Bishop Charles E. Blake "Don't Linger On The Brink Of Your Blessing" SolCal 1st Jurisdiction HC2004

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praise the lord everybody come on put those hands together and give god the praise in this house let's magnify the name of the lord jesus for he is good in his mercy endures forever the bible says oh give thanks unto the lord for he is good and his mercy endures forever how many of you come to give him thanks this afternoon has the lord been good to you then come on let's give him thanks put those hands together and let's celebrate his goodness come on come on unto the lord for he is good yes he is yes [Applause] for he is yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] all right break it down i want you to turn to your neighbor and testify to them about the goodness of god to you come on the part of our praise is testimony come on take a moment and testify about the goodness of god that's it and then when you finish with that person turn around and tell somebody else how good god is how merciful he is how faithful he is how loving he is how he protects us how he shields us how he blesses us come on put those hands together [Applause] [Music] time [Applause] is yeah [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] is lift up your hands in the house [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he has done [Applause] now as the musicians play softly everybody in this house lift up your hands to the lord and begin to bless him for the things that he has done we just praised him for who he is now we're thanking him for what he's done come on lift up your hands and open your mouth open that knot that he gave you come on oh yes come on come on let's exemplify praise in this house come on as i say turn the volume upon that praise come on open up yourself and bless him for the things that he has done oh he is a great guy and we worship and adore him in this place today there's not like him [Music] we do bless you from our spirit we bless you from our soul we bless you hallelujah glory to your name you're a mighty god and we bless you in this house today and we love you now we're going to declare come on let's sing it this way he will do great things come on [Applause] [Music] do you believe it come on [Music] is lift it up is bless this holy name more [Applause] come time [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] crazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh foreign forever and forever [Music] [Music] all right i do this because of a senior elder pastor thompson 88 years old wanted you to know bishop he wants to be a part of it he's given 200 pastor thompson glory to his [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is and streams [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise god for our dynamic jurisdictional choir bishop blake this little bag represents much love and respect from the official women of the women's department and so it is my honor to represent the great ladies of first jurisdiction also yes yes also we know that you are physically and bodily here in southern california but before the foundation of the world we realize that god carved a little piece of your heart out for the world of africa and so your passion becomes our passion because you are our leader and so on behalf of the great great women of southern california i'd like to present to you for the pan-african save africa children's fund five thousand one hundred dollars [Music] [Applause] now standing with our great leader while sister cole is coming standing with our great leader is a lovely giant of a woman we love her we esteem her we know the sacrifices that she has made and continues to make for this god man who serves us and so the chairperson of the administrative assistant's wives has a presentation of love always for our first lady and i'd like to also observe that on september the 25th the first annual clergy wives luncheon will be hailed administrative assistants wives superintendents wives pastors wives new dimensions elders and ministers wives whittled pastors wives we're all coming together and we're going to sponsor this luncheon who and it's open for all of the ladies all of the ladies in and even beyond first jurisdiction and our keynote speaker we thought we'd raise the bar real high our keynote speaker is our own first lady mrs may l blake so see your pastor's wife see your pastor's wife she'll have your ticket reserved for you god bless let's receive mrs lois cole the lovely mrs lewis cool who looks beautiful on today thank you supervisor well this is a defining moment for us the administrative assistant's wife in that we want to celebrate express our love and appreciation to our first lady of southern california first jurisdiction she is our first lady come on let's give her an applause and with that i'd like for all the administrative assistants wise to stand please with me in making this presentation now um i'm going to ask to um sister oc hill to export our first lady to the podium to receive and with all the administrative assistant wives just get a little closer because we want we want to represent in a large way and that's the way we have done it mrs may blake we love you and we appreciate you and we honor and esteem you we love you because you love everybody and then your smile is so contagious we love you because you are your own person we love you because you love god and we see the god in you and you are so pretty today as usual and so the little pink the pink bag is a um ant money answer is all things gift and the gold wrapping isn't that pretty and the gold wrapping is a very truly yours gift to you i hope you enjoyed god bless you and we love you the administrative assistants [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wise i feel blessed today to have been given this distinguished privilege to present our leader i want to be brief but i don't want to be like the pastor that asked me to organize his 30-year in ministry uh bishop blake preached that night and after the sermon i arose and presented the pastor i knew it was just because he was nervous but he said i had a lot to say but i don't have time to say everything i wanted to say because the time is short so i'm just going to eulogize the time what can i say about this great man if i spoke of his appointments in many positions that he now holds and has hell time wouldn't permit it if i told you of his many accomplishments and achievements and the many awards and citations that he has received it wouldn't it would take too long so i will name just two things that i know is on his heart number one his vision for transition house and number two the children of africa he is a people's man putting forth every effort to deliver men from alcohol and drugs and the dying children of africa i believe that the lord has placed him in a position like he did abraham and god told him meaning abraham to leave her and his family and his father's house and his country to the land that i will show you and i will make of you a great nation and