning to get to this church everybody's staying until I'm finished I don't care what you say 6 a.m. to come to church on Sunday 6:00 in the mohair service at 7:45 but new purse like so why can't y'all just be a normal Baptist Church at 10:30 service 9:00 a.m. Sunday school you only said nothing but but I'm so honored to be here I think God for this privilege and also celebrate this man of God let's put our hands together for the Honorable official apostle father any long a man and as I always say behind every great man there's a greater woman so let's celebrate the woman of God it stands with him in ministry as well you know how you know I called me he said some upstairs I almost forgot when when he asked me to come we were in the parking lot of in Jacksonville Florida man it was so hot and you want to talk I want to ask you to get in the car please just get in the car it was like a hundred literally it was a hundred degrees out there and we had on suits and I'm like on fire cuz I'm from Michigan a hundred degrees for a person from Michigan it's like 200 degrees to anybody else and I'm standing out there just about to spontaneously combust and he he just wants to talk and he's the Marvin you got to come you got to come at night and I didn't want to tell him then I you know I snuck down here y'all gonna be honest my my church is in a conference I'm actually while I'm down here we are in the conclusion of our singles conference and my church and people from all over this country about 250 delegates flew in from all over the country to be a part of our singles conference and and I'm down here with y'all when I should be closing out my singles conference that's that's the love for a brother just once you understand that and our Brotherhood actually goes beyond just it goes beyond just being a part of the family of faith and we have another connection we'll talk about it upstairs fine new PI until the day I die and don't nobody understand that but me and Byron up into place and you got some got some loops up in the house they up in here okay some of y'all so saved y'all don't forgot what y'all came from thank you so much as said so so we have another next one but I'm just I'm grateful to be here so I'm not gonna hold you long not according to st. Luke 18 quickly there's something I want to look at and if I could you know hopefully we have some good church and then go on home today verse 35 when you get there holler at me just say I got it if you're not there say wait up okay Gospel according to st. Luke chapter number 18 st. Luke 18 and let's look at verse number 35 through 43 I'm an expository preacher in other words I like to do directly with the tax upon my completion to the ex is eating at my text I go to my scene it says and it came to pass that as he was come nigh unto Jericho a certain blind man sat by the wayside begging and hearing the multitude pass by he asked what it meant and they told him that Jesus of Nazareth passes by and he cried saying Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me and they which went before rebuked him that he should hold his peace but he cried that much the more thou son of David have mercy on me and Jesus stood and commanded him to be brought unto Him and when he had come near he asked him saying what what will thou that I should do unto thee and he said Lord that I may receive my sight and Jesus said unto him receive thy sight my faith have saved thee and immediately he received his sight and followed him glorifying God and all the people watch this when they saw it gave praise unto God let's look at something real quick looking something real quick that jumped out at me but the text says that that that there's a blind man he's sitting by the wayside he's doing what he's been doing for years and that is begging and the text says watch this when they told him that Jesus was passing by that he cried in other words he began to yell at the top of his lungs Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me and the Bible also goes on to say that those that told him about Jesus told him to shut up but the text says that he cried that much the more but then it concludes in the eighth Clause of verse number 40 and said and Jesus stood still in the New King James it says in the New King James Version two rather it says and Jesus stood still so in verse number 38 it says that he cried unto God and verse number 39 it says that they told him to shut up and verse number 39 it also declares that he began to cry even louder but in a clause of 40 it says and Jesus stood still y'all missed it one more time in verse number 38 it says that he cried unto God in verse number 39 it says that they told him to shut up also in verse number 39 it says that he cried even louder and the a cost of verse number 40 it says and Jesus stood still but more time will help your offense in first number 38 he says that he hollered verse number 39 they told him to shut up in verse number 39 he hollered even louder and the Bible says that Jesus stood still I just want to give you out just just touch somebody looking in the face and tell them say neighbor in this season of your life you need to holla until he hears you that's what I'm going to talk about this morning just look at somebody to say you better holla till he hears you some of y'all still looking at me I said touch your neighbor and say neighbor in the season of my life I am going to holla until he hears me now if you're excited about what God is about to do in your life open up your mouth but give him some praise right now , until he hears you I understand you hear my dear brothers and my dear sisters all of you are proud of the household of faith indeed because of the death the burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ which has in turn made us on airs in again joint airs in life in life my beloved friends in life as believers we're all at some point in time are going to face situations that are going to come into our lives for the purpose of distracting us in life all of us are going to face some circumstances some challenges and some trials that are going to come into our lives for the ultimate purpose of distracting us it's imperative ly important that each and every one of us understands that the ultimate goal of these distractions is that we as individuals will lose focus and will begin to falter in our pursuit of accomplishing vision and not only accomplishing vision but fulfilling our personal destinies