i will bless you with abundant increase of favors and make your name famous and distinguished and you will be a blessing dispensing goods to others and i will bless those who bless you who confer prosperity and happiness upon you and christ him who curses uh use insulting language toward you in you will all the families of the kindreds of the earth be blessed and by you they will be blessed able to bless themselves i would like to ask all of the administrative assistants to stand the superintendent's board will you stand and all pastors and elders will you stand the administrative assistance is a strong arm behind our bishop to hold his arms up the superintendent's board they are the supporters and in gatherers to help our bishop with his responsibilities and all of the pastors [Music] you are the grassroot of workers and that's where the book starts but it finished at our bishop so after we received this wonderful selection from this mass choir i'm going to ask each of you to stand and we will receive our leader the dynamic charles edward blake [Music] so we are not [Music] ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ poor it is god's power and it's to everyone [Music] [Music] everyone shall be we are not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ [Music] [Music] and it's to everyone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see [Music] his word is god's word came all the way from glory [Applause] for every nation [Music] his word came all the way [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] me one more time when i'm done [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me and stopping me [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] if you're not ashamed just reach over and shake your neighbor's hand and tell your neighbor i'm not ashamed of the god [Applause] now dear lord we ask hallelujah hallelujah we ask the lord preaching grace we ask the lord that you would strengthen us in the name of jesus quicken our minds our spirits to receive your word thank you to the lord for this great convocation now as we come to the close of it infuse us with your power and your anointing give us a word today that will sustain us for days to come be with us all in jesus name i pray thank god amen and amen god bless you as you take your seeds how i praise god for each and every one of you here present on this day i want to thank all the j.a blake jr for emceeing the service on today [Music] the presiding bishop was in the city for well in in southern california for five days this week and it indicated to me that he wanted to do some fishing while he was in the state and as his host it was my responsibility to make arrangements for that so i punished my brother by telling him don't come to the convocation you take the presiding bishop fishing every day and as much as my brother loves to fish i know that was real torture for him to have that painful assignment of taking the presiding bishop fishing every day this week but he's here on today and we praise god for elder j blake and pastor williams also participated in some of those fishing endeavors while the rest of us were working and carrying on the convocation they were going fishing and we praise god for him and for all of the administrative assistants all of the regional superintendents all of these superintendents and all the pastors of the jurisdiction who have labored so diligently throughout this year and have come together for this 90th annual holy convocation we've been doing this for 90 years and we certainly pay respect to our fathers and our predecessors who laid such a solid foundation for all of us i had the privilege of visiting mother lode crouch on this past friday i believe 106 years old still filled with joy mind is sharp and alert and just a wonderful and sweet sister in the lord friday was her 106th birthday then on monday i had the privilege of visiting mother lula blake the wife of the late bishop j.a blake and she at the age of 90. still lovable and kind and sweet it was a joy to visit with them and to reminisce regarding the great men of god who stood by their side i'm serving in my 19th year as bishop of the jurisdiction next year will be year number 20. the only bishop who has had a longer tenure than mine of all of the bishops that have served our jurisdiction is the eminent bishop s m crouch and so i feel that the lord has smiled on me blessing me to live on and serve in this capacity for almost 20 years praise the lord for our state supervisor mother barbara lewis just a stalwart support by my side in the leadership of the jurisdiction god smiled on me when he gave me such a wonderful state supervisor and of course my lovely wife sister may l blake i certainly want to praise god for her presence on today and for almost now 40 years of marriage as a matter of fact in just a few weeks we'll celebrate our 40th anniversary together and let's praise god for my wonderful wonderful wife sister may l blake then my sons are here on today my son brother uh charles blake uh the second and we want to thank god for his presence and his friend and his wonderful companion sister deandra and then my youngest son brother lawrence blake and his wife sister janine and my first granddaughter i've got two grandsons and i love him but this little girl this granddaughter has just wrapped me around her little finger sister gene grace larae blake let's praise god for my family [Music] my daughter and her husband are not with us on today rather than sister ludlow and we certainly uh thank god for them and for their marriage and the life that they have established together in the last several months we want to praise god for the editor the religious editor of the los angeles sentinel my old friend sister virgie murray and how i love her and how i thank god for her she's not old our friendship is old and let's give her a big hand she has been so kind to us over the years and has extended every consideration to the church of god in christ and to my ministry well this has been a great convocation and i want to thank god for everybody who helped to make the convocation the success that it has been brother ron hill and brother robert cole were the officians of our day sessions and they did such an excellent job we had record audiences in our day sessions and i want to thank god for the both of you for your fine leadership brother james shaw also assisted in a very special way with the selection of ministers and other aspects of this program i want to thank god for him i want to thank god for my chief adjutant brother anderson or the carlton anderson for his assistance weren't these deacons wonderful this week and the ushers weren't they wonderful this past week and this music department we praise god for the musicians and the music department and we're so glad for our minister of music sister judith mcallister who has been present with us and such a blessing to us there's a team that serves the jurisdiction literally every day and they're even now somewhere working i'm sure our financial secretary brother hawkins our