and when we lose focus friends when we lose focus we will find ourselves in places where our reliance is on our environment and that our alliance will be on what is going on around us rather than the god of our salvation and when this thing happens when our reliance begins to shift off of God and shifts to our own environment and individuals that are around us that we believe that will support us in any circumstance or situation well it would do is it'll put us in a position where we'll do anything absolutely anything just to survive one of the things that I've learned that we do when we shift into survival mode one of the things that we do when we shift into survival mode as we as individuals will begin to compromise it's quiet in this Presbyterian Church one of the things that we will do will do is we will begin to compromise we will compromise who we are if you will just to survive we will compromise if you will our personal ministries just to survive we were compromised if you will our own personal integrity is just to survive and the fact of the matter is you can look at me all spiritual if you want to but all of us have found themselves and found ourselves in a position or a place where we had to compromise just to make it through let me then come down your street since since you don't want to be real this morning but but but all of us all of us if we were just to examine our lives just for a few minutes there are some things that we said that we would never do I'm gonna get you in a few minutes that there are some things that we've never said that we would we would never do but but when things begin to be challenging and when it look like the support systems that we thought that we were going to have to be there for us in the midst of circumstances and trials that were beyond our personal control when it looked like they were going to walk off and leave us some of the same things that we said that we would never do we found ourselves doing but there were some places y'all they got to be real but I'm gonna stay here for a minute there were some places that you said that you would never go because you were above that in those places were beneath you then there were some places you said that you would never go into but when it looked like all of your options were gone you found yourself in places that you said you would never go into there were some people y'all ain't talking to me some people that you said that you would never connect to you made a commitment because they were ratchet y'all ago saying man because they were thought of if you will because they were they were outlandish you said that there was no way possible that I would connect to those individuals but when it looked like everybody that you thought you could depend on walked off and left you some of the same people that you had committed that you would never stand with you found yourself standing by the reality is is that there are some situations that when they become pressing rather than us relying on God and completely casting our cares on him when we rely on our environment and people around us the fact of the matter is is that it would cause us as individuals to compromise and if we're not careful during this season of compromise we will find ourselves beloved brothers and sisters in a stagnant place we'll find ourselves not moving forward or backward but literally stuck in neutral as we begin to watch our seasons and our breakthroughs seemingly pass us behind and I may not be talking to everybody under the sound of my voice today but I know I'm talking to somebody in this facility that finds themselves in that condition you feel literally imprisoned by your circumstance and unable to see beyond your trouble because your crises watch this has impeded your vision in other words you're so busy focusing on the problem you can't see that God has made a promise you're so busy looking at the circumstances in the situation that you can't see that in the midst of whatever the hell is that you're facing right now that God is up to something and when we get a real grip and understanding on how it is that God works then we won't trip out fall out nor act out when it looks like things are not going to work out for our benefit to learn my beloved brothers and sisters how it is that God works and when I begin to understand how it is that God works I begin to get confidence in the God of my salvation so let me because if you don't remember anything that I said today I'll need you to remember this this this is how God works what God does my beloved brothers and sisters is he'll take the good things of your life and then you take the bad things of your life and he'll put them together and he'll make him work for your good but but he doesn't only do that but he also does is he'll take the bad things of your life and then he'll take the good things of your life and he'll put them together and make them work for you good but but he doesn't even stop there he'll also take the good things of your life and take the good things of your life and then he'll put them boogers together and he'll make it work for you good but what really blows my mind is how we can take the bad things of my life and the bad things of my life still putting together and somehow someway make him work out from the good but then he tells me I shouldn't even be surprised by it because he says and we know that all things work together and see that's the problem that God has with a whole lot of us he has a problem with us forgetting the fact that whatever happens in my life it's working not from my detriment but for my benefit and you may feel like the day that God has forsaken you all forgotten you and the reason why you feel that way is because you're focusing on your problem and you're trying to see your way out you're trying to see your way through you're trying to see your way out of this circumstance out of this situation out of this trial I just see my way through it I know that things are gonna get better but I stop by here just to tell about 25 of y'all that you don't get delivered based on what you see you get delivered based on what you say well I wish I had some help up in here just text somebody say deliverance don't happens by what I see deliverance happens by what I say and I want you to understand that if you say the right thing at the right time God will ship some things in your favour and make it work out for your benefit is there anybody in here other than me that's believing that God's about to ship some things in my favor because I've learned beloved brothers and sisters that if I say the right thing at the right time and if I say it long enough after a while I'm going to see it to me dr. Tsao declare something extremely profound in the book of Proverbs chapter number 8 and verse number six watch what it says it says it says here for I I speak of excellent things he says he says and the opening of my lips the opening of my lips shall be right things it goes on and he says for my mouth shall speak truth and wickedness is an abomination to my lips he says all the words of my mouth are in righteousness there is nothing that is forward or perverse in them in other words what these verses are saying to us is that we need to will ourselves and to make ourselves speak life and the reason why we need to will ourselves and not to make ourselves speak life is because sometimes the only encouragement that you are going to get out the words that come out of your own mouth and I stopped by here to tell you that the reason why some of us are struck is because we're looking for individuals to encourage us that don't have the power to deliver us but at some point in time you're gonna have to get up out your rusty dusty and you have to go to your own bathroom look yourself in the mirror and you'll have to have a conversation with yourself oh god I can't get no help up in here somebody telling in this season of your life you have to learn how to encourage you the reason being is because all of us are catching hell at some level all of us are going to struggles at some level all of us are in some position of destitute and trouble at some level so if you can't find nobody that tell you things are going to get better just get up and tell yourself I wish I had somebody that would just tell somebody it's time to encourage you god I can't get no help up in here I'm looking right at you I said doggone neighbor and say it's time to encourage you understand my beloved brothers and sisters it's sometimes the only encouragement that you're pulling the kid are the words that come out of your own mouth that's why the prefer bein writer says in proverbs chapter number 18 and verse number 21 the death and life is in the power of your tongue and can I submit to you today that the reason why some of us are going through it ain't because of the devil the only gonna talk to me the reason why some of us are in struggle it ain't because the enemy's on our trail let me make one more statement it ain't because the devil is at our house the reason being it because the double ain't business some of y'all houses he's not on my present he can't be everywhere at the same time the fact of the matter is is that some of us are in hail because every time we open up my mouth we spittin on our own situation in the face and say touch somebody tell them say I'm shifting I'm shifting beloved brothers and sisters and I've learned something but I've learned that if you say the right thing at the right time it because watch this Jesus to stand still for you I wish you would touch your neighbor and tell somebody timing is everything Jesus here in our text was was nearing a place by the name of Jericho and about to enter into the city and and and he was on his way to Jerusalem where he was soon to die the Bible says that his face was set to accomplish the purpose of which God had sent him into the world however he must me go through Jericho Jericho beloved brothers and sisters is geographically about 17 miles from Jerusalem so his journey was about over the cross was ever near so they're hanging immediately before him however even though he was focused on his own personal impending doom he became distracted by somebody else who was in need in this particular text my beloved brothers and sisters it declares that this was a blind man however in Mark's Gospel we find that the man's name is part to me now when you begin to study this named Bartimaeus you will understand if you will that Bartimaeus was not actually his name because ba was a prefix for son of and Timaeus was his father's name when you begin to look at his father's name to miss and when you begin to study the name to miss you will understand that Timaeus means something that was great and strange at the same time Timaeus means a dirty man Timaeus means a filthy man to me this means a low-down man to meais means a man so when they called him bartimaeus what they were saying was is that he was the son of a low-down man they were saying he was the son of a filthy man they were saying that he was the son of a jacked-up man they were saying that he was the son of a ratchet man but that's not what really blew my mind because that speaks to his humble beginnings that speaks to the type of life that he had to endure that speaks to what they had named him but the text goes on it begins to let us know that he was not only the son of Timaeus but that he was blind he was blind and because of his inability to see watch this it forced him into an occupation of being a beggar now Webster says two big suggests earnestness or insistence especially in asking for favor so because he could not see Lord help me in this place he had to rely here on other people's favor in order to thrive and survive I want you to catch this now he's he's blind he could not see he's the son of Timaeus she's the son of a low-down man he's the son of a filthy man and not only that but he has no vision y'all gonna get it in a minute and because he had no vision he had to rely on other people in order to thrive and survive because he could not see because he had no personal vision he had to rely on other people's favor in order to thrive and survive and can I submit to you my beloved brothers and sisters that that's a part of the problem that we have in the 21st century Church a part of the problem that we have in the 21st century Church is that many in the body of Christ have become codependent enablers of one another because of the simple fact that we have no personal vision we have become codependent in a blurs of one another let me let me help you real fast and show you if you codependent as it pertains to a believer if you are codependent this is how you know if you codependent or not you are codependent if you got to wait for your role to give God praise before you give God praise if your Ruis praising God and you look down your own and then you decide to praise him you