treasurer brother charles smith and our operations secretary um helped me somebody's sister jovanna antwine thank god for our day-to-day staff sister joanna antwine works full-time for the jurisdiction let's give them a rousing applause well please attribute any names that i should have called and did not call to an era of my mind and not of my heart i am getting a little bit older now as uh the days pass by and for 11 years i would preach five and six times every sunday we would have four morning services at the old campus and then i would go out and dedicate a church or install a pastor and come back for seven o'clock service and preach again and and the lord gave me grace to do all of that from 1990 until 2001 but i got up early this morning and came to eight o'clock service i didn't preach i just had somebody else to preach and then i sat through eleven o'clock service and did not preach again and uh but now i feel like i've preached about three or four times already this whole frame even with my magnificent physique it's growing a little weary here and tired so i pray that you will ask god to give me strength to share the word on today turn with me please to second kings chapter seven second kings chapter seven i'm going to read verses 10 through verses 16. second kings chapter 7 verse 10. when i get to verse 13 i'm going to move over and read from the amplified bible because it clarifies that particular verse much better but the other reading will be from the new king james version of the bible second kings chapter 7 and verse 10. so they went and called to the gatekeepers of the city and told them saying we went to the syrian camp and surprisingly no one was there not a human sound only horses and donkeys tied and the tents intact and the gatekeepers called out and they told it to the kings household inside so the king arose in the night and said to his servants let me now tell you what the syrians have done to us they know that we are hungry therefore they have gone out of the camp to hide themselves in the field saying when the israelites come out of the city we will catch them alive and get into the city verse 13 one of his servants said let some men take five of the remaining horses if they're caught and killed they will be no worse off than the multitude of israel left in the city to be consumed but let us send and see whether this be true verse 14 therefore they took two chariots with horses and the king sent them in the direction of the syrian army saying go and see and they went after them to the jordan and indeed all the road was filled with garments and weapons which the syrians had thrown away in their haste and so the messengers returned and told the king then the people the israelites went out and plundered the tents of the syrians so that a seer a fine flower was sold for a shekel and two seals of barley for a shekel according to the word of the lord will you look over toward your neighbor and say don't linger on the brink of your blessing tell your neighbor on the other side don't linger on the brink of your blessing our text for tonight emerges from events that took place during the ministry of the prophet elisha quite some time the kingdom of israel had been warring against the syrians and in a few instances israel had gotten the best of the syrians because god would always inform elisha of every action that the syrians were going to take and elisha would consistently inform the king of israel and thus israel would know everything that their enemy was going to do and they would always be prepared to overcome their enemy but the syrians heard about this and they sent a raiding party to israel to take elisha captive and when they surrounded elisha's city elisha prayed and all of the syrians were struck by blindness while they were blind elisha said well i'm gonna lead you out of this and instead of leading them out of their predicament elisha led them deeper into israel right into the very hands of the king of israel but elisha would not allow the king to harm those syrians he would not allow him to kill them as a matter of fact when their sight returned elisha insisted that the king should feed them and treat them well and then release them i suppose elisha thought that if we are kind to them then they will not return again to do us any harm but how many of you know you can't be nice to the devil how many of you know there are some folk you can't be nice to you just have to keep your distance and love them from a distance well things were peaceful for a while but later on the king of syria ben haddad and some of those same soldiers that had been healed of their blindness and released by elisha and by the king some of those same soldiers and many others returned and attacked the capital city of israel samaria they surrounded the city they would permit nobody to enter they would permit no one to leave they laid a siege against the city and after many days famine conditions existed inside the city the food and water supply began to run very low men and women boys and girls began to fight faith and fall out from lack of nourishment and lack of water the people were so hungry that they would literally eat almost anything to assuage their hunger they consumed all of their animals under normal conditions no jew would eat the flesh of a donkey but they ate the flesh of all of their donkeys and they even ate the heads of their donkeys the head is the most detestable part of the body of any animal for eating but they not only ate the heads of all of their donkeys they willingly paid the price of forty dollars of the equivalent for forty dollars for the head of a donkey just so that they could eat it but worse than that they were so hungry that they would not only eat the dung of doves they would pay the equivalent of two dollars and fifty cents a pipe for doves dung the pulpit commentary confirms this by saying that dove's done is thought by some to be the name of a plant but it is better to understand the term literally for both animal and human excrement have been eaten in sieges when a city was in its last extremity when you are starving to death you will eat anything if it means that it will bring life to you the plight of the city was desperate indeed but even worse than this some of them were driven even to cannibalism where they would eat not only their enemies but they would eat their own children for food two women agreed to share their infant sons for their survival and according to their agreement they they cooked and ate the son of the first woman but then after the flesh of that first son was gone the second woman hid her son away and would not present her son and the first woman went to the king of samaria to protest and rather than settling the difference between the two woman women the king was overwhelmed by a flood of despair he was driven to desperation and sorrow and all of his emotions focused on elisha and it said that if elijah had not told me to release these folk they would not have been able to come back in here again he thought about the people driven to cannibalism and driven to despair and he said all of this is elisha's fault and if i don't behead elisha before night i want god to be had me he sent a servant off to behead elisha but after a while he cooled down caught up with the servant that he had sent to slave the prophet and he went in before that servant to elisha and said elisha the lord hath allowed all of this trouble to fall upon us and it does not seem that the lord is going to help us out of this i think we better try something else i think we better take things into our own hands why should i wait for the lord any longer somebody in this room i'm sure is asking the question why should i wait for the lord any longer why should i delay why should i keep on holding on why should i keep on preaching why should i keep on laboring why should i keep on ministering i'm not getting the results that i desire i'm not getting the the benefits that i've longed for it seems that everything i've tried to do for god is going wrong should i wait for the lord any longer well in usher said to the king yes king wait for a while longer and to those of you who are saying should i wait for god any longer i would say to you yes you should wait for the lord a while longer don't you give up yet don't you stop striving don't you stop working don't you stop waiting on god to wait on god is to rely on god it is to trust in god and you should wait on god because in most cases there's nothing you can really do but wait on god jesus said without me you can do nothing or you can get busy you can you can go out and and make your effort but listen all of your business will avail to nothing there's really no alternative to waiting on god you used to wait on god because who else is there for you to wait on but god nobody can do for you what god can do don't put your trust in anybody don't rely on anything because there is no one else to wait on but god wait on god because it's your place to wait on god god has had to wait on us so many times we need to learn how to wait on him we owe it to god to wait on god come on and tell your neighbor you owe it to god to wait on god god has done so much for us in the past he has brought us from so far in the past but we should also wait on god because the worthwhile fulfilling values of life reside in god and reside in his will some folk want their blessing right now they don't want to wait on anything reverend says if you want your pie in the sky by and by i'm not your man but if you want your pie right now with ice cream on top of it i am your man but what real mike don't know is that it takes time for a pot to get done it takes time to bake a pie let me tell you i can cook now i know about these pies you gotta you gotta cook your crust first and then you got to prepare the filling and then you've got to put the filling in the pie then you got to put the pie in the oven and then you got to wait until the pie gets done if you pull it from the oven too quickly it'll be pleasing neither to the eye not to the taste and listen god knows how to cook and he's making a pie just for you but you've got to wait god has something real good in store for you we should wait on god because if we do anything on our own we'll probably make a big mess that's what you did the last time you ran off and didn't wait on god you made a mess now what makes you think is going to be any different this time look at your name and say wait on god you better wait on god because if you get ahead of god you may ruin what god is preparing for you hallelujah finally you should wait on god because god's word says for you to wait on him the bible says wait on the lord and be of good courage and he will strengthen thine heart wait i say on the lord but there was another reason why the king said why elisha said to the king that he should wait on god because he said king wait on god because in one day second kings seven and one the people are going to be able to buy flower for a dime a bushel they've been paying forty dollars for a donkey's head but in a day they're going to get flour for a dime a bushel and barley for a dime for two bushels in other words in one day god is going to bring such plenty upon this city that everybody is going to have more than enough are you praying with me here today one of the king's assistants heard elisha's words and in his cynicism he said in second kings seven and two look if the lord would make windows in heaven could this thing be is god really gonna do this i don't think god is going to do that i've never seen windows up and up open up in heaven these were words of skepticism these were words of unbelief instead of speaking cynically and skeptically he should have kept his mouth shut he should have said god is able he should have said we're going to trust god and see what happens but in other words he said no i don't think that's going to happen and he likes to say oh yeah you go you're gonna see it happen but you're not going to partake of it listen you need to be careful what you say because what you say does not stop what god is going to do it just may stop you from getting your blessing oh bless the name of god skepticism and negativity are detrimental and dangerous too many skeptical people in the church too many negative people in the church and i don't know how you could be negative in the church when we've got the most positive god that can be conceived the god who was able to do anything but you've got so many folk who are skeptical and who are negative listen things that are destined to fail are gonna fail without your mouth if they gonna fail just shut up and stand back and look at them fail [Applause] amen but things that are going to succeed they're going to succeed no matter what you do and no matter what you say and then this fellow was not even being spoken to elisha was speaking to the king nobody had asked him anything and if he had kept his mouth shut he would have come out all right but he just broke in and elisha said all right it's going to happen you're going to see it but you're not going to be able to partake of it or even share in it god got to work because the prophet of the god the lord had spoken and that very night god set up a invisible stereophonic sound stage in the midst of the wilderness near the syrian camp and he caused the sound of thousands of horsemen and thousands of chariots to come sweeping across the plain toward the syrian camp that lemon broke out in the syrian camp a wave of fear and a wave of terror began to sweep over them they left up from their beds and said the hittites and the egyptian armies have allowed themselves with israel and they're all coming against us to destroy us we don't stand the chance they jumped out of their beds didn't even bother to pull off their pajamas didn't put on their shoes didn't pick up their armor didn't pick up their food didn't pick up their gold of their silver or their money they just jumped up and started running running running running 20 miles to the jordan river jumped in the jordan river swam to the other side climbed up on the other side and started running again