codependent if you can't say hallelujah by yourself you codependent if you had to pick up the phone and call and see if he was coming to church this morning before you got so caught up and got dressed and decided to come to church you codependent but when you have a real relationship with God you don't care who shows up as long as he shows up you bless the Lord understand what he's telling us here now he's telling us here that the calm is not saying to us that we're supposed to bear ye one another's burdens as it occurs in Galatians chapter 6 and verse number 2 however he is saying that we need to stop being codependent on folk and we need to learn how to be totally dependent on him that's why the proverbial writer says again in proverbs chapter 3 verses 5 & 6 that we're supposed to trust in the Lord with all our hearts that we're not supposed to lean to our own understanding but in all our ways we supposed to acknowledge him and he shall direct our paths now when we begin to look back in this text it it literally begins to blow our minds because it not only begins to let us know that this man was applying but it also says something extremely profound it says that not only was he but he sat by the wayside of begging I began to ask God the question I said God why in the world did this man sit by the wayside begging he said the reason why he sat there Marvin was because the people were accustomed to seeing him there as well as he had no vision to move look God is hell I'm gonna say that one more time he said the reason why he said by the wayside begging was because the people were accustomed to seeing him sitting there as he had no vision to move brothers and sisters that when you have no vision you lose the ability to produce in your future God put me in this place that's why the Bible says in proverbs chapter number 28 and 18 that where there is no vision the people perish in other words beloved brothers and sisters the enemy's not after your health as much as he's at the O vision because if you don't have a vision to move you're going to be stuck right where you are not progressively trying to go anywhere tonight today whether that made up in their minds I want everything that God has for me and I refuse to stay in this position that I'm in especially when I know that God has greater for me in my future just some money tell them say greater is coming Wow that's what the text begins to show us these individuals could not move they he could not move he could not move why because when you begin to look at this particular passage of scripture you would see here that this blind man was vision less you he was here that this blind man was favored less when you look at this stack she was seen that this blind man was codependent upon other people to survive but then the text begins that is this shift how how does it shift pastor Marvin because the Bible says something profound it says and hearing the multitude passed by he asked what it meant let me pause here because in order for you to get vision beloved brothers and sisters you got to do exactly what this man did what what did he do bishops what the Bible says and hearing in other words the piper begins to let us know that if you want to get your vision back you got to learn how to hear the right stuff in other words you can't listen to somebody's concoction of how they manipulated the circumstances to work out for their benefit and think that manipulation is gonna work for you why because manipulation ain't nothing but witchcraft anyway oh god I wish I had some help up in here manipulation ain't gonna get you what you want the way you want it you got to be spiritually in tune anything just stop me from getting what God said I'm supposed to have which means everything that's within me but I'm gonna stay on my face I will turn my plate over and I'm gonna wait right here until my change comes that made up your mind that I'm not going anywhere but I'm gonna position myself in his presence until he ships things in my benefit the Bible the Bible begins to blow our minds because as we begin to look in the Word of God it begins to share with us that what he does is he decides to hear the right stuff the Bible says and hearing the multitude and the hearing the multitude passed by he decided to ask what it meant he made a decision that based upon the information that he had received he was going to use that information to shift his approach my mind saw about this text because when you begin to study this man specifically you will understand that beggars watch this had to wear certain type of clothing this this man was blind he could not see so every day they took him to a specific place they they sat him there and he had to respond to every actor rather at a certain kind of way he could not if you will he he had too big a certain kind of way he had to he had to kowtow y'all they go way down town he had to look down he he had to look in a way that he was in need and what was he asking for every day every day every day he was going out there and he was begging for change every every day they put him out in the middle of this place and every day he would beg for change every every day he was countering for change every every day he was begging for change but but but something happened when they told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by because in the beginning he was being silent in the beginning he was trying to get the people to favor him in the beginning he was trying to get them to see that he was in need all he was asking for was some change he didn't ask them for a whole lot he just wanted a little bit of change that wouldn't meet his daily need but but when he heard that Jesus was coming by he shifted his approach he said before I was begging them for change but this time now that I heard about this man named Jesus I'm gonna stop begging them for change and I'm gonna start hollering at him for change oh god I wish somebody would grab that in other words he decided that I'm not going to allow myself to keep asking individuals to me Jesus is passing by till he gets me can I preach like i feel like preaching the Bible begins to blow our minds because as we begin to look at the text the Bible begins to let us know but this man decides if you will to shift his approach he it makes a decision that what I've been doing has has only been working to meet my personal need for the day I'm just getting enough to meet my need for the day but but what I need from God it's something that will happen for me and it would be perpetual it's something that would take me into eternity and I tell you this beggin for to give you something that will meet your need for the day because you serve a God that is able to do exceeding abundantly all that you would tear score think according to the power that worketh in you the text begins to blow our minds beloved because it begins to tell us that he begins to scream at the top of his lungs it begins to holler at the top of his lungs he he begins to scream at the top of his lungs notice what he was saying he was saying Jesus now son of B that have mercy on me yeah he's screaming at the top of his lungs he's hollering at the top of his lungs Jesus now son of denature mercy on me he's screaming at the top of his lungs and he's hollering at the top of his lungs Jesus thou son of B that he's saying have mercy on me he's screaming at the top of his lungs he's hollering at the top of his alone sir he didn't care who was around him all he wanted was Jesus he didn't care who was close to him all he wanted was Jesus that's what God sent me by here to encourage you back he says to let them know that at some point in their lives they got to make up in their mind I'm sitting close to it doesn't make a difference whose around me it doesn't make a difference who sees me scream because what I need it's far greater than individual son that may be sitting around me look at your neighbors say y'all still looking at me I said it's time to come out your comfort zone in the vicinity leaving this place the same way I came into these doors but when I leave even set free on top of the world I feel like preaching the Bible begins to blow my mind because as I begin to read the text the text says she begins to scream he begins stop Harlan he begins to holler if he begins to scream but what blows my mind is that the same people that told him about Jesus right now the same ones that are telling you to shut up I have to stop right here beloved Chuck because I want you to understand that there are some folks sitting next to you that don't wanna see you delivered that's why they're telling you to be quieter they know you need a breakthrough they look at you look at you crazy Oh be quiet [Music] I'm supposed to hold up the Bible says he begins to holla he begins to scream he begins to holler and he begins to scream they told him to shut up but even I got to stop right here because God told me to tell you that when you're haters try to get you to be silent you got to turn up the volume look at your life it's all right it's all right it's all right [Applause] he begins to screaming he was screaming because he didn't know where Jesus was so he made up his mind chili fries wait a minute wait a minute Thank You Bishop thank you for having me sir but let me help you real fast the Bible says this is where you about to get excited but the Bible says but when he comes through hollering that Jesus Stood Still you're missing Asarco passion I begin to ask off the question I said with all of the people that was hollering and that was trying to get your attention how in the world did you hear this one man can I tell you how he heard him because you need to understand that there's a DNA connection that's attached to yo holla y'all they talking to me there's a DNA connection nut that's attached to your holiday that's why he says that he understands your groaning so even when I can't articulate I can't say what I feel he hears me based upon my desperation and based upon my favor with everybody else making noise I stop by here to tell you that he doesn't hear the sound but he hears your faith but you see anybody here that's ready to turn up your favor [Music] [Applause] hold up I got a close but this is what messed me up let me tell you what miss Belle boo what messed me up was is that the Bible says that when Jesus hears the van the Bible says that he stood still y'all in catching this and then the Bible also says that he commanded the same to bring the two in this season of my life can I tell you because you're haters [Music] [Music] [Music] to help me go higher is anybody in here that's ready to go higher [Applause] [Applause] hold up the text the text says the text says that they bring him to Jesus Jesus asked him what is it that you want now watch this Jesus already knew that he was blind he just wanted to see if he's going to be transparent [Applause] when you have an audience with Jesus that's not the time to act like you got it all together [Applause] that's why I struggle with some of y'all in church if you gonna be fake anywhere don't be faking God's house you don't go through hell all week long like everything is alright you must be out of your mind even if you don't see Jesus somebody does and if they see me save the facility so you might as well holler until you're safe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] listen they got it to the presidency gotten into the presence of Jesus Jesus says what is it that you want me to do notice what he says he says that I may see received my sight in other words he was saying just give me my vision I don't need money I don't need health I don't need Fame if you give me my vision I can chart my own course if you just give me vision I ain't gonna have to depend on other people in the bar if you guess get me vision I can get my self-respect back [Music] Jesus tells him he says because of your faith be it unto you now watch this this would bless me about this text I promise you I'm done what blessed me about this text was this man was mature enough to do what we men at times don't do he said what you want me to do for you he says Jesus I just want you to give me back my sight jesus said unto him receive your sight by faith of say they watch this this would bless me it says and he and he received his sight and followed him [Music] [Applause] as the woman of God was standing up there talking about empowering us to become entrepreneurs and positioning us with government contracts the Spirit of the Lord said some of you are not going to be able to get it why because when he gives you the vision many of us get vision and leave him this man had enough sense that when he got the vision he decided to keep on following when you go to that class next week make sure that you understand that as God gives you the vision you've got to keep on following him because we're there in station there's also provision