listen when god gets after you hallelujah the syrians left everything behind food silver gold clothes weapons possessions horses they didn't even bother to get on their horses they ran right by their horses getting out of town the folk on the inside of the city who were literally starving to death had absolutely no knowledge of what had taken place in the syrian camp neither did the four lepers who were sitting at the gate of the city of samaria they were beggars and they usually sat at the gate and they begged from those coming in and going outside of the city but because nobody was coming in and nobody was going out and because everybody in the city was starving to death these four lepers were also starving to death they were sitting there growing weaker and weaker by the hour and one of them said to the others listen why are we just sitting up here why do we sit here until we die oh and that's a good question for the church oh if the church is good at anything the church is good at sitting there they come to church every sunday and they sit there and then they get up and go their way if you want them to work if you want them to witness if you want them to proclaim the gospel they'll have the nerve to tell you i'm just a member and that just means that they are going live but listen god has so many blessings in store for us there are so many good things for us to accomplish there is so much for us to do for god why should we just sit here until we die those four lepers said listen if we go into the in the city of samaria they're starving in there uh if we sit here we're going to die if we go into the camp of the syrians they may kill us but that don't make no difference because we dying anyhow but on the other hand they may feed us and so let's go and throw ourselves on the mercy of the syrians oh bless the name of god so this delegation of pitiful men hobbled off toward the camp of the syrians fear and expectation coexisted in their hearts and as they came near the camp as is required of lepers they began to crowd leopard leper leper they expected to hear sound come back to them but they heard no sound they drew closer and cried out leopard leopard nobody answered they walked up in the camp and they could find nobody in the camp they saw horses they saw livestock but they saw no soldiers they saw absolutely no people they went all over the camp and and and and searched the entire camp but the whole camp was completely deserted clothing was there food was there livestock was there gold was there silver was there but no syrians were there oh those lepers said my goodness this is oh my wonderful what god has blessed us and they went together up they pulled off their old ragged clothing and put on the best of syrian attire they went out and ate all they could eat and then they got all the gold and silver they could put in their pockets and then they began to load up gold silver food carry it out and then bury it in the ground and hide it away and then they went back and got another load and loaded up and then went and carried it to a hiding place and hid it away and then went back a third time and got another load and while their arms were filled one of them paused [Applause] and he said fellas we ain't doing right [Applause] we're not doing right we do not well they're starving inside the city this is a day of good news this is a day of wonderful peace and some ill is going to come against us if we keep silent oh i think about society i think about day how we load up and load up and load up and then load up and load up again when there are untold millions of people on the faith of the earth who are starving to death our brothers and our sisters on the continent of africa are going totally without the average annual income on the continent of africa is 200 a year and those are the people who have an income but there are so many who are in dire circumstances and and without any kind of help without any kind of assistance we can take five thousand dollars and send it to one orphanage and that five thousand dollars is enough for that orphanage to operate all year long and some of us if we had to live one person on five thousand dollars a year you'd hear us crying all up and down the street lord help me preach today it's all right to have it's all right to be blessed it's all right to have god to prosper your life but because you are blessed somebody else ought to be blessed because god has made you well off then somebody else ought to be well off if god has lifted you you ought to reach back and lift somebody else your idol boasts will curse you if you've done nothing with the blessing that god has given you i don't care about your diamonds i don't care about your silver i don't care about your clothes i don't care about your car i don't care about your house if you have all of that and you're not doing the best you can for those who don't have for those who are less fortunate for those who are in need then god is displeased oh somebody help me praise god yes come on help me praise god here [Music] so those numbers said come let us go and let us tell the kings the household they were blessed to be a blessing look at your name and say you're blessed to be a blessing tell your neighbor on the other side you're blessed to be a blessing the bible said unto whomsoever much is given of him of him shall much be required and the more god blesses you the more god requires of you and i've just promised god god the more you do for me the more i'm gonna do for people the more you bless me the more i'm going to try to bless people or if you have a desire to do it god has a way of opening up a door making a way who would have known three years ago when we started save africa's children that now we would be taking care of 28 000 children 28 000 on the continent of africa 150 often care institutions in 17 nations of the world and you have helped you've assisted us and so you ought to give yourselves a rousing applause have heard of what we're doing and simon schuster the great publisher gave us two and a half million dollars worth of books to distribute in south africa and now every child in the public school system of the nation of south africa will receive a book from save africa's children of more than one book come on and praise god so those lepers came and brought the news to the city the gatekeeper of the city passed the news on to the king's household and the king's servants told the king about it and when the king heard it said king that the syrian camp is deserted there's more than enough food more than enough clothes diamonds and gold and silver horses and and raiment and everything that we could desire is available in the city the king said it's a trick the syrians are trying to trick us out of the town they just backed off from their from their camp a little bit thinking that we so hungry they know we're hungry and they feel that we're so hungry that we're gonna fall into that trap he said no way am i leaving this town i'm gonna stay right up in here inside this city inside this wall we may be starving but i'm