touch so I say don't leave the provision just because you got a little bit of mission [Music] don't miss it he got vision and he followed him that's what the tech says it says and he followed him glorifying God and this would bless me this is what blessed me was this last part and all the people [Music] when they saw it they praised the Ducati under gun yeah they missed edition God's about to do something in your life let me just explain it like this the same people that told him about Jesus told him to shut up after they told him to shut up he hollered louder when he got through hollering the same people the toad in the shut up had to assure him to Jesus and then these same people when they saw what Jesus did in his life had to give Jesus some praise okay y'all about to catch it now can I help him in a God God's about to do something so crazy in your life that's your haters I don't have to give God praise for what they see he did for you y'all looking at me strange suddenly y'all gonna be up in here bill I can't stand home but I got to let you know that show was God that did what he did and they may not like you but they can have to praise God for what he did in yo life why because if he did it for you he shall pay [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait a minute listen listen God God I promise y'all I'm done I probably I'm really in I'm really entered I got to catch a plane I got kids playing I got kids playing but let me let me say this to you sometimes you got to learn how to give God praise based upon the expectation sometimes you got to praise it sometimes you got to praise him until you see it look at somebody tell them say I'm about to do something that may be outside of my character see I'm gonna do spiritual I know your spiritual under you deep I know you feel like you should just be able to sit there but when God told me that he was gonna give me my vision back and when he told me that my vision what he gave me was don't make my haters lift him up something on the inside and he said I got the praising just so my haters can really praise Him because what they see what he's about to do in my life be so big just walk about 30 seconds let's go give God praise for what gods don't do it no life what's going to cause the haters to say it right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on chop your hair together blow it come on clap your hands to give me Florence [Music] he's done [Music] and together Maury [Music] listen listen listen I don't want anybody moving I don't want anybody moving I don't want anyone moving I'm trying to get out Marcy I'm double [Applause] [Music] [Applause] listen listen listen the premise of purpose of you howling is because of the simple fact that you're desperate to receive sight so that you can see yourself better in your future just touch somebody and say I see you in your future and you look much better than you do right now if you believe it clap those hands are giving praise I must close now evening nobody moved how many all received something from the word of the Lord today put hands down let me ask you more time I needs to be honest how many all received something really from the word of the Lord when you study the Word of God was noted notice that whenever God did something in Word or in deed the patriarchs of old would pause they would set up an altar and they would offer up sacrifice that's how we get the covenant names of God Jehovah Jireh any scientists can do Elgar Mehcad each to get these names solely based upon them honoring God because of the word that they had received or the deed that he had done I ask you twice to say how many you all received something supernaturally and you all said that you receive something in Word today now now it's time for us to see them so honor 28 years is a very long time [Applause] [Music] what's so amazing to me is over the last three years men of God from all across this nation have many decisions to take their lives because of the pressures of pastoring men between the ages of 30 and 40 have literally given up on living and committed suicide because of the pressures of pastoring I understand five years ago I can be honest if I didn't have children I probably would have gave up myself my wife went on to be with the Lord it was the roughest time of my life and one of the worst things that you have to do in life is when you got to live in front of people what you want to deal with the hind closed doors still got a smile still got to act like everything is all right got to encourage you when we need encouragement and you know what I've only been doing it for 13 years I can't imagine having to deal with y'all for 28 years when I say y'all I don't mean y'all as a pertains that you as individuals but I'm talking about people cuz people who love you today that hate on you tomorrow that's how they did Jesus Jesus Jesus the King of the Jews crucify him crucify him crucified one day they'll love you next day they'll hate you and people always talk about church hurt and they leave when they get hurt but we get hurt and we still got to stand here and got to try to live off the Scriptures where it says I'm supposed to love those that hate me I'm supposed to pray for those that despitefully use me when the truth of the matter is is that I just want to just take my nine out and if I could just that's reality y'all don't want to I don't want nobody to be real so what we're going to do now is we're going to celebrate this gift this gift your kid the angel of this house as you have received from the Word of God now it's time for us to plant a seed we're going to sieve and sow into the Honorable life of Bishop Eddie Long listen you know what he has been to you you know how he's preached you out of some stuff preached you through some stuff paid some lights and gas some water I've seen videos how folks walked out of here debt-free I should have been here that Sunday I got some bills brought you should take care of for it man of God now I don't know what your assignment was as it pertains to your giving I don't know what it is but I need everybody to stretch today I need everybody to stretch prophet McKinstry challenged people to give one hundred and fifty three dollars this morning I'm not going to do that but I am going to do is I'm gonna challenge each and every individual to go to your wallets and go to your purses quickly I don't know how many of us are in here but this is specifically for the bishop