staying in here women may be eating their children but i'm staying in here people may be eating doves dung and donkey's head but i ain't going out there because it's a drink when we come out the city they're going to try to catch us and then come inside our city he lingered on the brink of his blessing everything he had waited for everything he had prayed for had happened the miracle had been done the blessing was available it was ready for him but he was not ready for it listen god has some stuff ready for you but you are not ready for what god has in store for you and as i thought about that king i thought about thousands of believers who though they have associated themselves with god they've not even began to scratch the surface of the potential of their relationship with god i thought about millions of unbelievers who though every provision has been made for their abundant life they're still clinging to donkeys heads and doves dung and destroying themselves and destroying their children jesus christ the son of god come all the way from heaven down nails have been driven into his hands nails have been driven into his feet he has died for the sins of the world he came that we might have life and that we might have it more abundantly but then after jesus has done all of this and said unto us come unto me all thee that labor and a heavy laden and i will give you rest we feel like god wants to deprive us of something we feel like we're going to miss out on something if you give your life to jesus christ you're not going to miss out on anything but trouble and distress and pain and misery but if you give your life to the lord god give me strength to preach this word today hallelujah when you surrender to perverted impulses god calls them vile passions and when you determine that you're going to pursue that which is contrary to the order of god when you decide that you're going to join yourself to a person of your own sex rather than a person of the opposite sex you not only consume yourself you consume your unconceived offspring and when you die nothing will be left of you upon the earth [Applause] [Music] if the standard of gay marriage will it be generalized nobody else on the face of the earth would ever be born again god's order is that a man and a woman joined together as husband and wife they bring forth a family and they produce children oh well some fella said i know how to handle that i just go on to download i'll get me a wife and have me some children but i'll also have me a man on the other side no that ain't on the download that's on the low down but god wants to put you on the up and up our nation may be locking itself within the walls of a starving and degenerate society when we determine to redefine marriage into something that it has never been and never should be if you are determined to do what you want to do and be what you want to be go ahead but leave marriage and the family alone that doesn't belong to you [Music] righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people lady you don't have to be some man's play thing that he uses and then throws away you can walk in dignity and walk in your self-respect [Music] this sexual obsession and preoccupation not only spreading a host of diseases but it keeps us from the high spiritual and moral destiny that god has in store for us the substance abuse epidemic is holding countless individuals captive inside the city and restricting them from productivity and restricting them from success our girls are becoming mothers while they're still children our sons are killing themselves and being killed gangster rapping and gangs and pot are afflicting our children while too few of them are graduating from college and preparing to lift the level of society that is around us more young black men in jail than in college that is a severe indictment against our society god has something better in mind for us god did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved this is the condemnation that the light is come and men love darkness rather than light and they say i'd rather stay in the midst of the darkness where i'm stumbling and falling than to walk out into the light of the grace of god the thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy but jesus said i am come that you might have life that you might have it more abundantly is there anybody here who knows that the lord can give abundant life is there anybody who knows that he's done it for you come on and praise god come on and magnify the lord [Music] i'm gonna try to close here pretty soon god places limitless possibilities before us god places limitless potential before us god gives us blessed promises god shows himself to be a great god by the tremendous miracles that he has done for us in the past but after all god has shown us all that god has deposited within us all of the potential that god has placed within us we linger and hesitate on the brink of blessedness oh if i were to interview a few folk in here every one of you would tell me yes god has shown me what he wants to do in my life god has shown me what's supposed to happen in my ministry i believe god has great things in store for my ministry in store for my church in store for the things that i'm responsible for but you're standing on the line of success you're standing on the line of overwhelming success and instead of launching out and moving out and plunging into it you are you're lingering on the brink of your blessing that's the issue that strikes me today that is the problem that must grieve the very heart of our god we're serving the omnipotent god of the universe we've got the holy ghost on the inside of us but still we fail to believe god and walk into the great blessings that god hath in store for us oh bless the name of god and kind of quiet in here our human nature always strives to stop at a place inferior to the place that god has provided for us almost say that one more time i'm gonna be through pretty soon here now our human nature always stops and lingers at a place inferior to the place that god really had in store for us how many of you know god has something better for you how many of you know god has a higher wall a closer walk a higher anointing a greater service a greater ministry how many of you know it oh but your human nature draws back the king in the text was determined i'm gonna stay right where i am i'm not going to move why was this man unwilling to move out why did he linger on the brink of his blessing well first he lingered because he feared the unfamiliar he feared the unknown there has been within all of us a fear of the unfamiliar a fear of the unknown we don't want nobody to start a new game because all we know is the old game and rather than learn a new game and play the new game we'd rather just keep on playing the old game by the old rules because that's what we know it doesn't make any difference that it went out of style 40 years ago we're still there hey come on play this old game that i know because i don't want to learn a new game listen if god is doing something new you