but this one I need everybody to do everybody to do this everybody do this I need you to go to your wall let's go to your purses and grab a seed of $100 now hear me I use think $100 was a whole lot of money I did but then I got married and had three kids I have two students two two young people that that are my personal children that are in college right now my son is a junior at Howard University he was at Morehouse but he spent more time at Spelman than he should have so I had to bring him home and he came home and did all this prerequisite stuff at the local community college and then this year he went off to finish his last two years at Howard University I have another daughter who I'm going to see right now as soon as I leave here I have to catch a plane to Huntsville Alabama I'm the musical guests for the Alabama A&M University homecoming tonight my daughter goes there tuition for both of them per semester is 30-plus thousand dollars a semester hmm it's daddy's responsibility to make sure that those things are taken care of I do it to the best of my ability I made a commitment that I would pay for their undergraduate degrees when they get their graduate degrees to stay responsibility that's right that's what fathers are supposed to do especially when they yeah uh I gotta clap um I got me I'm gonna take care of mine I'm already God I'm the only parent so I'm gonna do what it takes so I figured out that $100 wasn't a whole lot of money my fact not going to just ask me when I was coming into church she's like daddy do you got some cash sounds like what for and she's like because I want to buy some stuff I said you know take credit card say no yes they do you just want some cash she said yep you're absolutely right now just want some cash and I know she's gonna ask me for more than $100 listen this man 28 years $100 ain't nothing he's blessed babies he's buried family members a man he's done some great things over the last 28 years so I want to challenge each and every one of you on some of you are gonna go over and above that $100 C but everybody should be able to see that least 100 hours everyone should be able to do this and if we do this and if you do this I promise you there's no way possible that you can give in to God's man's life and not receive a crazy reward in return if you give a prophet a drink of water you gonna receive a Prophet's reward I believe it I stand in it by faith I'm going over and above I'm sealing $200 into this man's life I'm gonna pray quickly into my guilty praying I need you to move as expeditiously as possible if you making checks how it's supposed to make them make the checks out to new birth if you're watching us online and this man has been a blessing to you in ministry you have the same opportunity right now to seed into sow into his life you all that may be in Charlotte the Charlotte Church in particular the fact that he's making trips and ministering and helping to meet you at the pointing of need don't don't don't miss this moment you have this opportunity as well to see than to sow into his life as he has been a great blessing to you now it's time for us to be a great blessing to him father I think and I give you glory this is not a dental you know but it's a seed we saw we saw in a good round believing that you're going to give us back some 30 some 60 some 100 even some 1000 foot return for the seed that we about the plant to the kingdom of God not only that but we give our seed an assignment it's a sign of this more into our futures and create avenues and streams of wealth and increase where we would not live off of that which we make we don't live on for the overflow of that which we so we're expecting a harvest it's gonna rain in our lives and from the sea we declare and decree we should never be broke another day in Christ Jesus name we pray everybody in this place said a man I'm gonna turn you into the hands of somebody while I count my monies and then sing a little bit of the song hallelujah we're you blessed today come on well you really blessed today we're going to make sure that we show that and follow those instructions that were given by Bishop set and if you want to bring that offering down to the altar you can do that and place it into the basket here and we'll have a basket on each side of the altar the baskets will also pass through the rolls so if you can't get up or don't want to get up while Bishop the singing you can stay in your seat and the baskets will come value and you can serve that way god bless you we got to get to the airport never would have made it nobody here I'm gay I would have austin ohio but now i see for me [Music] I lost my mind my mind but now I can see how you were there I am stronger and I'm wiser [Applause] [Music] I could see that you [Music] to me but now you can see [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on let's put our hands together and bless the Lord because without him we would surely fail the only way we've made it is because of the Lord no he deserves a better praise than that come on bless the Lord because God is good all the time and let's bless the Lord today for the message and the messenger oh yeah how many of you can say once I was blind but now I see Lord has opened our eyes to be able to see and to behold him we're all going to leave together in just one moment but before we leave together we want to make sure that we all leave saved that we all leave set free and that we all leave experiencing the fullness of the power of God the worship has been wonderful and the word was marvelous but this is the most important time because there are people that are literally on the brink of life and death and this moment this encounter with Jesus is about to save their literal lives not just the spiritual lives but literally God is desiring to save somebody right now I'm gonna ask if we would all stand to our feet cuz somebody needs to scoop by you on your own you sitting down is gonna make it hard for them to get out but in this moment if you say Lord I need you just like bar blind Bartimaeus you may be lowdown and dirty like he talked about Tamiya's or you may be up-and-coming but we all need Jesus and just like bartimaeus hollered out to Jesus that the Lord would save him today this is your time to holler out not just with your mouth but with your heart not just with the sound of our words but with your faith because he is willing to save you this is the moment that decides your future this is the moment that decides whether you go to heaven or hell there still is a real hill to go to not just the word that we talk about like a cuss word known as really a real devil in a real hill and we don't want you to go there but you know what there's a real heaven when we die that we go to but as well there's a real heaven that you can live here on earth God has made it so that he can envelop you be in your presence and in your atmosphere all that's calm and you don't have to wait till you die it happens by Jesus coming into your heart living in your life and then you always have the presence of God the presence of heaven the angels to come and help you the power of the Holy Spirit to get you up and keep you going if that sounds like something you need in your life I'm gonna ask if you would step out from where you are and just come boldly down here to this altar just like Bartimaeus and say Jesus I need you Jesus I need you right now I want you to change my life I need that I need that change in my life and maybe you're a person who steps away from God you've been on a downward slide and you know it you know your relationships not right with God today's the day to make it right cuz concen covenant with you he is a covenant keeper he always keeps his into the bargain and now it's time for you to keep the end of yours we invite you to come if you need to rededicate your life to Jesus Christ this is the moment and this is the time [Music] [Applause] then we also make this call in case you have been here at new birth as a guest and today you want to join the family [Applause] [Music] even as this man is joining the family of God we invite you to join the family of new birth as well perhaps you're already saved perhaps you just decided today you know what this is all right I want to come here all the time we'd love for you to come apostle long would love to be your pastor and let first lady be your first lady as well and we'll be your brothers and sisters now I need everybody who's here to help with this altar call because there's some people that are weighing in the balance one man came and he already broke it open but there's several more that need to come - maybe you need to come back maybe this needs to be your first time but I'm gonna ask if you would turn to your neighbor and say would you like for me to walk with you I'll go with you I've done it before I'll go with you I'll be the escort to escort you into the kingdom of God turn to your neighbor now look at me now really because somebody needs to do this and if that's them and that's you tell them come on grab your pocketbook and your children come on grab your jacket let's go let's go let's go to Jesus come on let's go to Jesus Jesus save me Jesus turn my life around yes yes yes yes come on bless bad the angels are rejoicing [Applause] now we really need to be having a party cuz there's some young men and some young women that have come out and here comes some more oh it's not over therefore you're standing in the back of your knees are shaking you're standing in the middle of the row and your palms are sweating come on that's dress inside jesus loves you you don't have to be afraid we welcome you into the loving arms of Jesus Christ what a blessing it is to see Souls come to Christ amen now I feel a presence behind me so I'm gonna ask if we would receive now apostle Eddie long as he comes in this moment real real real salt let me go let me let me follow up and then we're gonna dismiss oh no way I'll spend some time but God wanted to do a wonderful work would you a blessed by Bishop Marvin Sapp come on and bless the Lord hallelujah and we'll take time my wife and I a little bit later to thank you and just honor you let me just say this I see a lot of what we call old school or people who've been touched by a new birth over these twenty eight years new birth is a church that has laid a lot of foundation and a lot of people who have been placed around the world around this nation's no way that I go that I don't run into somebody who used to belong here that has gone to do great things and all of that and we appreciate that we love you and we honor you we bless you but there's there are times and I've had to do this myself there are times when we move when we weren't supposed to move and we disconnect when we weren't supposed to disconnect and I'm gonna be real honest with you because people will get in your ear and I want to want to say this to you today God connects you by spirit I'm not perfect nor are you he doesn't connect us by flesh and there's some of you who have separated yourself because you let folk get in your ear and you know your life has not been as right since and you felt something when you came back in the house today and this is your time to really reconnect and ain't no shame in the game it's just and so and still your pastor I want to give a special invitation again to those that know this is your house [Applause] come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on still waiting come come come come come on new bird celebrate them right now come on come on come on [Applause] Paulo Paulo and there I know I'm not gonna stay stand here all that long and believe God no it's time to go but this is your house and for those of you who got sent a sign because some people are seasoned here once has to go please understand this is always your home we love you we're proud of you we honor you we thank God for you thank God for you being here today and we're continuing to move forward in the things that God has ordained somebody say Amen and so I bless you this day in the name of Jesus and there'll be elders down here and still need someone to pray with you or something they want to pray with you love on you but this day walk in your divine favor lift your hands for a moment father I declare the blessings of you all upon them and now under him is able to keep us from falling and present us faultless before and all wise and mighty God to him be Dominion and glory and power forever and ever and ever and ever amen god bless you hug a few folk as you go out and just tell him how much you love them [Music] I am your son you are my father [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: michael enjoy life green
Views: 142,180
Rating: 4.7909408 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 32sec (6152 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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