better find out about it and move on into it by the power of almighty god but there is a fear of the unfamiliar this king focused on his own mind focused on his own knowledge rather than what the man of god had said he neglected god he neglected the word of god and thus he reasoned this is a trick of the enemy if i leave the city i'm going to be destroyed and some of you cannot move toward your blessing because you are afraid of losing what you got listen what difference does it make if you lose what you've got if god is gonna give you much more hallelujah god never takes without giving you something better god give me strength today if it's less than god's best you don't need it oh tell your neighbor hey neighbor if it's less than god's best you don't really need it the devil is always going to offer you something to keep you from getting what god has in store for you but if the devil offers it to you you just know automatically that god has something better i don't care if he's driving a rolls royce and got a 5 carat diamond and lives in a 15 000 square foot house you'd better put your trust in almighty god because god has something better for you oh tell two people god has something better oh hallelujah my bible says god has not given us a spirit of fear but a power and of love and of a sound mind don't be afraid don't be terrorized walk out of where you are into the blessing of god because god has something better for you and even the unfamiliar is better than the present if god is in it clap your hands and praise god [Music] i'm almost through now why did he linger why did he hold back he held back because human nature prefers even a painful reality to a change i don't know why we don't like change we want to keep things the way we are but how many of you know god changes things and god changes situations and god changes people same god same bible same truth but god always does a new thing in the earth and god is already doing something new but we in our human nature we don't like change we don't like our progress we don't like different situations but listen you'd better un uh and clothe yourself of that which is holding you back put off the old garment and put on the new in the power of almighty god look over towards your neighbor and say do you need a change the king lingered because either he forgot i did not believe the word of god now the man of god had already spoken the man of god had said king in one day you're gonna be buying flour and barley for dying you're gonna have more than you've ever conceived and just one day just wait one more day hold on to god for just a while longer and when it came to pass the king forgot everything that the prophet had ever said to him you see the prophet had already given him many legitimate and valid words of god and everything that the prophet had said had come to pass and if what he had said in the past had come to pass then the king should have known what he was saying at that time was going to come to pass but when the king heard the report he forgot all about the word of god this is my bible it is the word of god i am not what you say i am i am what the word of god says i am i've got not what you say i've got i've got what the word of god says i've got i can do not what you say i can do i can do what the word of god says i can do and the word of god says i can do all things through christ that strengtheneth me if you believe god's word you will step out by faith on god if you believe god's word you won't be locked behind walls of inactivity and fear but you'll open up the gates of your city and you'll walk out in the power of the word of god when a man's ways please the lord the bible says he'll make even his enemies be at peace with him the bible says that weeping may endure for a night but joy will come over in the morning the bible says if god be for us who can be against us a child of god if you stand on the word of god god will bring you out more than a conqueror but the bible says let us not grow weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we think not come on and praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah i'm really going to close now but let me give you a few words of advice first word of advice let god give you a dream and walk by faith confidently toward the dream that god gives you let god give you a vision and then know down deep in your heart that satan may rent and satan may rage the world may stand against you but if god gave you the vision the vision shall come to pass tell your neighbor if god gave you a vision it shall come to pass walk toward it believe in it approach it if god gives you a vision step out by faith in god you can't stay anywhere you should not stay you can't do anything you cannot do while you're reaching for the dream that god has given you this is why paul said this one thing i do forgetting what's behind and reaching for that which is before i press i press for the mark of the prize of the high calling of god which is in christ jesus is there anybody here that's present on your way reaching for your blessing joseph had a dream joseph had a vision and once he saw the dream once he saw the vision he held on to that dream and let go of everything else when he found himself in the pit he said i'm holding on to the dream and i can't stay in this pit when he was a slave in potiphar's house he said i'm holding on to the dream and i can't stay in slavery when he was locked up in jail he said i'm holding on to the dream and this jail's not gonna be able to hold me after a while he walked up and walked out and sat down in the second chair of all of egypt because he held on to the dream child of god hold on hold on to your dreams oh child of god don't let anything stop you because you're on your way to victory tell your neighbor neighbor i've seen the vision i've seen the dream and i'm on my way to victory come on and praise god second word second word of advice make sure you've got a good counselor and keep your counselor close to you when the king said i'm not going out i'm not going to look into it it's a big trick he had a counselor that said hey king don't you think we better look into this hanky it might be true king if you don't go yourself why don't you just send a couple of men and let them go check it out and if it's all right then we'll be blessed up if it's not all right those men were going to die anyway child of god you need a counselor child of god you need a teacher all the king had was another man but jesus said if i depart i'm gonna send you a confidence i'm gonna send you a counselor who is the holy ghost he's gonna teach you everything that i've said he's gonna bring it to your remembrance and you shall [Music] you shall receive power after the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me child of god make sure that you've got the holy ghost make sure that you're filled with the holy ghost because the holy ghost will lead you and he'll guide you when you're down and discouraged the holy ghost will stand you back up on your feet when you're on the verge of giving up the holy ghost will give you power and enable you to go through and my prayer every time i get a the change fill me again with your power the world is before us the world is in trouble and the world needs somebody with holy ghost power and holy ghost vision to turn this world away from destruction and toward our almighty god is there anybody here that wants the power of the holy ghost at work in your life raise your hand and say fill me again kill me hallelujah hallelujah you may have had it so long that you've got it stored up and preserved but i don't know about you but i do know about me every day i need a fresh anointing every day i need more power every day i want the lord to touch me every day i want him to bless me than one baptism but there are many feelings i want god to do me again do me again do me like you did me raise your hand everybody and say lord do me like you did me when you first baptized me with the holy ghost now come on and praise him [Applause] you've got the power of the holy ghost and work in your life a third word of advice remember the word of god stand on god's word when everything else fails the word of god will not let you down and god said i know the thoughts of it i speak toward you thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and to give you a hope if god be for us who can be against us you're standing on god's word you may not have money you may not have a crowd but you've got the word of god go out and take the world for jesus christ go out and win the law for jesus christ because you've got the word of god and the flower withers and the grasping but the word of our garden shall stand forever stand stand stand on god's word god doesn't want to hurt you god wants to help you god doesn't want to pull you down god wants to take you up god says i've been thinking about you and i'm thinking good things about you and will you turn to your neighbor and say hey neighbor your future is better than your pastor yes oh yes it is hallelujah hallelujah number four you've got to understand if god is in it your possibilities are infinite i said if god is in it your possibilities are innocent infinite nothing is impossible you can do anything with the power of god and work in your life i don't care what your predicament may be your future is infinite because you've got the infinite god on your side the god that flung the stars against the blackness of the night the god that put the sun on high the god that taught the water to flow and the wind to blow that god is on your side and if it's on your side the devil better get out of the way if it's on your side the enemy must step back because your possibilities are infinite infinite infinite infinite infinite hallelujah hallelujah tell somebody your possibilities are infinite infinite infinite infinite come on and pray this come on [Applause] the last thing i want you to remember is that your success is not determined on what you need god to do in the future your success is not determined on a future miracle god has already wrote the miracle that you need done god has already done so much for you all you've got to do is walk into your destiny it's already ready the miracle is already before the king already had his miracle the king already had the work of god the king already had his prayers answered the king already had all he needed but what he needed to do was walk into his miracle it was already there gold and silver food and clothing blessings untold they were already there just walk into it believe the lord trust god god is going to do it god is going to bring you out johnny don't bring you up got it don't bring you over come on and praise it hey oh bless god what is it you want what is it you expect from god what is it you've been believing god for how many of you know the miracle you need how many of you know the blessing you need how many of you know what god wants you to do how many of you know the challenge that you face i know you know that but you don't know this what you really need to know is that god has already worked it out come on tell your neighbor god oh god god has already worked it out it's already done it's already your worst god has already provided it you want to get glad about it [Applause] you want to get glad about it you want to get ready tell your neighbor it's already done tell somebody else it's already done it's already already already it's done it's done it's done that church is built the church is built the church is built those people are coming that debt is pain that problem is resolved your blessing is already done it's already on the way but you've got to know you've got to know before god can get you where he wants you to be you've got to step out of where you are you've got to leave where you are to get where god wants you to be i don't know about you but i'm tired of where i am i'm tired of what i have been doing i want to press high high high high come on and say hi [Music] i want to know more every day i want to do something greater every day yeah yeah higher higher higher everybody turn right turn right turn right take one step take one more step turn to somebody and say i just walked out of my pants step into my future the miracle is already done and i'm on my way [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm on my way i'm on my way i'm on my way look out 2004 look out 2005 i'm on my way back up devil get out of the way world i'm on my way i'm going higher [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah if any two or three of you touch on anything that they shall ask it shall be done of them of my father who is in heaven we come to the close of this convocation we'll leave this convocation to do a greater work for god i thank god for the work god has done but i believe god has a greater word how many of you believe god has a greater work for you i want you to touch and agree with two or three people i want you to go to three people and agree with him in prayer do it quickly do it quickly go for one go to the second go to the third believe god for them pray for them allow them to pray for you believe that you've got the answer come on come on come on hallelujah touch and agree touch your degree touching the grief touching the touch and agree hallelujah now praise god praise god praise god praise god [Applause] [Music] crazy [Music] oh that's the name of god oh praise the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah tell the money i'm on my way to victory
Channel: Kyoung83
Views: 4,418
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Keywords: bishop ce blake, bishop charles e blake, presiding bishop charles blake, southern california first jurisdiction, judy mcallister, oh give thanks, official day cogic, cogic official day, cogic convocation 2004, cogic convocation, michael bereal, west angeles cogic, mother barbara mccoo lewis, judith McAllister, bishop blake, lady mae blake
Id: ccROmslDlMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 31sec (6211 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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